Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, October 18, 1883, Image 2

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unmaidenly, but at a time like thiB
Then came the explanation of
“Moat people like a flavored cigar,”
all reserve should be thrown aside, Adrian’s long silence. After the bat
The placard hunt beside the door,
said an Indianapolis druggist to a Wool timt I» Teo Bad For a T
and the heart alone be heard.”
tie of----- he had written a letter
Inscribed in words of jet
That might be seen ten feet or more—
Journal reporter, who had stepped to Thio Country to Bo a'**
But Judge Nichols decide, 1 that after letter to Mabel. To none of
“The basement floor to let*”
M* 1
the marriage bad lietter be postponed them came a reply. In those desper­ View of Peril» Encompasklnu the Great in to buy a weed. “Try one of these; Blanket* of a Cheap Sort
British Empire.
until the impending conflict be de­ ate days around Richmond there wt ■
I think you will like it” The re­
For days and days it swung about,
The winds of March were high,
porter took one of the brand recom­
no chance for sending or receiving
And many stopped to spell it out,
The wool dealers of \'ew y
Are the English so strong, so sure mended to him, lighted it and began
There at last came a day when letters. Most of his fortune bad
And many passed it by.
Adrian Arden stood before his be been swept away, ami no trace of of their power, so thoroughly con­ to smoke. “I have to put up consid­ City are found in the greatest
The house, an ancient dwelling, wore
trothed in a captain’s uniform. Mabel could he find. With Mabel vinced of their superiority, that they erable cigar flavor," continued the bers in Duane street, below Ch”
A coat of freshest paint;
Thoroughly soldier like and hand­ lost to him, he devoted himself to
drug man, “and I suppose some peo­ In the stores along there the i
The owner had the parlor-floor.
some he looked, and Mabel’s heart business, and had lieen unusually can afford to display so much disdain ple would not find it difficult to
And she was not a saint.
throbbed exultiugly as she looked successful,- so that at the present toward a great nation? Truly, the quit smoking if they knew what the are piled up with bundles that'
A woman came along the street,
upon her hero. Parenthetically: It time he was a rich man.
< sun does not set on the possessions of popular flavors are made of. On a Blight resemblance to very s
And, as the sign she spelled,
is a well established fact that an
Then Mabel told of his supposed the Empress of India, who counts second thought though, I don’t think cotton batting rolls. From th,'
She smiled upon the babe, so sweet,
Within her arms she held.
ugly man, very common looking in­ death, of her not receiving one of his
that it would make any difference. of the rolls great varieties of f
deed in citizen’s clothes, becomes letters, and the heavens seemed to millions of subjects in five parts of The fact that old cigar stumps are
Then rang the bell, inquired the rent,
transformed into a hero by the take in a softer glow as if in unison the world; but is this necessarily a worked over into cigarette and smok­ curly, and stringy material protr
When oue who held the door
Replied with looks of coldness bent
"trappings of war" in a woman’s eyes; with the now happy lovers. * * * sign of strength? The power of ing tobacco, though thoroughly ven- There are bundles of l0'u„ j
Upon the babe she bore:
and when he is fortunate enough to
Adrian insisted upon a speedy Charles V. encompassed the world, tilated in the newspapers, never snowy fleece, and others where
be really fine looking, he is exalted marriage and soon the solemn words • d wp alJ know wbat lwcwue of his I cured a smoker of the habit."
“How many children do you own?”
fleece is long, coarse, and a
he woman answered, “Two:”
into a demi god.
were spoken that made them man I
about these
I "Tell me something
colored. Still other bundle,
“That’s two too many,” said the crone
vawt empire. But we foresee the flavors,” said the reporter.
It was a splendid morning, and as and wife.
“We cannot let to you!”
