poru Z F. H. B* F PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. and Indege. - X p'.e up thtre. Coyotes are 1 »heep by the d Revtn.e ’lotl'e« in local columna 10 renta per Polk county --B- - 'I . • -V I 2. The city schools opened after a line lor fint week and 5 cent* per line thereafter. sou 1-y th-' W R < DUpUy advertisement« annua! ratet, «me inch G F. Waller, a pioneer of 48, week’s holiday, with an enrollment of )«r monta »1 caca additional inch M) cents p» r 21. John M. Crawford returned taoath died in Monmouth Dec 24th, of la 409. Obituary and marriage notices not exceed.'ox a trip to Europe. 3. Mies Leia Vanetta died. lo linas pub!-.«trat free if temlshed tn ume to grippe, aged 64 years 24. The Carlton Dramatic Co. plaj^ le« currant-newa Additional matter V> cent- per C. A. O. U. tt. and D. of II. lodges The TouMzAawL is ¡1 new tvcekly 1 JUtc held a joint public installation and eup­ “Better than Goll.” how infa-.nv ii ' di - m J ; 1 ■s- I democratic paper started in Port­ per. The Foresters did the same. 24. Richard Cook died of paralysis. it fOCT at home?” We answer,« . o.S t \ on FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 18&4 land. It is after republican scalps. 25. Horse ehow held. Sixteen horses 7. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. U. He esfTlius. also in reply to the Its leader has the party by the neck, and three jacks exhibited. ■ It cost F. H Greenz >64.90 and Gortner celebrate with them their 30th Given to storm of-criticism which his circular and ali it knows to do or can do is to x , ; . : . . 1 26. Geo. Gibbens, near Dayton, lost T he bill for a bridge across the j V. P.oonett and F. P Harp >50.00 wedding anniversary. • I H v • •• I was troubled with liver complaiat and an- hits life by rushing into bis burning bouse has evoked, that it does not apply to ' follow. i.ivt. Ml I iwri'b. . jlargeuient of the spleen. At last I could not M. El:«-:-' Hudson between New York and Jer­ each at Albany for killing deer out of 9. Wm. VanBuekirk died. “ men who commit offenses against demo George A. Hibbard, Qiwitey walk ccross n;y r om, and took to my bed. a« 10. The McMinnville National bank to rescue his children whom he supposed sey city has passed both houses of season. Beanrepaire, Thomas Nelson Page amt BUT THE TOOTH CAME OUT. society,' but only to those whose idle ­ many thought, to die. I began to taka Hood ’» others. Articles on topics of current inter­ held its annual election, R. R. Lanpb- to be within, but who, in reality, were congress. So the way is open for ness is enforced; consequently, the One of the King of liaUoiney's Feint^° Sarsaparilla aud am entirely cured. It has ak . est wilt be contributed by distinguished The Masonic order in Portland1 lin was made director in lien «if R. P. at a neighbor’s. the construction ot what will be the specialists. Warriors Prove# an Ugly Patient. I Influenza generally prevalent in the police are not to arrest men on the | propostj to erect a new edifice to Earhart, deceased. world a greatest bridge structure. It w.ut late one night during tho ft"« charges usually brought against i I cost >300,000 as soon as the times 13. The firemen gave a benefit enter- county. ’s when Dr. Yeager's residence bell was rung- 27. Mrs. J. W. Jones died, aged 57. tramps—vagrancy, begging aud rid­ The visitor was a messenger from Man­ been brought about by Hood’s Sarsaparilla " tainment to the citizens, which WM a 1 will justify it Per Year: The workingmen of eastern indus­ M rs . R. A. H amilton , Fresno. Calliorula Highest temperature for month 64 deg; ing on freight trains. ager Penny of the Dahomey village, ask­ decided success, the receipts amounting The largest pipe ever cast on the ....»1 trial centers are holding mass-meet­ lowest 26. Rainfall 5.67. Hood’s Pills Uurs BiCK Ueadacbe. 