Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, September 06, 1883, Image 3

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    nYAl- BLOOD
“Isn’t it pretty?” said a little old
I have made a small collection of
The relative effect of different
The new law reducing the rates of
of middle age view
kinds of points upon lightning rods wild, Western things during the past
„Mwndsnt of the last Irish
to a place where a reporter was sit postage will go into effect on the 1st has l>een discussed by the Academy seven years and have put them to­ with equanimity the festivities the
" hi .
,, hr “ r ’’ “•“* H ow ting in the park.
of October next, and the authorities of Sciences at Paris. One speaker gether, hoping some day when I get present season brings with it This
"It must lie pretty,” said the re are now engaged in the work of pre­ stated that, by means of an electric feeble, to travel with the aggregation often 1 makes them unjust to those
porter, looking into the carriage and paring the new stamps. The law machine, he had charged a large and erect a large monument of ko­ who at the extremes of life are able
■(ward Mearcio
11 lilieul seeing a tiny creature, snugly nest substitutes 2 cents per half ounce on metallic plate representing a cloud, pecks for my executors, administra­ to enjoy the good things if only in­
dulged in with moderation. Middle-
V lant of Brian Bom, the last ling in a downy nest, with ite face letters for 3 cents, the present rate. until a very sensitive electrometer tors and assigns forever.
with a delicate lace veil.
marked ten degrees: he then gradu­ Beginning with the skull of old Hi­ aged prejudice is unusually severe
Ireland, lives in Saguache covered
Tlio little old man wa» delighted, The old 3-cent stamp will te abol­ ally approached to the plats, first, lo jack-and tlie-game. a Sioux brave, against plum pudding, yet this article
his little old chin went twit a twit a ished, and iu its stead will be issued a rod rounded at its extiemity, af the collection takes in my wonderful is a highly efficient food, yielding a
the gold excitement of ’59. twee, and he chirped like a bird.
terward an ordinary lightning rod bird known as the Walk up-the-creek, force equivalent to 250 foot tons. It
“They keep its face covered,” he j u 2 cent stamp of new design. The point, and finally a very sharp point. and another rara avis with carniv is also an admirable vehicle for the
■/be rule8 in the true baronial
form of the new stamp lias already-
The mean results obtained by these orons bill and web feet which has as administration of fat, au article of
■ owning more acres and eon said, with a sigh, “since the little'
whits hearse drove awav from the j been decided upon. It contains a experiments were as follows: The tonished every one except the taxider­ diet as a rule usually objected to by
tg more wealth than contemn house the other day. But I——”
tablet, upon which is u profile of round-pointed rod remained without mist and myself. An old grizzly children. Plum pudding, in reason­
The little old man stopped and Washington, similar to that on the neutralizing effect, until it was1 lx>ar hunter—who has plowed corn able quantity, is certainly to lie pre
■l in the big1’ sounding titles of
looked all around with hi» little1 present 3-cent Hlamp. Silt rounding struck—this distance being assumed, I all his life and don’t know a coyote ferred to the so-called "wholesome”
de-i-endunt.s in Ireland twinkling eye».
the profile is an oval band, and in the in the experiments, as the units;' from a Maverick steer— looked at it cakes, which have little fat in their
I will show it» face to yon, sir it’s j upper part of the bam! the words, the neutralizing action of the com-| last fall and pronounced it a "king­ conqiosition.
■1J Brian Born appeared con »o “ very,
very pretty.”
