The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 20, 1894, Image 1

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Entered at the Tost office in McM innrille,
as Second-class matt« r.
S6.-°? and S10.— .
Snap-shot, Flash-light and time'
exposure pictures readily taken by
any amateur with our A and B Ordi- |
nary Kodak
Twenty-four pictures I
without reloading — simple in con­
struction. well made and handsomely .
You can “ Do the Rest.”
Free illustrated manual tells just how ,
—but we'll do it lor you if you want
us to.
••ktci. to torn for
A < >. 1 i ■ i. .* for (■.' mr« . » >'* in . $ u
B’u.'t. r-,* K -Uk for pictures
a , in..
. <
Cotr.;.S Developin'» rnd Printing Outfit,
» ;
ROvlirsTIR, N. V
.»*. to 1 i -i».OO.
?.. . .
f. •
I •
G^ATD i / ide
we will send you
a Brilliant Gem
of unusual color,
and a copy of r TH.3 SUE.
“77 m Great Divide,” so you can see
what a wonderful journal it is, pro­
vided you name the paper you saw this
in.— It’s a real Jewel we’ll send you.
THk CHEAT DIVIDE, Denver, Colo.
<■<>4x1 l'or 30 Days
loclnilin? FIVE GATE TICKETS 10 the Fair
FROM SAN FRAN« . iS< ’< ► to <4lu r points in
< iiiiiiiinb' will he alloufii pijwhH^ers of spedh 1
MM winter
tickets nt the following round­
trip rales
SAN J KAN« l-i’t), ONE AND ONE TH I RD* «Qt-
uav fuie
way tare.
For exact rates and full information inquire oi
.1 H. kiHhl lYl li Da , Agt at 134
lirwl M., Portland, Or., or address tbt
Gen. Traffic Manager.
Gen, Passenger Agent.
Corvallis has organized a cycle
The Tillamook boys have organ­
ized a football league.
The prohibitionists of Benton
county will nominate a county ticket.
It is estimated that ten thousand
people visited Portland April 11th.
The land office at Oregon City is
for Infants and Children.
the fourth oldest land office in the
United States.
HIRTY year»’ oh.ervfctlon of Castoria with the patronage of
The farmers’ alliance of Tillamook
mill ton. of person», permit rt»to_ speak of it without gnening.
county has concluded to hold a fair
It in unquestionably the best r-rnedy for Infant, and Children
the coming summer.
the world ha. ever known. It is harmless._ Children like it. It
Oregon City people claim that
gives them health. It will save their lives. In It Mothers have
theirs was the first free suspension
.omethiug which is absolntelj safejuid praotioally perfect as a
bridge in the world.
child’s medicine.
The president has nominated
James F. Moore, register of the land
Castoria destroysJWorms.
office at The Dalles, Oregon.
Castoria allays Feverishness.
At Oregon City lives Patrick Ma­
Castoria prevents vomitlag Soar Curd.
aged 106 last December, and
Castoria cures Diarrhoea and WindColio.
who has been a voter the past 85
Castoria relieves Teething Trouble».
Castoria cure. Constipation and Flatnlency.
Out of the eight nominees for
Castoria neutralises the effect, of carbonic acid gas or poiaonons air.
countj’ officers on the republican
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
ticket in Polk county, five of the nom­
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates _the_stomach and bowels,
inees are from Dallas.
giving healthy and natural sloop.
The celebrities in Portland from
abroad last week were Rev. Joseph
Castoria is put up in one-sire bottles only. It 1» not sold in bulk.
Cook, Hon. Robt. Lincoln, General
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
Schofield and George M. Pullman.
that It is “ just as good ” and “ will answer evory pnrpose."
Judge Burnett, while over in Tilla­
See thatyon get C-A-S-T-O-R-i-A.
mook last week, gained the eternal
gratitude of the “devil” of the Head­
T h 3 fao-simile
Z/fz"l ~ *
U oncT*1T
light office by helping to kick the
signature cf
The pioneers of Polk countj' are to
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
hold their annual reunion at the Dal­
.. ................ ,.
las camp ground, Saturday, June 16,
there being a catrp fire the previous
It is evident from the height of the
water in the Clackamas as well as
from the color, that the deep snow in
------------------------------------------------- ]fl THE-----------------------------------------------
the mountains is rapidly melting and
rushing to the sea.
------- AND--------
A delegate to the congressional con­
vention at Salem from Washington
county blew out the gas at his hotel,
and wouldn’t have been here to vote
DAILY > without Sunday $6 per year.
in June but for the timely discovery
(with Sunday) $S
SEMI-WEEKLY, $2 per year. of the night clerk.
WEEKLY, $1 per year.
“I am here to address the people
As a new paper the INTER < X’E a N keeps abreast of the times in all respects. It spar«;8 —you can’t choke me off.
