Entered at the rost office in McMinnville, «« Second class matter M’MINNVILLl my in force, but we are likely to run up Hguiust small parties. Now, Kennedy, if they down me you are to stop just long Out iu de co'ntlel all at.as. enough to grab the dispatch from my Out in de co’nflel what do 1 aeef breast; then away you go—always on the My tears run down, an my heart am a atone! main road. If they dow n you after you’ve Out in de co'nflel all alone got the paper, the man who cau grab it Ain’ no little boy a-waitin fa' me. first is to take it and hurry forward. So But out In de co’nflel a akeervrow atau'=; ou right to the last man. If they down Little Joe made it wi' he own little Lan’»— him, taid he’» got his senses w hen he fall,,, I.iitle Joe's hut on de «keercrow’a Laid, Little Joe's jacket what de eas’ win’s fade, he’s to tear the paper up and scatter it widely as he cau. You understand'” lie win’ii blow keen frough de tattered gear. “Yes, sir! Yes, air!” De rain Louie down, and de sleet an de “All light then. String out again.” snow. Iiat little boy git col, I fear! He touched the big ba) with the spur I look out de winder an dream I hear and shot quickly ahead. tor Infants and Children lie sharp little wklstle ob our little Joe. With the long rest of the winter our 1 look an I listen ’tweli my heart am a atone! horses were iu prime spirits, though most­ Little Joe sleeps in de valley alone. ly a little too fleshy for perfect condition. But out in lie co’nflel de skeercrow etaii’s I had cared well for my horse. He w as Jea’ es he made it wi’ lie own little lian’a. million» of poraom, permit um to »peak of it without gue»Mng. - Ida Whipple Bcnhani in Youth’s Companion. fust und sound in wind ami limb. I was certainly tbo lightest rider of the 11. I 1t . ■ unquestionably th* best »•pinedy for infant* and Children was still thinking of the probability that I should get fartheron the way than any the world ho* eve- l:nnwn. It i** harmle»». Children like it. It comrade, except the lieutenant, or perhaps given them health. It will save their Evea. In it Mothers have Crowfoot and Bader, whose horses were in Mr. Adam Baiues, civil engineer, Bos­ great shape—I was thinking myself likely something which I* nhsolotcly «nfeivcd pract leali y perfect a* * ton, is a little gray about the temples, but to win promotion before morning—when a child'« medicine. still looks so young that few could sup­ cry came out of the darkness ahead. The pose him to Lave served in the civil war. words of the challenge I did not catch, Castori* deatroy» Worm«. Indeed ho was iu the army less than a but I heard Miller shout, ‘‘Forward, boys!” We shook out more speed just as a rifle CaMtoria allay» Fevor¡«hnecs. yenr. How he went out of it be told me spat its long flash at us from about 100 iu tLe following narrative: Caatoriaf leveata vomiting Sour Curd, yards ahead. For ouo moment 1 plainly Au orderly from the direction of Meade’s saw the southerner’s figure. Kennedy reel­ Citatoria rurali Diari-bistri and XV i lol Colio, headquarters galloped into our parade ed beside me. flung up his hands with a ground nnd straight for the man on guard scream aud fell. His horse stopped at once. »ria relieve» Teething TrouM«». before the colonel’s tent. That was pretty Iu a moment the lieutenant bad ridden the Cast uria cure» Coustlpatiuu and Flatulency. late iu the afternoon of a bright .March sentry down. day in 1865, but the parade ground Was Then from the right side of the road a (¿attoria neutralice» th© effect »of carbonio h <.¡ I g;< * or poisonon» air. all red mud with shallow pools. party, who must have been lying rouud Castoria does not contain morphine, uptnm. or other narcotic property. His rider never slowed till he brought the camptire that we faintly saw in among bis horse to his haunches before the sen­ the pines, let fly at us. They had surely Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach wnil hovrole, try. There lie flung himself off, with a been surprised in their sleep. I clearly saw epjash, caught up his saber and ran them us their guns Hashed giving hcal. Fellows. ed, as much as to say, “We needn’t hurry yards behind. Very gradually this man on Time Ik-poaiU Loans money on approved —we’re picked anyhow,” while the others dropped to the rear. We bad lost five men security. Collections made on ail accessible Holl's Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street points. hurried on. I remained near Kennedy, already, r.nd still the night was young. Bader and Absalom Gray were nearest for 1 was so young and green a soldier that me. Neither spoke a word till wc struck IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS I supposed 1 Lad no chance