UARDIAN™ END OI JACK HARKNESN. A Thoughtful Per.on TUE LINCOLN CEI B. >ee notice of teachers' examination. consults his best interests by having a Ice cream and cake at the college to­ The Name < bo»en by .«IcVIinuville A Drunkeu Native of Eriu Killed box of K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules at night. INSURANCE COMPANY The Earhuff aud Estey organs at C. Hepublicuns. Organization. By the Cur«. hand; taken as directed will stop any Griesen’s at a bargain. People begin to recognize the D street 4b3 A good representation of republican McMinnville was set agog last Friday kind of a headache, no matter what the ssets meat market. Leave your order for a good, fat chick­ strength assembled in Wright’s hall by the report when the afternoon passen­ cause—in fact if your skull was cracked RHODES A RHODES. Agents. Miss Alves Norwood rf Silverton is Wednesday evening to otgatiize a club ger arrived that a man bad been run it would prevent pain. The frequency en. dresseJ for Sunday dinner. D street MANUFACTURERS OF visiting friend iu the city. for campaign work Col. Coojier was over and killed on the trestle about a of the attacks wiil diminish, and by tak­ market. McMIXXVTLJ .E OB. Blank liooks at lowest prices, in stock, Mrs. T. D. Ileuderson is afflicted with chosen temporary president mid J. G. mile south of town. Cououer Daniels ing the Capsules at the approach el a Eckman secretary. After reading of roll went at once to the scene, as did a large headache, you will never have another. aud made to order, at a cancer upon the right temple. 3-1-2 C. G rissen ’ s . A number of Oregon City boys were up ballots were taken for permanent officers, number of citizens. The man proved to 25c per box. For sale by Kogers Bros., A large crayon picture given away to attend the military ball Let evening. resulting iu the following choice : Presi­ be John Harkuess, known only to a few sole agents, McMinnville. dent, J. C. Cooper; vice-president, J. GruuinJ bog day. with each dozen cabinet photographs at J. O. Rogers is down to Lacarnae Ils' h W. Cowls; secretary,C. If. McKinney; of those who had gathered. Ilir mangled Teachers’ Meeting. Large sali-g and small profits ie th* week or so attending to some business. body was a sickening eight. It was lying Montee's gallery. 25 crayons is the OF ALL KINDS. treasurer, Wni. Chrisman. ruotto atMillsap 4 Cook's. across the west rail, the train having limit. Crayon can l>e of self or friend. Another very enthusiastic, enjoyable As E. B. Kelly and Bert Millsap both On motion of Spencer a committer, passed diagonally over the shoulders. Tillamook hae a George Squires. and instructive meeting of the teachers Call at the gallery. appear at the same time, next Thursday of three on constitution and by-laws The spine was broken iu two or three J. W. M ontee , Photographer. Judge Galloway was over at balem on evening, it will be necessary to put extra was appointed by the chair, consisting of Yamhill couuty was held at Carlton McMinnville, Or. places, the head broken open and brains on January 27th. More than 25 teachers business the first of the week. braces under the stage. of E. C. Walker, J. A. Campbell and J. scattered hither and yoD, and the vitals were present while the house was crowd­ See A. M. Peery, the real estate man The KEcoBTERaud Weekly Inter Ocean Assessor York, who has iiveu here 18 C. Gates. were generally disemboweled. Just a lor bargains in real estate. He has a a year for|l d£5. Hurry in yonrsubscrip­ years, Bays this is the mildest Oregon On motion of O H. Irvine the board little tissue held the head and shoulders ed with patrons and pupils of the public large list to select from on the best of schools. tion and tell your neighbors. winter he lias seen. Rosebushes have of officers was authorized to appoint five to the body, where the wheels liad tf The exercises consisted of recitations, terms. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, delegates to the meeting of republican made quite a growth during the winter. Nothing like Simmon» Liver Regulator mashed the clothing upou it on tire rail. songs, essays, and discussions along the D. A. Smith, the watchmaker aud clulis in Portland, Feb. 6th. tor dj spepsia and indigestion—a safe and Dr. Kelly’s play of “Only a Country Under the body, down in the brook, was On motion of Spencer club proceeded found a large bottle of “Walnut Hill O K line of school work. Under the subject jeweler, carries a good line of clocks, »'11» cure. Girl” is said to be fine. Some changes of discipline a spirited discussion was watches, jewelry and silverware, at The report that the city council of Am­ have been made in the cast, and all are to elect a sargeant-at-arrns. F. M. York Bourbon,” unopened, but plainly indi­ called out iu which two of our prominent reasonable figures. He makes a specialty cating that more of ths kind was doubt­ ity had raised the liquor license to $4bo said to be specially fitted for their parts. was chosen. On motion of Walker Messrs. Irvine, less the great first cause. The body was teachers displayed quite a fund oi native of repairing fine w atches. per quarter is a mistake. It remain» Mrs. F. M. York dressed a chicken re­ Magers and Warren were appointed com­ gathered up and brought to town, where wit and humor which was highly en­ Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real that much per year. cently that had a pin in its gizzard. The joyed by the audience. The noon hour Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at mittee to secure a hall for place of meet­ hundreds of people viewed it. pin liad penetrated almost through the 1 •O' Nurics or SrrriBMBNT.—All was spent in pleasant social converse, this office. tf ing- Inquest was held the following day. gizzard, and the fowl was in prime con­ counts must he settled either in the teachers being entertained as at Speeches no less eloquent than patri ­ McMinnville Produce Market. W. A, Henderson, W. G. Henderson, dition. gooi note. R. J acobson . I otic I were made by Spencer, Walker, Geo. Easterly, D.Walker, Chas. Holman North Yamhill in a sumptuous manner Reported by L. E Walker. Charley Hemstreet has joined the Til­ The McMinnville National hank re- , Coojier, Irvine, Magers, Buchanan, War­ and E. J. Esson sat as jurymen. Joseph at the school building. 45 Good dean wheat........... ceived on January 27th $9,500 and inter ­ A resolution, thanking the citizens of lamook band. He blows the bass drum ren and Stilwell, on the question of a Keho, Southern Pacific engineer of train 26 est at seven per cent from Dec. 15th, on Oats.. 7........ Carlton and vicinity for the splendid name for the club. The name “The “Only a Country Girl” next Thursday 1 40@46 ........................ the bonds last voted by school district Lincoln Club of McMinnville” was cho­ No. 2, testified that he saw the man programme rendered and the kind cour­ Butter evening raise his head when the train was with­ 12 ’..e No. 40. Eggs ...................................... teous reception aud generous hospitality sen finally, with the best of feeling. The W. C. T. U. and Y wish to cor- i in 125 to 150 feet of him. He immedi­ $2 50@3 00 Chickens ............................. extended the association was adopted. Aggressive campaign work wiil be the A. A. Unruh returned Saturday from ately shut off steam and reversed, but dially tender their thanks to all those 0c a lt> ............. . We are pleased to note as guests of the Turkeys . . who no alily assisted in our drama, and eeveral months visit in Valparaiso, Itid. object. Oregon will be the first state to could not stop before passing over the association Miss Amie Myers, of Pacific Ducks.. .............. .......... ... $3.50@$4 vote this year. The largest possible ma ­ Carry the Largest and Most Complete stock of Seasoned Lumber in the boily. J. L. Stalker, the fireman, also e»]iecia)ly to the McMinnville orchestra. He is probably the last of the world’s Apples....... 30@40 Valley, and never allow competitors to undersell us. fair visitors to return home. He was jority should be the aim of all republi­ saw the object, and corroborated the tes­ University, Forest Grove, also Supt. By order of the Union’s committee 5@5V£c cans The Lincoln club enters the fray timony of the engineer. Mrs. Catherine Stanley, of Washington county, from Dressed Ilogs accompanied by his wife and mother. Now is the time to have your photo j 4c whom we received hearty congratula­ Veal..................................... Oratorical contest and entertainment without dissensions, and a spirit of com­ McDuffy, who lives on the Hembree taken at Hogg’s Cabinets Ott If you Baled hay, timothy $11 tions for the talent, interest and zeal plete harmony prevails. Its stalwart t ( want large groups or crayons you will at the college chapel to-night. Music membership goes forth panoplied with place, saw the man and saw the train manifested by the teachers and patrons cheat............... $9 will be selected and rendered by the beet 1 strike him. Doug. Walker testified that not tie ashamed of, go to him. He leads. 