I i VARIETIES* twenty years of age. A mixed as­ and one solitary sunbeam, red an | SYMPATHY. CRUELTY. sembly, some go«xi, some bad, and blood, streamed through the window, A spectacular drama -a barkeeper i BY M. 0. BIGG«. some neither one nor the other, but and lay across the desk exactly in ! Catching Elephants -How tbs Beasts are who wears glasses. i Apr«l«Urand.l|lpr„|,1M Old Daniel Boone, he Khot a coon *» r ready to join the strongest party. He front of her, nneen so pale but a moment ago, and elephants for service in the temples, “just look at that beast! a what one ia good for. It ¡s j, j L apiece, and the snpper was composed of a her courage revived. She arose, and and now anti then for circuaes, ele long neck!” “Yes,” replieii logg, ful to be interested in son»«,, J And there they all remained. dish of potatoes, familiarly known with tirin stop walked across the room ■ “the most remarkable ease of «oar aud lo study and work for that J But strong «nd stanch, he took the branch, among the country people as the and stood before him, and as their phants to be trained to stand on their throat I ever saw.” son. Every appreciator sbuui.il Aud laid it on his buck, "long Johns.” Gigantic in size, they eve« met she returned his gaze un­ heads and take coppers in (not police­ And home he walked, by nothing balked, A sea captain is a good deal of a about tooting for an apprt«J lay black and heavy upon the dirty flinchingly. His was a sad, beseech ­ men) with their trunks. The way As tight as he could shack. plate, flanked by a deep, yellow dish, ing look, a« though he would urge they are caught is in this wise: The vagabond when he beats his way up telling creation the treatment ud The time of day, I’ve heard him say, ' a harbor. " Was 4 o’clock or near, two-thirds full of pork fat, while her to l>eg Lis forgiveness. Hers was And miles nineteen there lay between The farmer makes hay while the sary for his development. This eg slices of the pork, fried to a cinder, a mixture of fun and anger combined, head man of the village receives a Him and bis cottage dear. floated upon the top. A plate of but certainly they showed no signs notice from the government that they I snn shines behind a dry goods of humanity would entirely abdj The way was steep, the snow was deep, bread, with a leaden strip at the bot i of sorrow. As be arose to his ieet require so many elephants. Then counter. the Grand Army of the MisunL And brush and logs not few, tom of each slice, and a small piece his huge form towered like a giant the temple priests and the circus peo­ Bank injustice--Calling a man stood. Exhibitions of blatant «. But such were his powers, that in two of butter composed of alternate above her, nn alley, with a narrow entrance, into i cus than a Legislature, because the rect defiance of his authority, and in a wild, passiouate embrace. And soon bu^an, the good old man, To carve upon the rear, I which the elephants are driven. Once I circus adjourns sooner. when detected her own fae* would be * * * ♦ » ♦ « * * as demure and innocent looking as A huge claymore, as W allace bore, In after years, when she was the J there, tame elephants, generally fe ■ Avoid the summer resort that has a kitten. She was a ready and apt | loved and honored wife of the states- I mals, are introduced with mahouts, I a resident physician attached to the His d »xterous band held fast; A pitchfork, too, that pierced him through, scholar, and seemed really delighted sexes. I man, who began his career ns a dis­ I who make friends with the wild ones, | leading boarding house. In t’other hand he clasped. with the opportunities of learning trict school teacher, Faith was wont j and two tame ones will slide up to a Pythi He cut and cleft from right to left, Never shoot a muzzled dog, or which the talented young master to say that the keeping up of ap- ' | wild one, one on each side, gradually | 'I’o each ho gave a quarter; but women were made (or men take advantage of the cravings of Bis wife and foil they each took one, placed within the reach of all. He ‘ pearanees so that others might not | closingup on him until he is jammed mon were made for women, ami Tho rest himself and daughter. was possessed of a vast fund of in­ I know what had occurred was the ■ [ so tight that he cannot move. Then hunger to throw a poisoned sansage. sex will sacrifice more for »he otb^H New Orleans has had two base than for its own. GettingthorouSH formation which he gave without | hardest lesson she had ever learned., natives creep in underneath and make ’Twould do yoa good, I know it would, To see them eat ami stuff; measure and without stint. 