to go. "Hurry up. Parade as soon as possible. upou a space of sandy road. Then I could One day’s rations, light inarching order — hear, far behind the rear man, a sound of no blank 3s—fetch overcoats and pou j galloping on the hard highway. Proprietor of The McMinnville --- OR OTHER---- “They’re after us, lieutenant,” shouted chos,” said Miller, turning, “and in choos Bader. ing your nieu favor lightweights.” NURSERY STÜCK AT LOWEST FIGURES “Many?” He slacked speed, aud we lis­ That was no doubt the remark which brought me iu. I was lanky, light, bred tened attentively. Wittern for Special I’lhes Catalogue “Only one,” cried Miller. “He’s com­ among horses, and one of the best in the Mailed Free. regiment bad fallen to my lot. Kennedy ing fast.” Situated at the Southwest cornar of lha Full Grounds. The pursuer gained so rapidly that we wheeled, und bis eyes fell ou me. Corvallis Nursery Co., “Saddle up, Adam, boy,” said he. “I looked to our pistols again. Then Absa Fling Conaiti-, Oregon All il», of tir«t class DrainTtle kept constantly lom Gray cried: guess you’ll do.” on tiHiul hi lowest living prices. “It’s only a horsel” Lieutenant Miller ran back to his quar Iu a few moments the great gray of fall­ ters, his long hair flying wide. When he OREGON M c M innville , reappeared, 15 minutes later, we were trot­ en Corjioral Crowfoot overtook us, went ting across the parade ground to meet him. ahead and slacked speed beside the lieu­ He was mounted, not on his ow n charger, tenant. K. K. SOl’t’HlK “Good! He’ll be fresh wheu the rest go but on the solonel’s famous thoroughbred PROPRIETORS bay. Then we knew a hard ride must be down,” shouted Miller. “Let the last mau Calbreath &. Goucher. mount the gray.” in prospect. By this time we bail begun to believe “What! One of the boys?” cried Miller ourselves clear of the enemy and doomed as he saw me. “He’s too voting.” "He’s very light, sir—tough as hickory. to race on till the horses should fall. Onrooa MoMlNNVIl I K - . . . Suddenly the hoofs of Crowfoot's gray I guess he’ll do,” Kennedy said. “Well, no time to change now. Follow and the lieutenant’s bay thundered upon (i ittica over Bralv’s bank.) me. But. bang it, you've got your car a plank road whose hollow noise, wheu we FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS bines! Oh, I forgot! Keep pistols only. all reached it, should have been beard far. Throw down your sabers and carbines— It took us through «vide orchard lands into CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. a low lying mist by the Lanks of a great anywhere—never mind the mud.” As we still hesitated to throw down our marsh, till we passed through that fog, Manufactures and Deals in clean guns, he shouted: “Down with them strode heavily up a slope and saw the shim­ —anywhere! Sergeant Bryce, send men mer of roofs under the moon. Straight South side Third St. between B «nd C for these carbines. Now, boys, after me, through the main street of that village we pounded along. by twos. TroU-gallop!” FROM Whether it was wholly deserted I know Away we went, not a man jack of us SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, knew for where at what. The colonel aud not, but not a human lieiug was in the Bl ushes mid sells them cheaper than officers, standing grouped before regimen streets nor any face visible at, the black tai beadquarters, volleyed a cheer at us. It windows. Not even a dog barked. I no­ they can l»c bought anywhere else in was taken up by the whole regiment; it ticed no living thing except, some turkeys the Willamette Valiev. Our all home was taken up by the brigade; it was re­ roosting on a fence and a white cat that niaile set:: of harness me pronounced peated by regiment after regiment of in­ sprang upon the pillar of a gateway and nnaurpiiHsable by those w ho buy them THE • • fantry as we galloped through the great thence to a tree. Some of the houses seemed to have been camp toward the left front of the army. The speed at which Miller led over a rough ruined by a canuonade. I suppose it was one of the places almost destroyed iu Wil­ corduroy road was extraordinary, nnd all M o MINNVIL i UE the men suspected some desperate enter­ loughby's recent raid. Here we thundered, expecting an ambusli and combat every prise afoot. lied aud brazen was the set of the sun. moment, while the loneliuess of the street I remember it well, after we got clear of imposed on me such a sense as might come the forts, clear of the breastworks, clear of galloping through a long cemetery of of the reserves, dowu the long slope and the dead. across the wide ford of Grimthorpe's creek, Out of the village we went off the planks COULTER A WRIGHT Prop’s again upon sand. 