voli hi ; xo »5 \ iii H HIWVILLI: DREGGY, Till R*DAY NOVEMBER 1.5, ISS». THE REPORTER, Published Every Thursday, at M c M innville : : or too N BY _A__ V. ZR. Editor and Proprietor. MIBM'HIHTIO* hatbs , One copy per year, in advance............. “ six months '* ............ 12.50 1.50 STATE AND TEHKITORIAl. Coal $13 a toil in Walla Walla, W T. Thirteen prisoners in jail at Pendle­ ton, Oregon. There is going to be it new college built at Roy. Marshfield, Oregon, is to have a large stove factory. The loss by the fire at Weston, Or., fools up $210,000. The Methodist Wave anew church on Five Mile, Oregon. postmaster at Colfax has a sal- $1400 per year. The new flouring mill at Pendleton Oregon, is in operation. Chicago drummers are scattered throughout the Pacific Northwest. There are eighty odd residences in course of election in Walla Wallla. A New York lady lias donated $500 for a public library in Pendleton, Ore­ gon. Snow is now eighteen inches deep nt the Summit between Ellensburg and Seattle. An ounce of gold per man each day is the report from the new Cieur <1’Al­ eut mines. A poor oomitnr, and io prove H the W aitsburg, W. P., Tinies says: Five ,V<‘ars ago A. N. Brown took up a ranch in the then pronounced worthless hills north of the Burg. His capital con­ sisted of a good set of muscle, plenty of energy and a large family of small children, one of whom is a confirmed invalid, necessitating the necessary expenditure of hundreds of dollars an­ nually for medical assistance, and many wen* the nredictions that he would never pull through. He has not only been able to make ends meet, but has been enabled to purchase live • ne­ les of lai d on the Touchet, just west ot the city, ami erected thereon sub­ stantial buildings. He this week sold his worthless ranch for the snug little sum of $ l‘.i‘2O, is free from debt, with in the bank and has his home­ stead left. Bad country for a poor man, ain't it ? IF YOU WANT TO BUY 11 ARI AVAR -E, OF ALL KINDS, FTTB.ITITD'B.E, BUSINESS X- PROFESSIONAL E. E. GOUCHER, M. 1). THE llOLMAN FAN Physician and Surgeon. W. II BOYD, M. D , SURGEON & PHYSICIAN, Any person wishing a Fanning Mill will Has permanently located in McMinnville please leave their orders with MR. JOHN SAX for the practice of his profession. All calls— or MR. B. F. HARTMAN. The day or night—promptly attended to. Office—One door east of Warren . the Fan. (Sueceiwor to M. Feker,) 25tf LYMAN W. SMITH. Agricult’ral Implem’ts, OF EVERY KIND, GO TO D. I. CORKER, Lafayette, Oregon. Pliì/siàini and Surgeon, Third St.. • • McMinnville, Or. The best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit­ Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular ters, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the attenti >n given to diseases of Women and best ot cigars, and the justly celebrated San Children. All calls promptly attended to. Francisco Lager Beer. Pesidenee—at Mrs. Talmage’s. 7m6. Crockery, Crockery ! The following goods have just been received from the manufactory and are for sale J. B. RLETCIIKll. W. M. UAMSEY, Longacre & Fletcher, Proprietors. G. G. BINGHAM, McMinnville. Salem. EURISKO MARKET, The disease ki.owu as blackleg has attacked the cattle in the vicinity of the lower Yakima, W. T. The Northern Pacific railroad aver­ ages 75 carloads of beef cattle a day on the divisions east of the Rocky moun­ tains. The Seattle 1’oxf says the ten tons of oysters received by Mr. McLellan have been successfully planted in their beds above the gorge. Liberty is situated ten miles south of Lebanon, on the Sweet Home road, and the citizens give it the pious name of Opossum Hollow. If the present rapidity of work is kept up on the Walla Walla and Pen­ dleton railway, the line will be finished by January 1st next. During the month of October, 1321 emigrants left St. Paul by the Northern i’acitic railroad destined for points west of Spokane Falls, W. T- Jones’ Point Ims been selected as the ocean terminus of the Puget Sound and Gray’s Harbor railroad, near which point the channel is 26 feet deep at low tide. A number of ('liinesi- who arrived at Port Townsend on Monday, claimed admission on the ground that they were in the United States prior to 18S0. ('apt. Dale has developed an 8-foot vein of coal in the Northern Pacific mine at Coaledo, Oregon, about six feet of which is marketable anil of an ex­ cellent quality. For Larne Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh’s A specimen of magnetic iron ore tak­ Porohs Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Kogers en from the industrial iron company, i Todd. near Souqnalinie Pass, weighs forty pounds ami contains 85 percent of iron “HACKMETACK.” a lasting and fragran perfume. Price 25 end 50 cents. Sold by Rog- of very fine quality. ers A Todd. Grizzlies ha ve proved so destructive to cattle in the Sprague river valley, CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath Klamath county, Oregon, that