F H ■ f£lhf]W in the _ DETMERING ■ v Has Jusf Received From NEW YORK AN AN FRANCISCO DIRECT A < iì | e Stock of til Early and Examine for Yourselves Full Particulars at the Store ADAMS’ BRICK, THIRD ST gkgaxdies n i i j OIJEGOA M’MINNl and many other things, in order to al healthful condition of mind and body ; EDITOR but she lacks the strength and energy MRS. E. E ATHEY —DEALEES IN— to provide herself with them. Here is We take pleasure in announcing that we are settled in our New Store, and are ready for busincs. Life's fondest hopes may be shattered, the opportunity for the good husband. And nothing seem left ns but sorrow; Here is his chance to bind his wife to We are now displaying a large and complete stock, and will offer decided bargains in Wait tilt tho storm-olonds are scattered, him with “hooks of steelhis chance ’Twill be all the brighter to-morrow; Finr DresM Good«, Elegant Velvet!», to show that he appreciates what is Wait. Durable I'lannels, Artistic Cloak«, Wait, for thy Father best knoweth due to woman in the most important Sly iiwlt Clothing, Best Boot«, Shoe«. When thou of reward art deserving; relations of life. But in order to do Wait, till His wisdom bestoweth It is a pleasure to show goods; coine and examine our stock, whether you buy or not. this, he must render this homage, not The prize for thy waiting and serving; as one who gives to a dependent, but Wait. ^"Special Attention is Called to our Union Shi nal. LAFAYETTE, Yamhill Co., OREGON. rather as one who blings glad tribute to a sacred altar. Woman’s greatest We desire to inform the public that we have Two Type* of Woniiin. lately Added a line of Rolls to our Mill,to­ and first claim to all rights and privi­ gether with tho necessary machinery to leges, is her claim as a mother. We make an Continued. TheR< arc not a lot of old shelf worn goods, but every piece in brand new, and thero is not The woman who ought to be cared hear a great deal now-a-days about the an article but what is a Genuine Bargain at TEN GENTS, or that can be bought at A No. I Article of Flour, any other store in the oounty for less than twioe the price. for. The woman who, when circum­ claims of the laboring classes, the And havo tho same in successful operation. COME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED. While we do not claim to make stances require it, can take care of her­ wealth produced by the laboring self is a truly admirable and delightful classes and the rights of the hi bori ng ve have added to our store a first-class Dressmaking and Millinery Department, under person to meet. She encourages our classes. But does not the greatest the supervision of Mrs. S. A. Wilson, who is prepared to do work on short notice,and in the hearts to feel that our daugthers may wealth of the slate consist in well- lutoat fashion and at reasonable prices. In the State, be lilted by proper education' to meet trained, good, law-abiding citizens? We do claim to make an article 4 ii ting .'Hid I'ittiai* a Specialty. Satiafactien iese are given to the state by I he the emergencies. 3t;We cheerfully, i (.uaranteed. lother. Yfct where is the political ■dully But it i» mo bravely *j ’ Second to JSTono, - . ' Latent Fashion Plates and Papers always on hand. [economist, where is the politial party, •if feel, when pii probnbli — AS A — rwfcich recognizes the claims of, or à of our daughij ni ng to) lil .ACklHIty Ar PECKfiAM, 'seeks to reward those, who by thou­ Straight Grade palled upon that if I « sc ■ er we always pay the highest price in tho oounty for all kinds of produce. Family Flpur, give to the world its heroes, its poets, Wives aniLd The best C k STOVES in THE HAWKEYE, t best ushers from other portions of the oounty are respectfully invited to pay us a call, as Double Ac And far better than can be made on its statesmen? For this royal and Force Pump i World. All sizes of THE GAR- their wo fev iuak- Tho Beet M ITEie A DAM in AmerkM.» All khidfi <5f J 6b Work a specmHy. i*g plain and straight the paths for It« and ROOFIN titloftìB TTERlNG SPOUTING, and feel* when she walks alone, hut «nd h’J kin. upo PLU. ING, abO».o *11, by making happy anti ele­ Oregon Kidney Tea. in the best work of men that ■pect ■ Be manner, and as low for CASH as vating the condition of wifehood.— —BETWEE!»— 1 allow. Come a Nature's own Remedy I us at S E Cor. 3d and C Sts. •r awarded to^ttke I gelen E. Starrett, in Chicago, Maga­ possibly, Portland mid the East, liâtes of fare from $8 GtPto $12 35 cheaper to Coun- Will speedily relieve and per­ zine R COOD8 KEPT. most »it ---- |cil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, and other points than via any other manently cure all the various line. Emigrant sleepers with free berths hauled entirely on ex- men in any department of the worloh difficulties arising from a disor­ vj»— press trains. Al' accommodation, first-class.’ Time from dered condition of the work. An earnest «nd thought fat ST. < IIARI.I * HO I I I. 12 to 48 hours quicker than any other route. Write for LIVER AND KIDNEYS. writer upon social qtnfoBous of the NORTH YAMHILL - - - OREGON, rates, maps, time-tables, guides and full informa­ r. MULTNER, Prop., It is perfectly harmless and • deepest importance, say. that what tion given free of charge. Trains leave Port­ Corner Third and B streets, can be given to the most deli- JOHN TOMPKXXS, Proprietor B. CAMPBELL, this country most need, is a leisurely, ."VIC VII NN VILLF. • • OREGON. oate woman or child. For sale land daily at 3 p. ni.. by all druggents. New house! New furniture! unMirpnxsed in General agent, No. 1, Washington St., Portland, Or. First class AccomodmMtlS- ha ppi and <-a re-free motherhood The the country. Rates $1 io to .z $2 per day. taw, — — nay. accord .-scora- ­ i. 8 nf . ll , H ettshv A W oodward , Headquarters of the Tillamook Stage lind, and !>. n nl when a mother has her little ing to room. i Single meal,, 25- renie. ‘ ’ Lotïg- * ■ I Special inducements to Commercial Men. innvillo Wholesale Agents, According to room. Boanly rente, aecordìng , ■ i ound her knees ought to be the ing, 25 to 50 0 cents, White labor only, Employed. Portland, Oregon. -«nd Lodging, $4 to $0, par week. Fine Sample Imperial Egg Food, Garden Tools, , . io i life. But when nmter- Rooms Ami superior mvornnv’daliona for oom r cn. Hupper furnished Bails aud .1-,press, a stronger band arti<*a at reasonable rates. Give me a call FEED and Fertilizers, Etc. iiczXeuouiu ward off all other cares ■iti