1 oats ................... $9 present. A general feeling of harmony a firm purpose to aid in the restoration talent. Admission ten cents, refrenli- he knew Harkness ten or twelve years, and mutual interest prevailed and all Rev. John It. Hume, formerly pastor j RETAIL market . of the country to its former prosperity, nieuts at social hour fifteen cents. and saw him in town on that day. IL ot the C. church, and instructor of and, in the language of its president, the M. Bond, Chas. Baker and S. C. Force were unanimous in pronouncing tlio Baled Straw. As we go to press elaborate prepara- j the normal last year, is now preaching j meeting a grand success in advancing Mixed Chop.......... ............. roll is open to recruits, the only require­ tions are making for the military ball. ment for entrance lieing the suggestion all saw the man in town about noon, and the interests of the public schools of the Barley Chop............ in Hanford, Calif. he appeared to them to be intoxicated. ...... (¡5 cents will buy a box containing 201 Campbell’s bnil is decorated as never that the applicant read and renew his In fact, he refused to give any sidewalk county. The next meeting will he held Shorts ............. bars best family Savon soap ut Millsap . liefore with flags, pictures, guns, and faith in the principles of the grand *and to the latter gentleman, and bumped up at Dundee, on Saturday, February 24. Middlings A Cook’s. This is no bait. We will sell eagles, and festoons of evergreen and . undying farewell address of the iir.mor- against him, without saying a word, in We hope this will be another grand rally. Bran.................................. J. B. S tilwell , Supt. Oil Meal. ever) thing in our store at the same very ivy. 1 tai Washington. front of Mr Stilwell's residence. A. M L. E. Walker will buy all your pro­ It is doubtful if the opera house will email profit. The club adjourned to meet at the Waddell said that Harkness had been in A New-Cure lor lllieuinalinn. duce, paying the highest price in cash All miserable sufferers with dyspepsia hold all the people who will seek admis- : same place on the evening of Feb. 14th. his employ more or less since ’79 and '80, Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, Ill., was the market will justify. lie will sell can Is* cured by Nimmons Liver Regtila sion, next Thursday evening to witness anil was in the habit of sporting consid­ troubled with rheumatism and tried a you flour, feed, hay, oats, field and gar­ COLLEGE NOTES. I the production oi "Only a Country Giri.” ■ den seeds as cheap as any other dealer. tor. STOVES, TINWARE, erable. He had given him a check for number of different remedies, but says D street south of First National Bank. ! Those w ho desire choice seats should J. F. Wisevarver, grand master, and about $40 the day previous to the acci ­ Every College is improving as usual, He also carries a full line of Graham in none of them seemed to do him any good ; PAINTS, secure them at once. E. Appersou, grand marshal, conduct student seems to have enough to do with dent. On the body was found $36.90, but filially he got hold of one that speed­ small sacks, buckwheat, com meal, The Oddfellows team of this city went wheatlets, etc. Nursery stock a specialty. OILS, ed the metallation ceremonies of Oregon bis studies to keep him out of mischief. which covered the expense of a very do­ ily cured him. He was much pleased Council No. 2, Royal and Select Mason», to Hillsboro on invitation Wednesday, Star gazing parties are becoming cent burial. Harkness was about 40 with it, and felt sure that others similar­ To the Public. at Corvallis last week. P. I*. Glenn ac­ to do some lodge work at that place. j popular among the amateur astronomers. years of age, and a native of Ireland. ly afflicted would like to know what the We have opened a shop next door to There are 22 in the team, and it is among companied them. Mr. Rohr was papering the chapel He bad no known relatives and hut few remedy was that cured him. He states Auable in tho state, having on stage Wednesday.. The appearance of acquaintances. The jury found he was Win. Kuns, the baker, carries such a for the benefit of the public that it is stand, for repairing wagons, carriages best goods offered on the market. In good times and in different occasions received some high the chape) is thus remarkably improved. dead from being run over, while presum­ called Chamberlain’s