stock­ secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price raisers have ottered a bounty of $30 50 rents, Nasal Injector free. Sold by Rogers for each bear captured. A Todd. Says the Walla Walla I ni»n of the 6th: There were at the depot this WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and morning 87 cars of wheat 57 of winch Liver Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaran- went this afternoon to Portland. This eed to cure von. Hohl by Rogers A Todd. is the largest quantity ever in the yard SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by at one time. that terrible <«Ufh. Shiloh's Cure is the rem­ Several women are at Eagle Town. edy for vou. Sold by Rogers A Todd. Co ur d'Alene mines, gelling pies at fifty cents and bread at a dollara roll. I his SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY—a pos­ goes to show that there is something itive erne for Catarrh. Diptheria and Canker in those mines and that thecainp is one Month. Sold by Rogers A Todd. of tlie good old early day kind— 4!*, for instance. A Chinaman with a carpet sack full of dynamite cartridges « as arrested tn Victoria, as he landed from a Seattle steamer, and charged with lieing an emissary of O'Donovan Rossa. ’’My Gaud." exclaimed themayorof \ ictoria What will the bluddv Hamerii ans do next!” Baker Citv Trfhme: The deposit and shipment of $1,th’83, with thirteen members. It has since that time held regular meet­ ings, am. now has a membership of about th rty. We hope soon to enlist the sympathies of all Christian women ill this work. Our motto is " For God aud home and nature’s land." We neet, not argue the evils of intem­ perance. They are to apparent to need any argument toprove their existence. Scarcely a family could be found in our land who has not, ill some way, suffer­ ed from this demon. So great has it become that it can no longer be siuoth- ed over ami looked upon as a “little sin," but it is every where admitted to be the greatest national evil, ami will soon become the national destroyer, if it is not put awav as assiduously as was Adlan ami all that belonged to him, when he had brought destruction to the Childieu of Israel. Our work is purely oil the gospel plan. We belieie that God rules the universe, and that a nation to stand, must be Imilt on prin­ ciples of justice, truth and liberty, as our own brave land is. But somehow not in the foundation, but in the super­ structure, has crept in this monstrous eviiamlis fast destroying all these principles. Looking this monster in the face, can we as Christian women fold our hands and wait for some one else to do Hie work? Would we be justified in sitting at our window ami wait for some one else to give the alarm if we saw our neighbors house in flames/ Can wesec thegreat danger that threat­ ens our nation ; and we sit quietly by ami do nothing to prevent it? Chris­ tian women there is work foryou to do! God must save we kuow. But how does l,e work ? is it not through the instrumentalitv of his people? 1 hen if the church would lie free from the blood of the thousands, who are being milled through strong drink, She must put forth her utmost endeavor to Iran ish this enrse from our laud. The alarm must be sounded. The church must In-aroused to greater activity ill this work. Public opinion must be moulded in favor of truth and temper­ ance. before this evil can be coned with siu i esstully, ami who ean.do this bet­ ter than the Christian women of our land ? Who has suffered mole than they from this bitier enemy ? Let us go diligently to work doing the little things which none but women can do. Let us put all our energies into this work, trusting in God for grace and wisdom to do whatsoever he requires at our hands, and He will crown our labors with success ami enable us to “ drive back this tidal wave of woe." ill our next we will notice some of tlie Witt s whereby we may work suc­ cessfully in this great temperance movement. • L. L t FL Sii! Cheaper than Ever RAMSEY A BINGHAM • /{tornei/* til haw (Situated at the Depot,) McMinnville, - - 4 Before in this State, consisting of Oregon« Farthan ruik I’aub, Lip Crocks, Baking Pan«, Office of Geo. G. Bingham, Notary Public— Pic Platea. Having purchased this market, the above oue door West of Furniture Store, npins HOTEL IS FIRST-CLASS in every nar- Butter Jan« firm have removed it to the Wallace building, (Successors to W. J. Garrison.) 