Thi3 is a
neither pains nor expt me in securing all the news and the best of current literature.
free gountrv—I won t be choked oft:
I am here to address the people and
is edited espe^dally for those who, on account of m ill service or any other reason, do nut take a! I will address the people.”— Demo­
I ally paper In 11s column ar«* to be found the week’s news of all the world condensed and the
ream of the literary t-attires of the Daily.
cratic orator at Corvatli».
W. Irwin, of Union county,
11 sistseff EliiHl* PAGES, with | was Geo. a Harrison
presidential elector,
A Supplement, Illustrated in Colors,
of the Chemawa
I Eight Additional pu^-s. making in all Sixteen Pages Th’»-» Supplement, containing Six Pages oj
Reading Mutter and two Full-Page illustrations, is alone worth the price charged for the paper.
one of the best
ihe inter O::can is pnbli hed in Chicago the nevs and commercial center ut all west of the
Ulegbuny Mountains, and k better adapte 1 to the need5’ of the people of that section than any paper stump speakers in the United States.
Hthi-rl it It i-Hii >i''< »r«l with the people of the West both in (Politic? mid I’Uralure.
Plea’e remember that the price of 1 he Weekly inter Ocean is ONLY ON £ DOLLAR PER He is the republican nominee for
THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. state superintendent of schools.
Hon. Chas. Fulton scored a good
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Yamhill County Reporter both One
point in his speech after the nomi­
Year for
nation for governor last week. His
remark was that he had
THE itlcmMNl il l.E
• I
thought for a long time, and now
there was no doubt about it, that the
was with the republican party.
QUINCY, mass .,
in , it. J. Qualey & Co.,
„ •
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
The governor has issued an order
remitting the fine of V. L. Arring­
— McMinnville, Oregon.—
ton, defaulting treasurer of Douglas
county, which amounts to $45,981.48.
Paid up (’apital, #."»0,000
This leaves simply three years im­
Transacts a General Banking Busineß.
prisonment for Mr. Arrington to
serve, the bondsmen having made
- J, II’ ('Oir/.X,
good all shortage.
Fice Preaideni, - LEh LA UtìHJJE.
Cashier, -
Prof. W. J Spillman, of Mon­
list. I'aihier
H’. -S' LZ.VA |
mouth normal school, has received a
promotion, having been selected as
Board of Directors:
E Street north of Third. Everything New and
FURNISHINGS professor of agriculture in the agri­
First olas- Conveyance of t ommerdal Travel
er u sprcialtv B«»ar»l and stabling by the day or I .1 ARLFRS ii 'J,
cultural college at Pullman, Wash.,
month. We solicit a fair share ot the local pat
with $1800 a year salary, and a trip
Sell Sight Exdianpe and Telegraphic T.ans-[ All work fully guaranteed to give perfect satis­
faction Refers by permission to Win. Me Chris­ of several months arranged for him
'ers on New Y’ork, San Franaisco ami Portland. man. Mrs. L E. Bewley. Mra. E. D Fellows.
to visit the experiment stations in
Deposits received subject to cheek, interest paid ,
^asljioqable (jailor,
One Door West
of Cigar Store.
\O IH I .
•u Time Deposits. l oans money on approved | Holl’s Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street.
leeurity. Collections made on all accessible
K 01 EM ms
Proprietor of The McMinnville
THE • • •
OTb I is hereby given that the undersigned
has riled her final acaonnt in the matter of
\ r the
»‘Statent I. R Wailing, deceased, and the TILE
< .unity court has rixt d Tuesday the blh day oi
M mv , W»L at the houi of 10 o’» fork a. in., us the
time ibr final hearing of the same.
12 5
Administratrix Estate of
I K. Walling, deceased
IRVINE A COSROW. Att’ys for Adm’rx.
Al» univi H ITOH’S MOT KF.
Mil Kit •
MAI 1 •
OTk E i> hereby given that the undersigned.
a< sheriff of Ya in Li 11 county, >tate cf Ore
g<.n, under and by virtue of a writ «>1 execution,
• late I April luth, l'VL to him directed, issued out
<>t the circuit court ot said county and state, upon
mid t«> enforce the dren'v of foreclosure and salt
made by said court on the 2fth day of March,
l^VL in that certain suit wherein J. M Bunn was
plaintiff and Samuel V. Hess, Emma A. Hess, R
]; Hibb*, Carrie C. Hibbs, J. T. Hess and I.uciiv
da E I Uss were defendants, will sell at public
auction to the high-.-l bidder tor cash in V. 8
k >ld coin, at the < ou>( hou-e door in McMinnville
in sai»i » uuntv an<1-latt on Saturday, the 19th
dav of Mav, id. al one »• '.••• k p m of said day,
the follow ina described r -ul premise», m-wir
Lying an»! bcihg in Yamniil County, state of
Oregon, and bring theea«t half oi the southeast
quarter of section eight «8' and the south half of
<»t the southwest quarter of section nine t.9) in T.