250. HARPER idM AG AZINE . to |131 35. If tlie vast army of tramps were ing the physician to come at once to the 4 HARPER’S WEEKLY.... village and attend a patient suffering from April. ings to protest, against the ruin of i coast has just been turned out at the 4 14. G. A R. and W. R. C. held a ircHINU TIl-ES known by motatur» HARPER’S BAZAR composed of the material the gover-1 the toothache. The «loctor went more fur •2 lue ¡«erspiruiion, cause inlenae itching HARPERS YOl NG PEOPLE American industry and the beggary 1 Oswego foundry. It is 35 inch, and joint installation. Over 3dO persons par­ I. The Yamhill County Fair Associa­ warm. This form and BDIND- nor imagines—inen honestly seeking. tbe sake of the adventure than for the fee. HAVE whan ULXBPINU or RBOIRUDINO RIL£S of the American toiler through the I is for the Bull Run line tion elected officers. He was shown to the bedside ot the wom ­ took of supper. Postage fr- e to all Sllll'WI it»- YOU YIELD AT ONCE TO Wilson bill. Within a few days, such 3. Public reading room formally work, and unable to obtain it—his an and proceeded to examine the bigte th United •tate-, Canada Hlltl Ml-Xl OR. BO SAN-KO’S PILE REMEDY, 16. Jas. 8. Hibbs died, aged 68 years. Miss Mary E. Maxwell, daughter which acts directly on parts atteetdd, meetings have been held in Troy, N order would do credit to his human- J Inclosed in a mouth thatoi>eue«i like acel- GOT absorbs tumors, sliava itching, effecting 2d. iJemorest medal contest at opera opened, with 225 books on the shelves. ; < lar door. To make sure which was the a permanent cure. Price roe. th iiggists Y., in Newark, N J , in Yonkers and I of Hon J. W. Maxwell, of Netarts, ity. But, unfortunately for the Dr H. C. Fenton graduated with first or mail ■ Dr. Bosanko. Philadel vh’a, Ta. The \ .Junies of the Ma;mzine begin with PILES tooth Dr. Yeager lagan prying Amsterdam, N. Y , and in Kensing­ , was married on Christmas day to house, Miss Stella Lyons of New berg the honors from medical department univer- j country, it is not Such tnen form i i I offending the numbers for June mul Deeenilier of around with bis little steel instrument so ton, the great manufacturing dis­ David W. Jones, a liveryman of Till- winner. each year. When no time ii mentioned, but a minimum of the tramp brigade. familiar to all who have visited the cham­ subscriptions wilt li<';‘iii with tho number 21. The United States Banking Co. sity of Oregon. trict of Philadelphia The plan is i amook IMPROVED ber of horrors known as dentist ’ s parlors. North Yambill held her city election. I Its bulk is composed of men who do current at the time of reiviiit m order. one that should be followed in every ■ closed its floors at Gervais, Junction and He accidentally touched the nerve of the Bound volumes of Ha pel 's Magazine for 7. Twenty or thirty young fellows not desire work—who would not, decayed and aching molar, ami the ama- center of American industry. The football at Portland Monday Sheridan. o three years back, in nest doth binding, will iaided Sauter ’ s saloon. be scut by mail post-paiii. mi receipt of Vi between the Multnomah Athletic! 25. L. P. Younger died at Lafayette. work if regular occupation were fur­ zon let loose a yell that drew to her side per volume. Cloth cases, for binding, 50 10. John H. Walker died at Bynum nished them. The result of his order 1 ! every member of the village. T he house committee on banks and club and the Stanford uni versity men 27. Twenty-seven accessions to the cents each—by mail, post-paiil. PILLS It was an excited and wildly demonstra ­ house. llemitt.-inee.-: s|i„nld lx- made by postomee hanking voted on the proposition to resulted in a victory for the latter Christian church in McMinnville, tive crowd that danced about the woui- will be to draw the legends of these j 8. Dr. G. W. Goucher died in Amity. ONLY ONE money order or drift, to avoid chance of ’s bedside. Dr Yeager «»oily contin­ Snow went ecurrying through the air, report a bill for the unconditional re­ by a score of 16 to 0. loss. errant knights of idleness toward1 au 18. Total rainfall for year to date, ued his work, however, ami finally , before and the average Oregonian was hugging Newspapers are not to copy this adver­ FOR A DOSE peal of the ten per cent tax on the