Tim l(i:i>oim:it. topic N or Tin; i»%i. Following States: are the California....................... Nebraska .............. ....... Texas............................... Kansas............ .............. Missouri.......................... Iowa............................... Dakota (approxiioale) .. Minnesota........................ Wisconsin....................... Illinois................. ............ Kontucky. ........ ........... Tauneaaee......................... Georgia.......................... Virginia....... .................. Maryland......................... Delaware ........................ New York........................ 1 ennsylvania .................. Ohio................................. Indiana....... ..................... Michigan...... .................. estimates by Laud OtHce al Orcguu City, Oregon, I Jun» ill, 1883. I Notice ia hereby giveu that the followiug- nf in support ot bia claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couuly Clerk of Tdbitnook County, at Tilla­ mook, <>regon,on Monday. July 23, 1883, viz ■ John M. Coleman, Homestead Entry No. 3533 lor Hie E i of NE f.NW 4 „1 NE and NE'., of NW of Sec. IO T JS K 9 W. He name, the tollowing witnesses to prove his coni muons le.i.leuoe upon and eullivstiou ot sani lau I. via: BevaiTy Daniel, 1'. M. Lamb Henry Le.l -rer and L imard Simmons, all ot Nestocton, Tillamook county, Oregon Iai5 L T. BAKIN, Register. U. 8. Land Office, Oregon City, / Oregon, June 8, 1883. i Complaint having been entered at this Office by George C. Belt against Mark Morris for abandoning his IIomeott i v. ..45,000,000 ..15,000,00(1 .. 2,100,000 .23,000,000 .21,100,000 .15,300,000 »8.000,000 ..37,000,000 . 18,500,000 ’ . o<10.000 .13,400,000 . 0,800,000 .. 3,800,000 0(100,000 7 9,000,000 .. 1,000,000 .10,000,00(1 .22,300,000 ..26.000, (HUI .29,500,000 .23,300,00!) ACARO FINAL PKOOF. Win » h r. who w. in tried in Portland lant wc< k for the killing of Schwartz, JfcMWNVILLÍ. 03E80N. JVLY 5.1883.’ soiik lime sinci* wn.s arquitted. L<»s- k by tin* n «<*nt Hoods of tlo- Newspaper Décimons. Mis.-ixsippi in three township* in Mad­ ison county, Mo., aggregate $210, odd , 1. Any pureon who lakes u paper regular­ ami in four towship« in St. ( lare coun­ ly from a poat otficv, whether directed in ty $J 1 H,ooo. Ulri name or another’s, or whether he aub- tiuribed or not, is renponaible for payment. Mrs. L. V’. Hinkson of Lewiston, I. 2. if a ¡terHon orders hia paper disoontin- T. was committed to the innane asvlum ned he must pay arrearn. or the publisher last w< ek. 'The cause of her derange­ may oontinue to send it until payment is ment was a disease very much resemb­ made, ^nd then collect the whole amount, ling Jiydrophobia. whether the pjqier is taken from theoflice or not. The jury in the caae of the State vs. 3. T’ho courts have decided that refusing Cannon, charged with shooting Sena­ to take newRpnperu or periodicals from the tor Vorhees, in Marion county, «lisa- ]*ost-oilice, or removing and leaving them in greed and the cas<* was continued to the oltiue, in pniua facie evidence of inten­ next tetni of circuit court for that tional fraud. 4. Thu Postmaster-General has decided county. that ¡jostiiiasiers who fad to notify publish Government surveyor.s are having era when subscribers remove, or fail to take their pajR-rs from the postoffitse, shall be re- trouble with Indians on the Skagit. Hpofisibie for their Hut>Hcription. Work has been begun on the < anal to connect lakes Cnion and W ashing­ ton, m ar Seattle. It u ill be 2.GOO feet long, with an average depth of s< ven feet. Tilt- MilletH’ Nutioiuil Associutiou has 'Pin- statement of the earnings and given publicity to the wheat-crop esti­ expensi's of the O. K. \. Co. for the mate, which pi-online» for the whole «•levi n months ending May 3 I st is pub­ wheat licit of the United State» only lished. showing the first to hav«* be« u l,G 12,DI o and I lie latter $2,3(59,307, :i73,ot><>,00<> bushel» for 18H3, indica­ $ leaving net earnings, $2,273.