\ OL. XXIX Entered at the Pestoffice in McMinnville, ecou'l claw matter. M MINNVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1894 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 82.00 PER YEAR. One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents. expires. Wbat killed him? Too many doctors. And that is what is Highest of all in Leavening Power — Latest U S. Gov’t Report. After making a personal contribu­ killing our national finances. My tion to the poor of New York city of 3 boo pounds of meat and 2,000 loaves personal friends, Cleveland and liar ' of bread, Dr. Talmage preached an rison and Carlisle and McKinley and Sherman, as talented and lovely and appropriate sermon on the text, ’ Ye splendid men as walk the earth, all j have the poor always with you.” good doctors, but their treatment of Some of the causes given aie as fol­ our languishing finances is so differ­ lows: ent that neither treatment has a full The first reason we have always opportunity, and under the constant the poor with us is because of the tor Infants and Children changes it is simply wonderful that perpetual overhauling of the tariff the nation still lives. The tariff question, or, as I shall call it, the H1RTY pir«' observation of Castori* with tho patrona,..* et question will never be settled be­ tariffic controversy. There is a need million'» of person», permit nt to speak <»f it -w ithout guessing. cause of the fact, which I have never prayed, and as rhe prayed she listened. for such a word, and so I shall take THE MUSIC IN ÖUrt BLOCK. heard any* one recognize, but. never I It is an(|aostionaLly th* bc«t r*mody for Infants and Children At first there were wrathful cries aud the responsibility of manufacturing theless.the fact that high tariff is best i have heard the cheers of natioos over ecv- heavy following treads. Then these laded tho world has ever known. It is harmloMN. Children like it. It it. There are millions of people who blems and orations, are expecting that the present con­ for some people and free trade is best I have heard the yells of brokers in their hub» »way, and with the silence came reasauw give* Eltens health. It will save their lives, fa it Mother, have for others. This tariffic controversy bub on Exchange; gress of the United States will do something which 1« absolutely rafe a nd practi—lly perfee t ae a tarried at camp meetings, ’mid aiuens auce. She was safe. Perhaps her danger keeps busiuess struck through with I have and had never been real. Bnt, ob. Low fright­ loud eutreating“, something one wav or the other to child's medicine. uncertainty, and that uncertainty And have listened to the warcry of Lig Injun» ened she was, and, oh, how hard she strug­ end this discussion. But it will at short range. gled on' A great sorrow for Lt-rself en­ Castori a d sitrop Worm. results in poverty aud wretchedness thralled her—such a pour, frail, little thing never end When I was 5 years of I have walked where snorers slumbered, lixed for a vast multitude of people. If alone iu tbe gloomy wood ! But was she Castorio allays feverishness. with lunatics unnumbered, age I remember hearing my father the eternal gab on this subject could And have listened to the ocean as it lashed a alone? O God, into w hat evil had she rash Castoria prevents vomitine Soar Curd. and his neighbors in vehement dis­ ed? For as sLe turned a bend that led shore of rock; have been fashioned into loaves of But these noises altogether, made by mau and through a veritable thicket from cither Castorio cures Diarrhcea end Wind Colic. cussion of this very question. It beast and weather, side a burly form sprang out and seized her. bread there would not be a hungry was high tariff or low tariff or no Are as nothing to the racket every day with­ Castorio relieves Teething Troubles. Thou Winnie screamed — she who bad man or woman or child on all the in our block. ever ridiculed such weakness—a thrilliug, tariff at all. When your great- (’ustoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. planet. To the end of time, the There are kids of all dimensions, screeching, piercing cry that asserted its potency. For, grandchild dies at ninety years of uh, there was an answering shout—such a yelling their intentions; Caatoria nentraUM* the effects of cnrbon'o ■nil gaa or poisonous air. words of the text will be kept