MILLIONAIRES BORROWED WIT. BUFFALO. “M other S wan ’ s W orm S yrup ,” for fever­ ish new, reatlewneM, worm«, conatipation, | The latest wrinkle in cuffs is caused tadteltMMutw. 24c. • ur Van*»«rblH**: ^•rne,loUH» William, j by the heat. »<« Destruction of Gam« on th« Yellowstone ‘J^d.-rick i*»'1 B.»lue»» The turn of the “tied”—starting - liowone Mau wan Kill a Whole Herd “ R ough om R ats .” Cleara out rata, mice, flitis, roachea, bed-bugs, ants, vermin, chip­ | homeward after the wedding trip. of Buffalo. munks. FOR MEN AND BOYS A no table event is a picnic wnere If Commodore Vanderbilt could to ’ one must sit on the ground to eat. In going down the Yellowstone, in THE GREAT GERM AN Two of fay kind—A pair of fairies. Montana, and across the vast region day revisit New York he would un REMEDY ! A farce seeing eye — The theater donbtedly be glad to find the des- ».âLKT FTLÆlVCiaiCO. lying between Glendive and Mandan, | goer’s. tini»9 of tlle h°llse of Vanderbilt in j one is struck with the evident scare References: Everybody! “ I fill this cup to one made up — ” such good hands. Since the retire- j | as the man remarked when he toasted ity of game. This famous region, Itelleves and cure« BET UNTITLKD WOMAN. ment of William H. Vanderbilt from the ancient belle. John F. Snow & Co’s where two or three years ago herds RHEUMATISM, A NOTED [From the Boston üloöe.] Cleaning and Dying Establishment of San Fran­ active participation in affairs his Neuralgia, Never propose to a girl in writing. of buffalo, antelope and dear were to cisco have changed their name to Palace Dye Sciatica, Lumbago, W orks, but. no change in ownership. Th« three eldest sons, Cornelius, William j It is “present company” that is “al­ be seen on every side, is now to ull I cause of the change is that a party by the name HACK ACHE, K and Frederick’have been, so to ways accepted.” I of Snow has ¿one into the same business. All appearances stripped of its game. communications hereafter are to be sent to th« HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, Isa circus canvas a show-case’ The fact is, the slaughter of buffalo apeak, joint regents. The heir ap palace l>ye Work«. 681 Market s roet. SORE THROAT, palace Hotel, San Francisco. Up with the lark — its feathers. parent, the Crown Prince of the QUINSY, SWELLINGS. and deer has been immense for the “Strawberry shot cake” is what the Vanderbilt dynasty, is Cornelius. NFRAINM, past two years, and particularly of Soreness. Cuts. Bruises The future railroad monarch is now | man with the dyspepsia calls it. SOL s TSIV the former. It is estimated that FROSTBITES, I about 35 years of ago. His personal I The bootblack shines while he j during the past winter there have ft A VISITING CARDS, Bristol Board. 30c.; pontage HI HNS, MALDN, works, but the lazy man whines while | 0V Htampatakeu T W Lnden.« It is self-evident that Baking Powders ren- in a broker’s office in Broad street, into tho garden so much. rifle, 40-90 calibre. With this he can vital power, and rend­ which daily pours in upon her, each bearing its siiocial rtwmted to l>e composeil of the same materials and after being thoroughly grounded er i n g the physical burden of suffering, or joy at release from it. Her kill at 1,000 yards. When he sees a aa the NEW ENGLAND, and which are sold What should a man l>e called who j in the principles of business was functions regulltr and Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and no! to deal ora at less than the pure materials them­ evil purposes. I have |*ersonally investigated it and transferred to one of the clerical de | takes the place of another in a brass ■ herd of buffalo, he usually slips up selves are worth, cannot be pure. active, keeps the sys am satisfied of the truth of thia to within convenient range, from 300 band? A substitoot. The large demand for NEW EFGLAND tern in good working partments of the New York Central On account of its proven merits. It is recommended I to 500 