Kansas. The next thing will be a the woman could pieveut him, he liad Geo W. Harper, the new Umatilla tho stove. D. S. Holman reported the 22.37 inches. tisement without the express order m Har­ sneaked from his iH>ck>'t a pair of shining circulation of state banks. The pro­ Indian agent, from Carrolltown, Ga , A Brothers. II. The Farmers’A Traders’ bank at vigorous protest from the badgered forceps and hooked on to the pain produc­ RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL per Address leant rain of auy January for 49 years. HARPER A BROTHERS. We guarantee that oneof these pills at a dose, a.ill position was lost, as the vote was a entered upon his duties Nev; Year’s ! and bothered citizens. Governor Now York North Yamhill assigned to G. A. Doug ­ ®ure,°f ’ ing worry. Sari u as not astonished, but i rroduoa better results tu Jones & Co. moved into their new Costivenesa, Hour Stomaoh, Bad Breath aud f lie—6 to 6 The six members who day He says his assistants will all, she was hurt. As the steel instrument ness. than tires to five of any other make. ¡{ las. Deposits, $1,000; assets 40 to 50 Lewelling will find that his theory is block. without griping and sickening Their wyaderful went crashing into the gum surrounding voted f«»r unconditional repeal all be selected from Oregon. action malted you leel like a new a box- but maudlin sentimentalism, and be , the A. J. Nelson’s entire family held a re­ per cent of liabilities. Ciruggista or mall- Bosanko Med. to.» PhUa., Pa- aching tooth the brawny woman set t 1894. Mieses Young and Henderson gave un compelled by the force of popular up a howl that set every one of her sisters came from the South The six who union, the first for ten years. from Ore- j For carrying the mails DR. GUNN S voted against unconditional repeal 29. Mrs. E. A. Blair, national organ­ entertainment in Newberg. opinion to revoke his order.— Toledo and the black men wild with excitement, Harper’s CUeekly j The louder the amazon y elled the harder 12. State G. A. R. encampment at Blade. included, besides three republicans, gou City to Molalla, 32 miles, the izer Loyal Temperance Legion, lectured Dr. Yeager pulled. Sho struck wildly at ONION ' >648, or a Pendleton. Fifteen McMinnville dele­ ILLUSTRATED. at Christian church. Chairman Springer himself. This contractor is to receive the man at the other end of the forceps, Coals to Newcastle and codfish to but the doctor’s dodging powers are aj Highest temperature for month, 59 gates attend. J. C. Cooper elected de­ points to conditkmal repeal, so far as trifle more than 92 for each trip. partment commander. SYRUP Harper ’s Weekly is beyond all question deg. ; lowest 8; rainfall 2.05 inches. Boston are parallel expressions. ! acute as they were the day he left the col­ the committee is concerned — Toledo This is getting down to hard-pan lege football team li-»ding journal in America,in its splen- 14. A. W. Green departed for Kansas. February. l M i W* couchs . I 1 the And however absurd the former sug- j She finally leaped from thecot on which Hl'tdr The Oregon City Enterprise says did illustrations, in its corps of distin- Frank Wright sold his dray business gestion may appear, the latter is ai she reclined, and still the doctor pulled at «> The ground-hog saw his shadow. : .'Uislie l contributors, ami in ns vast army no Oregonian should hesitate to sub­ lot readers. In «penal lines it draw- 011 and accepted a position with C. II. Dodd COLDS the molar. Sari struck viciously at her W. G. Henderson formed a part- 3. I fact. The Pacific coast is found to | torturer, but here the doctor showed great The man who lets^his horse stand scribe for at least one share of mid ■ he highest order «>t talent, the men he -t A Co. AND CROUP. lilted by position mid trainira," to treat the all day in the rain without a blanket, winter fair stock, if for no other rea- j nership with 8. Wilson in the livery busi­ A. M. Peery bought the Mart High produce a better codfish than is found ' strategy by keeping the woman’s bead so l<*u«iing topics ot