Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, August 23, 1883, Image 5

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    0IK PEER-'UHB.
C’.ub fishing don’t “ puu.”
Vaterinelons in the market.
.pk-3 are selling at $1 p .-r bush. 1.
I , inks to deputy Clerk Talmage for
\ > trouble ,0 show goods at Rues and
Fos :er’s-
.nde sold very reasonable at Russ
jdg Foster o.
i nip Z pbvr in all colors at R ush
sad J'ottor’s. •
i von want a good Plow, buy a
jfor.'isan, of E. X. Harding.
B ink Deeds for sale by S nyder the
,1;;K> at the R eporter office.
.. J, B. Morris, of Daytou, W. T.,
1 paving her relatives and many
•rk ids a visit.
p> not forgot the old and reliable
• . , -, e Cultivator, Seeds and Drills
¡‘ ,r Je by E. X. Harding.
' Dead", of Portland has been up
■ hi' relatives on South Yamhill
• Henderson»—a visit.
” A. Lefever, the railroad man, of
• '
ba > a large contract on the
,1s of the Willamette.
'dei'S ore used but little in this
, ■■ an, most of the xra>n being cut
v; twine and wire binders.
’ ” Coulee, of West Chahuleiu, fell
P p a plum tree one day last week
,1 .vas considerably bruised.
> on was born to the wife of L. H.
on tlio 17th inst., bnt the child
if. tie following evening at 7 o’clock.
Retta Rash, of Monmouth, spent
" ■
li friends and relatives in
aviJIe, returning hotneonMon-
ted —Dy
a young lady of Me-
ii,, a situation as teacher. For
• -.irumtion apply at this of-
'.7 Campbell, of Portland, a ue-
' < . 'iir townsman, Wm. Campbell,
family, is paying McMinnville
Jr. t one year from the date that Mrs.
■ is killed—August 17th—her
•1 murderer, G. W. Smith was
/ farmer wanting a No. 1 Wa­
it. J ild go to Hodson’s and buy the
¡5.- aj er than they cau bo bad in
}■ . ...d.
p '.'.am & Ogden, the Carlton mer-
. ve failed and their stock and
into the bands of *a
,.n you get ready to put in your
F : .r..:u. fto to Hodson’s and buy a
.la Harrow and Seeder combined.
It in tho boac.
?i vV. 8. Frink has associated him-
'. • j' l Messrs. Warren & Magers in
estate business. This makec
• 1 the use Baptist Church has'
hand judging from tlio looks
of ■ , rick foundation the buildiDg
■.. ill . .. commodious one.
I irlcigh, the old veterinary sur-
"• - >. ?.o, for some time resided at
tli , . v, but who has been absent for
e, returned last week.
Hoj. W. T. Newby has sold several
• ;o.-emeter .', come to Mrs.Red­
in- hind some to Mr. James Ladd, who
will -i a erect residences at an early
A loot-race has beeu arrainged be-
. .illy Martin and a young man
nun' I Thompson, for $500 a side, the
race to tomo off at Portland, on Sun­
day next.
Mrr..’. C. Caswell last woek returned
from. visit at Souvie’s Island. She
vmpanied by her cousin Mise
'-III- rove, who will make a visit of a
week or .so.
:ple of prolific yield in the plum
■ iiung on our office door last
noon by some pat ty unknown
to u . 1 iiey are “ Green Gagos,” and
tino specimens.
T' A'-wftr learns that the Big
Bay has recently been sur­
vey I by a government officer, and
t ¡
. f and to be a good entrance
for snail vessels.
Enticement" and “ Nor’west”
1 r'-.r brands of cigars received
by R A ,.i re Baker, and they arCci-
k .■
v. ill be enjoyed by all lovers
of a mod smoke.
Mr;. Wm. Campbell and Miss Ella
Gal : ■, of this place, til’d Mrs. C.W.
Tal i j, of Lafayette aud Miss Nellie
R culí .of Salem, came in to seo our
pre- .\iu, last Wednesday. *
Th'Ketchum is the finest wagon
do, in quality of material, dura­
bility, ■
of draft, workmanship, and
; ppcarance it has uo equal.