3 < K. 6 W ot the Willamette meridian, con­
taining one hundred and sixty acres «‘>f land, and <nid laml will be so «old at auction to obtain
fund« with which to satisfy- and pas to said
¡.l ilntift, J M Bunn, in I . ' gold coin, tba prin­
cipal sum of eleven hundred and fifty-one dollars
Hu»i ixtv *ix cents M l lù» with interest on
said -»uin nt the rate of ten per tent per annun.
from the .»•th «lay ot March 1^*. and the sum ut
*100 fM as attorneys’ tee? and costs and disburse
ments, taxed at SÎ9 « . ^aid sums being due the
P ai nt i if from the détendants. Samuel <\ and Em­
ma a . Hess, as show n by said decree ami said ex-
Dated April 11th
Sheriff of said County.
All sizes of first-class Drain Tile kept constantly
• n hau l at lowttt living ¡»rli’es
M c M innville ,
¡- herebv given that the undersign, d,
J W Hohl.«, has been by an order ut the
county court of Yamhill county, Oregon, duly
«P|H>inte»i administrator de bom; non of the es
trite of J. N McDaniel, deceased, late of Yamhill
o-iintv, Oregon and that he has duly qualified
Now, theil’turc. mi persons having claims
rti.ntti.-l Mint i .-tale ate hereby notified and re­
quired to pre ent the same »inly verified to the
nudeisigned ut bls office at McMinnville, in
Yamhill«oiinty, < »regon, w ithin six months from
the date of this notice.
14 5
i'atvd this the 1th day of April. A D. D94.
Administrator above named.
R AM EY A FENTON. Atty’s for said Estate.
Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fan
1 s TM< »-J"» TO
Calbreath & Goucher.
VloJlrMHTit i t
O regon
(H ugo *
(Office over Braly’s bank.)
Manufactures an<l Deals in
Brushes and sell» them cheaper than
they can be bought anywhere else iu
the Willamette Valley. Our ail home
made seta of harness are pronounced
unsurpassable by those who buy them
T ake
It is the Dining Car Route.
It runs through Vestibuled
Trains to
fro t hange of Cars.
Cvmpoied <■>' DINING CARS unsurpassed,
ERS of latest equipment.
Best that can be constructed and in which ac­
commodations are FREE and furnished for
holders of first and second-class tickets, and
A continuous line, connecting with all lines, af
tordiug direct aud unuitc-rrupted service. PuU
man Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad­
vance through any agent of the road.
Truck and Dray Co.
THROUGH TICKETS to and from allpolntsln
America. England and Europe, at any ticket
office of this road.
Goods of ail descriptions moved and
careful handling guaranteed. Collections
will be made monthly. Hauling of all
kinds done cheap.
Full information concerning rules, time ot
trains, routes and other details, furnished on ap­
plication to any agent, or
In time to any lrregularitj- of tha
Stomach, Liver, or Bowel* may
prevent serious
headache, nau­
sea, bilious.
<ness, and ver­
tigo indicate
certain func­
tional derange­
ments, the best
remedy for
which is Ayer’s
Pills. Purely vegetable, sugar-
coated, easy to take and quick to
assimilate, this is the ideal family
medicine—the most popular, safe,
and useful aperient in pharmacy.
Mrs. M. A. B rockweli ., Harris,
Tenn., says:
Ayer’s Cathartic Tills cured me of sick
headache and my husband ot neuralgia We
think there is
No Better Medicine,
and liave induced man,’ to use it.”
Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was
run down by hard work and a succession of
colds, which made me so feeble that it was
an effort for me to walk. I consulted the
doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had
given up all hope of ever being better.
Happening to be In a store,ore ds*-, .there
medicines were sold, the ”r’; ..etor noueed
my weak and sickly appearance, and after
a few questions as to my health, recom­
mended me to try Ayer’» Pills. I had little
faith in these or any other medicine, but
concluded, at last, to take lus advice and try
a box. Before I had used them all, 1 was
very much better, and two boxes cured me.
1 am now SO years old; but I believe tliat
if it had not been for Ayer’» Pills, I should
have been iu my grave long ago. I buy 6
boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up
to this time, and 1 would no more be with­
out them than without bread.” — H. H.
Ingraham, Rockland, Me.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas*.
I ppptt avd c » p
| f • RTLAND, OK,
Every Dos« Effective
No. 121 First Street
Comer Washington,
One Dollar if paid in advance, tíingle numbers ave cents
Highest of all in Leavening Power — Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
“ A b old aa
never excell­
ed. “ Tried
and proven”
"■■qg of millions.
