Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, November 01, 1883, Image 5

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oik PEEn-.iJtiin
Nov. 1st. 1888.
Roads, getting heavy.
Don’t neglect to pay up.
Oregon is herself aga in.
Sweet cider is blooming.
The time for settlements.
City election, next monday.
Old pajiers for sale at this office.
Read all the new advertisements.
Sam says—horseshoes are not what—
County Court, next week—Nov. term.
Rogers A Todd want money. See notice.
H. Fisher is receiving new goods every
High winds and heavy rains, the past
Dou't fail to attend the minstrel show, to-
Embroideries, Spanish Lace and Silk Lace
to he had at very reasonable figures of H.
At Mohawk Hall, to-night—Moss' minstrel
* Cigars, from 5 to 25 cents each, nt Rogers
A Todd's.
W. L. Bradshaw, Esq., of Lafayette, called
I Leaves about all off the trees, makes it
look wintry.
Ladies' Cloaks, Dolmans and UUfers at
H. Fisher's.
| J. J. Collard, of Wheatland, came in to see
rh yesterday.
Ladies' all wool searlet Merino Vests, $2
at H. Fisher’s.
For Hardware, Stoves, Tinware at bedrock
prices go to Manning’s.
Jas. McCain. Esq., of Lafayette, was up on
bwiness, last Saturday.
Hon. W. D. Fenton, of Lafayette, paid us
a hurried call yesterday.
Thomas’ Cool Water bleaching soap. $1.40,
cash at B. F. Hartman’s.
Mountain tops covered with snow Friday
and Saturday luorniugs.
Custer Post. G. A. R., wet last Saturday
evening, at Fireman's Hall.
Smoke the “ Don Carlos” the be-4 cigar in
the city at Rogers A Todd's.
See dressmakiug card of Mrs. E. C. Borgy
and Sister under New Today.
•Just received a lot of Ducuestic and Impor­
ted cigars at Rogers A Todd’s.
Torn Rowland is now head fiddler in Hen-
Jeixon A Logan's horse shop.
They fell us that Quinn Burnett can fall
7WJX feu in a 30x40 ball room.
Our yoa«g friend. Tommy Ladd, will go
back to farming in a week or two.
Columbia Cold Wafer Bleaching soap at
per box at B. ¥r Hartman’s.
Twa-gnd-a-half pound Cai? peaches. 25
cents j»r Can at B. F. Hartman's,
The Select Social Dance Club held forth at
Grange Hall. J/tst Saturday evening?
A lot of new cigars and a brand new show­
case just received by Rogers A Todd.
Those ” Jersey Red" boss of B. F. Hart­
nun's are beauties. See adverlisement.
M m , L ou Kuykendall, of .G.rapfJ Ronde.
■visited relatives at this plaoe, last vyeeJf .
Dont ferget that Manning has the best, im­
m ever brought to McMinnville.
The Nestuccx lumbering mills shut down
last week, and the boys came to town Satur­
A yeum* man in this plats pays 25 cents
for second-baud love letters. T,- W. P.
H. C. Burns. «4 Bellevue, was in town and
came in to pay us ¡.»/ m compliments, last Sat-
Job mi v Burke, advance
f«r Moss
miustrels. was here and billed tiu U>wn, last
Ladiei’ null Ties, Spanish Lace Ties. Fi
H igh . LintQ Collars in great variety at H
T. J. Shaddeu ha* sold his property on
thea*rner of B and Fifth street«* to J* R
Don't p«y $2.00 for Miss' Gossaiuwi *hen
ron ran get them at B. F. Hartman's for
$1.50 cash.
Our old frieml. Ji F- Saylor has been down
Irain Goldendale. W, T» on a visit, and will
|M«rn to-day.
Fraiili Hoberg has quit tbe «©wing ma-
«hiia* business and has settled down at
Aunh YaiohML
Almo«t tax gajfherjng season. " Snyd. the
Friuter.'" j*i getting «xut the blank receipts
*»r Sheriff Collard.
Missei and Children's Ironclad Shoes—
the best for the money in the markt* to
b’d at H. Fisher's.
Fur Wringers. Sewing machines. Guns and
Aiuunition you can do better at Manning s
'han any place in the county.
Mr George Gregg. J. C. Ayer A Co. s P”P-
®lar ag«jt ww in town last Thursday, and
made us a plensaut business call.
