is Smith-Petch Murder Case. W. Smith Found Guilty of Mur­ der in the First Degree, ( fhents III© «¿allow» b> Coni niiaiii» Suicide. fill Account of the Trial. j’lir Smith trial has ended and, as we Ljiuised hist week, we give our read- Lnaccount of the trial. To give rlHitim the testimony of all the wit- ,s would require more spare than halfdozen R eroute RS contain ; hence testimony of each is condensed so tugive the most important points, flowing is the Testimony : lose-'h Patch testified: Step-son of de- y. 40 years of age ; had known Smith Jeor four years ; that Smith worked for Ifutlu'r considerable ; trouble between the nilies begun about land claimed by pris- y ; uua year later deceased obtained pa- Hiroiu Kansas, showing that prisoner [ j, homestead right; was m Cawook county when deceased was shot at Ltime. July 12th, 1882 ; August 17th went L home to North Yamhill after deceased, LTluinb r wagon, and returning drove on L bridge, where a plank was disturbed ; Ephdihe horses over and when thirty flbcyond the bridge heard a shot, saw [t ¿¿eased was hurt and was falling out fthe wagon, and caught her clothing, but Lklnot pi vent her falling ; she fell and bfiiidl wheel of the wagon passed diagoiu t across her breast; I stopped the team fi gut out; heard a second shot and ex- fmtd “ niuruer !” returning to deceased, hrd a third shot; team was frightened and Lnt and tied them to a t ree, returning to Last'd, found her dead; identified hat Eclothing as that worn by deceased on fdayshe was shot. [The sight of the body clothing overcame husband of deceas- Lwho left the room, in tears. | Upwards of [liorrand a-half was occupied in ques- tahigby prosecution. Examined by defense : Prisoner worked f Petch during the fall and winter of 1878; table I • an the following May. Here fol bed at length a long list of questions and Lw. rs. iibout the same’as by prosecution. ¡Laron Frazier : Saw and handled body of Bei'.sed after shooting ; examined the scene blit) tragedy and made measurements; btios found a cartridge shell and handed [him. Court adjourned till 7 p. m. EVENING SESSION Elimination of witnesses was resumed. Btrh t Attorney Holmes conducting the ex­ foliation for the prosecution and J. J. py for the defense. Laron Frazier on the witness stand : Visi I ride pits that were near the road ; the Bhes cut to blind the rille pits were cut [ha kuifo with a nick in it. A. Raymond testified : Was on the roa/1 friilamook with my family on the day of b murder; heard one shot and drove up medially to deceased . my son preceded me put fifty feet; saw Joseph Fetch returning Weoeas. J and he said this will kill my pr old father. ” i. L. Jones testified : 1 am a minister of L".. i I: s-tw ii (-eased and Joseph Fetch uruing from North Yamhill; went to ten's house that night: was at the scene of e murder nt 0 o’clock next morning : i wit- bsdetailed at length the position of objects) marked cartridge shells with a knife ; foils were then shown to witness, who rec- nizedthein) ; there was dense undergrowth foil the bridge; examined the wound and MHted Dr. Haynes at the first autopsy ; de- Lsed was of fiue physical form. laiiK.-; 11. Bower testified : Visited the kne of the murder the next morning ; five ¿¿e planks w?re moved, making room to bot between the bridge and a tree : found foaii tracks under the bridge by the tree ; Senry Roberts testified about the same as Hast witness : examined “ rifle pits, ” and big a vet eran, gave that name to the hid- ! place along the road : several of the neigh- h'dogs were poisoned about the time of k murder ; found moccasin tracks near ten's house; moccasin shown to witness re­ sized as probably the one making the feks: Raw a man prowling about the prem- Batdivers times, always endeavoring to [id o!