. • Yamhill County Reporter. that time still in force as a war meas­ ure; the only income tax law ever enacted. ” SEW>> Of THE WEEK. ORF.GOì NEWS ANI» NOTES. Th** large woolen mill of Wm. Grant's Pass haff a $10.^00 fire on Tinkham A Sons, of Harrisville, R the 11th I., was destroyed by fire ou tho 13th. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR A $7.tXMt church building is con­ UIllLB.VT ABOir.'.TE. Loss $445.000; partially insured. templated bv the Baptists of Oregon J. G. fX K TIAM, i*so< iatc Editor On Saturday the president trans­ Senator Dolphs bill grantiug City mitted to congress the correspond right-of way to the Albany A Asto­ l'wo counterfeiters were consigned AKVERTIRIN’G KATES ence asked for on the Hawaiian mat­ ria railroad over the Grand Ronde to the state prison on the 11th for: Heading notices in local columns 10 cents per 1 ne for fir t and 5 cents per line thereafter. ter, together with dispatches brought reservation was favorably reported making silver dollars out of pot iHapUy advertiaenienl» annual rale«, one Inch over in the Corwin. The latter de­ on the 15th metal. t«r mouth II. each additional inch 50 cents per month. John II Goar, of Burlingtou, Iowa, Obiluarv and marriage notices not exceeding tails the demand made upon the pro The Salem Statesman called II. B 1<> line- publiabed frc< if furnished in time lo visional government, to abdicate in was nominated by the republicans, Clement a "Jim Crow detective,” and »•<:current news. Additional matter 10 cent» per , favor of the queen, and the reply of on the 15th, for the U. S. seuate to as a result has a $3,000 libel suit on , Bresident Dole in refusing. The ut­ succeed James F. Wilson, Gear is a hands. terances of the latter will strike the member of congress from the first IV II. Hanley FRIDAY, JAN. 19, 1191. Four Polk county gunners have great majority of Americans as vast- Iowa district. •A paid a farmer $60 for tbe exclusive “I Suffered Several Year» y more patriotic and vastly more *7 S omebody says the income tax will American in sentiment than any­ The Colorado house refuses to ad- ! privilege of hunting on his place for With rhfumaiism I took Rood s Sarsaparilla and feel better than 1 have for years. My wife hurt nobody, as the Wilson bill, thing spoken by the president of the journ, by a vote of 28 to 28. The ! a year. had a bad case of catarrh and was con­ i * sidered incurable. She took confidence from when it gets into operation, will United States in this unfortunate senate is overwhelmingly against About seventv-five Portland saloon received from the use ot I leave few incomes above the $4,000 controversy. He said: “While it i.-. the extra session being continued, keepers are too hard up financially I the benefit 1 had and while it cannot adjourn without Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla which is made- the limit. with deep disappointment we learn concurrence of the house, it can de­ j to pay the $100 for license the pres- i and altar taking lour bottles of the medkine ---- ------- ent quarter. that the important proposition which feat any legislation. she is entirely well.” W. II. H anley , Pull T he New York Sun is fighting Be sure to get Hood’s. Corvallis has an indebtedness of rnaix Wash. we submitted to the government of Joseph Manley, of Maine, has been $17,000 and thinks her back is bro­ Mood’s Pills cure liver Hl’. slcli lieauacLe, Cleveland on the Hawaiian issue and ’ the United States, and which was at Jaundice, indigestion Try a box appointed to succeed Thos. H. Car-1 ken. the democratic party on the Wilson Albany’s indebtedness is first favorably considered bj’ it, has ter as chairman of the republican j now about $35,000. How about her bill, which leads a democratic cotem­ at length been rejected, we have ex­ All Goods heretofore advertised at Sixty Cents on iormer national executive committee. Car-' back? porary to remark that Mr Dana Portland is deprived of about $3,- perienced a seuse of relief. We are ter retains his chairmanship of the j hasn't had so thoroughly happy a now favored with the first official in prices holds good during this Sah*. Oregon City has a moek senate 200 in saloon licenses this year, ow­ national republican committee. season for years aud years. formation upon the subject that has that is familiarizing her citizens with ing to the inability of saloon keep­ George II. Gorman, c* ------ been received through a period of " icgon, pUbijc issues and giving them parlia- ers to pay the license. J ohn M oses , proprietor of the over nine months. While accepting has been appointed assistant alter- mentarv drlll aild amusement, all at The jury in the case of the Uma­ Glasgow pottery at Trenton, N. J., the decision of the