—'objection of this comparison. It is
the sun rose in its radiant beauty, its
"Well, since you insist on it, I will. filled with shorter fleeces, and
The door was closed against appeal,
beams seemed to contain rays of sad THE NEED FOR SCIENTIFIC ATHLETICS- tbat tbp powPr of Cbarlp8 y. anil A flavor I have made a good deal of— with fine, soft, straight hair Fm.
The woman turned and smiled
ness. The young, the old, fathers,
The increasing popularity of ath- j l’hilip II. was mined by a secret and it’s a flavor that, in the language of few the contents protrude in s?
Through tears she sought not to conceal
mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, all letic exercise is patent to every ob i almost invisible enemy, au ideu, a I the trade, makes a ‘ten-cent cigar for dirty, matted rolls. Th« sl)™
Upon her sleeping child.
were filled with indescribable emo­ server. Wrestling, boxing, bicycling, principle—lilierty of conscience—and , live cents’—is made as follows: Gum stuck together so closely that «
“My little one! my precious one!”
tions. Itwas the morning that the-Ga. walking, running and swimming I that ‘Queen Victoria is not menaced ] guiac, gum tolou, tonqua beans and fort is required, to spread the u
She murmured with a kiss;
was to leave for the “front.” This were never so universally indulged by any such enemy. Indeed! But a essence of pineapple, of each one out. The fibre is usually broke»
“Were 1 alone, I still would shun
regiment was composed of the flower in as now;
So cold a house <ts this!
—.... and
„„.1 every
------- r form
----- of
..r out
—* small fact—the assassination of an ounce; valerian root, two ounces; doing so.
atd chivalry of southern manhood. door sport in which the strength or Irishman of the most ignoble kind— laudanum I tincture of opium), one
"These bundles,” said a da
“As dark and doleful as a tomb.
A peer among peers stood Adrian agility of the youth of both sexes is affords ample food for reflection, and ounce; oil of rose, six drops; Jamai “are samples of wool from everjin
For all it looks so fair
Outside; since there’s not any room
tested attracts crowds of observers as cannot fail to inspire grave doubts ca rum, half a pint; macerate for producing country in the world.)
For little children there!”
Mabel was over. A passionate em well as numerous participants. At regarding the solidity of the British thirty six hours and pour off, using varieties in quality are as nun»
brace, a lingering, soulful kiss, and thé same time it is doubtful if ever empire. In spite of all the eff orts of one ounce to a pint of port wine, to as the countries from which i
Beside tbe dark and stately door
they parted, but with the determina the indulgence in athletic exercise the English police. Car^y, their un­ blow on the fillers.
come. The finest quality coineifr
The ai^n is awingmii yet,
in each heart to be true “until death was so little directed as at the pres­ worthy protege, was tracked, seized,
And 1 know why the basement-floor,
“A good many men who get at Ohio. The jKiorest is found in th
So long remains To Let.
did them part.”
ent time. The selection of the exer­ and slain by a secret Dower. The tached to a certain brand of cigars I the dealer pointed to the bundle
j. c.
Tile band struck up an inspiring cise is too often dictated by the Government of Queen Victoria, with don’t know what chains ’em. It’s coarse, dirty tufts]; that is bedy
march; flags waved gayly in the | tastes of the individual for a particu­ all its resources, was not able to find the opium, and they get in the habit Wool is used by the poor people
morning sunlight; bayonets brightly lar sport rather than by any study or a corner of the globe, however re­ of using it unconsciously. Valerian countries governed by the Ta
glistened; and amidst the shouts of knowledge of the part of the body to mote, where the life of the informer taken habitually renders the heart's instead of straw and hair for fii;
In ante-bellum days, the South had the bystanders the column moved—
a world-wide reputation for hospital some co be soon claimed by that grim be built up. In very few instances i could be beyond the reach of the action more rapid but feebler, causes beds. They sleep on it from inf®
hurried respiration, and may occa­ to old age. They sicken and die
ity, and it was extended with open king whose acquaintance we all must does the doctor dictate, and it fre­ Irish counter police.
