Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, November 15, 1883, Image 5

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    Newspaper Decisi ou«.
Any pernon who takes a paper regular-
I- frum a |>oHt office, whether directed in
S^nanie or another’s, or whether he sub-
¿rilJxl or not, is resiMinsible for payment.
if a person orders his paper discoptin-
aed he must pay arrears, or the publisher
mav continue to send it until payment is
nuiile. and then collect the whole amount,
whether the i»aper is taken from the office or
Robert Hirsch came up from Portland nn«i
spent Sundny with h» Anu™r.Zk
On Friday evening Geo. Olds left his team
standing in front of J. W. (.look’s residence,
five miles south-west of town, tying but one
of the horses. By some means they broke
loose and took a little run on their own ac-
coupt. Instead of going home thuV came to
town and crossed the Yamhill river at this
place and ran into F. W. Martin’s corral on
the east side of the river, where they stopped.
When found, everything was found to be all
right except that one spring of the hack was
thrown from it« proper place. The brake
was still on and the lines were still wrapped
around the brake, just as Mr. Olds had left
them. This we call a lucky runaway scrape.
Local Correspondence.
We rw ved n pk.iHant <wU vesterdav ui-
teruuon from Mr. Wortiuan. who in intiTMt
ed >ntl1eHai1k.t..b.. .,.x.„..d herl H.X
I'lrmed uh tlwy rxpeoted to Ix^in biMinMH
about the 1st of December.
Nov. 13, 1883.
At about 3 o’clock on the morning of the
Avoid ih.. Unruh, irritHting. cripine oom.
pound, ho „ft,.,, H<>ldiiH puii.ii medic™!«
11th. another of our oldest and most re­
aiid uorreel the irreKulariti« of the Ix.welii
spected citizens left for that unknown place,
D<3. The courts have decided that refusing ,.L* ‘*'i 1UN‘ '¡f Avv 8
1’111». Which
where the weary rest for ever. R uel O lds .
to take newspapers or periodicals from the are uuld mid Rentle,yet thorough mid search-
a pioneer of ’44, a man in every way respect­
or removing and leaving them in mg, in their action.
by neighbors and friends ; loved and re­
(be office, is ¡frima facie evidence of inten
,s-lrsJ,l,aril|a work» promptly alu|
verenced bv a large number of children and
tional fraud.
directly to imrify and enrich the hlood. im­
grand-children, died at the residence of his
4. The Postmaster-General has decided prove th.- appetite, rtrengtheu the nerves
County Court Proceeding*.
son, E. Olds, West Chehalem. aged 72 years
that postmasters who fail to notify publish­ and brnoe up the nyntem. It in in the truest
and 4 months. He was buried yesterday,
ers when subscriber» remove, or fail to take senae an alterative medicine. Every invalid
Nov. 12th. in the Masouic burying ground,
their papers from the poatoffioe, shall be re­ should give it a trial.
1. John Gant vs Sanies Altman—Action on the Johns<,u farm. His wife, also very
sponsible for their subscription.
fur money. Settled.
survives him. We will all miss “Uncle
On Saturday morning a man—that in a
2. Chas. H. Dodd vs A. Wymore and W.
etraw mm.—wan found standing up to hi» T. Newby. Action for money. Continued. Ruel.”
knee» in water in Third Street lake with the
A sad and serious accident happened last
3. Henry Hewitt vs Win. Fowler and J.
innori|>tion •• J killed the Htreet improve­ W. Fowler—Action for money. Set for hear­ Saturday to Mrs. Chrisman, an aged lady of
ment, and many were the conjecture» an to ing Nov. 12th.
Aelice i« fcereby given that AIH. <’. E. who thia dummy referred to.
4. D. M. Osborn A Co vs A J Cooper— this place, while on her way home from
a««®ci»ited himself
Portland. She had just taken her seat in
The wind did blow and t he hounen did action for money. Settled.
with lb«“ Y Ail II I l.l REPORTER”
5. H C Edwards vs John Monroe—Action the hack at St. Joe, and the driver, J. J.
shake, and the waters did raine in Third
Hembree, was preparing to take his place,
and I« in 1ère sied lu I lie publication Street Lake ; and the little frogs now sing fur money. Judgment by default.
6. G W Woodson vs G Al Beeler—Action when the horses started off. Mr. Hembree
their song, near the corner where gathered a
hold of the lines and endeavored to run
throng to view the dummy, a ahaiueful night, for money. Settled.
7. John Kiernan vs B C Altman—Action them into the fence, but they got away and
that was stood in the lake on Friday night.
in making a turn on a sidling place, upset
for money. Set for hearing Nov. 12th.
