: ■ ' — Í1 ? ■ f at VOLL HF till. XO 91 the reporter Mbllihid Every Thursiay, at JIM.NN VILLE : : OU IGO N BY A. V. B». SKYEER. Editor and Proprietor. SI IISCHIPT1ON HAT FS, W11INNVIL.IÆ NOUTH YAMHIES,. I CATARRH CURED, health and s'vwt breath Aug.27,1383. secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy, Price Mr. Ed Long, of French Prairie, was ovar‘fi0 cent», Nasal Injector free. Sold by Rogers last week to visit bis mother, Mrs. Win. Ball. I Todd. Born, Aug. 23rd, 1883, to the wife of James WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Hartford, u daughter. Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitahzor is guaran- eed to cure you. Sold by Rogers A Todd. .. Mrs. James Smith and Miss Minnie Laush- liu, of Forest Grove, have been visiting their SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by brother, Mr. Thomas Laughlin. They were that terrible cough. Shiloh’a (Jure ia the rem* accompanied by Miss Nettie Lee, also of the edy for you. Bold by Rogers alc ou f&ecAsouable loruiw. Physician and Surgeon, (Successor to M. Feker,) Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular Women and Children. All calls promptly attended to. The best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit­ Residence—at Mrs. Talmage's. 7mfi. ters, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the best ot cigars, and the justly celebrated Ban W. g. BAX BET. O. G. B15GQAM, Francisco Lager Beer. McMinnville. Salem. Third SI., • • McMiuuvllle, Or. attention given to diseases of RAMSEY &L BINGHAM ¿tftorneys at Latr Office of Geo. O. Bingham, Notary Public- one door West of Furniture Store, McMINSVILLE Of fc*>—Mieridau, Yamhill < o., tircffcit Particular attention given to Conveyancing Collecting, Buying and Belling Real Estate. ATTORNEY AT UT AND NCTA3Y PUBLIC - OREGOX. - nnHI? HOTEL 18 FTR8T-CLASS in every par- A ticular, being turniahed with all modern DR W, A B. MILLS, appliances, and setting before its guests only the beat the market affords. f^FFICE at F. A. Hill's Drug Store, Dayton, Sam pie-room for the especial acccrmmodaticm Oregon. 6tf. of Commercial Men. EemBmber the place- at the depot. SOïaX) AGAXK. J. B. B.OSB, House, Carriage, Sign and “ Len’me yor knife, pipe an’ tobaccy, an’ SAW MILLS, fumble yer pocket fer a match while I load the Ornamental Painter, dudeen.” Which being interpreted, means that FLOURING MILLS, TCcHinnvlIle, ... Oregon. 2 H. WELCH CITY LOTS AND Fainting done in the neatebt btyle, on the Has bought Harry Robertson’» stock of Cigars, TOWN PROPERTY. Tobacco, Candy and Notions which be propos­ shortest notice and at the most reabonable I’ xrtio* deoiriiiff to purchase should es to sell as low as is consistent with the Prices. Shop in the old Beury building on bird between A and B Sts. 6tf. call uud see ui or write for circular. law of live-and-let-live. And having set up a KABRER CHAIR STERLING F. MARRING ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONVEYANCER **• Real Estate and Collecting Agent, and N’< • tary Public All work pertaining to this line attended to promptly and reliably, Also, man­ ufacturer and repairer of Boots and Sbo. All work done with neatness and dispatch Head- quar’ei'd under Odd Fellows' Hall, McMinnville, Oregon. h9t A MUTCHLER, Dayton, Oregon Is prepared to do slashing and grabbing with soda pop and oranges for 6ale under the Pho­ tograph Gallerv at McMinns ille. A farm of 360 acres, 7 miles south west of H. H. WELCH. McMinnville, Or.; 