Oriental. Don Carlo«. Sumatra. Soovenier
ynrv Clay. The Bill and other first cl«**
bfaiida of cigars at Bogers A
A^Mit’eman from Portland was m towi’
looking after an al»sc.»nding V”
Sake-holder on the Martin-Kettfeman race.
^Thnm i« B. Rowell and Miss Maggie Coad
f Dallas, were married on Tuesday, an*
through here op Jheir way to r<>
brillìi McMinnville. Satnrd**y. Oct
Mh« wife of R. Sheene. « daughter.
«< • »Ut makes Bob look so pleasant no’
«iris NewVv has sold his farm and will
at the lower end of Happ» »««*£■
""i »(W more east of the pionntains. in the
1 he wind blew down the old barn on E.
Western remedies for western diseases •,
street belonging to Mrs. Dallas, last Thurs Try I’nillinger'a Condition* Powders—a sure
•Uy As it was quite an old building, the preventive for ail diseases of the stomach,
loss is light.
liver, blood, loss of appetite, etc., and will,
if taken in time, cure all the various ills
• Don't read this : Dr. J. T. \ugur will sell horses and cattle are subject to. Bemember,
at public auution. «>n Saturday next, Nov. 3, those [Hiwders are manufactured by a veter­
at Ins residence, Household Furniture, etc. inary surgeon ami are fast gaining an un­
Terms, cash.
shaken reputation among horse owners.
Dr. J. TruI linger, the well known veterinary
Y lawsuit between John Kiernan, of Port­
land, ami the» Altman Bro»;.. <»i Bellevue, for surgeon, of Oregon City. Oregon, will visit
county about November 10th, and
ejectment, has attracted considerable atten­
will canvas the county professionally, taking
tion the past day or two.
wholesale orders for his valuable medicines.
While coming from the mountains .with a The Dr. is a graduate and can furnish the
load of shingles, one day last week, one of best of references. The disease known as
Richard Townsend's horses dropped dead in the staggers, a specialty. All kinds of sur­
the road. Cause, unknown.
gical work done scientitically. Consultation
The foot racing mania has been at its
Strayed from the premises of the under­
height at this place, the past two weeks.—
Home of the boys have wagered as high as signed. aliout two mouths since, seven head
of sheep—six ewes and one buck lamb—all
five marbles on their favorites.
the ewes being branded with the letter "O”
Young ladies calling for a chat with his in red paint on the hip ; buck unmarked.—
Satanic Majesty of this institution will Any peraou knowing the whereabouts of
please come inside. The weather is getting such sheep will confer a favor oil the owner
by letting him know of the same.
too cool to keep the dour open.
L. H. B aker .
Dayton, Or.
Trullinger's Excelsior Liniment is one of
the rarest compounds of liniment for sprains,
Mr. Charles Grissen, our bakery man and
bruises, callous lumps, rheumatism, numb­ news agent, has just received from Bancroft
ness of tbe limbs, etc. Try it.
A Co., a qew work entitled “ The Universal
” by Thomas Kelly, that is
John Caswell has lately taken a run into Self-Instructor,
indeed a work of m^rit, It is a book of sev­
the upper country, looking fol a location to eral
ana aogt^inty almost any­
open out a saloou ; but he says he finds no thing you wish to know
regarding trades of
place that suits him better that McMinnville. all kinds, farming, book-keeping,
Trial proves that honesty is the best policy keeping. historical sketches, lives of great
in medicines as well as in other things. Ay­ men. weights, measures, etc., etc. It is not
er's Sarsaparilla is a genuine preparation, an often we see a work that will prove not only
unequalled blood purifier, decidedly superior interesting but beneficial to all parties, as
does this, and we would advise our people to
to all others.
go and examine it.
It is highly wrong for a young lady to take
On Saturday last Mr. Harvey Dickey died
every little item she may Hee in print, as
meaning her—unless the “ooat fits." in very suddenly a.t his home in this place of
Mr. Dickey was formerly from
which case of course she is entitled to wear
Warwold. Ohio, removed to Kansas, where
it. Keep cool.
he had been in business for some time, but
The new Baptist Church nears completion failing in health came to this state during
and is a ueai building. Contractor Doyle the summer in the hope of regaining his lost
knows just how t«» d«> such a job and do it health and settled iu this place for a time
well. The spire of tbi* church is the‘‘way till he could look out a business location.
upest” spire in town.