1 began to suspect that never drawing rein. The lieutenant led by 10 yards or so. I was losing a good deal of blood. My He had ordered each two to take as much brain was on fire with whirling thoughts Uoudsof all tlewripfiotis moved «nd Is T he L ine to T ake distance from the other two in advance, aud wonder where all was to end. Out of careful handling guaranteed. Collections but we rode so fast that the water from this daze I came in amazement to find that will be mails monthly. Hauling ol sil the heels of his horse and from the heels we were quickly overtaking our lieuten­ of each two splashed into the faces of the ant’s thoroughbred. kinds done cheap. Had be been hit iu the fray and bled to following men. From the ford we loped up a hill and weakness? I only know that, still gallop­ W. J. CLARK.D.D.S passed the most advanced infautry pick­ ing while we gained, ihe famous horse It is the Dining Car Route. ets. who laughed and chaffed us, asking lurched forward, almost turned a somer­ Graduate University of Mich It runs through Vestibuled us for locks of our hair, and if our moth­ sault and fell on his rider. ers knew we were out, aud promised to re­ “Stop—the paper!” shouted Bader l la« opened an office in Union Block, Room 6, Trains to port our last words to the folks at home. We drew rein, dismounted and found and is prepared to do all work in the dental line. Soon we turned to the left again, swept 1 Miller's left leg under the big bay's shoul- ST.PADL -grange of Cara CHICAGC close by several cavalry vedettes and knew i tier. The horse was quito dead; the rider's CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. lhen that we were bound for a ride through long hair lay on the sand—bis face was so LATCST METHOD Ol PAINLCSS EXTRACTION Composed of DINING CAR* unsurpassed. a country that might or might not be white under the moon! We stopped long enough to extricate PCLl.V.lN DRAWING KOON SLEEP­ within Lee’s outer Hues, then extended so thinly In many places that his pickets him, and he came to bis senses just as we ERS of latest equipment. THE were far out of touch with one another. made out that his left leg was broken. To this day I do not know precisely where “Forward!” he groaned. “What in TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS i we went nor precis fly what for. Soldiers thunder are ycu stopped for? Oh. the dis­ 1 are seldom informed of the meaning of patch! Here! Away you go! Goodby!” Best that can be constructed aud in which ac­ their movements. In attending to Miller we had forgotten What I do know is what we did while I the rider who had been loDg gradually commodations arc FREE and furnished for was in the ride. As we were approaching iropping behind. Now as wo galloped holders of first and second-class tickets, and LIVERY STABLE. dense pine woods the lieutenant turned in jway—Bader, Absalom Gray, myself and his saddle, slacked pace a little and shout­ Crowfoot’s riderless horse—I looked be­ ELECANT DAY COACHES. ed, “Boys, bunch up near me.” hind for that comrade, but he was not to GATES & HENRY, props He screwed round in his sadide so far be seen nor heard. We three were left of A continuous line connecting with all lines, af- that W3 could all see and hear and said: the eleven. llirdiii« direct and uninterrupted service. Pull­ From the loss of so many comrades the “Boys, the order is to follow this road E Street, north of Thin! Everythin» New and man .sleeper reservations can be secured In ad­ First-class I’eitvevance of Commercial Travel­ vance through any agent of the road. as fast as we cau till cur horses drop, or Importance of our mission seemed huge. er- a specially Board «nd stabling by the day or ■ else the Johnnies drop us, or else we drop With the speed, the noise, the deaths, the month. We illicit « fair share of the local pat­ THROUGH TICKETS tn »nd front »11 points In upon three brigades of our own infan- strangeness of the gallop through that for ronage America. England and Europe, at any ticket 1 try. I guess they’ve got astray somehow, saken village, the wonder how all would vlf.ee of tills road. 1 but I don’t know myself whut the trouble end, the increasing belief that thousands is. Our orders are plain. The brigades of lives depended on our success and the Fell information concerning rule«, time or are supposed to be seme« here on this road longing to win, my brain was wild. A trains, muti - and other detail furnished on ap I guess we shall do a big thing if we reach raging desire to be first held me, and I plication to any agent, or those men tonight All we've got to do galloped as if in a dream. Bader led, the riderless gray thundering A. D. CHARLTON, is ride and deliver this dispatch