- .k VOLI •«« ** «*•150 PER ANNUM the iœfokteb .. S,A< i J1 i th* boys had tha“ataaMaiiache” mat week, and had to quit work. Green fruit corn and sich, will generally fetch em. PnbHihed Every Thursday, at The warehouse at the mill is 4OxGO feet and IlfcWHNVn.LE : : OR IGO N the Kides reach eight or ten feet high. The water is turned into the race. BY Müßt every one who has had threshing done, has stacked their straw. Good idea. A. V. I*- STT YITDHm. Is there no wav to prevent the town au­ Editor and Proprietor. thorities from playing croquet in the town of Sheridan on Sunday ? SVBSCKIPT1ON yne copy per ypftr-,n BÍ1 months “ It Arcs, .......... • .............. 12.50 1.50 Local Correspondence DAYTON. Anguat 13, 1883. A Lefever returned from southern Oregon yesterday. Noah Robinson and party returned from Wilhoit Springe last Tuesday. Mrs Henry Shank, who haa been very low with Typhoid fever, is much better; Dr. Odell reports her out of danger. Mr. C. P- Roberts, Phrenologist, was in town last week. Mr. Warner Broynian and wife, of Salem, passed through town yesterday. Dr Mills left for Portland yesterday, to meet hie wife, who has been visiting her parents at Yreka, Cal., for the past two months. Oar young friend Ed Crane, who has been iu the employ of the D. F. M. Co. for the iMSt year, has resigned his position with the Company and will make Portland his home in the future. A party of about 100 excursionists from Charopoeg paid us a plenaant visit last Sun­ day. They arrived here at 12 o’clook on the steamer Isabel, and proceeded to enjoy themselves in the best manner possible un­ til 4 o'clock when they left for home appar­ ently well pleased with their trip. Ker. J. T. Wolf will leave for conference, next Saturday. The concert given by the W. C. I. U. at the JI. E. church last Friday night was well attended and was a very creditable affair. The exercises consisting of music, declama­ tions. essays, improratu speeches eto., were good, particularly the duett by the Misses Wolfo, and the solo by Miss Hammond whioh were the gems of the evening. L loyd . LAmETTB. August 14, 188«3. Hon. W. D. Fenton and family, who took a trip to Bunch grass, have returned looking well and much refreshed. Dr. H. R. Littlefield left for California to attend the Conclave of Knight Templars at San Francisco. He expects to be gone two or three weeks. Al Fletcher, T. B. Nelson and several oth­ ers have been out on a hunting and pros­ pecting tour. They returned looking decid­ edly thin, very hungry, and “ nary color” of gold, silver or lead. Four wagons, loaded with fencing from Sampson’s mill, passed through town on their way to the Martin place. There was between eight and ten thousand feet, post and boards, on the four wagons. Mrs. Mar­ tin intends to fence off the R. R. track. H. B. Sommerville a few days ago got out of his dog cart, and went into his warehouse without hitching his horse, and he (the horse) started without his driver and came across the bridge at a tearing rate, and in under­ taking to turn the comer at Mayer’s corner came all heels up upon the sidewalk, but soon righted himself and away he went again through one street and then another, until he filially smashed things to flinders and surrendered without injuring himself. The officers installed by Sheridan Lodge 1. O. G. T. No. 118, on last Wednesday even­ ing are as follows ■ W. Potter, C. T.; Augusta Richter, W. V. T.; J. E. Richter, W. 8.; George James, W. F. S.; Alice Churchman, W. F.; Harvy Bogue, W. M.i Alice James, W. C.: Celia James, W. I. G.;J. W. James, W. O. G.; Chas. Whitmer, P. W. C. T. The Sabbath School at the Christian Church meets each Sabbath at 10 o'clock. Mr. Porter is superintendent. The school at the M. E. Church meets at 2 o’clock—super­ intendent J. W. Chapman, assistant Edith Lafollett. Both schools are largely attended and successful. The Open Temperenoe meeting last night at the chnppol was largely attended and speecherf were made by Prof. Van Sooy, Capt. Lafollett and Paris McCain. The string band and Glee Club furnished the best of music and the order and decorum was all that the most exacting could ask for. The temperenoe sentiment is gaining ground here and society is much better than it was a few years ago. S. D an . NBWBSRG. Aug. 13,1883. Smoky, Smoky, Smoky. And Alderman and Ccuk sell wagons for notes, Which make« all the