è» «O PER ANNUM Born to the wife of L. Denny, July 31at, a nne daughter, weighing 10X pounds. Elder Glenn Burnett will preach at the Published Evory Thursday, at Christian Church Sunday the 12th. M c M innville : : o r i g o n Grandma Sanders. J, R. Sanders’ mother, has been very sick for some time, was some BY little better oil Sunday. JL. V. ZR- SIN" YDEB. I. C. Robinson has a very bad hand, caused ( from a sliver or brier run in the palm of his Editor and Proprietor. nand. It has caused him a great deal of suf­ fering ; is some better now. MI BSCRI PTION KATES. Married—at the bride’s home, July 29th, »2.50 1883, Miss Annie Likins and Baily Chaney. One copy per year, in advance.............. •* six months “ ............ 1JJ0 Mr. and Mrs. Chaney, may your boat glide smoothly o’er the troubled waves, is our wish. We learn that Mr. E. P, Wallace has pur­ chased 8 acres of land in the Smith A Phil­ lip addition to the town of Amity and in­ tend building on the same this fall. Mr. Joseph Putman has built a new barn LATAtBTTB. on his town property and will build a resi­ dence this fall. August 7, 188.3. Nearly everybody except a few old toughs, Joseph Barton has been put under bonds like your correspondent, is more or less of $200 bonds to await his trial at the set­ doubled up with the cholera morbus, or some ting of the Grand Jury, for the poisoning other kind of a stomach ache. As a conse­ of Thos. Levens’ dog. quence the said old toughs have to get away it is understood that the stores with all cuoumbers, green apples and such are J believe to be kept closed on the Sabbath at this truck, because the delicate dude stomach is place yet there are those that trample not able to encounter the gripes and twinges on this ; and law. We noticed that on last Sun of the green fruit species. day evening the store opposite the post office Last week “typo” A. Westerfield had was open. quite a severe time with the cholera morbus, Mrs. Lucy Walling died at her son, N. or something like it,—green apples, of course Walling ’s. July 30, 1883. Had she —and Willie, his brother, had to turn out lived until she would have been and help the “ Register” to get out in time. 94 years old. September, She was the mother of George Alex is better now and the country is safe Walling of Portland, and John and Nelson again. Walling of this place. A. S. In the case (Equity) between J. H. Olds and West Carey, Judge Boise ruled that the town of St. Joseph, this county, never had a DAYTON. legal existence as a town. The reasons, if correct, will leave many a town out in the August 6,188.3. cold, and render many town incorporations Ex-Sheriff Kelty, of Lafayette, was in worthless. town one day last week. Dr. Calbreath and familv, and Jeff Harris F. A. Hill returned from Ilwaco last and family returned from the coast yester­ Wednesday. day. and report themselves highly pleased S. W. Crane, of Portland, was in town last with the trip. When Doc. and Jeff returned we supposed week, looking after his milling interests at this place. that all were in until we counted nosesand found John Bird was missing, but he will be A. R. Logan. Esq., of your town, paid us a back in a few days. fiying visit last Thursday. Yesterday Sheriff Collard brought Ed. Miss Belle Jones, of Eola, is visiting Shermam in and lodged him in jail. You friends at this place. will remember that some time ago Ed, in one of his drunken sprees, took a horse from the Mrs. Henry Shank is seriously ill with pasture of S. Allen, near Amity,rode the ani­ typhoid fever. Dr. Odell is attending her. mal to Portland, thence to Hillsboro, where Mrs. Frank Huddleson returned from a .he sold him to Joe Petoh. Mr. A. followed td her sister, at Independence, last .the hor»e and recovered him, and was satis­ visit week. fied; but Mr. Patch was not so well satisfied rfmd so had a warrant issued for the arrest of Pete Davis, Esq., who was formerly em­ Ed. Last week Sheriff Collard heard of