A good wedge of cold plum pud­
“United States Postage.” Beneath mon ¡Kiint did not begin until the I fisher;” said he had killed one like it
■nusly as members of the Vouug
Ami the little old man’s chin again i the band is a large “2,” and at the ex­ distance of twelve units—«t which 1 a year ago. Then I knew that he ding is not au unwholesome lunch
■and rart)’
,in<l e’own un went twit a twit a twee.
treme bottom of the tablet the words, the common point had no neutral- : was a pilgrim and a stranger and that for young and growing lade to put
“They will be angry,” he con­ “Two cents.” The present two-ceut izing action—the sharp point dis ' he had boaght his buckskin coat and in their pockets when out for a day’s
■theauspices of O'Connell. When
“but I’m »o proud of its stamp, with the head of Jackson I charged the plate instantaneously. bead-trimmed moccasins at Niagara skating or hunting. Elderly people,
■ English Government swoo|>ed tinued.
pretty face that I mnst show it.”
thereon, will be discontinued after These results appear to have been Falls, for the bird is constructed of too, are often able to compete with
■n u|>eu the disorganized lri»h
Suddenly the little old man to»k the 1st of October next. The vignette confirmed by subsequent tests, and an eagle’s head, a canvas back duck’s the youDger members of the family
■ rebellion was soon crushed. the lace that covered the baby’s face on the new stamp is copied from the have therefore an important prac­ bust and feet, with the balance sage in the enjoyment of Christmas cheer
in a manner that amazes and discour­
■;.e those captured were the in his trembling finger», aud the re­ life cast used iu making Hondon's tical value.
lien and baled hay.
prepared to burst into excla statue of Washington. Several de­ Prof. Osmer states that in all long
Last fall I desired to add to my ages their middle aged relations.
H,,.. of .Munster, now modernized porter
mations of delight, even if the face
collection a large hornet’B nest. The fact is, as has been happily
■the prefix 11,111 tlje addition of should prove to be the homeliest face signs for a new 4-cent postage have pillars, of the same dimensions, the rare
I had an embalmed tarantula and her pointed out by Prof. Michael Foster,
■u names which camo in vogue in the world.
Department, bnt none have as yet about three times greater when the porcelain-lined nest, and I desired to the digestive elements are long pre
Ktlie reign of their royal anees
‘ Musn’t,” a little child said, com­ been selected. This stamp is also to ends are flat than when they are add to these the gray and airy home served, so that a man who in the
William Smith O’Brien was ing from behind the bushes and
prime of manhood was a martyr to
be issued on the 1st cf Octoter next, rounded; a long, uniform cast iron of the hornet 1 procured one of the dyspepsia
■Lead to te hanged. Edward seizing the coat tails of the little man. and
by reason of the sensitive­
pillar, with its ends firmly li ed,
Kreje O'Brien ami another brother "Danpa musn’t.”
ness of hie gastric nerves, in his later
whether by means of discs or other
Kpedand ik'd to this country,
“The flies will annoy Rose,” a gentle j The bill to reduce letter postage wise, has the same power to resist forgot about it until this spring. years, when his nerves are blunted,
■brii they arrived here they sep girl of 12 said, joining the little
When warm weather came, something’ and when, therefore, his peptic cells
Edward was soon penniless. group and carefully replacing the from 3 to 2 cents was introduced in breaking as a pillar of the same di­ reminded me of it I think it was a are able to pursue their chemical
work undisturbed by nervous worries,
King the eleven years that jire lace.
S. Willis, of Kentucky. No action the ends rounded or turned, so that hornet He jogged my memory in
■eil'bis'appearance in the mount
Close observation showed a tear tvas taken upon it by that Congress. the force would pass through the some way and called my attention to eats and drinks with the courage
and success of a boy.
Kof Colorado his fortunes varied trembling in the girl’s eye as the lit I
Again, the strength of a cast it. Memory is not located where I
Kl finally he appeared in Chicago tie old man wheeled away the car j Mr. Willis introduced the same bill axis.