true There are women bawling madly from the brave, manly huzza—the dash of rapid age it will probably be from over- by the tariffic controversy: “Ye have Caaloria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. windows to the same; feet, a fierce thrust, a violent fall, a stal exertion in discussing the tariff. On There are scissors grinders ringing, there are wart blow, and some one grasped her baud. the poor always with you.” Caatoria a-ialmilata» tha food, reurnJat«' tho atomaeh and loiwola, would be artists singing. the day the world is destroyed there “Can you run?” asked this some one. Another cause of perpetual poverty And the boarding house pianos would put “Yes, yes!” gasped the girl. glïlnR h«aHhy and natural .leap. will be three men standing on the bedlam quite to shame. is the cause alcoholic. The victim “Come on, then, for your life!” And poet office steps — one a high tariff Castorio, is put up in kottlo«* o^sly. it is not su’d are trucks forever rolling, there are feet down the road fled the intellectual Miss does not last long. He soon crouches There forever strolling; Driscoll, clinging with the grip of terror man, another a low tariff man, and into the drunkard’s grave. But what There are rag men shrilly calling with a to a strange man. the other a free trade man — each one never ceasing zest; thot it I k “ ju*t as pond ” and “ will answer every purpose.” Ab, but he could run, could this un about his wife and children? She But the huckster with Lis apples, cauliflower red in the face from excited argu­ kuowu! Even his great assisting strength, and cabbage, grapples takes in washing when she can get See that yon irot C* A-S*T-O-R*I-A. For the foremost place of honor and pro­ even the impulse of the aveugers behind, ment on this subject. Other ques­ it, or goes out working on small could scarce give equality to Winnie's feet. ceeds to down the rest. tions may get settled, the Mormon 1. on rvory —Lurana W. Sheldon in New’ York Sun. Aud yet she bad Iteeu so- reliant on her The fiic-Jmllo wages, because sorrow and priva­ physical training! All, but she had never question, the silver question, the n-rapn. . . ■ içnature <>f tion have left her incapacitated to do been prepared against tbe tremors of such pension question, the civil service an emergency. Sho had never dreamed ’ a strong woman’s work. The chil­ question. All questions of annexa­ that such depravity could exist, much less dren are thin-blooded, and gaunt, dare to maintain its mysterious horrors. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Cantoria tion may come to a peaceful settle­ When Miss Winifred Driscoll left tilo Never again would she boast of her inde­ and pale, and weak, standing around ment by the annexation of islands western university where her education pendence. If this masculine strength in cold rooms, or pitching pennies had been completed she realized that she would only suffice to drag her into safety, two weeks’ voyage away and the on the street corners, and munching merely had learned what she wished to well content would she be to cling to it fur heat of their volcanoes conveyed, a slice of unbuttered bread when know. The acquisition of this knowledge the remainder of her lite Her heart swell was to be the purpose of her future life. through pipes under the sea, made within her throat Her limbs shook they can get it, sworn at by passers­ Among the many well fixed ideas in her ed and faltered. Connected thoughts desert­ useful in warming our continent, or very clever little mind the best fixed was by because they do not get out of the ed her. She was merely conscious of flgLt- annexation of the moon, dethroning her ability to care fur und direct herself. iug through the darkness against the clog way, kicked onward toward man­ She was independent of intellect, which of her own w eakness On, on she dragged the Queen of Night, who is said to hood or womanhood, for which they she worshiped, and of body, which she af was dragged, up hills and over plains, QUINCY, MASS., be dissolute, and bringing the popu­ have no preparation except a de fected to despise. There was no reason and until a curve sent a sudden flash of light. why she should not become a Ilypatia- Wholesale and Retail Healers in lations under the influence of our Her comrade gave an exultant shout and praved appetite and frail constitu­ if Hypatia was beautiful. raised her in his arms as she staggered free institutions; vea. all other ques­ tion, candidates for alms house and even True, there was Ler guardian. Amos Then on aud on in a final burst until he —McMinnville, Oregon.