>' j thm ; thought he recognized Piner hiding mice : lived neighbor to both foes, n Fetch's land ; questioned at great fob both by prosecution and defense, oo- pL ; about two hours. [in s i >.t?r testified : Logger ; found ww about three quarters of a mile above Roller's house ; recognized prisoner at one pp about th’e'* months after the murder; fod inoeca>tns above shown at one of these ppx. Rigid cross examination followed B the court adjourned at 9;40. the audience Mining to the close. SECOND DAY—A^)IlNIN(». fonrt was called at 8 o’clock, sharp, The fonv r caiue in with a brisk step and took . s. it Is fMre court was called and seemed Wready for the trial to proceed. The fot room was filled with an eager audi- fo. among whom is the prisoner's wife P Mo little daughters. [ b- testified : Frison**r left home in to do carpenter work : saw a roan [Mat Maroney’s house near midnight M tl ?■ • i lontha after th • prisoner left. ‘r ,‘ ■ dwick : »Steyed nt prisom r'< p night of August 15th. 1882: heard ►><*’-n • p ..,-, jp and out of house after pnight; saw a moccosin track the next pfo » toward Fetch’s. i. L. Storey : Had conversation several [put times with prisoner regarding his ptrouble: in last conversation. Smith Ptin1.'* if Petch got the disputed land. Ffourcry would be too hot to hold thorn fare"' Fa’.des : Prisoner said to him h conversaf iou prior to the shooting, that lh*n I <_-f t to heli. 1 expect to find old fhtr Fetch there.” Phn 8. Fairchiles : Aconinted with pris- ; had hunted with it and kept a [ • ; the gun wa« :‘ 1 pc.i s er. fhe witness was handed gun Iwil «nd ahuwvd how it operated. Th-- P he had kept was siuiie size of those pi nr dur bridge. r It*' mond : Was two Lnndrr-d vards pi’rid^- a* time of «hooting { heard two REml . fixed I.ndue pi ink for hi* fa- n \tep.ra to cross ; saw Jos Petch enrn- I * ;,ol. supposed there had been a r*.1' and that the lady had bcpn thrown Li k halt ; went to her and I l> id and found she had been shot. pHntchcroft ; Visited rifle pits: ex- P“<1 th»» bridge and tried with the gun ns FY'rt • uld hit the ground where de- LJ- l,<‘rts : Saw inocen^ín tracks of F'iar »»hap*» in road past Petch’s : traced F”o a ;w«th that led from the road to pti»boa«w.r saw the*w> tracks the last rtnr (iHy before Mrs. Petch was killed : \camp about two miles west of de- with rooking atensils, etc : when Mv*he. AFTERNOON. : Found filled with p. provisions ’n the moantain* : R b store blown no with katded r _ m 1 • ti r» «v-dinn with defendant be ph r«i,j »»jf rrv land F ■ my life w-»r e m>! inn 's .ti«imi-r.'-.'sion when hi* ri&fht to homestead to law. if his the land 1* ®<’t asiie According titl*1 to hnn>p*,**aii the land is *pt a«id? hr r riiri t ’n purchase the land •till hit* u i »>< ft. from the « rx»f I »pa rd than any one ele? by B‘it jon have w>uarht the riirht n . - ■•tlphi.'itt. door iiMrttn«t him and turn hi* to cìo*e evi and from wha* I can learn. family out drw : ii snv friend- He bat lived Smith ha* a srt r h here thr«1 rec . ; Iipc’n a public benefit In nrlpinff tn ae* e’nn the resource» of the co’in- and work road*; ha« try and hut’d ’ na «(’I'.nol :vle no premies except dealt honorably ■ ’ iiDfl tl a’ Mrs P. ha« i’onr family, ronderai it : which do hpf.p «tm* at. I it? robN r or the rnan think th- w and reputai inn at the i« m other wav’ I •m tiflcr «»f i»f<* ’* t« a very determined nn L r-f.i.»'» «*•*/ you 19 that you 9tttle man. an«* ...... tnfe«a*)«Kt po«- Stuitb H honorable If Aon will him. The o on ■>. that j n» are the he trouble h The above cut gives an» idea of the acene »1» ì on. «ir. «•’aim to be M « .n ' «honld I - a Iforht showing: £ b ock. . Carlin and Louis Garrison claim “ Peace to his ashes.’’ liis remains were buried in the cem­ eatue down from their home near Eu- etery near North Yamhill, on »Monday. ■ eneCity, to we tueirmother Mrs. Car­ lin. who Ims been so ill. The boys re­ port good times in Lane county. OHI J>r. Bnyd’s neat little apothecary 100,0 forth in true busmess like style with its brand new stock of drugs Secure your winter's wood. and ni. ili. ines. t all and see it. South Roads, in splendid condition. door Garrison's building, 1) street. Interesting matter crowded out. XoTtt :■ !