Liver Regu-
/ /
^ator *3 th*
/-< />
V* 0 n 1 y Liver
el. J & ll C/ / aa(l Kidney
medicine t o
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa­
tive, a 11 <1
purely veg­
etable, act­
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid­
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to bo taken dry or made into a tea.
the Mississippi valley. Brother, you tion men, shop men, car repairers,
are in luck.—Hetf Side.
coal handlers and clerks, and it is
A. number of farmers in Oregon said to be very strong in the terri
and Washington are experimenting tory over which the strike is ordered.
in raising broom corn, and it pays The employes in the different depart­
very well. One farmer in Washing­ ments will all stand together and
ton raised three acres of broom corn will not go back to work unless all
last year, and harvested enough to their demands are conceded.
manufacture 120 dozen of good
General Henry W. Slocum died at
brooms, which sell in the market for his home in New York city on the
$3.50 per dozen, At this rate the 14th. He graduated from the mili­
gross earnings on his crop amount tary academy in 1352, and was ap­
to $140 per acre, On this basis 25 pointed second lieutenant of the
The King of Liver Medicines«
acres would yield the farmer $3500 First artillery and sent to Florida.
*• I have used your Simmons Liver Regu­
gross per j’ear, provided he manu­ In 1856 he resigned, with rauk of lator
and can conscienciously cay it is the
oi all liver medicines, 1 consider it a
factured his brooms. The net profit first lieutenant, and engaged in the kiu?
medicine chest in itself.— G eo . W. J ack -
sun , Tacoma, Washington.
would be large.
practice of law at Syracuse, N. Y.,
Mr. Upton, populist member of and was a member of the legislature Has tha Z Stamp iu red on wrapper.
May 27, 1861, he was ap­
the house from Coos county in the of 1859.
last session of the legislature, who pointed colonel of the Eighty-seven th
was criticised for having taken extra New York volunteers and command­
mileage, the more because he op- ed the regiment at the first battle of
posed public extravagance, now ad- Bull Run, where he was severely
August 9, 1861, he was
mits the charge, but defends his ac- wounded.
tions on the ground of custom,
He commissioned brigadier-general and
is quoted as saying that he would do­ was given a brigade in Franklin’s di­
SriWl.,H'lsweJ’ and an honest opinion, wine to
nate to the county school superin­ vision. In the peninsula campaign Wil NSW CO., who have bad nearly fitly tm s’
experience iu the patent business. Communica­
strictly confident lab A Handbook of in-
tendent to be apport ioned among the of 1862 he was engaged in the seige tions
lorniation concerning Patents and bow to oh-
them eent Tree. AI30 a catalogue oi mechau«
school districts of the county a sum of Yorktown and in the action at tain
leal and scientiliu book» »ent tree.
Fatcuts taken through Alunn & Co. receivo
equal to his overdraft for mileage. West Point, Va., and succeeded to aneciai
notice in the Scientific American, and
are brought widely betore the publio with­
His admission is honorable, but mis­ the command of the division May 15. out cost
to the inventor. This splendid papei
weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by for the
take, if it was a mistake, unfortu­ At the battle of Gaines’ Mill, June issued
largest circulation uf any scientific work tn the
4:. S3r?Teai Sample copies scut tree.
27, he was sent with his division to w BuiidiM
Euitiuu. monthly, rlui a year. Single
copies, ‘¿5 cents. Every number contaioa beau­
plate», in colors, and photographs of new
An expedition will leave Portland
Uousei». with ptaiM. enabling bunders to show the
«lesions and secure contracts. Address
on or about May 1st, heading for the who was severely pressed by the en­ latest
MUNN I CO.. N lw rottK. 361 BB uadway .
recently discovered great cave situ­
ated in Josephine county at the vice, as he did also at the battles of
southern extremity of this state. Glendale and Malvern Hill, his di­
While no one as yet knows the full vision occupying the right of the
extent of this “hole in the ground,” line on both occasions. He was com­
explorations have been made far missioned major-general of volun­
enough to disclose the fact that the teers July 4, 1862. and engaged in
famous Mammoth cave of Kentuckj’ the battles of Second Bull Run, South
is by far its inferior in every particu­ Mountain and Antietem, and in Oc­
are all intimately connected
lar. Another party is being organ­ tober was assigned to the command
—practically inseparable.
Though the fact is often
ized at San Francisco for the same of the Twelfth army corps. He took
ignored, it is nevertheless
purpose, that of exploring the cave.
true that a good complex­
The excursion from the city of Port­ ericksburg, Chancellorsville and
ion is an impossibility with­
out good digestion, which
land will make the trip on horse­ Gettysburg, at the latter command­
in turn depends on good
back, with pack animals, visiting en­
route Three Sisters, Diamond peak, largely to the victory. His corps
There is no more comrron
Crater lake, Mt. Pike, Fort Klam­ was transferred to the west, and he
cause of Indigestion than
lard. Let the bright house­
ath, and Klamath reservation. The served in the army of the Cumber­
keeper use
company will contain several eastern land until April, 1864, when his
tourists in addition to an artist and corps was consolidated with the
geologist. Ranch Bill, the scout, Eleventh, and he was assigned to a
has been secured to lead the expedi­ division and given command of the
district of Vicksburg.
