31 d c c ' 1 1 4 *•2 50 PER AWI M make and enforce prohibitory law«, be­ lieving that thin great thinking power BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL Noy. 2»i, 1883. once set in motion, our goal will I m * J a mew F. lew ley has placed Home carp in well nigh r cached. Hence, dear friend« Published Every Thursday, at a large spring on Lin home farm. PliyNirian and Surgeon. ^ou may i*xpcct to hear from the W. (’. Any person wishing a Fanning Mill will W. II It«» 11», U. D , M c M innville : : or ego N Geo. W. Walter«, who went to the Sound F. (T. very often, we do not deHign Has permanently located in JtfcA/ionville please leave their orders with MR. JOHN SAX BT country last spring, ha« returned to Sheridan simply to < ntertain you for an evening, for the practice of his profession. All calls— or MR. B. F. HARTMAN. The SURGEON & PHYSICIAN, to winter. nor to amuse you in the least, but we day or night—promptly attended to. A. V. IR- SUST^IDZEZR*. «Io ask you to listen to the truth« as Garriaon’a Building, McMinnville. office—One door east of Warren A Magers HOl.yiAN FAN A 8 Bible ha« about 144) head of stock '■flic«*. ''It. they are uttered by the resjiected and Editor and Proprietor. cattle. will clean wheat be it ever so foul with wild Dr. Boyd has received a full line of Pure beloved cirizens of our own town, and oats, tame oats or the seeds of any nature and Four or five teams were engaged part of perhaps occa«ionallv by a stranger, beg­ Fresh Drugs direct from first hands for the MJBSCKIPTION KAILS, make it clean enough for the market or seed. last week in hauling oak lumber from Willa- ging that you will honestly uonsider benefit of his patrons. As a guaranty of what it will do, I will take their import, and that your actions may 1 n,,na to this place for shipment to Portland. O p copy per year, in advance................ 12.50 . 1.50 1 The road ... — 1 between A_ . 1 here and I be governed by tin* truth of the argu­ any quantity of wheat with one wild oat in it, is very muddy “ six months ** ............... C. W. HULERY Pro. and will separate the oat hom the wheat with Willamina. i. I». HOWARD JU. I». ment produced. L. C. H. the Fan. (Successor to M. Feker,) The Altman Bros, and their mother are 25tf LYMAN W. SMITE. The W. C. T. IJ. meet« next Friday moving into the McMillen house. Phynteian amt Xurgeon, Third M., • • VIcVIinnvit le. Or. Nov. 30, at 2:30 p. m ., at the residence Grass is good for the time of year and ___ of Mr«. L. Root. 'Uhese meetings are The best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit­ Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular ters, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the stock is in fine condition for the commence enjoyable ami profitable. We cordially inent of winter. invite Imlies who are not member«, to attenti >n given to diseases of Women and liest ot cigars, and the justly celebrated San with ns ami become a G T Alice James, W V’ T: G W James. VV S; Har­ General Blacksmith and Repairer. van well attended. The receipts were $19. LOTS FOR SALE. Horse-shoeing a specialty. 27tf vey Bogne. W A B; J I*’ Richter, W F 8; <’el- ra James, NV T; W Tatum. W M ; John * 1 - A. M. Peery and R. L. IlnrriH have pur James. W I) M: Noma Hyde, W IG : J W I OTS Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in Block No. 19, Row- chased the stock of drugs lately owned by James W OG; Edith Lafollett. W <’: Walter land's addition are oflered for sale at a bar­ Physician« and Surgeons, F. A. Hill and are busily engaged in putting Potter P W 0 T, H Z Foster. L D. gain. Fine location near the depot—-just east in coiinb'irt, «helving, etc., preparatory to of the residence of L. II. Cook, on tlie east side Lafayette, Oregon. 