200, acres in cultivation, 60 more easily fitted tor the plow ; 100 acre i tim­ ber and pasture, good buildings, orchard and For fettle plenty of small fruits, house and barn supplied by pipes with running water. Soil Desirable property in the town of Sheridan excellent ; no waste land ; lies on county road in an old settled neighborhood, with school and Yamhill County, consisting of & blacksmith church close by. Price $23.00 per acre. En­ shop, wagon 6hon, good dwelling bouse, barn, lumber and woou sbed. quire of WARREN. MAGERS A FRINK. Enquire of Reul Estate Agents. McMinnville, Oregon. 23tf CHAS. LAFOLLETT. 47tf. Sheridan, Oregon. FOR SALE. ! Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, made Notice to Hunters from the best material and best workmanship. Notice is hereby given that all persons tres­ Painting and trimming done to order. passing upon ray premises—the Young farm, General Blacksmith and Rcpuirer. on the south side of the Yamhill River, two Horse-shoeing a specialty. 27tf miles north-east ot McMinnville—after this dute, will be dealt tyith according to law. Se­ curity to mv property demands this action. J. J. SPENCER. 1185,31, 1EILK: MILK!! Aug. 2nd, 1883—20ts. The undersigned wishes to inform »he peo­ ple of McMinnville that he is running a Afilk Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing lie best of milk at the most reasonable rates.— Those wishing to be supplied with the article at once can do so by leaving orders at the Posf- office. W. G. DAVIS. Fran'c Giltner, of Portland, was in town Aug. 26, 1883. hut wt k. Wc uuderetand that he intends Mrs. Hall, of Portland, who has been vis­ vurch 'Mng the saloon at this place, owned by Adam Rossner, and would take charge iting nt Ezra Woodward’s and Jno. Brown’«, returned home Tuesday. sòme tune during next month. » L loyd . Miss Jones, of Dayton, has been visiting the Missea Heater, near thia place. R. Everat has oommenood harvesting his hops, lie reports a good crop. LAFAVBTT3. August 27, 1883. David J. Wood and N. Y. MoCollum, with Notwiih ' mdtng ’he pessimistic predic­ their families, will »tart tor their future home in Washington Territory in a few TICKER. tions. tn year, w» far, bus proven both fruitful mid healthy. That the general weeks. health is ; ><>d, in this section at least, is Lee Smith and Fi nd Blair have finished pi »ven I the fact that in a (Mjpulution ot digging Jus. ¿Ioskina’ well; depth, 71 foot. about i,500 in this p vuinct there have been Messrs. I). Evertt, Heater and Jones, with only two deaths tins year. And as a further th ? '' ä ’ 9 proof 1 may relate that, of four doctor«, one their families, start f >r the coast in a few is o I > a ¡(during tour, one is farming,one days. is ut San Francisco attending the conclave M c M innville , - - oikegon There is a g’‘oil de d of sickness in this i.■!|( - p.iiitniiv walttag for place, nt pres.mt. Mm. Sade Smith has been Office-rOue door east of Hartman’s brick. sotuj’> dy to call for his services. ■ iiiito si(d< with intermittent fever, but is Thit tile year is fruitful is proven by the better. M irs Laura Drutsdmr aud Ham l nnglting Gas administered for painless ex­ fHot lim »ports from 35 farmers give an av- Hutchins are very sick. Dr. Lyle, of Mid­ tracting. •raqe yield of buahels to the uore of dleton, is attending them. whu;it sown b for* the 1st of April. Later Ilainsey Bros, broke the crown wlioel of sowa . ii i i vet to hear from, with tiny r’a » y. Tholow.iSt yield 1 hear of is 13 their thresher, Friday, and will hava to lay bush* to th a cm ; next, 1'.); all others up for the rest of thu season. rnnee from J > 1» g), and one, a small piece \. D. Flint, of Portland, visited this place Take» pleasure in inviting the attcnti'?h of the that -urea I • rod th« frost, had 61 bushels to on bnsin.ua Monday. Mr. Flint* r< present» public to L ib new aud tine sttvk of ♦bea«v.