In August, The Now Vegetable Shortening
Hooxer in |
This year will be Oregon’s oppor­
command of the Twentieth corps,1 __ and substitute for lard, and
tunity. A disastrous frost has al­
^^2 her cheeks, with those of
which was the first body of troops to 7— het family, will be far
most totally ruined the fruit crop in
enter Atlanta September 2.
more likely to ba '* Like a
the eastern and middle states, and
Sherman’s march to the sea and in­ -—rose in the snow.”
there is no doubt that there will be
—C ottolene is dean, deli-
a large demand for Oregon fruits at vasion of the Carolinas he command­ — ■. S cate, healthful and popu-
ed the left wing and participated in ——ii lar. Try it for yourself.
good prices. Oregon apples found
all its engagements until the sur­
Send three cents in stamps to N.
their way into eastern markets last
K. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, tor
render oi Joseph E. Johnston, at
handsomeCottolene Cook Book,
year and brought a good price.
six hundred recipes,
Durham station, N. C.
With better prices than even those
^..1..^ prepared by nine emioent autnor-
¡ties on cooking.
of last year and with improved ship­
R. R. Darrall, a Portland young
ping arrangements there will be a
Flade only by
splendid market for all this state j man, has fallen heir to 1300,000 by
N. K. Fairbank & Co.,
will produce. Fruit men should j the death of a rich uncle in Missouri.
bend every energy to make their He will go alter it, of course.
.. « •.
crops the best possible this year by
thorough cultivation and careful at­ Wisconsin ought to be in a happy
tention to trees. Nature, as usual, frame >f mind. Her debt is wholly I
has done everything. Vegetation owed to trust funds for the benefit
has been kept back and is now com­ of various institutions, her property
ing on fiuely with but little danger of various kinds amounts to more Notice is hereby given that the under­
as sheriff of Yamhill county, state
from frost. This is the chance to es­ thau $15,000,000, the assessed value signed
ot Oregon, under end by virtue ot a writ
tablish a good market in the east of of taxable propertj- is $654,000,000 of execution dated April 12th, 1S&I, and on
day issued out of the circuit court of
which our fruit men should avail and she had in the treasury in the raid
Yamhill county, Oregon, in that certain
wherein W. J. Garrison was plaintiff
themselves.— Forest Grove Times.
last week of February nearly $2,000,- suit
and Emanuel Northup and Maud Northup,
W Simmon» and Ellen Simmons were de­
\>VVlz Di^est^on
John T. Davis, a drj’ goods dealer
and the richest man in Missouri, died
on the 13th. worth $25,000,000
David Dudley Field died in New
York on the 13th. He was the fore­
most jurist of the country, and the
formulator of several codes, He was
a brother of Cvrus W. and Stephen
J. Field.
North Carolina’s senior senator,
Zebulon B. Vance, died at his home
in Washington, D. C., on the 11th.
His death resulted from apoplexy.
His death is expected to result in a
hot fight in filling the vacant office.
His term of service would have ex­
pired March 3d, 1897.
A verdict of $15,000 for the plain­
tiff terminated the great Pollard-
Breckinridge trial at Washington on
Saturday. On the first ballot but
one juror was in favor of the defend­
ant. The amount of damages was
decided upon by each juror writing
the amount he thought proper, and
from the amounts striking an aver­
age. Breckinridge at once moved
for a new trial. Itjs said he has no
property and that there will be no
money for Miss Pollard.
The trainmen on the Great North
ern railroad inaugurated a strike on
the 15th that extended from Lari­
more, N. Dak., to Spokane.
1500 men went out. This is the first
strike ordered by the American Rail­
way union, and it is a case of life or
death with that order. The order
embraces engineers, firemen con­
ductors, brakemen, switchmen, sec-
To show how excess of joy may
subvert the reason the Mrdical
Standard cites the case of a man who
unexpectedly came into possession
of a fortune of ten millions, and
thereupon killed his wife aud chil­
Minor instances of persons
who cannot well bear prosperity are
very common. The struggle with
adversity is so bred in the Ixine of
mankind that it is only by degrees
of culture and education that he can
enjoy abundance and ease with be­
coming grace.
It lias been decided by the govern­
ment to discontinue the issuance of!
postal notes.