Pain Balm For and all kinds of farm machinery and clean stock of goods that they sell on i compliments. hard times, Bed Rock Prices, such as a man can afford to Mr. Loder, of Carlton, visited his son ably drunk. sale by S. Howorth & Co. their merit and not at “hard times household furniture. Also manufacture Get your seats for “ Only a Country offer who buys his stock for cash and sells to the best class Johnnie last Monday. prices.” Go and wee him. You will j I). W. Marquis’ ironing board, Root’s The Telephone Monopoly. Girl ” at once ; they are now on sale at I The Philergians hail a splended meet ­ The way she looks troubles the woman like his goods. of customers, has always been his motto. Simplicity Beebiye, and have the exclu­ Rogers Bros. ing last. Saturday.* They decided that who is delicate, run down or overworked. The monopoly of the telephone sive right to manufacture on the Pacific Mrs. Elizabeth Jones aud family de- Subject of sermon at the Christian I churches, etc., should not be taxed. The She’s hollow-cheeked, dull-eyed, thin business, due to the patent laws, coast the Star Washing Machine. > ire to thank their muny friends for their church next Sunday morning, “The Man question for debate next Saturday will and pale, and it worries her. Now, the ended on January 30. On that day very great kindness unit sympathy Yours Respectfully, of Sin. ” The evening sermon will lie be: Resolved, That the imitator is of way to look well is to be well. And the the patent on the receiver’s expired. shown them in the tiereavement of hos- 3-4 J. E. H off & G. W. S eibert . dispensed with, owing to Endeavor day more use to society than the origin­ way to be well, if you’re any such wo­ The original Bell patent on the tele­ liand and father. i services by the Y. P. 8. C. E. at that ator. man, is to faithfully use Dr. Pierce’s Fa­ phone expired on March 7 of last THF. SWIJIE AND THE FLOWER. I have the liest tea in town. Call for hour Everyliody invited The services The preparations for the oratorical con­ vorite Prescription. That is the only year, and now that the other patent my Standard pure Nun Cured, take uo will l>e especially interesting. I shrank to meet a miid-encrusted swine, test have been completed. The orations medicine that’s uvaranteed to build up And then he seemed to grunt, in accents rude, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE. other. J. P. I kvink . has expired, both receiver and trans­ 'Huh' lie not proud, for in thia fat of mine, woman ’ s strength and to cure woman ’ s have l>een handed in to tl e judges and Mr. Goodnow, representing the circu ­ behold the source of richness for your food!" Mr and Mrs. Wm. Chrisman returned the college halls are made to reverberate ailments. In every “female complaint,” mitter will be free to the public. and saw a field that seemed, at first, Friday evening from a sojourn of u few lation of tho Oregonian, was in the city by constant practice of tho sj>eakers. irregularity or weakness, and iu every Various manufacturers of electrical I fled, One giant mass of roses pure and white, this week, and arranged to deliver the With dewy buds 'mid dark green foliage nursed, weeks at San Buenaventura. Mr. C. The orators seem to have gone in for bus­ exhausted condition of the female sys­ apparatus are already at work manu­ And, as I lingered o’er this lovely sight. states that he was benefited in health by Sunday pu|»er on Sunday at 10 a 111. He iness. Among ttie music there will lie, tem—if it ever fails to benefit or cure, facturing telephones, and now, for The summer breeze, that cooled that southern will travel by means of a high-speed hand scene the visit. you have your money back. the first time it will be possible to Whispered, "Behold the source of Cottolene!" car, cajiable of 20 miles an hour. Wells instrumental duet, Mesdames Wolfenden —.V £’. Wilmer. You can never tell what a elight cold Cooper will be his local agent. and Brownson ; vocal solo, Prof. Fargo; purchase a perfect instrument. C reamery M ay O pen .—L. Cohen & Co. may lead to; it is lest, therefore, to give The immediate result will be a vocal duet, Misses Pagenkopf and Riley. Go and see that country girl next' Call to Supervisors- of Portland have written A. J. Apperson very large extension of the use of yourselt ttie benefit of the doubt, and Thursday evening and have u good old- All road supervisors are hereby re­ C ity L evy .