On Tuesday of last week he went to Port­
Wm. Roof and Aiu. Shadden are.
sup­ land, and while, there took a severe cold, and
pose, the happiest men in Yamhill; and returning to his home was confined to his
they have reason to be, for each has receiv­ room up to the time of his death, which was
ed a Parker gun, at a cost of $125, and we instantaneous, at about 4 o'clock Saturday
evening. De^ea^d was a robust looking
tell you they are beauties.
man : was about 10 years of ago, He leaves
Wm. Merchant, one of the thrifty farmers a wife and four children—three boys and one
of the beautiful North Yamhill section, was girl to mourn his loss, Besides suffering the
in town Monday and paid us a visit. He loss of a husband and a fathi r the family is
tells us that farmers up his way are driving left in destitute circumstances. * During his
life Mr. Dickey has been possessed of con­
their seeding, rain or shine.
siderable wealth, having been worth at one
Dr. Trnllinger offers the following gentle­ time $75,000, which through misfortune bad
men as reference : F. O. McCown, att'y, D. slipped from his hands, and at the time of
C. Latoorette, ett'v. Dr. White. Capt. Apper- death was net the possessor of a penny. He
son. Dr. Norris. Di Parker, Cooper Bros., was a soldier during the late war and while
liverymen, all of Oregon City.
serving his country had his spine injured
Addie; " Where did you get 4ijo,»e fine which rendered him unable to perform hard
shoes. Will ?” Will : “ Why. I got them at manual labor, and during his stay in this
II. Fisher's : the best and easiest shoe I ever plaiie hi.- family was supplied from the piti­
month, the pension he
got ; go the/e and get a pair.” And Addie ful sum pt 4*i
drew from th« government He was a mem­
was accommodated at H. Fisher's.
ber of the Grand Army of the Republic, and
Some of the w’alks on B street, are getting his remains were laid to rest in Masonic
unsafe to walk upon, especially after night, Cemetery Sunday afternoon by Custer Post.
k loose plank here
a broken one there, His family have the sympathy of this com­
makes it unpleasant tor
pedestrian who munity in this their time of bereavement.
happens to be caught out after
And at this time more than words is needed.
Here is a family suffering for the necessaries
A foot race has been arranged between of
cast among strangers in a strange
Martin and Rvan’for $1.00(1 a aid®, to come land Mrs.
Dipkey’a relativss live at Joliet.
off at Portland two weeks from next Sator
it is her intnntion to return to them
day. Ryan beat Martin at Salem, two week« as soon as
can receive the the ueceasary
ago, but it is claimed by unfair means.
means to enable herself and family to make
Now is the time for some one to get a bar­ the trip. Until she receives such means, it is
gain. Dr. J. T. Augur has for sale a good the duty of onr people to see that their bod­
Let ns, for the sake
horse, buggy, harness, halter—in fact a full ily wants are supplied
outfit, spd l fie whole tiling is offered for $200. of humanity,each contribute a small amount
of our worldly gain in this worthy cause.
Don't all speaL af cnce for this chanoe.
The Sheridan Adelphian Society met last
Marion Rowland and family, of your city,
Monday and re-organized by electing the visited relatives near here several days ago.
following officers. President* J. E. Richter,
Peter Thompson. Jr., wears a bandage on
Vice-President, John James : Secretary and
lreasurer. C. B. Lafollett; Sergeaut-at-Arms his head. Cause—there was water iu the
bullet moulds. Look out, Peter.
Oot. 30. 18H3.
cinity of Sheridan ought to attend this so­
The lx»ys havn'l carried off the depot, yet;
River rising rapidly.
ciety and take an active ¡»art hi its proceed­ hut
they will soon, if the express com­
ings. Much can I m * learned in this way that pany think
does not.
Gum boots and umbrellas are in demand. will
lx* of great value through life. Now is
We have two express companies, now—
Our school has been closed on account of your time, boys.
Wells, Fargo A Co., and the Northern Pa­
8. D an .
The Occident succeeded in crossing the
Hoping “ Abe” will bring us a paper of
bar last Friday and made her regular trip to
Oct. 27. 1883.
p anuts, I dose.
Y ouoowwho .
this [»lace.
Glorions rain and everybody rejoices.
Numerous Daytonites attended the fair at
'L’he first frost to be noticed in the High­
Portland, last week.
lands was on the morning of the 21sl insi.
S W Sigler came up from Portland Satur­
Hunting for the wild deer has usually been
day and spent Sunday with hi« family at
rewarded with success this fall.
this place.
M c M innville , N ov . 1, 1883.
We believe our hunters will «vase their Wheat, per oustiel..........