The thing that ren lers this secret sion congestion of the kidneys. If it. Then, when it has got tool
hands to all. Nowhere in that land make sooner or later, and some to quently happens that the exercise
of sunshine was it more fully ex carve their names in Fame’s eternal chosen is calculated to develop a - power so dreadful is that it exists its use is long continued it may para­ for a Turk to use, and the wit»
tended than at the magnificent resi­ screll, although their cause is lost part not requiring improvement at wherever the Empress of India has lyze the spinal cord, so the books wixil rises a little, they sell it
I the expense of a part already too 1 subjects. In every English city, in say. Its action on the tongue and goes in bales and bags to Marseil
dence of Judge Nichols.
and their banner trails the dust.
weak. From this misdirection in every English colony, at the Cape, in throat ia more prompt and apparent, and to England. Packed by hji
The judge was a splendid type of
j training too often follow the bad I Australia, in Canada aB in India in frequently causing epithelium As to tilic pressure into bales of about
the true old southern gentleman;
There had been fought a sanguinary consequences attributed mistakenly ' China as in America, in France as in opium, its infernal effects are well pounds, some of it is «shipped
and being blessed with immense
battle. Mabel, with a trembling
almanac to America. New York and Philadelp
Japan, wherever a British tourist known. It would take an alma,
wealth, he spent it lavishly. He had heart, aargerly scanned the list of i to “over training.”
married early in life, and one daugh­ killed and wounded, but Adrian’s, The athletics have been brought : travels, wherever an English mission enumerate alf the diseases it oc ca­ are the chief importing port», i
ter had been the result of the union. name appeared not. Days went by, I j so nearly to a perfect science that - ary preaches, wherever an English sions. It’s opium and valerian that importer sells it to the manufactw
Mabel Nichols was indeed worthy of and still do news of Adrian. The' any part of the body may be de­ merchant trades, the secret Irish makes the artificially flavored cigar It is made into blankets and carw
"It is disinfected first?”
the adoration with which her father conviction gradually settled down veloped by appropriate exercise is I enemy lurks ready to assassinate if popular.”
• • •
"Never. It goes to machines I
regarded her. Slightly above the that the young man had been killed. so generally accepted by physicians i be receives the order. The English
tear up’ those little tags into sepai
medium height, her figure was Mabel rebellod strongly against this . that it is idle to argue in favor of the • may laugh at him or may become
A colored man, o’er whose head hairs, then it is spun and woven."
rounded to perfection, and her clear stroke of cruel fate; but at last He ■ proposition. Rather let us urge the ' exasperated by him .’ "4 . England
should become engaged in a foreign about seventy summers had passed,
“Into bed blankets?”
cut features the acme of brunette that doeth all things wisely and I need there is for the education
I physicians in this specialty; and call I war, could she consider without a was quietly but earnestly wrestling
"Yes. of the coarse, gray kind,«,
“tempers the wind to the shorn lamb’' attention to the importance of “body­ shudder the incalculable dangers to with a watermelon near the market, as are supplied to lumbermen
The residence of the judge stood sent peace to the troubled heait.
building” in youth as a preparation i which this enemy within might ex- when he was disturbed by the up miners, etc., and are sold to the poa
on the old post road, between W-----
| to a long and useful life. Special l pose her—an enemy that will stop at peurance of u small boy of his color. people generally. Horse blanketei
and M----- . Perched on a high etn
“Grim visaged war had smoothed education in physical develapment nothing, that nothing can terrify, for The boy sat down on a box and made of it usually.
inence, it overlooked the beautiful
"Where are the mills that use t
Chattahoochee river. No wealth had his wrinkled front,” and the clash of j ought to bo made a part of the ' he offers his life as a sacrifice, and looked grudgingly at the melon, and
been spared to make the house and arras had ceased in the land. The I course of every medical college, that nothing can reconcile, for he is the old man looked up at him and stuff?”
