FI X AL PROOF, Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Muy 23d, 1883. Notice iz hereby giveu that the following named settlers have tiled notice of their inten tlou to make final proof in support oi lheir claims and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Yamhill County et Lafay­ ette, Oregon, on Thursday July 12 1883,viz: Win. D. Parker, Homestead Entry No 3129 for tne S W 1-4 of S E 1-4, E 1-2 of 8 W 14 A 8 W 1-4 of S W 1 4 of Sec. 34, TS 8 R 7 W. He names tho following w Unease» to prove hss continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John Veetch, C. H. Beeler, L. Wright and C, Douglas, all of Willamina, Yam­ hill County, Oregon. Charles II. Baeler, Homestead Entry, No 3492 for the 8 W 14 of Section 28, T 5 S R 7 W. He names the following witnesses In prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Levi Wright. D. Parker, Charles Douglas and John Veetch all of Willa­ mina, Yamhill County, Oregon. CITY MARKET WILLIAM HOLL. WATCH & MAKER, - AND- /• R. L. SfiYLOR. [Bangasser’s building on B street.] I I DRUGGIST, .----------- ♦— . OF CLOCKS WATCHE and JEWELRY, • —AND— PLAITED IVdRE, Here is where you can get your money’s worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, and everything .n tho line of meats, of tho best quality the country affords. Algo the McMinnville. Charles Douglas, Homestead Entry No 3593 for the N W 1-4 ot Sec. 28, T 6 8 II 7 W, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. H. Baeler, Lavi Wright, John Veetch and D. Parker, all ot Willamina, Yamhill Gounty, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. D. P. HABVEY, C. W. FBANCIS. At Mill. Hemstffck, Harvey & Francis, ■ School Supplica, Äc« ®,A 8TATIÖK3EB, £------ —-¿fl OREGON "Â-.U--.n-fcBiib -»1— B. F. HARTMAN. 'THK BUICK STOKE In happy Valley, ten miles west of McMinn- ville. And see my New Stock of STAR MILLS. Mantles, Cloak«, Dolman*, and everylhing pertaining t*> Ladies’ Wardrobe. Also, Cents’FurnisbinsGoods of allDescriptions Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Ladles' Walking Boots, Slippers, and Everything Xew and Novel, before purchasing your Goods Elsewhere, -------- o-------- Ten per cent. Discount given on all Goods, for Cash. LumbeR LUMBER, By the Wholesale AT POWELL’S LUMBER YARD DAYTON, OGN Rough Lumber, of all descriptions, at $10 per 1,000 feet Como and avail yourselves x>f these bar Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, I baruains while tho opportunity is before you. June 23rd, 1883: ) is*, a poweix Notice is hereby given that the lollowing named settler has filed notice of his intentim Dayton, Oregon —7tf to make finnl proof in support of Ilia claim, and that said proof will lx. made before the County Clerk ot Yamhill Conntv, at Lafsvette, Oregon, on Tuesday. Aug. 14,1883, viz : Sam’l Robbins, Homestead Entry No. 3.236 for the N W 1-4 of S W 1 4 of Sec.' 2, T II S R 4 W. He names the fallowing witnesses to prove hie continous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : C It Graves and M Downing, of McCoy, and CO Uol.hins, of Lincoln. I'olk ■ ■ ■) county, and W. Watt, of Amity, Yamhill county, all of Oregon. IMS L.T. BARIN, Register. . f&j'ii.S'idJ-,''■ò'.J’,”'. ' »1 U. 8. Land Oftioo, Oregon City, ) Oregon, June 28, 1883. I Notie«* is hereby given that John H. Jackson ot Tillamook Co., Oregon, has made applica­ tion to