yards, and always selects ’ a «a order, an«I protects it BAKING POWDER, and consequent falling Bailroad in the Grand Central DejKit. \ \Vhat costume ought to remind al cow for his first victim. He does ■"" against disease. For and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. off in the sales of adulterated ami inferior pow­ constipation, dyspep- One sayst “It works like a eharm and saves much There his position was by no means , lady of her washerwoman ? Why, , this for the reason that the cow is ders, has developed a apilefulness ou the part __ sia, and liver com- pain. It will cure entirely th* worst form of falling her lawn dress, to be sure. plaint, nervousness, a sinecure, and be was obliged to of some manufacturers and dealers. Finding i followed by both her yearling and I & kidneyann rheumatic of the uterus, Leucorrhcra, irregular and painful that the quality of the NEW ENGLAND perform exactly the same duties as He who dreamed that he dwelt in two-year old calves, and they will ' ailments, it is invaia Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and cannot be successfully attacked, new brands able, and it affords a Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacement* and the con ­ his fellow clerks, whose futures were marble “hauls” must have gone to I I usually stand by her to the last. But j sure ain, weight and backiu lie. is always cessfully every detail of railroad deck.” He had probably been sent wounded, and after a few moments permanently cured by its use. It will at all t iiues, and management, until he had thoroughly on an errand and told to hurry back. lies down. under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law JOE POHEIM, that governs the fowale system. fitted himself for the exalted position The remainder of the herd are not It costs only $1. per lxittle or tix for $5., and is sold by Strange, that after the many great he now holds. It is probable that no druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and alarmed at this, but continue t > graze one in this country is more thoroughly strains of music, it never suffers from or look on dazed spectators of the the names of many who have been re-toml to perfect health by the use of tho Vegetal !?* < omponnd, can )»• conversant, with railroad methods soreness. tragedy being enacted. After his - .vIAKJES THE- obtained by addressing Mrs. 1‘., with stamp for reply, How can so many butchers be first shot the hunter pauses until than he is. at her home iuLynn, Mass. At his father’s abdication Cornelius small men, despite the fact that quiet is restored, aud again tires at i For Kidney Complaint of either this compound is unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show. became Chairman of the Board of everybody knows a butcher's stall ’ another cow, with similar results. I “Mrs. Pinkham’s Liver IT113,” says ou® writer, “aro Directors of the New York Central NERVE “They most enjoy the world who He always aims to put his ball just! the best in the ux»rld for the cure of Constipation, and President of the “Nickel Plate.” least admire.” This does not refer to behind the fore shoulder, which will I Biliousness and’Torpidity of the liver. Il<-r Blood In The State. Purifier works wonders in its sp«*«’ial line and bids fair In addition, ho is a director in count the young lady who looks in the cause death in five minutes at far-; to equal the Compound in its popularity. less other roads. When quite young glass. thest. When the cowshave all been | All must respect her as an Angel of Meivy whose sole Business Suita to Order from $20 00 he married Miss Gwyn, of Philadel­ The boys who go in swimming after slain, hethen turns his attention to' Aeri’ouJi WeaAne-M, Brain Worry, BI om I ¿Sores, ambition is to dog >od to others. Pants “ “ “ ß 00 oN A <’< • .l,oitiaii Dr. D. F. Laughlin, Clyde, Kansas. free to any address, on application Vanderbilt, the head of the Lake i mediately, when all the survivors “It cured where physicians failed.” Shore Road, somewhat resembles his this is the reason why the mowing stampede at once. The buffalo does Rev. J. A. Edie. Beaver. Pa. jO^Con’eapondence freely answered. elder brother in personal appearunce, machine occasionally chews up the ; not scare at the crack of a gun. He 724 MARKET & 203 MONTGOMERY ST. Sold by all Druggista. (27) PARINBT WOOIMI and VKNCEBB, without, however, being able to lay harvest hand. THE DR. 8. A. RIGHIOlfD KED. CO.. ST. JOSEPH. 