—The store of R. .lacobson Go to E« mid N. Hendrick's lor Mil­ \ Co. at Sh. :idan, will be closed on 1 hursdav. Oct. 11th, till tt p. m. on ac­ linery. count of Jewish New Year. Parties . Go to Corker's, at Lafayette, for w ishing to purchase goods will please Timothy Seed. cull before that day. School bags, only 25 cents each, at George \\ ¡Hi . Sr, brings ns a brain It Russ «x Foster's. oil a black walnut tree that contains Wright & Hemstock’s steam saw is about two dozen line walnuts, and aa Mr. Willis expresses it "There’snot a at work in town. walnut tlnee in all Oregon that can The Petch murder trial costs Yamhill bate that.” county $500 per day. \\ o should have mentioned last week lion. 1>.O. Durham accompanied the the plea ant call we received from Mrs. Pioneers' excursion. A. Wallace and lief daughter, ( ora ; Air-. A. I.. X’ewgard and her daughter, Corker, of Lafayette, keeps many Nora, anil Mi.-s Nora Hendrick, who different kinds of plow s. e line in to see our press grind out the Those letters written by G. W. news. Smith, convicted him. Messrs. J. Caswell and Bert Keys The number of pupils at the new took a drive up to Amity one night last week, and just as tliey were entering College increases daily. town, oni' of the wheels of the hack Mr. Alfred Smith, of Moore’s Valley, dropped into :i ditch, mid over they came in to see us last Saturday . went. Nobody hurt mid damage to See those Heating stoves, Cook hack, slight. stoves mid Ranges at .Manning’s. Please come in and settle your ac­ Don't put off settling vonr account counts. 1 have waited long and pa­ tiently on you, mid now the time has with the R ei ' okti it, any longer. come when I have to pay toy accounts Custer Post, Grmul Army Republic, and 1 have to have the money you owe intend giving a ball on Thanksgiving, me to do it w ith. I un an you, anil yon fh A.' M anninq . The Misses Hendrick have their Mil­ and you. linery Opening to-day and to-morrow . fiiir friend, G. L. Rowland, of North Mrs. A. Andre started on Saturday Vainbill, lias a son-in-law limned Frank last fortheeasi, to make a three months York : and tin \ tell us that this man Flank York lias swelled up too large visit. for his clothes since the Kith of Aug­ I'ni'h-Gcorge llangiisser is another ust, all because on that date Mrs. Yolk pioneer that accompmiii'd the excur­ presented him with a fine ilaugliter. sion. To say that n twig fifteen inches long Go to Rogers &• Todd's foi your contains 28 gond-sized nnples, seems School Books, Stationer! of all kinds like a pretty good-sized tide ; but ’¿is etc., etc. line, l itis specimen was brought in Corker, of Lafayette, keeps the best by Mr. 8. F. Staggs, aud is of the “Old stock of hardware on the west side of Kentucky variety . And w hat is more curious is that this-twig was taken Portland. from a large tree that contained not Mr. J. C. Cooper will please accept another apple. Can any one beat thia. our acknowledgements for favors, dur­ Our old pioneer friends left on Mon- ing the week. dav, bound upon having a good time. A shoe was picked up in the load Many of them intend " taking in ” New near Illis place, a lew days since, mid York, and we expect that in their left at this oilice. rounds they will luive mi opportunity making many a dollar, as many of Zephyrs, 10 cents mi ounce. Ken of eastern cousins would give a good sington crewels, Saxony yarn, etc., at our round sum Io see the webs on the feet Russ iN Foster's. or moss on the backs of un Oregonian. For your Hardware, Stoves mid Tin­ At a regular meeting of Custer Post ware you eau get bedrock prices ill Baud, Monday evening, October 1 st, Manning's tor cash. 1883, the following officers were re­ Slates, Blank Books, Copy Books, el. vied tof the ensuing six months : G. Blotters mid all kind of School Sup­ W. .Snyder. President: A. B. Baker, Secretary: Win. F. Bangiisaer, Treas­ plies at Rogers & Todd's. urer; A. V. IL Snyder, Leader. A re­ ’ Don't buy a lantern until you have port of the Secretary mid Treasurer seen the very latest improved at Mann­ bows the Band to be in a prosperous ings; they (ical the world. condition. Our young friend, C. .I. Skinner and One day last week, while Mr. mill a fi ii nd of his have gone to make their Mrs. Brock were away from their home home at Montcseno, W. T. for a short time, some sneaktbief en- Rev. J. R. W. Sellwood will hold terid the house and took seven or (■¡.'