11a was I ropes fast all round his legs, tying ball clubs out getting f ieir work in .mid ideas of one another amlbei^H The bones wore cleaned, the table gleaned. kind and gentle, but in very troth It was impossible to become the doc-1 I the end of one to a stroug tree. This on the unhappy towns they fall on. j ile pupil she now longed to be with-1 sympathetic, it would follow a« njl And then all cried; “Enough!” they found him master—all but Faith. ont exciting suspicion, and for eight ■ is gradually shortened, until from Boston ought to give up that sum nralJy as the multiplication tabS The fact that wild geese never alight on As the days lengthened into weeks weeks she acted her part in a manner ! . sheer fatigue he lies down, and then j mer home for dogs and cats until the that every pair of appreciator, woilH trees, of course, does not detract at all from an unquiet spirit seemed to enter worthy of the most finished actress, i good-by to freedom. He is starved I Tewksbury people are made more become lovers, hut until they the credibility of this narrative. There was one circumstance in the tale which was not into the girl, and she seemed almost and to this day it is an unsettled there until he either rises as “Ele- comfortable. all the courting necessary|M With exceeding pa question between them as to which I pliant No. 99 of the Public Works 1 Hayti is full of revolution as a pea­ done wrought into the “pome.” It was the al­ boldly defiant. establish their reputations in theeyS leged fact that when thu groat hunter was tienve and gentleness the master bore i Department, ” or as “ tho great and nut roasting cylinder. \\ lien tho a purblind public that discor^B coining out of the creek with a halt ton of with all her freaks, and although conquered. i only Jumbo” of the “greatest show Government side becomes too hot it of ---------- *--*•>« trout in “his breeches stout,” so great was nothing even when genius begs S on earth.” When a herd is driven in is turned over. COUNSELS FROM THE FRENCH. the bearing down upon his supendtrs that a sorely tried lie endeavored, by gentle, the door. There would be no qtn9 button thereon was wrenched off with such winning kindness to bring her to see there is generally a big bull elephant Nothing good is ever effected with­ along with it, who has to be shot be­ The man who knows more about reling, as there could bo no mietu-H violence that it flew across the creek and the the great wrong she was doing killed a partridge.— fPortage (Wis.) herself and him. But it wus of no out perseverance. fore anything can be done in captur­ Shakspeare than he possibly can tell demanding. Sympathy includes |B Register. A gracious word, opportunely ut­ ing the female. He is a true gentle­ is 8. Borneo Beed, of the Cincinnati profound knowledge of the artofltil avail; the more he tried the more he ting alone, hence there could be m I might try, and the dancing brown tered, is no trifle in the matter of man, and goes ramping all over the Gazette. WHICH CONQUERED? Muik was the favorite perfume of boring. The children of such pari eyes shot, forth angry sparks, as at I happiness; nor a kindly smile added “kraal’’ trumpeting and trying to last he passed her most erring pranks : to a suggestion, a slight uneasiness protect his “lady friends” from the Empress Josephine, anti tlie Boston onts would be harmonies in b.ackl BY MRS. 1. A. E. spared another, nor even an extra animal man. Poet says Napoleon should not be and white. They would be beautiful« by in absolute silence. and clever, because their pareiitil It was evening in the gloomy old I judged too hatshly. However the crisis came at laHt. At 1 act of politeness. When the Duke of Edinburgh h'linri (if ’jirniMr ( Grey. Iruv 'Thn w he acknowl fortune becomes endurable by habit, j brandy bottles that had been drank the sweat of his brow—why brow, is I sex? First, I should abolish war, I firelight, while upop .til«» opposite side 1 edged the gift, and raised it to his but persons who are disagreeable to | while awaiting his overdue arrival, not