These have been!
found a great convenience for the ■
transmission of small sums ot'
money, as is shown by the fact that;
8,000,000 of them were issued last
year, and their abolition will be a
matter of regret to many. The gov­
ernment has had the change in view
for some time, and it is understood
that it will go into effect at the end
of the fiscal year, June 30. The fee
for money orders under $5 will be
reduced to the present postal note
fee, and it is the intention to have
the former take the place of the lat­
ter. The chief inconvenience of the
change will come from the fact that
identification is required on money
orders, but, as this is not strictly in­
sisted upon with small orders, prob­
ably the trouble about identification
will be more than counterbalanced
by the additional safety in transmis­
sion secured.
fendants, upon and to enforce the decree
of foreclosure and sale made m raid nut
on the26th day of .March. 1*H. whereby it
was decreed by said court that «aid plain­
tiff recover from the defendants F.manuel
Northupand Maud Northup, the sum
of $201.83, with interest thereon from
March 26th. ISM, al the rate oi ten per
cent per annum, and the sum of |3o 00
attorneys’ lees, and the costa and disburse­
ments taxed at $26 40, and decreeing that
the real property hereinafter described be
sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and
accruing costs
Now therefore, by virtnc of said writ of
execution and order of sale, I will, on 8at-
urdav, the 19th day of May. A I1 1894, at
theh'onrof 10 o’clock a m <>f ai l dnv,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, at the court liouse door
in McMinnville, Yatnhill county, Oregon,
to satisfy aaid judgment, costs and accru­
ing costs, the following described real
property, to-wit
Lot No Four (4 , in block N of Cozme s
id addition to the city of McMinnville,
Yamhill county, slat« of Oregon.
Dated at McXlinuviile, Oregon, this the
16tli day of April, 1894
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon.
NO. 11
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon, in
and for the county of Yamhill.
The Commercial National Bank. ]
of Portland, Oregon, plaintiff,
C, A. Martine, Alice G. Martine, f
T. M. Laughlin, C. A. Nelson, i
Vit Davenport, defendant.«
■y' OTIt 1 i' hereby given that in pursuance of
the decree ot said court in the above enti­
tled cause, made and entered «a the 29th dav of
March. 18'.* e I. J. P. Caraor receiver in said
cause, will under the order n court commanding
i me to make sale of the propv y herein described,
i proceed to sell as upon execution nt law, at pub­
lic auction tu the highest bidder tor cash in
hand, subject to redemption, at the front door of
i the county court house of Yamhill countv. at.
McMinnville. Oregon, on the 12th dny of'May,
1594. at the hour 01 11 o’clock 111 the forenoon,
nil the right, title and interest which the said
defendantsC. A. Martine and Alice G. Martine,
wife of C. A. Martine, had ut the date of the
mortgage of plaintiff’ in the bill of complaint in
said cause described, of,in or to the premises and
property lr. said mortgage and bill of complaint
and deer«* herein particularly described as fol­
lows, to-wit:
(1.) That certain piece of real nropertv begin­
ning at h stone in the street oi N«»rth Vamhill,
Oregon, at the northern terminus of the Lafay­
ette road, which stone is 5.27 chains south und
34.49chains west of the northeast corner of J. B.
Rowland donation land claim, and 42 72 chains
west and 22 links north of the quarter post, be­
tween sectionsaud 4 in T. 3 south range 4 west
of the Willamette meridian. Oregon, thence west
Var. 20 degrees 30 minutes east 85 feet, stone nnd
stake set bv J. C. Cooper In former survey; thence
south 150 fret, lhenee east 131 feet to center of
county road; thence south 151-2 degrees east 3.70
chains to center of creek under bridge; thence
south >-0 degrees vest meandering week 1.22
chains, thence south 47 degrees vest 1.80 chains,
thence south 20 degrees weet 1.50 chains, thence
west 3.10chains,theuce north ♦ . jl^ hflln- lin-nc«’»
east 55 feet, thence north 155 feet, thence east 2.40
chains to the place of Ix'ginning, containing 3
7G-100th* acres of land-more or less; with on«»
story and u hall dwelling house «ml barn stand­
ing thereon.
(2.) Aho that certain piece of real property on
Maple street in said North Yamhill b»nng a par
tion of Lot 4, block 3, North Yamhill, bounded
as follows: Beginning at the point where the di­
vision line bvtw«» n
I and 1 t«»n< h« •• said Ma
pie street, thence south along said Maple street 21
feet: thence west li<? feet to di\ ision line Let we« u
lots 4 and;, thence north 21 feet*, along .-aid di­
vision lino bet we« n k»t 4 aud j to ¡xnnl oi inter
section of lots 1, 2, 3, and i thence ea t 162 feet
along the division line Itetwt-cn lots 1 ami 4 to
place <.f b.•jinuing. togc’thri with one lory brf.-k.
bank building standing thereon.