10 I Ship Timber, Locust Treenails, Deck Plugs, etc. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. has decidedly more courage than dis I It is an old saying that the watched cretion. It is only when the crack I For testimonials and circulars send stamp. claim to the same amount of good 129-147.Spear St. and 26 28 Howard St., looks. Ho seems to have a wonderful spot never has a boil. That is the is followed by an immediate fall that I ■ Han Francisco, and 156 State St., Boston, M hbb . power of grasping the most difficult reason why a man cannot see the ; he realizes its deadly nature and y I J ohn W igmore . Boston. A. A. W igmore . 8. F. PHELAN’S BUILDING, business problems. It was said of back part of his neck. ; takes alarm. The policy of killing IC ooiun 6, T. M. U. IO. 11. The chap who left his landlady in ' the cows first and then the caives has him the other day by a prominent niâfcSnn ÏMÂÏ New and See« md hand Flau«« at half price I’iamm $76 aneth without ■ miiuu H„tl t . ( references. — Established in 1863. TheS'JREST CURB for pain. Over x..w. 10,000 --------------- —----------- — which be could analyze questions his boarding place said it was on ac­ tion of the female buffalo. Herds of Alito perform ail operations iu dentistry. KIDKSY DiSEA&GS. involving the consideration of a half count of the strong “owed her.” melancholy bulls can still occasion 1>H. CHABLK.«» W. DECKER. dozen conflicting interests and almost Doos a lamo a c! kjordorod tftdr.e ir.di. When little Edith cried because ally be seen, sometimes in bauds of »sate that vou cue a victim? IK) NOT Adjusts itself to any position, from sitting up to lying instantly arrive at an unerring con­ the superfluous kittens had been twenty or thirty, and often without a 8t..dabeckers Tailors’ bqttare HBSITATB; two KIDNEY-WOKT at once, down, and supports the KNTIHE body , lhe most per­ (drug,.rist3 recommend it.» and It will speodily clusion was simply marvelous and drowned, her unfeeling papa jocosely single cow. fect tiling eveh devised for ease and comfort.. Adapted overcome Cho disease and. roster.) healthy aution. t to the house, lawn, camp, etc. D^ivered FHEE to any made it really a pleasure to dobusi remarked that that was only a drop As I have said, the bulls a»o about r railroad express office on the Coast ou receipt of prico It Io a 8URB CURE for all Circulars on application. ness with him. Ho is an indefatig in the bucket. all that are now left of the buffalo. DISEASES Cf the LIVER. Liberal IMacount to the Trade. able worker and devotes almost the They largely owe their safety to the Female pugilists should wear •MUKB.*.!Cja5e It has si»eoiiio acti>'n or. this moet important [ O. J. LIMOBA. Sole Manufacturer, whole of bin time to railroad affairs. "poke” bonnets.—[N Y. Commercial fact that their hides are leas valuable organ, enabi li.*r it to t lu-ow oif torpidity and in- •Santa Cruz. Cahb.rnis A Perfect system of Drew, Cutting, daiplu, Jlxa<* 1., stimulating th® heolliiy secretion of the Like his grandfather, he is a great Advertiser. Yes; and female poker than those of the cows, while at the I actio. and adapted to every description of Gartne. t*. Pat* BE , mid by koopin/r tho bovrols in free condi­ ter«« cut to tit without alt-ration. f oc'Mxed bta tion, onbotin" ltd regular dischararo. lover of cards and horses, but his players should wear chip hate, we same time they are more difficult to P. F. C. SANDER, loma at Mechanics’Fail, Office 224 iHocktcn He Fnuickuo STUI>A