stated—but the loafer expects to which murders men en gros. Th*] of tho hearth, stretched at full length, i lips, when lo! a tiny dead mouse us always irritate ns more and more. ; and, I can tell you, the arch was a live on the perspiration of other peo­ quarrels of nations should be settled] Prove yourself grateful. A grate­ pretty big one, as the climate is very ple. by arbitration. Then I’d putastoi] lays trig Newfoundland dog; the vol I dropped from its folds, ami a univer low lioor was as clean us liamls could i sal giggle ran through tho room. In ful heart can never bo a wicked “thirst, provocative.” At the same Mrs. Langtry might double her to railroad and steamboat accidents] make it, and altogether the room pre­ desperjition the master called tliem! heart. | “kraal” he had a very narrow squeak gate money if she brought Mr. Lang­ Whenever an accident occurred by] sented a scene of rural comfort not to order, ami thero was a sharp ring. | A sure means of overcoming a dis­ I for his life. Two good shots, Messrs. try over and made him act as door­ rail or by water, I’d hang a director,| to be despised. as of pain, in the grave, stern tones, like which xve entertain for anyone is Fisher and Varian, were put along- keeper for her show. He would bo taking the official body alphabetic»! I ly. In all probability one hanging I The farmer sat in bis easy-chair I which said. “Faith Grey can stop to do him a little kindness every day; I side of him, anil a big bull elephant an attraction. deep in meditation, with liis eyes after school to-night.” That was ail, and the way to overcome a dislike was to be the subject of slaughter. ! I It is certain that a river cannot would suffice. These reforms would] fastened on the fire, while the busy and, without casting u look in the di- which another may feel towaril us is | i When the bull charged, the duke run dry; but let a man feel dry and greatly Jessen the disparity between I house wife with deft fingers plied the 1 rection of the young girl, the busi­ to say some little kind word of him | I fired and missed, and, strange to say, he will run as if the beer shop had the number of women in the old« I knitting needles, ami glancixl occa ness of tlie da’ went on as usual, blit every day. both Fisher and Varian did the same. not more than two minutes longer to | States. Still there would be a dis- 1 parity, while in Western Amelie* I Monally at the couple seated at the each an« all t.n '.erstootl that trilling Amiability is tho sunshine of the The ele phant was almost on the duke keep open. table busy witn their books. It was was at an end, and even Faith’B r< ey soul, which causes smiles to bloom on when the sound of a rille shot rung thero is a surplus of men. It is it I axiom as true as Euclid, that every I their daughter and the district school cheeks paled a little, as she glanced the lips, and expands the heart as ont, and the greBt lieast dropped WORDS OF WISDOM. tencher. I shyly at tho stern, quiet face. the rays of the sun upon the buds of I almost at his feet. No one knew The actions of men are like the in­ Jack has a Jill. How to bring them j Faith Grey was an only child, ami; It had been a hard day for the the rose. Electricity that pate i where the shot came from until atten- dex of a book: they point out wiiat is together? from the time when she first began to young master, aud it was no wonder i To know how to lie occupied, and I tion was directed to a small cloud of girdle around the earth in forty min­ most remarkable in them. talk, had ruled her loving subjects in 1 if his patience was exhausted. In the I never have to ask one’s self, AV hat blue smoke floating from a tree-top, utes, only needs development to WJ An unjust accnsation is like a Jack's arm around Jill's waist- tho little kingdom of home with ab morning, one of his largest scholars, [ am I going to do? is the most use­ and it was discovered that a “Cin solute sway. Slie was now seventeen ; a half wilted Frenchman, bad entered ful science for happiness and virtue. galea” shikaree had shot the elephant barbed arrow, which must be drawn I Kate Field, in Denver Tribune. backward with horrible anguish, or years of ago. with laughing brown j late, and immediately comtuenced to -— *♦—- when the others ha«l missed, with an eyes and waving, auburn hair, that i laugh, and all the information