— tions. national and international, penitentiary. —it was to his home In the east­ bore her fainting into tbe hotel. It was Whatever other Grantley metropolis whither she was now bound tbe following day when Winnie regained may be settled, but this tariff ques- causes of poverty may fail, the sa- ern — but so loug as she did not exceed her al­ her identity. A motherly looking woman Paid up 4 apilai, $50,000 tion, never. It will not only never loon may be depended on to furnish lowance he would never interfere with her stood by her bedside, assuring her of her Transacts a General Banking Business. be settled, but it can never be mod- the ever-increasing throng of pau- plans. As for his wife and daughter, they safety aud of her speedy recovery from ex­ treated her with that deferent affectiou ertion and fright. And indeed the girl’s eratelv quiet for more than three I pars. Oh, ye grog shops of Brook­ which a prodigy intuitively demands. strong vitality asserted itself, aud in se­ Prenident, - J. II ffOIF/oS. years at a time, each party getting lyn and New York, and of all the Mis3 Driscoll’s itinerary took her over a curity she shook off the effects of her ad Fire {‘resident, • I.EE LA POU EIN. little traveled road through a sparsely in ­ AND AI.L KINDS OF venture as one rejects the remembrance t'aihirr. . E. ('. APPKKSON into power taking one of the four cities. Ye mouths of hell, when will habited country. There were but few pas­ Asst, t’a.kwr IF. -S. LINK nightmare One particular, however, years to fix it up, and then the next ye cease to craunch and devour? sengers in the car with her—indeed there of she cherished, aud that tenderly. CEMETERY seemed but few on the train, judging from party will fix it down. “But that young mau who aided me?” There is no danger of this liquor bus­ leisure which the negro potters found she asked. “Where is he?” Board of Directors: FURNISHINGS Our finances can not get well be­ iness failing. All other styles of the for card playing and reveling in a rear “Him is it?” replied tho landlady. “A J. W. ('OWLFM. LEE LAUGHLIN, cause of too many doctors, lt is business at times fail. Dry goods section. For some reason they were un­ proper young gentleman, to be sure, so I A J. AJFEKSON WM .CAMPBELL. J L KOGEK*. ruly and boisterous, but Winnie didn’t anxious and so liberal He had the whole with sick nations as with sick indi­ stores go under. Hardware stores mind their conduct, for she iguored it. house aroused in your service. But when viduals. Here is a man terribly dis ­ sell Sight Exchange »nd Telegraphic Trans go under. Grocery stores go under. She boro with her a folio work on pbile- ! the physician said you would be all right All work fully guaranteed to give perfect satis­ ter. on New York. San Franaixco and Portland. faction. Refers by permission to Win Me Chris­ ordered as to his body. A doctor is nd it was au tegis against distrac . after a sleep, v. by, hu rode away to tbe Harnessmakers fail, druggists fail, opliy, i As Iteposita rei-eived subject to cheek. Interest paid man, Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows. for the lack of society, she was county seat, where, it seems, he had lm on Tune lietMwils. loans muney on approved called in and he administers a febri­ bankers fail, butchers fail, bakers tion. vastly pleased. People who have never portaut business.” se. urity. t'oilei tiun» made on all accosaib’.e Holl’s Old Jowvolry Stand, 3d Street. fuge, a spoonful every hour. But point... 