Our telegraph office has been moved into
A J Smith's store.
(&• 00
the game law, and good neighb«»rs from ad­ Flour, per barrel............
Miss Lida Wilson, of East Portland, is joining districts, you will please do th»* same Oats, |>er bushel....... .
here visiting her sister, Mrs A J Smith.
and especially keep your dogs nt home and Dried Apples, per pound
Plums, [wr pound.....
10(g) 12
Our young friend, George Wolfe, left for we will all get more venison and of better Bran, per ion..........
@20 00
Portland, to-day. where he will reside in the quality iu the long run.
Ground Feed, per ton..
22 50
future. The best wishes of numerous friends
Fristoe gathered from the Gate orchard nl* I\»iatoes, per bushel
@1 00
go with him.
the apples he will need for house use. Quite Onions, per pound. .
number of us will go short of apples this Bi.con {Sides, per pound
The first shipment of wheat was made to­ a winter.
11 AU
Ham, per pound......
day from this place on the Occident, by Capt
Powell. The Salem will also take a load
Whalens’ have some well tended summer Shoulders, per pound
from here to-day.
fallow land that they have ju»t begun, to Lard, per pound......
I Butter, [>er pound.....
At the regular meeting of the I O G T at
Eggs, per dozen.........
this place last Monday night th« following
Our Sunday school seems a boat to sue-
dry tiinb, [>er pound
officers were elected for tne ensuing term : cumb to the inclement weather or the apathy Hides,
green, per pound...
I) W Snyder. P W CT; « F Morse, W C 1 : of the people or both. The last heard of Hides,
Mrs H (’ Powell. W V T; A P Macey, W R Superintendent Beary he was forced to ad­ Dressed Hogs, per ewt.......
S : E G Coffin. W F S ; Etta Berning. W T. mit that it would require the genial warmth Wool, per pound ...............
C Turner. W M ; Bro Blackwell. WIG; F of a campmeeting revival or an April sun to
Fletcher. W O G.
quell the strike.
Again has the angel of death visited us.—
School on Upper Willamina closed this
Elizabeth, ten year old daughter of Luther week.
and Mary Fletcher, died with that dread di­
Newell has been attending school
sease, diphtheria, last Friday evening. She at Franky
Willamina this fall.
was taken d(»wn aboqr tw«> weeks ag«». ami
although she receivei^the best medical treat­
Uncle Isaac Agee and wife, of Gopher val­
ment, being under the care of Drs. Mills and ley, made a visit to Southern Oregon during
Calbreath, it was impossible to save her and the fall, but returned while the roads were
she breathed her last at 3 o’clock p. m. Fri­ good.
day Oct. 26th. She was born April 27th, '73.
Wm. Conrad has nn»ved to th»* Arterbury
'l'he funeral took place at 10 o’clock Satur­
The attention of the public is called to the
day morning from the residence of her par­ farm recently vacated by McDonald.
immenso bargains now oilered at the
ents, ami her remains were followed to their
Hio. H. L ander .
last resting place in the cemetery here by
many friends and relatives, who had known
and loved her. The sorrowing [»arents have
Oot. 29, 1883.
the sympathv of many in this, their hour of
Dust gone.
The stock formerly owned by George Ban-
Plenty of rain.
gasser & Son will be disposed or
Jesse Hobson moved into Ins new house.
Miss Alma Hadley is improving, slowly,
Oot. 30, 1883.
being able to sit up a little.
Some of onr sporting characters went to
Farmers would be happy if it would clear
Portland to invest their judgment and cash
in the Martin-Kettleman race ; they went up. as the ground is in tine condition for
well provided and took an extra cayuse to [»lowing.
carry back the winnings, but alas, they re­
Many of our citizens attended the Me­
Great Reductions are made in
turned without the winnings or the cayuse chanics' Fair at Portland, and say it was an
improvement over that of last year.
Delmar Pel-kins took himself a wife and
Smith A Hayworth ami Hobson A Ed­
the Leyl qf qs by surprise, last Wednesday, wards are doing a nourishing business.
upon which time th« said Delmar Perkiiis
The steam saw mill hands, accompanied
and Miss Belle Bryan were joined in wedlock.
