with very little money in his pocket, istered To the probate depart but with an ample resource of pure ment of the office be will bring the Dr. J. F Caibreath. who heads the grit, he made a contract with a party experience of an able attorney. F. H. BARNHART, local ticket as nominee for state sen­ to drive a four-mule team across the Amos Nelson, nominated tor coun­ ator. was born in Lewis county. plains, receiving his board as com­ ty commissioner to succeed T W PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR West Virginia, in 1854. The civil pensation. Arriving iti Oregon with Perry, is a thrifty and level-headed war. which raged fiercely over that just ten cents in his pockety he farmer of the Chehalem valley, aud J. tí. KUS AV, late Editor. section of the south, spreading ruin worked a couple months tor Thomas a man of good parts generally. He and disaster iu its path, caused his Wright on his farm near North Yam­ was put forward by the people of the parents to seek a new home iu the bill, after which he secured employ­ northeastern portion of the county, advertising bates ReiidiUK In lr»cal column* 10 cents per west. They emigrated to Town in ment with O. 11 Adams at his saw­ realizing the importance of having a Hue for Ur>t WP.-k and 5 < -nf- per line thereafter Dlipiny ad\erti-e-inrui-» annual i*t<; ■>, one inch 1862. and in ¡865 started or. the long mill in the mountains, and subse i man of practical sense and ability in I per month tl e«**b »¡¿ch 50 Cents p« r journey across the plains for Oregon. quently farmed for a few years in the that responsible position, and from I Hiuntb Obit'ian f Marlon County teared I should he permanently so. tune overtook him in the death of cupied by Knapp, Burrell A Co. at John Bones, nominee for assessor, For Secretarv of Suit', both parents, leaving him alone with- present. He enjoyed a prosperous hails from Sheridan. He is at pres- Friends urged me to use Ayer’s Hair n K KINCAID, Vigor, and, on doing so, tny hair ut nane County ' out fortune to carry on the battle of I business for several years, but iu ! ent employed as deputy assessor un­ For State Treasurer. life, which to an ambitious and as­ 1888 the fire fiend again laid waste der Mr. York, having been strongly PHIL METSCHAS Of Grant County piring youth meant more than ex- ! his possessions and wrecked his I recommended by the people of Sher­ end 1 now have as fine a head of hair as For Supreme Judg". i istencc. The next three years found finances to the extent that he was idan a-, a suitable and qualified per­ one could wish for, being changed, how- i E WOLVERTON and other Fancy Suitings lit Lane County. him alternately teaching school, obliged to seek employment for son for the woik. This is a good over, from blonde to dark brown.’’ For AlioineyGenerai. working on the farm and a pupil of wages. He worked lor the Portland I endorsement, and he will have had C. M IDLFMAS. “ After a lit of sickness, my hair came Ginghams, Prints an M. IRWIN, Trimmings of all kinds. New Hosiery, Underwear and of Union Count) I University of California, from which , Co., at the end of which time lie of the office. He is spoken of among Finishing Goods. New Clothing at Bed Rock prices. For State Printer. I he graduated with good honors after found himself able, by dint of par acquaintances as a whole-souled and ami now my hair is over a yard long W >1 LEEDS ami very full and heavy. I have recom­ Of Jackson Count, | three years of diligent application, tient labor and economy, to return genial fellow, and will be popular in mended tins preparation to other* w itli F. h Kerties iilative In <’.>ngn-s-—Fini District. and in 1875 he settled at Lafayette and embark in business, having re­ | the race. BlNGElt HERMANN like good effect.”—Mrs. Sidney Carr, 14G0 Regina st., Harrisburg, Pa. For District Attorney—Thiol District, in partnership with Dr. II. It. Little­ tained his dwelling here with that C. E. Branson was nominated for In fact every department filled with New Goods. j s M c C ain “ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for field. lie moved to McMinnville in a third term, because the party had end in view. In his business career For Circuit Judge-Third District II. B. HEWITT 1886. In some particulars I)r. Cai­ no man in McMinnville has enjoyed no better material. He has given several years and always obtained satis­ factory results. I know it is the best Fur Member Board of Equalliaiion. breath is one of the best known men more fully the confidence of the peo­ most excellent satisfaction. preparation lor the hair that is made.” House Cleaning Time Has Come Again 9 D GIBSON : in Yamhill county No person, ple for his honesty and integrity. J. B. Stilwell, county superin­ —C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Aik.* Joint R«pre»entative Yamhill and Tillamook Lace Curtains from £»O Cents to $3 per Pan­ Court tie*. probably, has entered more homes of Few persons, if any. have more tendent, has filled the office well II o. guild Curtain Net Scrim, Draperies, and Bon Ami for Window Yamhill county, knows more of the warm personal friends among people during two years, and proved to be Cleaning. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. I actual conditions of life, and has of all parties. He is oue of the kiud a strong man before the convention. been brought into closer contact and of men who draw others to him by He has been active and energetic in Prepitred by I>r. J.