1 will further proceed to m '11 un«icr >aid ord. r
of said court at publn* auction for cash in iiand
as upon execution at law, on th«* said 12th »lav .»f
May, 1894, at the hour of 2:30 <» cl.>< k in th»- alu-r-
no»Hi, all the right, title nn»l inter--1 which the
said defendants <’ A Martine and Alice G. Mai
tine his w ile, bad ut the date oi the mortgage of
plaint it!'in the bill of complaint in said cause
described.of, in or to th«' persoual property in
the said mortgage and in tin* bill «>1 complaint
and dc<.rec herein parti»-q^arb. •ic-'erilx'd as foi
lows, to-wit:
One redwoo«! bank counter, one oak foil top
desk, on» revolving oak chair and carpctT con­
tained within the one story brick hank building
iu the town of North Yamhill on lot 4 of block ,.
Maple street in said town, nt whi< h place in th«
I said town of North Yamhill, said county ami
state, said personal property will be sold, said
place being the second pi-*» »« of real pro)x*rty
hereinbefuie de-cribed ami being th«- plan»- w here
jaiti personal property is now situate«!. Sai»t
personal ami real property ami premises will fo-
sold in payment <»t the expenses of this sale an<1
in satisfaction of said decree.
Said decree is for the sum of $5:'.v,,85 with in­
terest 011 81857.30 thereof at the rate of eight p«-r
cent per annum 1mm March 2bth, ism.until ¡»Hid,
with interest on Sk »9.55 thereof at ten percent per
annum, lrum March 29th, D94,until paid.together
with the costa and disbursements of this suit,
taxe»i at S
Dated April 2d. 1*94.
j. p. ( ARSON, Receiver.
’V’OTICE is hereby gAr-n that ihe undersigned
us sheriff ut Yumhili county, State of On»
Sun, umk-i and by virtue oi h writ of executiou
ated April 121 b. A 1>. 1894, and on bai<i day is­
sued out of the circuit court ul the state oi On-
gon for Yamhill county, in that certain suit
whereiu M E HendricKs ami E Heudricks.
paitneis in business a” M. 1
Hendricks A Co ,
were plaintiffs ami E Dickel and Elda Dickel
were d» fondants, upon and to euforce that deci« e
or foreclosure and order of sale made in said
suit on the 26th day oi March, a D 1894, where­
by it was decreed by ..aid court that the plaintiff!
recover fiom the defendants the sum <>t kl5J.W),
with interest thereon horn January 3d, 1893, at
the rate of ten per cent per annum, and i5u.oo
attorneys fees, and for the costs and disburse­
ments of the action taxed ut sib.25, and decree­
ing the sale ot the hercinatb r described real
premise; to satisiy sal«l judgment, costs «mi a<
cruing costs
Now the;efora, by virtue of said writ of execu­
tion and order uf saie. I will, ou Saturday, the
19th day of May A. Ib 1**4 at the hour of one
o'clock p. m <>t said day. ul the Court House door
in McMlnhviDe, Y’amhiU couutv, Oregon, sell nt
public auction to the highest bl i-h-t lor ra>h in
hand, to satisfy said judgment, cost' and accru­
ing costs, the lullowing described real premise»,
Luts No Eleven (11 and Twelve <12. in block
No Seventeen il7) in the original tow n of White-
son, in Yamhill couuty. state of Oregon.
Dated this the lblh day Oi April. A. 1> 1894
\v l warren ,
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon
OTI'T is hereby given I hat th«- undersigned
at. Mhoriffot Yamhill county, unto of Ore­
N ’ gon,
under and by virtue ul a writ uf execution,
dated April 12tb, A D. 1H24, ftn-1 ou said «jay j*t-
F.ue«l out 01 the circuit - »••ut uf the laic of Or«-
m for '1 amhUl count}
• that < • rtala ■■ I
therein pending w herein Thoma- T. Notson win
plaintiff an»l Easel Mayes and Charles Mayes,
minors, Lsaac Daugherty, G W Grayson, F. F.
Beach and George Armstrong, were defendant»,
upon and to enforce the decitt of foreclosure and
sale made in said suit on the 2-th day ot March,
A. D. Iby4, whereby it was decreed by said court,
that the real property hereafter described besold,
and that the proceeds arising therefrom be ap­
plied first, to the payment oi the costs oi this suit,
and the costs of «ul«, and to the payment of 840
attorneys' fees in said suit, and that the balance
be applied to the payment of 8454.45 now due the
plaintiff, together with imprest thereon from the
2sth day of March, A. D. 18 j 1 nt the rate of ten
par cent jkt annum.
Now therefore, by virtue of said writ of execu
tion and order of sale, I will, on Saturday, the
19th day of May, A D. Ib9i. at the hour of on«*
o’clock p. m. «»f acid day, at the court house door
in McMinnville. Yamhill county, Oregon, sell ut
public auction to the highest bidder for cash iu
Land, to satisfy said judgment, costs und accruing
costs, the following described real property, to-
Situate in Yambill county, state of Oregon, and
described as commencing on the county road
leading from McMinnvillet«j Willamina in the
town or Sueridan and county of Yamhill, at the
northwest corner of land now owned by Leo
Cosock, and running thence wert 80 feet, thence
south to low water mark; thence **abt bo feet,
thence north to the place of U*ginning, and said
land being part of tne Absolem B Farlconcr do­
nation land claim.