■ a drayman. It was about this riage, with the little child dancing I in the Forty-seventh Congress. Other “connecting rod”—cruciform section wherever he touched me he awak
members also introduced bills in the
Betbat’tho news of the discovery by his side.
that most wom­
Forty seventh Congress. By a joint I —was found to be very small, per­
Bold in the Rockies was agitating
“Oh, it's such deception!” she ex resolution of both houses the pro­ haps not half as strong as if cast with a red place all around it
en possess the quality of sympathy
claimed, burying her face in her
Then some more hornets came and to a remarkable extent Mrs. Brown­
in the form of a uniform hollow
Mw.ilv gathering together what j hand. “Baby Rose died last week,” posed reduction in rate was added as cylinder.
began to rake up old personalities. ing possessed this gift; it vibrated on
Ke fie possessed, which amounted ' she continued, “and we are afraid to
in this connection, and perhapB I remember that one of them Jit on the chord of poetic expression in her.
Bht>0, he started Westward in coin , tell grandpa, as his mind i» weak and I Post Office appropriation bill last I fact
evident one, is that a pillar my upper lip. He thought it was a Jane Austin and Caroline Bronte led
Ev with two others, as adventurous i she was his idol, so we put a doll in
will . show that the present re­ | irregularly fixed, so that the press- rosebud. When he went away it retired lives, but they bad the power
B poverty stricken as himself. . the carriage, closely veiled, so he past
in postage was long ago I ure would be in the direction of the looked like a gladiola bulb. I perpetually to pass out of their cir­
■ning « train of twelve schooners cannot see it» face, and let him wheel duction
agitated by men who foresaw its ad­ ' diagonal, is reduced to one-third of wrapped a wet sheet around it to cumscribed individuality to that of
Ky accomplished th«r perilous nn it arouud. But ite 60 deceptive.”
take out. the warmth, an reduce the others, and the genius to retain and
vantages. Ex-Postmaster General I its strength.
Staking, arriving at Santa Fe, N.
Just then the littleohlman paused, Hall in his report of 1850 recom­ Textile fabrics made from sponge swelling so that I could go through turn to account the fleeting impres­
■ in the best of spirts. Accorn , left the little child with the carriage,, mended a reduction of inland post­
the folding doors and tell my wife sions of their passing contact with
Kird by a Southern I te Indian, , and came back to where the girl was age—from the then prevailing rate I constitute one of the novelties in about it
individuals. The darlings and the
■o served as a guide and a passport j seated.
Hornets lit all over me and walked ornaments of society are the women
■ safety, they reached the north | He put his face close to hers and | tance of less than 300 miles, and for
on my person. I did not who can throw themeelves best into
| drawn. The sponge is first eleaned around
■kof the Gunnison. Thence they | whispered:
dare to scrape them off because they the interests of the moment; if to
Kned the Elk Mountains and be
“What was it,” he asked, “that j
rate of 3 cents on a prepaid ; seme weeks -all the organic matter are so sensitive. You have to be this sensitive nature belongs a native
■ b excavating among the gulches of they carried away in the little white uniform
carried any distance not , being thus decomposed, only the very guarded in your conduct toward sincerity, confidence is attracted, and
■it is now I’itkin County. Fortune hearse ?”
friendships made and retained. Mad
miles. Ex President : pure fibrous skeleton remaining. The a hornet.
■ored them, and they soon located
I remember once while I was time Recamire is, perhaps, the test
The poor girl turned away het­ Fillmore, on December 2, 1850, called sponge, however, when purified, is
Ee valuable placer mines.
attention of Congress to his Post­ liable to become exceedingly hard, watching the busy little hornet type of this gift of social sympathy
Bn a few years O'Brien returned to [ “Flowers,” she said; “only fl»wer», j the
General’s suggestion. The | and consequently unfit for use as a gathering honey and June bugs allied to a certain reality of nature.
E Southern Ute county, where he : grandpa.”
was acceded to, and 3- ' material to be thus woven into cloth. from the bosom of a rose, years ago, She attracted the best and most
Id made friends with the natives.