«¡03. ting a ptospective »hortage from the Etixt Orcifniiitni: A pai ty of ix shear IHN-Jeropof neatly '.til,DOG,(too bush­ consisting of Harry Benm tt, Ed. el» in twenty-one State», which repre- ers, (’ox, .Jas. Farrier, Carl* Crow, Marion »enlK nearly all the wheat-producing Knox and Henry Scherzinger one day area». T he report i» considered quite last week sheaied 750 sheep al the remarkable in the light of the fact that ranch of Silas French, on Dry Rock «»reel;. ’Phis is an average of 125 each the millers are generally bears in the and if the supply of sheep had not giv­ markets. en «mt, they might have brought tin* The tigiues in this connection were number ui> to 15O«*ach. Ed. Cox letl presented by S. H. Seamens, Secretary fli«* list with 152. of the National .Millers’ Association. It is said Mr. Seamens sent out 3,000 I mportant to F armers . Portland, Oregon, .May 24 1883. letters, asking information. In this re­ To our Agents and Friends: The port he writes: following teiegntm was received this “I have only to say that it is based morning from I teuton, Texas, which entirely upon replies to my inquiries, says: “After l ulling two days in short which nave been carefully tabulated, hurley and medium rye we have missed thoroughly analyzed, anil the averages tying but three bundles from any cause, closely figured. In »hint, the conclu- w hatever. Ate positive Hitidi r is pi i - sions are arrived at by the most careful fei l. (signed) >oiing. Case A Palm­ investigation of the replies, mid are er.” Yours Very Truly. 1». ,M. O suokxe given to you with the coiilldent assur­ At Co, liv 8. S. Burge, .Manager. ance that so far as it is possible to ar­ The above refers to the New Osborne, rive nt the probabilities of the glowing No. 1 1 Binder, for which. 1{. Baird is crops they are approximately correct.” agent at North Yamhill. • STRICT, HONEST, FAIR AND SQUARE BUSINESS lori. with everybody, and we think the proper T I'll F II VS CO WE to do away with the LOOSE CREDIT BUSINESS, which is Ono of (he chief pursuits of mankind can be found at the new Boot ami Shoe Shop, where for a reasonable price you can get your Boots and Shoes made fo order and Warranted,which f-«»r West of Furniture Stun*, tion to make filial proof in support of their neighborhood of ninety in the shade, O regon . claims and that said proof will be made before has »tai ted up the cot u so you can al­ M c M innville the County Clerk of Yamhill County at. Lafay­ most see it grow. So everything is ette, Oregon, on Thursday Julv 12 1883, viz: lovely. Nor has the river destroyed Wm. D. Parker. Homestead Entry No 3129 Notice <»l Final Proof. everything on the bottoms. These an­ — The — for the 8 W I t o| 8 E 1-4, E 1 2 of S W I 4 A nual hciih ‘ m mid grow 1» are part of tin S W 1-4 of S W I 4 of Sec. 34, T 5 8 R 7 W. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, ) Pure Blooded Jersey Bull Wot Ill's stock in trade, mill come every lie names the following witnesses to prove his June 23rd, 1883: f year a» regularly as the seasons come. continuous residence upon, and cultivation of Now at the stables of No. ice is hereby given that the following If we were to go by public rumor mid said land, viz: John Yeetch, (’. 11. Beeler, L. lieotde's caprice, there would not lie named reltler bus filed notice of his intenti hi Wrieht ami C. Douglas, all of Willamina, Yam­ to mitko final pr<»of in support of bis claim, HENDERSON & LOGAN BROS. halt a dozen good days in a year. And ¡»ml thin said proof will be made before the hill County, 1 begun. if we ci ttld have the kind id m atin r County Mr MIN N V1 LLE, OR EGON Clerk ol Yamhill County, at Laf.ivctte, piqnilar judgment would call for.tlteie Oregon,on Tuesday, Aug. 14,1883. viz: Sam’l diaries II. Beeler. Homestead Enfrv, No would never ben crop of anything Robbins, Homes!» ad Euli v No. 3.23C» lor tlo .92 i.i|- (he S W I I of .Section 28. T 5 S R 7 raised. Sometimes the clerk of tin N W I t of S W | | ol See.' 2. T > R I \V V . lb- names the following witnesses to prove •’J ersey t'liiEF” No I, dropped April 12th. «eather gi ts n little off, but as a lull II«- names the following witnesses to prove h ‘ ei'iitunions rot-idence u|>on, ami cultivation IS"? ; sire, •• Emperor;” dam, “ Minnie War lie manages tilings a gteat deal bettei his vontiimiis residence upon ami eultiv itioii ol of sai I land, viz: Levi Wright. D. Parker, r«*n. P edigree of “ E mperor ”—“ Emperor” was Ilian could lie done lor him by those '.