—At the meeting of the to name a date when they may meet the the telephone in villages and cure it as soon as |ioesi)>le with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. A day’s delay, some­ fashioned laugh. city council lust week, u levy of six mills farmers of Yamhill county, and confer small towns, and the erectiou quested by the county court to meet with A that body for consultation ou Wednes­ times an hour’s delay, may result in se­ Mr. J F. Clark, w ho for the past three . was made for the current year. The di­ with them on the project of operating of private telephone lines. 308 17th Street, Portland, Oregon, pair of instruments will not cost ¡years was the gentlemanly business the McMinnville creamery. Mr. Apper- day, Feb. 7tb, being the first day of the vision is: Streets, one mill; general pur­ rious consequences. over $35 and thousands of persons manager oi the L'niou Hardware Com­ poses, 3)s mills; water, term. mills. Some son has named the date as Saturday, Frank Davey, grand official instructor pany at this place, has purchased an in of the council thought six mills would February 10th, when all fanners inter­ will avail themselves of the oppor­ Local Agency at C. G rissen ’s Music Store. of the A. O. U W. for the state, gave a tunity to put up private wires. The I terest in the abstract liooks of Clacku- ested should be iu town. Mr. Cohen fall short of the needs of the city, but it SORTH YARIIILL. Bell people will probably continue to very concise, interesting amt brief lec­ ture to a fair audience Tuesday evening, mus couuty, and left for Oregon City od is believed it will be sufficient if the says if he receives sufficient encourage­ control the exchanges iu cities for a Mrs. Lizzie Anthony of Oakland, Cash or Time Payments. at opera house. He presented the ben­ Tuesday. Johnny has made a host of town doesn’t get too rampant for im­ ment he will open the creamery, and time, but rates will have to come friends in this part of the couuty during provements and metropolitan airs. The will expect to pay cash for cream. As down, or competing exchanges will Calif., is the guest of her brother, efits of the order in a forcible light. A Repairing and Tunings Specialty. be established. Ed. Burton. good representation of Workmen and his stay here who will regret to lose him, total taxuble property in round numbers the raising of wheat becomes more un­ yet will wish him abundant euecets is $755,000. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. profitable, it would seem as if farmers .Huiclc Bud Vigor—A Difference. Miss Ann Myers of Forest Grove Degree of Honor ladies was present. wherever he is, and in whatever business would take advantage of other industries spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Many muscular men succumb to fa­ When you feel uncomfortable about he may engage.—[Polk Observer. Two E scapes .—Patsy Fleming of that promise h little ready cash. Come tigues borne with ease by persons far Stott. the stomach take Simmons Liver Regu­ ! Portland and Norman Terry of Carlton, in, and investigate the scheme Dalias was the acene Monday night of their inferiors in physical strength. Quite a number of teachers from Mr. Smith, who has had ten years’experience in piano and organ building aud lator. a rubliery that proved highly successful Yamhill county, two boys at the state Muscle does not imply vigor. In fact, this vicinity went to the teachers’ tuning, will visit McMinnville every moutu. Don’t trust your instrument to lnex- reform school, escaped from that institu ­ August Ford, living near St. Joe, lost — to the robbers at least. When Post­ Krause’s Headache Capsules—War­ l>erienced tuners. It will prove a lasting damage to you.' Terms Reasonable. it is not difficult of proof that athletes a new suit of clothes, taken by Robert master U. S. Grant opened up the office tion Saturday morning about 6 o’clock. ranted. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole do not live as long nor enjoy as good institute held at Carlton last Satur­ day. They report having had a very Kinser, on the night of January 27th. to make up the early mail for Salem he They were in the basement at the time, agents, McMinnville. Leave Orders at C. Grissen’s health as the average individual who is interesting meeting. engaged in Tilling lamps, and seeing an Kiuzer had been working for Ford for made a discovery that made his bl< o I vigorous — that is to say, whose digestion W ants to be C lerk .