'But his name?" Winnie faltered. fail, confectioners fail, but the liquor written surely could not compare with “Lord love you, miss, be didn’t leave recovery is postponed, and tbe anx­ i dealers never. It is the only secure those who bad. Coquetry was boyond her litany. She needed uo deliverance from it. uo name. lie was that hurried, aud we IF YOU WANT F1HST-CLASS ious friends call iu another doctor, business I know of. Why the per­ The modern youug mau she contemned as was that flustrated, aud him so ready aud JOHN F. DERBY, j and he says: “What this patient manence of the alcoholic trade? the shadow of an idea). Had hers been free with his money!” the days of Wallace or Nelson, or even Winnie sighed and grew thoughtful, but needs is biood letting; now roll up ------ OR OTHER------ Proprietor of The McMinnville Because in the first place the men in Ellsworth, she might have deemed love a Ler thoughts were not of her book. your sleeve!'' and the lancet flashes. that business, if tight up for money, subject worthy of mature deliberation. “You had this 'ere clinched iu your lit NDRSERY STOCK AT LOWEST FlBliRES But still recovery is postponed, and But as it was she was skeptical of its ex hand,” continued the matron, produc only have to put into large quanti- istence and contemptuous of its nature if tie ing an antique intaglio ring. Winnie Write us for Special Prices. Catalogue 1 a homeopathic doctor is called in, . ties of water more strychnine and it did exist. blushed ns she furtively but vainly exam Mailed Free. and he administers some small pel- i logwood and nux vomica and vitriol There was c young man on her very car ined it iu search of an inscription Then situated at lhe Southwest corner of the Fair unobjectionable, unassuming young she placed it on her ringer and w.th ferni- 1 fir >unds. Corvallis Nursery Co., i lets, and says: "All the patient ' and other congenial concomitants an mau apparently, since be kept his seat and nine craft soon had tbe worthy w oman eu 4lui3 C orvallis, Oregon 1 ' wants is rest.” Recovery still post- All sizes df first-class Drain Tile kept constantly j tor adulteration. One quart of the also read. That was rigid. It would be grossed iu personal remiuiseiuces. on tuiiid at lowest living price«. It was a month later that throughout ' poned. the family says that small real genuine pandemoniac elixir will hypercritical to blame him for being where he donbtless bad a right to be. guardiau s home there was a pleasura OREGON M. MINN’VILLE, ■ pellets can not amount to much anv- do to mix up with several gallons of Therefore let hint go into oblivion with Ler ble excitement, which seemed silly to Win Winnie did not even trouble lite. Tbe idea of such a fuss being made , how, and au allopathic doctor is milder damnation. Besides that, tbe porters. for it would have been a trouble, over the entertainment of an old woman GOl'CHKR called in, and he says: "What this j these dealers can depend on an in­ herself, to scan his face. For one thing, she was aud her sou at dinner! They were not even I patient wants is calomel and jalap. ' crease of demand on the part of their nearsighted — a defect which gave a strangers effher, for Mrs. Neames was tbe PROPRIETORS Calhreath 4 Goucher Recovery still postponed, a hydro- customers. The more of that stuff dreamy chartu to her eyes—for another, widow of her guardian's former partner she was quite too interested to risk losing and still retained a share iu the business, | pathic doctor is called in, and he they drink, the thirstier they are. her place. »»HV.41CIANH AND SURGEONS and Ambrose, the son—what a ridiculous |3ays; "What this patient wants is Hard times, which stop other busi­ One day in the loneliest part of this name, reminding one of hair oil!—was his «E L ine Tû I AME When the porter roughly announced that pitable cares. Her companion at dinner careful handling guaranteed. Collections ! will prove true in the perpetual pov- | “those who wanted to eat had better up doubtless thought her taciturn, but then will lie inaile monthly. Hauling of all mother furnished a ready excuse. The | ertv of the world is the wicked spirit stump lively to the hotel, a mile distant bis iowti the crossroad,” she shrugged her old lady was discursive and on a subject, kinds done cheap. STRONG MENTAL ■ of improvidence. I have known men shoulders and said she wasn't hungry, too, which might have proved embarrass­ NERVES ENERGY ; who have had an income of S3,000, thus proving her allegiance to the state of ing to a more resolute appearing young XV. J. CLAHK, D.D S ; s'4,000, $5 000 a year, who did not pupilage, aud resumed her reading. T he mau, but Ambrose merely smiled affably. It is the Dining Cat' Honte. Graduate l idveraity of Mich. ! leave one farthing to the survivors rest of the company—two fat and selfish She discoursed ou the tantrums of his childhood, the misdemeanors of his youth It runs throiujh Vealibuled | household. Now that man's death middle aged men, intent ou cocktails; an and tbe failings of his maturity and ascrib­ couple with an irritable grandchild arsaparilla is a defalcation, an outrage, a swin- old Has opened an <>rt»re m I iiion bl.