,-<*ïï VOL. XXIV Entered at the Portofliee in McMinnville, as Hecund-ciass matter. M’MINNVILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY A WHIFF O’ THE CALLER AIR. led him, Bhao Mitra. to that stage where, indeed, as the vulgar divined, occult Written in Australia by lira. Margaret Miller psychical forces were subject to him, and Davidson. where mysteries were open to him before Oh, for a breath o’ the moorlands, which the world was blind? A whiff o’ the caller air! Was this to be the cud of all, that he For the scent o’ the flowerin heather should lose all his ascendancy, by the My very heart is sair. double moral fall of love for a woman aud Oh, for the sound o’ the burnies of injustice to a helpless fellow being? That wimple o’er the lea, Etbeiind under this new supreme influence For a sight o’ the brownin bracken On the hillsides waving free! was as a bird ensnared. Who shall tell the battle of that mo­ Oh, for the blue lochs cradled hard times consumers ment“ He had saved himself, dashed the in thg tius o’ mountains gray cup trom Lis lip at the momentof fruition. That swile as they shadow the drifting cannot afford to experiment She slept oblivious in her trance. Ob­ ckrtids A’ the bonny simmer day! livious? Yes, ami so she should remain. Oh, lor the tops o’ mountains. with inferior, cheap brands of bak- Bhao Mitra bent his dark face downward. White wP eternal snaw! His piercing eyes were fixed for a motion­ HfRTT years’ observation nt Castoria vrUb t?to patronato of For the winds that drift across the lift. ing powder. It is NOW that the less instant on the sleeping features. ile For the strung east winds that blawl raised his hand and touched her eyes and milBons of persons, permit ne to speak of It without gnesting. I’m sick o’ the blazing sunshine great strength and purity of the brow. Then, without looking back, he It la unqaestlonably th» best rrmed t for Infanta and Children That burns through the weary hours; walked away. O’ gaudy birds singing never a song, ROYAL stand out as a friend in need He left the grounds of Well wood Hall un­ the world has over known. It in hnrmle,«. Children like it._ it O’ beautiful scentless flowers. seen of hostess or guests. His absence hail I’d gie a’ their southern glory to those who desire to practise Econ- not been, noticed. Nor would Ethelind’» gives them health. It will ware their lives. In it Mothers hare For a taste o’ the gude saut wind, absence be remarked. Within a few mo­ WT a road o’er the bonny sea before ■nmethfwg which I» altaolwfnly safe rind practically porfeet as a umy in the Kitchen. Each spoonful does its per- ments she would awake aud return to her And a track o’ foam behind. friends. She would do so calmly, scarcely child', medicine. Auld icotland may be rugged. feet work. Its increasing sale bears witness that remembering that her mother’s strange Her mountains stern and bare. Ca.toria de.trny. Worms, . guest had walked with her that day. But. oh, for a breath o’.hei moorlands, For Bhao Mitra had consummated his it is a necessity to the prudent—it goes further. A whiff o’ her caller air! Caatoria allays Fnveriahnaaa. sacrifice to the end. As she lay before him. —London Independent. he had willed that all love for him might Castoria prevent» vomiting Soar Cord. depart from her breast. She would awake Castoria ouros Diarrhoea and Wind Calio. as the Etbeiind of a month ago, and only Grocers say that every dollar in­ such affections as she had then knowu Caatoria relieve» Teething Troubles. would she know now. vested in is Aud yet the sacrifice had not been con­ f'a.toria cure« Constipation and Flatulency. “Proctor and Tecumseh have abandoned summated wholly. No. One thing re­ the siege of Fort Meigs, and their force Are Caatoria nontraliz-.. the effects of oarbonio acid gaa or poieoaone air. worth a dollar the world over, that it mained to be done. That night Bhao Mi­ coming this way!” tra shut himself in his room. On the fol­ Caatorin does not contain morph in e.oplnm, or othor narcotio property. These words were shouted by a man who does not consume their capita! in dead lowing morning it was that a young man rode through the Maumee forests one day passing through a western town awoke to Casforia asaimilates the food, »«galatea the stomach and bowals, stock, because it is the great favorite, lu the summer of 1813. They blanched the find a strip of paper mysteriously pinned giving healthy and natural sleep. upon his pillow. cheeks of every listener. and sells through all times and seasons. ♦ ***»♦» The rider bestrode a fleet horse, whose