‘. On«» fact, plainly to be observed, Watson. Wright .’>■ <’•»., one of the solid isthitt th • ( uiiornia aee I bits made the best business bouQos of Portland. 0EUJ3, swioum, PATENT MEDI­ yield . , . tlity and quality and pluiu|>- CINES, CNTLEBY. SCEOCL BCOES, new of f.i.iiu. The early grain is all cut and I. G. Moon lost hi« watch while working nnd ii i!y all threshed, and fanuers are bo- •>n the residence of J. Hobs- a, Saturday, but (1C.AR* AVI» TOBACCO. ginni i: «• i th> late, a * we may confidently was made happy by its recovery Monday expoc*. t > t t- cl«»sa of the month will very morning. Preieriptions carefully compounded and nearly • » the close of tho harvest. Dr. Jessup intends going back to Iowa on charges reasonable. Wv ar • •’bout to lo.se one of our beat citi- A visit, about the middle of Sept. ttn.’.. J, . T. H: mbret», Eaq.. w going to move C huo E m <1 Co. to Portl: 2nd rbout the la*t of the month.— f i like it unib"” Lafay* t BU-RSOAiy. “ Uae'e •n,” who hits lived here and been Aujuat 27,1889. our ebb« lu.m .......... for 40 y£ars, he having — set- tied i ’L i iv tie and* built tho first bouse E ditob IltroETEB On last Sunday morn­ hilHIi.......................... ... tons tliinke H p haq rusticated snongh i .w, - id will try a metropolitan life ing a wsek ago, Mr. H. C. Bowell callod at forav.h ___ V* all, ______ good _____ look attend him; my house and informed nie that tbo tiro was may |,i > be uh prosperous in Portland na Jangerouslv near a small farm of mine on here. . i vette will cheerfully rsoommend, Trawlord Creek, near Grand Konde, and \tuna to bi« now neighbors. Sunday evening Mr. Joe Thorp kindly car­ WOTMaiTTp ried me in his buggy to h.s home, and early In m- gt I I nd Charley Jsoobs married Monday morning 1 ’was ou the premises, but it alioukl have l»een at North concluded that there was no immediate dan­ Lafayette, Ort-gou. M l)a. • Yawl’. 1 • ’ t the st < node wag at Dayton.— ger. Tuesiii.y, However, we had to com- I gut th i t « Utile mixed. nienoo work in earnest. We used hoe and r four prisoners, now—one for ground from two to four feet wide around nUEL.CO.TLE ttu? • nc t »r iii ion, cue for burglary and che exposed part of the premises, and when one fur horse'Stealing. the wind waa right, set firs on tho outside of the path. By dint of working and wat<-hing Will fin ! it to Me - v 7 ¡¡. v i Diudolu, of the Lafayette for seven days we succeed, 1 in saving the Hen- n Is, are making preparations for iniproreru.nlrt. At one tire, about sun down *n en. < nt of bnalnega. Tncv have fix there was within one hundred and iiftyyards •d up t '?:”p,«»n warehouse and will »tore >t the funning not less than fifty large dead, tilth- iney onn pet in it, «nd Ro I* fir trees aflame from the etvtind to the cop To call at the above Saloon. * ° rood portion of th« neighbor- making s roaring noi«1 like a cvolone ; but I keep constantly on hand the F n«»*t Wines t ! then bv Having the extra the wiud favored us again and we weio suo aud L ’ quors for Family and Medicinal use. ■t • ppi ng it here after it Lua been oeasfu!. The dr. is moving slow y down tip- lOlt-’i rA’WLl.L, Froprirtvr. l.u vhora. on the farms, and uni, -s it rstns eoon they 4U. MoMir nvil.e ty M Dr. Calbreath waa com will have to be saved t v hard work and con­ ’ n Carlton, and when but r stant watching. Th. bi. drift on Crawford t •’.