tothe gen beside him. Absalom rode stirrup to stir­ eral in command. You all understand? Assistant General Passengor Agent, | rup with me. He was a veteran of the “Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Yes, sir’” “It's necessary you all should. Hark whole war. Where it was that his sorrel One Door West "k^WaS»». I PORTLAND. OR. M c M innville , or . of Uigur store. ’ new. We are not likely to strike the ene­ rolled over I do not remember at all, THE WINTRY CORNFIELD. GRANITE MONUMENTS FRUIT TREES TILE FACTORY, Watthies Brothers, CITY MARKET ELSI A W RIGHT, HARNESS ! NORTHERN Truck and Dray Co. PACIFIC 79 m KISTS EAST AÏÏ TO. COMMERCIAL CRANK ROECA, ßaslpoqable jailor, 1 EBRI Ain SUBSCRIPTION PRIt E 82 ■» PER YEAR. One Collar if paid hi «'lvan.-e, Single numbers five cent.«. Highest of all in Leavening Power—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. though I perfectly remeiniiei- how Absalom sprang up. staggered, shouted, “My foot is sprained,” and fell as I turned to look at him and went racing on. Then I heard above the sonud of our hoofs the Voice of the veteran of the war. Down as lie was, hurt as he was, his spirit was unbroken. Iu the favorite song of the army his voice rose clear and gay aud pierciug: Hurrah for the Union! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Shouting the battlecry of freedom! We turned our heads und cheered him as we flew, for there was something inde­ scribably inspiriting in the gallant and cheerful lilt of the fallen man. It was as if lie flung us from the grief of utter de­ feat a soul unconquerable, aud 1 felt the life in me streugtlK-ued by the tone. Old Bader and 1 for it! Ho led by a hundred yards, aud Crowfoot’s gray kept his stride. Was I gaining on them4 How was it that I could gee his figure outlined more clearly against the horizon? Surely dawn was not coming on! No. I looked round on a world of naked peach orchards and cornfields ragged with lust year’s stalks, all dimly lit by a moon that showed far from midnight, und that faint light on the horizon was not in the east, but in the west. The truth flashed on me. } was looking at such an illumi­ nation of the sky ns would be caused by the campfires of an army! “Tbo missing brigade!” I shouted. “Ora southern division,” Bader cried. “Come on!” Come on! I was certainly gaining on him. but very slowly. Before the nose of my bay was beyond the tail of bis roan the wide illuminations had become more distinct, and still not a vedette, not. a pick­ et, not a sound of the proximity of an army I Bader and I now rode side by side, and Crowfoot ’s gray easily kept, the pace. My horse was iu plain distress, but Bader’s was nearly done. “Take the paper, Adam,” he said. “My roan won’t go much farther. Goodby. youngster. Away you go.” And I drew ahead now quickly. Still Bader rode on behind me. In a few minutes he was considerably behind. Per­ haps the sense of being alone increased my feeling of weakness. Was I going to reel out of tbo saddle? Had I lost so much blood as that? Still I could hear Bader riding on. I turned to look at him. Al­ ready he was scarcely visible. Soon he dropped out of sight, but still I beard the laborious pouuding of his desperate horse. My bay was gasping horribly. How far was that faintly yellow sky ahead? It might be two, it might be five miles. Were Union or southern soldiers beneath it? Could it be conceived that no troops of the enemy were between it aud me? Never mind. My orders were clear. I rode straight on, and I was still riding straight on, marking no increase iu the dis­ tress of my bay. when he stopped ns if shot, staggered, fell on his knees, tried to rise, fell on his side, groaned and lay. I was so weak that 1 could not clear my­ self. I remember my right spur catching in my saddlecloth as I tried to free my foot. Then I pitched forward and fell. Not yet senseless, I clutched at luy breast for the dispatch, meaning to tear it to pieces, but there my brain failed, nnd in full view of the goal of the night I lay unconscious. Wheu I came to, I rose on my left elbow and looked around. Near my feet my poor bay lay stone dead. Crowfoot’s gray—where was Crowfoot’s gray? It flashed on me that I might mount the fresh horse and ride ou. But where was the gray? A b I peered round I heard faint­ ly the sound of a galloper. Was be com­ ing my way? No. Faintly nnd more faint­ ly I heard the hoofs. Had the gray gone ou then, without the dispatch? I clutched at my breast. My coat was unbuttoned—the paper was gone! Wei), sir, I cheered. My God, but it was comforting to hear those faraway hoofs and know that Bader must hat e come up. taken the papers and mounted Crowfoot’s gray, still good for n 10 mile