8. D an . enlarging stock. Mr. I’eery will go to Port of railroad track, on Third Street. The three Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the M'lttiKItY A SPECIALTY. land in a few day«, and will purenase one <»f lots will be sold for $400, if applied for soon. public to his new and fine stock of the finest Htock of drugs etc., ever brought <. ■:<»!<«. I] U 11,1.is. Jr. CARLTON to thi« place. G. E. Johnson, a first class McMinnville, May 24, ’83—lltf. deugs , S tationery , patent medi ­ 188. ’ » . Nov. 27, druggist, has been engaged to assist them, INotioo rJ?ltÌM t cines , CUTLERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, while Mr. Harris retains his position with A. Wheat is worth to-day, 92 cents, clear. J. Smith. Success to them. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS bought, Every tiling went very cheaply, nt Tom ClfiAKt AN1> TOBACCO. L loyd . h* Money to loan on good real estate securi­ Fryer’s sale. ty. Apply to G. G. BINGHAM, Prescriptions carefully compounded and A tt ’ y at L aw & N otary P ubu John McCullough’« wife has been very Campbell's Building, McMinnville. charges reasonable. sick, but is belter. LArAYETTE Business Promptly Attended to. Eber Lewis is trapping for a mink. Nov. 27, 1883. {JFFICE-One Door East of Pest office Up to last Saturday the chance for getting Henry Fenton ami family, of Polk countj, McMinnville, Oregon. 50vl. in the seed was very good ami an immense are visiting his brother, J. D. Fenton. area was prepared and seeded. Evrrybmly Jack Archibald’« wife.of Glenbrook Farm, wit« busy at the plow, not leaving it e\c<«pt • ISIDORE ERTLE, P ro . when absolutely neoe«Hary to go to the black is quite poorly. She has been confined to W. A. FENTON, smith «hop. orkome other such reason. Bo. her bed for some time. M'Minnville, - Oregon. all things IminJ favorable, we may look for Al»e Blackburn has sown 17 aores of wheat ISoot and Shoe Maker,¡ a largely increased crop next harvest. this fall. Mr. Hanna has sown al amt 200 Manufacturer of Lager Boer and Porter. MIKKIDAN. OKEUON. acr< *«. M All orders promptly filled. ltf There are signs that our farmer« are break ing away from tin* one idea of wheat, ami Who has lost a turkey ? There’s a stray think that there may be money in something one in town. The finest stock of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers, else, lu fact, some of them la»gin to think, CS’lol lii us**. Etc, in Yamhill County Ohls was badly A little child of Nelson or find, that almost anything else will pay Oregon. CHEAP FOR CASH. betb'r than the wheal crop. I notice a good burned several day« ago. B»K>ts and Shoes manufactured to order and call for hay seed, clover seed and grass seesis. It seems pretty hard when a stranger trav neatly repaired. Xotice Io Ail Parties. While many are enquiring for the lu st kind ling through the country ami Ins horses All work and goods warranted. <« pasture* gra««eH. both for making beef get nw;iv from him that he can’t borrow or AH parti* s are hereby notified not to trespai’8 Sign of the Big Boot. Sheridan, Oregon. and butter, and other« talk of peas, arti­ hire n horse in this town to look after them. up*>n my premise* from and after this date, and Please call and examine Goods before pur­ k'S C' choke« and other kind« of feed f<»r making But then we never expect to lie away from 31 m3. ; I! found trc. pacing will be prosecuted to tb good pork, S<> far, of course, this is little home or lose our horses. chasing elsewhere. I fullest extent of th*, law. t|< HMM II.I.F. OIKEGON more thau talk : but talk always precedes Y ouknowwiio . W. T. N ewby . Action, as vou know, ami it is to be hop d Y ou re Respect fu I ly. Office—One door east of Ha. (man’s brick. I McMinnville, Aug. 23, 1883—ml that iu this case the talk indicates npeedy Laii . hini < us admini-Fered for pa in les« ex­ llorw-i ItiMirded W. T. U. <’Okl ÌIW. action. _ Special \tt,ration tracting. by the Iiav, elven to IBIK j I a ! MILK!! F. II ’ . RKOdlO.Vfí. Last Wednesday Taylor Morris lost his W<*vk or Month. 