«■«I 1 ami. viz : (' P. Graves ami M Downing, of Charles Don In- ami John V.'etch all of Willa diopped Jun. 17th Is75; sin?,“ Enifieror Bil­ who gio«I so much about the way he Met t v, ami <’ O R-»!»biii‘, <»f’ Lincoln, l'olk mina, Yamhill County, Oregon. ly ,” d im “Olivea” bv i in norted Neptun«*( 124); condnets Imsiticss. Another thing «<■ county, and W, Waft, of Amity, Yan hill Charles Doijvs. liumcslcjid Enfrv No .359; tfraiol -dam, ••Olivea" (232) ; great grand «lain notice -that the farniei who nevet county, all <»f Oregon. for the N W I-1 of Sec. 28, T 5 S R 7 W, IL *• Nelly Bly ,”»22«») im|»ortod. plow» or sows until the ground is "just 10t5 L. T. BARIN, Register; names the following witnesses to prove his P edigree »»r “M innie W arren *’--“ Minnie right,” alway* ruses the poorest crops. continuous resilience upon end cultivation of Warren,” solid fawn, dropp'd March 5th. 1874 ; We commend this to ortr renders as -aid lami, viz: C. II. Beefor. Levi Wright, sire,“ Beacon Comet,” 14th: dam.“ Princes” Simple in Construction, Light. Draft, No Side Draft or Weight . Parker, ................... all ot Willamina, 4th, (2302); grand-dam, “Princes” (701)— it »eiiHible view by a sensible paper of Nufjee of Application to Furchase ■L>hn Vet ■etch and D. ........... on Horse,’ Necks. 1 ambili Goimty, Oregon. imported by W. B. Dinsmore in 1868. the status of attaint in it» section. Timber land. I,very farmer sltoultl examine tl.e VICTOR before piiicli»sing a Mower, T ekms - For season, L. T. BARIN, Register. HENDERSON A LOGAN BROS I . 8. Land Office, Oregon City, I as it Ims inanv point» tlmt make it sui’Etuoit to other tnacltinett. 13tf Active preiiarations are being mitili Oregon, June 28. 1883. i I aLo have the Improved fot driving tin- last spike in the North Dissolution of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that John 11. Jackson ern I’neilie. T he spike will be of gold. ofTillsmook Co.. Oregon, has mail»* ::ppli< a No;iu«* h henhv given flint the co-partner­ A. WOO1MS It is already made, anil is in the Posses (ion (<» purcha-4* the 8. 1-2 .»f S. W. I 4 of S. c. aioli of President Villard. It has en­ No, 3(1,Township No. 2 8.mb of Rang»' Nt», if) ship In r« f<»tor»' existing la'lwecn A V. R. Hny tier nnd W. II. Warren. ns publisher!« of the graved u | hhi it an insi ription suited to W Will. Mer., (imiei (he prox t-¡.»ns ol the Act Muwer and .‘rll Bimler—Soinelliinir entirely new. Missing bundle«. if ei ’ ortkr , under the firm name of the oceasioti. T he place sell iteli fol of Congress approved June 3nl, I n 7S. ent ill< <1 5 vM’in i R ti e past. \\ ill run one horse lighter than other Self Binders. Warren, has been this dav dissolved. 11» reception is alioiit ten miles lioui “ An Act for th»' Salt' »»I'Timlter Lands in the Snytl-rA Mr. Warren retiring. The business will Is Helena, in the direct ion of Porthind. Il S ii J ct <»t C:tlif< rnia, Oregon, Nevada, nn<|i‘’ f. due»- ol th“ kite firm ami to whom patty to restriet the nuinlier of in, iteti AII adverse el.