ride. The dispatch was gone forward— we had not all fallen in vain—maybe the brigades would be saved! How clearly the stars shone! When I stifled my groaning, they seemed to tell me of a great peace to come, llow still was the night! Aud 1 thought of the si­ lence of the multitudes who bad died for the Union. Now the galloping bad quite died away. There was not a souud, a slight breeze blew, but there were no leaves to rustle. I put my head down on the neck of my dead horse. Extreme fatigue was numbing the pain of my now swelling arm. Perhaps a sleep was near—perhaps I was swooning. But a sound came that somewhat reviv­ ed me. Far, low, joyful it crept ou the air. I sat up, w ide awake. The sound, at first faint, died as the little breeze fell, then grew in the lull and came ever more clear­ ly as the wind again rose. It was a sound never to be forgotten—the sound of the distant cheering of thousands of men. Then I knew that Bader had galloped into the Union lines, delivered the dispatch and told a story which had quickly passed through wakeful brigades. Bader I never saw again, nor Lieuten­ ant Miller, nor any man with whom I rod2 that night. When I came to my senses, I was in the hospital at City Point. Thence I went home invalided. No surgeon, no nurse, no soldierat the hospital, could tell me of my regiment or how or why I was where I was. All they could tell me was that Richmond was taken, the army far away in pursuit of Lee and a rumor flying that the great commander of the south had surrendered near Appomattox Court House.—Edward W. Thomson in Youth’s Companion. Liquid Air I'or Export. A Cheap Fur. A noted painter related to a circle of friends the following amusing story of his fur lined overcoat, a splendid Nerz, with immense collar nnd cuffs: “1 was once en­ gaged to paint the portrait of the wealthy but stingy banker, X----- , who had pre viously bought some of my pictures at ri­ diculously low prices. 1 was not iu the liest of humors, for all the time 1 was puiutingaway at his stolid features he w as trying to get me to take something off the price agreed upon, and he did it in such a w ay as to make it difficult to refuse him. Besides, 1 liate chaffering. This time, however, I contrived to get the best of the bargain. Of course he wanted to be paint ed iu bis fur. As 1 did not require his presence while painting the upper part of this garment, I proposed that he should send it to me—my servant would put it on and sit in his stead. This was done. I completed the picture, aud when be came to pay he insisted on having bis discount. But next day I wrote to him: ‘I am sorry I cannot return your fur coat just yet, us unluckily my servaut, who sat in it, lias had an attack of smallpox. The fur is be­ ing fumigated ami will beat your disposal tomorrow.’ By return of post I received the following note from the banker: ‘Very awkward! Whatever you do, don’t briDg the fur to my house.’ Ou the same day I went out with the fur coat, for the first time. It lite me admirably. Of course my servant never had the smallpox.”—Gar- tcnlaube. Spontaneous Combustion. Iu an address before the fire under­ writers of Michigan, Professor Kedzie called attention to some facts in regard to spontaneous combustion which are not gen­ erally known or taken into account. Among the most important is the tendency, he says, of vegetable oils, imd especially spirits of turpentine, to take oxygen from the air and thus generate heat, the large extent of surface exposed to the air promoting this oxidation, and the rags, being poor con­ ductors of heat, retaining the heat produced by such oxidation, aud hence arises the danger of spontaneous combustion, similar instances of spontaneous combustion also taking place in haymows when the hay has been put up damp. The danger is greater, too, where the rags are soiled by vegetable oils, for example, Iiuseed and cottonseed oil—and especially spirits of turpentine used in making varnish. Again, the dan­ ger front spontaneous combustion proves to be greater where a quantity of greased rags is left in a pile so loosely placed as to al­ low a free access of air, yet so compact as to keep in the heat caused by oxidation. The mineral oils are much less liable to spon­ taneous combustion than vegetable oils. Tact. Two men visited rmother in distress. One brought, money aud offers of assist­ ance and real tenderness, but he brought with him a large volume of good advice. The other was a wise man and a philos­ opher. He brought nothing, being poor, but he urged resolution, strength, deter­ mination. Such words in his writings were called by the critics mc-ral inspira­ tions “almost Olympian in character,” but he was severe of countenance and sjoke without tenderness. Now, these friends left the distressed one in greaLer misery than ever. Their wealth and wisdom were of little avail when with the first came advice and with the second austerity.