but g<> dircctly to the louiiey,, tLo ERANCE. most <»f these ai i mentí.” U í <* q ( seven at Colorado Junction, and as And yet Ethelinde stood close MORE LIES Y amhill R eporter , mad. uThis, then, is what you meant wh we rounded the curve I saw her on beside her—so close that the heated said moie than one-half the deaths which y(” the main track. All of a sudden an Food of tho French—Much Wine »nd arise from Bright’s diseMe, in it doctor breath swept across her face. .She Rum- Home Stories Told in a Free- idea struck me. You know you hit a Kittle Moot Consumed In »he Eurupoun •• Frecisely. Thousands of Ho-called ,i¡^ A. V. R. B ntdbb . P bopbiblob . tried to move, but the effort was Good Match in » Roundhouse billiard bailor, the under side, setting are torturing ¡Miopie to-day, when jn JJ?** without avail; an unseen power had for-all-Lying Republic. at Laramie. is Bright’s disease in some one of ” it to whirling backward from the way brought her to this spot and an un forms. It is a Hydra headed monster anU,T OKEGOff McMIBHVILLE. it is going, and it will jump. Well. I I seen power held her a prisoner there. slightest symptoms should «trike tarrwA, Some statistics lately published ery one who has them. I can look liact '*’ “You think—you fear I am insane,” ' The new time card went into effect just reversed my engine and pulled abroad of the yearly consumption of recall hunei' information dtisii’etl was about the’ aim’Uiit» ' the hills— increase of Bright’s disease, Ids inann? I seeking bugs and butterflies, and she the ' linde Lourne, we shall see!” send Dr. Harris up by telegraph, if I covery that it can be easily and profit­ head, and at Lille tho annual con instantly and bespoke very eaniestlr- • ruined mills, • She unclasped a heavy locket from possible. I'd just got in with four, ably grown in California. Residents sumption of wine sinks to 22 quarts, changed “ It is true that Bright’s disease ha» ¿ And rustic bridges and the like, which-picture about her neck, touched one of the and old 155 was feelin’ immeuse; of California have been accustomed while the consumption of bread is 476 creased w?»mlerfuily, and we find, by reliable makers prize To run in with their waterfalls, and groves glittering gems, and in the shadowy blowin’ oil' so loud you couldn’t hear to consider a small bottle of ‘Mission pounds and of meat 108 pounds statistics, that in the past ten years its growth been 250 per cent. Look attheprominew and sunny skies. moonlight Ethelinde saw the hand­ oil’ for their salad as a treasure; for per head. These two cities aro quite has men it has carried off: Everett, Sumner And many a quiet evening, in hours of full some face of Cardyn La Roy. For yourself think. Baxter he oime out it far surpasses iu purity and sweet­ Chase, Wilson, Carpenter, Bishops Haven«j exceptional, the others not varying just as I’d started for the roundhouse, release, We floated down the river, or loafed beneath a second all was dark; the weight of and says he ‘Danny, you’ve’got to go ness any imported oi!. But it is only much from the average in the matter Peek, and others. This is terrible, andihoin the whole earth seemed heaped in to Sherman quickern- well, pretty within a few years that private own­ of wine at least. The people of a greater growth than that of any other known the trees, it should be plain to everyone And talked in long gradation, from the poets one place, and that place upon her ers of land in Southern California Nantes eat the most bread and the complaint, quick.’''j that something mu«t be done to check thia in. ¡ to the weather, heart. It would have been a mercy “I says ‘all right.’ says I. and have seriously considered the ques­ least meat, 592 pounds of the former icrease or there is no kuowing where it may end j While the summer skies and my cigar burned could she have fainted, but Heaven knowin’ ho wanted a quick run, I told tion whether olive culture could be aud 101 pounds of the latter annually “Do you think many people are afflict slowly out together. with it to-day who do not realize it, Mr. War. But through it all no whispered word or tell­ had no mercy for her. the firemen to uncouple the tender, made a paying enterprise. So many for «ach person, and each drink 142 ner ?” tale look or sigh "I do not believe