threo hunbred yards. The clothe« were burned completely burned off of her. She suffered very little and THE REPORTER w M auch 11 M c M innville EDITORIAL NOTES. The bridges on the east side line of the narrow gauge system, will be re­ paired thia spring or summer. A three hundred and eighty-pound shark was caught at Tacoma last week. It was found in the waters of the bay. Passengers going east should take the Oregon Short Line. By so doing one night on tho road is saved and two disagreeable changes avoided in the middle of the night. An elegant steamer is to be put on Yaquina bay soon, to ply Newport and other poi who intend to visit tl^fi will find th Shore, Ore-( L. Samud deserve« all gon’s popa the wor i <:w seemed to die without pain. W. F. Sleppy was elected director at the school meeting, and H. Z. Fos­ ter clerk. A. S. Bible, J. A. Cain and W. A. Graves, were elected a commit­ tee to ascertain if tho academy or Fos­ ter’s hall could be purchased ; and if so at what price. And also the price of a suitable location and the cost of building a new school house. The meeting was harmonious and the pros­ pect of Sheridan having a schoolhouse is encouraging. A meeting is called for March 15th to elect two directors, and hear the report of said committee and transact other business SPRING BALL CÀ GOODS ROGE ILS & TOW Direct from N. Y. City. LEADING GOOD GOODS, LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PBICES, EVERYTHING As REPRESENTED - ST — «i Miss F. E. RUSS, LEADING MILLINER, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•#♦ Third Street, McMinnville. f-' I > \ il.;.; I’ll!,-) Will S. D an . Willamina. JW. H. H. Cary U. moving into his new hotel on Nectúcca avenue. L It i« rumored-in this vicinity that • part of the ^iletz reservation will be wilDpen to settlement, man Bros, will in a short their saw mill here, and will flmt .I«.« lumber as cheap as öä UCGISTS MMINNVILLE, OREGON THE 5^f*Ord“rs from the country promptly end t carefully filled. Mrs. G. H. Goulet, I \ ’•! . I !, i! l ■! ( I let > f’st| ¡J nday evening, Maroh 19th, 1886. sw I khi entering ihj' hall w.l! b • pr«». i.le.l with a Culico Apron to be worn during ig. Gentlemen will purchaso a Calico Necklio, which is unolosed in an envelope, I; and the lady wearing the Apron corresponding with the necktie which a gctitle- burebased, shall be his partner during the evening at tho hall, while dancing, intk'juan will bo admitted unless he has received an invitation. will probnl>l y be t he last dance of t he ScrieN for this seHM»n. Garrison Opera-house building, D street, Opposite tho postofiiee. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OE DlìI GS and Medicines in ambili County, which we will sell it as low price's as aii) house - in the county. By order of Committee. * je of— MoMinnville, - >■ 'Jrego Has just opened her New Spring Stookjd Hats, Bonnets and Fine gfSl STATIONERY AN THE LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE RULINEKY C ! Physicians ft tan. .igb’kud qu a lc f pro d irjctrn us taken therefrom. given J. McAyear passed through town Alba i Capitali« the other day with a complete outfit the peopl that if a for housekeeping. Mr. McAyear lives furniahe 11 be introduces on Nestucca above the falls, and had factory. That! to eetabl the misfortune to lose his house, and what a wa a little busi- every thing ip it, by fire a couple of nesa sagacity will i ish. Manu­ weeks ago. factories is what Albany nqedu, and Work on the cinnabar mine, twelve this opportunity will not he missed by miles west of here, is progressing nice­ the citizens. Sec if it is. ly. This is the same mine that was A fascinating chance for scientists discovered by Mr. Lamson in 1856. and other searchers after knowledge Mr. Lamson, while hunting, came to is offered by Mr. J. W. Buel of St. the place and noticing a peculiar kind