For a ,;it> by E. X. Harding.
M a .I’—At .the residence of the
i thor, uear Shertuan August
1 3. by llov. G. W. Branson,
Mr. . nk Chapman to Miss Belle Har­
ris. . . of Yamhill County.
T'.. .Vo.-t/.tcesi A’etes has laecu changed
in . > .. being now a four page, 9 col­
ma., .be page. It presents a neater
<• and the change will be ap-
piLC. ...d by its many readers.
Y av Rogers started Tuesday last
-it town to California, intend-
'take in"’ ditiieieiit portions—
;...... Modesto hia headquarters. We
h> — . . acy have a pleaoaul time.
TL . . i. ¡husbek Piano stands uuri-
i . i l.iautyof tone. It is uiiquer-
y the most durable Ptano made
io ta < Curled States, and is sold at
tv prices by Luther Shobe.
J ’. ...g from the amount of gravel
through this place on its
■v .
u the railroad, the track must
. iy ven ballasted most of toe
between tins placo and Port-
- A. D. Howard and wife returned
on .
,- j .. » iu a visit with friends in
* be Dr. says that the trip.
laouirtHiu» with a one-horse
... not •• what it is cracked upto
Mr. A. Blackburn, of Carlton, is
thieslrer, and infoimed m-
one fi... thia seis luat he bad threshed
I"; n . , ?nd that the average yield
mi.. . liiod would be Í row 24 iu JI’
i»u i„ .. j1( r acre. Good!
C i;
Post Band last week received
,ni trmud, Prof. T. H- Par­
rot’. ... £.;. . Portland, a ucat piece of
tui. .
;i.post tl and arranged by him,
. ’-rnnie s Polga," wliicb shows
,(.-u none of bis taste for
“be .
inc boys are proud of the
1 rof. J. D. Hawes, of Portland, hits
The wheat market remains inactive« B. U. HR.IMMX EI Al. VS D. S. & <t.
been elected us Professor of Natural as yet
K. K. H. CO. ET AL.
sciences in the State Normal School at
Moumouth, ¿'id has accepted. This
Deputy Sheriff T. J. Harris, came iu
Following is the last portion of the
makes a Liculty of eirht professors to see us last Friday.
decree in tho above entitled action,
amt teachers besides assi;v.ants.
The Ke.vstoue Commonsence feed cut­
Councilman J. E. Brooks Las com­ ter is tho best. Cali and sea it at E. X dated Aug. 31, 1833, that will un­
doubtedly prove interesting to many
menced the. erection of a new and neat Hardings.
residence in the e, .fern portiou of
treaders of the R eporter :
The circus has come and gone and
‘ ’■'nV
tlm building
“Wherefore, It is adjudged and de­
willhc 3-1x30 foeL t . o-Hirics high, our people have paid in their little dol­ creed by the Court that the defendant,
and will have ur.clieu, woodshed, etc. lar and are happy.
tlie O.egoman Railway Company, Lim­
a (idea.
E. P. Bower, of the Nestucca shingle ited, purchased aud took the said rail­
“Buried Cities Recovered, or Ex­ mills, has been in town plying his paint road .nd other propertv of the Dayton,
plorations iu Bible lauds," a l«>ok of brush a portion of the. week. Says the Sheridan and Grand Ronde Railroad
over 500 hundred pages, is a neat work mills are making lota of shingles and Company and of the Willamette Val­
ley Railroad Company, with notice that
for which Mr. Chas. Gris^on, our live they are selling all they can make.
the same was a trust fund for the pay­
l akery man is agent. Cail and see
thia, and his many other interesting ty of plums. They are t lie “ Bradshaw” ment of the debts aud liabilities due
to the several plaintiff’s ; aud that the
Four of them weigh a pound, and be­ said Oregonian Railway Compan.v Lim­
Mr. S. A. Manning felt oh! so funnv sides being large they are as sweet as ited is the equitable owner of the said
to thiuk that that bait box item, in our honey, uot having the sour, puckerish shares of capital stock subscribed by
last issue was “palmed off, onio gam taste usually found in a plumb.
tho said Joseph Gaston in the D, 8. <Sz
Shatter. It was Manning who paid the
Just then little Peter got his knees G. R. R. K. Co. aud in the W. V. R. R.