09 K PEER-AJflin
As a purifier, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla acts di­
8. Gilbert Bros, vs S T Etzwiler and G A the hack with the lady in it. and dragged it
several feet before getting free. As soon as
rectly and proiuptlv. A single bottle will Ramsey—action for money. Continued.
Well, now. sneeze.
prove its merits. Many thousands of people
9. T Dittenhoffer vs R S James—action assistance could reach her. she was taken out
senseless. News came into town and a con­
are yearly saved from dangerous fevers by for money. Settled.
Read Executor’s sale ad.
the exercise of a little timely care in proper­ It). Thompson, DeHart & Co vs Chas L veyance, properly prepared, was dispatched
ly cleansing the system by the use of this Eastabrook—motion to confirm sale. Sale to bring her in. Drs. Littlefield <fc Galbreath
G. A. R. Ball, Thanksgiving.
who were immediately in attendance, exam­
ined her injuries and found a bad compound
probate .
Corker will sell that buck cheap, for cash.
The following additional business men of
of the right leg. a little above the
Estate of C H Messinger—Inventory ap­ fracture
Sarah Bernhart, lined Gloves at H. Fisher's. Sheridan were omitted in our last week’s proved.
and that she was otherwise badly,
Petition to set apart property ex­ ankle,
list: Edward Tellison, wood-workman:
though not seriously, bruised. The doctoitt
Fur Trimings 50 cents a yard at H. Fish- Daniel --------------
Richardson, , —
pcr.tc“ ; : Daniel empt from execution to widow, granted—pe­ thought it best to amputate, but that course*
Dougherty, millwright ; James Lamb, miller tition to seB balance of personal property, was not approved, so the leg was set. and at
trade : Charles Sargeant, teamsters; John granted.
accounts the lady was resting very com­
New goods arriving every day at H. Firth- by
Estate P. P. Wood—2nd semi annual ac­ last
Walters, barber.
count approved.
Estate »f John Dowling—will admitted to
Last Tuesday evening as Mr. Taylor Mor­
White knitting cotton 5 balls for 25 cent« cure for scratches, harness and saddle galls, probate.
G. G. Bingham appointed executor
at H. Fisher’s.
cuts and sores of any kind. Good for man —bond fixed at l$l,000, filed and approved— ris was helping his little daughter into the
Charles Grissen’s stock of holiday goods is or beast. A good healing salve is something Patrick Casey, 1). W. McCull and John Put­ hack, to go home, the horses started off on
that every family should keep. Buy Trullin- man appointed appraisers.
a run. Mr. Morris tried to climb into the
simply immense.
ger's Salve and you wiH have the best and
Estate of Joel Palmer—petition to sell hind end of the hack, but missing his hold
Corker, of Lafayette, has a good second­ cheapest salve in the market.
real estate, granted.
got his arm caught between the spokes of
hand hack for sale.
Estate »f Emma and Shell Hawley, minors the wheel, and was thrown against the side­
If people troubled with colds, would take
W. L. Bradshaw appointed guardian ad walk. The horses ran towards home, with
Stoves of all sizes and kinds at bed-rock Ayer’s Cl erry Pectoral before going to church —
—ai swer of guardian ad litem filed— the child, about 7 years old, in the hack,
prices, at Hodson’s.
or places of entertainment, they would avoid litem
petition to sell real estate, granted.
when at the further end of the bridge just
Estate of Thus. M. Wright—petition to east of town the girl either jumped or was
The fire boys of Lafayette announce a speakers and hearers. Public speakersand
sell real estate filed and set for hearing thrown <*ut ; a little further on the hack was
grand ball on the 29th.
singers find that the Pectoral wonderfully in­ Wednesday, January 2nd. 1884, at 10 o'clock
Read II. Fisher's new advertisement and creases the power and flexibility of the voice. a. in., a id ordered that citation issue to run against something or got upset and was
found a complete wreck. The child was not
you are bound to gain by it.
The i>e'son signing himself “37” writing heirs at law etc.
much hurt, but the father was badly cut
Estate )f Thomas Cooper—report of ref­ above the right eye and somewhat bruised
Corker, of Lafayette, has a good five-stop from Sheridan, will please bear in mind that
his trut* name must accompany communica­ eree filed and case set down for hearing Nov. about the body.
Burdette organ for sale cheap.
tions, as well as a non de plume. Some day 13. 1883, it ten o’clock a. m.
Read the G. A. R. boy's advertisement for he may write a communication that will be
Our County Commissioners have “ lit”
Estate or Malinda Jones—inventory ap­
Ball—a full-grown masquerade.
upon a new idea in the line of economy. It
omitted, for the simple reason that we must proved.