“The Yonkers mills use some. M
grounds beautiful, and it was a fit war had wrought many changes. | whether the student proposes to | the personification of deadly hatred? queried:
“Young man, I reckons I could of it is used around Philadelpl
setting for the priceless jewel it con­ Judge Nichols was dead. The most adopt or not as a special branch of ' For our part, we know well that if
France held within her borders mil-
mellyon an’ hab It is common in all mills that mi
of his wealth had vanished with the
carpets and low priced blankets."
As the days of miracles are passed, downfall of the Confederacy; but ! utes of each day in every public ! lions, or even thousands of men plenty ob it left.”
"Thanks, Uncle.”
• animated by such a spirit, we would
"Do you think there it danger
it is not wonderful that Mabel Nich­ enough had been saved to support
“But I shan’t do it, kase it might importing the plague with si
ols, rich and beautiful should count Mabel comfortably and even ele I training best adapted to the develop tremble for the future of our country.
... de
„„ luol
But besides this irreconcilable Ire bo de spilin’ of ye. In
fust , p.ace,
place, wools?”
her lovers by the score. But amongst gantly. In all these years her heart 1 ment of particular parte of the >
land that is everywhere, that sits in de Jaw am plain and cl’ar on de
“Certainly. It has to be hand
them all Adrian Arden seemed the liad| never wandered from her first children’s bodies.—| N. Y". Tribune.
Parliament and there makes and un­ pint dat what I leabe behind goes on shipboard, at the docks, and ini
one preferred. And a fit mate he love. His image was enshrined in
makes majorities and consequently to my nateral heirs. In de second warehouses.
Workmen are «
was in the wealth of his noble young her hearts, and hers was one of
manhood. The son of Cal. Reedy those natures that can love but once;
“You’re in an ice box!” remarked [ Cabinets, and that would betray the place, a pusson widout anticipashuu likely to take any such disease
Arden, a rich planter, in point of for, let scoffers say as they wish, such the oyster to the crab, as he gated at nation if it saw fit even in the centre must be dreffully onhappy. As de cholera, if cholera prevailed when
of the national representation, it case now stands you anticipate. You came from. I have known of <r
wealth and family he was Mabel’s natures do exist, and thrice blessed I him in the refrigerator.
is he who can claim a heart like this j “Yes; and pretty soon you’ll be in , seems to us that the Australian anticipate dat half die yere mellyon often whore mill hands, whohadb
On a bright summer evening, in for his own.
a nice box stew,” answered the crab. colonies also are likely one day to will stuff me full an’ I’ll have to handling the stuff, have been tai
Never a word hail she heard of
the year I860, the residence of Judge
“You needn’t be so cribbed about ; take a notion to become independent; leave all de rest. You anticipate with mysterious’ diseases. In E
that the colonies in southern Africa dat I’ll git choked on de seeds, or land, where large quantities of l
Nichols was filled with guests. Fair Adrian. Her great love did not it,” suggested the clam.
est in all that throng of beauty Mabel make her morbid and avoid society.
"What makes you so clamorous?" ■ are rapidly becoming disaffected; git sun struck, or be ’tacked by de hair, a Turkish wool, are used, I
that the inhabitants of India are de- colic. As de mellyon gradually dis , wool is disinfected, because apect
Nichols shone a bright, particular If she hail been handsome at seven asked the lobster.
star; and Adrian Arden realized as teen, she was simply dazzling at five-
“Wait till you get boiling over and | manding autonomy in a tone that appears you’ll anticipate dat I won’tI arly offensive disease is sure toatta
be had never done before, that his and twenty, and many were the offers you’ll turn red too,” remarked the ( would become very menacing if gnaw de rinds werry clus. As de j those who handle it before such
j Russia should come nearer to Cabul— rinds disappear you’ll console your­ purifying process. The danger
life would be a blank without the she received. By no act of hers did eel.
love of this peerless creature. He she endeavor to arouse the sacred
“You’re too offishus. It takes a j and she is plainly enough moving in self wid de fack dat de seeds am the general public through use
had strong hopes of winning this flame iu the breast masculine, but good eel to make me mad" said the , that direction—and that Egypt is left. As I wrap de seeds no in my the goods is not great, because i
beginning to get restless and to show ( handkerchief you’ll reckon on lickin’ wool is not usedin the fine good
fair girl for his bride; they had whan the proposal did come she smelt.
known each other for years; Mabel’s gently but firmly refused.