ployed on the Narrow Gauge as engineer, but him at Oregon City where he was found and who has been in southern California for the brought up yesterday. last two years, was here visiting acquain­ This news will be a hard blow to the young tances last week. man’»? relatives, who are all very respectable people, living in this county, and who, I am Our young friend, John Palmer, who has sure, tried to lead him in the right way ; been employed on the Narrow Gauge as en­ but bad company and strong drink had a gineer for the past three years, is visiting his greater influence than they and he was led mother and numerous friends at this place. astray. It is likely that this matter is more Col. Chris. Taylor left for San Francisco the result of a drunken spree than of crimi­ to-day. Ha will be absent about four weeks, nal intent, but the law will hardly excuse it and will attend the Grand Encampment of on that account. Knight Templars, which convenes at that N at . city August 20th. Luther Fletcher and party, who have bean enjoying two weeks camping on the Nestuoca, NORTH YAMHILL. returned last Wednesday. Aug. 6,1883. The“Great Eastern Amusement Combi­ Still it kee.'’’ dry and dusty. , nation” played to small houses hero last We had n praity good thunder last Wed­ Thursday and Friday nights. nesday night lor Oregon. Pete Werf. while engaged feeding a thresh­ Mrs. Eva Hayes from the Grove is in town er, one day lest week, had one of kis fingers almost torn from his band by the cylinder, visiiing relative“?. Dr. Mills dressed the wound and thinks he Mr. Glandon mid wife, from Salem, are can save the finger. down visiting relative#. L loyd . Mr. Art Barney, from the WalU Walla country, is down visiting his paints. Mr. Collins pitched his tent in town last SHERIDAN. Tuesday for the purpose of taking the pretty August 6,1883. faces of our young folks, and he has had all Travel to the coast hnji almost ceased. he could do, so far. We were favored last Thursday and Friday Brown A* Sleppy lost by fire about one hun­ nights with the Moore A Lorraine trouba­ dred thousand feet of saw logfl. dours. It was good and they had a good The German prune trees at P. M. Scrog- house both nights. They went down to Chehalem and showed Saturday night, and gin’s, J. F- Bewley’s and Capt. Lafollett s, left here to-day for Forest Grove, th© balance are hanging full of fruit. of the troup are advertised to show here to­ E. R. Poppleton, nurseryman of Lafay­ morrow night. ette, was in town last week or business. The Smith Hotel has changed hands. Mr. Mi» Minnie Butt and sister, of Nc-stucca, •Chas. Royal is now the new landlord. are visiting at Capt. Lafollett s. Our butcher shop has again closed up. So Neirber plums, blackberries or apples in now we are compelled to take bacon straight, the market. only as the Lafayette butcher runs in once in The dam across Mill creek to turn the wa­ -a while. ler to Morrison A Embree’s mill is completed Str. W. B. Rice has a bursted vein in his and waler will I kj turned into the race as R'j'.. which is causing him a great deal of soon as the leveling and cleaning up oan be trouiJe, He has not been able to work for finished. about two months. The outlook for a crop th* forepart of the Mrs. Barry acompanied by her daughter, season was so discouraging that some times left Thursday for her home in New Tacoma. it was thought there would be a failure, but Mr. John Maddox had the misfortune to the fart'ie”, now the! he haw the sickle in loose a good horse faft Monday in the moun­ the gram, is well satisfied and will have a three-fourths crop and times will be as good tains. this fall as usual. Mrs. M. E. Sheythe from Kalama W. T. is Eugene Graves, of Portland, is visiting at visiting at her daughters, Mrs. Wm, .Morgan. his father’s. Ball A Daniels have shut down their saw Jt thundered, lightened and made great mill. They will keep what few logs they derations here last week and then have only to till