Estate of Willamina Williams—final ac­ is to refuse to pay for the coffin furnished
Mr. James Reed, of Dayton, came in for a know who does the writing. Send in your count
tiled and set for hearing January
true name.
friendly chat, one day last week.
for Smith, the murderer and suicide. 1 did
8, 188L
The Dalles “ Daily Sun” tells us that Cor­
Estate of IL Kernay—H. Hurley appointed not learn what disposition they proposed to
Ladies. Misses and childrens Dolmans.
make of the body; perhaps they had an
Cloaks and Ulsters at H. Fisher’s.
idea tljat it might lie there till it became
who has 1 number of relitiyes living near sell real estate, granted.
and then be swept into the street. I
Hodson's are selling everything in their here, was waylaid by some unknown party,
Estate of Martha A. Wood—petition to
line low down, for cash. Cail and see.
near nis own residence, one evening last week sell real « state tiled and set for a hearing have no doubt but the gentlemen meant well
enough ; but there is a big difference between
bt afijn up in an unmerciful manner, so January 8, 1884.
Rev. J. R. W. Sellwood will hold services and
much so that his recovery is considered
Estate of F. A. Hill—J. F. Watson ap­ economy and paroimony, and to refuse to
at the Episcopal church next Sunday.
pointed administrator—bond fixed at $1,500. pay for a coffin for a convicted felon who
died in his cell would be too small even for
Parties wishing to invest in good cattle,
It is with sadness we announce the death COMMISSIONERS COURT—GOODRICH AND FULLER, parcimony ; it would be a disgrace to the
should read the Executor’s sale notice.
of Mr. Olds, in our Lafayette correspond­
county. Taxpayers will be very willing to
Resignation of Fred Archibald, Justice of dispence with that kind of economy.
Triple pleated Crape Lisse Ruching only ence. Having been here many years he was
widely known, and loved and esteemed by the PeaRj in North Fork precinct, accepted—
thirty cents a yard at Russ & Foster’s.
Mr. Belcher is back from his pioneer ex­
all. Mr. Olds has a large circle of relatives H. C. Morgan appointed.
Best assortment of cook, and heating stoves in this county, who deeply feel his loss. A
Wm. Malone granted license to sell liquor cursion. He reports havipg a fine time, but
ever brought to McMinnville, at Hodson's. truly good man has gone. Sweet bo the at North Yamhill for six months.
lie found himself in a strange land among
M. Redding appointed to superintend let­ strange people, whose ways were unknown
L. G. Suiter, one of the Lafayette mill men slumbers of “ Uncle Ruel.”
him. So he hastened back to his Webfoot
was dodging about our streets, Monday.
Custer Post No. 9. Grand Army Republic,
home and his Webfoot ways.
a pleasant meeting last Saturday night, Webfoot
The “ Jersey” an elegant Cloak, latest had
M. B. Hendrix, county assessor, was in
style perfect fitting garment, to be had at H. at their headquarters—-Firemen’s Hall.— tion of H. R. Littlefield and others—commis­
They transacted considerable business, de­
to assess damages reported damage town, yesterday. He redorts everbthing fair
ciding to have a Gram! Masquerade Bali sioners
J Carev. $15—to R W Denny. $175—to and prosperous at Wheatland, and best news
John Dowling deceased owned some fine Thanksgiving evening. Nov. 29th. and as­ to I J ’ Williamson,
$200—to P H Hayes $75— of all. wheat 90 cents with a chance of reach­
stock. This is to be sold at Executor's sale. sure us that nothing will be left undone to .1 erdtred
by the court that when one half the ing $1. Amen, A men I
See ad.
insure the event of the season.
amount of damages is paid in by petitioners
E. M. Garrison, of Happy Valley, or s< me
And still our pioneers come. On Wednes­ th»- clerk shall issue orders on treasurv for other happy place, dropped into town, yes­
Ladies. Misses and childrens all wool hose
L, declared terday. on business.
nice patterns, and elegant assortment at H. day of last week Mr. C. A. Wallace returned, balance and the road shall then be
and James Houck was the next to arrive, by a public highway.
Some of our young folks organized a
Friday evening’s train. They return looking
The Union Sunday School have concluded well and report having bad a splendid trip
club, to have their first dance next
to have a concert, soon. The date will be and a pleasant visit with their eastern friends. Sampson & Perkins, lumber......... $ 11 «0. dancing
night and then every second Sat­
8 40
A Brown
du ..........
But Mr. Houck still wonders whv it is that a Sleppy
8 p; urday thereafter till spring. Everybody and
Mr. Wisdom Millsaps has become a citizen
172 IÜ» his girl invited.
Yamhill Lumber Co. du ..........
**l 75
of our town having removed from Willami­ sam.”
J. W. Lambert
do .........
Some Portland drummers seem to think
na last week.