<\ Ayer ¿1 (' cl , Lowell, Mas* sympathy with the people. He is the exercise of those innate qualities the work, and no stone has been left SCSI« Senator. J I CALBKEATH known to everyone as the skilled, which mark the true gentleman, unturned whereby in his judgment m-nri-sentattve-. : successful and tireless physician, to manifest in a kindly regard and es­ the interest of the public schools t ai . vin S tanley t.to W BBANSON Lafayette Ledger, ; whom seasons of rain, mud or sun- teem for others. As a business man could be advanced. He is in close We believe in reliable goods of known worth. Sheriff, Mr. M. O. Lownsdale lost 7000 fine I shine are the same, and who never he is thoroughgoing and capable and touch with the teachers of the coun­ WAIT MENDtKSOS We believe in fair and honestjprofits. ' refused a summons to the bedside of will bring to the service every qual­ ty, and with the experience of two young peach trees this spring by his county Clerk. A E. McKERN rich or poor that it was possible for ification necessary for an excellent years at his back will lie able to ac neighbors’ sheep and goats getting We believe in selling goods for cash prices thaï we may not be compelled to Recorder into the orchard. i him to obey. He is a man of simple administration of the sheriff’s office eomplish more and better work. IVY All HARRIS make upon one what we lose on others. county Judy«., : democratic feeling who makes no The nomination for coroner sets A. E. McKern, the nominee for Dayton Hora Id. J E MAGERH We believe in treating every visitor with consideration, no matter whether i display of his own virtues or accom­ county clerk, is a resident of North gracefully upon the shoulders of C. County CommlMtoner. Let the eagle scream! and unfurl AMOS NELSON. plishments, but strives for the high­ Yamhill. He is well and favorably F. Daniels, and bis name at the lat­ they buy or not. the banner to the breeze, and sing County Treasurer. est degree of excellence in whatever known within the commercial radius ter end helps to make it a good tick­ .1. C. PENNINGTON. the good old patriotic airs on Inde We believe in cheerfully exchanging goesls or refunding the purchase price is undertaken. In his social as well of that place and comes before the et, a popular ticket and a strong Assessor. pendence day. The Fourth of July JOHN BONES as professional career this trait is people with the highest possible en­ ticket all the way through. when returned in good condition. will be celebrated in Dayton. Surveyor, manifest. He is one of the few dorsement of neighbors and friends, We believe that marking goods in plain figures at lowest possible prices is the C. E BRANSON. among Masons who have risen to the as a man of integrity, strict business Senator Francis B. Stockbridge, Sheridan Sun only right way. School Superintendent. J. B. STILWELL high honor of a thirty-second degree. habits and thorough efficiency. For of Michigan, died suddenly in Chica­ Marcellus Faulconer, of this place, We believe in advertising and doing exactly what we advertise to do. Coroner. While he has never taken a hand in a number of years he has been con­ go on the 30th. is now proprietor of the Big Nostuc- C. F DANIELS We believe in giving satisfaction to our customers, feeling they are not only Eleven hundred brickmakers have politics in the practical sense, he has nected with the establishment of II. the best but truest advertising mediums. struck for an advance of 30 cents a ca toll road, having exchanged prop­ been a consistent and unswerving re­ F. Bedwell & Co., as clerk, book­ day, at Cleveland. O. erty in Sheridan for the road. H. G. G uild , editor of the Sheri­ We believe that modern progressive merchandising means more than the publican from the time of reaching keeper and general manager. He The strike on the Great Northern mere buying and selling of commodities. It seeks to render their trans­ Miss Gertrude Pound, of McMinn­ dan Sun, is the republican nominee maturity, his convictions taking root has served thb local community as is over, the railroad conceded the ville, who has been teaching in dis­ fer to you pleasant as well as economic, and by its integrity invites an for joint representative of Yamhill exchange of confidences. away back in slavery’ days, when as school clerk, secretary of the cream­ demands of the strikers. trict No. 50 in this county, has just and Tillamook. He is a gentleman The first quarterly payment of in­ a small boy he witnessed and com­ ery company, and is one of those Full Stock Butterkk Patterns. Wool and Mohair nought at Market Price. opened her school at the Castle Rock «■mineutly worthy of the honor, pos­ prehended the wrong and injustice of men whose efficiency and obliging terest on the new government loan school house in Tillamook county, sessed of good rustling ability, and was paid on Tuesday, amounting to the system to which older persons, nature is recognized and called into over $600.000. Miss Pound is a very successful his republicanism is of the Methodist reared in its midst, became blind as service on a great variety of occa­ Truxton Beale, ex-minister to teacher, aud has many friends in persuasion Give him a full vote. interest or custom preyed upon their sions. The qualifications of a num­ Persia, and Harriet Blaine, daugh­ Yamhill. sensibilities. Though not a politi­ ber one clerk are manifest in Mr. ter of the late Secretary Blaine, ! T hs democrats are still mstling Last Friday information was re­ cian, there are probably few persons McKern’s makeup, and the republi­ were married at the Blaine residence hard to bring about a fusion with in Washington on the 30th. ceived in Sheridan of the death of better qualified to take up the work cans should see to it that he receives the populists. At the populist con­ Chas. E. Fennel of upper Willamina, of legislation at this time. Intelli­ a rousing majority in June. I Pointer tor Travelers* vention an executive committee of Deceased aged about 73 year.