president of the ney-general in the department of j the saute time tilla Indian "No Shirt ’ charged with gave a practical test to protective at a salary of $2500 a year. . . „ . United States declining to further justice criminal assault, returned a verdict tj • . ,. c. . c, Annie Roonie is not dead, and doctrine when be called his 100 men of Senator Gorman, consider the annexation proposition He , is , a nephew of not guilty. Thomas J. Hart one . , . r> tx | furthermore, she is married now, up and offered them the wages of the as a final conclusion of the preseut and located in Portland two years and , lives m Portland, The Indepen­ of the witnesses was held to answer men domg the same work in England administration, we do not feel in­ ago. dence Enterprise says she visited in to the federal grand jury on a charge plus the amount of the duty. The is our Aim to clean up our entire Stock of Fall and clined to regard it as the last word Secretary Carlisle has disallowed that city last week. of perjury. men declined his offer. With free of the American government upon the claim of Miss Phoebe Couzens of Salem held a rousing road conven- Winter Goods before our Spring Goods arrive. trade ir this line they would have to The indictment for embezzlement this subject; for the history of the $6000 for pay as secretary of the accept British wages without the against Rev. O. D. Taylor of The vention on Saturday. One hundred mutual relations of the two coun­ board of lady managers at the plus amount. Dalles, has been dismissed because solid citizens were present, and a tries, the American effort and iuflu world's fair. Miss Couzens claimed not tried at the term of court iu permanent organization for the im enco in building up the Christian civ-1 , she was wrongfully deposed from the T he country is now informed of which the indictment was returned. provement of roads was effected. ilization which has so conspicuously ' office, and submitted a claim for the Polk county should next organize the nature of that portion of the The populists of Marion county are , Circulars Gossamers Reduced aided in giving this country an hon amount and co-operate to improve the roads Hawaiian correspondence which orable place among independent na­ The condition of the United States seriously provoked at the county in the vicinity of Salem, which are President Cleveland saw fit to sup­ tions, the geographical position of treasury grows steadily worse. Sec­ court because they were refused a terrible in Polk. Yamhill county and to Cents press ft is humiliating to have to these islands and its importance to retary Carlisle estimates that dur­ judge of election at each polling has a good road to Salem. give it up on demand of the senate, place. Thej’ talk of making a court but iii one sense its suppression re­ both countries, the profitable recip­ ing January and February the defi­ case of it. The Astoria Herald has penned an rocal commercial interests which ciency between receipts and expen­ fleets credit upon the president it answer to Gov. Pennoyer’s letter, Tbe Oregon Pacific steamship Wil­ shows that he was ashamed of the have long existed, together with our ditures will reach $18,400,000. The purporting to have been written by lamette Valley is tied up at Sau barbarcus female he was trying to weakness as a sovereign nation, coin reserve is reduced to $74,0(10,0110. the president in which it says: “You Francisco until an indebtedness of all point with convincing force to a the secretary recommends the issu ­ seat upon the throne, and had sense say that two-thirds of the people of about $40.000 is arranged for. In enough to know that her blood political union between the two coun­ ance of short bonds at low interest Oregon are out of employment. My the meantime business over the rail­ ~ thirsty proposal to slice the heads tries as a necessary logical result I to maintain specie payments. dear governor, you are extemporiz­ road between Yaquinaand Albany is from the circumstances mentioned.'' off of a few hundred (lersons engaged A most remarkable electrical ex- ing through your hat. You’re off more was crossing the street in front distressingly small. 1894. 