1., II, COOK, Prop. corner of 'I bird and C Sts., where they are M c M innville prepared to furnish the public with - - A ticulav, iM'ing furnished with all modern O regon . appliances, and setting before its guests only and a large variety of Fancy Glassware and Fresli Meats, Sausages of all kinds, DR W, A. B. MILLS, Head < lieese, Fresh Fish, Salt and Dried Fish, Bacon, llauis, Fggs, ( 1FFICE at F. A. Hill’s Drug Store, DaytoD FIRST C LASS MARKET We shall also carry a stock of Canned Fruita, ot all Kind 6tf. Oregon. In fact everything kept in a House, Carriage, Sign ASK FOR Celebrated California Made M’CAIN & HURLEY, af 7"/’O/r.VA’ T» ./T h.t If, BOOTS and SHOES -and- T. C. STEPHENS SOLD J. B. ROHR, and Highest Cqsli Price paid tor all kinds of Fat Stock. Ornamental Painter, We would most respeetfullv ask a share ot llctliiinville, ... Oregon. the patronage of this community. Painting done in the neatest style, on the LONGACRE A FLETCHER. shortest notice and at the most reasonable 13-27yl. prices. Shop in the old Beary building on Third between A and B Sts. 6tf. Cahn, NickRlsburg & Company's the beBt the market affords. Lanterns, at Sample-room for the especial accommodation If. O. Palmer'», of Commercial Men. Opposite Bingham’s Furniture Store, McMinn­ Remember the place- at the depot. ville. 25ml. WATCHMAKER “ Len’me yer knife, pipe an’ tobaccy, an’ fumble yer pocket fer a match while I load the dudeen.” Which beiug interpreted, means that JEWELER & ENGRAVER 2 H. WELCH DEALER IN Has bought Harry Robertson’s stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Candy and Notions which he propos­ WATCHES; es to sell as low as is consistent with the clocks ,: law of live-and-let-live. And having set up a JEWELRY SPECTACLES, Etc HAKItEH CHAIR Is prepared to do slashing and grubbing wi th soda pop and oranges for sale under the Pho­ tograph Gallerv at McMinns i He. H. II. WELCH. n the Brick Store, corner 3d and Jefferson St’« LAFAYETTE, - - OREGOW ll'attb Repairing and Job­ bing a Specialty For faille- ! Desirable property in the town of Sheridan Yamhill County, consisting of a blacksmith shop, wagon shop, good dwelling house, barn, NOTARIES PUBLIC, lumber and wood shed. Every pair warranted made by white labor, Lafayette, Enquire of Dayton, Oregon, Oregon - - * - of the Best Stock in th,e market. We also CHAS. LAFOLLETT, 33tf. Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, made Office — Jail Building, up stairs. manufacture 47tf. Sheridan, Oregon. from the best material and best workmanship. Painting and trimming done to order. Ladies 'Misses & Children’s General Blacksmith and Repairer. ST CHARLES HOTEL LOTS FDR SALE. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Riveted Shoes. A MUTCHLER —o— F. MULTNER. Prop., OTS Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in Block No. 19, Row- land’s addition are offered for sale at a bar­ Fine location near the depot—just east FB.2LUB: A.. HILL, A Full au«l Complete line of ihe of the residence of L. H. Cookon the east side Newhouse! New furniture! unsurpassed in above Wcibknowu Goods for Sale at the country. Rates—$1 to $2 per day, accord­ of railroad track, on Third Street. The three Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the public to his new and fine stock of ing to room. Single meals, 25 cents. Lodg­ lots will be sold for $400, if applied for soon. LEOKGE Ull.l.l*, Jr. H. FISHER’S, ing, 25 to 50 cents, according to room. Board McMinnville, May 24, ’ 83 — lltf. DBUGS, STATION!»?, PATENT MEDI­ and Lodging, $4 to $6, per week. Fine Sample McMinnville, Oregon. Rooms and superior accommodations for com­ CINES, CUTLEBY. SCHOOL BOOKS, Manufactured by mercial i. en, Supper furnished Balls and CAI1S. N1CKELSBURG A CO., parties at reasonable rates. Give me a call CIG A IKS A.W TOBACCO. and see for yourselves. 129 A. 131 Sausome St., San Francisco. Prescriptions carefully compounded and" A tt ’ y at L aw & N otary ’ P ubu Factory 115 lio<* Maker SHHHIDAN, OREGON. The finest stock of Boots. Shoes, Rubber«, Etc, in Yamhill County Lalayvltr Orr^on. CHEAP FOR CAHIf. Boots and Shoes manufactured to order and neatly repaired. iXotice 1o <11 Par tie«. All work and goods warranted. All jiurti» uro hereby nutitied not to tretpMS Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon. upon u>y premiAM from and after tbia date, and 31 m3. all found treapaaaing will be prosecuted to tb lulleal extent of the law. W. T. N bwbt . McMinnville, Aug. 23, 18R3—ml GAINES FISHER, Special Attention given to Transient Stock. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. MILK, MILK! MILK!! The und rsigned wishes to inform the peo­ ple of McMinnville that he is running a .Milk Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing Corner Commercial and Trade Sts., ihe best of rnilk at the most reasonable rates.— wishing to lie supplied with the article SALEM, - - - OREGON. Those at once can do so by leaying orders at the Pos<- office. W. G. DAVIS. Satisfaction (.uaranked. Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. BOSS SALOON, New Grocery and Provision Store Under Odd Fellow«9 Hall, Just opened on PliyMiciRns an’ P -i < Of’ McMinnville, Oregon. » HAÌK l.ll/HEIl. Everything in the line cheap for cash or in exchange for country produce. Call and examine poods and prices. L. ROOT. Feb. 21, lHH2-2tf. Ill < kM I OR MALE. The un< ereigned hat) for Bale a lot of large, high gra< < Spanish Merino Buck«, which can bad at 'oo