—John E. Hol- Mr. Harrison and family of New the last six weeks. A warrant is out for run cold. The safe door stoodujar and u opportunity to escape, quietly left the and sleep are unimpaired, whose nerves his arrest, and the sheriff is on the look­ hasty examination revealed the fact that | premises. They have been numbered man authorizes the R eporter to an- are tranquil, and who has no organic York came on Monday’s train to take J atnoung the lads at that place for a tout nounce that he is a candidate for the of­ out for him. the money strong hold had been rifled of tendency to diseaee. These requisites of possession of their new home near S. WILSON. W. G. HENDERSON. Do not ruin the stomach with chemic­ its contents. It was found that entrance 1 1 fifteen months past. They were tracked fice of count}' clerk, on republican plat­ vigor are conferred upon those inherent­ this place. form and principles. He is a native a short distance southward from the als. Simmons f iver Regulator ia purely had been gained to the office during the | J. S. Stewart moves to Newberg Yamhiller, and has farmed all his life. ly weak, no less than upon those debili­ vegetable and effective night by removing a pane of glass from i school but it is thought they started Two years ago a great misfortune over­ tated through wasting disease, by a thor­ this week, intending to establish a I northward finally. Officers are on the The Baptist church has a new octet of the side door. Once ineide the building hunt for them. Later—The hoys were took him in the loss of an arm, which ough, persistent course of Hostetler’s bakery and restaurant at that place. inale voices. The members are Messrs. 1 and in the presence of the safe, the ma j captured at Macleay, twelve miles east of was caught in a feed cutter. Being thus Stomach Bitters, the leading national Sheriff Warren was in town Tues­ Sanders, Peery, Fargo, Loder, Latourette, laudere had smooth sailing and went ! Salem, and returned to the school on handicapped for farming, the accident tonic, indorsed and recommended by day. (Third Street, between E and F.) Eckman. Rhodes and Coshow. They about their mission systematically and Monday evening. They were taken in first suggested to his mind the propriety physicians of eminence. It will not en­ F. Hauswirth was in McMinnville wiil make their first appearance Sunday undisturbed. They had previously sup­ I by the constable of that district. of asking for an office. A great many dow you with the muscle of a Corbett, Tuesday, aud Dr. Swinson went to plied themselves with tools from a Dallas morning. friends think his capabilities quite suffi­ but it will infuse energy into your sys- Portland. blacksmith shop which they had broken -------------------------------- M-------------------------------- An Editor's liecomniendalion. Facts speak louder than words. Sim­ cient for the place. He is the first man tern, and renew the active and healthful 1 into. Then they set themselves about performance of its functions, It averts mons Liver Regulator does cure bowel Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom­ to announce his candidacy in a business­ Deafness Canuot Bo Cured Everything first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial and noiselessly opened the safe. This Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. <1 isorders. field, Iowa, Funner, says: “I can rec­ like way, and now that the ice is broken and cures malarial, rheumatic and kid­ whs accomplished by drilling into the ney complaints, and overcomes dyspep­ by local applications as they cannot reach Mrs Lake Dorris, of Independence, combination. Thev drilled around the ommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy there will doubtless be others who will sia, constipation, liver trouble and ner- the diseased portion of the ear. There is come before the public, either in their to all sufferers with colds and croup. 1 visited her parents the first of the week. knob of the combination so that with the vousness. own behalf or through their friends. have used it in my family for the past only one way to cure deafness, and that When the scalp is atrophied, or shiny­ assistance of a wire they could drop the two years and have found it the best I Kral Estate* Transferí. is by constitutional remedies. Deafness bald, no preparation will restore the tumblers and operate the combination over used for the purposes for which it is is caused by an inflamed condition of the Santa Clara, S. Dak., Nov. 25, ’ 91. and thus open the door. Little trouble hair; in all other cases. Hall’s Hair Re- Week ending January 31st. intended. 