the day. In fiction the ness. fur in advance of het budy that the blows GRANDMOTHER S ADVICE. mottpopular story-writers contribute to its in Atlautic waters and a Boston man j the man who growls like a beast with sou than to preserve the bond as a | property. In raieiuff a family of nine children, my only rem- eoluinus fell short. The current week the ground was cov-1 Superb drawings by the fore- for Coughs, Colda and Croup was onion syrup. a sore head when his wife asks hirn souvenir The city schools observe Arlior day knows a good codfish when he sees it. ! Around and around the village went the already prepared and more Hale Backetisto 11,924, on horses >56,100, and the time May. Martin A «tinders. A. M banders and F J. ihreeye u- Oui k in imat nkdh binding-, will 1641,065 ceps, from which projected tue offending i ent by mail postage paid, or by express gains on towu lots >56,235, and on 1. The Lafayette Educational society North Carolina editor has amused piece of ivory that once adi rned the month Martin ba. c made a geneial aasivnment for the l>e Grandma Butler, of Monmouth, 9. Miss Ida Burrows, of the Cordray- ¡•l'ovidi 1 the in i.'ht .|. v« benefit of a.l ibt-lr creditor« to the undersigned free of < jteii his leisure hours in tracing this oil incorporated. Value of property |1 0,000. ■hares of stock about >35,000. The entertained children, grand-children Wass theatrical company fell and broke of the troubled amazon.—Chicago Herald. a. assignee said assleniuent having been made not exceed one dollar pet Volume for $7 bv one «tied, mid that tue undersigned has ac ­ - per volume. About 2. The stable of 0. 8. Davidson to its various destinations net gain in valuation as it stands at and great grand-children of her fam­ her leg on a McMinnville sidewalk. cepted the tnist, as such assigns aud has made Cloth C h s for each volume, suitable for 300,000 barrels of it are manufac- PUREL Y I 'EGETA ISLE— ami filed bis inventory and valuations of IL><- es­ binding, will be ent by mail, post-paid, on this writiug is about >50,000. Last ily to the number of 48 on Christmas 10. The Cordray Co. played “Hum­ burned on G etreet. tatesol said assiguors under oath and lias given ; Dr. Pierco ’ s Pleas- receipt of $1 each bis bond as such aaslgnge accordir.gto law, and 3. Death of Allan Hussey in Portland. tured into “lard ’ by the Armours year's gain was a million and a half. day. Mrs. T W Fenton, a daugh­ bug” to a big house. that said bond Las bee'll duly appro ved. Remittances should be made by" post­ iint They ’ ro Euried at Sheridan on the 10th. and others who give large funds to Now. therefore, all persons bating claims 17. A big mask ball held, with 98 par- The board is still at work ter, was pr«ser.t with her family, ‘- a JI/ a compound of ro- again-1 the estates of-aid asstgnor.4 or against office money order or di aft, to avoid chance of los Newspapers are not to copy thia John Thompson appointed postmaster found theological seminaries in Chi­ , ticipants in the grand march. the estate,ui either or any ot mem me hereby /T N fined and concen- trom this city. at Lafayette. notified by me to present them lo me at my re.i- , advertiaeuient without theexpres- order to 19. Movement set on foot for a free cago The sardine men of Maine, j • » prated botanical ex- dence In Yamhill county, state ot Oregon, under i Harper A Brother . A lthouoh holiday week was with­ Address HARBER A BROTHERS, The statement is made that grad­ reading room. W. J. Garrison contrib­ 4. Elsia Wright let the contract for who pack their juvenile herring in I — ¡tracts. These tiny, rath, with prener vouchers therefor, wlihinthrea , months fiom die date of this notice. New York out a session of either branch of con­ ing on the Portland-Hillsboro elec­ his new block. \ / sugar-coated pellets uted over 200 volumes. listed December 1st, 1«H3. 