-. . K-om 6 Ti «ins to aud tbe modest young man—departed. ed great credit to her watchfulness that ■ 1.4 Is prepared t.’do all »ort in th« dental line die. He did not die; he absconded. None of them heeded Ler except this lat­ he was uo worse than he was. j 1 _ S. P. S mith , of Towandtt, Pa., CHICAGO There are a hundred thousand peo­ ter, a bo advanced and hesitated and stop- “I keep the reins pretty tigLt yet,” con CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. ■ i PAUL IE ■ - . 1 • whose constitution was completely ple in America to-day a-hungered I ped, e.nd then, discouraged by her indiffer- tinued Mrs. Neames. “No night key, uo LAUST METHOD Of PAIHLtS» EXTRACTION cigars or cards—a strict reckoning of ev­ broken down, is cured by Ayer’s through the sin of improvidence. , enee, went-his way. < vLt i '■ seJ " f D f.V/yG 0*4 /‘S u neu rpassed. J So the girl was left alone, as she thought, ery cent expended.” /7 £/.W.k\ D/MH7.VG RdQM SLEEE Sarsaparilla. He writes: SUBMISSION National Bank E. J. Qualey & Co GRANITE MONUMENTS FRUIT TREES TILE FACTORY, CITY MARKET HARNESS ! Truck and Dray Go. NORTHERN PACIFIC _ S EUS of latest equipment. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE. GATES & HENRY, Props TOUQIST SLEEPINC CARS Rrns art FREE and furnished for holders rf first and second-class tickets, and ELECANT DAY COACHES. A continuous line, connecting w ith all lines, af fording direct and uninterrupted service. Pull E Street, north of Third. Even thing New and man Sleeper reservations c*»n be secured in ad- Fir-t-clas- < onvevsiu-e of Commerciai trave! vant e through any agent of the road. era a «mciah} Board »nd rubilo» by tbe day or We solicit a fair share ot tbe local pat THROUGH TICKETS m and from alipointaln America. England and Europe, at any ticket office of this road. |_RANK ROECA, ash Full infurmatinn concerning rules, time oi trams, routes and other detail* furnished on ap­ plication to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. One Door West of Cigar Store, mcmixnvillí :. or . No 121 First Street Comer Washington. I FORTLAND, OR AYER’S “ For eight year’, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa­ tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges­ tion, so that my < onstitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results tiiat nty stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con­ dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I liegun taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now cau brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could see me be­ fore ar.il after nsing, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. 1 be lieve this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market ro-day.” • Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M am . Cures others,will cure you S tate of O hio . C itv of T oledo , L ucas C ounty , i j S3. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is 1 the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney i Co., doing business in the city , of Toledo, county aud state aforesaid, and that said firm uill pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F rank J. C heney . Sworn to liefore me and subscri!>ed in my presence, this fitli day of December, A. It. 18S6. A. VV. G lkason , Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken infernal­ ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo, O. jt£?“Sold by druggist ■nd the lights blinked aud glimmered, and the night came down, not darkly, but like a mountain mist. From the wood is­ sued the murmur of insects und the ripple of a brook, a lulling sound of which she was conscious, as ono W'ho listens to sing- iug is conscious of an unobtrusive accom­ paniment. But of a sudden her thoughts leaped from the page to herself—her phys­ ical self, now revealed as a shrine most precious, most sacred. Within that peace­ ful lullaby other sounds were obtruding, faint indeed, but awesome from their very obscurity. Was there not a stealthy step? Oh, was there not a stifled breathiug4 Winnie sprang to her feet and looked about. She caught one glimpse of