“I wonder,” the little old man cent postage under 3,000 miles be- To obviate this, the sponge is first I stirred him up with a club, more gifted of her time. When age had
I had amassed wealth, and was now mused, “why they all turn their faces 'came a law in 1851. Iu 1862 a com immersed in water, containing from as a practical joke than anything marred her beauty, poverty succeed­
■posed to live leisurely. He had when they tell me what they carried j mittee appointed by business men ten to twenty per cent of glycerine, else, and he came and lit on my ed wealth, and partial blindness made
■ven up all thoughts of returning to ' iu the little white liearae.”
Congress for postal reform, then squeezed till dry, after which sunny hair—that was when I wore her infirm, her anion in the Abbaye
Bland, and when Chief Ouray, of I Then he went to the carriage again i petitioned
including a reduction in domestic it is entirely soft and elastic. In my own hair—and ho walked around aux Bois was still the resort of emi­
■el’tes, suggested that he should 1 and chirped like the merry little old j letter postage to 2 cents per letter. this condition it is cut into small through my gleaming tresses quite nent men and women of the period.
Ike up the tract of country near him, | man that he was.
The late Peter Cooper was on the pieces, then put through the card­ awhile, making tracks as large as a She was not a wit, she was always
| readily consented, realizing at
“Flowers, only flowers,” the re committee. Ex-Postmaster General ing process, and felted. Only cer­ watermelon ali over my head. If somewhat shy; but she had the wish
Ice the advantage to be gained by ! perter beard him murmur, as he I James in 1882 recommended the in- tain qualities of sponge, however, he hadn’t run out of tracks my to win love rather than admiration,
la old chief’s friendship. Stock wheeled the doll away.—[New York i troduction of the 2-cent rate, giving are capable of being spun—one of head would have looked like a load and possessed the tact of drawing
lising was then unknown to this re­ ■ World.
cogent reasons for its desirability these, known as “chiponl,” being of summer squashes. I remember out the best gifts iu others. She had
Ion, and in Texas it was in its in
and feasibility. President Arthur, in specially valuable for its compara­ 1 had to thump my head against the genius of friendship; her stead
Incy. Taking advantage of his op-
his message dated December 4, 1882, tively long fibre. Thus prepared, the smoke bouse in order to smash fastness could not be shaken. Sym­
Irtiinities, be went into vtock rais
In sweeping do not scrub your j strongly recommended the 2-cent rate the substance may be incorporated him. and I had to comb him out pathy gives an angelic grace to virtue.
Ig as soon as the country began to broom into your carpet as if you to the consideration of the House. with fibrous and textile materials, afterward with a fine comb and wear —| Rural New Yorker.
Ken and succeeded beyond Ins ex were sawing a pine board, but sweep The two houses made it a law in with or without other admixtures.
a waste-paper basket two weeks for
He has now eight lightly and gently, and you will get I January. 1883.
a hat.
Inches, aggregating eighty miles the dust together just as well, save
Much has been said of the hornet,
Some young ladies are very expert
■nare, with a water-line of 40,000 making half the dust, besides saving
but he has an odd, quaint way after
ing specific rates of postage was forward—silent in its action, having
with type writers. The Railway Ex­
a great deal in the wear of the car passed February 20, 1792. The no dead centre, and of remarkable all that is forever new.—[Bill Nye.
position closed yesterday, and it is
IO’Brien lives hie expatriation here pets. Many housekeepers wonder
now in order to tell the following
I contentment. It is a beautiful why their carpets do not last as well charge then on a single letter (one I>ower. In the crank there is a shaft
of paper) carried lees than sixty or arm which passes through a ball
story in point of the pretty blonde
lace. At bis door runs the Rio as their neighbors, which were put sheet
Irande del Norte and in the die down at about the same time, or why miles was fixed at 8 cents. The max- having a circular plate npon it, and, young man who has heretofore borne young lady whose taper fingers played
charge was 65 cents for a single the plate moving as it does upon
a type writer on exhibition there.