4S-6 “pure olive oil’’ use about 20,00V gress it was an Important one in its tric motor line is to commence next 1 20 L. H. Reeves, U. 8. Banking Co’s \ / —the smallest and Snow still visible in the mountains. J J. HENDERSON, Aasiguee. A A the easiest to take 6. Tho Workmen appoint a celebra­ barrels; and the pious soap makers developments One of the most im­ week if the weather is at all suitable. cashier arrested in Portland and tried on woh use'only pure olive, almond or if —absolutely and tion for the 14th at Newberg. portant of its developments has been The plan is to extend the road to I the 22d. cocoanut oil in their business take pcnnacently cure TO SUBSCRIBERS. Jhc struggle within the ways and Cedar Mills as soon in tho spring as 22. Washington honored at the ! W. A. Henderson buys an interest in 100.000 barrels of cottonseed oil. and Constipation, Indi- Please observe the Jigtires print­ Mr. Qitalev’s granite monument busi­ the honest butter makers and inanu gestion, Hick and Bilious Headaches, Dlzzi- means committee over the question 1 ]>ossible and then push on rapidly to Christian church by a concert. ed with your address on the mar- ness. facturera of “pure olive oil” of ness, Bilious Attacks, and uff darangemenu 24. Farmers busy plowing. of an iucome tax Such members cf Hillsboro.— Independent gin of the paper. They indicate TOxWSORIAI. PARLORS, 10. Citizens ’ meeting held at city hall France and Italy use about 300,000 of the liver, stomach, mid bowels. 26. A eon born to family of E. W. the committee as Congressman Mc­ barrels more. to revive the board of trade and work They cure wnnaiwntlp, because they ««ct the date to which your subscrip­ Real estate men give it as their. Wallace. Millin of Tennessee, and Bryan of naturcdly. They don’t shock and weaken for the good of the town. Also note subscrip­ 27. A good templars' lodge organized i the system, like tho huge, old-fashioned tion is paid. Nebraska, were found to be very per­ opinion that the present Oregon im­ ftotes from Carlton During the 12. A. M. Pee.y opens a realestate pills. And they’re more effective. One tion price stated on the first page. For a Clean 8haveor Faahioni^^Bw^ with a membership of 48. little pellet for a corrective or laxative— sistent in their support of ar. income migration is of a more desirable type, 1 Holiday*. Cut Give Him a Call. 28. Miss Cora X. Young gave an elo- i office. ; three for a cathartic. ! L'tdess your subscription is paid -WTBfiuuurt of the tariff bill, while even if small, than that of any pre­ cutionary and plastique entertainment. 13. Oratorical contest at McMinnville Our teachers of the public schools They’re the cheapwt pills you can buy, for in advance, you are paying at the My Baths »re lieu and Ora clan od you get. call attention to the matter in or­ ty. forget the place Three doors west of Hotel 16. State S. S. association at Newberg. both teachers. gomery of Connecticut, also members exception, are people of more or less 25. Wm. Poole broke bis leg at work der that there ‘may be no misun- Yamblll. 17. Bankers’convention held. of the committee oppose it. So the means, who having disposed of their on the Southern Pacific. An invitation was given by Elder derstanding. With so wide a IV. Commencement exercises of city During the week mayor and city coun­ democratic members tFere found al­ possessions in the states farther east, McCutcheon for a dinner on Christ­ margin between the cash in ad- schools. most equally divided among them­ are now seeking homes in a land I cil made a levy of 10 mills; 5 for water, mas day to the old people of his re­ Attempt made to rob Wilson & Hen ­ ; rance and credit system, it is not selves on this important question, which they know to be of milder cli­ 3}^ for general purposes, and 114 for derson’s safe. lation, which was responded to, and probable that any will desire streets. A reduction on provious levy of aud whether it will get into tho bill mate.