it yet! ” she possibilities cling to th« broad lands quarts of wine. These poor people bo as to make my engine lighter, and “ Hundreds of thousands. I have a «trilling Told aught of love ns coldly as wo talked of gasped, after a moment's silence. when Harris climbed into the cab and rich soil of the Golden State, have not the blessing of Schuykill exampl • of this truth which has just cometo nebula*, And thought no more of being one, than wo “Have you no other, no stronger and took a seat on the fireman's box, ihat it is not wonderful if some of water or perhaps their consumption my notice. A prominent professor in a Net Orleans medical college was lecturing befon did of being three. proof?” I threw the reverse over in the corner them have been overlooked. And. of wine would be greater. his class oil the subject of Bright’s disease “Well, good-bye, old fellow,” I took her The tattered shawl which shielded and gave her steam. Away she though experiments in olive growing ----------- *♦« — hand, for the time had coine to go, He had various fluids under microscopic ana!?, the woman from the chill of the au ­ have been made on a small scale with My going meant our parting, when to meet E xtraordinary G rowth or H air sis, and was showing the students what the it jumped like a scal'd kangaroo. The we did not know. tumn night was thrown back, and doctor's eyes bulged out like a pair of good success during the last twenty The ordinary length of the hair on dications of this terrible malady were. In un­ I had lingered long and Haid farewell with the girl saw the features of Cardyn to show the contrast between healthy and porcelain drawer knobs as we rushed years, popular interest is only now the bead of a woman varies from der a very heavy heart, unhealthy fluids, ho had provided a vial, the For though we were but friends, you know, La Roy—and this time upon the out over the plains toward the mount beginning to be awakened. In the twenty inches to a yard, in some in­ contents of which were drawn from his owi faultless face of Rathe Den mar's ains. Rippity click we smashed along I first place, there was the drawback, stances even longer than that; but person. ‘And now, gentlemen,’ ho said, q? ’tis hard for friends to part; ‘‘Well, good-rbye, old fellow, don’t forget child. over the switches and frogs at Fort peculiarly great to the American tern they are of unusual occurrence--its we have seen the unhealthy indications, 1 will your friends across the Hea, “I have other proof.” the woman Sanders, and Harris barging on for perament, of the slowness of growth, weight from five to ten ounces A show you how it appear» in a state of perfect And some day, when you’ve lots of time, just ’ and he submitted his own fluidtotbe said. “Letters by the hundred. Here lijs life, and looking like an uninsured and irregular productiveness of the contemporary relates an instance health, drop a line to me.” usual test. As he watched the results hi» The words came lightly, gaily, but a great are some. Take them Ethelinde man sitting down to his first dish of ■ olive in Europe. The old Tuscan where the Lair on a lady’s head at­ countenance suddenly changed—his color and sob just behind Lourne, they will give truth to the cucumbers. We passed Red Butte saying is, ‘Plant a vineyard for your tained the measurement of two yards command both left him, and in a trembling Rose upward with a story of quite a differ­ charge I have made. And now we like a thunder bolt and went flying self, an orange grove for your chil­ in length. But its proper length for voice he said: ‘Gentlemen, I have made» ent kind; painful discovery; I have Bright’s diseasoof dren. and an olive orchard for your texture and strength should not ex the And then she raised her eyes to mine, great must part. I feel, I hope you will do up the sides of the mountain. kidneys,’ and in less than a year he vy liquid eyes of blue. me and mine justice. If you marry grandchildren. ’ As a people, we aro ceed twenty four inches, audits value dead.” ‘"What’s that—a post?’ asked the i Full to the brim end running o’er, like this man you may be happy; that is. “ You believe, then, that it has no symp­ violet cups with dew. doctor as we passed something in a I not fond of looking far into the as long hair is much depreciated