25 cents to got this box out of the ex­ up close to his stomach, am! kicked Co., aud that the unpaid amount due
press office. We were misinformed re­ and cried. The doctor said it re­ th, icon is a fund for the payment of
garding the matter.
sembled cholera until an emetic brought debts and liabilities due to the several
When you are done using your farm up several symptoms of melons, cucum­ plaintiffs.
That the raid plaintiffs have aud re­
machinery, house it. We have soon bers, plums, green corn aud a big cover
from the said defendants, the
many machines, that cost handsorae chunk of tobacco. Then he said “ Oh, Oregonian
Railway Company, Limited,
sums of money, used through harvest I see. It’s two aud a half.”
the following sums of money, respect­
and then left in the fields to weather
the blasts of an Oregon winter. All of just now going ou through corrwpon-
Plaintiff B B Branson the sum of
w hich doesn’t pay.
dence from this place to the Ei.-iulay $50,069.25 aDd interest thereon from
the 26th day of July 1883 at the rate
Everybody is interested in the com­
pletion of the Northern Pacific R. R. entirely void of amusement to the by­ of ten per cent, per annum.
Plaintiff W. 8. Powell the sum of
At Portland there will be a celebration stander. and possibly this little tilt may
in honor of its completion, ou Monday be productive of a salutary effect, pro­ >647.36 and interest thereon from
and Tuesday.September 10th and 11th. vided it does not out too personal— July 26, 1883 nt the rate of ten per
Custer Post Band are engaged to play that is if it doesn’t get down too closely cent, per annum.
to facts. Meantime ve local journal­
Plamtiff W. 8. Frink the sum of
for the occasion.
ist looks on with placid indifference $754.16 and interest thereon from the
C. Taylor, Esq., one of Oregon City’s and comfortable peace of mind while 26 day ot July 1883 at the rate of
oldest and most respected citizens of reflecting that for tho nonce ho is not eight per cent, per annum.
days long gone by, but for many years the “meanest newspaper galute” in
Plaintiff D. C. Coleman the sum of
a resident of Dayton, Yamhill county, seventeen counties, and particularly $1,195.85 and interest from July 26,
will be one of the principal ffiembers ot that he is uot a blood-stained target 1883 at 8 per cent, per annum.
the Knight Commanders at the coming for one of those “ Parthian shafts.”
Plaintiff J. M. Keeler tho sum of
conclave iu San Franeinco.— Enlerprits. [Right here our devil chips in that “It $1,181.37 and interest thereon from
July 26, 1883 at S per cent, per an­
While taking a stroll in the suburbs
last Thursday we came upou Hon. IV. ‘exile’ to be slinging his wooden num.
Plaintiff W. S. Powell the further
T. Newby’s brick yard, jnst oast oi
towu, and found that he had lately opinion that he can handle a stick sum of $2,067.35 with interest there­
on since July 26, 1883 at 10 per cent,
burned a new kiln of several hundred
per annum.
thousand, that are said to be of good shaft.”] ________
Plaintiff J. 8. Martin the sum of
quality. Samples of this brick can he
S omething A bout the yield .
$751.45 and interest thereon since
seen at this office.