Louis, in his scheme for exploring the of rock, broke off quite a chunk of it, island of New Guinea. The subscrip­ and took it homo where it remained tions should be a mere bagatelle to an for eight or ten years, when a gentle­ ambitious young man, and the mani­ man named Beals stopped at Mr. L.’s fest advantage over Arctic exploration for the night and noticed this ore. He need not be noted. finally took a piece of it to San Fran­ On the 18th Senator Mitchell in­ cisco and had it assayed ; it was found troduced a bill having for its object to be seventy-five percent, quicksilver. the recognition of the rights of those Mr Beals then came back to Lamson’« settlers who purchased lands from the and asked the old gentleman if he Noithern Pacific railroad company could find where he got the ore. Mr. within what was know as the limits of Lamson replied that he could go di­ the terminal location of that road at rectly to it, and so they started 'or the Wallula, affected by Commissioner mountains ; the country on their jour­ Sparks’ decision. Mr. Mitchell’s bill ney looking perfectly natural to Mr. provides that the settlers on these Lamson, but when they-a, lived at the lands shall be allowed to purchase spot where he picked up the orc, it them from the government at $1 25 was found that nearly the wlolc per acre. mountain had slid down. When Mr. A. M. Starr, familiarly known as Lamson was there first, lie noticed Add. Starr, for many long years in some very large alder trees and said Portland, one of our first and well re­ if he could find those trees he could membered Oregonian acquaintances; locate the lode, but those trees were is now running a flouring fuill at never found by Mr. L- but a short Westport near Vallejo, California. time ago some parties wa^k.l out a The mill is six stories high, and has a large alder log that had been buried a capacity of six thousand barrels per great distance under ground, and the day, equalled by no mill in Minneap­ supposition is that this is one of the olis except one which is inferior in trees that Mr. Lamson saw, and this auxiliaries. The auxiliaries are a being the case they must certainly be warehouse 1,000 feet long, two stories near the goal. L. high, and a wharf 230 feet wide, with Lafayette. railroad and shipping facilities. The business of making bogus gold coin for the profit is shown by official reports to be uncertain to the makers. Gold coin counterfeits upon a 10 per cent margin shows the counterfeiter has become an economist, studying bullion values. The silver value is about 21 per cent, margin ; but the greatest profit is in the bogus nickel. Tho nickel five cent piece only rep­ resents 1 j cents value. The stock of nickels in the United States repres­ ents 100,000,000; and nobody knows how many of these millions may be spurious. CORRESPONDENCE. 8heridan. Frosted every night last week. Farmers hard at work seeding, and trade very dull in >r is able to ait vering. gf up. a 4 a fine horje to B. ' ess last week. drop his fny span of LanceOat for|300. S í tota Bupi(, Sr.’. fapl<4> of ffamirnl dito L pja. 1. ii i ruts. ” r y wl . .-t v-fl’ M York pleas Faili i will star* to New on a trip of A large bouquet of wild Howers was picked in Mr. Burbank’s field a few days ago, tho first we have seen this season. John Milloy’s little girls have been very sick with scarlet fever. Carrie, tho eldest, was not expected to live, but is now considered out of danger.] The other two are also improving. At tho annual school meeting B. P. Ungerman was elected director, and John Thompson re elected clerk. A tax was voted which will, in addition to tho public money, support it six months free school next fall and win­ ter. A number of citizens wanted a large enough tax to support a free school nine months, but the majority of the tax payers voted it down. The Odd Fellows ball