’I shad think so, but when our herself a little ungrateful, as if she | de bo’d whar de mellyon was cut an’
"How much of this bed wool is
The guests of the celebrated White friend here got on his muscle,” re cannot clearly understand the ut­ eaten, but as I lif up dat bo’d an’ be expected here this year?”
manner was more gracious toward
gin ye a whack on de back, ye’ll an­
him, he thought, than toward the I Sulphur Springs were in a Btate of marked the porgy.
“Not very much; the wool bnsini
other young men who followed in her great excitement. The uight for the
And then the proprietor of the res Dufi’erin. What would England do ticipate better dan to crowd in whar I is depressed. The best quality brim
train; and ho determined to risk hie ball of the season was rapidly ap­ taurant camo along ami told them if upon two or three of these ter­ ye ain’t wanted. Now you skip!"
only thirty-seven to thirty-eig
ritories revois should come simulta
fate this very evening. It was some proaching, and nothing else was not to be bo shell fish, and asked:
cents. That stuff is worth only *
time before be obtained the desired talked of.
"Are you going to be fried this neously? The thing<may be improb- '
cents, with the duty paid. I
It came at last, and the handsome­ evening?” and when they answered. able, but not impossible. And what : The notion that those who work ' amount imported varies from 500
opportunity of si>eaking to Mabel
alone, but it came at last; and with ly decorated and spacious ball room "Not this Friday,’’ he snuffed and would England do if, taking advan- j only with their brain need less food i 3,000 bales a year, according as tl
tage of these revolts, a great Europe­ than those who labor with their hands ; prices is high or low. In my opiffl
the soft moonlight tinging every­ was Ailed with the "elite” and beauty said:
an power should declare war against has long been proved to be fallacious. |>8 worth the attention of 5
thing with a silvery radiance the fra of the South. Without any effort of
“Good fried, eh ?”
her? What would she have done in Mental labor causes greater waste of sanitary authorities, whether #
grance of countless (lowers perfum­ her own, Mabel was the recognized
His R evenue .—They were riding 1857 if Russia had been in a position tissue than muscular. According to amount is great of small.”
ing the night wind, the echo of a de­ belle of the evening; and the stranger
l-v 1 estimates,
_ Al three 1 hours of a hard
licious waltz pulsating through the standing at one of the windows up frem the Wall street ferry in a to give assistance to Nana Saib? careful
air, he asked hor to lie his wife— thought he had never looked upon a ’bus. He lifted his hat to her in a Such things have been seen in history. study wear out the body more than a
To face such dangers—the danger
’ r manner, and she bowed with
asked the moment us question the an fairer sight. He was tall, handsome,
hard physical exertion.
were two tramps, and tin
of war, the danger of revolt, the • “ W ithont phosphorus, no thought,”
—Iness of an iceberg.
swer to which has made this dull, soldiery looking man, ami had only ■ the coldi
were crossing a cornfield in Flatbm
prosaic world a very Eden for some, arrived by the last train. As lie
is a German saying; and the eon ;
composed of the most steadfast troops ■ sumption of this essential ingredient I in search of watermelons, u
and fi r others a place of torment gazed upon Mabel his eyes bright elbow.
farmer's scarecrow had fallen again
Know her! Why I was engaged
♦ hat no words can describe. Softly eued with unutterable love.
of the brain increases in proportion the fence.