Harvest has not advanced sufficient­ July 26, 1883 at the rate of 10 per
Mr. Johnson’» blacksmith shop is ly ns yet to afford us any figures to any cent, per annum.
completed and is the best in the coun­ considerable extent concerning the
Plaintiff L. H. Baker tho sum of
ty. In the same quarters Mr. Nelson is yield of grain, but a few items that $74.60 and interest since July 26, ’83
erecting a good-sized wagon shop, nave fallen under our observation will at 10 per cent, per aiyium.
while on the corner Mr. Johnson has serve to give some idea about the mat­
And it is further adjudged and de­
raised the old building and straighten­ ter. Iu Lafayette, a day or two ago, creed that in case the said several
ed it up so that it preseuts a very Jett"Fenton informed us’that a portion plaintiff's shall be unable to enforce
creditable appearance.
of bis father’s crop had beeu threshed, the payment of the sums of money
adjudged to be duo to
Rev. J. 8. McCain, of the Dallas and that a given number of acres esti­ horeinbefore
respectively from the Oregon
Ileiui.-ar and wife, spout Sunday with mated to yield 3,000 bushels had them
Limited, or liable
relatives in McMinnville. They at­ turned out 4,000. Mr. J. F. Cook, near therefor in the first instance,
tended church Sumkiy, and during town,.we learn took 630 bushels from aud iu that case the Oregon that
their adsonce from the homo of Mr. J. a field which he calculated would bare­ Company. Limited, tho legal owner
S. Martin, some pilferer entered the ly go 500 bushels. Mr. Roof just the said shares of capital stock, shall
house and stole several articles of jew­ across tho river had a piece which he he liable for the payment of the said
elry and a pair of kid gloves belonging estimated at 400 bushels and he got several sums of money to the said
to Jlrs. McCain, and which she had left nearly 800 bushels. A dozen cases in plaintiffs in the second instance.
which we cannot recall names just now
lying ou a bed.
And it is further adjudged and de­
report excessive yields of from 25 to
Frank Harding, of the Willamina, 10 p< r cent above estimates, Even the creed that in case the plaintiffs shall
unable to enforce the payment of
has established an apiary and sends ns tabooed “white lands” several miles
a sample of honey that is a curiosity, east of this place are rolling out a the sums of money so due to them
being as white a.i miik and as clear as handiome supply of the " golden cere­ from the Oregonian Railway Company,
crystal. It is very sweet, and free from al.” Wes Houck’s place expected to Limited, or from the Oregon Rail­
that strong taste commonly found in “ squeeze out” 23 bushels to the acre road Company, Limited, that then
honov. Frank has about 800 pounds “hove up” stoutly to the measure of and in that case tho defendant, Ellis
of this article for sale.
32 bushols. And so the story goes, G. Hughes, the seller of thesaid shares
of capital stock to the Oregon Railway
T. D. Henderson says Hi Rummel set without, fxception so tar as reports are Company, Limited shall lie liable for
twice on his place in one div and thresh­ given. The increase is simply aston­ ihe payment ot the sevelal sums of
ed 1270 bushels.—301 of oats and 656 ishing and withal a beam of satisfac­ money to the said plaintiffs in the 3rd
bushels of wheat, putting through tion now hover., pleasantly abour.,the instance.
average farmer’s countenance where
about 800 bnshels in the afternoon and erstwhile
And it is further adjudged and de­
hung a shadow ot misgiving,
quitting at sundown. Ho thinks this anxiety and
gloom. True the gram iu creed that in case the plaintiffs shall
is prettv good for a 28 inch cylinder most instances
unable to enforce the pavmeut of
is more foul than usual,
and ID horse s using 1 grain wagons.
but still it will clean up with a liberal the sum of money due to them from
I. G. Davidson photographer, of margin over the anticipated out turn either or all of the other defendants
Portland Oregon has so extended his and give us a crop which several good adjudged to be liable for the payment
business that its influence is felt in calculators have placed at not furbe­ thereof, that then and in that case the
every nook and corner of the North west low that of preceding years. We shall defendant, Joseph Gaston, the sub­
His portrait work is equal to that of see about that, b.v-and-by. At any scriber tor the said share s of capital
any other artist. No other one. pretends rate there is something grand in the stock, shall be liable for the payment
to compete with him in viewing and properties of the Boil of tho country of the said several sums of motley to
ho do doubt, enlarges more pictures that can overcome such a strain of cli­ the plaintiff, in the last instance.
