Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, August 16, 1883, Image 2

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death and burial IN MOSCOW-
to sniff the air. His ears are point­
The evening papers here are hard­
I d Moscow, as in other parts of
ed straight ahead, his eyes grow ly as honest in the matter of num
Hee the frojj, the slimy, green frog,
Russia, dissenters are met with, and A I’nirof Bl* Feet—A Girl Ne,,s
Dozing away on that old rotten log;
larger and take on a frightened look bering their editions as their Ameri­
Seriously wondering
and he half wheels as if he would can contemporaries.
No London How » Diamond Smuggler Trlekeil New among them we have the Old Be­ Ohio. Whoa« Kxlreiuitle. ,lr.
What caused the sundering
ly Dovrlopod.
York C’uHtolu«llouse Ex|>erl*--I‘l««»or*<l lievers,” who conduct their worship
Of the tail that he wore when a wee polly- gallop back to those who have seem­ evening paper numbers an edition as
ingly pursued. Five, eight, ten sec­ ‘ first;” for instance, the Echo's first on HU Baek.
according to the rites of the ancient
onds, and with a snort of alarm he edition is called the second, and is
Greek Church, not admitting the va­
If there is anything on earth,,
Bee the boy, the freckled school-boy,
breaks into a terrific run, takes the issued at 1 o'clock. The next edition
Captain Brackett, the Inspector of rious changes adopted by Nicon and
Famed for cuasedness, free from alloy,
to make a haul
extreme left of the valley, and goes they call the fourth, and is issued at the Custom House, to whom most others and now carried out in the
Watching the frog
Perched on the log
tearing out of sight as if followed 2:20. The fifth edition, which is real­
Russian Greek Church. These dis­ woman proud it is pretty
clever detections of contraband enter­ senters go to great expense whenever infinite amount of misery ¡s 1
With feelings akin to tumultuous joy.
by lions.’
ly the third, comes out at 4:20; the
See the rock, the hard, flinty rook,
special edition at 6, and the extra prises must be attributed nowadays, death enters their dwellings; aud by the ladies endeavoring foJ/
Which the freckled-faced boy at the frog
The grim sergeant sees “signs” in special at 7. Some of the evening has recently added an oxtremely just now—March, 1883-there has
doth sock,
the actions of the horse. Every papers begin business with a third amusing story to his repertoire. 1 hey been in Moscow a very important ex­ No. 4 foot into a No. 2 hh0#
Conscious he's sinning,
trooper is looking ahead and to the edition, which the unsuspecting
ample ef this fact. In a Russian great many of the masciilint)
Yet gleefully grinning
right. The green valley runs into Britisher buys under the impression are quite in vogue just at present in merchant's family in that city, con suffer with corns because the'.'
At the likely result of its terrible shock.
the fringe, the fringe into dense that he is getting something very Custom-House circles, and this one iB sisting of father, mother, two mar­ ing of their pedal extremities
Hee the grass, the treacherous grass,
thicket, the thicket into rock and late indeed.—¡London Cor. Detroit told in his words, as follows: There riageable daughters, and one son, the
Slip from beneath his feet! Alas!
mu«h. A woman with a bi» f.
Into the mad
pine and mountain slope. No eye Free Press.
arrives regularly six times a year, eldest daughter, about twenty years inclined to be unhappy, but wha '
With a dull thud
can penetrate the fringe. The In­
from Antwerp, a man who is said to
He falls, and rises a slimy mass.
dians may be in ambush there, or the
of their proceedings consequent be the sorrow of Fannie Miil ’
be one of the cleverest diamond thereon will be interesting. Certain resides two miles east of th«'
Now. see the frog, the hilarious frog,
horse may have scented wolf or
One of our best local preachers smugglers in the world. His suc­ ly the social position of the family She has the biggest feet in the-
Dancing a jig on his old rotten log,
Applying his toes
preached a sermon on children, and cess has always been peculiarly exas was of the middle class—wealthy— so tar as known, and tbevarf
To his broad, blunt nose,
No man knows what danger lurks the way to bring them up. and perating to the customs officials, and and their living was of fair style for growing. The poor girl ¡8 1
As he laughs ut the boy stuck fast in the bog.
in the fringe, but the order was to speaking of the old idea that a some time ago they went to the such folks. On the day of the velous curiosity, and only those'
scout beyond the bend. To disobey stubborn child, or a child with a trouble and eipense of getting a daughter's death, immediate prepar­ have seen her ponderous fbet»'
is ignominy and disgrace; to ride will of its own, was a nuisance, the Hamburg detective to “shadow him ations were made for the burial, ever believe that they are so in/'
Look at th« switch, the hickory switch,
Waiting to make that eahool-boy twitch.
forward is—wait! There is no air elder said, “I wouldn’t give a d— to find out what gems he bought and which in Russia must be at once, Your correspondent came he!