purchase the S. 1-2 ot 8. W. 1-4 of Sec. No, 30, Township No. 2 South of Range No. 10 W Will. Mer., under tho provisions of the Act of Congrera approved June 3rd, 1878. entitletl An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.” All adverse claims to said tract of land or any imrtion thereof, must be filed in lhe Unit- ed Slates Land Office at Oregon Citv, Ore­ gon, I*fore the expiration of sixty day» from this date* Given under my band this 2*ih day of June 1883. L. T. HARIN, 16d26. Register. PROCLAMATION ! T« the Cltlaena •< Aaill, A V trinity, ('oui fort, loin fort, t om tort. w n beioailrd M free to uh apphunntts and to . h Will tOTnerff ot la«t year w it hont ord ‘ring- it. It contai’' about 175 I wen. AM) ilbv’ftib ìoi . h . pit.on. ac< tin’.i f V ici tabla ami Hower . •«•.'- I'lantp, Fruit Troc«, etc. Invaluable to all, cn ) , x - ial'y t«> Market GanW:«ra. Send for it ! D M ferry ¿co. D etroit M ick . was sired uy Hon. W. J. Nesmith’s Black Stranger, dam Henry, Morgan, Blackhawk, Morgan—all thoroughbred stock. He is jet black in color; 17| hands high, will be4 years old in June. In atrial of speed he made his mile in 3 :1 j. TERMS—Single leap, $8 ; Season, $12 ; In­ surance, $16. F. M. FRANIILIN, 8Jyl* Agent. THE Provincial Prize Horse Xs at Hand ! MILTON Will stand the ensuing season, commencing April 1st and ending July 1st, 1883, at Mc­ Minnville Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays. Wednesdays at Amity ; Mondays and *" Tues days at Sheridan. I IAHDWA KE, The Best in the Market XT'" And also a largo assortment of Dry Goods, LADIES AND CENTS carry a full stock of The Bet-t in use. Also WHITE LEAD AND^OILS AND P. I ! NT J V7> WHITEWASil BRUSHES. Also OF EVERY KIND. GO TO 1). I. CORKER, B. F. HARTMAN. To the Farmers of Polk and Yamhill COUNTIES ! BIRD hL GATES, Lafayette, Oregon, August 8,1881*. FOKTX.A.ÎTD BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old“ NATIONAL,” established 1866.) If yon want the Bain Waffon, go to Lanrcfield a C«ok>, Amitv. It you want the Olivet* Chilled Plows,, or The ( assidy Sulky Plow, go to 128 Frcat St., Bet. Washington and Alder, If you want the Moline Scotch ClipperPlows. botiwood’a!id "ini;''lZ’vou PORTLANn. ORBCiON want the old reliable Garden City Plows, allsizcs, go to Lum efirlil A \mitv ir you want the latest and best improved Harrow, one th.i will fold un and* wlllcut A. P. Armfftronff, - - Principal. any desired width, get the Rankey Iron Harrow of lzi»nr<*nel«l A Cook, \mitv J. A. Wear», « Penman and Secy If you want the LaDow Pulverizing Harrow , 12 to IS Steel Di^cs, go to If you want a first-class No. 1 Drill or Broad-Cast StuMer/g^^duj^ Monhor”’of ’ . .i -r. , Guiicefielil Ar cook, Amity. If yon want the Bost, Strongest and Lightest. Draft Mower, tlmn get the Cbampios An institution designed for Uie practical- busi­ Mower, of f'Unccf ieltl & Cook, Amitv ness education of both sexes. KorJ?e. ,Iay n,,kv in fbe world go toLuticefield a < -aok>. Amity, and get lhe Tiger, Self-Disc harging Sulky Huy Rake. B If you want the Bost and most reliable and latest improve.I Harvester and Twine Binder, rill] CJ-PJU' ATc113ICK, Uü I.nnrcfield Ac Cook,Amity, tv® ill! PU' Rive you full instruction, nnd.tfirt them for vou-freo of clinr-e Admitted on any week-day of ihi year. X’ niLM'RH’TION : We will warrant twit machine to do No. 1 work nntl giro satisfaction. cme on shortest notice. McMinnville Furniture Store, Produce of all kinds taken at the Highest Market Price. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Thanking tho public for past favors and asking a continnance’af their liberal patronage. I am Yours Respectfully. LIVERY, & FEED ant Agricult’ral Implem’ts, EXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR CASH SStm* ASixecl lanini sm FURNITURE, OR S’atlonery. Class and Qiietnswarf, Jewelry, Stoneware, ullery, Candies, Clocks ami Watches, Oils and Shell Hardware a OF ALL KINDS, TOBACCO & CIGARS NOTIONS. aou IF YOU WANT TO BUY La fa yelte, Oregon. One ol the chief purwuita of mankind c«n la» found at thenrw and Shoe Shop, where for a reasonable price van can got your Roots and Shoe« made k, order ami Warranted.which for Durability and <¥mfort cannot be equalled elsewhere ia Yambill ('ouniv. Yea! Should yon dcaira an eesv fit Of ('loth, Cali, Ki '¡¡i Best of Bolognas. Tetti Vìmr Luen • «íKIJSE ¡5Ï/HI0NEKY.* W< yilnnvllle, Or. DEALER IN ALL KINDS Bird & Gates, I K—------ ►- BANCASSER & PAULUS 9 Proprietors. 32 W V 1 SCHOOL S. MISCELLANEOUS We are preparedto hip Lumber, To (IHIJ A HEARSE A Good Wagon Road to tho Mill. s kept by these Stables and Funeral Turnouts furnished at any time. We are prepared to offer special induce- rhirdst^ ... Wrtlinnvlllr, menta to (On block east ot Tlaning Mill, twa doors east C O M V E R c I J I. MEN! No pain» from rem« or bunions felt. of livery stable.) They will give you rem fort, east* and health. Transient stock left with us No more with yielding form ami tearful eye, best of care and attention. W.H. BN CHAM. PRO.. Shall people walk, if VOKE8’ Boota they tty Curnce a full stock of Furniture. Carpeta, Wall A MONTHLY SETTLEMENT OF ALL BILLS Paper, Bird ('ages. Baby Carriages, Ac., which B«p»!r!ng Neatly aid Frompt'.y S«ne. will be required by ua. he sella at price« so reasonable that noee can Shop—Next door io Met'arter > Aiderman*» find fault. HENDERSON A LOGAN Ban*. Carriage Manufactory, Trade Street, Amity. Repairing dene in a seal and svb-tanlial manner. Respectfully Yonrn, J. RL VOkM, Pleeee call and etatmoe goods and price» W. Ita.1. Anatomical Boot Maker. SUBSCRIBE Address all Ordes to YAMHILL LUMBERING COMPANY The Most Successful Remedy ever discover­ ed. as it is certain in its eftects and does blister. READ PROOF BELOW. Also « cellent for human flesh. F rom a P rominent P hybician . ta t > "a^l’hgton. Ohio, June I7tb, 188A. Ite R. J. K kxdall , A Co..—Gents • ng your advertisement in Turf, Field atxi fsrm,of yo)ir Kendall’s Spavin Cure, a^ having a valuable and speedy horse which haJ been lame from a spavin for eighteen month«- l sent to you for a l»o(tle bv express, which ia -x weeks removed all lameness and enltrr mente and a large splint from another hone, amt both horse« are as sound to-day as oolt«--" I he one bottle was worth to me one hundrw ‘ioliar». Respectfully Ynura, H. A. B rbtolkt , M. D- Kendall s Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLEBH. Drsss-naakinC Those wishing Eren-MaklEC, Cuf.isj and Fitting Done to Order, wiU please call on MRS- H. A- ALLEN At her residence, in Amity, Oregon. Noy. 1,1881-U. i Sale Bills ! I"»ÄSK The Reporter Job Printing Office McMiirxvnx-, oRiMrix. Pklte»-« Mill», N Y, Feb 21, IM*- B- J. Kendall * Co.. Gent» :—The perticeW ra»e on which I used yo