that; Do von wish that work should olil flintlock musket.. So the monrn- else will bo your destruction “Mr. Scott,’’ 6aid tho head of tt*' rippled and shone with a touch of j could be elicited from him was that; never weary you? Think that you ! ; ing warehouse in England lost a big If a man does not make new ac­ ?’ol«l in its soft meshes when she lie gnessed "the two-year old would: are giving pleasure to another. quaintances as he advances through firm to one of the drummers who had ■ i trade. aceil th«' sun. Her complexion was ' get full by and bye,” and again his' Spend a cent less than your net life ho will »oon find himself left just reached home, “what is this lees fair and pure as tin apple blossom. fat. sidos would shake with laughter. income and yon will always be rich, j When the elephant is caught and alone. A man should keep his in the papers about you having fi” j tamed, there is no animal under the friendship in constant repair. wives?” Her dress was a simple brown merino, | He was a great, | overgrown fellow of To ’¡»ten kindly is ofton an act of I “Is it in the papers?” with a plain, white collar fastene«! at sixteen, wi 'ho worked for lii* board at the most delicate interior mortifies sun that exceeds him in sagacity. If you would not have affliction “Yes, sir; and marked copies haw the .throat by a blue ribbon, whilo farm about a mile from school, and at 1 tion. and helps us very much to speak The touch of his trunk is as gentle visit you twice, listen at once towhat as the touch of a woman’s hand, and been sent, to onr firm.” streamers of the same azure hue con noon his employer presented, himself j kindly ourselves. it teaches. the stamp of his feet or a blow from “Well, there's a mistake somewhere; timsl the meshoe of waving hair. She at the school house, and in loud, an | : 'T ’xx accomplish a duty is a to .» diffuse .j.'xr..__ To Ambition often puts men upon I or else it’s a put up job to throw m* that name gentle trunk is as powerful was tall and slender, with a supple, | gry tones, ordered him never to dark- | joy; and as every moment mom of life as that from a steam-hammer. The doing the meanest offices; so climb- ! out of a place.” willowy grace perceptible in every ! eu his doors again. It appeared that j holds a duty, . it .................... " deyiends ’ " > upon ns to government uses them chiefly in the ing is performed,in the same posture “But have you five wives?” movement of her graceful form. the spring where cattle were in the j i snrrnnnH surround nnr^avr.^; uursaves with unceasing i public works department, where they with creeping. “No, of course not!” Her companion was apparently habit, of drinking, was formed b; »y • i are employed in moving huge blocks Anger is like rain, it breaks itself “Then you had better sue for daun ■bout twenty five years of age. with i lowering „ a barrel into the ground, : joy- ages. I’ll give you the address of a broad white brow and «lark hair, and all around it was very slippery , A great deal of wit often makes us ' of stone, where it would be expensive upon that on which it falls. Fire and sworil are but slow en 1 onr lawyer, and you can call upon which clustere«! in little ringlets with ice, and as the clown had driven wicked, cruel and unjust; it causes j and, in fact, impossible to use steam alxiut his forehead; his eyes were j them to drink the “two year old" had j tormenting jealousies, deceptions j engines. ‘ They have been known to gines of de«truciion in comparison him this afternoon. There is M J mistake, yon say’” black and penetrating; the giave, ■lipped and fallen in head first, and I which spoil our triumphs, and a pride I drag up huge blocks of stone, shove with the babbler. I them into position, and then away “Mistake! Can yon make fi” firm mouth lietokone«! indomitable being nnable to get ont alone, the j which is never satisfied. He who receives a good turn should slowly backward, and. if the stone —------- »♦<- -------- wives ont of one wife in Jersey.