— Forest Grove Times. a very sociable time enjoyed. The 20. Macleod A McCrurn purchase to continue very long under the old lit mills. and stay in it is very uncertain. Mr. young people being deprived of that Edgar Van Avery attempted to (jailor ? Wayne Carlin sold his dray business Carlton warehouse. method of pay when you please, McMillin, who is leading the fight jump onto the S. P yard engine as to Frank Wright, and forming a partner­ John 8. Evenden died at Gervias, aged pleasure, Miss Sara Scott in the ev­ but will avail themselves of the in favor of a tax on incomes, wants it was slowly moving toward him, ! ship with F. E. Griffith bought the cigar 77. ening of the same day called her i first opportunity to place the score One Doot West young cousins and relatives to sup­ 21. Baloon ascension. to impose a tax of two per cent on when by a misstep one foot was' factory of Fish & Ruffe. Fred Stewart of (Agar Store. McMINNt ILLI'. OR. 1 on the other side. 22. Friends of Miss Dolby Daniels cel­ per at her father’s house, to get even all incomes above four thousand dol­ caught under a wheel. The young! bought the soda factory of Bullock A with the old folks, which they' did. ebrated her 16th birthday. lars per annum, which he estimates man hung on manfully or his entire I Keller. enjoying themselves equally as well. The Oregon herd hook issued. would bring about thirty million dol­ body would have been drawn ufider. The Baptist church extended a call to Our young folks iti anticipation of 2d. California strawberries in market lars per aununi to the government. As it was it became necessary to am­ Rev. Bonham. a good time gathered on Friday ev­ I Local crop not ripe. Chas. Grissen places his new book, He also estimates that a tax on lega­ putate his great toe, and although ening for a social hour, but for some 30. Memorial day observed. cies and successions would bring he suffered great pain, the boy is “Ideala,” on sale. reason, which the scribe could not 8. D. Ormsby, of Silverton, the orator, find out, they occupied both halls, about ten millions more, and that a quite comfortable today. This acci-1 The Union Hardware Co. opens stock j Opera house filled with people. but they enjoyed themselves well. tax on playing cards aud a few tri­ dent should serve as a strong lesson of harness. Mrs Lila Maddox, nee T-ila Goucher, Tho Fuqua sawmill property sold for On Sunday evening we had anopen fles of this kind would obviate the for boys to keep away from moving died in Portland. >1,000. 1 temperance meeting with a good at necessity for a further tax upon that cars and trains. — Salem Journal Bishop Dnbbs lectured in the city dur ­ J. A. Hill, butcher, sold to I. B. Os­ tendance. The program was short ing the week. staple article of democratic consump­ "A borne of Amity. and to the point, especially the open­ After the distribution of supplies June. tion. whisky. All this fighting in ing address by James Hilton. Highest temperature for month 56; 1. Rev. Chas. I,. Bonham and wife favor of a tax on incomes is under­ donated for the needy in Portland it lowest 8; rainfall 7:32 inches. Miss Ella Swanson aud Messrs , was discovered that many of those arrived from New York state. stood to be in direct opposition to AT March. Ben Blood, Willie Scott and John Itts the new shortening 5. G. B. Tucker removed to Portland. Loder, who have been attending a. the views of the administrate!! The who applied were not absolutely in 1. The law makiag all taxes payable to 6. School bond election. |9,000 bonds school spent the holidays at home. taking the place of lard It is always the case with president and Secretary Carlisle, it . want the sheriff went into effect. authorized to run not less than ten years. I I distributions made upon special oc- i ^►^ or cooking butter, or The old gentlemen of our town is understood, doubt the wisdom of an The North Yamhill Leader sold to C. 7. Commencement exercises at Mc­ ' casions that those who are most for ­ both. Costs less, goes have not been idle. They have de ­ attempt to tax incomes They are A. Martine. Minnville College, 13 graduates. Chap- bated the tariff question, pro and Come and See Us ward to avail themselves of the phil ­ «^ — farther, and is easily 3. Mrs. John Clark died at Dallas of thoroughly under the control of the pel overcrowded w ith people and flowers. con, and