BE» KLR A LOUDON, F taste in horseflesh is, unlike the Com­ suppose. F-F’ is ’ 13ft I*3 *s. If y°n aro r-ufibringfrom kill. The hide of the bull is only Attorney and Counselor at Law. S*ud for circular f -L. C4 i »-2 * i <¿1" malaria, hove the chills, modore’s, very English. He is a aro bill i, dyspeptic, or con .ntpatod. Kidney- A Western style of scarf pin is in worth to the hunter from $1.80 to 207 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Wort v/i. surely relic joand «juicily enre. strong supporter of the turf so far $2, while that of tbe cow brings $3.25 Ia th ’ FpilD ’, tsc cl?a.^' tho System, every the form of a tree with a rope dang ­ Praoticea in allBtatnand FiwloralConrtH. Col ono chc’Ald taka a tho.-oujh course of it as running horses aro concerned, but and that of the two-year-old calf is luetioiiH, Probet« and Real Estate matters giron cares nothing for trotters. He mar ling from a big branch.—| Ex. This worth from $1 to $1.50. But of late p j?or peoruiarto "¡MM’ial attention. k-soJZ a ««S#«*'•» jo- j - *cx. Buchna paio and . ried a Miss Smith, of Mobile, and has is undoubtedly another form cf the there has sprung up quite a demand MANUFACTURER» oF weak i. ms®, KIDN3fT-V/O«T i ’ ’ .uouryaaBed, lynch pin. — [Pittsburgh Telegraph. at ft will act promytly andcuifoly. three children. Of late years he has 1PCMTQ W/AUTCn EVEKYWHKIIE TO SELL throughout tbe East for the head of Incoki- .ano®, retention of urine, i ALunld the b. ut Family Knitting Ma gone much into fashionable society, “My wife’s sister, out in Injanna, is the buffalo bull. The well-preserved brick (1 voter ropy depoaiu, and dull drawing | chins ever invented. Will knit a pair of stocking* with Iren and Steel Wire Rop« paim’.nllrpoodflyy-c dtoit» curative po^oy- I Amt WIRE of livery Deecription. HEEL and TOE complete in 20 minutes It will also particularly among the English set. dead, and she’s wearing mournin’, head of an aged bull, decked out Z -' t / •« at tJ.o iraiiic time or. the KEDNif'20, I knit » grant variety of fancy work for which there is al Agents for New Jornoy Wire Cloth < *«>mpauy, and for T,lV/r.'i / "D DOWTH j A.-G J ?br Constipation,! his wife being a relative by marriage and she thought it’d be more appro with glass eyes and horns intact, will ways a ready market. Send for circular and tsrms to the Buck-Thorn Barta« I Fence. Pile *, or Umumatown it m u pemi&nent ore. the rnouilily knllfliig Machine <'oM 103Tre­ 14 DRUMM STREET. MAN FH \NCISCO of Lady Mandeville. His house at priate like to use black tea for awhile readily sell" for $25 in the eastern mont street, H«*tou, Mas» ro» " ' * r^UCGISTB. Prlc««f. Islip is managed after the fashion of now.”—| Marathon Independent. markets. Consequently the buffalo an English country home. In fact, \A/OODEN Q The poet who wrote “the child is hunter of the future will wage a de­ he seems to be a strong supporter of father of the man,” was somewhat structive war upon the bull tribe, W MANTEIO the prevailing Anglomania. disconcerted when a practical friend and these venerable relics of a by | The third son, Frederick, is also a asked him how the case would be in gone era will also pass swiftly away l n. xiiiK.xtxisrCr, director in most of the roads con­ the event of the chilli being a girl. —[ Helena (M. T.) Independent. Manufacturer of trolled by the family, but holds no ------ ------------ Fino Furniture, House, Bank and Office Fittings. Truman. Esimili A. < <> 4*0 and 131 FOIWTH Mt.. Man Franrlaco. Several cases of burglary have re­ executive position and does not take ENTERTAIWIRG A BURGLAR- I a very active part, in affairs. His cently occurred at seaside resorts, fW DESIGNS FURNISHED. personal appearance is very different ami the sojourners for the summer “A burglar can be a gentleman I d to that of his brot hers, his complexion now have the satisfaction of looking manner as well as any one else, and being fair and his hair and whiskers out for breakers by night as well as