Caatoria is pnt np in «ne-aiao bottles only. It is not Bold in bulk. ‘ ‘How did you happen to come back so flanks gave evidence of hard riding, and as Don’t allow aav ouo to sell yon anything also on the pl«a or premia« suddenly?” cried Etbeiind. banging a day he galloped from cabin to cabin with the later about the neck of him she was soon to terrible announcement mothers seized that lt_is “ jwst as good ” and “ will answr ovary pnrpoae.” marry. their children and involuntarily pressed Soe that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A^ them to their bosoms. “I don’t know.” The young man looked ROVAI BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. grave. He told his strange experience. “It For some time a large force of British is incomprehensible. Ask your native Hin­ and Indians uuder the joint leadership of is os evsry Th« fao ufan tie doo friend, Mr. Bhao Mitra, to explain It. General Proctor anil the cruel Tecumseh wrapr>«r. Signatare «f * He looks as if be knew many strange secrets had besieged Fort Meigs on the Maumee, of a psychical sort.” but the gallant defense made by General Harrison had shown the allies that it was Ethelind laughed lightly. “Yes, people speare bad been played by a little group ot not to be taken by either assault or strate- Captain Ned looked and saw moving furuished by the forests aud swamps of the well trained actors. The twinkling jet of said he was doubtless a very wise man. gem. there a dark mass, which confirmed his vast European cautiuent to the terrestrial fountains showered with prismatic drops He’s gone now, you know; gone back to In­ Now that the seige had been abandoned, fears. It looked like more than 50 men leviathan, which accordingly multiplied the piuk aud purple aud the white ole­ dia. He was very nice, though ratner grave and queer.” the allies would turn back enraged over marching with compactness, and when the and th.ove excoedingly. Then was the cul­ anders. their discomfiture, and the tomahawk and signal was repeated and answered by one of minating epoch of the proboscidean family. She had forgotten all —Exchange. The chief guest, Bhao Mitra, turned a scalping knife would devastate tbe Mau­ the bidden braves near the fort the new en Thick hided animals with tusksand trunks long glance of his deep Mack eyes on tbe attained a larger size, ranged over a wider mee country. India's Real Vegetarians. emy came to a halt. area of the earth’s surface and existed girl who walked by his side, the young mis­ ‘Proctor and Tecumseh coming?” cried a “See the moon shining on the buckles THE MeflllNN W IL.l t: The Hindoo's meal is a simple allair tress of Wellwood, the daughter of the boy wno heard the. news from the mounted and guns!” cried one of the boys. “We will more numerously and iu greater variety house. AU the brilliant clearness o£ the Every high caste Hindoo is a vegetarian. than ever before or since.—Edinburgh Re­ messenger sent ahead to alarm thefrontier. have to meet the British now.” day, tbe softness of the wandering breezes Your vegetarians here include so many ani­ view. "I will run down to the fort to see if it is At this moment an Indian sprang up the perfume of the flowers, seemed to him mal substances that, our people aland aghast in trim for a siege.” from behind a stump and ran across the concentrated in this slight, girlish presence, when they are mentioned. Your vegeta­ QUINCY, MASS., Made a Lock For the Key. The “fort” mentioned by the backwoods ciearing like a deer. crowned with the poetry of 17 summers. rians eat eggs, oftentimes fish, perhaps An old and curious key and lock are at ­ boy waa a log cabin which had been aban­ n holesale mid lutali Dealers In He waa not molested by those in the fort, She was as the incarnation of every lovely geese and lard, perhaps soups and brothsof doned by its original builders. Owing to the but was permitted to join those marching tached to the door of Temple church, iu thing in nature and art. The yellow sheaf doubtful composition In India the touch presence of a bobolink’s nest near they had forward, and the boys imagined they could Fleet street, London. The key weighs of wheat on her drooping garden hat was of egg and lard aud fish wc uld be almost as McMinnville, Oregon.