A Woman Suffrage rally at Aunty, is fixed
it becoming to show their utter lack of man­
Willie Westerfield, formerly one of the for next Saturday evening, the 17th inst, at
175 2<; ners when out in the country. But it ought
Rowell & Son
do .........
R eporter force, of Lafayette, came in to Good Templars’ Hall. Mrs. W. J. Langhary, Fletcher
1 00 to be known that the average country man
& Hembree, saddle horse
of McMinnville, will address the meeting in
see u.s Monday.
2t;i (¡0 knows something about good breeding and
behalf of the “ Pending Amendment.” Mu­ J. J. Spencer, clerk’s fees..............
00 will be more likely to patronize the gentle­
Two communications—one from Amitv, sic and other exercises will complete the Inquest, G. W. Smith...................
13 ,35 man than the nasty, ill-bred clown, who
the other from Sheridan, received too late programme for the evening. A cordial in­ State vs Barton.................................
52 05 takes pains to show his contempt for all de-
State vs Monroe...............................
for this issue.
vitation is extended to all.
19 40 cency.
N at .
State vs ri. W. Dunn......................
James Fristoe and family left ns last W(»ek
16 75
Messrs. Pird, Burns and Raleigh, of Belle­ State vs Monroe...............................
to make their home at some point east of vue, cams in to see ns lust Friday. '1 hey in­ State vs Savage.................................
the mountains.
21 55
formed us lliat a winging class was to be or­ State vs McNeil..............................
Noy. 12, 1883.
Miss Maggie Reevey is learning the “ art
Some rain last week but not enough to
preservative.” working on the New North­ evening by Prof. Charles Powers, end that A. R. Burbank, supplies.......... <. ■ ■
west at Portland.
9 00
Galloway, who would run the scale and ex­ Geo. Moor,
Two of B, B. Branson’s children are quite
3 80
Farmers of Yamhill county, American A plain the rudiments of music. We are glad J. L. Gilkison do
15 4M) sick.
seamless stacks 25 cts. a piece, sold elsewhere to hear that Billy is Coming out.
J. W. Baker
Hog killing last week, and we heard of
16 50
H. F isher .
J. H. Maddox, keeping indigent.. .
The teachers of the public school of Mc- T.
72 <K> one man who met with considerable loss by
Buckingham, same..................
Several young men of Lafayette in (own Minnvil e will meet at the school-house in L. H. Baker, salary as school supt.. 125 00 not salting heavy enough.
Saturday evening and Sunday. What'B the McMinnville, on Nov. 24th 1883, at 9 o clock Knapp. Burrell A Co., road scraper..
16 00
The weather for fall plowing has been
attraction, boys?
a . m .. io" the purpose of discusing subjects E. B. Collard, sheriff's fees.............. 1168 59 most propitious and the farmers correspunu-
to Institute work. An invitatioh C. Richter, nails etc..........................
12 14 ingly happy.
The President and Governor have pro­ iiertaining
is extended to ail and teachers are especially
4 25
claimed Thursday, Nov. 29th, as a day of invited 1o attend. The question of a county A. L. Saylor, medicine for Labontie.
Mr. Porter has a potato of beautifu.
15 to
State vs Johnson................................
National Thanksgiving.
institute will be discussed during the day. J. Dixon, Jailor................................. 138 25 shape that weighs 7% pounds,
Remember whatever goods 1 advertise. I
L. II. B aker .
Littlefield A Calbreatli, treating
The Looks ami acoounts of the late (’. H.
have lots of them in stock and are replenish­
12 50 Messinger are left with Cap. Lafollett for
Western remedies for western diseases State
ed, as fast as possible.
II. F isher .
19 50 collection.
Try TruBinger’s Condition Powders—a sure
10 00
Caster Post Band is “ discomfudicated.” as preventive for all diseases of the stomach, (’has. Handley, surveying................
It is reported that Charles Whitmer has
it were, on account of changing instrumen­ liver, blood, low» of appetite’ etc., and will, if D. C. Coleman, fixing Sheridan
6 00 purchased the store and tinshop <»f Mrs.
tation. Ttaty’ll be all O. K., shortly.
taken in time, cure all the various ills horses Geo.
34 4M) Messinger and will continue the business at
7 35 the old stand.
Just received a fine assortment of Table- and cattle are subjected to. Remember, Peckham A Ogden, nails etc............
17 00
linens, Towel»,Toweling.Bedspreads.all goods those powders are manufactuted by a veter­ A.G. Walling, sheriff’s book...........
Collections are very hard to
* make, but
surgeon and are fast gaining tn un­ R. P. Ungerman, stoves etc... .......
44 50 about
■which I bought for spot cash, and sell at very inary
thousand dollars are paid an-
shaken reputation among horse owners.