—Kate Field's Wash­ ington. Renewal of an Old Feud. "If a colored waiter at a restaurant,” ob­ served the exchange editor, "should drop a roast turkey ou the floor”---- “That’s dead easy,” broke iu the finan­ cial editor. "It would be the collapse of Turkey.” "No, my son,’” said the exchange editor sharply, “that wasn’t what 1 was going to”---- "Then it would be the fall of Greece.” "It wouldn’t be a national calamity of any kind,” retorted the man of the shears, disemboweling a New York exchange. "I say it would,” rejoined the financial oracle, jabbing his fountain pen into the »beet of paper before him. “You said a col­ ored waiter, didn’t you? It would cause a commotion lu Africa”---- “And a crash in China,” interrupted the real estate editor, looking feverishly about for a weapon of some kind. "You ought to lie Asia-med of yourself,” spoke up the man at the index books with deep feeling. "Europe pack of vultures!” vociferated the exchange editor. "If a colored waiter in a restaurant,” said the financial editor, returning gamely to the charge, "should drop a roast tur­ key”— “The proprietor would kick the stuff­ ing”— “There would be a rich pickup for"---- “It would be a gravyous offense against”---- "The waiterwould make no bones of"---- “He’d get. a dressing down, wouldn’t he?” The voiceof theexchaDge editor rose high above the din. "No!” he shouted. "He would be put out on a fowl!” And the meeting broke up in great con­ fusion.—Chicago Tribune. for as far as this life is concerned, but I enjoy life. "It is a pleasant thing to be j bold the sun.” 1 love nature in her varied , upecte, and as 1 grow older 1 find much ' to love iu roy fellow creatures aud also | more to pity. I have the instinct of im­ mortality, but the conditions of that life are unknown. 1 caunot conceive what my own identity and that of dear ones gone before me will be. Aud then the unescap- able sense of sin in thought aud deed and doubtless some misconception of the char­ acter of God make the boldest of us cow­ ards. Does thee remember the epitaph prayer of Martin Elgiubrod? Here lie 1, Martin Elginbrod, Have pity on my soul. Lord God. As 1 wad do were I Lord God An ye were Martin Elginbrod. I think there is a volume of comfort iu that verse. We t hristians seem less brave and tranquil, in view of death, than the old Stoic sages Witness Marcus Antoni­ nus. I wonder if the creed of Christendom is really the "glad tidings of great joy to all people ’ which the angels sang of? For myself 1 Ix lieve in God as justice, good- uess, tenderness—in one word, love—and yet my trust in him is not strong enough to overcome the natural shrinking from the law of death. Even our Master prayed that that eup might pass from him “if it were possible.” -Whittier Letters in Mc­ Clure’s Magazine. WHATISTHESECRET? THE QUESTION ONE ASKS WHILE WATCHING ANIMAL TRAINERS. They Are as Stealthy an the Beast» They Rule and Never Show Slightest Signs of Fear—Smile Placidly and Always as Cool as a Cucumber. When Macbeth, in tones of fiercest detl ance, proclaimed his willingness to en­ counter a “rugged Russian bear, an armed rhinoceros or a Ilyrcan tiger,” all that was ever learned of tbo habits of these harmless pets makes it safe to assume that It was greatly to the advantage of that murderous Scotchman that his request was not complied with. Strong as be was and fearless as ba is admitted to have been, with bis armor ou and a sword In his good right band, common sense people will still feel inclined to doubt his ability to stand up successfully against such tremendous odds Was it a “bluff,” or was it that he had at Ills command other methods, until then unknown, by which he hoped to car­ ry the day iu such a dreadful comtiat? Had lie red pepper iu his mind? Pshaw! The thought is unworthy of a moment’s con­ sideration. Had ho undertaken to tackle the business end of a Ilyrcan tiger, all the red pepper iu Caledonia would not have kept the life in his body or the armor on bls back. Ilyrcan tigers have inherited the habit, gross and unreasonable though it be, of “getting on the outside” of any man who tries to make fun of them at close quarters. Compare then and now. In this city in a comfortably appointed building known as Tattcrsalls’ you find not one man, but many men, performing more wonderful feats with wild animals than ever Mac­ beth even dreamed of performing when the ghost was worrying the lifeoutof him. And they make no “bones about it” ei­ ther. They handle Ilagenbeck’s trained