<. • t.iiR Mdo of that place, his Creek hits been burning several days. Time­ ven. for which we d ( cad lu the road. The Dr ly nnd sufficient aid w. IL C. Rowell,I • ver the cause, of tlie sudden are trtdv thankful, bv M Gals' Wieser. M. 0. Morris nd the family of the latter. Without tha.r h-'p we would have t J. H. Clark, formerly a aaloon tost tho improvements ou the form. • pbov. h now at Kalema. W.T. Wheat and oits ar.' turning out rathsr , 4 tl.e position of night watch. light naar Grand E nde. DEALER IS There more grants to ths sqnsre a -re 1 ♦ the citizen* of tl.iRplaor met at ’ and elected a oommhtee tn in the orert bottom on tuv n'aes t'"n r.ny WATUHES, ' Y ' Villard, when he arrive* at other farm in Polk muntv—A-.van in bv the 4 '» d endeavor to find out when the fire, 1 suppose—and the tre’pi.a law will not j clocks « R« I’n'-ul will ba finished, if be enforced. JEWELRY, Ct«« Lirotxsrr. • ’U mitfee oonaiata of W. T>. . 1 Purbenk, IT. R. Littlefield, SPECTACLE«, Etc., nnd R. r. Bird. I under r«*r Lam* Back, i le «r Ched fhiloh’s 1 v vbcrv and Strinutown will al.ir Phmusi Plaster. Prie» 25 cen’s. Sold by Roger* n the Brick Srore, corner M »nJ Jefli-ecn ft't *•>'on the »«<'ma errand, A* th* * To-i l I. AFAVFTTF, • • OKt\,O> be then driven, and Mr. Vi! atty Rood (if Juat after din- ••HACK MET ACK « Is* I «ni f-is-rn H ‘a!rk Repairing and Job­ .r listen with a kindly ear. and • • mast eventually be done; it perfume. Price 25 f nd 50 cenU. Suhl by K*'C* bing a Specialty. .ope to. H at . en A T^dd. w a FRANK A. XUIX, DR. E HOWELL YOUR ADVANTAGE T. C. STEPHENS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER & ENGRAVER. ,: Pioneer Brick Yard Thousands ot Brick, of the best qu omlity. ’ now • n band and will oonsuinily be Kept at the brick vanl of A. C. SAYLOrt, "FrlZinn villc, - • Oregon. LOTS FOR SALE. Having purchased of Mr. W. T. Newby the well-known McMinnville Warehouse, I shall lx prepared to store this season’s crop on as i.ivnrable terms as can be done in McMinn vula, and shall be ready at all times to pay Cash for Crain, ¿\FFIOE—up stairs over Manning’s Tin Vz Store, McMinnville, Oregon Particular attention paid to diseases of wo­ men and Children. If not in office, an be| fonnd by enquiring vt either of the drug stores. p. 8—Patients have the right to have their Prescriptions filled where they choose. M’CAIN & HURLEY, J OT8 Noe. 1,2 and 3, in Block No. 19, Row- .7 TTTOIWJEYSdTL.l W, land's addition are offered for sale at a bar­ —uul-- gain. Fme location near the depot—-just satt of the residence of L. H. Cook, on the east side NOTARIES PUBLIC, of railroad track, on Third Street. The three lota will be sold lor 8400, if applied for soon. Lafajnerte, • • • Oregon GEORGE WILLI», Jr. Offic*>—Jail Building, up stairs. 33tf. McMinuville, May 24, ’83—lltf. J. E MAGERS, ST. CHARLES Saline:: Promptly Attsndai to, HOTEL, F 3ZUXZTNBR, Prop., A tt ' y at L aw & N otary PvBii Corner Third and B streets, • - IttCJlINNVILLF. OREGON. Newhouse! New furniture! unsurpassed in i^TFICE—One Door East of Pest Office, the country. Rates—$1 to 82 per day, accord­ McMinnville, Oregon. 