— called it Fort Bobolink, and the boy settlers hear him telling the story of the battle as seven pounds, is 18 inches long and, unlike no more golden than her hair beneath it. contaminating as beef ttsell. Vegetarian­ other keys, it was not made for tbe lock. were determined to defeud it to “the last far as it had gone. And Bhao Mitra, looking back at the vista ism simply means butter, milk, sugar, extremity.” When Ned Taleot reached To their astonishment, the soldiers and Ou the contrary, the lock was made for it. of sea and sky between the elm’s branches, Hour, rice, pulses and herbs. Every one Paid up Capitai, $30,000 Fort Bobolink, the sun was setting, and Indians then marched to the left aud van­ Both key and lock have been in use since thought the azure of both pale beside the has uot the means to buy all this, so the food Transmet» * General Banking Business. after a brief inspection he ran back to the ished. lu vain they waited for their reap­ the crusades, the church itself having been radiant light of her eyes’ blue depth. that is generally eaten is some unleavened built by the Knights Templars in 1485.— settlement, where he found all in a state of pearance. Before they knew it they had wandered white bread atid stewed pulses or some rice London Standard. alarm. i It was a long night for the watchers with­ 1'rtftident, - - J. H' VOWLS. away from the crowded center of the fete, with curried vegetables. A hurried council of war between the in Fort Bobolink. They started at every In Bengal (I do not known uuder what Vice Prende nt. - 1. Ill h l.A IKJ H El N. and then Ethelind lifted her glance to bis seven boys of the settlement and the wom­ sound, and when thé moon went down they A DIRGE FOR THE DRAMA. AND AIL KINDS OF ütiehier. - E. C. AP PERSON and said timidly, with the rose leaf color precedents; the people generally eat fish, en was held. I were more vigilant than ever. Aul. Ca'Mer IF N LINK springing Into her cheek, the color that but in the upper provinces, or in Bombay “We can’t defend the scattered cabins. What means thia eoutd of seba and sighlag came there when she addressed him: At length daylight broke over the sleep­ aud Madras, where Hindooism is more CEMETERY That rings tho Muses’ dwelling thruuca? We may altogether defend Fort Bobolink,” less little garrison, and then were anxious “You told me that some time you would strict, fish is quite as forbidden as meat. Alaa, draoiaUo art is dying. said Ned. “There is no telling how soon eyes at the loopholes. i Board of Directors: speak to me of yourself—of bow you hap­ During the day the Hindoo generally takes FURNISHINGS the Its patioim atu so sadly tew! allies will show up in this section, but The bodies of the three Indians killed in J. W COWLES, LEE LAUGHLIN, pened to come here, so tar from your own an hour s siesta. He gets up at 4 o’clock iu Legitimate is shunned, and therefor» if they really have abandoned the siege they the night assault were no longer in the A J. APPERSON WM. CAMPBELL. the morning, mind you, aud goes to bed home.” Meluotaeno and Thalia pine; J. I. ROGERS. are liable to be here this very night.” grass. They had been removed during the Terpsichore is courted, wherefore He was silent a moment, and then he from 9 to 10 o’clock. He works all the time The council of war at once decided unani­ dai-knesâ by their comrades. Behold the drama’s sad decline! smiled a litt’e sadly, and the look of his that he is awake—works on week days aud j*tll dipht Exchange and Telegraphic Transr “Lookl The whole British army!” sud­ eyes grew remote. “Yes, it is far,” he said, on Sundays, week in and week out. He All work fully guaranteed to give perfect satis mously to go at once to Fort Bobolink, aud On stages where of yore Othello terion New York, flan Franeweo an«! Portland. fiictkm. Refers by permission to Win. Me Cbri* so, taking all the guns iu the settlement, denly exclaimed a boy at a loophoole. and be appeared to be speaking almost to has no Sabbath, And as a rest from this Declaimed midst thunderous applause, Depotfito received subject to cheek. Interest paid mau, Mrs. L. E. liuwlev, Mrs. E. D. Fellows with other things which they thought Sure enough, approaching the fort with himself. “Few men of my country, fev, incessant labor he enjoys an hour’s rest oil Time Deposits Loans uiuiic/ on approved1 Some dancer now, all pink and yellow, would be needed, they marched down to the the bright light upon their equipments, a Ndcurity. Collections imule on all aceeuible cultivated Hindoos,come to your Euglaad. during the hottest part of the dry.