Ince towers the Sierra Blanc«, al this carpet does not wear as well as ’ imum
letter, when conveyed over 450 miles. two cones, the water comes in in the the reputation of being the wicked­ Two youths in hwo II attire stepped
lo6t 15,000 feet above the sea. The a previous one of the same kind, and Other
acts in 1790, 1810, 1816 and I shape of a wedge, traveling round est fellow in the section where he before her booth one day during the
iocky Mountains run their irregular the weaver gets the blame, when nine 1825 were
not productive of any sen until it gets to the outlet: this action lived. A very interesting revival Exposition, and one of them naked
knrse to the north and south as far times out of ten it is the sweeper who | sible diminution
the minimum takes place on both sides, and thus took place not long ago, and much for a sample of type writing. Quick­
Is the eye can reach, sloping down to is to blame. We don't care how ' rate of postage, the in changes
be­ the power is transmitted to the interest was manifested. One of the ly her lingers flew over the keys, and
liothills and then sweeping off into smart our help is in other ways, if ing principally in the scaling made
through stuffing boxes. On ministers approached the young man a slip of paper inscribed, “This is a
rently undulating country, rich in she digs her broom into the carpets according to greater or less distance crank
is a guide block con­ and asked if he had a Bible, and he sample of So and So’s type writer,”
Inffalo. niesquit aud gramma grasses, in that pitching, scrubbing way of transportation. The act of March nected to there
the centre shaft, replied negatively. The good man was handed to the youth. “Pretty
lishome lies in the shaded depths which so many do, we begin to feel 5, 1845, marked the dawn of cheap which prevents on
revolving, advised him to buy one and take it little hand, isn’t it I” murmured his
If an adjacent grove. It is such a nervous, and wish the “help” was postage. Just prior to tho aforesaid and also takes the plate
’ the home and read it. • He said he had companion. The girl colored, but
Inilding as might be found any somewhere else, for we know how act the postage on a single letter was I working parts. There is no oil slide
no money to throw away on Bibles.
»here in the South, only a little soon the caiqiet will begin to show it. 6 cents, if conveyed thirty miles or valve or piston, and no friction, ex- Then the minister offered to give devoted herself to plaviug on the
pngher on the outside, perhaps. Nothing in the world sooner spoils i less, 10 cents under eighty miles; 12’ 1 cept through the two stuffing texes. him one, and he refused to take it. machine, “l’retty little hand,” re­
Like the planter, he lives on the pictures, etc., than dust. It gets I cents under 150 miles, and 18| cents Th<-re is one inlet for water, which is He went home and repaired to his peated the young man, pulling his
pound floor, but, unlike the usual into the cracks and corners, where it if carried over 400 miles. By the act divided into two outlets, by passing farm. While in the field an angry mustache and trying to look capti­
llanter, his surroundings are those cannot be get out-, so that we think it. of 1845, the postage was fixed at 5 on each side of the moving plate. cloud came, and soon vivid flashes of vating. Then the girl looked up:
‘ Should you like some typo writing,” •
If luxury and refinement..
best to always dampen the broom be ___ upon a single letter conveyed The simplicity of the principle and lightning began tn play flroniid in the she asked shyly. The young man
His library is the library of a fore sweeping. Some people wear out, cents
any distance under 300 miles and construction, and the efficiency of
bterateur, and it is hero that he the broom all on one side. Nothing is J I 10 cents for any greater distance, action, characterizing this water en­ man. Soon a bolt came along and took the paper gratefully, a sweet and
tender smile of triumph adorning
)*nds his declining days. Statuary more suggestive of carelessness than I Then came a sweeping
reduction gine, render it peculiarly valuable for knocked him winding over the cotton
111 the niches, aud cabinets and this. Wnen sweeping, hold the I through the act of . 1851—3 cents various uses and applications, among rows. The falling rain-drops in his his lips. But the smile faded and a
looking creature sneaked away
farnitiire smooth out the angles in i broom nearly straight up and down,; 1 postage on any prepaid seeing letter these being that, of a substitute for face revived him after a few minutes, sick
from the conquering presence. The
Be walls. On every hand are paint- i and brush rather than sweep, being i conveyed 3,000 miles or less, and 6 | water wheels and turbines.