1 zlw Transient Slock. flue stallion. The animal caught cold ami The undersigned wishes to inform the peo­ Tilt' Gospel tent pern nee meetiinr. tie­ McMinnville, Oregon. it»ettlee supplied with the article were,both interesting tinti profit ­ SALEM, - - - OREGON. Those high nud valucil at four or five hundred dol at once can do so by leaying onlers at the Pos/- able. \\ e are ti lth favoit tl io having lars. Thousands of Brick, of the best quality, now office. W. G. DAVIS. ^ntiwinctiou LiinrHiiliuil so many of ottr ri*siilent ministers, toni *»11 hand ami will constantly be kept at the 40tf. Horse racing is tha principal oooupation reliable business men, come out so brick vard of of the Yamhill sport, now, and whenever itohlly on the side of temperance. We Acres, line ami u-half JOO see a knot oi men, there you may feel hope others, who are still iniileciileil. A. C. SAYLOR, rare they are talking horse. Nearly every will profit by their example, ami take "VU miles west of Amity. vie Miiati ville, • • • Oregon» »Saturii.n tu* re H a hoiM raw* ""Il .III OOM their place amongthe temperance work­ I inter Ortrt Fellow** II r II. ¡200 acres in cultivation ; new sioiud scrub f««»t-raw between time«. Just opened on ers. Thus hastening the time when no Having secured entire control of the van! respectable num will be found in the house ; younj* orchard just be ­ McMinnville, - Oregon, Last Saturday morning the first snow ot imti-temperam e ranks. \\ hili'the work tormerly run bv C. G. Saylor, th? above named (Third Street, two Doors East of the season whh visible on the coast range ; a ginning to hear. proprietor ¡«larts out with the intention of man- A. ENNIS. Proprietor. very bill«» fell here through the day. but of destri etion goes stemlily on in our iihu-liirmg and supplying this public with Dielschneider’s, luelbnl as fast as it fell, Sunday morning, midst, and men are being degraded be­ brick in any quantity, of a quality guaran­ however, the ground «nd house-top« wen* yond descript ion, and in many eases The Finest Win< «, Liquors and Cigars kept YlcYlinnville, tied to be as food as the best, aud at prices as Orego covered to the depth of 1% inch«-« with a lunled into drunkards graves; while constantly on hand. 13~4tn3. White mantle, but tieforo night that was all this destructive hand is reaching even The cheapest farm in Yamhill low as the lowest. gnu,' | hr I.! t ice of the >* is.*ll, lirre. to tile vontli. totally unfitting them to County. A suitable reduction to parties purchasing For terms apply to large lots. foriurd on Fruiay night. meet tin* responsibilities that will soon Everything in the line cheap for cash or in devolve on them as American men and Give me a call and see for ynureelf. exchange Inr country produce. Call and Geo. G. BINGHAM, Saturday brought lamk onr old pioms*r women. Is it not lime that the Chris­ Ulf A. C. SAYLOR. examine goois and prices. L. ROOT. Vie ’I iunv ille, Onton, citizens. Georg»* Nelson and wile, who went tian men of onr community were tlior- Real Estate Agent. Feb. 21, !8K2-2tf. b«ck with the pioneer excursion, ami wen- Oiigldy awake.to the importance of the I? now prepared to furnish music for Pie-Nicw, •aid to Is* the old«*«t couple ou the train. McMinnville, Oregon. *' cannot Ite- Celebration«, etc., on short notice and at rea­ They euioveti the trip hngely anti get back teni|H‘nmce ipiestion. sonable rates. Address looking beartv and younger than when they lieve that American government is a Bl I kS FOR SALE. - The — A. V. K. I.carter. failure, that it is impossible to protect left. The undersigned has for sale a lot of large, 4tf. McMinnville, Oregon. ourselves against so great an ex il ns Pure Blooded Jersey Bull high grade Spanish Merino Rucks, which can Hon. C II. Burch «nd Hy Burch were in the liquor