And it is further adjudged that the
than ail other photographers in the matic drawbacks as Oregon has offered
state. He eitipZoyii
tnozs cnnt.’itiaing during tlie past cropping months, and plaintiffs have and recover of the de-
¿end orders direct to him.
sustain its inhabitants above starva­ tendants their costs and disbursements
let alone yielding them a margin to be taxed ; and that execution lie is­
It is thought by toms that poaches tion.
circuses and other necessary ap- sued to enforce tho payment of the
canuotbe suocefully raised in the Will­ for
said several sums of mouey ar.d costs
amette vallov, but if they bar! _ seen purtauces, aud we are all glad of it.
and disbursements against the said de­
those brought in by M. B. Hendrick,
fendants in the orded of their liabili­
from his premiers at Wheatland, they S tealing M elons .
ties to pay the same.
would know ditferntly. There were
It is further ordered and adjudged
Hon. AV. T. Newby generally raises a
about 20ofthc.se peaches, and none patch
that the plaintiffs’ complaint, so far as
weighed less than six ounces. Mr. Hen­
one this year. Of late lie notn c«i tho samr-seeks to charge the defend­
drick informed us test he ra’icd 50 has
tome person or persons had been ant, William Reid and J. B. Montgom­
bushels of tliischm« est of fruit this sea­ that
the vines, and to find out ery. be and the game is hereby dismiss­
son. For size ana beauty they “lay it molesting
parties Mr. Newbr put a ed
over ” anything we have over seen in guard out Jiondsy
evening. Between
the peach Uno.
eight aud nine o’clock three boys, be­ S ave Y our S traw .
Hero is another evidence of the virtue tween 12 and 13 years old, entered the
During th? year gone by it has been
of printers’ ink: When Mr. Newby lot, hut surmising they wore being the practice throughout Oregon—or
aught the boy stealing the melons, the watched, the urchins took to their this section at least to destroy the
other'-veiling, ho a iked the urchin it heels, but the seutry succeeded in straw. The grain was cut and threshed
lie did “not know that it was against catching one of the three, who told and the straw “ bucked” off into small
the law to steal melons as well as any­ who his companions were, b. gged like piles aud as soon as the threshing ma­
thing eke,” io which the young hopeful a hero and promised never to be caught chine was removed the straw was
replied: “No. You hadn’t put up any in such an act again, whereupon his burned. This looks to us like waste
notices or printed il in the paper. ’ That captor turned him loose. "'Ue withhold and destruction of something that
noy ought to read the ten commandmen­ the names of the boys, this time, but could be made doubly useful and protit-
ts. But Mr. Newby has taken the ad­ should they he caught in such uiisaliief ible. Your stock needs feed, during
vice of the votings i r, and to-day pub- again their parents will find tho names the winter months Imd will do as well
lishes a notice in the R eporter forbid­ of the ir sons in print. Mr. Newby her on clean good straw, as on hay. By
ding persons trespassing upon his prem­ worked hard to raise these melons;: feeding the straw von save many a ton
liberal, and should the boys want to of hay. that will bring you before
oat melons at any time he would give spring, from $15 to $20 per ton, per­
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Turner arrived it to them. Aud by the way he remArka hap at a time when your coffers have
home last week, after an absence.ot that he means to save these melons beet greatly depleted. Besides this
nearly three months, during which from the clutchea[of miscreants—peace- the rich soil of Oregon lauds is not go­
rime thev have visited various portions ibly, if possible ; if not. b.v sbot-gnn ing to rem < in so always without, some
of Eastern Washington Territory and assirtauce. Aud we don’t blame him. sustaining element. Year after year
have had a genoral good tiirni, with
vou tai o away a portion of its lite with
friends and relatives. “Lncle Jim A bout T he P ioneer E xcursion .