—Ma- Kicks high from out a cloud of gauze. I Hoil's Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street fort and prepared for tbe expected attack pointe. large force of redcoats were to be seen And Shakespeare hides his head divine, Men travel for knowledge, but we—some cf I goomdar’s Lecture. The sun went down, and tbe long shad­ marching in tolerable order. Such lofty plays the public elights. us—have the means of acquiring by other cf twilight stole through the forests. While skits without a saving line On tne flanks .of the white army hovered methods than insight into life that wisdom Superstition. IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS ows Have inns of seven hundred nights. Captain Ned had stationed his guards a lot of Indians half naked and wily as which the men of the Occident seek vainly “It’s bad luck,” said t he bad boy, ‘‘to give within the fort with military precision, foxes, and us the boys watched them they by going about the earth And yet we also a person something sharp or pointed. I Tragedians one and ail ara idle, and every few minutes he made the rounds felt that Fort Bobolink was soon to fall. sometimes are compelled by an inward shouldn’t be a bit surprised if young Mr. They 've lost the fickle public ear; ------ GR OTHIP.------ Proprietor of The McMinnville to see that watchlulness was' not abated. On came the redcoats, and the defenders Alea will not list to Anton Seidl, voice to wander forth amid new scenes. Jinkies and I were to part friendship after The mothers had put the youngest children three cannon’planted where they could They mudi prefer roof garden beer. Perhaps it is that it may be given us some­ NURSERY STOCK AT LOWEST FIGURES to sleep and now with watchful eyes they saw On roofs midst pine trees green and bosky where to help others. Perhqps”—his voice I leave this piu in bis chair for him.”—Chi­ demolish the cabin in a jiffy. cago Tribune. I waited in the darkness for the foe. In summer we, alas! .incline Having made his preparations, the Brit­ grew deeper—“we are sent forth to meet Writ« us for Special Prices. Catalogue To hear the gentle song “McCloskey," At 10 o’clock a bright moon in its third ish commander rode forward with a hand­ some great final experience, some great Mailed Free. As sweetly sung by Maggie Cline. quarter maj^ its appearance. This gave some Indian chieftain at his side. No Shot Iu Hit Game. i final temptation, at the ends of the world.” Situated At the Southwest comer of the Fuir some light aud enabled the boys to see the ¿rounds i The savage also wore British uniform, “Say, Smith,” said Brown as he met his Corvallis Nursery Co., He paused. They had reached a point of Where Hamlet spoke his lines dramatic outlines of the trees. and this identified him at once. And charmed that less heretic age. the sequestered garden path where a little friend, “did you hear how Jones was 41m3 Corvallis, Oregon All size* of first class Dr a ii) Tile kept constantly Suddenly one of the young sentries, look­ We now have actions acrobatic, ■“It is Tecumseh in a major general’s uni­ terrace crowned a rocky promontory. A caught by Lis wife the other day?" on band at lowest living prices. ing through a loophole, discerned moving form,” said Captain Ned. “Oneshot would I A steeplechase upon the stage! “No. How was that?’’ circular bench was about tbe terrace. Be­ Once men preferred to Lear bravado figures where a moment before he bad seeu rid the frontier of its greatest curae, but we “Why, be went away with a couple of low, the water washed against the rock OREGON Me Ml NN VILLE, From bluff Don Casar de Bazan, but waving grass. He signaled Captain will not fire it now.” gently. Ethelind sank upon the bench. friends, telling his wife he was going on a And now they go to El Dorado Ned and they watched the figures together. I She clasped her bandsin her lap; her breath gunning expedition and would be back in Tecumseh halted before the fort aud JTour hundred ballot girls to scan. “The enemy have come!” said the boy as raised Lis hand. He was looking straight came aud went with the soft palpitations about three days. At the end of that time K. K. uoVcllxt: I. ». CILBMATU he turned back and faced the women. Oh, shades of hlstrioulc masters! at the little cabin. he came back, bringing a line lot of ducks of her young bosom. B rom us you well may keep aloof. PROPRIETORS In an instant the seven young defenders “If white men will surrender, Tecumseh She was ineffably happy. He was telling cud telling many stories of the magnifi­ Galbreath 1 Goucher. With all New York one Tony Pastor’s, of the cabin stood at the loopholes with promises to spare their lives,” said the chief. her something of himself—he was lifting a cent sport, be had had. Mrs. Jones thought And every theater on the roof. rifles in tbeir hands. The people in the fort looked at one an­ corner of the veil that hung