and he proceded towards the house, naper she gave him read. “This is a
logs and engravings, and the bnc a ,.^{„1 to keep the longest side next [ cents for any greater distance. The
but just before entering the gate he
Chicago dude.”
orac usually to be found in the home . tbe CRr,iet. A broom kept straight I act of March 3, 1855, raised the rate j now made, it appears, by mixing received another shock which laid sample of the
——---- —
>! a recluse is here seen in profu-I will las‘t three times as long as one to 10 cents for letters carried a i disintegrated natural granite with him prostrate and belnloss on the
How Snr D id I t .—“It is very
. allowed to wear out all on one side. I distance exceeding 3,000 miles. The I J a clay,
I ow 4 together
z-v«’rz-»4-1»/»»• uriilx
rrlnc« ground. Reviving again, he went bright paper,” said Mrs. Jones, “but
with nmivulrxzl
pounded glass,
Do I expect to return to Europe? ,
---------- --------------
I act of 1853 prescribed the present j
So! I am an American citizen, and
man in Ohio a few nights ago rate on domestic postage of 3 cents lava, and iron slags. The disinte­ the ordeal he had just passed through iny husband does not like me to
granite is obtained by sub and how near he had approached read it It is so full of naughty
meh I shall remain. The only waH roused out of his slumbers by a per half ounce, regardless of the dis­ grated
fragments of ordinary gran
— he says.”
finest I could reasonably ask bnrg]ar. He pursued the fellow with tance carried.
Next day he went to town, witticisms
ite to a strong heat, by which it be­ death.
“That is just what my husband
11 the hands of my country- a shotgun, but did not succeed in
The question is being discussed as comes a granitic sand, the constituent
says,” said Mrs. Smith; but he brings
bmi would be to see that my life- shooting him. Soon the burglar
the effect the reduction will have ' parts—quartz or feldspar—possessing during the gracious revival, and em home a copy every week—having
Jess bones were laid among those eame to a river and plunged in, but to
the revenues of the Postal De-1 I great power of adhesion. One part
merely cut out the improper para
my ancestry. That much I shall ' nof being a swimmer he sank and upon
partment, involving, as it does, a loss I of this sand is then mixed with an stance where a man got religion by graphs. Of course 1 buy another
expect of them when the time comes. waB drowned. Ami now the grand of
33J per cent. Many people are equal quantity of pounded glass, or
•nd that time. I think, is not far ;,lrv has indicted the householder for disposed
to think the effect will be | the constituents of glass, or lava, or ord.
“Then he might as well have
distant.” — [Correspondence l’hila-1 mnrder in the trrs? degree for not to add a stimulus
to correspondence. iron slag, to which is added from
Last year Henry Rochefort became saved himself the trouble of supply
delphia Press.
| going to the assistance of the drown­ The history of past
reduction in our twenty to thirty parts of refractory a familiar figure at all the race meet­ ing a mutilated one.”
ing man. This is strange, in view of
“Indeed, no; it is very useful. One
T he L atest H andxxrchiiv N on the fact that had he previously shot . postal rates lends conviction to their clay, or thirty to fifty parts of ordi- ings in Paris. This vear he has held
J"“ Fana and parasols will not be J” p" rglar nothing would have been speculations. It is a noteworthy fact | nary clay. This mixture is thor­ himself almost aloof from the turf, cannot read an entire newspaiier. I
: 1 in connection
*°reniost as it looks now, in the line |th8 1 nr -.