die crop» you remove, and as a conse­
,ays that for once he war, tired of hsli-
glean from tlm 8ab -
>■ . quence before many years your land
ing, as iu ¡1 branch of the It hit'1 Sal­ as We
“Mr. Jos. Watts, presi­ will have become lifeless and where
mon, near .Mt. Adams, he could pul dent follows:
the committc in charge to ar­ vo-.i now get a return of from 30 to 50
out the shiny fellows us fast as he was range of for
the Pioneer exenrei >n East bushels per acre, you will reap not
able to tlnow in r.i hook. A grand-
il.e Northern Pacific, b:.s cl o-w.: half that amount. The straw that you
d ingliter of Mr. Turner—Miss Alice over
burn eoiild easily be hauled to your
Compton, oi Gildcndr.; M . 1. accom­ the Milwaukee, Chicago and r't. Paul barns
and barn-yards, be fed to stock,
panied tin 1» bottle uud will pay a visit railroad for all those pioneers who will . onvorted
into manure, spread upon
go beyond St. Paul. Then the Lake
with Lei relatives at this place.
and the result «rill be that
Shore and New York Central will b-
be constantly improved,
The long looked for
size or the main east. Then they will return by I he md tin- hay that you now feed out, will
ii'j.i.-i waj'- i f? 11
building it 10x90 feet xo stories high; Pennsylvania Co. and Chicago. Mil­ e converted into money. It will take
feet col tain- waukee aud St. Paul and N. P.railroa.l. i little more work; but uo man cau ex-
oLsidíí* íin iidditi'ty) 2<5
in g t h e € n gi ne. Th e n ouldiy.g room if The rates to pioneers from St. Paul to ..ectte sit idle and do anything foi
1 'x ><> feet aud the t: Dishing room i* Chicago and return will be .fl 1, which bi... if 8o by all means save vnnr
only half rates. Tho tai from straw.
30x10 f-et. Its xanas- > are prt pared
to do all kind.-' cf j -b ’■ ■. k id their line. Chicago to New York and return " ill
At present they -are raanufacturiog be $25.” The Chicago, Milwaukee a- <1 To T he P ublic .
aides for bci^M/1-uCt L .f, They will st. Paul is one of the coutitrv’s finest
I •’ish to say that I am no longer tn
niADufa^ture öto\c& ;
'■ds. It will have dining and the employ of Mr. I. G. Davidson,
"' _ . 1 t . ,41.. i
¿•I >rt*. Newgr.id, pi<- prifcioib aAu<iij sleeping cam attached, and i ,11 ha • neither do I wish to collect auy monies
ied us tlnougu the ’list tution on a twin tgeafa on board to point out the places from my customers while I was in the
of iusjxftipu one day tuis week, and <f general interest to the pioneers.
“mploy of I. G. Davidson, or froffi him
we were pkaMil to ■>te its Lukinesf' W. C.T.“
—except the judgement I bold against
like appearance aud t;
him through the court.
terpnse it suon s.
W. II. H. G rant .
I Womans Christian Temperance Cn-
N. R—I would also anno to my many
A goodly portior. of this c-ntnnnity I ion organized July 29 with 13 mem-
lias been " rri.Ted op ’ nd made wratlij •crs. It now nuuilters 29 members.— I frtci'd< that 1 atii still in the business
it one atw-Lor by the writing of iicti- I Come, you that have lather, brother, of enlr.rging pictures, and having se­
cer- or son, come. Don't wait cue for an­ cured the services of Mr. Horace Dties-
cioua Aud uiioiiy inons
tain party in town w 10 hM a small other. The whisky seller don’t wait. bttry. a first-cln—i artist, can gi arantee
grievance o'-i-r a t.i' .' matter. Snub He takes his victim now or iu the dead satisfaction in all cases. All my work
a situation fs to ’><• de] dorcd;and any of night. "Woe unto him that givetli is done in oil, nt tho same old prices.
,ierson trho would r< ort to sending his neighbor drink, that putteth ibt Ill orders sent to my address »ill re-
ippnymoiv entries th rough a neigh- bottle to him and maketh h u drunken ceivt prompt attebtion. Thanking the
of stirring up also.” “No drunkard shall inherit th< prJ’Iio for many courtesies shown me
bori»*M.»u fo? t'.i purpo
discord and f.titii, i. u ntir to bi* conn- I kingdom of heaven.’’ Next trm tin, - n ti-.e past, I would respectfully solicit
vill l«e held ut the residence of Mr». J. i share of your patronage in the future.
tena need t
W. Cowles, Friday, August 24th, at
Very Truly
seen »ome
nd if ttU- 2:30 p. in.
the hand-writing - ef
23inl ________ W. H. H. G rant .