given last Fri­ day e Sning was well attended, a num­ ber being present from Carlton, North Yamhill and other places. Everybody seemed to have a splendid time, and all did ample justice to the excellent «upper provided by the wives of the Odd Fellows. On Saturday evening a jsociable was hold at tho hall of the " three linkers.” the members, their wives and a number of invited friend« being vreiUDi- Bunner wasspioad,cof 1 ■ served and a'^ff yabh time wits ■ Sr nt; a . £«i by,»ii. \ —MANUFACTUHJCBS OF First-Class WAGONS, HACKS, BUGSIES, CABRIAGES, Etc. Etc. H Street, between Thirdand Fourth. I^FCarriege Painting and Repairing a Specialty. Perfect satiafHotion guaranteed. GIVE VS A CALL, HLOC’KN, l.VD I Enquire of 52.13t SPENCER A TALMAGE, Agents. Thirty head of thoroughbred Amerioau Merino Sheep, ns rood as any in Oregon, for sale. Address: W. H KEEN. 52.5t North Yamhill, Or. Sheep For Sale THIS CELEBRATED TROTTING HORSE will make the season of 18FWI, at the folios mg places : Lafayette, Monday’s and Tues­ days; McMinnville, Wednesday's and There day’s; North Yamhill, Friday; and on Satur day’s at the farm of J. ,J. Carey, two mile, north of Lafayette. WILBURN is a beautiful bay, 15 hands I inohes high, and when in good condition weighs 1,157 pounds. As times are hard we will Btand Wilburn at the reasonable low terms of $10, $18 an<) fco *i’7A. Wo will make n hLoral ru ¿action when one man breeds two or more mares, or when a man makes up a club of mares. Any one that wants to breed durin« the month of March will have to bring the mares to the farm of J. J. Carey, two miles north of Lafayette. Wo will furnish good pasture for mares left in our care at *2 a month; all care will be taken to prevent ac­ cidents. bat will not be responsible fur any that may occur. Wilburn bay, foaled 1877, bred by Gen. \V T. Withers; sired by Alamo, record 2:34 a4 . son of Almont. First dam by Melbourne, Jr.. Bire of Jim Irving, 2:23; second dam by Al hoit, son of Alexander’s Abdallah; third dam by Briguoli, record &W, aon of Main- brino Chief; fourth dam by Pilot, Jr . sire of seven in 2:30 lists: the dams of Maud S., 1°’i» Jay Eye-See four-year-old, 2:19, do.; fifth dam by Ole Bull, sire of Chicago, 2:21, son of Old Pilot. Wilburn is of good size, and compactly built. He is thrice inbred to the siro of Goldsmith Maid, thrice to Old Pilot, and twice to Mambrino Chief. Tho above rates are lower than thoao fixed upon horses of the same quality in the east. The season fee of Almont, R>re Altmont and grandsire of Wilburn, is $300. Wilburn is registered in American Trot­ ting Register. Vol. 3, page 669. J. J. CAREY, ____ (’LABE BRYAN. 52: Ißt Proprietors. 12 CENTR AL H A It KKT D. fi. Sawyer. Proprietor. gard to liquor license, excepting sec­ tion 16. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, ti.e Sunday school missionaries are here at work. I’hey arc both good speakers. R W. I nncefleld has purchased the Stephen’s stock ranch on the Willa­ mina, which ho will stock with cattle, In the Briedwell school district they voted « lj mill tax and applied the same to repairing the house and grounds. It will be the nicest district school in the county. On passing up into the Williams addition to the town of Amity, we ob­ serve new sidewalks along many blocks the same being made voluntar­ ily, which speaks well for the citizens. S andy . ■ SELLING OFF Grey Merino, White Merino ■ i mwwwqM i liant* STOCK EVER Xa. To tlic Ladies. I M1»< HtTERS Mrs. IMts Donald, COST s and Boys’ Hats Men’sand Boys’ Underwear in !!«-111' i!, 11': 11rviveH,” and'. ■ in uriler tn «ivv .- .m i lir I have mmb- arrangement* with A 'I l ■■ oi i. i li" i lib t . t<> lil all whom I cannot. Third street. MoMinnville. Oregon ¿ o i K rr s. Ti ACTUAD pooing Parlor. pound boy, March 3d. nettor.of Billiton, The Good Templars gave a shingle 15c SHAVING 15c. and W ade our towis a supper oir the 4th, which was good. Ladie and childrens hair-cutting done K.nj At our school meeting Cyrus Smith visit last week and’ called on “ Unáí¿ style desired, with neatness and dispatch. was elected director and Wyatt Har­ Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. Ban.” Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or Father Stow oi Bellevue, who is ris clerk. cold baths always ready, only 2Scts. Th I Town council at their last meeting street between C and D, McMinnville, Or. eighty-four years of age is hardly ex­ A. <’. WYNDHAM. Prop. pected to live ; but Father Boulerjack passed the Lafayette ordinance in re­ is rapidly recovering and it Is believed he will soon be around again. Bella Yocum, a daughter of Frank- in Yocum of Polk county, and a graduate of Willamette university, who iias been sick for about two years, died <>n the Sth of March. She was one of the brightest girls we ever knew and was universally repected and be­ loved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. An orphan girl about ten years old, by the name of Nellie Rorrick, was burned so badly one day Inst week that she died in about twelve hours. She was playing with Mr. Henshaw’s children, when the tall grass was set on fire with some matches, her dress caught and she ran to the house about T fi i: Challenge lor Trotting The undersigned wishes to challenges any colt iu Yamhill county two years old, to trot over the McMinnville track in the fall of 1886, date to be agreed upon, against Index, the got of Hambletonian Mambriuo. for JIIDO. For particulars iuquiro of or address. Mt A D. MARTIN, MoMinnville, Or., Feb. 11, 1881*.. TODD GERS -.Frock and Sack, of the Best Eastern Manufacture, and Nobby Fits and latest styles. e Wi SitAt i. Carn a FI LL LINE of the Old Re­ liable BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS GOODS, in Mens’. Boys’, and Youths' sizes, goods that have never been SCRI’ASSED for DURABILITY on (he Pacific Coast. As in the P ast , we shall continue in the future to sell the same at ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. LESS, wear considered, than any goods of similar character me sold for in McMinnville. THIS IS IDLE BOAiST, but is a fact wliicli be substantiated by Luirdod >-i and boys in this vicinity \ li n. daily wearing these good. Icall special attention t. om I.VDIES kNr^G^^^IH.'ESS SHOES. W >ii< »rs from two to seven acres tracts of land for sale in C. G. Saylors Addition to MoMinnville, on one and two years time if property is improved. BT‘I— criptions and Family Recipes MARVELOUS LOW PRICES- FOR SALE. Amtty 9 Born to the wife ----- of D. B. Putman, a id S ikj «love Htnl Fishties, Liuli< a Ulhl xu ibovb durtuyu, Fans and parnsols and S; un mor Under- wear. Sun. rs, Culls and Collars, from 50 cents up. in endless variety. Hose from 10 cents lip. All colors ami kinds. The finest lines >i Hats and Neckwear ever brought to Yamhill County’, with Caps for Box < al Johnson A: Force IJroA OTS, SCHOOL BOOKS —Always or) —AND Wholesale and Retail H.ivniy purchased the Strain property iniinently located in ^IcMinuville rcfi lv to do all kinds of Truck and cry Work at short notice. AH goods eh trusted to our cure will be care fully him < Ped. and promptly delivered. Also keep on hand Wood of all kinds as cheap as tho cheapest Order« ¡eft at the City Drug store will be promptly attended to. J -T. < OLLARD 'n Prices Cheaper than Ever. F. DTEUSCNBIDBR. lw. llluatrat«« and lima rvcrv thing for luullea'. (tenta*. Chlldrmt»* and Infant"' and Flous* kwj in« O sxm G, at prkvw bwr than those f i y house in the United Staten ( ompleto ■o- BAWKS’S PRINTERS’ H WarrncwT^ “ rarehoiisc jiFTOttcn* treet, San Franofeo»’ '^ency for C. 322 Battery St., S. F. Have constantly on hand r 1» wagon •i^mlly adapt«! to i dy delivery of Parcels. Trunk!«, 1« heb,