.¡ii d.kl.ii - in silver from a purse service at the Episcopal Church next left by .111 -. Brock. It is to be regrett­ Sunday—morning mid evening. ed that, we have a person in the com- An old rotten and broken plank in lnunity who will -loop to thefts when­ lliinii creek bridge, on the Lafayette ce ts person leaves the house for a road, should be replaced, at onee. lew moments. It should also teach Mrs. C. G. Rowel), of Dallas, I’anie our people to fasten their down mid paid her daughter, Mrs. A. doors and windows, when going away. V. R. Snyder, a visit over Suudny. The Rending Club, A nd still the approach to the North after a vacation of the slimmer months resumed exercises on Monday last. Its Yamhill bridge, settles. Is it the inten­ reg'ilar meetings me held at Odd Fel­ tion of tile supervisors to let 'er go low ' llall on Monday evening of each W. W. Wright mid family left on week, [is membership embraces soinCi Monday's train for their old home in ol I lie bi iglite t talent of our town, mid Ohio. They will lmve a good time. we are glad io learn of a glowing in­ The Ri roiri i i: is under obligations terest in I he institution. All those w ho to Sheriff Collard fol courti si, - s hown l ike a p. ide in the advancement of in- its representatives, during the Smith telecl mil l ull uro are cordially invited Io become membe. of the Clilb. trial. When yim go to Lafayette, don't fail to call aud see Corker, on the coiner, if you want hardware ; if not, call any­ way. Court is grinding rapidly along. Business w ill be brought to a do-“ Illis week. Proceedings' in imp: her column. It costs only ^-1 •»:► p i month to i - u:< the IlKt'OtiTnit. But how is this small i'X|M'iise to be met f you don't pav lip ’ Do y ou see .' We b ld the pleasure of meet in . ! Ion. L. T. Batin, the gentlemanl;. I.'i ■ ster of tin Land Oflice, Oregon City, al ta­ fayertc, last wick. Mr. F. M. Blake, the rustling, w id. - a wake tiavdin : l oriesjicndent ol tin- (hegonian, was in town I iiesdny morn­ ing and < inie in to st e n . “ I'ni le'' Billy Rogers brought iis a potato top that bail a dozen or more thrifty looking pot ’oe growing in it —looking curious enough. Rdj to lii- for children to can their books to wife, that it might be buried besid« school in. Go and g< *t one. his little babe that died while lie was Aren't those pretty little ** pud miid- in the mountains ; also that the sheriff' Post Office.— in .».<».. front of the [MIDI, i dies" up ... . turn over to W. D. Fenton his pistol, antnorities ought to fence gun and $31.7*^ in money, to do with vK.‘. *’,e as he chose. Rogers thought him to 1 ’em up for fear they may be disturbed, lie jesting; nor did he think (lifferentlx Mr. Tom. Willis, of Happy valley, until he was awakened by Smitl/s canir in to s<*e um last, Friday and heavy breathing about I o’clock, f lie brought us a half bushel of tim apples, alarm was given at once, and Drs. Lit­ for which In* will a< rept many thanks. tlefield anJ the V'? wife *, ,,d /* I . tl^rifraa of ----- thin l — man lie one pounds or an average <>f the .------ chiidnn —■— --- — lyinjr » -- lor* «*» tin mdee|M*il r io can* wh hether they hit or Hl IKMU 1. Conductor i Bogart Miieccedcd ill fj i < tillK Ülo ( row d at Wapato ftlltioiii.—Sunday’s Standard, At 1 in* residence of i the bride’s pa- 1 Opts, in Wi’bfoot, Yamhjll County, i )rt*Lf(> it, on Tue day pt. 25, 1 bv Re v. .1. Faraona, pH* | tor of tlii* M. E. ( ili nre h, Day Ion, Mr i. ( 'lay ton I riali, of me Dall« nid Miss Katie Coox rt, of WebfootL _ At thè r« idence of A. IL Fatilconer, Slicridan, On'gon, Hei>t. HOtli, 18H3, by >. Coti i. .1. I’., Mr. .1. A. W iiiixiiiiixii. of \L Miniivilh' :uia niilrs «ve»t. turili;.. < ti t. filli, H ot * ng. am! all kind, of usila. For furtlici pnrtic- tenu*. see poster». 25w 1. li (