5 60 Dually twdvc
A. D. Runnels, medicine for indgt..
reasonable figures.
H. F isher .
for alcoholic beverages in this pre-
41 00 cinct alone.
Strayed from the premises of the under­ A. P. Woolsey, keeping Mrs. Payne.
Trullinger'H Excelsior Liniment is one .of
21 50
’. about two months since, seven head E. Carpenter, meals for jurors.........
the rarest compoundfl of liniment for sprains signed
17 50
George Fendall is building a hay pres«
sheep—six ewes and one buck lamb—all Dr. Ball, attending indigent............
bruises, callous lunqis. rheumatism, ntunb- of
10 60 with which two men can bail ten tons of
the ewes l>eing branded with the letter “O Damage commission Littlefield road
ness of the limbs, etc. Try it.
in ten hours. The cost will be about
in red paint on the hip . buck unmarked.—
9 50 $300. Considerable hay will be shipped to
J. L. Rollins and a gentleman from Salem Any person knowing the whereabouts of S. J. Ely, repairing hitching rack etc
had their team drowned and narrowly es­ such sheep will MMifer a favor on the owner F. Farnsworth, tending Dayton
42 28
bridge...................... • •
j ;* ••
caped being drowned themselves, while at­ by letting him know of Ito same.
This evening the Adelphian society will
9 00
G. E. Dotnuering. nails, dists 22,23.24
L. H B iker .
tempting to ford the Yamhill. at Garrison's J
18 00 discuss the question—“ resolved, the game
Dayton. Or.
ford, last Sunday.
is right and ought to be enforced.” They
44 (H)
Johnson A Howey, blacksmithing
Dr J. Trullinger. the well known veterinary G. W. Snyder, printing
We have seen Mr. Martin, the “ Yamhill
10 00 have declamations, dialogues, reading anil
8 37 music.
Bov.” and he informs us that it is a mistake »nrw.il. of < >re«on City. <fregon. will visit I). I. Corker, nails etc.......................
100 00
about the race between Ryan and himself Yamhill oonntv iitxint Novembor KHh. »nd H. Johnson, salary as treasurer
Officers of the town of Sheridan elected
being declared “off:” that the race will
L. Lougharv. county Judge.............. 137 06 last Monday are as follows : Trustees, H. F.
wholesale order» for hi» valuable uie.licineH. G. C. Sears, sheriff’s fees in Smith
come off at Portland on Sunday next.
Mayer. W. A. Gardiner. J. W. James, S. C.
The Dr. is a graduate and can furnish the
1 05 Foster and R. McKune ; Marshal, Ed Tellet-
The second term at McMinnville college, l»est of references The disease known as
42 60 son ; Recorder, D. C. Coleman.
began on Wednesday. Nov. 14th. There has the stagger», a specialtv. All kind» of »urgi- State ▼» Draper..................................
5 00
already been a large increase in the attend­ cal work done sientihcally. Consaltations State vs Green...................................
George Fendall has a contract for deliver­
ance, and many others are expected to come
« 5 ing a large amount of oak lurnl>er in Port
in during /he next week.
land and is now engaged in hauling it to the
Neither abaent nor tardy during the term
The Latin pupils at the college, whose just closed, at the oollefce. were-Mi»Y M F N f . w P eotoobaph G allery .
standing for th* last term is 95 or over, are Heater. M Holston, h l. Hunsaker. E I. Wal­
Jonathan Boerne, who arrived here from
Mr. I. G. Davidson, of Portland. is putting
as follows ; Miss A. L. Turner 98. Miss F. lace r N Swartont. V 1 L Leat»>. and .Mew rs
Illinois last spring, has taken a homestead
M. Mathews 98. Mis* <). H. Powell 95. J. H. H I.'Boardman. 1> Bnrvine. E Purvine M up a Iuitiding on the Peter»« lot, McMinn­ near H. W. Lamson. There are hundreds of
«mith 99, B. F. Rhodew iM>.
11 I, Khodea. 'V ' Clark. I J Key and S T ville, and expects to have the Columbia Gal­ claims north and west of here in the foot­
\L m » ii
a c<w»k had one exrnsable tardv lery ready for business about the 25th of this hills and mountains on which men of energy
Yon juay talk about yon» electric lights, mark,
Miss E E Martin, and Miss £ month. Mr. J. G. Crawford, who is well and economy can in a few years beoome in­
lait th*«* used for lighting th“ coach on the Wright, «nd
not al>sent or tardy except on known on this coast a« a good artist, having dependent farmers, fruit growers or stock
West Sid# express just “carry thebfis>m.
gained quite a notoriety <»n account of hi-* raisers. Mr. Bogue talks of going into the
Why yon cat? see a man dear across tiie reaaonabl® excuse.