A tine lot oí
And of course
all smoked cigars, and by some others, have taken a trip out into
mountains on a hunt ; but as they didn't
wished them joy and happiness and every­
thing good belonging to br any wav connect­ Eeet with very good success, they returned CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE
and are just rolling out the lumber. Parties
ed with their matrimonial journey.
from below Middleton are hauling lumber
Hull Johnson and wife, of this place, who from these mills.
have been sojourning in the east for some
Remember LRu Social Temjierance meeting
months,'retuiped Friday and were warpilv next Sabbath at 2 p. m. J. E. Magers, Esq.,
welcomed hy their mauy friends.
of your city, expects to be present and de­ llootis and Shoes
liver a lecture on the subject of temperance.
It makes our town look natural to see J.
T. Hembree, Esq., on our streets again, and
A. R. Bray, who has been clerking in Hob­
Lower than Portland prices.
I am inclined to think that Uncle Jim feels son A t Edwards’ store the past four or five
inure at home in Yamhill than at the metrop­ months, has gone to Portland t<i yngugein
Charlie Johnson, of McMinnville, filled
Maggie legit* took a trip to the Grove,
my doorway ope day last, week
(Hitqley last week.
Cheaper than was ever offered in this city.
had bettyL take a little mure anvil and less
,N. L. Wiley and wife returned last week
grub nr t|ier© will be uo door broad enough
I respectfully invite the public to call and
from a visit with friends up the valley.
to admit him.
examine goods and prices.
Mrs. Amy Edwards is out to the Grove
The rains of the last week have put the
ground in splendid condition for plowing, teaching the Indians the tailor trade.
and everyone is at it that can get into the
Miss Sarah Mark, of your citv, is engaged
io teach at the Chehalein fountain school
Judging from the amount of timothy seed house, to eomtnviuc khe middle of next
sold this fa|l I would infer that there will be mo.pt h^
a large ».Lop of hay uexi summer. Farmers
If you want to know how to keep your
arc waking up to the idea that there may be horses in good health and spirits; if yon
money in something else than wheat. Port­ want to know how to keep your cows so as
land will probably take all the hay that the to make lots of butter ; if you want to know
valley can spare, and hay at $20 per toil will how to fatten your hogs and make good
pay better than wheat at $1 per bushel : but meat ; if you want to know how to keep
it' will probably be worth more than $20 per your chickens liealtliy and to get. plenty of
Would respectfully announce to Ute Ladies1
t« n at any time of the year and may reach eggs, especially when eggs are worth40cents
$80, as it did last spring.
per dozep. just attend the Newberg Agricul­ of McMinnyille and vicinity that they have
tural Society. Remember the nefxt meeting removed to the new building opposite the
M. Olds, brother tp J. H. Olds, of this is one week from next Saturday, Nov. 10th. Grange Store,
place, arrived from the east, Saturday. T he at 2 p. m.
brothers had not seen each other for 31 years.
Vlc.Vliun vii Ir, Oregon,
Everybody likes to hear and know what is
Mrs. Jacobs is their sister and was here to
weloome him. Of course there was great re­ going on throughout the county, and if they
do not know it is their own fault, because and have received a splendid stock of
they could easily subscribe for the R eporter ,
We would recommend the Judge to pub­ and keep posted.
lish another sermon on the thievery, rob­
To-morrow is the last udipee of the sun
bery and other numerous evils arising from
, if _____
year . ; . and
see __ it _ I r
m we
protection, and take for his text the first ar­ this y<
mb above the clouds to get a
ticle of first column, first page Daily ,,()re- will have to oli
goniau,” of Oct. ?5th
T eetotaler .
Some man with chlu whiskers, tobacco
smelling breath and a hand that some times
strays in forbidden pastures, entered the
house and chamber of a widow lady, some
French Flowers in Velvet, Flush and Silk
time ago when sheawokeand felt an intrud­
I and
er in her room ; she inquired who was there ;
M th . Nancy Moore’s house
the intruder gave the name of a gentleman pleted.
Ornament« off Every Dvwcrlptl
that uses no t<»banco, so she knew he lied
George McKern, from east of the niouu- In fact everything to be found in a millinery
about that and might lie lying about all the
or notion store.
rest, She therefore ordered him to ‘git.” tains, is in town on a visit.
Please give us a call, and you will be con­
and iiu “ gqt/’ *t‘he next day she had a war­
rant issued t«»r the arrest of a Mr. Dunn, and here from the states, one day hist week, anil vinced that we have the best goods and most
[>ut him under bonds, as 1 hear, for his ap- moved on Thus. Anderson’s farm.
pearanoe before the Grand Jury. Oh. Dunn!
The Messinger Brothers are having th«
N at .
Brisbine saloon repaired and intend moving
in soon.