on account of cue of the old ip^dlgcsted by anyone. New York financial influence, and, of anthropy of well disposed citizens , typhoid fever 10. Ballston opened the picnic season. gentlemen being absent spending 3^" AT ALL GROCERS. are really less deserving thau many 6. A D of H. lodge organized at Day ­ It rained. course that influence would be dead Christmas with his son, it took them ton. with a membership of 25. who will not make their wants 12. Grand Chapter R. A. M. elect of­ all week to arrive at unanimity. Your against a tax ou incomes So they Annual school meeting. Report of ficers. scribe believes that our shoemaker Retuse All Substitutes. 1 want an additional tax placed on known. It is charged that some of clerk showed balance on hand in treasu­ would be of material aid to congress the supplies donated were pawned 14. Workmen celebrate in the rain at whiskey, with, perhaps, a tax ou ry, $1199 16, and resident children of in passing the tariff bill, either by IAÍÍI TON S SALE. Made only by successions and legacies So the at the saloons and second hand school aye. 662. T. B. Kay elected di­ ; Newberg. Crowd estimated at 2.0J0. electricity or gas. 16. M. Reinstein, of Portland bought N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., end of the year 1893 fiuds the demo­ stores rector and D. M Caidwell reelected ¡the Frank Hauswirth stock at North VyOTICL is hereby kiven that by virtue ot an The people of Carlton started a ST LOUIS and .,N order ot tne County court foi i amhill coun­ cratic party still in a state of great The Ureyontan makes the announce­ clerk A three hours stormy session was Yamhill, and advertised extensively. singing class Jan. 2nd, which ¡3 free ty, «rregou. directing and empowering tue under- CHICAGO, NEW tORK dgned ns the executor of the hot will and testa uncertainty as to their course in re­ ment that Nat Blum has left for held and important matters aired and Prof. Aylesworth, lately BOSTON Bond & Gaunt succeed O. J. Leabo as to all. went of Sherman Hatth. deceased to sell the gard to their much vaunted tariff re Washington and offers the following 1 discussed. from the east, is the instructor and ■ hereinafter described real pt ,pern of the estate butchers. : of said decedent. Inorder io obtaiu fund« with 7. Wallace A Hartman held a plow ductions This has been their chief as a reason “The announcement of which to pay the Indebtedness of said estate aa-l 17. 8. 8. picnic at Amity. It rained. 1 from all appearances will be a suc- I cess. Ku Ku. I me expenses of the aduiinistratlnn thereof J exhibition, a man of ordinary strength war cry—a reduction aud destruc­ Nat Blum s departure for Washing ! Ex-Sheriff T. J. Harris sold his farm will, on the 13th day of January, laid, at the hour ot one o ciock in the atteniooii ot olid day at tion of the tariff, yet congress has ton was received with surprise by pulling a Triumph sulky ten l’eet, cutting and removed to Forest Grove. the court hoc.*- do.,r In M. Mitinvllle, Oregon .... a furrow 15.7 inches wide and 7.7 inches It la the Beat. ell at public auction for ea-h in band on day of 19. M. W. Tallman, warehouseman been In session most of the time since the public, and his action was the . sale, to the highest unit tn -t bidder therefor the deep. * The success of Chamberlain’s Cough > of Dayton, absconds, delinquent between tollwing described real property of sai l estate the first of August but without hav- j subject of much comment yesterday 10. J W. Ilobbe opened a real estate five and ten thousand dollars. to-wlt Begiutiing in the center ot the county Remedy in effecting a speedy cure of I . road now mere al-c-ut 21.oo chains west ci the ing accomplished anything, aud still' A gentleman who is supposed to be office in Union block. ea.-XI!ne ot Sectiou 25. ;u i 5 . K. 4 W., in Yam 20. County teachers’ institute opened. colds, croup and whooping cough has TRADE»?! this important question, the agita­ on the inside of government affairs bill county, Oregon, at the northwest corner of A. II. Roberts sold his Carlton liver}’ I J. R. Hume conductor. brought it into great demand. Messrs.' COPYRIGHTS. 