-. gent and thoroughly posted in gen­ The nomination of Captain Wyatt | While Mr.T. J. Richey, of Altona, Mo., seven was empowered to fill any va­ to Oregon from Missouri in camo eral affairs, bound bv no ties or ob­ Harris for recorder for a fourth term, was traveling in Kansas he was taken cancies occurring in the ticket prior 1843 and settled on his donation ligations, the same fidelity to pur­ and that without effort on his part violently ill with cholera morbus. lie to election. This was especially de­ claim near Willamina, being one of called at a drugstore to get some medi ­ signed, we understand, to prevent pose and the same untiring zeal beyond the candid acknowledgement cine, aud the druggist recommended the first settlers in Yamhill county. manifest in other walks of life are of a willingness to serve if again Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dia- candidates from selling out. It seems He leaves a large family. certain to distinguish him as a faith­ honored with an election, is the rrbceu Remedy 90 highly he concluded to PROPRIETORS that the dems can make it all right • —•------ try it. The result was immediate relief, ful and useful servant of the people. strongest possible endorsement of! with some of the candidates, but and a few doses cured him completely. A match has been made bet ween Calvin Stanley, Newberg,nominat­ his faithful and competent services. It is made fur bowel complaint and noth­ this committee is in the way, and ed for the office of representative, was As has been truthfully remarked, ing else. It never fails. For sale by 8. Johnsou and Zimmerman, bicyclists, they are laboring day and night with Howorth 4 Co. for $10,000 a side, for any distance leading members of it to obtain a born in Hendricks county, Indiana, this office is one of the most impor­ between one and ten miles, the race to! COLLEGE NOTES. promise that it will not fill the va­ in 1848. He was brought up ou a tant in the gift of the people, its FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS be run on the return of Zimmerman farm and with the exception of systematic, accurate aud honest ad­ cancies The only important news that has from France. i I school teaching in winter when a ministration involving the sound CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. for the last four weeks is a young man, farming was his voca­ and safe title to their homes and happened half dozen new lessons to get each day. An excursion of eastern agricul­ South side Third St. between B and C. HELP IS WANTED tion until comiug to Oregon six lands. Capt. Harris has been tried Commencement exercises have been tural editors brought a number to changed so that the Philergian exhibi ­ by the women who years ago. On his arrival in New­ and uot found wanting. Persons IL tion will be Monday, June 4, and gradu­ inspect the great Yakima country, aie ailing aud iuf- berg he went into the mercantile who have transacted business in the ating exercises Thursday, June 7. fcring, or w eak and which some of them pronounced the The seniors have decided to have class exhausted. And, to business, and until about a month recorder’s offices of many counties, Come and See Us most magnificent country they had —AND— every such womau, exercises during commencement ago be has been connected with the say that of Yamhill is the most sys­ day help is guaranteed week. ever laid eyes on firm of Morris, Miles A Co. Mr. tematic, presents the cleanest and Prof. Brownson will start to California I by Doctor Pierce’» ■ TO.VSOKIAL PARLORS, Favorite Prescrip-' Stauley has always been a staunch most perfect records of auy office in the 15th inst. He goes to deliver an ad-. OGAN, Prop. tion. For young Au anti-work army led by Galvin drees before the Pacific coast educational! republican. In business he is care­ Oregon There is no buncombe conference which meets in Oakland. May ; girls just entering captured a Baltimore & Ohio train ful and painstaking and has a repu­ about this. It is heard at other 17th. Prof, will visit the midwinter fair B------------ -T? , womanhood; wo­ For a Clean Shave or Fathionable Hair at Mouut. Sterling, Ohio, on Friday, men at the critical Cut Give Him a Cal). tation for weighing a matter care­ times than when a political campaign aud report the good things to the Philer- change of life”; women W. G. HENDERSON. »uuicu aypi approaching My Baths are new and flrstdaes In every’ re­ S. WILSON. but were forced to abandon it by gians on his return. fully iu Ins mind before expressing is ou. The