a dark, crouching form, one gleam from wickedly gloweriDg eyes. She flung her heavy vol­ ume full in the wretch's faco and then sped through the car to the ground and alcng the road. The way was winding, threading the wood with the eccentricity of embroidery. In the west the twilight struck on a glit­ tering object high in the air. It was tbe ball on the flagstaff of the hotel, and to Wipnie a s*'ar of hope. As she rjr. sl.a “But we all lean on Ambrose iu the of flee,” ventured Mr. Grantley. “ I know. We talk business over every night, and I tell him what to do.” Wiunie studied the youug man beneath her glasses. Was he not ashamed when even she, a stranger, could blush for him? Apparently not at all. He seemed to glory in his subjection, now and again agree­ ing, “Yes, mother, I don't know how I could get along without your advice,” and all the while doing ample justice to the viands. What insensibility! Wbat igno­ rance of the rights and privileges of glori­ ous manhood I Alas, there were uo longer any men, or if there were they came and disappeared like veritable gods! The anxious mother kept her eyes sharp­ ly engaged with her son’s conduct. When champagne was served, she cried out to the butler, “Mind, only a half glass tor that boy,” and then, ■•Fill it with water, Ambrose.” And Ambrose smilingly obey­ ed, while tho butler nearly dropped the cooler in consternation, and Winnie's high­ ly intelligent uo»« expressed its highest degree of contempt. ble on account of his defects. Well, it was remarkable for a modern young man to oven attain distinction in this line: Why didn’t he talk? Because she was reserved that didu’t excuse him from his obligation of attention. But no, he seemed thorough­ ly content to smirk and gorge aud say ‘‘Yes, mamma,” aud “No, mamma, a roundabout having an outing. At length Mrs. Grantley’s signal gave a welcome relief, which faded before n shock, for as Ambrose Neames bowed and drew back her chair be whispered to Win­ nie with an undeniable air of tenderness: “Only for a few moments Our memories share a responsive chord, you know, which will draw me to you." Was the mau daft or simply aud naturally insolent? Win nie’s head was proud indeed. Her dreamy eyes flashed angrily as she replied: “Chord!" she repeated flippautly. “ ’Tis apron string you mean.” Iu the drawing room Mrs. Neantes, to further exemplify her strength of charac­ ter, went to sleep without any dissembling This gave Winnie a chance to gratify her curiosity, which, regardless of her iu difference, had become exigent. “Tell me, auntie,” she asked, “why does that young mau—why does every one defer eo ridiculously to her?” “Hush, nty child,” said Mrs. Grantley. “Why, don’t you know? Sb« is liable to heart stroke aud must Ire saved front any excitement. Such filial submission in a great, strong man seems noble to me.” After this explanation Winnie retired to a corner and pondered. Nor did she emerge therefrom until the guest aroused with a start and forthwith talked vociferously, as if continuing an animated couversu tion. Then she sprang to the old lady’s side aud attended upon her with eurpris ing gentleness. Mrs. Nannies, however, did not make such responses as this con sideratiun merited. She seemed preoccu pied. Her gaze was fixed—fixed with a glare on the youug girl’s hand. Finally she spoke, and her voice might Lave em­ bellished any one of the fates. “Where did yon get my sou’s ring?” she asked. “ Please, ma'am, he left It with me— that is, I borrowed it, just to look at, you know,” stammered tho discomfited Win­ nie as she incontinently retreated into bet corne" How her cheeks burned, and how her heart thumped, even as it had during that terrible racel She felt as if every eye rested on her with suspicion. Oh, what should Elie de? Surely they—surely be would understand that she had not known that her intense grip bed removed and re­ strained the ring. She would explain, but how would she dare face him after her dis­ dain? Ah, there lay th« sting! No on« for an instant would doubt her story, but would he not despise her nature? Then was lifo forever after an impenetrable gloom! If this brown, subdued, demure young man was the hero of her dreams, who had diverted every impulse of her soul during the past mouth, then ho was uo longer brown aud subdued and demure, but altogether glorious aud