Mrs. E. X. H arding ,
business is net stopp« ' I we diali s.< v a
Henry Ward Beecher, tho silver
word or two and give t ht names of the M iss M ary C ook ,
partici doing tùe mischief.
tongi.ed orator, is lecturing in Portland.
A G ood H aly -D ay ’ s W o »
While other boasters '
their deeds iu tho Yarnh] harvest
fields this summer, Baker ,os haV8
been to town lately aud tell Cir 6torv
ot threshing work. One day Ix weev
on the afternoon of August 17, _jrh’
The attention of the public it called to the
a 32-ineh “Canton Pitts” tf^er
driven by a ten horse “ Momto 8 ’ imu3an»a bargains now ollered at the
giue, they turned out within the ,
of six hours 1152 bushels, actual c«_t
of the “ Red Chaff” variety of wE^
"bis work was done on the farm of t
\\h Levis, of Lafayette precinct. » The etooh formerly owned by George Ben-
any one doubts this performance, gau»r A Son will be dispoeed of
can be vouched for by botdo of on.
count y’® best citizens.
Peoples’ Store.
At Cost,
Ladies . «.ttention !
Before bringing on our Fall stock of
Millinery and Fancy Goods we have
made swec ping reductions in prices of
Hats, Ribbons etc. Hate from 35 cts.
upward. You will find it to your ad­
vantage to cal? upon us before going
Mis ses R uss A i F oster ,
SucCtesors to H tb . Sears.
«>r Cash or Produce.
Great Reductions are made in
A fine lot of
TilUmocdc County.
Our d&ter oounty rewives the follow­
ing mention, which she justly deserve*,
from an Oregonian correspondent:
1 rvua with great pleasure, tins morning,
your reporter’s letter from Tillamook, glad
that at last a writer has been foiled to do
justice to an isolated oountry. Heretofore,
the name Tillamook has in a measure, beeu
only a byword, and its hard working people
the object of jest. But at last she oomes to
the front as the richest dairy country on the
coast whose mountains teem with game, and
rivers from north to south, are alive with
the speckled beauties; and so it xs with Nee-
tucca. She only, as yet, a young settlement,
is fast coming into notice with ner rich nver
bottoms of alluvial soil, unequaled in Ore­
gon for its producing qualities. When the
same improvement han taken place in her
valleys as in those of Tillamook she will de­
mand vessels for h6r produce too.
The Big Nestucca river is said to be navi­
gable for fourteen miles when oleared of a
lew log dnfts, and her bay is alive with the
finest salmon in the fall season. Land has
already boen purchased on the bay for a
cannery, and a store opened. The bay is
reached easily by water aud land. Tbs finest
spruoe and alder, some cedar aud fir grow at
me mouth in the Little Nestuoca bay. Little
Nestucca is fast developing as a summer re­
sort. The toll road from Grand Koude run­
ning to the ocean beach, is by way of the
Big Nestucca; you have to cross that river and
over a complete desert of sand for nearly
two miles ere you reach the water.
Tho Little Nestucca winds al nog the toll­
road through romantic gorges in the moun­
tains, and as you neanopens out into a beau­
tiful prospect, the roadway to the ocean
through the richest grass land—called tide
land, which really is prairie. The tide wa­
ter, or rather the river, iu winter is backed
over it only at the very high stages or storm-
. oms . On that land grows nundreds of
tons of splended hay, which ought to be in
the Portland market, really superior to the
Columbia wild grass hay. With boat6 suffi­
cient to court the trade of Nestucca it would
soon develop into a fine dairy oountry and a
delightful and secluded summer resort, nev­
er effected by the cold winds that are on the
beaches of other more noted places. Land
is worth from $6 to $25 per aore in Little
Nestucca. Her hills are bald ridges'of native
clover stretching for four miles toward Sal­
mon cape, and her ravines are full of the
finest timber. On the beach axe two fresh
water lakes, one of which is most admirable
for boating and affords fine camping places.