animals as easily ns you would handle a kitten. Is it easy, though P Was the dis­ covery of the law of gravitation, or of the circulation of the blood, or of any other difficult problem which you can recall, easy? Each took a lifetime of study. So did the work which, for instance, Professor Darling, the lion tamer, does, or Miss Berg, who was very near to furnishing a luscious mouthful for the big tiger when exhibit­ ing in Chicago. Even iu this age, when the wonderat anything extraordinary lasts no more than a day, the wonder at what you can see the animal temers do at Ha- genbeck's will last at leas: for a year, if indeed it does not cling to you for all time as a permanent memory. None of these animal tamers has armor on his back, or a sword ia his hand, or even red pepper in his pocket. Then bow does he manage to control all these ani­ mals and play with them and caress them aud make them howl with fear lu a big circular iron cage, not one at a time, but a group of different species a* a time? The tamer lias nothing in bis band but a whip, which he never uses save to the extent of giving it an occasional crack. Surround­ ing him are lions, tigers, boarbounds, bears, leopards, panthers aud a crowded house. Between them and the bouse are big iron bars, but between them and him there Is nothing. There is nothing that you cau see at least But it is there, for all that. What is it? What can it be? Don't play the part of the scoffiug sur­ geon, who justified his unbelief iu immor­ tality by saying that lie had examined even to the minutest fibers all nooks aud cran­ nies of the human system aud never fouud any trace of a soul. There are things which you caunot see, and the powdt which ena­ bles Professor Darling to do what he likes iu this huge menagerie is one of these things. Look at that unarmed man with death threatening him upon every side. How placidly he smiles! To employ the ( • -, -J. Professor Dewar has successfully con­ veyed n considerable quantity of liquid air from London to Cambridge, where it was appropriately exhibited at Peterhouse, the college which must always lie associated with the great scientific work of Caven­ dish. The liquid air was carried in a dou­ ble glass flask, the space between the in­ ner and outer flask containing nothing but extremely attenuated mercurial vapor to­ gether with a little liquid mercury. On pouring liquid air into the inner flask its outer surface is rapidly covered with a mercurial film of extreme thinness form­ ing a reflecting surface highly impervious to radiant heat. As soon as this is formed the whole apparatus is packed in solid car­ bonic acid. which at once freezes the liquid mercury, arrests the deposit upon the mir­ ror. reduces the mercurial vapor to an in­ finitesimal quantity, forms an almost per­ fect vacuum and supplies an envelope 80 degrees below zero. Thus protected the liquid air reached Cambridge with only a trifling loss of bulk, notwithstanding the incessant jolting of the railway. The pro­ tective power of the high vacuum and the mercurial mirror will be better appreciated if it be borne in mind that the difference Whittier's View of Death. of temperature between liquid air and sol­ I entirely sympathize with thee and deal id carbonic acid is the same as between ice Charles Lamb. I have no longer youth apd boiling water.—London Times. and strength, and I have not much tohopj “ As old an the hills" and net er excell­ ed. “ Trieon his haunch­ es awuiting the summons of his Master. The horse ? Well, you see a horse every day, but yon don’t see him locked up with wild animals as you do here. As near as human intelligence can form an estimate, each one of these animals resembles the lunatic to this extent, that be is concerned only with what interests himself. He will come, though, when called upon and never attempts to do more than ho is asked. ¡Sometimes an overzealous member of the company, generally a lion or a tiger, will essay a role of that kind; but, promptly brought to book by a crack of the whip, he growls and grows silent.—New York Tribune. Foollug the Gas Man. “It’s a very funny t hing,” said a house­ keeper the other evening, “how the g»s companies regulate their bills. A neigh­ bor of mine cooks her breakfast by gas aud doesn’t light it again until night comes. Her gas bills average 88 or 89 a month. Now, I cook three meals a day by gas and leave a jet burning all night so I can get hot water to dilute condeused milk with for the baby. My gas bills don’t go above 85. I don’t know what makes the difference, but I suspect my neighbor bought her gas stove from the gas company, so they know she uses one. They don’t know I have one. That must be it.”