* will an«l strength of character; his I Frenchman had left it to “get full" i never forget it; he who does one waa not. perfectly rightly placed, give cousin in Albany, a sister-in law in MISCELLANROUS. face was smooth, and his largo, well j while he went to eohool. When found it a push, either to the right or to t he should never remember it. Troy, and a widow who is mashed on made form was arrayed in a suit of by tho farmer the animal was A Incyclist who spends all his mon­ left, until it was. No man can possibly improve in me in Syracuse? I’m an innocent plain black; h«« was college-educated, [ drowned. Although the school mas ey for a machine may truly lie said to any company for which he has not and sn abused man. and it will tab* and while waiting for a situation had , ter could not blame the farmer for be broken on the wheel. J. asxf LikX'«: "iT! •T'h ,*»b- *-■ a million dollars to satisfy my inj’»- Jearne«l that he eoultl have the winter I hie indignation, yet the circumstance mg the unloading of a £tof steel ° f rP8train t- l captain woo tied refractory «aii- A who sail ­ ries.”—{Wall Street News. school in this district to teach, an«l j annoyed him exceedingly; and if one ors ‘ to toe capetan Mid it was the only tubing, at which elephants were en-1 Thero is ’___ ___ _ managed ____„„„ with no — dispute l>eing poor, had accepted it rather ! might be allowed to judge by the ' gaged. The tubing had been oiled ! passion, and yet there is scarce a than remain idle until a more eligible ! look on his stern, white face, Faith way to ease their rancor. The place to get a bang up artich How may every passenger make to prevent rust, ami when th« elephant disputa worth a passion. one, presented itself. Ho was far was likely to feel the full force of his —At the hair store. Might not the from despising small beginnings authority, and even her stout heart himself of use to the ship carpenter? took the first piece up in his trunk it If a man empties his purse into his safe arrival of a ship in port !» j slipped on account of the oil. He head, H«> well knew that the school bore quailed a little as the shadows length I By merely being aboard. no man can take it away from looked upon as a wreckless affair’ ' took it up again with the same result, no enviable reputation, for by report j oned. aud the day drew near its close. > Hay fever people have a new name him. An investment in knowledge Just the man to fill a vacancy-Th« ami finally he seemed to understand The last lesson had been recite«!;' for Maine mountain. They call it Mt. it was kuown rar ami near. Only the , dentist Why are persons who g“[ : it, and, pushing it with hi* foot to always pays the best interest winter lieforethe schi'lars had chosen the last class ha«i stood up to spell;; Catarrhden. killed while walking on a railroad St batever difference there may ap­ track io give the teacher a seat in a snow the evening livmti bad been sung, ami j An improbable story is properly where there was some sand, he rolled to like a certain kind of coal' at last school liad closed, the scholars called a canard, because intelligent I it over an«l over until the sand stuck pear to be in men's fortunes, there is They lack a -waru-er (Lackawanna)."' drift, aud then entering the school-1 ------ . bae told an infinitum. It is made to sit in the parlor, while > ing that he must learn to sing “^*1 A few miles above Athens, da., is no doubt a shame to shoot them honesty is turned out of doors. Flat Down Upon the Suwanee Biver’’“ was no light task which ho had un pled clu'eks. was sitting at her de«k dertakpii, but only a tighter closing white and still. For a f»w moments, i lives a man who eats in one county, “xcept when they are “rogues." Wheu tery is never so agreeable as to onr ho wants to bp popular in Ain**rict* ^n^ricaiis who pay $3 to l*Har cf the firm lips was visible as be sc- which seemed like an eternity to her. sleeps in a.iother, smokes, wh. n sit i they are that, it resolves itself iuto a blind side; commend a fool for his on bis piazza, in a third, and ha« , question of “You kill the elephant, or j wit or a knave for his honesty and ( briatino want to be thought culti­ eepted tho trust, rnd silently vowed tho master sat nt hi* desk with head ting ' to conquer or die. It was a school of bowed upon bis hands. The abort built his barn in a fourth. Ho cer j . the elephant will kill you.”—[Cincin-' they will receive you into their vate J. But they give has a corner in counties. 1 ' nati Enquirer. " I bosom j away when they demand more I fifty scholars rauging freui four to ' winter's day was drawing to a close, tuinly mune. DANIEL EOONE’8 PROWESS. cia f.g [fra; pM k« di n "er do« tn 11D » 1 bi