When his mother knows
stirring in the valley. Every limb fora child that had not a will of his where he carried them while in Lu dead bodies not being allowed t> re­ purpose to see the wonderful ’
The state cf his clothe«
Won’t he raise hie voice to it* highest pitch! and bough is as still as if made of own,” or words to that effect. It is rope. Another man was to keep him main among the living for more which would, under ordinan
iron. There is a silence which weighs j but justice to say that the good company on the steamer and watcn than twenty four hours. The coffin cnmstances, be a very indelicad,
Well, I should smile—a snickering smile,
like a heavy burden, and the harsh man used the word “dime” whhre him closely all the voyage over. This was made of thin boards, but cover ceeding. It. seems strange and J
His anguish will circulate aver a mile;
note of hawk or buzzard would bo a 1 the blank is in the alxive extract. clever smuggler wore a thick, black ed with silk velvet, having Hall unusual in a young man t<
And tho next slimy frog
But the remark is the key note to
He perceives on a log
beard and whiskers, and it was more marked silver handles, aud “coffin 200 miles to see a pair of fJ"
Will be given a rest in magnificent style.
Here is the bend. The valley con­ the situation. The time has iieen than suspected that he carried his furniture” costing over 1.000 rubles those belonging to a woman ''
— [Donald Pullman, in Courier-Journul. tinues as before—no wider—no nar­ when a child with a will of its own precious freight concealed in them. (£100;) and iu the hands of the
Fannie Mills is twenty two,
rower—level and unbroken.
The has been looked upon by the whole One morning not long ago the au­ corpse was placed a small painting old, and resides on the dairy
wild horse was out of sight long ago, neighborhood as a terror, and moth­ thorities on this side received a dis­ of the Virgin havirg a silver frame her father, George Mills, two;
Here in the shadow of this grim and the six troopers see nothing but ers have sighed aud endured sorrow patch from their Hamburg agent, and covering, costing another £100, from Sandusky. The family a,,
mountain is a camp of cavalry—300 the green grass as their eyes sweep when they have noticed the spirit which read: “R. has shaved his and which became the property of glish, and emigrated to this coi
shown by such a child. But when
men in faded and ragged blue uni­ the valley from side to side.
l>eard. Did not know it until he had the church where the funeral prayers eleven years ago. The father is,
“Turn the bend and ride down they, in later years, have looked sailed five days. He is on the Ryn- were recited at burial. The body to-do. and makes a good livingI
forms, every face sunburned and
bronzed, every sabre and carbine the valley for a mile or so and keep
land. He has got seventy large dia­ was dressed as a bride—she had be­ the sale of milk. Mrs. Miffi
showing long use. every horse lift your eyes open to discover any pass cessful men and wotnen of tho land monds on his person.” As soon as come the pride of heaven; and these small, keen looking woman «
grew up from children that had wills
ing its head from the grass at short leading out.”
of their own, the sadness and sor­ the Rhynland was sighted, six cus­ robes aud the dressing involved, the pleasing face. There are tive'ebii
intervals for a swift glance up and
row of the mother has given place to tom-house officers steamed down the first £200 aud the latter £100. First, besides the unfortunate Fan/
down the valley.
pride. We do not like to see chil­ bay ami intercepted her. Circulating she was dressed in a fine linen che- of whom are healthy and goodi
Here, at the foot of the mountain,
------- o the ,
------- „
. looked in mise trimmed with costly lace; over ing. The deformed girl, for bn
have wills of their own that are among
the Apache trail, which has been fol­
all directions for the now beardless ^is a chemisette, and then a short are very imperfect, is afficted
lowed for three days, has grown cold. np. The sergeant has raised himself
aud shaven man. Just as they were tnnjcjn white satin, embroidered with elephantiasis from the hips t;
Aye, it has been lost. It is as if the up for a long and careful scrutiny, trolled by parents, but few. children about to give up the search a stran-
and silver thread, called a sara- ankle.