trattic. No. we Is letve the l»e had at good bargains by applying to or ad­ town laat wt*ek. Now at the stables of trouble lies in the fact that the temper- dressing »AVION SAI.OON. anee men have not given this suldeet M MULKEY, School 8upt. L. H. linker was visible in dm* uoiibiduration. o’* if they lime HENDERSON & LOGAN BROS. I R INK i.ll/ni:K, - Proprietor 121 m3. “ Says I t’ musili, says I.” Amity, Or. them« parts one day last wwek. I bought of it at all. they have allowed M. MINNVILLE. OREGON The beet brands of Liquore, Winos and Ci ­ themselves to lie lulled to sleep with, J. E. Hembree is up from Portland, on gars kei»t lor sale. When you go to Lhiyloi tile subtle reasoning of the ft tends ot basin« sn. 19tf. "Jxiuwr C wirf ” N o l,rtmppr«i April 12th, call and wee Frank. the licenae svstem. tT And don't yon forgrt it.j Mrs. Del lie K Io« terms n goes Imck to Port­ The (Jitspel Temjierance meetings, 1877 : •ire,” Emperor;” dam. “ Minnie War­ land. lo-tnorrow. ren. given bv the W. T. I', an to awaken Two bo.«, I will not ihi I.I ih K tb.ir mbh .I a deeper interest on this sidijeet. ami PrniGREK or “ EwrF.woa” ° Emperor" wm dropped Jan. I7tb 1875; sire,“ Emperor Bil­ the finmt muld ahimles thu timr. e<>t into Mr. Millionn'R hon.'e »'"I j tnenlistthe sympathies of both men. ly dam “Olive«" by imnnrted N?|«une< 124 ; f’ HO T O a R JPHER, look «mie HppleH »nil conned fruit. Tlic and women in the gn at temperance re­ ever made in this section are now being man-* grand-dam. “ Olivca ” (232): great grand-dam next,|n, the shenff went tonrn.it them mull form that is slow Iv hot siindv *"'e|‘- Has returned to his obi stand—up Mairs in 8i u fact tired at •• Nellv BIy,"i22’’» imported e renlire that found <>nlv one : the other, noentinc .Imiuer. ing over onr lami. I'miiiRKK of “M ixvir W mirrji ’’—“ Minnie mends’ bunding—with a new equipment of The one « Treated WO plaevd , thought most precee«l action; we wage •>«.1 ran nwn v. Warren.’* solid fawn, dropped March 5th. 1874 ; utensils tor his work, and is nvw prepared to IV That’» the rarkrt.^J >» hw fntlier n ears nntil the time of trial. | no special w arfare against saloon keep- j sire, “ Beacon Comet." 14th : dam. “ Princes" take < i*an as the c heapest and good as the best. ¡¡m took the A ■st rbano* to seek awfetv in er» (though their basine»» i» loathsome Wheat Receipts, and Sale Bills. 4th. (2302); grand-dan», •• Prince»’* (T4I)— *t«hi. 'me.l the hoy* is maid to have^eome Pirtiirc* ot ail hind». Look at them. imp>*aed bv W. B. Dinsmore in none, with hi] p. and ah thrv srr prr.hr.HT Enquire of F. W. REDMOND, Agent, at T kb «*—F«*r «ea* n. &». while it J«»**» er up than thi». even with the inl. leet | IV lleaidra everything else in the From a small wise tin-type to a large Cabinet MeM i nnvide, or of ^rvthMrihikiX l-Wther. the, < bill keep away HENDERSON A LOGAN BROS. line, a« gn«»d a* thu l»est. on short no­ r»rwit. who nr wer know wl.. .. Please give me a call. 33in" < » '»I Hi»* ni*»»;il . hh I tice. by DrnlerJ MxLLERA BOWERS. 13Cf SN’YPE THE PRINTER. fnwn break kit to bed time, may N at . < hrì«<ÌHii |M*o|dv of our land, who can f,,r l««t meh n >Mllt. E. E. GOUCHER, M. D. THE HOLMAN FAN. ----- o NO. 1 SALOON. Local Correspondence. Crockery, Crockery ! NEW BILLIARD HALL SOLD again . T. C. STEPHENS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER & ENGRAVER. JUST RECEIVED CIVIL ENGINEER, A MUTCHLER, DRESS GOODS, Ladies’ Cloaks, Littlefield & Calbreath, Dolmans, 2k. HILX1, Velvets, Fancy Goods, J. E MAGERS, Hosiery, Laces, Embroidery, Etc. DR. E HOWELL McMinnville Brewery GAINES FISHER, Pioneer Brick Yard. Lively, Feed and Saie Stable- Fairm ? Sale. BOSS SALOON, Jew Grocery and Provision Store Price—$25 per Acre. Custer Post Band, “JERSEY CHIEF’’ BUM! BUM! BUM!. Wirshüuzcasn, Ciztnas:, Ch'.nimea ! Sixingles, Shingles ! R. SHANE, Miiler £ Bowers’ Shingle Mill.