fruit business.
eoach—if the conductor happens to be stand­
l.»M fridsv. daring the absence of Gran­ landscape views and celebrities, will be man­
Sheridan Debating Society was organized
ville Baker tnau bi» bouse, h I'Hrtv giving ager of the Columbia. He will deal in ster-
ing by with a lantern.
views, celebrities, enlarging pictures, by electing C. Whitmer president, W. A.
bis name, ainoe l««i arrested, as Myers, en­ oscopic
Dr. Trn Binger < rtf era the following gentle­ tered
and make all styles of photo work. If two Graves vice-president, W. Potter Sec., S. C.
men as reference ; f. O. McCoWn. att y. D. «rul nocket knife. He went io Portland and months or three months trial seems to justi­ Foster, treas. and sergeant-at-arms. The
U. Latourette. att'v. Dr. White. Capt. Apper- wastlnn aX-ted. Granville went down. fy. nr. Duvidjon propose* to establish a per­ Society meet» each Friday evening in the
”on. Dr. Norns. Dr. Park»t. Cooper Bros . ,dent.fi- d bis property and had it r.tnnied manent gallery lien*
Town Hail at 7 o'clock. Programme for
liverymen, all of (Iregon City.
next meeting is as follows : declamation, R.
in snfetv. The th of was brought to Lafav
McKune; recitation. Anna Gardiner; read­
The Kiernan-Altman case was settled by
The following is a report of the Newberg ing. E. Lafollett; song. Walt Potter. Ques­
arbitration, on Friday last. Mr. Kiernan ti»m. yeMt-rdav. but we go to pre« too early
agreeing to pav th* Altman boys for the to get the pariwulars.
arhool for the school month ending October tion for debate. “ Resolved, that young men
should lx» encouraged to remain on the
w'»rk they had done o«i Uie
•nd lb*7
n«lnr*d Bellevoe 30th. 18*3.
Several •••
of .....
farm.*' Aff.. C. Lafollett. H. Z. Foster and
agreeing tn vacate the preu*i«e«i by the mid­ friends
w ru in town last
and if we
Ed Telletson. Neg.. J. F. Hill. W. A. Graves
dle of this month.
indoe. the 1 x . tr h»d room , fan atundan^ for the month, 18 ; the names of and S. C. Foster.
We had the plectrar?. one dav this week, of
«. D am .
tlicMBe* why have u«*t I a - uu absent or lardy du­
meeting Mr. Green, th# gentleman who pur- «M <Xn weRrinu h new Imt. Ml becaitRe John ring tie-month, are : Arthur GeotflP. Clar­
rhaaed the Mill^ps farm at Willamina He Point -ift awnv with” hiR okl one in ern.- ence E- wards. Walter Fit wards. Oacat Men­
* a fine appearing gentleman, and we be­ 2Z>ner xi. t4 ,hn <Hf>t, toward* irirenine denhall. Oran Edwards and Calve Martin.
hewmae Mr G. had Those ranking l«est in their classes are : I
lieve will he a rreditaMe addition to the pop­ had no hat at all.
Nov. 13. 1«M3.
Class A Arthur George and Erama Hoskins ; I Beautiful nights.
ulation of «rar county.
I ¿a. told that John conld find hl» hat in the Class B. Clarence Edwards and Alice Hos­
The McMinnville Kncial Litararv
, ,pn.„ „.5oe at Sheridan. luarkwl • < O I>.
Wheat Melting for ** cent«, clear.
ererv Toewtav evemug nt Odd Fellows which me na that h. mn-t par f -r it befor- kin- . < laaa C. Frankie Smith : Class D. Oran |
Silas Hinwm. a former resident of this
Hall. Delmte and pr«H»n*ra» <«•« littray exer he nan have it. thewe c.nntry bo« are jollv Edwards and Alden Gard.
M m . Vunin M abttn .
r'sea will .««raetitnte the pn-cramvne for next fellow« and know bow to hire “ more fan |
plane but now of Silverton. wan here visiting
relatives and fnenda, last week.
Tuesday evening ; friemia and the pobhc r^* than anybody.”
sI*‘ctfa]By invited to attend.
Some action should h
authorities to pr<
ing night uid<•■»us
for some til.: p ’
Messrs. McCaii A
were hi town last
Mrs. Murtha Ja
on a visit io frivw
Miss Lida Wilson return -o . i.
East Portland last Saturday.
Lafayette’s popular druggist. Hull John
son, was in town on business Inst M<»nda\.
Our young friend Th«w. Collins. u • 1
been stopping in California for the past y.-u-
is here visiting friends. He will return in a
few days.
Prof. Johnson, formerly n teacher in our
school, was here in the interest of a Portland
firm a few days ago.