England get that army? Her present to the amount of labor which this or j
As the evening advanced, Mabel i to her last fall!"
and sweetly the answer came that
forces are hardly sufficient in time of gan is required to perform. The | They armed themselves with da
“And what?”
gavo the heaven laden grift of a pure bocame tired of the glare and heat of
cateil tomatoes and began pelting»
“And she gave me the bounce. peace. She finds it impossible to re- j i wear and tear of the brain are easily I figure.
woman’s heart into a man’s keeping. the ball room, and, watching her
Then they began to iffl
Let cynics say as they will, love chance, she slipped unnoticed, as she She said she loved me, but she cou'.d tain the old soldiers in her service, j j measured by careful examination of bets of a million dollars as to’M
purifies the grosser elements of our thought, away, and sought a cool and not endure the thought of a struggle A sufficient number of recruits cannot I the salts in the liquid excretions. The could plug it in the back or knock i
nature, and we become more lite per­ secluded corner of the vine covered I with a French flat and tapestry be obtained to fill up the gaps, and it ' l importance of the brain as a working hat off.
1 Brussels carpets. I went forth a appears to be impossible to stop the 11 organ is shown by the amount of
fect beings, as our love is holy and piazza.
As the sport grew exciting they i
The moon shone brightly from the I crushed man, but revenge is mine!" desertions that are constantly thin- j -1 blood it receives, which is proportion proached nearer and nearer, and»*
Adrian sought an interview with heavens, and, as on that night so i “How ’’’
ately greater than that of any other I soon firing young pumpkins at »
the judge the next morning, mid the many years before, the air was fra 1 “Why her father put 9150,000 into the soldier is raised. The English ' Part of ule body. One fifth of the
, J
engagement was ratified by parental grant with the scent of flowers. a summer hotel, anil the company workman refuses to enlist. It. is, | blood goes to the brain, though the nondescript.
“See where that last tomato fetch*
consent and blessing.
From the ball-room came the sub j hasn't made enough to pay the wages then, to the Irishman that recourse average weight is only one-fortieth of him in the bead!” said one. *■
A b the days went by, the faint dued music of a waltz, and tears rose | of ithe head waiter!”--( Wall Street must be had. Trust that Irishman! | that of the body. This fact alone you can’t come within a mile of th
The British Government is unable would be sufficient to prove that
murmurs of war became louder and to Mabel’s eyes as she thought of her News.
to raise an army of more than 300,000 brain workers require more food, and I shot!”
louder. Little heed did the fond dead love and the "long ago.” Then |
“Bet you a thousand dollars.” i
lovers give to these angry mutterings through the mist of sadness came
A correspondent of the Buffalo men, counting the Indian troops, even lietter food, than even mechan
at first, but as they became more the thought tbat he had died as a Commercial Advert iter semis that pa whose fidelity is perhaps not beyond ics or farm laborers.—[Boston Jour-
“I’ll do better than that Bet 1M
clamorous, Adrian liecame interested hero should—with his face to the per the following: In the church all suspicion; and 300,000 soldiers. ; ' nal of Chemistry.
before you do!”
in the great question that was agita foe.
yard of Acton. Somersetshire. Eng to defend an empire the most popu
■------- -—----------------
ting the whole civilized world, and
Her heart thrilled with these mem . land, may lie read on a lichen covered Jous and the most widely scattered
E vading the law .-A little girl's
And then to get the bugle on t*
he determined to take up arras for ories, and -
stone this warning to amateur chiro­ that, has ever been seen on the face mother told her if she went out of other they both started on a dew11
of the globe, count for very little. the gate she would have to whip her
the South. Those were stirring
“Maliel, my darling, are you ready podists:
towards the object To make as®
times, when grim viaaged war to fulfill your promise?”