orders. Mowed over «-jlhont rain, and it is smoky as Mr. Frank Honseworth has the boss bam. ever. he has given it one coat of ptint. It would A number of threshing will start make a nice dwelling. hereabouts this week, and perhaps new week Fanners are nil busy now days. Il we may be Rble to furnish you a thrilling J?ood to hear the bum of th« thresher. Crop4* itenL will be short in this section. Chas.. Kuyken­ We «re informed that Fuqua A Thacker, dall had 50 acres of oats that went >'• ba«he|w to the acre. We have heard of only two the owners of the Nestncci road, have it piece? of wheat being threshed yet, which completed to within about four hundred vnrds of the bench ; that they have a good went T2 hatheU. and ik*cure boat and will take persons to the A crowd left hare Saturday evening from beach and furnish tlum with a good hack to Portland on their wav to Tillamook. We travel any place they wish to go, free of mw one from the houae of Thompson De­ charge. Hart usineas aachiekm dry Line where there is nothing for them to raisers. ent. to »»rank into the gardens and grain Mr. Moore of Moore*» Veliev has sold his fields of their nnighbors. More ill feeling place to Mr. Bowles, living tn town. We and tronbl- is engendered between neighbor» bv breachv stock then nil other causec.-- hear he will take possession in October. There are too mnnv men in this section who Onr saloons are getting to be a grand nni- to not care if their Mock ia destnmng sane** eepecinlly on Sunday. It is a shame other pw^pte’» grain. If they ™id hear and disgrace to our town. what their neighbor» MY aM«t them, they T rkveleu . would oertoinly cb*i)ge the’.” conduct. THE HEPOXITEII, Local Correspondence. ABKXTT. fl , Aug. L 1883. Peaehes ar? getting rioc. Harvesting in this section has begun in «arnest. Mr«. P. Y. McCarter is contemplating a tnp back to Canada, soon. Mrs. Rollins was considerable better when last heard from, having gone to Salem. Mrs. J. Prindle has been quite sick for sev­ eral days. NEWBERG. P an , Llllie, daughter of Dr. Jessup, while play- 1 ar with a fork, the other day, let the fork slip, striking her in the eye. It was thought fora time that her eye was put out, but she is getting so she can see out of it a little. Jesse Hobson is putting up a neat little dwelling house Senator JeMup is putting a new coat of paint on his house. May Robertson lias just returned from a visit at Portland. We have decided to hold the lair this year on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October. James Tooze Is putting up a new barn. There was a large turnout to the Social Temperance Meeting, yesterday, and we had a good time listening to declamations, essay's and short speeches by members of the Socie­ ty. The following officers were elected for the next three months: John Reese, Pres; Julius Hodson, Vice Pres; Maggie Inglis, Sec : Willie Newman, Treas. There will be an Educational meeting at the Friends’church, next Sunday at 4 o’clock p. m., to be opened by Dr. Jessup, followed by other speakers. The following officers were installed for Newberg Lodge No. 3<»*2,1 O G T.last Saturday evening: John Smith, W CT. Ida Wiley, W R H S ; Sade Smith, W L II S ; Mi s M A Hob­ son, W*V '1'; Julius Hodson. W S; Louisa Holston, W A S ; Emory Hodson, W F S; Rox ie Heater, W T ; Maggie Inglis, W M : Fred Olds. W D M ; Samuel Hobson, WC; Walter Robertson, W I G : Frankie Hobson, W OG ; Nale Wiley, 1» W CT. , Mr and Mrs E U Hadawav. of Dayton Prai­ rie. are down on a short visit. .T eetotaler . T------------------ --------7—^ - “HACKMETACK.” a laflffng and fra gran perfume. Price 25 end 50 cents. Sold by Rog- era TOBACCO. neatly repaired. Notice of Application to Purchase Prescriptions carefully compounded and All work and goods warranted. A. ». HOW ARI», ». charges reasonable. Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon. Timber L«and. 31 m3. Physician and Surgeon, U. 8. Laud Office at Oregon City, I Oregon, May 10, 1883 J Notice is hereby given that A. 8. Bible, Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular of Yamhill County, Oregoh, has made __ ap r attenti >n given to diseases of Women and Special Attention plication to purchase the E. 1-2 oi N. W. 1-4 Horses Boarded Children. All calls promptly attended to. given to by the Day, ai d W. 1-2 of N. E 14 of Site. 21, T4 8, R 7 Residence—at Mrs. Talmage’s. Week or Month. Transient Stock. Will, Mer., under the provisions of the Act W of Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled “ Au Art lor the sale of Timber Lands in the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash­ M’CAIN & HURLEY Corner Commercial and Trade 8ts., ington Territory.” All adverse Haims to said tract of land or SALEM, - . • OREGON. JTTOR.VK VS ,IT Lei I»’. any portion thereof, must be filer! in the U. 8. Snt1staction Guaranteed Lana Office at Oregon City, Oregon, before -and--’ Lata ye lie Oregon. the expiration of sixty days from this date. Giveu under my hand this 10th day of May, NOTARIES PUBLIC, 1883. L. T. BARIN, Register. Lafayette. ... Oregan W. II ROY», fl. » , Office—Jail Building, up stairs. 33tf. IndcrOdd Fellows9 ilnll, DR. E HOWELL GAINES FISHER, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable- BOSS SALOON SURGEON A PHYSICIAN, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, McMinnville, - Custer J. < COOPER Oregon, riFFICE —tin stairs over Manning’s Tin ’ ’ Store, McMinnville, Oregon A. ENNIS, Proprietor. r MOLTNER, Prop.. Particular attention paid to diseases of wo­ Corner Thkd and B jtreetSj men and Children. The Finest Wines, Liquorsand Cigars kept nCMINNVfLTK - e OHEGON. If not in office, ^an bej found by enquiring constantly on hand. 13-4m3. New house! New furniture! unwrpsHed ip st either of the drug stores. P. 8. —Patients )»«ve the right to have tbeir the country. Rates—$1 to #2 per day, accord mg to room. Single meal«, 2> cents, L- CIVIL ENGINEER, Post Band McMinnville. Or. R. SHANE, NEW BILLIARD HALL 1» JOHNSON’S BRICK, Has returned to his old stand-up stairs in 8i monda’ building—with a new equipment oi utensili lur his work, "nd is now prepared to take Picture* of all Kind*. 4tf. A, V. H. *NYI z.H, l.erder, McMinnville, Oregon. I U omt S olas T ransit . I have all the field note» of the Public Snrveva of Yamhill county, and am prepared to do Fi rat-Claw work on short notice and reasonable terms. VALI. OURLEr, r«**, R. V. HENRY WARREN, J. E. MAGERS. N ota nr P ublic . N otary P ublic . WAHREN & MAGERS, Lafayette. Oregon. From & small size tin-type to a large Cabinet The Purest Wine* and Liquor« kept eonRlant- Please give me a call. 33m6. ly on hand. Cigar« of the best brands and one of the best Billiard Tables in the State, found here. JOHN HULERY, IVLLCO^E s^troo.v. J9tf Proprietor. ♦ Real Estate and Insuranco Agents, McMinnville, Oregon. -------- «-O---------- Anr.fi. 1*3 • Xotirc to Hunter* Farm Land, oí nil cla«««<•• for Kale on Eany Term» ft «prinkled a few drop* and thundered n I Notice i« hereby fiy»*n that all persons tre«- deal one 'lav la«t week. pawnf upon my pr»-mi«e«—the Young farm, A I mo , T ow n Lot««. Mb» Mnmruln Hadley bn« rone to Forest , on th* south ride of th»» Varchili River, two To call at th* above Maloof). * O Grove to ‘each In the In linn whool. mde« n^rth-eart of McMinnville—after thia COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. I k*^p constantly on hand the Finest Win*« Msr*ha Rl«?r *xnec*« tn «tart ea«t of the date, will be dealt with accordine to law. Se­ »n»i Liquors fer Family »nd Medicinal use. wonntain« wtwi* ber father live«, to-morrow. curity to mv property demand« thia action. We ar»* wry tn have her go -• far away. Laffers drawn with Neatness, .Accuracy Dis- JOMW CASWI.LL, Prwwvlrtnr. I J. J. SPENCER. | 4tL McMmnvilw Mr« Hadley and »laughter, right from Indi­ Av^. 2nd, 1W3 — MU. ana. catrr here !a«t week. Will find it t. YOUR ADVANTAGE Legal &0t( and patch.