MISCELLANEO! 'S.. It wa- haunted though; but oy a race more atone bore the remembrance of my early love, grim, though free from evil. We ascended ami yet I had not b?en true to his memory. It Is not in luiniaA nature to lie faithful to the stali-H, ami entered our different sleeping apartments. Somehow I could not close my the dead for ever. Heaven. In Its merciful eyes that night, and I sat myself down be­ judgment, ordains It otherwise; a veil of ob­ side the table on which was the lamp, and livion is thrown over the past. tried to think. One early evening In July, having finished Bernard occupied the next room to mine, and I heard him walking to anil fro, to and the duties of the day, and administered to the comfort of my househohl, I was tempted f fro. He was equally restless. After sitting about an hour gazing into the lamp, during to take a stroll In the cemetery, amt to wend which time the house was quiet and still, the my steps towards the grave of Bernard Mc­ servants having retireii to bed, 1 heard a Gregor. A woman stood beside me; she deep, heavy groan, in Bernard’s room. I lifted her veil—I shrieked. It was Grace trembled in every limb; the slightest sound Merton; I identified her, although she was terribly changed. Conscience had evidently startles one in the dead of night. stricken her; she had beauty, even yet. Hers “Bernard must I m ? ill,” 1 cried aloud, and was too lovely a youth to ba withered by the wrapping my dressing-gown hastily around roughest storms of life. me, 1 hastened to Ids door, and kniteked. The freshness, the brightness, hail all gone “Bernard, what is the matter?” I cried, iny for ever; but the foundation of a once lovely voice shaking with tenor. form and face still remained. She approach­ No answer; but another groan. I rushed —ARE 'HIE— ed me; all the cruelty had «lied away from to my aunt’s room, amt hastily entered It. “Aunt! aunt!” I cried, wldte with fear; that classic mouth, all the darts of triumph Leading Photographers of Oregon, “I’m sure Bernard Is ill. He is groaning, which illumined those steel grey eyes were spent Her gaze was fixed upon me now and won’t open the door.” with a long, mournful, sorrow-stricken sad­ My aunt had just fallen into her first sleep. rpilEllt GALLERÀ is the I nrgest ami My voice partly roust'd her; she was dream­ ness. 1 .HoNt Coin pie to on t lie Faville <'»»a-U, • Miss Lindon,” she murmured. ing. Uu' Take the Elevator, I started back: the voice was hollow, and “A wrong verdict,” she cried, excitedly; it sent a thrill through my frame. 2!» W ISIHXG KkS SI “an unfair one.” “Miss Lindon that was,” I replied, “but “Aunt—get up,” I implored; “Bernard Is now »Mrs. Courtney. ” Portland, Oregon. ill. “Married!” she exclaimed. “Illi—what’s that?” she cried, opening her “Yes, married,” I replied. eyes, and fully arousing herself to the pres­ At the same time I felt my cheek color ent consciously; I was kmnding beside another “Oh I aunt, for Heaven’s sake don’t lose man’s grave, but only a dead idol after all. time; follow me.” Mv Husband, as a sensible business man, —VIA—- I hastened again to his door, and this time would not lie jealous of a piece of green turf without ceremony, 1 pushed it open wide. beneath which the dust ami ashes of a lost Heaven! shall 1 ever forget the shock I sus­ lover slept. tained? Bernard’s face was white as death, “1 don’t know Imw to address you,” the and he stood leaning against the mantel­ wretched woman said. “Perhaps you think —AM»— piece, and gasping for breath. I shrieked , me presumptuous for daring to even look at aloud for assistance, and my aunt came run­ you after the wrong I did you in the past—a ning in. wrong which I have bitterly suffered ami re­ “My gootlness!” she exclaimed, lifting hei pented for. Do 1 not look as if 1 had had hands; “how the room smells of oil of al­ my deserts for my wickedness?” monds.” I shudderingly lifted my eyes to the hol­ Trains on ami after Sept. I 1, IHH5, “Oi! of almonds!” 1 repeated, huskily,and low cheeks, the sunken eyes, the ashen lips, rushing to Bernard. “Bernard, dear, what and replied: is the matter?” I cried. “Speak to me I” “Yes, woman, you undoubtedly have.” - He clasped my hands, ami turned his eyes, “Woman I” she echoed plaintively. “Oh, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Ida 111. unearthly hollow, ami wide open, upon me. don’t speak so cruelly; call me Grace once “He Is suffering from madness,” I cried, more—only once more I The sands of life shuddering, to my aunt. have nearly run out. I shall soon be sleep­ At that moment she rushed to ids side, and ing as he is sleeping.” Monday, We« I nest lay, Friday, 8 a. 1)]. fii.s head fell b v-k up-m my shoulder. Site paused for breath, ami a liodow cough “May the Lord help you to bear this—yout checked her utterance for the time. She cross, poor child,” she said, assisting me te placed her hand to her head where her hair hold his head, and desperately cmh-avoiinji lay like bands of enow—all the color hail to speak calmly. "lie is poisoned—see!’’ long left it. Firat-class ami Cabin passage $14 GO ami she clutched a small phial from hh M “ Steerage “ - 7 00 Heavens! I pitied her, wretch as she was. hand. - I 60 I had been the means of getting her punish­ Grain |>er ton, 2,000 lbs. “Send for tho doctor,” I cried. Thus saving to the farmers ami merchants ed; surely I ought tn i»e satisfied. I had suf­ of the valley “Too late, child,” she answered, placing fered also, but not as she had. her hand to his heart; “lie Is dead.” Thousandsof Dollars. After all, what is the suffering of an in He is dead! How many times did 1 find my Willamette river boats will hereafter connect lyis uttering those words: how they rang iu jtired one who can lay her head down at night on her pillow and feel under Heaven with trains atCorvalli-. This new line is pre­ my ears for months after. There an* realitiiv that she is sinned against rather than sin­ pared to transport all the freight and pa-si n ui life which although we know to be facts, ning. compared to the horrible tortures of gers offering. »eeiii to rise before our vision like a dread the guilty one, whose conscience never rests, WALLIS NASH, Vi«*«« Pre.«. nightmare. II seems Impossible fol us to lie- ami whose brain is racked by the condemn­ lieve them until the healingpliysit i m time, CHAS. C. HOGUE, A. G. P. A F. Agt. ing fiend who hurls torments u|X)ii his head, gradually reconciles tv* to. all 1 Lings. Corvallis, Oregon. until he feels that the hangman’s rope were What a contrary effect trouble has on dif­ an easy death? ferent persons! How it alters the disposi “Grace Merton,” I said, after a pause, “an­ tion, alters the tenor of their whole lives I There are some whom it crushes to earth swer me truthfully one question. Did you hnally, who never lift their heads again; bill really love Bernard M< Gregor?” From beneath the surface of that leaden Wholesale ami Retail dealers in Field. Vegeta this is really in a measiir«« “selfishness,” for ble, and Flower we have the living Io think of,and this world cheek I saw the blood gradually dye it. just requires action. There are others who he- as I had seen her blush years ago when she come adamant it kills them. I don't’ mean bail tempted him on that summer morn. “From my soul I did.” she replied. “Mail, that it actually quenches the vimM'ftrk of lit» Itself, but hardens tie* Ie*ai17 ilaadens the guilty as that love was, that crazy love at­ brain, numbs tlie senses, and stagnates all tacked me at first sight. It was the love of the sensibilities. With regard to myself, I madness born, which stops at nothing to se­ Imperia! Egg Food, Garden Tools, can’t say that It actually had that effect, but cure its treasure. Had 1 not loved him 1 Fertilizers. Etc. should have been saved from the crime which it certainly changed me wonderfully. It was some time be for * 1 awo e to the has rendered my life a living torture ami em­ truth. Bernard had died f rom the effects of bittered yours. 1 was a vain, unprincipled •2 Necornl St., follia nil. girl, I know; but I was really fond of him, l^ttie iiolson; was it suicide, or murder? 1 -.1 liei< 1«'. wli.it I r . "H w .1* t liei e fol Mich and the thought of your being his wife near­ Semi for Catalogue. act what i it? \\ I." < i ii 11f the | ¡»lasted; and looked: up. A clergyman the house on the previous day. We inform- LIVER ANO KIDNEYS ed the coroner that Grace Alorton was the ijood beside nie. He bent his head down on a level with the only visitor. It is perfectly harmless und I shuddered, as I uttered that woman’s woman.who knelt motionless at my feet. A can be given to the most deli cate woman or child. For sale name, ami though no lingering thought dim dawning.of the truth flashed upon me. by all druggests. The face was cold and white, the lips wen «truck any of * is before, yet, a,s L faced the coroner, and his penetiatu^ eye reRteil upon parted; I placed my hand upon the brow, it S nei . l , Ifi iisnu A W oodward , was cold also. me, I felt the live blood leave uiy frame. Wholesale Agents, “Heaven has cille«! to a«*uouiit anothei Go«xl Heavens! surely she was not his Portland, Oregon. wanderer,’ the minister said “She Is dead.’ murderess! I started up, and my lips murmured: The vision of the dark silent figure, thick­ “The Lord give rest to her soul!” ly veiled, who entered the house on the pre­ text of looking for her music, flashed upon I me with horrible distinctness. M < M I N N \ I L L E ADV E R TIS E RS. My appearance must have told volumes— as these thoughts flitted in my brain, for the coroner saj\ I li I I.- -IKS. during Her Majesty's pleasure, and was sent A Farm at Bril Kock l*ri«*r to an asylum for criminal lunatics. LEGAL slicriii I bvr. roll. Nit ii I t I1 I k II I II hl I I .Il I’t of the 11 land claim m T I. R. 3 west, in sections beginnm;’ on the west bound lajni near the old tan \ard, at 1 heli's *oiith 22 ne« 0,1th «leg. wot. 1 ».is e mhi H i x2 «leg. < ust , linin'-. Io .i ». i I'» '¡I • li.im*. w it­ ili« I p in «Iiameter lh«*nuv g. north 11 < liaiir- witne* < mietei . thence • «mill 61 d«g them «* we*t .‘W. I> «bain*. lit • feet in diameter. thence » ; 27 link', them e smith 23 »1 chain-, with old line of i*. witne*s a red tir 24 inchi'« thence oiith I.’» deg. west 5 *, a Hr 3 feet in «Iiameter; 10 «1« ;r. west, It links; thence wi st ». 11 chains to piat i* of Leave Taquixia MILLER BROS. SEEDS, SEEDS, o K T 3 in Thus the hope of my early youth wasvi ucl- ly wrecked in the morning of life, and my existence for some years rendered a blank; but time, which heals all things, healed me, and ten years afterwards 1 married. Did I love my husband? Wi II. that question takes a little time to answer. Perhaps the love was not of the same kind. Fifteen years change the disposition won derfully, ami tlx» woman of thirty-five look« apon in«* in .i dUI....... . light to the gin of twenty-one. Yes; 1 think 1 loved my hus­ band, although lu* wa« not exactly my ideal. In the fit-4 pl;i< e. hOWMh widower with a fainilj*, anil a very business-like man. T al­ ways hail rather an aversion ton business­ like man. Poor Bernard had been so very opposite that it maile my taste fastidious. It is almost as well that a woman should not meet her ideal too early in life; It often spoils her for the realities of after years. I had no children; but my husband’s fami­ ly were quite enough to keep me well occu­ pied, and I was always of a disposition to suit myself to circumstances. I know now that I was simply a business man's wife, and not tho bride of an officer of rank and position, as I might have been. Mv aunt lived with me, and took much of the re­ sponsibility of tutoring a large family off my hands; I had plenty of money, my husband being a wealthy merchant. Nome women would have envied my posi­ tion; but my aunt thought I ought to have done better, having sprung from a family ot genius, and been reared in a school where Mammon was not the only God. Yrs; I was tolerably happv, and yet, notwithstanding my present comforts, I would sometimes find myself wandering about that little cemetery at Rothsev. where a green mound and white I will sell mv farm at a price that will com pare with the timed, Il consists of 126 ACHES, AL. HU8SEY'S MEW GROCERY STORE, Third Street, McMinnville, lathe place to buy your FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. A unw. neat and clean atock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter Crocks, Colored Gia A ware, Cutlery, Cased Good«, To­ bacco. Tipee and Cigars. lliirri St. *1 imi a il le. One block east ol Planing Mill, Th i ni Mreel, between D ami E. PRO. Carries a full stock of Furniture. Carpets, Wall Paper, Bini Cages, Baby Carriages, Ac., which he sells at prices so reasonable that none van find fault. Repairing done in a neat and -ub.danti/ manner. Treah Fruit and Vegetable« in Season (iive me a call. Inspect tny «tack, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. Poftitivr Notice. All p«rik>uii knowing IbrmnelTw indoblod to th» nndereignnd vil» plMM rail »nd rat lie by Ih» flmt of Oraembor. No «noonnt will bo «lloved to ran orar. All «ooonntn not mid by January I at. will be planed in tbe 1 band» of attorney» for oolleetion. 34.M A. J. APrEBNON. | NEW DAVIS SEWING MACHINE, Of which I keen a full stock ready to simply customers on snort notice ami at prices cheap as the cheapest. Attachments, needles, oils, etc., constantly on hand. Mach 'les as well as furniture neatly repaired, and satisfaction guarantee«!. Please call and examine goods and prices ™. nom» & co- I r> Front, Í ND, OREGON, t AND STEEL, HARDWA. FARM Sole Agents for Ore -o:. I Washington for DEER I PLOWS Mici-iii* Vile. By virtue and authority of an execution and a datwaa of forealoaim and order of Rule duly lsHiiedout of the circuit court of the Rtat«' of Oregon for the oonnty of \aiuhillon , the 13th day of October, A. D. 1885, upon a ' judgment duly enrolled and docketed in the clerk’s office of said court in Raid county on the 2d day of October, A. I). 1885, in favor of R. II. Todd, plaintiff, and against Geo. <’. Robison, and J. 8. Robison, the beira at law of H. Robison deceased, Fann ie B. Robi hoii , I. R. Dawson, Thomas J. Shaddon and Elizabeth Hodge, executrix of the estate of Charles Hodge deceased, defendants, for the sum of $467.67 and interest at the rate of in per cent. (>er annuiu from the 2d day of Ootober, 1885, and the sum of $50 as attorney’s fees, and the further sum of $17 costs; and to me duly directed and de­ livered. I did on the 21st day of October, A. I). 1885, seize and levy upon the following described real property to-wit Being the west end of a certain piece of land situated on the west side of the town of McMinnville, in the county of Yamhill, state of Oregon, and more particularly described ns followR: Beginning at a stake 3u feet south of tho east and west line of Oeorge Bangasser’s premises and 2»»4 ft. west of A street in said town oi McMinnville, thence west 200 feet; thence south 195 feet; thence east 2n0 feet; thence north 195feet to the place of beginning, containing three-fourths () of an acre, more or less, together with the tenements, hereditaments and ai)purtenan«3es thereunto belonging. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, on SATURDAY, the 28th day ■ f NOVEMBER. A. I>. 1885, at tho hour of 2 o’clock, p. m., at tho court houtse door, in the town of Lafayette, in said county, I will acll at public auction, the above described real property, belonging to said defendants, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said judgment, costsand accruing qosts. Dated this 21st cay of October, A. I). 1885. E. B. COLLARD, 33.5t Sh« -iff of Yanihjill county,. Or. By T. J. H akbi . j , Deputy. ExccutriV* sale Estate. MOIJNE ÎI Í. • Powe/ nt ev i lenee of the truth of what we » utting SO cubic inches ha«i 324 His. it!) o’lty an actual draft of 2D2 pounds, DEERE CZ are the Best Made.) 1 AKE ALSO AGENTS FOK THE Superior Seed i )riils,Superior Broadcast Seeders^ All our H «crior Drills, also Broad a t .< • ’ r < urass seed attachments, ami are complete with neck-yoke, doubletree*' etc., umi a e pmitive force-feed. Sole Agents for Corbin’s Disc I hu-i-ow aud Scecley-^ SepiUTTLER F/VRM WAGOJMS ' h.ipin Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Challenge Feed Mills, I’aixfia Fanning Mills, Harh Barbed Wire, etc. ’ Hall , ■ '■»riiiiC';?.. California Von der. xnr.Send for Speeiul circulars and Price List. Lawrence OPPOSITION BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE I Have K ci ) k > v <' du.1 <1 m Conn McMinnville. Yamhill County, Oregon, ac­ oil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, and other point- than via aay other cording to the recorded plat 'thereof. Lots line. Emigrant sleepers with free berths hauled entirely oil ex­ N". I. 2, and 3, of block No. of Newby’s 3d press trains. All accommodations first-class. Time from addition to the city of Me Minnvills, Yam­ hill < ounty, Oregon, according to the record­ 12 to 18 hours quicker than any oilier route. Write for ed plat thereof. Lots No. 7 and « in block rates, maps, time-tables, guides ami full informa­ No. 2, of Newby’s 3d additioh to ‘he city of tion given free of charge. Trains leave Port MoMinnville, Yamhill Country, Oregon, ac­ land daily at 3 p. ni.. B. CAMPBELL, cording to the recorded plat) thereof. Lots No. 3 and I, in block No. 3, tof Newby's 3d General agent, No. 1, Washington St., Portland, Or. addition to the city of MoMinhville. Yinnhil! ('ountv, Oregon, according tp the recorded plat thereof. Lot No. 4, of Newby's 2d addi­ I tion to the city or town of McMinnville, Yam hill ( ’ounty, ( Iregon,according io the recorded plat thereof^ also fractional lot No. 4, added to said lot No. I, last aforesaid, as indicated in the recorded plat of Newby's 3d addition HARNESS AND REPAIR SHOP, to the city of ¡McMinnville, Yamhill County Oregon, also a fractional block lying across Under Odd Fellows' Hall, Third St., the street immediately east of lot No. 8, of block No 2, of Newby’s 3d addition to tbe - - okegon . city of McMinnville, Yamhill County. Ore­ M c M innville , Third Street Bet. < mid I», gon. also the following tract of land to-wit: Invites you to Beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. I. of block No. (3) three, of Newby’s 3d ad­ (.'all ami examine his dition to the city of MoAlinnville’ Yamhill J W li i|i*, (’ounty, Oregon; thence south 6.95 chains: thence north 77}3 deg. west 8.82 chains to E Ill'll «lid», street; H etice north along E street 6.06 chains to the southwest corner of lot No. i 4 ) 9 Collar*, four of said block No. (3) three last afore­ said. thenco east 246 feet to the place of be­ The Best Variety ginning, containing 2.43 acres, together with And Everything kept in a first-class shop, the improvements thereon. (¿^TRepairing neatly done nt Satisfactory Also the following tract of Ipnd, to-wit: AND------ prices. Beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. o ( 11 one. of block N q , (3) three, of Newby's X Call and get my prices before looking 3d addition to the city of McMinnville Yam­ W elsewhere. hill County, ( >regop; thence south 6.95 chains more or 1 ms U> th* center of Cosine creek; thence down the center of said (’¿zine creek fì t< the railroad bridge; tbencel northerly For the money, ever brought to the o along sai«l railroad bridge to the southeast town of McMinnville. o corner of the old cemetery. being at a point 16 feet south from tho southeast corner of Order Work a Specialty P- lot No. 5, nf block No. A, of Newby's 3d ad­ <3 dition: (hence along the south aide of said 16 I Guarantee _______________ al. _______________________ Order Work to Give foot alley to west end of said alley; thence Satisfnctiou. north along west aide of lot No. 1. of block No A, aforesaid, to southeast corner of lot Garrison Opera-house building, D street, Call and examine my Good« before No. 3, of block No. 4, «-f Newby's 31 addition Opposite tho postoffice. purcliawing else whore« aforesaid, thence west 180feet to th» place of McMinnville, - - Oregon. beginning containing 3.37 aoreR of and. Also, Agent for 11 to 500 Miles the Shortest AL. YOÜNC, D. C. HARVER, Furnitura Dealer and Undertaker. o NEW STOCK I d o n 4 & Our 8 New Millinery Store Mrs. G. II. Goulet, Inquire of Fenton A Fenton attorneys for estate, La Fayette, Oregon, or Charles W. Talmage, agent, nt McMinnville, Oregon. Land Oilier Xoli««. L and O ffice , at Oregon City, Or.. I October 29tb. 1885. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed his intention t« make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before the county judge or county clerk of Yambill county, at Lafayette, Oregon, on Friday. Decern b i 18, 1885. viz. i John W Green, homestead entry No. fi,< -------- .l"2 for ---------- the N. '3 of ----- N. ... E. and the E. of the N. W. of Meo. T. 2 H., K W. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultiva­ tion of said land, viz: William Hall, W p Robertson, N. Chamberlin and A I). Kun noia, all of North Yamhill. Yamhill conntv, Oregon. L. T. BARIN. 34.M Register. Fay s Waterproof Building Manilla. tor* Aotirr. Mrs, Werner «fc Teshau, We have just received a new stock of LOOK AT THIS! Having disposed of our Ribbon*, property,we will close Etc., Etc. out our entire stock of l’rioes lower than ever. Dressmaking and Fancy Sewing a spectalty. goods at cost. Com­ Third street, Campbell’s building. mencing on Monday, September 7th. Call GUNSMITH SHOP and see for yourself. AND RHODES & SON. Bonnet*, Hal*. SHOOTING GALLERY, Genuine Apple Brandy. Old Poet office Building. D Street. M c M innville - - oregon . Girl Wsier. Propristor. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed have been duly appointed joint I” cutors of the last will and teatament of Henry Warren deceased, by the county court I Repairing of Guns, Pistols and Sewing for Yamhill county, Oregon. All pernona having olaims against the estate of said de­ Machines a specialty cedent. are required to present them duly VJJ> < • 111 ss l-'ov verified to ns. at the office of J. E. Magers . a.................................................... The inont complete ami successful tool for this purpose iu USC. or Real NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT BY virtue of a license and order of sale, duly made and entered of record on the 7th day of .July A. D. 1885, by the Uohnty Court of Yamhill Gouuty Oregon, thw undersigned, Sarah J. Newby, executrix df tho last will and testament of W. T. Newby, deceased, will, on I i i li»r 27 lit «lay tii Xniember Plow/ Thu fact that over ." 6 < laim for thin imp,.-, actual draft ; the I Hats, BonnetH, Notions in the Dry Goods One half cash in hand on day of sale, bal­ ance one year's time secured by note and line, and a full stock of articles to which the attention of ladies is respecfully called. mort gage on property and drawing interest (Established 1866.) from day of sale, al 10 per oent pc- annum. Deeds at expense of purchaser. Title per­ This waterproof material, resembling fine fect HARAH J. NEWBY, leather, is used for roofs, outside walls of build­ Millinery and Dressmaking Executrix aforesaid ings, and insid- m place of plaster. Made Dated (fetober ?7tb, A. D. 1885. 33 5t also into carpets ami rugs. ) best bargains in 1 (¿ood House nn«l Hai-n. PARTICULARS. thence down the t a -t bai the county r>> ui m ar tin nt distance Horn the w: »enable the dd 11» nry I i' n K Henn I i of h< ginning. thci« i. ••« lo virtu ci Satusda" “ 12th day of December irday >hv 1885. it th. Iioitr <>l on«* oN louk, p. a . tn., at the court hou c de in the town <»f Lntavettr. in aid cmintv an«l t.ite. I will *«•11 .it publi. uiction, tlx* al-ov 8., R. 3 west, ami boitmled as follows : commencing at tlx* southeast corner of -aid claini, thence west 11. II chains to si mt liea-t corner of R. \V. Denney's land : thence north IL.2S chain • to Denney's northeast «orner: thence cast II. .36 chains to east boi claim; thence south beginning, situated state of ’ iregon. A I-< • the follow ing to-wit: A part «if land claim of Joel I bounded as follows, wit: Beginning at tlx* northeast corner .»id donation claim, thence n«>rtji 73dcg •t .‘»y.lNfchai.i ;thc,ii e north7.’xt« hains; tic < ooth id ■ north the ice < asl : » chai chains t>> the north'' nation I md < laim . line of Dtniawav'• stake on M. I’.dlo;. northeast corner of Tlx ace south betw< 23.85 chain - io the p ate«l in Yandiiil cult Also tlu1 following to-wit. A.l "i that | nation land claim of I in Yamhill < - »uni \, No. 1.016, hi , ( at a stake >u chaii south of set tion .) ii thence south 32 eh inches in diameter. nortlrof a li:< ■ imm ruiinin : tin tn ■ »»I < t bonixlai vol ml < la Al o the lollowin:; to-wit : A part of tl ¡and claim, ihtutei state of Ort; on. co west «-orner or «i l< following the w. t> r I tlx* said John B ik I <1 an anulc lO.t"' < hain t BLACKBIRÏ h rECKHAM J I An i ih but two mile« uorlh «»I McMinnville. About 55 acres improved, and most stacked with timothy, with a pasture of 25 acres in ad dilion, ami Treasury depattmeut, Office of Comptroler of the Currency, W ashington , D. (’. Oct. 7, 1885. Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the nmiorsigned, it has been made to ipjwar I that tho First National Bank of McMinnville, in the tmvn of McMinnville, in the county of ) atnhill, and Rtato of Oregon, has complied with all the provisions of tho Revise«! Statute» of the United States required to be complied with before an association b I ih II be authorized to commence tho business of banking. Now therefore, I, Henry W. Cannon,comptroler of the currency do hereby certify that the First N» tional bank of McMinnville’in the town of Mc­ Minnville, in the county Yambill, and state of Or g<»n, ia authorized to commence the busi­ ness of banking as provided in seeiion titty-one hundred ami sixty-niue of the Rev iso« I Statutes <»t the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office*, this 7th day of < letober, 1885. HENRY W.C. NN<>N, < 'omptroler of the Currency. No. 3,3V9. 32.10t I Leave Corvallis Rites Between Corvallis and San Francisco. chas I II I ker, im the *u li im« I r«-> I ami sevenl lai ' 11271 !«• . I’ > terest from tins d.i annum, ami the fu ilrvil dollai • ¡ i the turi her ■ um «»f duly «lire» ted and • lltl’i day of X. hi in and levy upo • the f< • state to-wit : Tie land owned by A B. time of their death i of Oregon I'll« u STEAMSHIP UNE AGRICULTURAL ANDMIS» ELLA NEOUS. sal«- L I A I A'i 11 I1 I I LEGAL. Notice. THE STAR MILLS. For Sale by I'U VXK kl.OI < lllk. M c M innville , OREGON New Grocery and Provision Store Just openetl on Third Street, two Doors East of Dielschneider's, McMinnville, Oregon And deliver the Mme to any pert of the oity ifl-Thsi we ,«y (be HIGHEST TRICE for All persons indebted to me either by uote | Everything in the line cheap for cash or in (.eave Orders at Stable, all kinds ef produce,and give 10 percent, off or Rooonnl will please call and settle by th« i exchange for countrv produce. Call and for cash. l.Vh of N«)vemb F W. REDMOND. i Corner Third and D Sts.. MoNiunville. Or. examine good« and prices. L. ROOT. I I