2. actes now owned hv A C. Davis thence south tion of which is causing so much fi­ says Blum has gone to Washing­ stable to Geo. W. Oldham. Pontius A Son, of Cameron, Ohio, sav I 32 50 chains to the northeast corner of O. B Skin CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a 22. Yamhill pioneers held a picnic in ner’s land, thence west 1560 chains more or less prompt answer «nd — an . iionct —- opttton, ____ . write to nancial depression, so much loss to ton to testify in the matter of the R. B. Hibbs shipped 62 China pheus- , Oak Park. Jeptha Garrison was elected that it has gained a reputation second to ‘ M MUNN i nn Ac At» CO., O., ’ who »ho have bad i-earirafty EearlTbf year, __ ’ t > the southwe t corner otth;s tract ot land to the experience xperteEce In the patent paten: rus.nasa. rus.nes». Cornniumc«. Coron,urne Hue fence now there; thenc,- north 32, a chains the manufacturers, so much suffer­ Hawaiian muddle. President Cleve­ ants to Colorado and Illinois. none in that vicinity. Jas. M. Queen, | tiqps iqps atrictly strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In li ­ I president. more or less along said line fence to tne center of ortnatlon concerning Patents Patent* and bow to op oi ­ formation Dr. Chas. F. Wortman died in Port ­ county road now there thence eatieriv along ing and want and starvation to the land Deeds an intelligent and well in­ 23. peter Powers consigned to insane of Johnston, W Va., says it is the best tai u them sent tree. Alto a catalogue or mechan­ the me r enter ot said county road to the place of be­ ical and scientific books sont free. unemployed millions, remains in a formed person to furnish testimony land of pneumonia. ginning. containing futy acres iuo«e or less in Patent- taken ttrougb Munn & Co. receive asylui Newberg, and Chris Hill he ever used. B. F. Jones, druggist. •portal r.otiosinthe scientific American, and Yamhill county, Oregon 53-5 Geranium lodge No. 63 organized at from Winona, Minn., says: “Chamberlain's tau» ere brought widely before the public with­ state of uncertainty. It is simply! in regard to his policy in this matter, W. S. HATCH Executor out coat to the lnvatrtor. Th«« splendid paper, Lafayette with 43 members. 24. -' Jacob Mayer lodge A. F. and A. Cough Remedy is perfectly reliable. I issued weekly, elcgantiylllusuatad. hu by tar the another link in the long chain of evi­ and having heard of the talent dis­ Sausages ot All Kindi a Specialty. circulation of any iclcutiac wore tn the 16. The county court made a tax levy M. instituted and consecrated, have always warranted it and it never laryeat world. *3 a year. Sample onpiea »ent free. dence of the truth of incapacity of played by Blum in testifying for the of 26 mills: state 7, school 5, road 2, in­ Dayton News suspends. Building Edit.tm, moncbly. SZAu a year. Single Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, R,al ! failed to give the most perfect satisfac­ copies. 25 cents. Every number contains beau­ the democratic party to rule for the government, has, it is said, sent for digent soldier .02 and outstanding in­ 25. Blake Dillinger arrested on a plates, in colors, ana pnocograplu of new Hlgbeat cash price for ¿reeled Meats, Hides tion. 50 cent bottles for sale by S. Ho- tiful Estate Mortgages’ etc., always on s?ie at' and bouses, with plans, enabling culloen to show the Poultry Market South 61de ot Third Street, good of the nation and its people. him.’” te-.esi deslyni and.s*u» odutrjtts. Addrsaa debtedness 11.93 mills. Continued on third page. worth A Co, this office. tí between l> atd E MUNS 4007 Niw font, 361 BioanwxT. A •»•rial«- I. rtit.r. Iv Up Die Hood’s^Cures % Harper Periodicals LIVER K. v S' gr • i K" Don’t Lose Heart Periodicals. w T Y N CITY BATHS WILL CRANK ROECA, fashionable WE ¡Cabinets, Book Cases-^ Sideboards, Bedroo.ni Suits, HAVE * "ffTiïïtîire 111 / Portland Prices € BURNS & DANIELS Bond & Phillips, ^uuuuuuis: R IsgcÁVEATS, Frasti & Cured M A ■j •>. I