Her head, shoulden
white mon bad followed a path which when an exclamation causes him to
ger sought a confidential con versa- y(t)1 Then the head-dress was the bust are normal, although -i
suddenly ended at a precipice. From turn his face up the valley. Out have such wills. Take a child with a tion with them.------------------------------- . usual Russiau hat with pearls. But slightly built. Fannie has#,
this point the red demons took wings, from the fringe ride the demons will of its own, anil guide that will
“You are custom house officers, and the greatest expenses were incurred but interesting face. Herdart;
who have been lurking there to drink properly, and not knock the backbone you lp°k for Rosenberg wita the dia-,
and the oldest trailer is at fault.
prayers and masses. In forty eves possess considerable expm
The men on picket looked up mid
churches of the city of Moscow pray­ and there is a sad look upon
down the narrow valley with anxious
“We are and we do.”
ers were ordered to be said for her, countenance which shows tine
faces. Down the valley, a mile away, clear across the valley before a word business. Children with wills of
“That is Rosenberg, and the dia­ morning and evening, for forty days, fully appreciates her deploral,i
a solitary wild horse paws and pran­
monds are sewed in tho lining of his for which 16,000 rubies were charged, dition.
ces and utters shrill neighs of won­ the right and 200 Indians in war or highway robbers but it will be necktie."’
of at the rate of 10s. per service—
Your correspondent called, a
derment and alarm. Up the valley paint face the grim old sergeant and
In another minute a pale, smooth­ £1,600 being paid for 3,200 services; Mills home, which is an attra
will by severe punishment. They
is a long stretch of green grass, the his five troopers.
and at each service some one attend­ two story frame cottage, laster«
may partially break it, but it will
“Into line—right dress!”
earth as level as a floor and no visible
gling in the hands of the officers.
It is the sergeant who whispers the assert itself sometime in the wrong His scarf was unceremoniously taken ed and distributed bread and alms to and the head of the household
sign of life. The pines and shrubs
the poor, the bread being to each standing in the yard. His
and rocks on the mountain side might order. Six to 200, but he will face way, while if it is guided properly from his neck and carefully explored portion a oalatch, something more was kindly, and lie entered intel
hide ten thousand Indians, but there
with a sharp penknife. Sure enough, than a penny loaf. Such loaves vernation on the subject of hisda
is not the slightest movement to valley is to be overtaken one by one strength. The successful men in all twenty diamonds of various sizes re­ were also sent for forty davs to all the tor’s big feet. He laughiatj
arouse suspicion. It is a still, hot
warded the seekers after contraband prisoners in Moscow. For several marked that people didn’t belie«
day. Not a bird chirps, not a branch for torture. Down the valley there had ‘"wills of their own” in yeuth. goods. His trunk was next rum­ days iu the bazaars the bakers were
seemingly incredible stories i
waves. The eye of a lynx could de­ is no hope; up the valley 16 the camp
said their souls were their own. maged and every necktie subjected authorized to distribute bread to all corning Fannie’s immense pedii
tect nothing beyond the erratic move­ and rescue. The two lines face each Such childien become milliners or to equal scrutiny? When the officers poor people applying who asked for tremities, but to prove that thu
ments of the lone wild horse adown other for a moment without a move­
dudes. The successful men look had finished their work no iess than it in the name of the dead girl and really’ so large, he invited the wcj
the valley and the circular Hight of ment.
seventy-three diamonds of great lus­
“Now, men, one volley—sling car with pride upon their children whd ter had been discovered. The poor engaged to pray for her. But even into the house to Bee for himself]
an eagle so high in air that the proud
this did not suffice. To other cities young woman was called by
bird seemed no larger than a spar bines—draw sabres and charge!”
fellow wept and wrung his hands as
A sheet of fiame—a roar—a cloud know by experience that such a will he saw the captors of his property of Russia, and also to cities such as father, and wabbled rather I
Y’ienna, I’esth, Athens, where church­ walked into the front room.!
is worth millions in the battle of life.