worshipful. And what, a miserable little fool she bad been not to perceive it I Granted that she was near sighted, a blind person of any dis cernment must have recognized at once bis grand personality. Had she, then, sin ned beyond forgiveness? No. Surely one so noble would ignoru her flippancy, even as the lion scorns the yelping of a jackal. But. was such forgiveness v. hat she craved? Ab, fluttering heart, even to thyself thou dost not confess thy desires! There were pleasant sounds of laugh­ ter, and the men entered Winnie watched Ambrose Neames with eyes of adulation. How gentle, how gallant he was—so cou «¡derate toward bis mother, so courteous toward his entertainers' AL, modesty was the only panoply befitting a knight with out fear or shame! A great gratitude swelled within the girl and overmastered every other emotion. He Lad risked Lis life to save Ler, a stranger, from worse than death. No con ventioual scruple should restrain the expression of berappreciatfon With a gesture which seemed imperious, because it was impatient, she called him to her side. “Shall we sound that chord, Miss Dris­ coll?” he began gayly. “Or do you tbiuk that so dull a slave can have no thought save of slavery?” “Oh. don't—pray don't! " Winnie plead­ ed. “Forgive me. I didu’t recognize you. Ob, you were so good!” Aud before he could comprehend or stay the emotion she bent and kissed his hand. Ambrose Neames flushed aud flamed with passion. No one surely could deem him a brown, subdued aud demure young man, aud least of all could Winnie. He seemed a god manifesting his divinity. “I would rather have died than have had you do that,” ba cried. “I am the one to worship—to worship you forever. Can't you feel—don't yon know that from the instant 1 saw you I have loved you?” WinDie sighed—ob, so tenderly! “Ambrose,” she murmured, “Ambrose —what a dear name!” At this juucture there was a sharp, dis cordant interruption “My son,” rasped Mrs. Neames’ voice, “that young miss there has your grand­ father's ring, which you said you bad lest!” “Yes,” whispered th« girl,“! have your ring, and—and 1 11 keep it if you like.”— New York Times. NO Aa old an the hills auy all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or madeintoa tea. Bette) 77w Pills The King of Liver Medicines. “ 1 have used yourSlinmons Liver Reffii- inh'1 and can conseieiiciouahr aa> it hi um king of all liver medicines, 1 consider It a medicine chest in itself.—GEu. W. J ack * son , Tacoma, Washington. CrEVEKY PACKAGE «« Has the Z Stamp in red *»n wrapper. DULL MONOTONY IN FOOD. li Will Eventually Result lu lianl.hlug Appetite and GMHtrunouiie Comfort. Nowhere do we need more change than xu our diet. Tbe law that makes boiled truttou days and rice pudding days of tbu domestic calendar is the worst of laws. Because it is easier for the cook to know what to expect home from the market each morning is no reasonable excuse for cling­ ing to a certain routine iu food with the regularity of a state’s prison or an alms­ house A united family is more to be re­ garded than one cook. Monotony is dry rust upon interest in any branch of the home, whether it is a matter of furnish­ ing, of diet er of toilet. If interest is gone in tbe menu aud one eats merely to satis­ fy hunger, loss of appetite and dyspepsia come to the fore. Nutritious food, weli cooked food and a variety in food are three necessary adjuncts to gastronomic comfort. By variety is not meant here all the products of a large market at every meal. The present elegant simplicity that has weeded out the old tangled mass of side dishes from the national boHrd is certain­ ly more dainty and mure apprizing than our former profusion. The question is merely one of change. If we breakfast upon croquettes today, the chief piece da resistance tomorrow at the morning meal should be as far as possible removed from meat balls. Next to daintiness in serving, mystory is perhaps tbe most iinropular pit­ fall, meagerness. And strive to find new ways—good new ways—especially of cook­ ing meat and of making desserts. Mauy otherwise well regulated households vi­ brate between eight or ten meat recipes amt perhaps a dozen of desserts, whereas both these num Iters could easily l Kune. daily upon monotony are willfully slaving The jailer Las to resort to all sorts of their appetites.