Captain is one of the The Philergians held an interesting I confinement; uursiug mothers ; and ev^ spect. Ladies' Baths and shampooing a special­ by state troops sent from Columbus womau who is ” run-down ” or over­ ty. I employ nona but tirst-class men Don’t an opiuiou. Among his friends when most accommodating and obliging of , meeting last Saturday. The debate wa6 I ery worked. it is a medicine that builds up, forget the place. Three doors west of Hotel Governor McKinley. They gave up decided in favor of t ho affirmative. The matters of importance are up for men, and has the faculty of ‘weal­ j subject for tomorrow evening is Resolved, strengthens, snd regulates, no matter Yamhill. the train without resistance consideration his opinion is sought ing well” with the people. There is ! That the agriculturist holds the most re­ what the condition of the system. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, ELS1A WRIGHT, i for as he is known as a man of good no reason for anticipating a less ma­ spected position in society. Frank Hatton, editorof the Wash- a soothing and bracing nervine, and the (Third Street, between E and F.) Manufactures and Deals in business sense. A citizen of New­ jority for him than he received two! ’lair» Inbuiuoulty to tliiu>rir. only yuaranfeej remedy for " female uigtou Pf>3t, died in Washington ou I berg who knows Mr. Stauley inti­ years ago, when he proved one of j The most inhuman outrages, outrages1 complaints” aud weaknesses. In bear­ ■ WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors. the 30tb He was appointed assist­ ing-down sensations, periodical pains, mately says of him: “He is solid, of the strongest in the race. that would disgrace the savage, uian per- ulceratiou, inflammation, nnil every kin­ I ant po6tmaster-geucral by President ---------------------------------------------------- H----------------------------------------------------- good sense—honest as the day is In the nomination of a candidate [»eiratos uj>on his own system by swal­ dred ailineut, if it evi r fails to benefit or Arthur in 1881, and upon the retire­ cure, you have your money back. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Everything first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial ment of Judge Gresham was ap­ long—no countenance for trickery, for county judgo the office unques­ lowing drastic purgatives which convulse Brushes and sella them cheaper than | and will make an able representative. tionably sought the man. Public in­ bis stomach, agonize his intestines and pointed postmaster-general thej- can be bought anywhere else in Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. Geo W. Brauson, the other nomi­ terest demands in this position a weaken hi* system. Many jKoplc eon- : the Willamette Valley. Our all home stautly do this under the impression that j made sets of harness are pronounced Au earthquake throughout Greece nee on the legislative ticket, is a good person of sound and practical busi­ medicaments only which are violent in niisiirpas.-uibie liy those who bny them ou the 28th completely destroyed man—an honest man aud a person of ness. He should be honest and up-1 their action, and particularly cathartics, I ---- OF---- excellent ability. He is a native of are of any avail Irreparable injury to : t ight, and if in additiou to these ' the cities of Th»?bes and Atalanta. SHERIFFS SALE health is wrought under this mistaken Applicants For Teacher*' Certificates .Many persons were rendered home­ the state of Illinois, born in DeWitt qualifications he is a good lawyer, | idea. The laxative which most nearly The county l>oar<1 of examiners for Yam ­ less, and thousands will have to de­ county in 1832 He came to Oregon the county is fortunate in securing! approaches the beneficent action of na­ hill county, Oregon, will hold the regular Notice is hereby given that the under­ is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, signed. a-1 sln-rifi of Yamhill county, state pend on the government for shelter iu 1851, when nineteen years of age, his services. Such a man is J. E. ■ ture which is painless but thorough, and in­ quarterly examination of applicants for ot Oregon, under and by virtue of that cer­ making the journey overland with Magers. Mr. Magers was born iu certificates to tench in the public schools of and sustenance. vigorates the intestinal canal instead oí tain execution, issued out ot the circuit i what was known as Yocom and Hus­ Morgau county, Ohio, in 1847, and ! weakening and irritating it. The liver said county, at the court house in McMinn court of said county, in tint certain action stomach share iu the benign disci­ ville, commencing at noon on Wednesday, at law wlu-rem J, A. t'oehrun was plaintitf General Schofield ou Friday sent sey’s emigrant train, driving an ox- came across the plains with his par­ and pline instituted by this comprehensive May 9tb. an- Htri ■ ■«HIS. NEW GOODS ! NEOU GOODS! Satines 121-2 to 40 cis Outing Flannels 11 to is cts. Began to Grow, Sultana, Winnebrook, Alpine Ayer’s Hair Vigor NEW SHOES NEW HATS Ayer’s Hair Vigor Our Creed Matthies Brothers, CITY MARKET CITY BATHS WILL L HAVE * Cabinets and other Book Cases Furniture in Sidehoards, Bedroom Suits, Portland Prices BURNS & DANIELS C ity S tables , : ARNESS ! Provisions, Crockery, Queensuuare.