Violet Shevthes is very sick with typhoid
Oct. 29, [883.
fever, at hor sister's, Airs. W. F. Morgan.
(Iregon mist |ast week iii copious showers.
Prof. E. H Anderson has moved with his
of Brick, of the best quality, now
family to Portland and John Middleton has ■ »n Thousands
hand an<l will constantly be kept at the
H, Jd, Fpsfer is having a wood shed built. rented and moved into his house.
brick yard of
Some of the sidewalks are a disgrace to
Mrs. Wm. Ball returned from French
the town.
Prairie to-day, where she has been for abou
weeks [Mist. She reports George im­ VI cY| in ii ville,
An election will be held in Sheridan Nov.
5th to elect town officers.
Bennie McConnell is quite sick with some
Many perbons attended the funeral of the kind
Having secured entire control of the yard
of a throat disease, and was unable to
late C. H Mvasinger. at Amity,
formerly run V e 4 - <i- Saylor, the above named
return to Portland to school.
proprietor Kt;rrt<But V4th the intenti«»nof man-
Miss Emma Bogne, of this place, has gone
Ed Sheythsand Byron Coffy, from Kalama, uiacturing and supplying thia public with
to Ballston to teach school.
came up last week to attend the funeral of brick in any quantity, of a quality guaran-
I teed to be as good the beat, and at prices a»
The " Oregonian” failed to corue again Mrs. Etta Wicks.
last Saturday. Who is to blame ?
Wm. Malone is about to open a saloon in low as the lowelt.
A snitable reduction to parties purchasing
We have been taking up too much space the Mat Cain stand.
large lots.
T bavelkb .
with Sheridan item«, and will tty in the fu­
ture to practice brevity.
Give me a call and see lor yourself,
T. Malaney, of Neetucm, had a horse bad­
ly snagged in the streets of Sheridan and
< let. 30, 1*83.
had to leave him to be doctored.
Carlton is not dead yet.
Mr. Ennis, of Mill Creek, whose children
Wheat is worth 82}., cents, clear; not
died with scarlet fevt r. has sold his farm for much selling. Alx>ut
bushels whs
$ 1.309 to Mr. Harns, and moved to Dallas.
stored here this mmiboii . Iteing evenly divided I I AKDWAliE
Kouts Bros,
We neglected Inst week to mention the ar­
rival of Mr. Tell. Coleman, who bas been and BarnekolT A Ctt.
absent for several years in San Francisco,
We are going tx> have a new store, soon.—
Peckham A Blackburn ire the new firm.
“ Lute” Morris, who lives near Grand They have gone to Portland to lav in huj ,-
Ronde. kiiltsl a cougar nine feet and eleven plies. Jnst think of onr *• Al***’ behind the
inches long. The monster had l»een killing counter measuring calico, Blit HflCCeNK to
the new firm.
his sheep.
We have a good school, taught by Mr.
The same quality of land is ten dollars an
acre cheaper in this section than lower down Jackaon.
in tbe valley.
J. D. Fenton. Sr. went to Portland, to-day.
Th«'* G o » m ] Templars of Sheridan are going
Several empty hoas* s in town ; also a new
to have a Neck-tie Party at their hall on Fn well. Mrs. ('«»Ilins hating had one dug at her
day evening. Nov. 2nd. A fine time ia ex­ house, and if some others would do likew»s
their men men folks would not have to car­
A wsik m « h ye iterday ihe toys and girls ry water after the day's work is done.
met for SatilMth M*hool at the ( hnstian
Jake Smith has a [Kirtner in his store—a
(’horch, and there being no teacher present Mr Galloway from PiHMtern Orejjon. and
a fen v»*ar-f>l»i «jirl ♦ tepped to the front and Jake has a new well. ton. Bnt than Jake's
Settlo Up ’
pr«»ce»d»-d with ttie lesson in a pro[»er man •• women" folks didn't have to carry water
ner. after which they qnietly adjonnie<l. — for him.
in«lel>te<l to ine will pleaae «all
The officers and teachers of thatech«M»| most
wi<l >«ett le t>efore the tut of November.
Mr. Newman, of LAfayette, visited at Mr.
be laiy. «• re less, indifferent. E xcumn »re
Collins' last week.
■ i* i
McMinnvilto, Oct. 25
11 .ocal Correspondence.
Just received 50 dozen wqi’u good Shaker
of T hanks .