A farewell dance was given Messrs. Sigler
and Collins by their young friends, at Hark­
er’s Hall, last night. Those who participated
report having had a very pleasant time.
Music was furnished by Tom Bryant, of
Our young friend.B.D.Sigler, who has been
attending the University at Salem for some
time past, returned home last Friday. He
will attend the High school at Portland the
coming winter.
@6 M
' itìi
61,20 00
»bi•uod F •« J, per ton....... .........
@22 50
P »tatoe.8, per bushel
@1 00
Unions, p i pound.......................
12@ 15
i .tin. per ponud.........................
13@ 1«
Shoulders, per pound.................
Lard, per |>ound.........................
L-utter, per pound.......................
Lggs, per dozen.........................
Hides, dry Hint, per pound......
Hides, green, per pound............
Dressed H< gs, jaw cwt................
5 _ «
Wool, per |K»uiid ........................
(fli 1«
Tallow, per pound......................
Chickens—grown—per dozen..... 4 50 @5 00
P lease N otice !
All persons indebted to the undersigned
a re requested to make payments by the 1st
day of Noy.. 1883, and thereby save costs.
T his is the last call.
W. F. B angasskb .
S. W. Sigler and family left for Portland
to-day, where they will make their home in
the future. Mr. Sigler and family have re­
sided here for the past seven years, and leave
many warm friends who wish them prosperi­
ty in their new home.
ressmaking done in the Beat of
The meeting of the W. C. T. U. last Friday
Style, ut ali times, by
night was well attended and proved to be a
fir«. E. <7. Ilnrgy A Sister,
very enjoyable affair. Following was the At the old Rowland residence, on B street,
programme : song, by nine little girls ; ad­
McMinn ville.
dress, Rev. Mr. Parsons; solo. Miss Ora
Robinson ; declamation. Miss Gertie Han­
son ; declamation, nine little girls ; address.
Mrs. Edwards; short address. Mr. J. Ed­
wards. The exercises were all good, particu­
larly the solo by Miss Robinson and the ad­ A LL persons knowing themselves indebted
to us vill please call and settle up imme­
dress by Mrs. Edwards.
diately, as we must have our money.
It is reported this morning that two of
Mr. Rossiter's children are very low with
McMinnville, Nov. 1, 1883—t4.
diphtheria Dr. Ball, the attending physi­
cian, thinks recovery very doubtful.
L loyd .
attention !
Nov. 12,1883.
We are having splendid weather for No­
Mr. Pete Roberts, of Portland, was up last
week, visiting his parents.
E. Bedwell, of Monmouth, paid his son a
visit at this place last week.
Our livery stable has had a neat office add­
ed to it. The proprietors mean business.
Levi Everetts, of the Grove, is here, visit­
ing his old friends.
Our butcher shop has again been opened
with Lewis & Morgan, proprietors. It is a
great accommodation to the town.
Johnny Brisbine and wife, of Gaston, are
visiting his father, at this place.
Wm. McKern, of Moscow, Idaho, was down
last week, visiting his brother and sister,
who he has not seen for 13 years. He is
practicing law in Moscow, and will leave for
bis home tb-day.
G. C. Robison, of your city, is here visit­
ing relatives and friends. George is. the
same old boy he used to was.
Alex Powell, one of our pioneers, has re­
turned. He reports having had a splendid
Frank O’Conner and wife, of Lafayette,
were in town Sunday.
KTOTICF. is hereby given that I am no Ion*
ger connected with the lumbering firm of
llemstock, Harvey & Francis, haviug with­
drawn from the same. Thanking the public
for courtesies extended, I hope the firm of
Hemstock A Harvey—my successors—may
meet with unbounded success.
McMin iville, Nov. 1, 1883—w4.
Parties desiring to improve their stock of
Ilogs, will bear in mind that I have a
■ ul I-Blood Jersey Red Hoar,
For which 1 will charge the small sura of $5
per head for breeding, believing that they are
the best bogs on the coast, and fast superced­
ing all others breeds.
A lso for S ale —A number of Thoroughbred
Jersey Boars and Half-breed Jersey and Po­
land China, which make a fine cross, at rea­
sonable prices.
McMinnville, Or.
Square Up.
Notice is hereby given that parties indebted
lo me must make settlement by the 1st of
November, 1883. All bills unsettled at that
time will be placed in the hands of an attor­
Have you seen Wess and his long-eared
(’ has . HIRSCH.
Bony, out with the new cart ? Wess has the ney, for collection.
McMinnville, Oct 11, 1883—30t4.
boss buggy horse.
There will be a grand ball given at Laugh­
lin's Hall, on Monday evening. Dec. 21th.—
All are invited.