For an hour every man and horse of smoke, and the six horses spring
carry off his precious gems. Imper­ es of the sect exist, money’ was sent
has looked for “signs,” but nothing forward. Then there is a grand A man who had no mind of his own fectly comforted by the reflection and prayers ordered to be said for wore a long gown, which wassN
as a boy, may be good enough to
has been discovered beyond wliut has yell, a rush by every horse and rider, carry shawls to a matinee, or baskets that he had been allowed to retain his forty days. The funeral took place sufficient to hide the deformity
sat down in a chair and eipo^
been described. It is a lost trail. and a whirlpool begins to circle. to a picnic, or he may stand on a liberty, he proceeded to the Metro
in the church of the well-known feet to view. It is almost impoa
There is something, in it to arouse Sabres Hash and clang—arrows whis corner and chew a cane, but he could politan Hotel, and engaging a room,
suspicion as well as annoyance. Ten tie—-revolvers pop—voices shout and not build a railroad through a wil­ almost immediately took a bath. Holy Cemetery of Ragoshka, where to exaggerate the marvellous sj
miles away the trail was as plain as a scream, and then the whirlpool derness or across a mountain, and When the Custom-house officers ar­ only Old Believers are buried, and She removed her shoes, and I
aountry highway, and the Indians ceaees. It is not throe minutes since rather than face a picnic he would rived at headquarters the chief, who where a wooden building was put great white pillow cases, which i
had no suspicion of pursuit. Five the first carbine was fired, but the sit down and cry. He could not in­ held a cablegram in his hand, eager up capable of dining 150 guests—the worn as stockings.
leading members of the Beet around
The feet look like two imm<®
miles back there were signs of com tragedy has ended. Every trooper vent anything, unless it was a patent ly inquired:
Moscow. The dinner was served hands. The toes are irregular,]
motion. Here, in the center of the is down aud scalped, half a dozen corset or a self fastening hair-pin,
“Did you get Rosenberg?"
from the leading hotel iu Moscow, at the little toes are represented bjj
redskins are dead or dying, a dozen
valley, every footprint disappears.
“Yes, sir.”
while his brother, who had a will of
a cost of about 16s. per person, to little nobs. There are no tael
Look, now! A sergeant with griz horses are struggling or staggering, bis own, would invent a telephone
“Wnere were the stones?”
which the expense of the fruit and
zly locks and fighting jaw rides down and turning the bend at a mad gallop or a locomotive. The child with a
“Sewed in the linings of his neck . wine had to be added, the fruit in although the place where theysii
be is clearly defined. Yom X
tho valley followed by five troopers. is the sergeant's riderless horse. He will of his own may be harder to ties.”
Russia in early Spring costing fabu-
They are to scout for tho lost trail. carries an arrow in his shoulder, and raise, and he may cause some heart­
"That’s rather strange,” remarked i lous prices. It is calculated by some i spondent undertook the delicate)
] of measuring the huge raa-a
Every man has unslung his carbine, there is blood on the saddle. In five aches and anxiety, but when that the chief.
of the most intimate friends of the ; fiesh called feet. The right fij
every saddle girth has been tight­ minutes he will be in camp, and the will which was so hard to han­
“Here’s a Hamburg dispatch which family known to the writer that a
one foot six inches in length, aJ
ened, and every man of tho six looks notes of the bugle will prove that the dle iu youth, gets hold of a says. ‘Just learned that R. carried
I sum of not less than £10,000 was left one inch shorter. Over 'J
over the camp as he rides out as if lost trail has been found.
difficult problem of business in later
spent over the ceremony; and none step of the right foot is tweiilj
ho had been told that he was bidding
years, and clinches itself around the and a porous plaster.”
i of the co-religionists look uoon this inches, and oveh the other one!
a last farewell to comrades. They
problem, and begins to squeeze, it
at all extravagant.—Chamber’s less. The big toe of the left«
ride at a slow gallop. Each man
A newspaper cart is a light affair will never let up until success is said the leader of the raid; “and we as
eleven inches in circumference]
casts swift glances along the moun­ on two wheels—naturally a cart can­ achieved. The stubborn, “Be sure found ’em just as we tell you, in the
] right foot is longer than the -1
tain side to his left—at the green not be upon four—with one reckless you are right and then go ahead" lining of his neckties.”
“W e had captured a 100-barrel i an inch, but the latter is heavinj
grass under his horse’s feet.
driver and a man to deal out papers, boys are in demand, and are worth
The chief looked at the confiscated
\\ hat's that! Afar up the slope to They rush along with all the head their weight in gold, while the milk gems. Then he rang his little bell whale, and after the head was split thicker. The feet are resptfl
the right something waves to and fro long speed of the American butcher and water, “baby-mine” fellows have and said; “Send me Smith, the open I was detailed to dip out the seven and eight inches wide. I
oil. “It’s just like going into a big i I this actual measurement of Fl
for a moment. Higher up the signal cart, and the rivalry among them is to be done up m bunches like rad­ jewel expert, here, if you please.”