over that mys­ some roast duck would taste very good for Alas! Ala&! *Tis little wonder PHYSICIANS ANU SURGEONS. Gradually' the skulking figures drew other. They had heard a great deal about terious existence which bis new friends supper, aud as the servant was out she Melpomene and Thalia pine, closer, till at last they halted among the “Indian mercy,” but they had also heard Terpsichore Las filched their thunder. here in the prosaic western world divined started in to prepare the game herself. Oatooa MoMtHanit* . . . - stumps just in front of Fort Bobolink. how on one occasion Tecumseh bad really Behold the drama’s swift decline! I “She then noticed that there was no vaguely and with which they connected shot in them, but that they had all had They were savages, as the boys could now — Uuy Wetmore Carry! in Truth. interfered to save the lives of American (Officeover Braly’s bank.) him in this faraway land of India. see by their dress. They wore feathers in prisoners. their uecks wrung, aud she asked Jones FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Those who knew something of such mat­ to account for it. He had bought them their scalp locks and carried guns iu tbe “Shall we surrender?” asked Captain ters asserted without hesitancy that they and was at a loss for an explanation, but hollows of their naked arms. It was the Ned as he faced the little band. believed him to be a mahatma, a theosoph­ be concocted an impossible story about CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. advance force of the frontier scourges, and "Further resistance seems to mean death,” ical adept, one of the sage brethren of those having caught them in a trap. Mrs. Jones the bovs of the Maumee knew that bofore was the reply. Mnnufactarefl and Deal a in On the morning of Aug. 12,189-, a young remote Thibetan convents whence issues said she believed him, but he has been daylight the bloody work would begin. “That is true.” South side Third St. between B and C. man who had arrived on business connected what is left in the world today of the wis­ afraid to meet her glance ever since.”— Half a doren braves were within easy rifle Captain Ned thrust a handkerchief out of with his law practice at a hotel in a west­ dom of the jast. shot of the fort, and as the Loys watched a porthole. The Indian turned to the Brit­ Philadelphia Call. ern town the night before awoke suddenly These men were understood to be able to them they put their heads together and ish general. FROM with a sensation of having been abruptly do strange things. They could transport pointed toward Fort Bobolink, while they “Pile your arms up iu one corner of the .SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, themselves with their astral body to dis­ talked in tones too low to bedistmguished. cabin and march out single file,” command­ called. It was still early, and after listening a tant parts, even while their material body Brushes and sells them cheaper than The six Indians had separated and were ed the officer. I moment he found that everyth ng outside remained motionless. crawling through the grass toward the fort, they cau be bought uuy where else in The boys took the barricades from the They had attained, by a process of long taking good care to keep in the shadows of door and threw it open. They bad placed his door was silent. Thinking he had the Willamette Valley. Our ail home the stumps of the clearing, but now and all the rifles in one corner and were ready dreamed, he turned again on his side. A initiation and training, such control over made sets of harness are pronounced folded strip of paper then met bis view. It tbe occult psychical forces of nature that then tbe watchful boys caught sight of to march forth. THE • • was pinned to the pillow. Surely it had letters written by them at one end of the utieurpasssble by those who buy them dark red bodies .that seemed to possess the “Come,” said Ned. who had placed him­ not been there the night before. globe would fall iit the other end into the movement aud the cunning of serpents. self at their bead. “Forward, marchl” He sat up nud rubbed bis eyes. He look­ lap of those for whom they were intended. It was a moment of suspense to all on the i With the women and little children in the ed again. He was certainly awake, and Dark aud silent and deep eyed os was Bbao inside, and a babe that cried just then was middle, the little band left Fort Bobolink. yet the paper was still there. Mitra, it was not difficult to find one’s self seized by its mother and hastily hushed. The red coated officer