in toms of its and is freouently unknown future; and besides, judging from price when it falls shorter. It has I even by the own (hie long, long look, and then I did what I if he means what he says. But if jiffy- person who is afflicted with it?' never did before, you find happiness witK him, God ourselves, we are not at all sure that been calculated by Withof that the’ “ It ______ ... has no symptoms of its own _ and very “It was tlie first shed west of1 our grandchildren will wish to live Perhaps the tear meant friendship, but I pity me!” ”. Usually peoulehave beard grows at the rate of a line and ! often none at all. I dually no two two peon think the kiss msant more. Harney, 250 feet long, so you can see A second later she had gone into .d frequently f.. quentiy death where we do. But the olive is good a half per week, which gives a length 1 ¡1‘" ■‘.''inptamH. ....... «>•' A i? —FiZoAn C'auil, in the Arcadian. . 1 i the vne first iirsv • symptom. syiupunii. The slightest indication , j i o i ? 11 «> ?e • xi the darkness, and Ethelinde ■ was how fast we was goin’. enough to adapt itself to the rapidity of r , . six ar * i inches nzdinti om --, I f in irv r .i nil course ■ ney > difficulty - . and a half the !U1y . |¿id should be enough to ------------ ----------------------- “ ‘ Been settin ’ out a hedge fence alone in her wild despair. She turned of American demands. It matures of a year, while for a limn of eighty strike terror to any one. I know what lam ETHELLNDE’S LOVE. about slowly, aud went up the wide along here, haven’t they ?’ again asked much earlier than in Europe, and years of age, twenty-seven feet would I talking about, for I have been through all the the doctor. marble steps into the gaily lighted | bears oftener and more plentifully. ^("e^“2;ni„n•„ “He referred to the telegraph poles, , The system of propagation from cut have fallen before the razor The ¡ Ethelinde Lourne came out from hall, where the music of the ballroom amid the blinding beautien of the was echoing softly, and then into the which did look pretty thick, I can tell i tings, as far as can be judged at pres­ beard or the Burgomaster Hant Stem- ; « Yes, 1 have both read and heardofit." ingen was so long that upon one oc-! “ It i» very wonderful, i» it not?’ crowded ball-room—out ¡Dto the utter darkness of her own room. She you, tho way we was goin’. ent, gives, in our rich soil, robust “‘Who put in that irrigating ditch ?’ trees: and there is no need to em­ casion, having forgotten to fold up ,"A v”r>' prominent case, but uo more, shadowy glory of the early autumn sat down beside tlm closed window, the same, he trod upon it as he as night—to hide herself among the and leaned her head against the cold again asked the doctor. ploy the slow process of raising them “‘That’s Dale Creek canyon.’ an from the seed Five years is surely cenried to the central chamber at 1 means.” tall old trees that rose like grim panes. And so she sat through the phantoms before her, and dream of long night, and when morning came swered the fireman as he stopped half not long to wair for a fruit crop; aud Bonn and was thereby thrown down “ You beli^vo then that Bright’s diae^cM 1 be cured?” her life’B great happiness and her it found her there still, her hands a minute from shoveling coal, jnst as after that time, according to the best and killed- I I know it can. I know it from experi- heart’s great and glorious love. a few years past, the me- Bnoe °.f Hundred» of prominent clasped in the agony’ of despair, her we swept through the last two sheds J California authorities, the trees will » Within -i • i l i a i ■ were given up to ilio by both their physician# this side of Sherman and made a fly She was wondrously fair in her face calm and peaceful as the face of yield a full, and in many cases an chamcal equivalent of heat used in Uid friends? ’ stop at the station. own gentle way, this Ethelinde the dead. annual harvest. At a late meeting all calculations relating to the valué j “You speak of your own experience, whit “We’d made the twenty-three miles, of the State Horticultural Society in of heat as a motive power -has been»! wa* Lourne; wondrously fair with her At ten o’clock Cardyn La Roy calm, sweet face, her large, deep eyes came to learn his fate from her, and up grade, in nineteen minutes! I set San Francisco, it was stated that one corrects«! Instead of 772 pounds, . “J ,.Barf."1 ’!"