bath tub, and a man stands almost! , Mills’s feet one can readily »1
is answered. Across the valley on something lively. Of course the first ishes, and got rid of in a lump, and
Mr. Smith came, examined the dia to his armpits in oil. I was wading what marvellously large shod
the other slope it is answered again. paper on the ground is the one that half of them turn out to be pithy and monds, shrugged his shoulders, and
Down the valley, a full two miles be­ gets the cream of the trade. Prob no good. If you, good mother, have said, laconically, “Paste, but first- about in the monster's head, when I I must wear. Heretofore they I
yond where tho wild horse now stands ably the handsomest carts are those a child with a will of its own. don’t class.” Three frantic Custom-House was suddenly started by seeing the j been manufactured in Albany !
like a figure of stone, and where tho of the Globe and the Pall Mall Ga­ worry about the child, but thank officers spent the afternoon tracing surface of the oil burst into a blaze, I but a Sandusky shoe firm has til
valley sweeps to the right like the zette. The former has a raised hem Clod anil bend the will by kiudness. Mr. Rosenburg. As soon as they had caused, as I afterward learned, by ' and a pair of shoes on exiu!
sudden turn of a river, the signal is ¡sphere on each side, typical of the and when that child grows np and discovered that he had gone to the one of the crew accidentally drop­ which have attracted great atei
caught up and 200 Apaches, eager, name; the latter's carts are oak col­ succeeds where others fail, write us Metropolitan Hotel, they dashed ping a box of burning matches. The ] Her feet have increased in sill
excited and mounted, draw back into ored, with the title of the paper on a postal card. All of the successful there as fast as two fresh horses only’ thing to do was to dive under the last display in the shoe!
the fringe at the base of the moun­ each Bide and on the ends. The Echo men in the country had wills of their could -carry them. Without a word the oil, and I did it, with my sheath window was made.
The left shoe is sixteen anil
tain and wait.
carts are ugly and very serviceable. own, and that was all the capital of ceremony they burst into his knife in my teeth. I turned my head
after I got beneath, and made a des­ i inches long, the right eighteen!
Tho little band gallop straight Just before an edition comes out they had. When we see a child with apartments.
perate effort to dig a hole large in length. The left seven ami
down upon the lono horse. Now these carts can be seen in a row be­ a will of its owd , we always want to
“What do yon want?” he inquired, enough to thrust my head through j inches wide, and the other I
they are only half a mile away, and fore their respective printing offices, take it one side and tell it the good
and then, by a mighty effort, escaped inches. The right instep of “1
his breath comes quick and hie nos­ each paper having about a dozen. news, that the will is more valuable with well simulated apprehension.
For answer they threw him en his into the sea. It was a pretty tight | measures nineteen and a qt®!
trils quiver as he stands and stares at When the edition is published the than a rich relative.
squeeze. I can tell you, and my body ches, the left seventeen anlj
the strange spectacle. A little nearer carte are filled in a twinkling with
of that particular portion of his back was so warm that it made the water inches. Fannie Mills wew
and his muscles twitch ¡and quiver paper in quires—twenty six to the
which had borne a porous plaster. siss all around me. The captain of pounds, and, although delicat'l
and his sharp pointed ears work quire—and small bundles wrapped
Alas, he had taken his bath and the the vessel thought I had been burned ing, says she has good he«.'!
None but de po’ despise de rich.
faster. Only eighty rods now, and up in contents bills. The latest con­
plaster had vanished, but where it had
with a fierce snort of alarm and de tents bills are pasted on the backs of
Dar’s one great disadvantage dat been, mixed with the impression of to death, and when I swam to the i takes two calf hides to tuabl
side of the vessel he was so frighten­ a pair of shoes, and all herd
fiance he roars up, whirls about like the carts and away they all go as de right black ’oman labors un’er.
the little round preparations of plas­ ed that he told me that was onlv one goes to sustain her massiw]
a top, and is off down the valley like speedily as if one of Arabi.s bombs She can't blush.
ter. were distinct imprints of seventy- thing that prevented him from turn­ : and feet. The girl had aid
an arrow sent by a strong hand. fell among them. They dash through
It ain’t de quicken’ motion man
Ever since, no ing gray in a night.”
i large feet when she was bed
The sight uiBy thrill, but it does London «treeta with therollickv reck dat's got de mos' energy. De hoss- large diamonds.
"What was that?” asked the listen- they have continued to gro<■
not increase the pace of those who leanness of a tire engine and soon fly can zip aroun' faster den de plaster-wearing persons are allowed
ingly fast ever since. Severs.®
The men see the wild scatter to all points of the compass. honey bee, but he doan’ las’ nigh so to land on that portion of American er.
soil which is protected by the Custom- .. "He was bald-headed,” said the nau­ have been made to induce Mil
horse fleeing before them, but the The bundles are thing in at the doors long.