1894. in the revolution and confiscate their After disjiosing of the question of i periment was successfully exhibited your Nannie. You have a popula­ of Mr. Yoconis on her way home annexation, lie calls attention to the The state midwinter fair commit ­ , at the college of physicians and sur­ property, would injure her cause and tion of 280.000. Of this number, ac­ from the Christian church she al­ Harper’s CUeekly. Harper’s magazine. render more arduous her champion­ fact that the provisional govern­ geons, at Baltimore on the 12th. lty tee report that the effort to obtain cording to the census, are 93.500 leges a man caught her by the throat ILLUSTRATED. ment has not submitted its right to means of a flexible rubber tube a di­ funds to erect an Oregon building is males, 67,500 females, ..nd 138.000 ILLUSTRATED. ship in this country. anil viciously threw her against the exist to the United States, and says: minutive electric light was intro­ not meeting with flattering success, children. Two-thirds of 280,000 is sidewalk, bruising one of her limbs Harper's Week I > i» beyond all question T he democratic clubs which met “We do not recognize the right of duced into the stomach of a patient. and that unless more liberal re­ 186,000. There are at least 20,000 severely. The man, she alleges, Hurper'sMagazine for IfcM will maintain the leading journal in America,in its splen­ the character thut has made it the favorite the president of the United States to illustrations, in its corps of distin­ at The Dalles last week sacrificed a The lights were lowered and in the sponse comes by February 1st, the merchants, farmers, office holders j used rough and profane language illustrated periodical for the home. Among did guished contributor«, and in its vast army results of enterprises undertaken l.y j of readers. In special lines it draw« uii grand opportunity to let the country interfere in our domestic affairs. i darkness over 2000 students viewed project will have to be abandoned. and clerks. There are 13.000 China 1 and passed on. Another man picked the the publishers, there will appear during highest <»rder of talent, the men U-t know how Oregon democracy stands Such a right could be conferred upon the workings of a man’s inside “Eastern Oregon cannot be sold men. This would make, including | her up and spoke kindly to her. the year superbly illustrated papers on I i the fitted bv ]Hedti«n and training to treat the him by an act of this government, India, by Edwin Lord Weeks, <»u the Jap- on most of the living issues aud ■ leading topics of the day. In llction the through the transparency the light for enough money to pay its indebt­ women, children, Chinamen, mer­ ane.-6 Seasons by Alfred Parsons, on Ger­ most popular story writers contribute to itj events of current interest. It is im­ and by that alone, or it eould be ac­ created in the abdominal wall. The edness,” writes M. V. Rork to the chants, farmers, etc., 238,000. Now. many bv Poultney Bigelow, on Paris by columi s »Superb drawings by the fore­ Harding Davis, ami on Mexico by ; most artists illustrate its special articles, possible to tell from the resolutions quired by conquest. This I under­ experiment has heretofore becu re­ Portland Telegram. The gentleman then, if two-thirds are out of work, THE WAY OUT Richard Frederic Remington. its stories, ami every notable event of pub­ of wonnin’s troubles is Among thr other notable features of the lic interest; it contains portraits oi thtt is mistaken. He has a penchant for there would be 22,000 men, all the formulated whether it prefers pro­ stand to be American doctrine, con- garded as an impossibility. with Doctor Pierce’s year will l>e novels by (Foi-ze du Matirier i distinrubhed men and women who are spiciously announced from time to tection on the plan of the Wilson bill Favorite Prescription. and 1 hartes Dudley Warner, ihu. personal i making the history oi' the time, while For the opening of the midwinter exaggeration, and unless soon taken women and children, all the poor Safely and certainly, ev­ reminiscences of W. D. Howells, ami eight special attention is riven to the army and to McKinley protection or not. We time by the authorities of vour gov­ fair on the 20th it has been arranged from the field will soon do the popu-1 Chinamen and 17,000 merchants, ery delicate weakness, short stories of Western frontier life by navy, amateur spoil, ami musi.* and the rather suspect not or it would have ernment.” I that Mayor Ellert will speak for the lists much harm as well as the state farmers, clerks and officers. My derangement, and dis­ Owen Wister. Short stories will also be drama, by diitingui-hed experts In a Dole then touches upon Blount’s al­ city and M. H de Young for the generally.— Polk Observer. endorsed the measure now before ease peculiar to the sex contributed by Brander Matthews, Rich- 1 word. Harper .s Weekly combines the news dear Sylvester, you seem to be short ard Harding DatK Mary E. Wilkins, Ruth features of the daily paper ami the artistic is permanently cured. congress. It failed also to make any leged ex parte investigation, and fair. General Barnes wiil deliver McEnery Stuart, Miss L iwrence Alma Ta- amt literary and irregularities, peri­ WEEKLY 4 <«• osition of the president of the United ' ment will be fired by the artillery. good evidence of such a war, while the June election, which was prob­ or’s recent letter to Cleveland l*«-r Yenr; odical pains, displace­ BAZA R................. 4 HO ments, Internal inflam­ HARPER’S MAGAZINE .... States that it should surrender its In the procession will be included the audience almost unanimously ably’ your object in writing it 9 <0 YOUNG PEOPLE ....»4 4M» mation or ulceration, bearing-down HARPER’S WEEKLY ... 