looked at Tecumseh Doubting bis senses, he unfolded tho ascribing tho possibility of such transcend­ Don’t fire!” said Ned. “Let them show and smiled. strip. A few words were traced upon it in ent powers to him. their intentions. We are on the inside, But Tecumseh, as erect as a statue, con­ But to Ethelind what he might be, wb» t with 10 good rifles and stanch logs around tinued to gaze straight ahead without mov­ a hand characteristic and peculiar aud ut­ terly unknown to him. The young man he might do, mattered nothing. If she was us.” ing a muscle. Five minutes later one of the savages read: happy that he spoke to her of himself, it Ned Talcot marched his company to rose and ran up to the door. In another “He who journeys toward the west may W3S that he bad thus spoken to no one else. COULTER ± WRIGHT. Prop s. within u fe w feet of tlie pair; then he halted moment he Lad struck it with the handle turn with wisdom bis footsteps backward And she loved him. As she raised her and saluted. of bis tomahawk. to tbe east—backward to the spot where eyes they gave up all their secret to him. RRILROAD “ Boys, ” said the British officer contemp ­ The blow sounded like a knell of doom to bath been left tbe better part of his soul.” ! She had forgotten all else; she had no Goods of all dewiriptions moved and tuously, “if I had known this, I would have the women huddled in the little fort. There was no signature. memory for other tics, once dear enough; 15 TMt L|WI To Ta«* given you a taste of British grape! ” careful handling guaranteed. Collections “White squaw open!” exclaimed the In­ The young man rose and went to the no thought for her troth plighted but a The speaker was General Proctor him ­ dian. “News from white soldiers with Har­ door. It was still locked from the inside. month ago, almost on this spot, to one who will be made monthly. Hauling of all self, and his harsh wofds were met by the He turned to tbe windows. They were fas­ was her own countryman—a stalwart, hon­ rison.” kinds done cheap. calm voice of Tecumseh: This was too evidently a stratagem to get tened securely. Nor did investigation on est English youth and one who adored her. “The white boys shall go to their homes. the outside disclose the presence of afire the door open, and it did not succeed. After She was iu thrall. So perfect was her They are as brave as their fathers. They a silence the Indian was beard to growl to escape or other means by which entrance | youpg passion that no thought of conceal­ w J- CLARK,D.D.S It is the Dining Car Route. J. O. W ilson *, Contractor and have defended their mothers and little himself as he fell bock to his companions. could during the night have been effected. ment came to her. She was like a youug ones.” Graduât' University of Mich. Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, “ Now for it, ” said Captain Ned as he saw In the room all things were as they had Naiad wooed by a god. As he looked down It runs through Vestibuled all six Indians rise and rush forward. The redskins who had accompanied the been left when the occupant had retired. on her now, his breath coming fast, she thus speaks of Ayer’s Pills: The door had been well barricaded with retreating army now came up, aud their The young man dressed and repaired, with opened her flowerlike lips and smiled out Has opened an office in Union Blok. Room 6, Trains to “ Ayer’s Pills are the best medicine I au l is prepared to do all work in the dental line. strong planks, but still the defenders of the dark looks boded the settlers no good. But inquiry, to the office. Nothing unusual of her heart at him. ever tried; and, in my judgment, no ST. PAUL o('c. CHICAGO cabin feared that the savages might cut Tecumseh stood between them and the tom­ haer sMagazine for 181M will maintain the character that ban made it the favorite illustrated periodical lor tile home Among the results of enterprises undertaken by the publishers, there will appear during the year superbly illustrated papers on India, by Edwin Lord Weeks, on tbe Jap- ane:e Seasons by Alfred Parsons, on Ger­ many by Poultney Bigelow, on Paris by Richard Harding Davis, and on Mexico by Frederic Remington. Among thr other notable features of the year will be novels bv George du Manner and t'liarles Dudlev Warner, the personal reminiseenccs of W. D. Howells, and eight short stories of Western frontier life by Owen Wister. Short stories will also be contributed b}- Brainier .Matthews, Rich­ ard Harding Davis, Mary E. Wilkins, Ruth McEuery Stuert. 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