House officers of New York.
tical "Cop."-4Phil. Press.
to permit his daughter to •
sight does not hold their eyes more of tho news agents as tho carts hurry
Ebon among de animals a kind
herself throughout the coutd
than a second. To the right—to tile by without stopping. At the street
Atlanta Constitution: “The New be has steadfastly refused, xd
left—above them—down the valley— corners they pause and the news­ ack is recollected longer den a mean
YVnv H e M arried H er .—“I hear
they are looking for a hoof print, boys gather around, handing in all
that you have married an Indian York editors are quarreling over each she was in Cleveland and vied
for a trampled spot, for a broken the former editions that are unsold, somebody kicked him, but he neber woman ?” said a state official to other's mistakes in grammar. A thousands of persons on the-'J
twig- for a sign however insignifi­ together with cash for as many more
grammatical error is horrible of of July two years ago. Thed
black Jack.
cant to prove that men have passed as they wish to buy. The papers are gin him a piece ob meat
course, but the editor who makes his the malformation is said : B
“Yes. sah. tuck a Ingun.”
De evil in a man's face is plainer
that way. They find nothing. The dealt with great celerity by the man
“Couldn’t yen find a colored worn meaning clear is alwav ahead of from the fact that before I’wd
signals tin the mountain side were in the cart, who has a trick of hold­ den de good. We sometimes see a an good enough for you
born Mr. Mills compelled hie^
visible only for seconds.
ing the sheets in a peculiar way in glass fillet! wid water so clear dat
wash the swelled leg of a herd
“Oh. yes sah. De trouble was da
After the first wild burst of speed his left hand, while ho runs his right it looks like dar ain’t nnth'n' thar. was too good. I'se had a mighty . "Piat 18 ..the n3e!'ning of the word much to her horror and disgi-d
the lone horse looks l»ack. He sees across the edges thus exposed, count
asked the teacher. young lady is without donbtd
heap of trouble wid my black wives, tantalizing.
that he is not being
and he ing them accurately with tho speed glass an’ it's mighty plain.
„ Pt
an’ I was al'ays in de ’vorce court, so 1 lease, marm,” spoke up little curiosity—her feet a marvewod
recovers conri ■ago.
Ho no longer of lightning. The amount of cash,
De pusaon what tries ter make I 'eluded ter try dis ’oman. and 'sides Johnny Holcom. “it means f circus of nature.—¡Cincinnati Enqo-d
lino, but he sweeps generally tendered in pennies, seems more money den his neighbors will dat yer know, dar aint Finch law procession passing the school-house,
runs in 1 a straight
“It is considered a di»gr*d
away t_
__ _ left—swerves away to to be almost instinctively got at by always fine somabody what hab got agin killin' a Ingnn, nohow."
to the
and the scholars not allowed to look
Hindoo girl not to be married
the right and changes his gait for a hefting them in his hand.
The a leetle more money den he has. I
she is eleven or twelve yeNd
trot When he hears the shouts of round has to I m » made within a cor don't keer how fas' a man walks
All the difference there ¡! ■
pursuit and the louder thump of tain time, and the carts have to be along de road he'll constantly see
“Harriet Beecher Stowe, is only
“Jane, what letter in
the alphabet customs of the Hindoos »d
noof Iwata he will straighten away back before the next edition is due. somebody jes' ahead ob him.
seventy-one years old.” A id Mrs. uo you like best?” in
“M ell. I don't People of this country. ;s ,:d
and show the pursuers a gait which and the cash and returns handed in
Stowe is the author of "Uncle Tom.” like to say. Mr. Snobbs."
“It seems to me," said a quiet old It seems as though the play of nonsense! tell right ’■ out. "Pooh, American girl is given a lim'd
equal Iwfore
nothing but a whirlwind can equal.
liefore another lot is brought out.
Ixxik! It is only a quarter of a On the last round they colic
..!_„ ' gentleman, "that this whisky bnsi “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” has been on which
lect the
do yon like best?
best’ ” " “Well" time, but at the age of t’»d
»meu uo
or thirty she feels the disc’d
mile now to the turn in the valley, cash and the returner! papers from ness makes a great deal of noise for the boards of this country for at
her eyes. “I llke
a “still’ business.”
as keenly as a Hindoo gin ■
The lone horse has suddenly stopped j the news agents.
least two hundred years.
[Peck’s Sun.