The bay is a quarter of a mile or more at
high tide, and has an outlet to the ocean of
a 12-foot bar, as near as can be sounded.
With steam power it can be entered by light
draft vessols all the year round.
During the summer months a skiff can go
out to sea, aud when the Indians were taken
to Salmon river they were taken in their ca­
noes for about twelve miles down the coast.
That part of Salmon river north of the
mouth h splcnded range for stock, and in
the mountains are fine ranges, especially
along the old trails to Little Nestucca.
There are creeks in abundanoe. The under­
brush has only to bo burnt off and grass
seed sown to afford splendid pasturage. The
Nestucca people regret that their bay oould
not be surveyed at once, as they are anxious
for steam communication. A saw mill is
needed and sufficient means by some enter­
prising party to build a hotel for the benefit
of visitors ; and then Nestucca will loom up
from the mists of tho mighty Pacific as the
meat delightful spot for the careworn and
the heat stricken of the “ city of the west”
and her surrounding stars of smaller magni­
tude. A few years and the narrow guage
will be running to the reservation from
Sheridan. Then only twenty-two miles will
separate the Nestucca from the older civili-
zation. The easiest pass on the coast is to
be found down the Little Ne6tuoca river.
Shingles, Shingles !
»'ver made in this section arc now being man­
ufactured at
Miller & Bowers’ Shingle Mill.
Cheap as the cheapest and good as the best.
Look at them.
Enquire of F. W. REDMOND, Agent, at
McMinnville, or of
T °^T’
Boots tuditShoes
Lower tha%rtl„d price8.
Cheaper than was ever^ (n thi, clty-
j.iZir*,^ly ’v1“the >wi0 40 <*n •”<i
examine goods and prices.
Hew Goods !
oxALxaa n
«ESrProjcript-fou. carfuiiy compounded
all houra, day or n ght.
Our goods have i 11 beeOTiarkod down to lhe
owest living rate » Give *1 a call and see fo
McMinnville, Or., June t, ’8i-20tf.
McCarter & Aderman,
DEERING “*£2,«*
and Mowers,
Hoosier Hay Rakes,
Wagons and Buggies
Manufacturers of
all kinds of
Carriage» and Ularkimith
a specialty.
At Amity, Or.
w - f - angasser .
M c M innville ,
oreoon .
■ —o -
Farms for Sale on Easy Terms-
Agricult’ral Implem’ts,
Aleo Flouring Milla, Saw Milla, Etc.
Parties wishing to locate, by Pre-emption or
I{omet»U*ad, upon Government Land, or Co pur­
chase School or Railroad Landa, will do well to
call upon or nd<iron me as I a>n thoroughly
acquainted with aueb lands throughout the en­
tire Willamette Valley, on either side of the
river, and can show [•arties the moat valuable
lamin and desirable Localiona, from 40 to 1,200
acres in a body. Information pertaining te
lands furnished gratia. For location and pn-
oee, Mod for circular. Address
McMinnville, Oregon.
OffficW'Wlth Geo. G. Binghaam«
Lafayette,, Oregon.
Land Otfag at Or**yon Citv,)
Orrfl, Aug 2nd, 1M3. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
notice <»f his intention
tn make final proof in suppiort of hie claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Yamhill County at Lafayette,
Oregon,on Monday, Sept. 10, I «#3, via: Mury
Wardle, formerly Mary Rice, Homestead En­
try No, 447? for fot 1 of Src. 12 T 4 S, R 5 W.
n the Brick Str-re, corner M and Jefleruon St’f
She names the following witnesses tn prove
LAi Alf:TTF.,
OH EGON her continuous re'ideere upon snd cultivation
of said land, vis: D. McCall, B Brower. E.
ll*atrh Repairing and Job­ M. Greeley »nd 6. R. A. Farris, all of Mc-
| Minnville, Ta ru a ill County. Oregon.
bing a ypecudty.
V T. BAM1N, Register.