K . . r u
connectioi with these statements oughly kneaded together, with water The inference is that he has teen lay his copy over mine, and read
that jn 1839, before the introduction | sufficient to insure a pasty consist­ rather severely ‘•bitten.” It is re through the holes.”
of devices for bewitchery. You have done to mm-
seen the trick of the old fashioned | A floating item say» that there are of penny postage (equal to our 2 ency, then moulded to any form re­ lated that Rochefort once entered a
Mr. Francis D. Lacy of Nirvana,
--- "v and
‘« ova - it
ii is
in Sometimes
oriinctiiuvo practised ' npwal ds of seven I thousand different cents) into Great Britain, the num quired, and submitted to such a heat club. Hie inherent taste for gam
the young ones of »1.«
the T.nr.M.1
period, in 1 Cl/wv. JU-! of - g --
8h known to science. ber of letters passing through the ' I as will vitrify the mass for some thir- bling led him at once to the bacea Midi., is preparing to enter the lec
producing a letter on the stage. She Just think of that, ye fishermen! United Kingdom with a population of i ty-six hours, thus converting it into rat table, where he played recklessly ture field. Mr. Lacy is the author
never takes it from a pocket, but al Seven thousand different kinds of 26,000,000, was three per capita. In a most durable substance resembling and lost heavily. That, was club of two volumes which have given
him prominence iu literary circles.
’»ys from her bosom. That is peen | fish, and still you have sat for hours 1882 the number per capita was 1! granite. It mav be readily moulded experience enough for him.
The gentleman is said to be an at
lilrly seductive, »he calculates. How on an old stump in the hot sun. thirty-five, with a population of ' into any forms desired, thus adapting
“It is more blessed to give than to tractive public speaker.
“• babies must envy the inappre- praving for a bite, and it didn t 31,000,000, and in its last official an it for various kinds of buildings, also
__ „_______
man said when
eistive missive! Well, handkerchiefs seem that a single, solitary fish came nual report the British Post Office ‘ for fortificutione, docks, and other receive,’ .. as the young
Mr. George C. Miln is expected
ere being used by New York girls on within nine miles of vour bait Had showed a net revenue of <13,750.020 1 engineering structures, and especial- he imprinted a kiss on his sw«*etheart's
’be same alluring principle. The, you known how many thousand dif on the basis of penny postage. There ly for pavements, on account of ‘ its lips. “I think so. too,” she replied, from Europe this month and will,
as she returndd the salute, and thus in all probability, be able to keep
dainty batiste article, trimmed with j ferent species of fish how mad, how are others who consider that the peculiar hardness.
post al-card completely tills the bill as
two hearts were made happy by a his word to the effect that, fate not
fine lace, instead of being consign*! madder, you would have been.
City boarder to farm hand: “Why single quotation.
to cheap postage, and that the re
preventing, he would attend the
to a pocket, is thrust half way into .
------- » »<»« ------—x
Rochester Convention and address
“• bosom, a button of the bodice
A well meaning person gives hints \ duction will result in seriously crip­ does that odd looking fowl make that
that distinguished brxly. Mr. Miln
“ring left open for the purpose. telling “How to live on seventy-five pling the revenue of the Post Office
Thence it is occasionally drawn out cents a week.” There is such a thing for year» to come. They think that the jest crowed? Oh, that's jest away age. When all other resources fail is certain to receive a warm and en
«arm. scented and sentimentalized, as being too close, and most editors newspapers should have had the he has, ma'am of signifvin' that he's the patent medicine certificate al- thusiastic reception
high flyer from up the creek, and
to be employed with tremendous ef- will just keep on squandering eighty Preference in reduction of postage. a tbiChe
happy because he ain’t old way»' stands with a smiling face and
"Ct in flirtation.
I cents a week, even if they see ruin j taxation of newspapers they con enough is
Mistress Kay's epitaph sums up the
by eleven years to make a pot bids them joyous welcome to almanac
side.- a tax upon the intelligence of
life of a model wife in quaint phrase.
. The first newspaper was published
pie for su miner boarders.”
, tLe country.
ln England in 1588.