Socks, which I sell 7 pairs for $t. equal to C ard
tale this method of returning thanks to
11 cents a pair. Compare them whether all I those
kind Jriegda who came to my «id
they are not the same identical Hose you during the
iicknesk, death and bgiial of my
pay 25 cents for.
H. F isher .
husband ; and to Custer Post, Grand Arniv
Here is another curiosity : W. D. McDon­ Republic, for their kindness and attention in
ald. Jr., hands us a Bartlett pear, one of the proper interment of a departed comrade.
about a peck tint wre a second crop this \II have indeed been friends in the time of
seas«Ai. The one he brings ps is of ordinary my trouble and their many kindnesses will
size and as good eating us any pea* p»u>ld be. never be forgotten by me and my family,
thus bereft of a husband and father.
Mr. J. W. Gault finished his work on
M rs J. H. D ickey ,
" Broadmead” Farm, and came home on
Saturday last. He has been at work most of C ounty C ourt —L oughary , J,
1he sumiuw ;j.nd fall repairing the old build­
1. John Gant vs Sanies Altman—Action
ings on the plat*, g;j<l putting them in prop­ for money. Settled.
er condition.
2. (’has. H. Dodd vs A. Wymore and W.
A good supply of legal repreMtmtwilvpa in T. Newby. Action for money.
3. Henry Hewitt vs Wm. Fowler and J.
town, the past day or two. Messis. McCain
A Hurley and W. D. Fenton, of Lafayette, W. Fov>tv« XctipD f“r money.
I. D. M. Onbom <v <’«» va A J Cooper­
and Fred Strung, of Portland—all good at­
torneys—were here ioukmg after the K»er- action for money. Settled.
5. H C Edwards vs J oho Monroe—Action
nan-Altwan case.
for money.
Mr. 8. F. Staggs left us a couple of weeks
6. G W Wo<)dsop vs G M Beeler—Action
since for a visit to his old home in Kentucky. for money,
He sent us some parting words, that we in­
7. .John Kiernan vs I? C Altman—'Action
tended to publish ; but by some means they
left our reference hook and were lost. We for money.
8. Gilbert Bros, vs S T Etzwiler and G A
wish him a pleasant visit.
Ramsey—action for money.
Hundreds of letters from those using Ay­
9. T Dittenhoffer vs R S James—action
er's Hai* Vigor attest its value ns a restorer
of gray hair to its natural color. As a stim­ for money.
Thompson. DeHart A Co vs Chas L
ulant and Ionin, prevenimg aqd often curing
baldness, and cleansing the scalp, iin use Eastabrook—motion to confirm sale of real
ctrthRft be tod strongly recommended.
W anted —A lady of experience to take L ist of I jetters
charge of a house and family of two chil-
Remaining uncalled for in the Postuffice
dren—both girls, one 7 and the other 9 yean.
at McMinnville. Oregon, Sept. 30, 1883;
«»Id Reasonable wages. A ppi v to
C harles G boening .
Anderson. Frank A Lewis, J no, 2
>lcMii»nville. Or.
Lewis Ju«» L
Baker, Cul H B
Miller. J no (!
Do you notice the smile ou D. <: Na Tver’s Buckingham, Geo
Kitchev. J B
face, this week ? The reason fur this is that Brant, Jesse
Mhik. J A
<»n Monday. Oct. 29th his wife presented him
St aims. Mr
with a little daughter. Dave says "don’t Eberhardt. F 1*
Mr L
call me Mr. Narver ; ‘ papa' sounds so much Fredinburg, A
Switzer, Alice
better.” The printers all smoked to the Fannillo. Mrs J
Symonds. Mr
Ground. Alice M
hi,alfh of Miss Narver.
Striffer. Martin E
Gray. W B
Stallcop. Jn< W
Dr. TnUlijRjer'fl Gleen valley Salve is a Haiighey, Paul
Shephard. Frank
sure cure for‘nrialclyes. harness and saddle Humphries. ‘Thos
Thompson, Annie J
•»alls, cuts and sores of aui kind. Good for [JarlMoigh. Fred.
Walsen, E II
man or beast. A good healing hh | v © i - ««»me Jackson. Asa
Walker. KJ
thing that every family shonld keep. Buy Joslyn. H A
Trullinger's Salve and you will have the best Kirby. Ja»
and cheapest salve in the market.