—New York World. Pat’* Reply. The butcher was shoveling a big drift of snow from the walk iu front of bis shop when Pat came along and asked for the job. The butcher refused. Pat per­ sisted. “No,” said the butcher. “How will I get exercise if I let you shovel it?” “Earing your meat,” rejoined I’at us he shouldered his shovel and marched on.— Utica Observer. Ilats Are Great Traveler*. The Many Uses of Talc. Few realize how useful talc has become now that it is mined at many points front New York to Alabama. Being thoroughly incombustible, it is of great value iu the manufacture of fireproof it all paper, paper window curtains, etc. Even in its crude state it has a very oily “feel” aud is found to yield one of the Itest lubricants known. Mixed with common grades of soap, it makes them as pleasant to the touch as the choicest brands, rendering the skin smooth and soft, although entirely without any cleaning qualities. It is also largely used in the manufacture of patent wall plaster, iu which its addition gives a smooth, glossy finish to walls and ceilings that no other substance leDds. Talc pow ­ der, duly refined, is exquisitely soft and fine grained. Hence it makes an excellent infant powder, softening the tenderest skin and preventing chafing, irritation or even “prickly heat,”aswil! no other substance. So, too, it makes an unsurpassed molding sand for casting metals in, both its fire proof and fire grained qualities being very valuable in fine work. Mixed with rubber, it renders it moro elastic and less liable to crack. From it is al«o made the “French chalk” used by tailors, and shoe dealers use it in the powdered form to coax a No. 9 foot into a No. fl shoe. The richest talc mines are in Cherokee county, N. C., where it is found in leaves and scales, very much like slate. It is easily mined w ith ordinary tools and can be sawed or even broken by hand. It lias brought as high as 8600 per carload at the market.—Ex­ change. NO Mrs. J. IT. IT oiisnyder , 152Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: " When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, 1 had a severe attack of biaiu fever. Ou m.v recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently ho . Friends urged me to use Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, nay hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, bow- ever, from blonde to dark brown.” “ After a fit of sickness, my hair came out iu combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer’s Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom­ mended this preparation to others w ith like good effect.”—Mrs. Sidney Cair, 1460 Regina st., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for several years aud always obtained satis­ factory results, I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made.” —C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark.* Ayer’s Hair Vigor Prepend by Dr J. V Ayer & Co., Lowell, M***- Rats do not, as one would suppose, re­ main on the ship, but get off at various ports, and after remaining a while ship on some other vessel for another voyage. The water rats or wharf rats are great travelers and make frequent voyages around the lakes and even around the world—the latter as I discovered while engaged in West India service. There are here now rats from almost every part of the globe. Why«, I saw four colossal Jamaica rats, with their white bellies, skipping about in the moon­ light a few weeks ago, and only yester­ day I killed two Indian male rats not 200 feet from where we were standing. Rats are great climbers when they find it necessary to lie so. Upon one of my voyages not long ago we had a long spell of warm weather, and there was no water in the hold which the small army of rats on board could get at. One night we put some water up at the cross trees and waited for the result. Well, the rats just swarmed up the ratlines and went for the water. We killed as many of them as we could as they came down, and some of them jumped over­ board and were drowned. But we could not kill them all, and a few made the entire voyage with us.—Interview in Chicago Tribune. A Clock Without Work*. In the courtyard of the palace of Ver­ sailles is a clock with one hand, called “L’Horloge de la Mort du Rol.” It con­ tains no works, but consists merely of a face in the form of a sun, surrounded by rays. On the death of a king the baud i* set to the moment of bis demise and re­ mains unaltered till his successor has join- . ed him in the grave. This custom origi­ nated under Louis XIII aud continued till i the revolution. It was revived on the death of Louis XVIII, and the hand »till . continues fixed on the precise moment of that monarch’s death.—Yankee Blad* j