*• } hud felt languid »nd™- , i.» \ , fitted t >r business for years. But I did not her little graceful form, and her »lie was ready to tight the first battle my coffee bucket on the driving boxes olive farm yielded $2,200 to the acre. hitherto referred to by mechanical know what ailed me. When, however,! to boil, they was so hot, and while I These trees bore every year, and were as golden hair. And to-night the of her life and fight it alone. writers, Dr. Joule ’ s experiments, found it was kidney difficulty, I thought there crowning glory of her life had come 1 Kavm hope, and «o .-.«» did the doctor#. I "I would not be your wife, Mr. La was eatin’ out comes Harris aud says situated on ‘adobe’ hill sides, the hot made» and repeated with extraordi- , . i » have Lw.v»*»<».l a of the 4-1».. physician» .»liircir-iun» to her in the guise of Cardyn Ln Roy,” she said, "if you laid the he: learned 4-l.nF that one tom lands being found, as in Italy, nary precautions, give a mean result • of this since city pointed me out to a gentleman on “Dan, it’s twins—two boys, and as less favorable to the fruit. Th« vari­ of Roy’s love. He had told lier his wealth of the world at my feet. Had 774.1 pounds, with a possible W c~ ’ i the street one day, saying, ‘ there goes a nun heart’s story how he had loved her you pressed me for an answer last fine little kids as you ever saw.” ety was the ‘Mission olive,’ which has ron of 1.400, on account of tlie “ther­ - who will be dead within a year.’ I believeh» “ Yes, that was a pretty fair run, ” so long, and asked her to be his wife. night it would have been otherwise: ¡words would have proven true if I had not not been identified with any of the mometric scale error ” And on the morrow she was to give to day it is as it is. A thousand remarked Billy Hodgman; "but I say. varieties now cultivated in Europe. j fortunately secured anil used the remedy no» as Warner’s Safe Cure.” Dun. what a long armed fireman you The olive was introduced into South him her answer. So it was she had times no!" "Who was the first man’” asked known “ And this caused you to manufacture itT must have had. ” left the perfumed parlors and come America in 1560, by Antouio Ribera; the superintendent. And a boy in “No, itcauBed me to investigate. 1 went “And why so sudden a change?” “How's that?” asked Breeze. out into the autumn moonlight to but the California trees sprang from the noisy class replied "An Ameri­ to the principal cities, saw physicians prescrib­ “Because that night contained “Why, to shovel coal in Sherman seeds sent from San Blas in Mexico can colonel." But the superinten ing and using it and I therefore determined, think over once again the impassioned twelve hours, and two of them were words he had spoken, and listen to spent with Kathe Denmar and your from a tender that stood on a side I bv Don Joseph de Galvez with his dent explained that the colonel would as a duty I owed humanity and the suffering, to bring it within their reach and now its track here in Laramie.” the answer that would echo in her child!” e [(edition to rediscover ¿the port of be the last man. and if the world known in every part of America, is sold in Breese remarked that he guessed throbbing heart, A ■ i f she had not , Monterey.” 1 lasted a few y»ars longer, the only every drug store and has become a household He tottered like a reed swept by a known that I' necessity.” answer for many I one. gale, and locked his glittering that was three pulling into the yard The reporter left Mr. Warner, much im­ days; as i if she had not known wintry and he ’ d better be going, and he left. teeth to stay tin1 curses that rose to A BRUSSELS LOVE STORY. pressed with the earnestness and sincerity of "zlny of you Ixiys remember when bow she had striven to suppress his lips. The young man to whom the world his statements, and next paid a visit to Dr. S. the love for fear he night read I.attiinore, at his residence on Prince street “Met lier met her!” he gasped. lightning struck the tank at Dale There is a pretty love story told ¡D “owes a living" has been turned out A. her secret before she know his. He “No, no; it is impossible—impossi­ Creek, and put a hole clear through Dr. Lattimore, although busily engaged upon of doors, his landlady not being ■}, ' I some connection with the introduction of matters connected with the State Board her from side to side?” inquired Billy i was so knightly, so supremely noble, ble!" the manufacture of fine lace into willing to take the indebtedness o' * | of Health, of which he is one of the analysts. that she loved him as she loved her | this world on her shoulders. I courteously answered the questions that ware "Nothing is impossible in this age, Hodgman of his companions. Brussels. A poor girl, named Ger All of them recollected the time j life. All. what man is worthy of so Cardyn La Roy. She was here last ' propounded him; trude, was dying for love of a young great a love? ‘"Did you make chemical analysis of th* RE-INVESTIGATED. night is here to-day. I searched well, and s[ioke of it as a wonderful man. whose wealth precluded all I She stood for one brief moment in for and found her this morning and phenomenon the thunderbolt pass as | A Semarkable Statement Fully Confirmed by | case agn, of Mr. H. H. Warner, some three years o >, Doctor?” tile full glory of the autumn night, brought lier homo with me, iu com mg through tho building from one I hopes of marriage. One night, l _ Three Important Interviews. “ “Yes, sir.” and pressed her hands, glittering puny with a minister, who now side to the other, instead of from toil she sat weeping, a lady entered her “What did this analysis show you?” cottage, and without saying a word, urn. uivuvuv c* vvuiki, a * “ iiuiisiuH er called on Dr. Henion at his resi­ tion, and the statements they make cannot !’■ the mysterious lady entering her com­ dence, when the following interview occurred: a moment be doubted. They conclusive^ fair arm, crying. and just as we struck Dale Creek you forfeit your freedom bridge be kicked a big chunk of coal fortable house—this time not silent, " That article of your’» doctor, has created show that Bright’s disease of the kidney* “I want Ethelinde LdUrne. Will her a justice a whirlwind. Are the statements about one of the most deceptive and dangerous of **■ | time - your honor forever!” but looking stern. She, said, “Here quite terrible condition you were in, and the diseases, that it is exceedingly common, si«®’ I ▼on take uie to her? For the love of for After a long pause Cardyn La Roy off: Dem niv buttons if it didn't fly you enjoy peace and comfort, while the * t- ou were rescue,i "'■‘‘h;w you can sustain Heaven, take me to her!” for that tank like a cannon ball and chose the first course. " “v7rv onfc °f them and many additional ingly increasing and that it can be cured. The fingers dosed convulsively went right through it. We heard the 1 without are famine ami trouble. I, one. ----------------------------------- hew people ever ge» so near the grave "I will marry her. ” he said. helped you: you have not helped > about the perfect arms, and left their crash, but didn't know’ then what was rp; , * i as * 1 mu did miu and tnea then return, and I am not snr- Fashionable gentlemen wear black silk h* Fifteen minutes later Kathe Den your neighbors. T l — — — --- 1 1 lie angels weep . prised that the public think it . . ... 2_!.A It marvelous. It for full dress. impress in the quivering flesh. Ethe­ the matter. The Kiys got the brakes >wnv f rvrvi»« l"n/ine U I was marvelous. mnrvalnno ’’ lost honor was redeemed, as set linde. with one wrench flinging aside mar's just as we reached The Siding, I for you, and turn away their faces.” was “How far as mortal could redeem it. and to ­ in the world ¿id did you, a a physician, physician So th« next day Gertude went forth A LUCKY FITHEBMAN. the woman's bands, freed her arms gether Cardyn La Roy and she and we found that we'd made the six t<> l>e --------- brought „------ so ...A low ’ ? ” ’’ with her cushion and Liobbin in her come and said, calmly. miles in four minutes and a half. It In the vast amount f.u»iness tranas«*’' * ” By neglecting the first and most rnmle “ sniiple started out upon their life’s» pathway rained in the mountains that after ; hand, and going from cottage to cot­ symptoms. 'n 11 it.« 1 llt.l Ont + I ..... . 