—Housekeeper. expedients at times to get inebriated pris­ oners to go quietly into the cellrcom. Of A Streak of Luck. course when a prisoner is helpless be is "The most remarkable streak of good carried in, but often he ¡3 only half drunk, luck I ever knew of in Abe horse racing he is quarrelsome or very particular, and business occurred to a prominent mer­ as it is not desired to use force to get such chant in Chicago,” said a well known a one behind the bars be is leu into the turfman. “A tout induced him to bet cellroom much as a child is coaxed to bed. ♦1,000 even money on a horse called Jim Not long ago ono of these eupersensitive Douglas, and the next day be was greatly gentlemen was brought in hardly able to worried, as bo was not a betting mau. stand. After he had been booked he was At that time $1,000 was a considerable invited into the jailrooni. Instead of ac­ sum to him. Going to the bookmaker, be cepting he sat down and declared bis un­ explained matters and told him bo wanted alterable determination not to go into the to know bow to get bis money back. The jug. He was assured he would have a bookmaker informed liim that the only good bed. He acknowledged that was so, way he could come out even was to bet but he said he objected to the character of another il,000 on the field against Jim the meals served. llo did this and thanked the ‘ Why,” said the jailer, “you are mis­ Douglas man for his advice. taken. In this jail we give the prisoners It happened that during that night Cap­ something just as good as they give the tain Sam Brow n added his horse Moua boarders at the Hotel Helena.” On this assurance the prisoner went into to the entries of this race. The race was the jail proper Just as the door was be run the next day, and Mona came in first, with Jim Douglas second. The busiueae ing closed he called out to the jailer: ‘•Say, wbat’s that you give same as Ho­ man had not only got back bis money, but had won 42,000 liesides, for both his tel Helena?” “Salt,” said the jailer as he slammed bets drew. The fact that Moua had not the door to and locked It.—Helena Inde­ been entered at the time he placed his money on Douglas made the latter just pendent. as good as first so far as bls bet was con­ cerned. Then, Moua having won the race Coloring Leather. Iu place of the ordinary method which and being the field, secured his second bet. has been pursued in the coloring of leather I tell you that is what we horsemen call —namely, first to tan the skins and then business man's luck. Such good fortune to dye them—a process has been brought would not happen to a professional bettor forw ard by a German inventor, by which, j in a thousand years. ’—Chicago Tribune. it is claimed, both time and labor are j William's Little Plan. economized—that is, briefly, instead of “I don’t want to injure no man’s busi­ first tanning the skins, as commonly prac­ ticed, this new system consists in placing ness, ” said Wandering William as he en­ them in the color bath, and after remain- ! tered the barroom aud leaned gracefully log there some 24 hours they are treated against the rail, “but I do think that there in the ordinary way with alum and salt. ought to be an investigation as to the true T’e preference claimed for this plan over character of the ingredients used iu mak­ that which is at present iu vogue is that it ing alcoholic liquors. I fear that there’s sa’*es the washing, treating with acid and adulterants being used. If that is so, the various methods resorted to for restor­ some one should let tbe public know to ing to the skiu the suppleness it loses by prctect them in the on« case or to reader them free from fear of barm iu the other. the washing. Now,” he continued, pulling a flat flask out of his pocket,“ for these reasons I shall Gias. Hou»ei. be willing to accept from you a small sam­ “Youthink you are bright,” said the ple of your best goods for the purpose of window pane to the mirror, “but you only subjecting it to analysis aud”------ give out some other one’s reflections.” “They’s ashes on the doorstep,’’said the “It is easy enough to see through you,” bartender kindly as he finished the ejec­ retorted the mirror. “You are envious of tion, “but ldbk out that you don’t slip «a ne because I have a coat to my back and the walk.”—Chicago Record. A singular youog mtg surelyvnoti?ea- rou haven’t.”—Indianapolis Journal. ' t L