farmer« trot in with their oats. There is Edwards with Getchel, and Wand­ less genteel, And lager beer Bob, with billiards and deals. Also, James Johnson, who never says cave, When a fellow is busted and asks for a shave. There is Springer & Christman, who have money to let. And interest take whan you have money to get. With a safe in the corner chuck full of gold, And a number of town lots that havn’t been sold. There is Woodson, the waltzer, and Sim mons, the sweet, And Amasa, who sings tenor, with awful big feet. There’s Johnny, whose book-mark ¡a the king or the jack, And the* girl who on Henry has lately gone back. Now look at the city, no man will deny That the boom just coming will make her quite fly. With railroads and farmers and money plen­ ty too. Get away from the window, let Lenard sing through. We have churches and schools, and houses and shops. And girls on the marry and boys on the pop, And improvements in hotels, we saw it the other day, Nave filled a straw tick just over the way. I trust when I am older to marry, you know, And not be an old bach and mix sour dough, But I hope to be lucky—the pa rd of a wife, And engage in the business of nursery life. So here is to the glee club, and Lyceum too. How we all laugh when they come out in re­ view, With Allen and Springer and Sanders on the bass, When they open their mouth there is naught left of their face. I have spoken all the words that my lecture embraced, I have put all the quads and points in their place. And if these verses you find to be true, Please excuse me and PH bid you adieu. TKotic-o This f N Counselor at Law. C. W. HULERY Pro. Particular attention given to Conveyancing Collecting, Buying and Selling Real Estate. (Successor to M. Feker,) Third At., - The stock formerly owned by George Ban- gasser A Son will be disposed of At Cost, McMinnville, Or. - The best Spirituous and Malt Liquor®, Bit­ HUNK GILTNEK, - Proprietor ters, Wines, etc,, the markets afford. Also, :he The best brands of Liquors, Wines and Ci­ best ot cigars, and tho justly celebrated San gars kent for sale. When you go to Day tor Francisco Lager Beer. call and see Frank. 19tf, For Cash or Produce. Great Reductions are made iu < £ 1< < > NOTARIES PUBLIC, in barns is sweeting and heating, although Untied by some peddler, and thrown off his back. it was allowed to cure the usual length of Lafayette. ... Oreyon PQW what a change, how mighty, how time and appeared in proper condition when Office — Jail Building, up stairs. 3Stf. grand! . put away. The city with people, the people with sand. Mrs. Gerald and her sister. Miss Van Slyte. We have churches and sg I iou I s . town hnlls HT, CIIIRLEW HOTEL, of Portland, are visiting with James Old« nnd fights: .... family. They are after fresh air, which ear. Bovs on their muscle, nnd two legal lights. V. MULTNBB, Prop., be had here in plenty. We ht».ve Rollins A Hale—« first class Co,— Corner Third and B street», With Lanoetield A Son. a few doors below ; The first load of wheat passed through • • ORFfcOM. \nd Bnntin. who wishes all parties to know n< YII^NVH.Lfi; town this morning. That he’s here for to sell, and not for to New bouse! New furniture! unsurpassed in N at . blow. the nountry. Rates—11 to 12 per day, accord­ There is Simpson with watches that will ing to room. Single meals. 25 cents. Lodg­ SHERIDAN. make you stare. . ing, 25 to 50 rents, according to room. Board And Buntin. with stoves and all kind of tin • nd Lodging, $4 tn August 1A I**5- per week. Fine «ample Rooms and superior ncrommodations for com­ Smoke ard dust ag disagreeable a« ever. With Rubels £ Likens who worn where *ti mercial t en. Supper furnished Balls and Times are looking up a little. hot, And one or two where boys play for parties at reasonable rates. Give me a call J. M. Townsend has moved into his new i nd see for yourselves. rhere^s^FutroaR A Watt who deal is |**ath»r house. 3F Wm. R. Eads, who went to the Sound and hides, ..... And Porter A Jelliaon who have horses to country. last spring, has come home on a ▼i«it, and will remain a week or so. IN n ft ADcHtooth. too. with a neat butcher shop. < Lafollett had twenty acres of oar« . j r w,n. ovinia buggma tiptop i z\ U Kl Q Rl ’ C DDIPif threshed that yielded forty-six bushels to y-npre who deal out th* J v n No vrl o oRlVsIv, " wT • . ... .u . X „..h.» I Lafayette-Oregon. had .iwt *£** •!? , tonit