Dated this the 16th dav oi April, A. D. 1694.
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon
■V OTICE i- beicby giv».!i that the undersigne«i
a . sheriff of Yamhill county, state of Ore
gon, undei and by virtue of a writ of execution
dated April r.ttb, A. D l&H, and ou ‘•aid day is
sued cut of the • Hvuit <xmrt oi the state of Orc
f[on, foi the county of Yamhill, upon and to cn-
orce a Judgment and decree uf foreclosure ren­
dered by Mid court on the 26th day of March, A
D. 11*91, in that certain suit therein pending
wherein Reuben Gaunt was plaintiff and 8. F.
Harding and Nancy K Hui ding were defendants,
whereby it wap decreed by said court that the
plaintiff have judgment against th defendant 8.
F Harding for the sum of 1162.&0, together with
interest thereon from the 26th da5 of March, lh'M,
al the rate of 8 per cent per annum, for the sum
of 840.00 attorneys’ feesand for the costs and dis
buraements taxed at *22 20, and ordering the sale
of the hereinafter described real premises to sat
isfy paid Judgment, costs and accruing coats.
Now therefore, by virtueof said writ of execu«
tion and order of sale, I will, on Saturday, the
19th day of May A. D. lQ*i. at the hour of ten
O'clock a in ot said day, at the court houae door
In McMinnville, Yamhill county, Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
’OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Land, to satisfy .said Judgment, coau and accruing
as sherltl of Yamhill county, state ot Ore­ costa, the following described ’eal ptemiscs, to-
gon, by virtue of a writ ot execution and order wit
Part oi the donation land claim of Samuel Co­
of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state
of Oregon, for the county oi Yamhill, on the 4th ! zinc and wire in the town ot McMinnville, Sec
day of April, A. D 18M, and bearing eaid date, lion 30, T. 4 S. R. 4 W. and bounded at> follow*
Beginning at the northwest corner of a tract of
upon ano to enforce a judgment rendered by said
court on the 27ih day ot March. A D 18H In fa I land purchased by Charle* Handley from Mr*
vorot I. B V Nash, plaintiff, and against W. T. Mary Rowland, which is 8.4b chains south 7S de­
Shurtlett, Allee O. Shurtleff and Robert L. Stow, grees east, and 312 chains toutb from the south
defendants, for the sum of I723.S0, together with wett comer of W. T Newby's donation land
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ claim: thence east 261 feet to the center of B
num from the 27tii day of March, 1894, and 15.00 street in McMinnville, thence south bl feet,
attorneys’ feet, aud for 8A.20 costs and for the thence southwesterly 2t4 feet, thence north M
costs of sale, and ordering that the real property feet to the place of beginning containing 52-luU
hereinafter described be sold to satiety said judg­ of an acre more or less.
Also another tract, a part of the said donation
ment, coete and accruing costa
Now therefore, by virtue ot said writ ot execu­ land claim of Samuel Cozine Beginning at a
8.4b chains houth 7b degree* east and 12.;«
tion and order of eale, I will, on Saturday, the
19th dav of May, 1S94. at the hour of one ¿ clock chains south of the southwest corner of W. T.
p. m. oisaid day. sell at public auction, at the Newby's donation land claim No. 53, in T. 4 S. R.
court house door in McMinnville. Yamhill coun­ 4 west, Yaxnhill county, Oregon; thence west8.14
ty. Oregon, to the highest bidder for each iu b»ud chains to center of Cozine's creek; thence south
to satisfy said Judgment, costs and accruing costs, 26 degrees and 2,0 minutes went down said creek
3.95chaiusto north boundary of Lynch tra£;
the following described real property, to-wit
Lota Noe. Three <3i aud Toui I of block No. thence east 3.37 chains to center of old ditch;
Nine (9> in John’s Addition to the town ot Mc­ thence meandering »aid ditch north 14 degree»
Minnville. iu Yamhill county, Oregon, a* tbown west 1.15 chains, north 25 degrees and 15 minutes
by the duly recorded plat thereof, now of record east 1 12 chains thence east 1.32 chains to south-
in the County Recorder’s office of Yamhill coun­ west corner of Handley tract; thence portn 1.31
chains to the place of beginning, containing nea*
ty, Oregon
Dated at McMinnville, Oregon, this the 16th ly ye-foul Us of an acre.
Dated this the 16th day of April, lbM-
day of April, 1894
W. L. ” AKl»Jii>,
Sheriff of YiunbllkCvunty, Oregon.
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon.