Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, February 21, 1884, Image 5

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    ora l’i.in.iJiii)
For the best Ituiteru made, u<> to Mannings.
A petition in ont .lskini; the countv to up.
Only three :noru numbers in vol. 13.
propriété funds for the budding ot .1 bridge
for your ammunition, go to Manning's.
soross the Yamhill river, I, . , „
Aunty. I'hn 1-, .1 ,t. .. 1,,, ;
Mrs. Dr. John on Ims lxen quite ill during and
tin. pust weak.
tuwliition to a l i ■ a tr.i lin ' ’>.:>! ■, Thu
Feb. 19. 1884.
Mr. Thorn, of Salem, was in town and petition at this place i bom - hu «,. ■ uslv
Come now! show us you voidest inhabitant:
¡uud os a c.iiI, Monday.
trot him out here ; stick him on the point of
From whnt we uiw IÍ ,t
1 ,„|
tl„. a pin and exhibit him to our gaze. But he
For Sewhtf machines and niAohine sup
’t come ; he is frozen lip, snowed under,
report» that cauio front up the countr . we
plies, fi‘>1,0 Mannings.
are led to believe that Yamhill was a inervó and lo. t for ever.
Remembi r the Fireman*« Fair, to morrow spot during the last cold snap. G«Mn^ down
Mrs. Newman, a lady 84 years of age. liv­
nnd Saturday evening».
the country we find a good coatiu < r snow in'.' with her soil on the Martin f irm, one
Our young friend, Geo. Fisher, left for covering the wheat extendin«.’ '• >-t tc> tto> mile east of here, slipped and fell, while out
edge of Yamhill, while over in Washington in the yard, last Saturday, and pisloeated
San Francisco, last Thursday.
there was no snow visible ; and we aro ¡old
Remember, Manning pay» no rent and can that the snow extended south to di • i’o’k her hip joint.
sell goods cheap accordingly.
Mr.s. Matty, who has been <m a visit to
county line and then disappeared.
friends in the east, returned home last
There have been numerous etrangers in
A petition is out asking the county to open Thursday.
town the past week, looking for land».
a new road, said road to lead from B street
John Watson and John Mott, of Dayton,
County Clerk, J. J. Spencer, came in to straight through across Cozine creek to near were
up on business last week.
the new college building, then bear east a
nee uh Monday, a» full of mirth as ever.
short distance, thence in a southeruly direc­
A man named Howard, formerly of Mr
Maps of the Cœur d’Aleiib mines can be tion. running mar the residences of Alex ■ Muinvtlle was brought from North Yamhill
found at RoLison A Baker's. Brice, $1.25.
Reed ami J. R. Booth. A road through the last week, charged with doing some promis
portion indicated in the petition would be a
Miss Ella Woods, of St. Helens Hall, Port great convenience to numerous citizens in cuous shooting in the skating link at that
land, has been up on a visit, during the South McMinnville, besides a goodly num place, and lodged in jail in default of $200
bonds ; but he procured the amount in cash
her of farmers s >uth of town.
and deposited it with the proper officer and
Bom—In McMinnville, Oregon, Feb. 14,
'I al liln-ilv. It seems that $200 WAS a
There was fifteen inches of snow Tuesday
141-, to the wife of W. P. Gallentine, a morning, which was very damp and conse­ very light bond, considering the offense—
into a crowd just to see them scat­
quently very heavy, causing most of the
On being searched he was found to be
Nolict.» nr© posted calling a school meet roofs of our bpildiugs to groan under the ter.
armed with a Colt revolver and a pair of
o 1,1 to <>«• held on Monday, great weight/then came the rain which brass knuckles. $200 is a light bond, but it
soon made it heavier still. The porch in
March, 3rd, 1884.
front of W. <). Palmer’s store came down is better than the Amity case, where a young
Several nkaters went from this place with a crash : Mr. Willis’ woodshed suffered man shot a boy’s eyes out lor fun, and not a
to Wapato, last '1 hursday and found good a like fate. About a mile north of town question asked, " because,” as some of the
ice, and plenty of it.
Charlie Holman was chopping wood in his neighbors say, "everybody is afraid to.*’
shed, when it came down and Charlie onlv
'The late frost cracked our tire bell, but
Most of the Delegates to the State Tem­ escaped
being crushed by the roof alighting fortunately it, was warranted for two years.
perance Alliance now in session at Portland, npon a saw-buck
and a small gate that was The City Fathers ordered it taken down and
went down yesterday.
standing in the building. As it was. he was returned to the place from whence it came,
Mrs. J. W. Cowles has been, for several badly scared and considerably bruised.
also ordering a better one for our use.
weeks past, very unwell. but we are glad to
The anow packed nicely the fore part of
Our city council passed an ordinance pro
hear that she is slowly mending.
the week and the big boys, little boys, big hibiting minors from being out after t»:30
Mr. Charles Dukenfield, of New York, ar­
p. m., except for certain reasons. That there
rived in this place last week. He has not hand in snow balling ; but wo believe but should be some restraint placed on minors,
one class of individuals suffered and that especially boys, is very certain, but would it
made up his mind to remain, as yet.
was “John.” Whenever n Celestial showed not look much better io find the parents ex
Open Temperance Meeting on Monday his copper colored phiz there would be a ercising that authority instead of shifting it
< . uin'. Feb. i »th. Speakers—Rev. ('raw­ whoop and a cry that the "chínese mu I go.” over to the state or city '• It looks bad. very
lord, Rev. Matthews, and Elder Rus».
and then you would see the .Mongolian mak bad, to find parents wiUing to surrender oon
lively tracks for the “ wash-honsee.” trol of their children to the local law officers.
ft you want good tea, call for " Japan Pearl” ing
a shower of snow-balls following close We have several laws made especially, it
at the Bakery ; the weight of a half dime is with
wake—some so close as to cause him would seem, to relieve fathers and mothers of
enough to make a most delicious cup.
to think that one of " Balaam's birds” had the burden of governing their children. 'The
Providence permitting, I shall be at Mc­ struck him.
" Blue Laws” of Connecticut never went
Minnville for services in church, next Sun­
that far.
day, Feb. 21ta. R ev . J. R. W. S ellwood .
A friend, a strict temperance man. took i\ie
Mias. A. R. Luse’s Reading, on Monday
severely to task the other day about my ar­
evening, was well attended, and all felt well
on temperance in one of my coiumuni
Programme of the second annual Sabbath
repaid for thy time and money spent therefor.
cations, and asked if 1 " thought that tern
School Convention of Yamhill county, to be perance workers done no good
Mr. T. J. Graves, of Bethel, was in town held in the M. E. Church, Lafayette, Oregon,
If by temperance workers he means those
and paid us a pleasant visit, Monday, and
blatant blatherskites who talk tempe rance on
reported everything moving smoothlv in Old March 11th and 12th, 1884.
corner, annoy guests at every table,
N ote —Programme will be followed trict- and bore
it into people at every gathering, 1
say no. Such persons are only a pest, a nui­
The ball given by the McMinnville Ama­
ought to be abated. If lie means
teur Bam I. last Friday evening, was an en­
joyable affair, and brought the boys in about vention. Speakers appointed to open each those hightoned tramps who go from place to
their Bicksniffian ideas for
discussion will be allowed 15 minutes, others what they can get out of the audience. I snv
A party of Lafayette youngsters came up following, 10 minutes.
no. They follow that business because it is
for a sleigh ride on Sunday evening, and
easier than following the plow' and mor«* tony
called around to see na. They were having
than shoving a jack plane. Again, if he
2 p. m. to 2:30—Devotional Exercises.
a jolly time.
means the reverend gentlemen who hurl their
2:30 to 3—Appointment of committees and anathemas
from th«* pulpit at all who do not
For a good saw. ax, shovel, spade, nails report of Committee on Programme.
not or will not be led in their way on
and barbed wire, yon can do as well, and in
3 to 3:30—Address of Welcome, by W. D. Sunday
and crawl into their self righteous
some things, better at Manning's than any Fenton. Response by Mary E Edwards.
shell foi the balnnoeof the week.plugging up
place in Yamhill county.
3:30 to 5—Reports of Schools.
the hole with a plug of bigotry and self-laud
atiou, so tight that not one ray of Christian
Prof. Hutchinson, of the Lafayette Public
charity can enter towarm their chilled souls.
7 p. in. to 7:30—Devotional Exercises.
School, was in town on Saturday last. He is
I say again, no. They do no good. But if
7:30 to 8—Annual Address by President.
a very clever gentleman, and informs us that
8 to 9—General discussion of Sabbath lie means the quiet few, silent workers, who
.his school is progressing finely.
with hearts full of love for mankind and
11 Fisher has finished taking inventory and
charitv for their wickednesses, go searching
while at it made sweeping reductions oh cer­
out the fallen and bv working on their bet
tain lines of goods. Goand see him, if you
9 to 9:30 a. m.—Devotional Exercises.
ter nature, perhaps by touching a tender
wish to buy goods at right figures.
9:30 to 10:30—How to increase the attend­ spot in th«* hearts or memories, bring them
There was the largest crowd in attendance ance at our Sabbath School, opened by Rev. back to the path of manhood and duty,
■at the skating rink. Saturday evening, that Parsons.
propping and strengthening them in the
10:30 to 11:15—How shall we interest so as struggle with kind words and cheering toner.
has been since the rink was opened ; several
to obtain all classes in the Sabbath School, If In* means these. I say yes. An incalcula­
parties were up from Dayton.
opened bv J. E. Magers.
ble amount of good, in tlie temperanc«* cause
The half-term at the College, begins on
11:15 to 12 What especial préparât ions
N at .
Wednesday. Feb. 27th. Pupils who have should Superintendents and ’Teachers have and every other good cause.
been attending the public school, will thus for their work, and what helps do they need,
have an opportunity to continue their studies opened by S. Monroe Hubbard.
until June.
Feb 19, 1884.
W. Boyce, brother of. Mrs. O. O. Hod­
2 to 2:30 p. m. --Devotional Exercises.
son. accompanied by P. D. Glenn, arrived
2:30 to .3—Model primary class exercise,
at this place recently from Muncie. Indiana. conducted by Mrs. \ .innie Martin, with com
Boats are unable to reach this place at
The young gentlemen will probably make muiits by < '«»tiventton
present on account of ice in the river.
On .on their future home.
3 to 4 Model adult da i„ ex. ici •. Conduct­
Mr. .1 S. Faircliihlu. of Nvwl.t-rg, visited
Don’t he afraid because money is scarce that ed by — with comments by convention, in­
’ n.i will not be able to buy your Dry Goods, cluding the discussion of general exercise of friends here last week.
iind Clothimf as long a< you arc re pnnsihle, School.
J. J. Shiplev and wife, of your city, are
«•all on If. Fisher, and you can have goods
4 to 4:30—What can the Sabbath School do here visiting friends.
until after harvest.
for the temperance work, opened by Rev. G.
Mr. Wiley Kimspy, of Perrydale was in
F ob bent —House with five rooms, a good J . Burchett.
4:30 to 5—Election of officers and miscel­ town last Saturday.
barn, wood shed und good water, for rent
cheap by the year. Also, furniture for sale laneous business.
Servicea were ir ld in the new churches
at n bargain. Cull at G. L. Parker's dwelling
last Saturday night.
in North McMinnville,
7 to 7:30 p. m.—Devotional Exercise ..
Mr. B. F. M e’-13 is ei;j.- ;ied homo from
7:30 to 9--rite relation of Sabbath School the east in a tow
She looks oh : so bewitching as she plavs
“peek-a-boo” under her hand across the to the church, opened by Rev. James Mat­
Mr. Jones, :i brother «n-l:; .v of L Enos
stiver with the boys. And the boys think thews, with general discussion by Conven­
Hanson, arrived here from the east a few
it funny and chuckle to themselves as they tion.
. . ,
. . days ago.
exclaim “ Jewhilikena, what a masher.”
Every Sunday-school within th"' county is
About six inches of ;*;• ■ fvff here last
Elder Cheotham, State Evangelist of the entitl d to one deli jati fol ©vi 80 members
night, making it about a tout deep, a rain
Christian Church of Oregon, will hold a se­ or fractional part thereof.
ries of meetings at the Christian Church, of
All Pastors and Superintendents are en- storm set in this morning.
ibis citv, beginning the first Saturday in titeld to all the priviliges of the Convention.
Mrs. F. A. Hill who has been visiting in
March—the lirst day of the mouth.
Portland during the past month, returned
home a lew days ago.
The disfiguring eruptions on the face, the P rof . M c E lroy ' s L ecture .
sunken < . the pallid complexion indicate
A son of Mr. Beytrin has been very sick
that ther<- is something wrong going on
for the past few days. Dr Frank, who at­
within. Expel the lurking foe to health.— tendent, lectured to a good audience at the tended him. informs us that he i • now out of
\yer's Sarsaparilla was devised for that pur­ Christian Church, last Friday evening, and danger.
pose ; and does it.
his address was listened to with marked at­
A social dance at the residence of Mr. Je.r
As an article for the toilet, Ayer s Hair tention bv all present. His remark > were on Morgareidga. last Thursday night, was at­
Vigor st mds unrivaled. It cleinses the education, the modes of training, what^to tended by several of our young people, who
the report a very pleasant time.
Htalp and preserves it from scurf and dand­ read, etc. He
IL condemned
«.».«k...... •'• in
••• severe
— r tornw
ruff, cures itching and humors, restores faded light literature that is allowed to ‘ be carried
The Good 'Templars of this place will give
a?;d grey hair to its original dark color, and into the homes by parents and read
i snp|»ei at their hall here next Wodnewlaj
youths, thus destroying the >”•• I r render­ night
promotes its growth.
for the benefit of the order.
ing it vicious and useless : recomit i n ed that
NoTVr—Having closed out my business in libraries of say half a dozen eh ' olume©
Wednesday morning, at the residea'"
this plab ' I v ish to call the attention of all be placed at the disposal of cLHd. a in their
Rev. J. Parsons <»f this place, Mr. A. M.
♦ hat are nuw owing me to come and settle up homes and that in each school di a ict of the of
Carrie Berh in uer • unit« d
bv March 18t-R3 mv accounts will then be county there be a library of tw<> <>r three ia marriage. Miss
'I hey returned from Portl uid
pinned in tlw hands of J. E. Mapers for col­ dozen volumes, and in these boranes hr Inst Friday. 'They
are both qnite well Ltt>"' n
° L- P*»K“
would have the works of on> A. ;« ■ ” n l»‘ t • here and many unite in wishing them h'M' '
Geo V HarrJ* ha. I'cen appointed agent voung reader, a-; it would prove of lnralcn UPS.-).
for t'■
ri -dtnrnl Inanrance Company. 01 able benrtit. IT.- Prof, ii not a- t. o nt
V.. the Urpeat company of sneaker ns many others we have hr od. im.
the kind In the countrv. I.h,«comi>nny does his remarks are to the i>oint and show him
Feb. 18. 1KH4.
in Pxciusivo country business, and is not to l>e a deep thinker, and those ol •ur people
•ubi*-‘ to Jieavr lorw* by extensive oontta- who failed to bear him la»t i-ridav e • nin-
Too cohl for items.
<.rations in eiti*«.
Von win insure yonr
is the wheat safe ?
property, if «Mt el O.<. for n term of hve misled a rich treat. He is doing good work
throughout the state.
vears at reasonable rates.
To call this a cold snap would be giving it
latlier a running title.
Onrcennrnn friend. t>. C. Nnrver sends
die R epobteb force a \ alentine which 1. P ermamknt O roanizktion .
Bum, Feb. 11th, 1* I -to the wif of P
Tbe Open Temp-rance 8<iciety io t h ! the I McCane, h daughter.
; itfhly nppre'iated bv the bovs. It
of n boy >f 60 G.inibotta- «wars the l.e«t Presbyterian Chnroh Monday eveninj.leo
forth, r.rl e in the mnrket. Iieinu sold torn IHtb, «nd heaidesmrryinR out a ...... I pro i Dr. Mastin, of Dallas, was in town last
week on a visit.
- ents • . rhe Vinters eiprei« til*
that til* countrv wis full of such men as arnmis*. vlTected B |*rmniient
Oscar Faulconer. of Neshiccn. n visitiii:
iriend Nnrver and that St. \nlentmes Day under the uun.fi ot th« ' Open
and elected lb- ! friend» here.
Society of MeMiimvdli
rolled around every week.
I hi . «-old weKlher giv«s the nie.r.l.ant. a
following officer«, ’h“"-.. W. Harris,
. W. G pr. all
i rest all the loafers am out on the tc
y Perham v. u hnv* heard tfao clear deep ,UiH ('. A. Widlace and Mr-
tones of i b'H in town that were not faratl
. John Janie». while skating on the • a f w
,ar to von. f
wecan now tell vo„ that Sec’v : Geo. Robi jon. Cor. Sec'y : J- W. • lavs ago, broke through and got a duckin«'.
will me.-t nt t b«‘
,t WM the new .ell at th* Episcopal church, G null. I ____
re» . Tin Society
evening of i but with no serious cynsequenres.
which arrived on ThnrsdHV and w£S phiced Pr^ibvtr.iau Church .Monday
m the tower on ! ridav. I his bell came each . week i—
at » -i -’..i , A. Committee <»n pro­ I J. w. Webb delivered a lecture lu re I '- t
nto | '
I u“Mbiv evening, on " Tempernno*. and the
thn Trrv iN. Y.» bell w«»rke. weigh©
gramme for Mowtlay
Harding. Mrs J. W Gault ami Al • • Question of Morals. Patr «hsm and Philan
■V.nnds and cost £11!' The Ladies' Guild
uno worked lard to raise th* ntennsfor pro- Goriner. 'rhe following deb _ ;ate© were eleet- ! lumpy?'
r.tt. n.1 tb* state I • 04« ranee AH^iv
e„,H,c this bell, and th*ir*tforts are repaid .
I v.r
H i. I \ ietoi Gi'i " ourftaddl' »- is luHuved with
by th* satisfaction of knowing that bev W r \"»b“ I’ > i Ollrr
Ia fc*»“
one ot the best hrli»in this part of the State E. Rna-. and LJ. Nelson m i
I Our vhoo! is p-ospeting und r the man
Ijet 'er nns
' igt'inent of Miss Eva Mdntire.
Onr public Bohool closed list Friday even Bun tooEts ron St h ™> e C lebb
| ~l!d Graves, while hunting on the riv- i ••>.
":-Ou the
inc. •Hie term we- not out bv three weeks
£p. R efobtes
tl«r* 7 ihofl
! dav I d week, attempted t«> er « s on th«- i e
bat as th* attendance was rapidly• d*erwi«in.. forward*.! to the
tb* clerks
elds of il.dntr
but it gave way with him and he i.- nt un I i.
• m noconnt of '!'»
«•►uh.-r. it •• -i<
- - -
nnnml ri
I head and ears, but le-ing a g«»oJ r.wimm *r I e
bl« , thia county, bk.nk ■ i ‘f lb' -*
thoneht I...J
b«t to close.
-I—. We
W* are aovry
«ar, of Un-
m maged to get out.
ns McMinovill" has
«« BO™1 " '
: Tiiecs« repwtt • mnM I* ■ tn' i J by tb
■.« was ever v, Jit in tb* <n>nntv nn.lrr th< Moiifie.»
Mrttf-i* mo«" iF ! »~enre th
The G m J Piupton '»f Ud I»*’” hv.
bl*mnn- -.
' f ’
•' '■ r ,F;‘,nr'1
. .| theit ’ «3 e from i ■ • •’ Hail 1
"f the p ibhn f'¡ I
|V pP.f Wil' -m on and Jin*« efit
the Citi'r ide vf th*
ve;— prwipt 111 tn* !•; ’ 1
.... . r-J c-n'.f Mark’. W>»1* thi« hop* their r port .-■■t' I 1 L fjud >•» mÍÁ o
r^ nf te.rher-.l -d!’ ’•*
„T Sc by th* fir« J, •;> !
n M.reh. f«
The voung folks h iv? had a fine time -k •»
i nch clerk t or
¿¿othiywitli th~.r |.nP”\
"l?rn*r blanks were forwarded
tn" on the ice. th- p’«-( week, though a L- >
vanned theminthc.r atnd.ee in a »,r-n" sbo-dd be filled oat e'. l r. irne.l to this o
them have received duckiii:
that mn«t bare pl*n«* '«H
of thZ^ fi*. «» I
„net h. irtiW commend env or «JI of th
<r 1 Tellifion he« impr »ved the apx> «r
■ .„n-oin.tv th ' ™av d ,
dw of hi.; pr >p'rty by adding a ¡fleket
L. H. ft
«te Rervine* of « COO<I teacher. It >•
County School Supt.
hard to tell when echool w>H
b°' '
probably not ontil after school meeting.
Local Correspondence.
The Yamhill river is froz« u over at this
place for the first time in four years. Tho
thermometer .>tood at 4 deg. above zero.
A band of dogs killed 25 of " I ncle Vb.”
Faulconer'» »heep, a few nights ago, and tho
night following the coyotes killed 1 more.
Cousin "Highlander” want mes to til! his
poti ion as com spondent from th« Hi«gh-
1 would
like to accommodate the
Highlanders, but can not very well ” now.—
Besi d?s, Highlnnder
..................... is a good correspondent,
and why should b- want anybody to take his
pine •. No, the Highlands uro too far off for
P at L ander .
N ewbkug . Feb. 3, 1884.
E d . R eporter :—Y ou will please allow me
©pftoe in your valuable pap?r to correct a
false statement made by " Teetotaler” in his
temperaune tirade, in vour issue of Jan. 31st.
I have just received a fine lot of
He stated that “ten wars ago Cluhalom val­
ley cost the county as much or more than
•any other part of the county.” Tha factrt
are these : Fifteen vears ago two men—
.l imes Manin and Adam Cooper—were in­
dict: d for .-.« Hing liquor lo minors, and were
acquitted; about 13 years ago Win. Everst
cl«» .«d his sal«M»n of his own free will: 10
Feb. 18.1884.
years ago a man was sent to the penitentiary
for two years, for larceny in tho dwelling of
Rogers. That is the amount that Chehalem
day in town.
valle f has cost the county in 15 years. The
Orville Stewart and wife, of Moscow, are crr.sade case from McMinnville in 1874 cost
down on a visit.
the county as much «as Chehalem has in 15
Again he says that " 10 years ago wo
Mils Nettie Yocum, of Dayton, wa© in town years.
saloons running here,” when there has
last week.
! not been a saloon in the valley for 13 years.
i.. Burt ..I, of 1 ortland, is visiting with hi.-. He says that 13 v. ar- ago peoplo all went to
br«>E i r, Ed Burton.
I the saloons (that includes men, women and
• children, I presume) and horse races. There
Mrs. Rhoda McCoy is visiting friends in . }ia9 no^ been a horse race in this section dur-
Forest Grove.
j that period, until last fall. I should think
Will Morgan, Wess Morgan 11 hut a man with the least regard for truth
nn'i >\ .11 Bvrelvw.'nt* to Wapato one'dnv ! and tho Rood of tho community, would know
last'.ve. k for a skate, and report haviliR had | I'otter than to make such a statement. He
he. price
nnce nf
tn tho
attributes the rifle
rise in the
of land to
a fine time.
| " banner lodge of 1. (). G. T.” Whv bless
Misses Ella and Minnie Yocum, of Belle • him ; a man with horse senco would know
vue, are visiting friend» in tdwn.
what caused that: there has been a large ad-
to ^ie population ; land that but a
Ed Burton’s team took a little run down i
yfiftrs at?° wns but a vast wilderness has
town from the depot, one day Ins; week 1 j few
and now blooms as a rose.—
smashing up his wagon considerably.
That is the reason, and the Good Templars
Mr». A. Higgins has so tor improved as to have nothing to do with it. I believe in tem­
perance--temperance in all things ; and I al­
be able to visit her daughter at the mill.
ways believe in having truth mixed with it.
Boys’, and Youths’
Our sick list: Richard Baird, who has been Had " Teetotaler” spoken truthfully and Men’s
very low with typhoid i« ver, is improving a knowingly upon this subject ho would not
little; Mr. Killen's children are down with have slandered our old settlers ; to read the
the scarlet fever; Wm. Morgan’s little girl item referred to a stranger could not do oth­
CJlot liiiij**.
is quite »ick.
erwise than brand the old settlers of Cheha­
Considerable excitement was created at
the skating rink, lit Friday evening, by a ers and border ruffians, and for this reason I
man named Howard, from McMinnville, who take exception» to it. Come now, Mr. “ Tee­
ordered the crowd to stand back and then totaler,” come out like a man nnd acknowl­
opened fir«* <«n them, the bullet just grazing edge that you have done uh who hnve lived
Please call and examiua Goods before put
James ItoeiT» neck. With some difficulty here for years a groHH injnatlce, without
chasing elsewhere.
his revolver was taken from him and lie was oause or provocations.
Yours Respectfully,
taken to jail by constable Laughlin. Furth­
Yours Respectfully,
O ne W ho K nows .
er comment is unnecessary at present.
Mr. Meaner, the saloon keeper livre, was Programme
arrested for Hi lling liquor in less quantity
r. li*. iiLihHO.vn
For the concert at Fireman’s Fair, Friday
than a quart ; he was tried hero and bound
and Saturday evenings, Feb. 21st and 22d :
over to tho next term of court.
McMinnville, Oregon.
Band—Medley Overture “ Pop Corn.”
Th«' Masque Ball cam«' oft' Thur»lay even
Duet - Mrsdninos G. G . Bingham and A V.
¡ng. ami the «lancers report an enj<»yable time R. Snyder.
Male (Juiirtette Medley ; G W .Jones, M r
Following is the list ol characters:
DC Narver and A V R Snyder.
Gentlemen—Roe Tallman, Clown; John Gortner,
Instrumenial " Golden Dream Waltz;” C WR. LOGAN,
Criinnmn, Tramp ; R M««rris, Dutchman: J Grissim, J Wortman, J G Crowford and Miss
Hays. Chinaman : Abe Laughlin, Old Man : Henderson.
< hiai'tot
" Only h i>ream of Home
Jap McKern, Pn ■ in Boots : Thus Anderson,
Bingham and A V It Snyder and
Sheep; John Wright, Irishman: Willie Luk­ diimesi.G
ss. G W Jones aud A V K Snyder.
er, Negro; II W Sitton. Vinegar Bitters : S W Mi Duet
--•* Something Still to Do
G W and
Messinger, Jew : J F. Donev, Indian ; John A V K Snyder.
Dempsey, Tramp. Ladies—Nancy Turner, In­
riianlom Footrtep'’. " Mra A LIVERY
FEED, an«
dian Woman ; Li.’ iv .Morris, Sunset ; Minnie V H Sn\dei. Ml »-Nel!i«- Gortner, G W Jones
A V K Snyder.
an«l Ella Yo«‘um, Twin Sisters; Susi«' Chat and
Qnartett«' Med’e) ; Me * lames G G Bing­
field. Fl.ig ol > i! Enion : Hannah Reed.Night; ham
and A V It Sny-lcr and Mess. M U Gortner
M.iry Good r i«'h, Nil a ; Netti«' Yocum . Havana and DC Nnrver.
Instrumental» Tmmortelleno Waltzes;” C
Cigar Girl; K ifie Wall, Laxly Washington:
Del lie Lea bo, Flower Girl; Lizzie Bedwell, Grissen.J Wortman, J G Crawford and Miss (Stables at McMinnville situated on Thirt it. j
that in Dayton on Ferry St.)
Grandmother; Mrs. L <’ Thump on Spanish Henderson.
■mlo - Sine, Sweet Bir<l; .11 rs G G Bingham
Girl : Emma Whitmer. Shepherdess Fannie
solo Hrs G I. Parker.
Henderson & Logan Bros,, Prop’s.
Stewart, Band Girl. The prizes were awarded
to—Emma Whitmer,b«‘ t costume; J».bn Demp-
<ey, ugliest c.».«tume ; Willie Luker, best hus -
I'ROIH < i: tiAHHI’T
tained character.
O dessa .
We are preparad to furnish
Fall and Winter
Fancy Goods,
Hosiery, I.aoes,
Embroidery, Sto.
McMinnville & Dayton
Sale Stables.
M c M innville Feb. . 21, 1884.
Thorn's Numerical ßysiom of Title
Waddle Horses,
Wheat, per misnel...................
aud everything in the Livery hire iu gOQ<l
(áj i 50
Flour, |w«r barrel.....................
shape on «hurtest outice.
«lata, per bushel........ ...........
II... i !
About the most complete set of record Dried Apples, per ik . uih I.......
lftfi I I
books we ever saw were shown u.. by Mr. Plut.is, |wr |M»un«l................
(^20 00
Brau, |w*r ton..........................
is kept by these Stables ami Funeral Turnouts
James Thorn, of Salem, Oregon, who .topped Ground Feed, jht ton.............
6v22 50
tiirmsh«*d at any tima.
over Sunday at this place while on his way to I’olat.M's, |H»r bu-diel
(T 75
r«t 2
Dalia» to deliver u sot just completed for
prepttred tu oiler special induce-
Polk county. '1 here are six of the book»— (Ucon S h I«« h , j»er pound...........
Hain, |»er pound ...................
Land Book, Lot Book. Reference Book, Shoulder«. |»er poind.............
y E E C I A L MEN^f
Judgment Book, with Grantee and Judg­ Lard, per | hhi n«l....... . ...........
(»y 15
Trimaient stock left with us will receive the
.'a, 30
ment Index and Flat Books, 'to give an Bi|lt« r. | mt | miiiii .|..................
hesl of car«1 and attention.
id< a of tlui liih ntiuii of thia system of Ah Egea, per «Inzen.......................
»tracts, w «plot«* from Mr. 'Thorn*:; circular ; IIhies, green, ,«« r |w.iind........
(<«. 5
• Au abslracL of Title is an »•pitom« of the II lings, per cwt............
will be require«! by us.
0 (u 7
<>l the evidence oi uwiteiphip. 'The ¡»uipuse W«w»|, pT (Muind ...................
(d 16
of a set of Title Absliact B«»oks is to system Tnlk»w. per pound ...................
V« .>
atically < dnd< n • the re© > d■■■ into a complete ('hirkeii ;;n.wn | ei dozen . 1 .>0 (it b on
digest and rul> referunce. Th«« tiist and
principal requisite, thorefore, in a set of Ti
tie Abstract Books, is a methodical system
C iii ' hoii N oth E.—The Baptist !. Church of
that will furnish the necessary inioruiation McMinnville
now has preaching .at
: II h . m.,
briefly, but in a reliable inanm i. at the same
6:30 |». m.,every Sabbath, Suu'lny School
in :« exhibiting tally, aoour teiy andinl U<
6.30, p. m.
,-;idy. the actual condition<if titk , n. a ¡am­
ple, practical aud compix hensi 'c nmpuer, <o Thursday evenings. Tim college bell, at the
The undersigned wibh to dispuse of their
that any competent person, from an exami­
stock of
nation of the same, can pass upon the title, before each of the services.
no matter how complicated. One peculiar
and .mportant feature of our numerical sys-
tem . . its title number. By it the chain of
title 13 kept connected, consecutively, through
at Bellevue, Yamhill County,
ever\’ channel, by mean» of which (he title
has been acquired, to its true «»rigin ami le-
<•■1 lo indft««»n. By it. strict accuracy is in­
jure« I m trim ' ribiiig from the records, by WrWinni illc,
can have the use of
havi ;g the chain of title always connected
Store and other puihiinga, aud either 22 or 73
bvti.is title num!)--, tliua din-.itly challeng­
See Here
acres of the old “Tom Mouis” property by
ing i hi* alt mtion. as to the title at every en­
paying .30 p r cent, of the price of Stock, Cash
inde upon the nb:
tract boob
boolis. Under
try made
I wii: t ay the highest market price for Mer- c’vwn, the balauc«* on easy terms, with ap-
minor:. ;il by.Aeiu
v *■ u tin
our numoricai
th books h;ive to be cbanbib’.e wheat, clear <>f sack Clean mid
dra. . d . ,. ;i lly tor tho 1 «nd ; to >»c abstract- •itore free of charge, in cine I bu v ; in case vou p ’(»ved security. Or we will
ed. n id 'a-' t! i i i. de to psT'irra much of *<•11
•»«•11 to otner parlies, it will cjsl
ost you 3 cents for
Sell Both Geoda and Property
the i 'irk t v the entry of a single figure, cleaning and storing.
whic h otherwi..«’ vonl'A have tn be written as
if any party or parties wish to purchase, on
ofte a » it mi li oa:"’r. Our Grantee and
mt. Ln ■: is also an important and
the same terms as stated above.
V. No. I Quality of ¡¡lour,
¡.j'.c h utn »F < ar system, being n oom- to which 1 invite the closest inspection,
. ;p » ‘ of the rccor led real c-.it ite in­ guarantee it. Try a sack, and if it is not. ns i
Bellevue, Or.
to «if i vory individual whoso name ap-
It r I ho recommend, return it and your money will bo
| pear ; upon the records a.; Grante
s every lien upon sue la realty. No •e funded.
All kinds of Mill Feed on hand or made to
tee’s nariu howe ver, ever np’X'ars njx>n
ndex but once. All realt ; and liens are or>»?r on short notice.
•><>H\ .J. SAX, Proprietor.
p r ■3 opposite each name on
• th to the ’
•.i s are n¡ de
that any refer- (■Ill I j
Send 10
by metes and V l 7 1 j 1 7 ufi , r working
•, 1 xvc will Third M.
hci' matters, oscoring more mail you free, a rnyal valuable box o! sample (On I j L. k k e» •. of Planing Mill, twu duura aast
ba repented b number, thus <■ f..h that will put yon in th<i way
of livery stable,)
i ic<» and labor in writing them more
mopey in a few «tay th an you
yon <?ver tho’l
TL.' same principio is also
th“ l’lat bo »\ for irregular
can wo;k
is i arr.m ed that there ie no ■piirej. Wc will start von. Y oh ran
< end nF. nni'ÜeHi;,ll<l'. II the time or in spare time only. The work Pa)M?r, Bini Cages, Baby Carriage«, Ac., which
con fl if
i« universally adapted to both
ind old. Yun can easily earn from 50
Nio county »houid l>9 without a set QÍ to $5 every evening. That »11 who want fin«t fault.
book.i. lor
r f» rent e to them the of­ work m:»v l**st the bii-'in«"«^, we i make this un-
ir i
<l«»ne in a neat and subitautV
ficials could nad.lv ■ 'ortain nt uny time the »a ra I k-1 cd oiler; to all wi»<» are » not w,»ll a itis- manner,
♦ ■ C'.-’t d»*r-> riiJ'.ion of anv :uid every piece «»f i tip«l
wp will «end M to pay for tho trouble of
1*1 »• j.u rail < »1 examine goods aud priceA
real estate in th" county with the name of
« directions, etc.,
th«- »»wrier 1 i •r'-jf. ’■» m to plR'T.i the »ame writing u». Full Dartkhilars,
m will be rii4 le bv those
o »rreclly upon
ihi tax
book^ for
a •
it::.' purpo;> ■ whilblfnnv mortgage
.! .ud-t ng,
. Li.» • i'-h piece of prop rty. iiireess alcMilatolv mu re. Doti’t delay, btart
.- TiNSGN A < O .
th o te r th' i ««r and th - amount of the now. Address
fStitand, Maine.
39y I
mmir i - ?«l . » i i lilv nsc< rt iim d for foiie«:.»
ni«*nt pni |» »'d 4. ’The Land and L«>t Book i
r.oni 'in 1. l!0 p •-. iu«! nre «capable of hold
ing,under tin «st
• •
1 .v .
ry dwelling with brick basement,
projxTty thereby In-ditv,' a county the nize of
■xl w> Il und riatern with two lots 110x120.
«»urs for voar:L T’bo
'.filing to acquaint
All kind- of small fruit and choice ah rubbery
tln-m'v lvi-ri. w»tt tie. ■’iumr.mai sv .»« in r a
and ti<»wer . Desirably It »cut «t I. MuM lie ttuld
c no .»«»nd with oi rail upon Mr, J horn, n!
¡- herehv given tbal th»* f«»ltou
<>.ui. For t'-niH apply to G. G. BINtiHAM,
S, i ! c ! ii . wh»> is n«»w e*ig’«< cd m v.ruing up »■ hihm I ‘‘»•tiler has filed to-Uc© <»l h. oiter
R»* h I Estate Agent.
l>ook < f«H “.avcral count!• « of G’c. on nnu to make final i»r«.< f in support <•! liH cl
\S Jiingi • i I vprit.>i ■/. The cost <»f a net
nn I that : »t.l >«r‘M«( will
ma«le bel-.w
!!• •, burn nnd six !••••
Terms are haff
f »r Yamhill enuuty would be nhout $400.
County » tork of Yamhill Conntv,nt Lafa,.
h>w!i. bithtner on time
Situated in centrai
Oregon, on F’llJay, Muivli 7, I ‘M,
Flirt <>| town For particulars apply to Geo. G.
fam«»- li. Tli'mias, IMv-emption 1»
No. 3
BINGHAM, Real Estate Agent.
i-.r L.t. I. 2 .nd ; r.f s-.- 22, T 2 •. R 4 3
p i rent
Feb. E
ultiiu<u re * ■ 1« o ii | n « o «<*•« cultini
I*, tu
t C
I I bv
i<l l»n«l, viz : J<Jin L l/ui^blih, Joi
Í ■u M.
1 in id
John I. B<»l*rt* fttnl J«*hn Honey
nil Ml
■f .V rtli Yamhill, A »mbdi <'««uni v, Oregfl
, «*4 Hu
I T. BMHN. livriM.
II n neto ot
cicli'«« Rnrhcr sl»a|»
WF**k at h«»m«'. $5 outfit tree. Pay
11 » worthy
r F I»
ivilntcly sure. Norik Cavitai not
» vs treiil
i t*i
for» i'ne, if you simply want topi ac-
r^.piiro-t’ Realtor, «1 vou wun1 Lv a.««» st <* ' !
clmK f r i dime and if you ring lb©
*rh » h per*«!»© ; f J her
young or oh!, ern • '«■.
........ or all
ill oi
• one
of thorn,
them« you get a cigt_
cigar ur
its vahi. :n luy other article I have to Mil.
V'M lu’ • c rvamiv. write tor |«ariicii!ars to
vi-ihing Mr. and Mr. Au »tin
H. H ALL./r A CQ.a Porti»ud, Ma t e.
iues» intXgpnahle.
Chanco '™ Bargain.
General Merchandise
McMinnville Furniture
City Property
jixti. moor
Shooting Gallery !