50 cent bottles l ’ or sale by S. mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. N orman L icht y , Des Moines, la. was ex|>erienced in getting into the safe, newer will start a growth. The Bertram Coal Co by A Dietrich Howorth & Co. When this tube is inflamed you have a Dear Sir: — While in Denver last fall, where they found $800 in coin and cur­ McMinnville has ionrteen different rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, bought a box of Krause’s Headache Cap­ to H B Nicholas 787.68 a part J rency belonging to the postoffice. This I.tcenm (o Harry. Williamson die.........................$ 1 and when it is entirely closed, deafness lodges, not counting subdivisions of any they appropriated, together with $50 be­ sules which did me much good. I am Fleckenstein AMaver to Livingston Jan. 30th, Chan. A. Keeney, aged 26, is the result, and unless the inflamma­ order. subject to bilious headache. I can find longing to the postmaster, an with a & Co pt of lot 2 blk 13 Lafayette 200 tion can be taken out and this tube re­ To grow old gracefully, one must live package containing $800 worth of stamps and Mrs. Alice A. Thomas, aged 20, both none in the drug stores here. What will J M Belcher and wf to Smith Ste­ stored to its normal condition, hearing temperately, calmly, methodically; be aud a small bundle of stamps en route to of Newberg. you send me half a dozen boxes for? phens 12.3J acres pt J M Belcher Jan. 31st, N. G. Rhoads, aged 21, and will be destroyed forever; nine cases out interested in all that is going on in the the postoflice at Falla City. They took Yours truly, d 1 c t 5 r 3................................ 10 of ten are caused by catarrh, which is world; be cheerful, happy and content­ also a book of blank money orders and a Minnie Townsend, aged 15, both of Me- J. H. S tretcher . nothing but an inflamed condition of the ed, and above all, keep the blmxl pure j blank book of postal notes. They over­ Minnville. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole agents, Nancy Turner admrx to G W Belt 30.25 a pt E T Washburne die mucous surfaces. *•* and vigorous by the use of Ayer’s Sarsa­ looked $5 in the safe and that ¡9 about all McMinnville. t 2 r 5 ........................................ 400 A Hansa» .Vian’» Experience. We will give One Hundred Dollars for parilla. Be sure you get Ayer’s. of value that did escape them. The loss Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas City, C ircle I nstituted .—It was a happy J E Durham admr of Elizabeth any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) A couple of men named Wilson and will fall upon the government, as the Kan., wishes to give our readers the ben­ gathering that met in Foresters’ hall Blood to Hensner & Reidell 40 a that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh postmaster is said to have used caution Koon, who had been working for J. W. sec 9 t 4 r 5................................. 125 Cure. Send for circulars, free. efit of his experience with colds. He Thursday evening of last week, for the j in the protection of the property. lloblie on his farm, started to eastern says: “I contracted a cold early last purpose of instituting a ladies circle, as Mary C and J II Goodrich to Jesse F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. Oregon to hunt work last week. Stopping Edwards 4.05 a pt Dau Deskins spring that settled on my lungs, and had an auxiliary to the Foresters. The name 'old by Druggists, 75c. Thoroughbred Poultry. in Portland they got in trouble with one of the organization is “Companions of d 1 c t 3 r 2 725 i hardly recovered from it when I caught of Rahab's daughters, who stole their Mrs. Ollie Funk, breeder of Brown another that hung on all summer and the Forest, McMinnville circle, No. 229.” Josie Martin to Ida Fletcher lots 1 CEL IN ALL THINGS IS OUR MOTTO. pistol. They had her arrested and bound leghorn, S. 8. Hamburg, Blue Andelu- j left me with a hacking cough which I The officiating officers were Deputy Sub­ and 2 blk 21 Newby's add to PER1ENCE HAS BEEN OUR TEACHER. over in the sum of $5J0. In return the sian, P. Rock and White-Faced Black thought I never would get rid of. I had Chief Companion Z Swett, of Portland, Rowland’s add McMinnville.. 1100 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, TRAORDINARY BARGAINS FOR CASH men were required to give a $25 bond i Spanish. Fowls $1.00; eggs $1.00 per used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy some assisted by the grand secretary of the Andrew Hirsbrunuer and wf to W AMINE OUR SPLENDID STOCK. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, ERCISE A GOOD JUDGMENT; CALL EARLY. each for their appearance as witnesses, 13. McMinnville, Or. 5m6 state of Oregon, Sam Kafka. The offi ­ II Harrison s sw % sec 2 t3 r fourteen years ago with much success, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, PECTING A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE which they were unable to do, and were and concluded to try it agaiu. When I cers installed were : Chief companion, 5 ................................................. 020 When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Fat Stock Wanted. placed in jail. had got through with one bottle my Mrs. Fellows; sub-chief companion, M. A F and Emma B Carlson to Sam’l D. W. Ralston of Sheridan ia prepared cough bad left me, and I have not suf­ A. Allen; Fin. Sec., Maggie Howell; and Sarah A Roberts lot 3 sec 36 John Dunstan, of Dundee, and Miss ' We remain for Bargains. Yours Truly, t 2 r 4 aud ue ’-J ne ’4 sec 1 t 3 r Fannie Booker, of North Yamhill, were to buy all mutton sheep and beef cattle, fered with a cough or cold since. I ha ve Rec. Sec., CyntithaFellows; Treas., Mrs. from this date on, at market price. Cor- recommended it to others, and all speak j C. H. Neal; R. H. G., Mrs. W. C. Ar­ 4.................................................. 900 united in marriage at the residence of WALLÏÏCE & WALKER, Frank Lionville on Monday evening at 8 res|>ond with him at his own place, Sher­ well of it.” §0 cent bottles for sale by thur; L. H. G., Louie Allen; I. G., Mrs. Pacific REA Inv Co to directors 5-a ' J. F. Derby; O. G , Mrs. A. Woodrum; school diet No 3 Dundee lot 98 o’clock, Itov. McLachlan performing the idan, Or. S. Howorth & Co. Wright Block, McMinnville. J. P chief Comp., Mrs. A. J. Howell. Dundee Orchard Homes No 1 ceremony. The newly wedded couple Probate Court. —AND— Superintendent R. B. Fleming, of the After these exercises a fine supper was and blk 11 Dundee................. . 20J were the victims of a eharavari at the Estate of James McPhillips. Final ! state's big stove foundry at the peniten­ served, during which Rev. Hoberg made J L Hembree and wf to Colin Al­ Alderman house the same evening. It account filed and March 6th at 10 a. m. TOXSORIAL PARLORS, tiary expects to resume operations in a pleasing speech. The circle starte lison 274.51 a pt J N Pearson d 1 c was the intention of the band to do the set to hear same. tne manufacture of stoves, etc., and will I with thirty members. The Foresters t5r6......................................... 40j0 couple handsomely with a serenade, hut Estate of Janies Weston. Petition for through a slight misunderstanding in the distribution of |«rsonal property filed continue the work two months. By this now have a membership of 48, aud meet Florence E Newell and husband For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hair means 125 of the convicts will be put to every Saturday night. to Coliu Allison lots 3, 4, 5 and intentions of Mr Dunstan, the band and allowed Cut Give Him a Call. work after an idleness of several months. 6 blk 21 A B Faulconer ’ s add to was joined with those who felt disposed, Guardianship of Roscoe Field. Bond Money to Loan Mr. Fleming says the demand for the Sheridan .................................. with various instruments, tin cans, etc., approved. 600 Jly Baths are new and first-class in every re- spect. Ladies’ Bains and shampooing a special­ For one or two years on improved farm Fred II Granhoy to Ole C Morten­ Oregon manufacture of heaters has been which, in all did the happy holders the ty. I employ none but first-class men. Don’t son and Emil Jenson 148.94 a pt credit of $2 worth of luxuries.—[Tilla­ If you have real estate for sale, list it better during the past season than here- land. Enquire at office of Y amhill forget the place. Three doors west of Hotel R eporter , 5 w 4 Ira C Conger diet 3 r3............ 2700 Yamhill. with A. M. Peery. tf !toiore, mook Advocate. A BUSINESS POINTERS. TONES & ADAMS, $24.000.000. LOCAL NEWS. Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Building Materials of All Kinds. WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR LINE Hodson’s Is the place to Buy Hauduuare, THIS MAN HODSON CLARENCE SMITH & GO •, Piano and Organ Dealers, C ity S tables , WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietor». Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Queensuuare. CITY BATHS WILL LOGAN, Prop.