the majority of them are men of re­ SYMPTOMS OF A of a pronounced reddish hue. He is for day. finement. I was at Saratoga a couple TORPID LIVER married, but has no children. “Is your vessel your home?” asked of years ago, and strolling into the Loss of A ppetite, Bowels costive. Pain in George Vanderbilt, is the fourth a lady addressing a man-of war’s- diningroom of a prominent hotel the Head, with 3 «lull sensation in the DB. ROGERS hack part, Pam under the Shoulder and youngest son. He is now nine­ man. ’ “It is, ma’am.” replied the one day I espied one of the most blade, fullness after eating, with a disin­ TODJIC I TTEÆILT teen. He is by nature a student, an seaman, "in times of peace, but when notorious ’knucks’ in the business clination to exertion of body or mind, of temper. Low spirits, with ardent lover of books. It is quite we’re in close action we’re only seated by the side of a wealthy a Irritability feeling of having neglected some duty, MAKE. probable that he will make his mark boarders.” Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the banker. I was curious to see how Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, m the world of literature. It is his A New York darkey who furnished the fellow would behave himself, and Headache generally over the right eye, intention to take no part in business blood for transfusicn and so saved sitting close by observed him. It Kestlessness, with fitful dreams, highly A sovereign remedy for function® an«! organic dl*- colored Urine, and ea»>o of the Heart, incltuiing Hypertrophy, Dilitatlon beyond what is necessary in caring the life of one Okenberg, who was at wasn’t long before hie engaging man Fatty Degeneration, Valvular Jieatons, Dropsy of th* CONSTIPATION, for his vast estate —| New York Jour death’s door, now sues for $250 dam­ nor completely won the old banker, Heart. i*«*ricar«litiH, Eudocarditb, Angina, Pectoris, INGERSOLLS Pains about the >!• art and Momentary Ktoppag« of thw nal. TUTT’S PTIXSare osparially adapted to Action «>f the Heart Price, 41 per Bottle. Prepared ages. A nice little bill to pay for and I laughed to myse'f when I saw such cases, wnedose effects such a change HAY PRESS by «/I INN fi ( <» San Francisco, <'al . (J. H A., P. O the latter introduce him to a mem­ uf feeling as to astonish the Hufferer. Box 2459 D-pot. N. W. cor, Kearny and Pine »treet* COTTON PRESS Murphy heard cows in his orchard being re pulsed. They l«ereaw ttee Appetite, and cause the There are a great many nameless ber of his family. I kept my eye on body to Take on thu.i th* system Is STRAW PRESS the other night, and slipping out. the DR. JORDAN’S oiirlnhcd. and by th' ir Tonic Action on the him. and later on actually heard the n f»iKe«l• vr Ortrnws. Rernlsr Ktowla are pro­ W00L PRESS back way appeared suddenly near the constituents going into the composi­ ' fellow invite him to a drive. I could duced. Price cents. X> Wnrray MU, JW. Y. MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, frout steps and yelled. “He all Tige! tion of oleomargarine, but one thing, scarcely believe the evidence of my H1DE PRESS He-ah!” Just then a figure ruslien the gloom. “Take’im! take ’imP’ G rat H ur or W htrrfrh rhanred toaGr.ORsY B lack by aslngl«applicationof tbis D y ®. Itlm- ate Olliee,- 211 Geary Rtreet. Longfellow said, “In this world a I what lay he was on. ‘For Heaven’s narw screamed the old man, but his daugh­ a nntural color, iwt-s Initantanoouflly.W Sold sake, ’ said he, ‘ don ’ t give mo away. • ■riNultation on Lost Muiihofgl by Druggists, or wnt by express on recelpt of tl. ter Miranda, who had unaccountably man must lie either anvil or hammer.” I’m indulging in a little respecta ‘7KI <1 all DfoDMMot Men. OFFICE, X5 Ml RR 4 Y NT., NEW TORK. 'Ppeared on the scene, secured the Longfellow was wrong, however ’ bility, and the atmosphere is improv -log by the collar and refused to let Lots of men are neither active ham­ ing noy health.’ Cracksman though Ralston’s Pharmacy ight weigh or w hat the circunuitancea under "13 hat ye doin’,” yelled the old mer nor the sturdy anvil. They are ho was, I bad never known him to tell J. II. jsAl^l'ON, X. W. Cor. 1’oMt anil Powell Mtrceta, nothing but bellows. ®»n, ‘‘don't ye know them cows has Abbott** Celebrated llu«leM. a lie, and when he pledged me his RUiFkAFIWV, been in here three or four times?” J kind of Vehicle*. The Ocean Steamer—The wrong I word never to take advantage of the nly Drills, Pur® ChomicnlR, TEAS! Four nriog Wagon*. «150 tn m nud Toilet A rtinlaa. AlRoacom- ‘■Oh. pa!” was the answer, “but this man: “Will you be kind enough, sir, old man’s hospitality I was willing to Lyman St«»-I Barl>e«l Fence Wl, 11 '»ru «V Loyd Brother*»’ Kpocitte san Ix> miro «Jang F *«* only a calf.” The old man was to inform me. sir, the location of No. believe him.” I nil other Electric Préparât tone. Harrow* M®t*. rnpoutxi«Mj Day or N ik ht. Mcified. but adolphus, who was stand- 418’” "Take two turns and a half are you money Write to u “Has any harm come of the thing! tog out in the road awaiting develop- hitch, let go the weather main brace, since?” Thl* BELT nr n«xmnera» HAWt IS II411 A < O m tor TUttde exprr*«ly fo* ■oents, wasn’t, and Mirandy will clew up yer t’ gallant stay sail, port Merkel HtrnnL Kin Franciaco • On the «xmtiary, good has come of tl*.* cure of derangement® of tho generativ orgaM, never understand the coldness that ver helm, and ask the man at tho it. for when an attempt was to be There I < rv niistak* bbont has sprung up between them. this instrument, tne con- wheel.” "Thanks.” made, about six months ago. to break tlnuo'is at ream of Ef.EO T KI C IT Ï pc rmeating “Why am (hie) I like (hie) an In­ into the banker’s residence, this man through tho parts mart reitero them to healthy >A WtFK flZa D ates or Finer O ccvrmxceh .—I’ost dian ?’’ asked a drunken punster, who ’ gave notice to the department, and iu tlon. bo not confonn«l tni« with Kl®f<1 a by­ see there is something in the old say­ th*ONK purpose^ B®W TO WTN AT CARDS. DICK, Ac. ”**] in 1473. Information, ad4rc*e Ctoswur stander. “No, shir: ifsh 'cause (hie) ing after all, fit’s 1 letter to have the A SURE THINC! Sen« Fr.« to — — toglon tit., ( 'hf’Ago. HL Anyone. ' miu.uft ■ > »»'»1 >•«••.p 'K dj» SEWEffWftMiD (.HiMNEY PIPE Th» first watches were made at Nn- I’m (hie) ‘copper collared’ (hie) shir.” good Will of a dog.’”— [N. Y. Journal. coastan 11 y en hand • v»ry artici* u«*d VMtpor’:ag fr*t«rr.ity •« WW «ritti in Mr*- *»■** reml>erg ¡n 1477 r>t WwiK? If ANO CiAV r«rn>'« of ct*n< «. b*cJ fr r lay muto metti “Who held the pass of Thormopylm circular. Addrw«. 1 l i. . SVYDAM, WMF The first printing press was set up “No one would take you for what | owm ritr »Asts ftusrir now«» pots etc «»aaJ«T »•••*« Suwa«, NewT«aCity. against the Persian host? ” demanded 1*3. Th« HEW ai.FihA B of th® JAM. at Copenhagen in 1433. you are,” said an old fashioned gen-1 . Modern needles first came into use the teacher. And the editor's boy at tieman to a dandy, who had more CONSERVATORY of MUSIC ERRORS OF YOUTH. KIOTO 1316 MARKET STSF the foot of the class spoke up and ■n 1.545. 7*wrrlet'.on Free fnr the *p*e-F *nra of Herrenw D®> B*ant1fn!'r llltwtraUM . 44 pa**«. RF.NT FREI t« hair than brains. “Why?” wasim I said: "Father. I reckon; he holds an OR LINCOLN.PLACER CO.CAL il11 Liat liaahond and an diaorcwra brought on by youiwif uvl :n’im■■■ I'n.t. and the first wheeled carriage annua] on every road in .the country I not see your oars!” Art Odtool, < m 4 MOM VÎfvr yotmf leihe« in Me wvrfcL >• Al Ht- AtW «urfc. that runs a passenger train. ” ln France, in 1559. BEST CLOTHING I I I I I I I I I I I C. C. HASTINGS & CO., FOR PAIN. JHE TAILOR ÔÇ thêgêemt J ù Best Fitting Clothes Irr John Wigmore, TÆ00 The Colton Dental Association The Hammock Chair John 1. Roebling’s Sons Co., TUTT’S PILLS HEART DISEASE. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GLADDING. McBEAN& GO EDUCATIONAL.