“Here lyeth the body of Richard Mor­ Of course there is the fleet, which is and in an hour the young one was ance doubly sure, they ran to wtt
superb. But what could tLe fleet picked up in the gutter, in the midst
sounded its fierce alarms ever a
Was she dreaming? Had the , ton,
a couple of feet of it and thenbJ*
ies of other and happier days Whose death, alas! was strangely do against an enemy invading India of mud-pie making.
country but recently so peaceful, and memories
to take aim.
by land? Of what use was it against
the youth and chivalry of the South made her imagine that it was Adrian's I brought
umugui on.
I thought I told you if you went
And then, as one went over «
eagerly responded to the cry “To voice that now spoke? For a mo | Trying one day his corns to mosr off the Boers or against Cetywavo? Of out that gate I’d whip you.” said the
fence and the other landed in a ***
ment her heart seemed to stand still. | His razor slipped, and cut his toe off. what use would it be against even a 1 mother, angrily.
by ditch, the scarecrow picked op
very inferior fleet that used torpédos | "®nt J didn't do out de date
Maliel Nichols saw all these prepa­ Then by a mighty effort she raised | This toe. or rather, what it grew to
, mam hoe and, as it started in od anota
as the Russians del on the Danube? ma. said the kid, in a whimper.
rations with a shrinking heart. She her eyes And gazed full at the form An inflammation quickly flew to; •
row, it recited the following P*
All these things considered, it I ■ "X®8’ y°n dld' and yon've been
knew Adrian would have to take up that stood liefore her. with the moon­ Which took, alas! to mortifying
out | | graph:
>n out
arms, and that their contemplated light enhancing the beauty of his And was the cause of Richard's dy­ seems to us that if the English would iikeante^ f°r 8n honr' Rn<1 ,ook
‘Tve been layin’fur you f«U«
marriage would probably be deferred. face ten fold.
. __ _____
I seed
ys) ter co®'"
they would become loss arrogant in ^But, mamma, I didn’t do out de (leaned time.
“I will not ask von to be mine,”
“My darling! My darling! she
March 18th, 1789.”
over the
gi» T
their international relations. We i date.”
------- 1
Adrian said, “until this enevitable murmured, with the light of her
conflict is euded. My life belongs to great and loyal love in her eyes.
The hair of a girl employed in an don't ask any more of them, for we
“Yes. you did. too, and I’m going The next time ye com< i around -
my country, and I will not bind you “Thank God, you are restored to me Eastern cotton mill was caught in the have no deaire to obtain from them I to whip you.
6 -
way drop in an’ take s bite-«*
by a wife's' vows and perhaps leave once again!”
machinery, torn off her head and any service whatsoever. We wish
.! m *"?
d® date; I tlum bull-dog.
you a widow.”
"Let ns hope never to be parted in ground into bits. But the girl didn't simply to be able to live with them | < over 's fence, an’ oo ten t whip me » ’is
And the tramps made belie« t'
“Do not speak thus, Adrian dear,” this life. How I love your pure mind it much. She kept right on at and with their Government on terms time,
were dead, and didn’t neo
Mabel murmured, tears rising to her woman's heart'*
her work, simply remarking that it of courteous politeness.—|Republi
laugh at the farmer's bad-
The man who killed himself it
“Adrian dear, that ev i.ing so long only cost 94. anyhow. Thia is one que Française.
eye«. “I love you, and separation
looked as if he'd bceiw J riiot
or even death, could not change my ago when I promised to be your wife of the advantages of art over nature.
Aow York restaurant after eatin,
There will be less loud dressing of, hearty dinner shonkThave 'gi'yen'?is tomato field.
love. I have promised to be your 1 meant it for time and eternity.”
It is a meddlseomo horse that in­ the hair hereafter. Bangs are going j dinner to some hungry fellow and
“Then I am bleat among men," he
wife, and will keep my promise at
Gen. Grant wears a; oM &
ont of faahion.
I killed himself before eating
any time you say. This may seem tenderly responded.