1 » • . I did not think I was sick. It i, the Baltimore, Md., postoffice, Mr. "I am Ethelinde Lourne. Did you with but one lxind in common lie | tage, she offered to teach the art she true 1 had frequent headaches; felt tired most Bailey, superintendent of the mails, is kff’ wish to see me?" tween them a tiny grave near noon, and when we got to Laramie had so mysteriously learned. So they of the time: could eat nothing one day and exceedingly busy, but somehow he fitxte a *P-ir us a streak of lightning had “Wish to see you! Why, Ethelinde hour or (Lay to go fishing, and from hi« w;ut ,a«..|1..,is th., nevt: felt d-.cl. ii I . Ethelinde i.uiruiiu" Bourne's i otii n home; uiuiit'; and mm Ethe r.mv j they told all became rich, and their country, pains, the Dale Lourne. those words i IU.''i linde " Creek ' tank and Jet I : also. and my stomach v as out of order but I **nce he gives his testimony, that St. Jicol*' was left to Ix'Hr the misery of struck is the I >est remedy in the world for rheun> did not think it meant anything serious." Did I wish to see yon? Did I wish her heart's anguish. Poor Ethelinde! 1 the water out of it.” ‘‘But have these common ailments anything ti-*m, sprains, sore feet and joints, bruise#.^ “ Pretty good time," to live! Do you know, had I not seen said Perry It is the remedy for fishermen ami 2iinner5, to do with the fearfnl Bright» dixeam which years after, when the snows Bickford; "but I don't lielieve any you to-night I would have flung m.v of Louj? A conductor on one of the railroads ■ tG»tJc bo firm a hold on you?” who should always keep a bottle on baud- many winters had swept across; one ever beat the run I made down centering in this city has a peculiar i “ Anything ! Why,’ they are the rare indi- self into yonder pool ? My heart is the bright gold of her hair. Kathe bursting beneath its load of misery. Denmar came l ack to her a widow, ; the mountain from Granite to Chey 1 way of adding to his income. Be j ei»tion»..f the hrct.tage» of that dreadful lna|». Somebody wt ite» to a rural paper to ask ‘ k” L . u .u fe.W. f*"!4" kn"w "r realize I feel at times almost bereft of rea and together they live, watching and 1 enne, last. Winter, with four box cars, fore passing through the train he eats what ad» them, and I am xwry to »ay that too lone cow» Should be milked.' Why, the «*=* aa a short cow, to be sure. son: my sorrow is so great, so mad waiting for the end to come. And and nary a brake on them that would two No. 1 onions and drinks about few physicians do either. 1» » Strange statement, doctor." dening. Ethelinde Lourne, I have whose blessing shall lie greater—the hold a pound. The train broke in the same quantity of .ninety-cent gin. “ * The »’.irprising euccese of Mrs. But it is a true one. The medical t»rofes- come to you as a last resort Come woman, tho sun of whose life rose in two just after leaving there, and be i j He then takes a chew of plug tobacco treating symptoms instead ..f 1‘mkli.ini » Compound for tho several .li»T’ to yon, the woman wlio holds my such utter darkness and set ere it fore I knew it we had le(t the rest of and proceeds to collect his tickets. I •lon have been peculiar to women forcibly illustrate» {*•*"• ?n’1 rt ** hu‘’h tin,e «*«r channels indi- «aid none of 'em would work. By down and breathing heavily remarks, | cats mercy upon me and mine?" * the aj.proach of Bright', disease even Carpet, atd furniture 20 per cent, eh*« Etiieliude looked into the woman's A smart young man picked qj a this time we were climbing. lean tell “How far did you say you wished to ■ more than a cough annoance, the coming of St H. Schellhaae’. 11th St.. Oakland. W edo not treat the cough, but face. It was flushed and purple; ! uvwvi ***< you. and when we passed Otto, all yon go. sir?” And the passenger simply flower in n a mm ball rwm room mm after no all the to help the lungs. We »h«uld not waste her eyes were glowing, but one girls had gone, and sang pathetical «mid see of the station was an in­ turns white, throws up both hands | | ' try our time trying to relieve the headache. rt.,ra. „ There 1» nothing better for Toiao« OS thing was possible—the woman was ■ ly: “'Tis the last rose of some her." distinct blnr. I knew we had to pass and shouts “never mind the change." • ach. pains about the bodv or other symptan-.a. • Ute. Burns and Sores than S alvi . Price 2S cts. Try it.