50yl. ing to room. 6ingle Qieals, 25 cents. Lodg­ ing, 25 to 50 cents, according to room. Board and Lodging, 84 to $6, per week. Fine Sample Rooms and superior accommodations for com­ W. A. FENTON, mercial t. *n. Supper furnished Balls and parties at rea&onabje rates. Give me a call Boot and Shoe Maker, and bee for yourselves. Having secured entire control of the yard formerly run by C. G. Saylor, the above named proprietor start6 out with the intention of man- u torturing and supplying ibis public with SHERIDAN, OREGON. brick in any quantity, of a quality guaran­ teed to be as good as the best, and at prices as low a» the lowest. The finest stock of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers, A suitable reduction to parties purchasing Etc. in Yamhill County large lots. CHEAP FOR CASH. Give me a call and see for yourself. Boots and Shoes manufactured to order and 14tf A. C. SAYLOR. neatly repaired. All work and goods warranted. Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon. 31 m3. ATTENTION ! Notice to Fa liners ! w. H. BOYD, M. D . SURGEON & PHYSICIAN. GAINES FISHER, Horses Boarded by the Dav, Week or Mouth. < NEW BILLIARD HALL IN JOHNSON’S BRICK, Lafayette, Oregon. The Purest Wines and Liauors kept constant­ ly on band. Cigars of the oeFt brand» and ouo of the best Billiard Tables in the State, found JOHN HULERY, Proprietor. Special Attention given to Transient Stock. Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. J. C. COOPER Corner Commercial and Trade Sts., CcTOty Surveyor SALEM, • • - -AXO- OREGON. it its higuost market value. Will also be pre­ pared to Satisfaction Guaranteed LOAN SACKS TO FAK.YIEltS, BOSS SALOON CIVIL ENGINEER, McMinnville. Or. I have all the field notes ot the Public Surveys of Yamhill oounty . and am prepared to do First-Clase work on short notice and reasonable terms. ard for said lean will require the sacks return­ ed filled with grain to mv warehouse. Soliciting n share of your patronage. I shall in roluru therefor endeavor to give you satis­ faction. W. A. WELLS. McMinnville, Or., June 28,1883.—mfi. McMinnville, • Oregon, A. ENNIS, Proprietor. Shi-iglss, Shingles ! Tbe Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept *. a. uminuD, constantly on band. l/-4m3. Viider Odd Fellows' Hall, J. F. CALBRKATR, B. 9. 1 HE FINEST SAWED MflNGLBR ever made in this section are now being man- ufnctured at Custer Post Band, Mcyiinuvil|e, Oregon, Miller & Bowers’ Shingle Mill. Is now prepared to furnish music for Pio-Nies, Celebrations, etc., on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Address Cheap es the cheapest and good as the best. A. V. fl. ANYt. z.R, Lewder, Look at them. 4tf. McMinnville, Oregon. Enquire of F. W. REDMOND. Agent, at McMinnville, or of fim!o.-3 MILLER A BOWERS. DAYTON SALOON. IF YOU WANT TO BUY FI ÆK I>5V Æ lì E, rRAAK GILTMER. • M. D Littlefield & Calbreath, Physicians and Surgeons, Lafayotte, Oregon. SVRGF.RY A SPECIALTY. BUM! BUM! BUM! Propri .»or The best brands of Liquore, Wines and Ci ga-s kent for aale. When you go tn Day tot call and see Frank. lltf. I I OF ALL KINDS. tw - nztitrs , R. SHANE, OR P HOTOG EJPIIER, Agricult’ral Implem'ts, Has returned to hie o! I stand—up stairs in Si monde’ building—with a new equipment of utena'la tor bis work, and ia now prepared to take OF EVERY KIND. GO TO D. I. CORKER, LxfayetU, Or ¿¿on. Pictures of all Kinds. Job Printing, • 2T That’s the racket. Wheat Receipts, and Sale Bill«, "V Besides everything •'Ire in the From a small • se tin-type to a large Cabinet line, as g