Link Laughlin, of eastern Oregon, is here
visiting his brother.
James Roberts has rented and moved into
a part of Dr. llaines’ house.
Wm. Dempsey returned last week from
Ogden, where he has been with a band of
cattle from the upper country. He is visit­
ing his brother at present.
The little babe of John Wicks died last
Thursday night at 9 o’clock, and Friday af­
ternoon was laid to rest beside itH mother,
who was buried only 13 days before.
Things went very cheaply at Adam Bros,
sale, last Saturday,
The weekly fair held at this place ever
Sunday, was well attended yesterday, tlier
being parties present from Lafayette, Carlt n
and near M ■Minnville.
But Carlton '
badly scooped in the races by rtl»p Y • 1 :r ~
Mrs. Jack krehiba'’
flamatii n of tir
A hunrinv
to con .
With :■ tpp
ths 2 'Ktt
F. Hau
Nov. 13, I ks .;.
Our blacksmith. Mr. Collins, ha
but is better.
Mrs. J. L Steward is qni’e poorly.
Born. Nov. 7, to the wile of A. But . nu n. •
Our community was startled Sunday morn­
ing on learning ef the h ath of “ Uncle Ku«T’
Olaa, after an illness of but a few days. He
leavesan aged wife, seven children" and a
multitude of friends to mourn his loss. No
better man lived than “ Uncle Ruel.’’ He was
respected by the old and loved by the young.
Peace to his ashvA.
Y ouknowwho .
A n I ntehehtino R eminiscence .
Mr George Bangasser, a brother- in-law of
Deputy Poormaster Zoll, and an old Buff »Io­
nian, is in town on a visit with friends and
relatives. He left Buffalo in IMO when the
Queen City of the Lakes gave but slight prom
ise of its pres* nt imporiance. He resided for
ten years in Illinois and went to Oregon in
1851 with a caravan consisting of one hun­
dred and fifty men and a number of women
and children. The journey occupied more
than six months. He nettled in McMinnville,
Oregon, and has resided there for the last
hirty-two years. On the journey to the far*
west a singular accident occurred, A young
man in the party wounded a young buck l>e
longing to a trila* of Indians roaming in the
vicinity cf the camp, by slashing him with a
knife across the hips, inflicting an uguly
wound. The Indians came next day and de­
manded that the young ruan be given up for
punishment. The captain of the caravan held
a coriswltat ion with the members and it was
reluctantly agreed for the safty of the party
to give him up as the Indians far outnum­
bered the whites. The yonrig fellow ls«gged
hard to be shut but fear of the redskins pre­
vailed aod h« was delivered to the Indians
alive, who lashed h»rn t<* a pony and r<xle off.
Hia fat»- was never (teflnitoly ascertained but
it can easily I jc conjectured that he in ail
probability experienced that refinement of
cruelty for which the Indians are noted. The
caravan arrived safely at its destination and
many of the party. Mr. BangasMer included,
pr<mpered. having fine bomeat»ada a nd large
families.—“ Buffalo Gonrier.”
W»srTBfr—A lady of experience to take
charge of a home and family of two oixil-
dr«-n—both girla, one 7 and the other 9 years
old. Reasonable wages. Apply to
C hablkm G hokning .
McMinnville, Or.
“ Says I t’ metili, say« I,”
Job Printing,
That’» the racket,.
'heal Receipts, and Sale Bill«,
• , ’
Besidva everything else in the
• hu | * ih the.
on abort no­
cry !
I LSitr
Ostrich. Feathers,
French Flowers in Velvet, Plush and Silk,
Ornament« ef Kvery Description,
In fact everything to be found in a millinery
or notion store.
I’leuse give us a call, and you will be con­
vinced that we have the best goods and most
reasonable prices.
All persons take notice that the Promiwry
Note« hereinafter described are without con­
sideration and I will not pay the same to wit;
One for $252.00 payable February
13. - PWÎ ;
one lor $232.00 payable February 13, 18A3 ;
one for $252,00 payable February >3, ISM ;
one tor $252.00 payable February 13, 1885 ;
one for $252.00 payable February 13, 18M .
All said notes d rawing interest at’ 10 percent
par annum. Said notes are signed
__ ___ oy
me and
payable to the order of W. 8. Frink/and bear
date Felruaiy 13,1880.
October 1, 1883.—30w4.
The undersigned has for sale a farm of
Lying 2| mile* west of McMinnville. Thia
larm is '«eauiifuliy located, and would make
three o lour neat farm*, all of which would be
well watered and in about an equal portion of
open and timbered land- calculated for farm
or peatu a land*.
200 arret of the beat portion for $20 pe r
acre; tie balance at $15 per acr^—or will sell
I he whole tract al $18 per acre.
W G. DAV/ S.