In calling for above letters, please say
D. H. T urner , 1*. M.
People ou?nld be careful about shooting “ advertised.”
firearms on the»•I rv »»-. after night. It sounds
unpleasant and makes a fellow feel rather
i» i i n.
queer to have a bullet com* wfiuzqig past
hisear. Let the cats tight Mr. night wah’h-
At |*i»rtlai|d. Get. 27. 18H8, James M. Mar
maii : or if you ninst shoot, please point tbe tin. in th»* Mth y«af of his age. Mr. Martin
muzzle of that • critter" t’other way.
vame to Oregon in 1M9. and in 18»M) came to
Yamhill county, where he resided until 1851
TU w’»ter has risen »several feet in Third or
when he removed to Multnomah coun­
Street LaUu <b.« isist week, ami we are now ty '52.
and resided there until bis death. He was
in hopes that it
»joM «»nt-during th»* a brother of Mrs. W. E. Warren, of McMinn­
winter months, at I chm ,
that onr duck ville; a member of the Baptist Church, and
hunters will not have to leave town m qu«rt much inspected by all who knew him. He
of game. PiHtinantiT Tinier says lie will leaves
a laigi circle of relatives and friends
have a "soft thing" on the duck question.
to mourn his loss. bioueeMI arc going.—
C om .
M om ’ minstrels, that exhibit at this piece Peace to his ashes.
to-wghi. are spoken of as being one of the
At the residence of her sister's, Mrs. Wm.
best compao’»- that has ever visited this F. Morgan, on the 26th of Oct., 18x3, Mrs.
State. The fae* tijat Bessie Louise King Etta J. Poindexter Wicks, in the 18th year of
will appear, is a guafMdf that the enter- her age. Mrs. Wicks was l>orn m Peori.Linn
tainnwnt will I* lirst-cln».. h . <»».» |a<»V ih Co.. Oregon, on July 1. 1M6; was married to
(he best sinper that ever appeared on tne John Wicks of Kalama in the fore [»art of
stage i» MuMituiville.
1883 ; came to her siMt-i'a on a visit about
We «« by the " Christian Herald" that onr tw» w»*eks I *fore she was taken sick; was
ronnp friend. <i 1». < arlin. was rosrried on takpn with spasms and remained nnconcions
(beerei.n.',' -I <M 17th. to Miss Ainnnda until h« death, during which time she gave
(■ilMon. one of Lane coent» s fair daonhter. birth to a lieautiful little daughter, but she
We cmBratulate the yonnt- eoapte but stilt never opened her eves to liebold the lovely
f,..| lilt, «otddina I>»i«l>t f"r n"*
ns little form for which she bad given her life
know s little soinethins about this transac­ Th»* child k left to find a home anmng the
living, bnt the yoong mother is gone to her
tion when he was down a short time since.
long home from which no traveler returns.
Tbroneh an «rrermeht in onr last issue, we Being disapointed of a minister from abroad
nevlected to speak -f the 2t*th l.irth.la. ce|e the oonasion wns impr«»vpd by the writer
brated «•» Mrs. Lizzie, wife of onr Fount! from Isa. 38 • 1 : k* Thns raith the Lord set
fried (Irani Tomer, at the residence of Mai. thy h<»nse in order, for th« hi sbalt die ami
.1 JI ru.m-i. • «> the IHl.of iktols-r. which not live. *’ Peace to thy memory dear Etta,
wns attended
.muxrens relnti»es. There fnremell. How soon we shall follow no
were several pre*•«♦*, *
R mortal ran tell, bnt mav we be ready the
«wisl good time, generally. I hanks tor an summons t»i me$t «nd in the bright world
all «»nr loved ones to gceei.
H <; M organ .
kbont the first of Sent we mentioned the
depnrtnreof Mr Will Hodson, for Indiana.
V « w»* mention Iu ■ r< Inm. 1.1*4 week, bring P lbasf . N otice !
¡n«i with Lira '■ Mre Hod^n. which Acconnts
All peranM indebted to the nnderaigned
for hia tripes. We Tel«.«' him Mek to are req nested tomak« payments bv tbe Irt
Oregna and exUnd I** him
bis onr
hcArtic^t omgratnlAtions. Mill My« that I .I av of Mov , 1W. and thereby save com H.
anv «»nr that wants to go tn Indiana to < av . Tbi« is the last call.
W. F. B awgamu .
mo do to; be II «top right here m (>rgeoii.
Peoples’ Store.
At Cost,
For Cash or Produce
Millinery! Millinery!
Misses Russ & Foster
Pioneer Brick Yard.
Agricultral Implem’ts,
Lafayette, Oregon