00 4 T he spectacle of the president of authority to the ex-queen. This an­ the National Guard, fraternal socie­ voted the other way. sensations and kindred ailments, if it HARPER’S BAZAR in the 4 the United States negotiating am­ swer is made not only upon the ties and man}' organizations of vari­ ever fails to benefit or cure, you have HARPER’S YOI’N’G PEOPLE FllOH THE COI M V PRESS, 2 00 Clarence L. Gowell, a Toledo citi ­ your money back. nesty for the Hawaiian patriots, at grounds hereinbefore set forth, but ous sorts, making up probably the I Postage free to ull subscribers in the Newberg Graphic. So certain to cure every case of Catarrh is I United States, Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly la-gin with the hands of the barbarous wench, upon our sense of duty and loyalty to largest demonstration yet seen in zen . has addressed an open letter to Dr. Sage ’ s Catarrh Remedy that its proprie ­ the tn st number for January of each year. Gov. Pennoyer, suggesting that the The general report is that there tors make you this offer : ’• If you can’t be who at first demanded their heads the brave men whose commissions San Francisco \\ hen no time is mentiom*<'l. ;ubscriptioi s purchase by the state of the Oregon are more strangers in the country cured, permanently,we’ll pay you $5Ü0 cash." The Volumes of the Magazine begin with will begin with the numlaer current at lire aud the confiscation of their proper­ we hold, who have faithfully stood time of receipt ol order Governor Frank L. Jackson of Pacific railroad and its extension to looking with a view of investing than the numbers for June anil December of ty as one of the conditions of her by us in the hour of trial, and whose each year. When no time is mentioned Bound Volumes of Harper’s Weekly for Iowa was inaugurated on the 11th. Snake river, would be a panacea for for several months past. ¿TCH a NG FLI.E3 known by molatui ? ubscription» will begin with the number three years back, in ueat cloth binding, will restoration, is the worst outrage will is the only earthly authority to pei Aplraiion, cause luteusu itchin> HAVE like be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express As in case of Gov. McKinley, the the paralyzed condition of business, when warm This form aud Bl ITwD i urrent at the time of receipt of order. upon Christian civilization that has be recognized. Wo cannot betray At the annual meeting of the BLBED1NQ or PHOTRUDINQ PXI.E.. Bound volumes of Ha per'? Magazine for free of expense i provided the freight does YOU demonstration was slight. In the and result in elevating his majesty YIELD AT ONCE TO three years back, in neat cloth binding, will not exceed one dollar per volume;, tor stock holders of the Newberg Fair been witnessed. If amnesty was a the sacred trust they have placed iu OH. eo SAPM K0 S PILE RfMFtlY, ' be sent by mail post-paid, on receipt of tf3 per volume. course of his address Governor Jack to the U. S. senate. acts directly on parts affected question to be considered at all it our hands, a trust which is thecause | Association, held on last Monday, J. GOT which /’loth Case - for ca< h volume, suitable for absorbs tumors, allaysitohlug effecting per volume. Cloth cases, for bitiding, 50 son touched on a number of national binding, will be sent bv mail, post-paid, on cure. Price 5Oc. Druggwte cents each—by mail, post-paid. Bush, of the Ladd & Bush bank, L. Hoskins, N. C. Christenson, Wm. PUES a cr permanent was on the other side. The provis­ of Christian civilization in the inter­ mail. Dr. Boaanko. Philadelphia, P a . Remittances should be made l»y po«totllce receipt of $1 each topics. He declared the stability at Salem, has purchased a magazine Stratton, D. Tallman and N. C. Mar­ Remittances should be made by post­ money order or draft, to avoid chance of ional government would have been ests of the whole people of these is­ and perpetuation of the republic I Winchester shotgun for use in his office money order or draft, lo aroid'chanea GUHN'S loss. is were elected as a board of direct­ amply justified in hanging this de­ lands.” Newspapers are not to copy this adver­ of loss Newspapers an not to copy this improved tisement without tiie express order of Har­ advertisement without the express order