-iims to sahl trad of land n* nil a •aid firm are flue mol pava- guests to ItHI, but atraiigemeiit» ate ■tnv )N»rlion thereof, must I k * filed in the Ci.it !'l‘’. A. V. R SNYDER. now being inaile fol IOO people. Quit, <•3. For >11 kin.la of Produce. O«ta, Bari. v. Cured Hi«l2fi. Register. run direct to the spot selected, stopping Meats. Lard. Apples, Onions, Eg make final proof in support of his claim, one of the best sites in Oregon. I will sell will be retained as souvenirs by Presi- ami t.hut sabl prt»of will I*? made before It'll- tin*« whole projwrty at $15 per acre—one-half Would call the attention of the Farmer! o f dent Villard. From the site selected rv Wauvn. Notary Public, at MeMmnvdh*. •ash down, the balance on reasonable time. A Anthill and Washington Counties, to the f»cf Canga Gypson, or Land Plaster s »|M-eial train will go to the Pae tic coast Yamhill County. Oregon,on Friday. July 27th. that they have the agency for some of the best Enquire st the R cporter t ffice. re|wating the in»|>eetion trip recently 1883 vis : George F Fendall, Preemption D. makes of Farm Machinery, among which c. NEWRY. The only fertiliser that contains Phosphate made by Villard. The exact ilate is 8. No 372s for it e 8E 1 4 of Sec. 14 T 5 8 R 7 they may mention the Lime. not yet tixed, but it v ill probably be in W. He names the foil, wing witneagcfi to prove the Inst week of August. I am also agent for the his cobtinuou* re-ide nee upon and cultivation of said land, vis: C. Chandler. H. H«»oth, The.Old Reliable, Jtorthwertera Manufactory i Car Ccmpacy's tleot gv Swain, who «»»foreman, mid •James Elmer and E. Lalxmte, all of Willami­ for a time editor of the Bn-ott rSR. na, Yamhill County. Oregon. wliiti it WH» CHlIetl the /'n.ihc IHtolr. 15(5 ’ L. T. R A RIN. Regnier ami before it wa» pnrehaaed by the J» "”»• P»r'n«n<-nlly located in the Brick on . WARRIOR MOWER, Snyder Br«»., and who left here to go and now have or exhibition at mv »tore a fine Having purchased of Mr. W. T. Newby the FIX II, I’KOIII wh*~ wi“ DODD’S HAY RAKES, to Nevada, filially wantleretl in Nebras­ assortment of F arm and Road 3/achinery, in­ well known McMinnville Warr hem*. I sh«ll cluding the ka, w here he beeame a desperado ami he preyiuvd t«> store this Reason's crop on as i.ind Office nt Oregon City. Oregon, | Frcah Men,a, MaoMffea ot nil kina. in ¿barged with the commitwton ot sev- tnvorahle term« a« can bo done in .VoMinn June 7, 1883. » St. Paul Twine Binder. ■ lend Chceae. > rr.h riah. Knit nnd eral crime». including theft, rubltery. Notice is hereby fiv-'n tbskt the following- ville, and «hall be ready at all times to pay Ptow», Harrown, llried Flab. Hncon. Knma. Fg(a, Imrglary ami murder, wa« recently ar­ Call and aee me at the Wallace Building, named «elder hiu til< d n< tire of hi* intention, opposite Max»aic Hall. rested near Fremont. Neb. lie was In fact all kindaef Farm Machinery ■ lour from l.nfnyctte Mill«, Cash for Crain, make final f*roof in »upi'orl of his claim,and with a man bv the mime of Mos* at the that said proof will I m * nuule before the County 10ti E. X. HAHUnG. < hlekeua. *r.. time Mm waa killed b.v the »herifl a Clerk of Yamhill Countv at Lafayette, Oregon, at its highest market value. Will also be pre­ pared to In fact everything kept in a party, and Swain was eaptnred after .>n Friday, July 20.18113. yia: Elijah Fox, ALOO, conaidemble dttttculty. in which one of H-'ines’ead Entry N«». 3513 for the l.< ts 6 1.0AN MACKS 1« t'ARRFRS FIRMT ( LASS MARKET the Sheritf’a party E.tl. Er Mr. J. J. Ilrmlaw, there in no doubt Phillip. Bennett and «’harlea Allen, all in return therefor endeavor to give you sntis- «J'.AHHnov -.«I Ike... SHERIDA McMinnville, Oregon, I that the uerann captured ia th* -am* ot Aniitv, Yamhill C«»untv. Oregon. fe*»on. w. a . W ell ?. Valuable h the c. Mar 21, ISO. ) U,n3. Po»tnffìee, »Vorth Vaut hill- Ht5 L T. HARIN. Regieter. gieiMHi who residedliete.— RtvaJcr. MrMionyillefOr . Tiny 29, 18^3 - ime . aud ou terms t- ll-Stf. FARMERS, THE VICTOR MOWER Mreat Strength and Durability W^VI/riCIi Produce * Commission lions« B. F. HARTMAN, Farm Machinery! Farm and Mill Property Sappington & Laughlin ATTENTION! Notice to Farmers ’ FARM. Road and Mill MACHINERY, El RISK«) Deering Çinder, Deering Mower, MARKET The Westinghouse Thresher, A. C. South 41 Potter,