to It is to ors. The only change made in the I scendant of cannibal chiefs for enter­ The remainder of the correspond­ depended on the intelligence of its bank in case of necessity. I Harper A Brothers. per At Brothers. common people. To this end the la­ be loaded with buck-shot, and the board from that of last year was the i ing into a conspiracy with Grover ence consists of dispatches from Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Address HARPER A P.ROTHERS, borer must have wages enough to magazine will hold six shells. The New York New York. election of N. C. Maris in the place I Cleveland for its overthrow, and it Minister Willis, which are for the enable him to educate his children. I barrel is to be cut off eighteen inch- of N. C. Armstrong who said he was would be amply justified in hanging most part reports of events in Hon­ * This lie could not do under the for­ ' es, so that the weapon will be handy so situated that he could not well Mr. Cleveland along with her if it olulu, of which the public is fully eign wage scale. On this basis he for instant use against visitors of ONLY ONE serve on the board the coming year. , could catch him on Hawaiian soil The informed. The dispatche from Wil­ argued in favor of a protective tariff. Mett sower Las no the James type. The directors elected J. L. Hoskins , FOR A DOSE m/T/7 second chance. If NjjSSk lis of November 16, withheld by the Touching the money of the country, iff/// you would at first sue- \ of section 35 in Professor Wilson would propose a governing our schools authorize our taken sick shortly after her trial, it. The machine will be worked by I township four i4) south of range six .6, west ol der that there may be no misun­ ' tbe Willamette meridian, in said county and change from protection with high ; teachers to require these excuses, and Waseca, Minn., Nov. 25, 1890. With so wide a ; they ehould adhere strictly to the rules. : state, containing 53 32 lu res and also lot three <3) derstanding. and was sent to a hospital, where horse power. wages to protection with low wages?” ! of section thirty-five (35) In T 4 S R. 6 W of tbe M e . N orman I. icuty , Des Moines, la. margin between the cash in ad­ L. II. B aker , Principal. she died a few months ago. In Bow­ Willamette meridian in sal i county and state Dear Sir:—Please send tw at the earli­ containing 32 02 acre-, and also the follow' vance and credit system, it is not “Just twenty-five years ago the Sheridan Sun. ker’s first trial the jury disagreed. ------■ > a ■ e------ lowing described real premises, to-wit est one carton Krause’s Headache Cap­ national platform of the democratic Walter McCune was elected city Tbe donation land claim of G P R Atterbury probable that any will desire His conviction in the second trial 9oOU KE4VAR1» Mary E Atterbury, his wife notification No sules. We can't run the machine with ­ party demanded the ‘simplification marshal by the council last Thurs­ and 1772 in T. 4 S. Ii 6 W, ot the Willamette meridian to continue very long under the old for any trace of Antipyrine, Morphine, out them. Send at once, as we are out, was largelj' due to Mrs. Van s depo­ in Yambill county, state of Oregon containing of tbe system and discontinuance of Chloral, or any other injurious com- and oblige. please. sition, in which she gave consider­ day night, vice Wm. Dinsmoor re­ 320 acres, excepting two acres sold to I Agee and method of •Z 1 pay J when v V ,you */ W y/lvUOtj. Yours Truly, wife and six acres sold to J Agee, aud that said inquisitorial modes of assessing and I pound in Krause’s Headache Capsules. able damaging evidence not before signed. Sausages ot All Kinds a Specialty. SVDDVTH & PRESTON. lands will be sold to satisfy said writ of execution but will avail themselves of the ------- . ... . . J collecting internal revenue, That | 2a cts. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole first opportunity to place the score ___ Last Sunday night about 7 o'clock Dated. January loth. 18sH. w. l . warren , Highest cash price for dressed Meats. Hides For sale by Bogers Bros., sole agents, adduced. The penalty for the crime _ _ and Poultry Market south side of Third Street, referred to the income tax law. at agents, McMinnville. Sheriff of said Yambill Couutv. Oregon McMinnville, on the other side. as the daughter of Rev. O. B. Whit- is from one to fifteen years. 1 between band E. F. H. BARNHART, Great Annual Clearance ■I Sale ! C ommencing J anuary 12 AND RUNNING 30 DAYS. All Other Goods Greatly Reduced. from $2 and $3 50 A. J. APPERSOJM ^LIVER P/LLS CITY BATHS FERRY’S ' SEEDS. * WE HAVE * Cabinets, and other Book Cases, Furniture in Sideboards, Great Variety, Bedroom Suits, Portland BURNS & DANIELS & Fresh & Cured Meats.