/k / 1 h ' l! ri r\. - 1 1 Jri./ M B t I II I 1 4* ,.í***’ f ’ M fi ..... <)------ Published Every Thursday, at M c M innville :• ori go H T A. V. 1^- SKYDEIR. Editor and Proprietor. M HM ICIPFIORI I Rev. W. I). Nichols will preach in the Baptist church, Amity, next Sun­ day, July sth, al 11 o'clock. Text— Daniel 12-13’ The public cordially invited. Mr. Wright on Monday commenced the erection of a tine residence on his lots at Hu- corner of E and Second—the site occupied by-the old house w hich lie moved over on io 'Third street. Mr. A. ('. Davis informs us that the On»* copy per year, in ml vanee.............. . . »2.50 cause of A inly Stewart’s recent attack “ six months “ ............ . . 1.50 of insanity was brought on bv over­ heating himself in a chase while at­ tempting to catch a horse in liis( 1 ¡avis') pasture. Smoky. ('<»>1 Night«. Garden« need lain. The cioquet ground is idle. 107th !uinix’er«ary i« a goner. Plea«e excuse this little sheet. Our lumber yards are tilling up. Luts of good wood coming into town. Currants are not so plentiful as usu­ al. Judge Townsend called iu on Mon­ day. How long will a cat live without eat­ ing 7 Splendid weather for the growing wheat. The grass is beginning to wither for want of rain. Rev. McNeil preached at the I'. 1’. church last Sunday. B 1/ KA I KM, ont i'l i n .i.'nii V4 t\ il'HIWlil.LE the reporter A A couple of our good citizens out north of tow n became vexed at each other one day last week and clawed each otIler's faces up, blit did no seri­ ous damage to one another. Hoys,hold your temper. A family mimed Hays, who i-anie from some of till- Western 'States, and arc now stopping at this place, have bet Ollie dissatisfied with the country mid will leave in aliont two weeks for their foi mer home. The faithful little canine, “Ca-esar,” belonging tn Mr. Geo. Bangasser, was shot a few days since and died from the wound received. The dog was up­ wards of 1 S years old, mid will be re- nii'inbi i i'd by many old citizens of Mc­ Minnville. A nine from Davton, Dayton Prairie and Wheatland came over to this place last Friday for a game of ball, and the “Autocrats" Is ing away from home, the “< lid Stiff's” made up a nine and gave them a little “rattle1’ and got left. Score, 18 to 2 1. Oh! it was a fine game. OKIGOA, b<‘rs—twelve of whom were received by letter, ami seven on i-onfcssion ol faith in (’hrist .Messrs. Thus. Bowles. J. L. Banks and IL J. Bowles won eh e h-d, ordained and installed eldei> of the church. A. W. Bennett, S. Bowles and T. Buckingham were elected triistei-s. On Monday the church was duly incorporateli in accor­ dance w ith the statntesof ( Iregon. The •-oininittee have also in their hands a petition with fifteen names attached, asking the organization of a Presbyte­ rian church at Lafayette, which will lie considcied hereafter. The above ali­ tile results of the recent ministerial la­ bors of Mr. Hanna in this county. Bi -txt ' tiia r Dinx'r I’.xv. Severtil months sitii'e Mi. Janies sparks, living on tin ( owls farm, west of town, was hired by Ni-wliv Berry to past lire a Hock of sheep. After keep­ ing the sheep for a time, Sparks dis­ covered that the sheep were badly in­ fested with the seali. Sheep Inspect­ or, A. J. Nelson was notified of this fact and Sparks wtis employed to treat (lie sheep for tile disease. This was done and the sheep were advertised for sale to pay the cost of treatment­ file sale to have taken place on Satur­ day last. But Thursday morning Snarks came into town and notified Air. Nelson that the sheep liad been driven oft' the previous night. It was easy to surmise who had taken them, and a warrant was issued lor the arrest of Mr. Berry for driving sheep through the county without a certificate from the Inspector. The warrant was plac- etkin the hands of an officer, who found Berry, with the sheep down iu t'lieha- lem, on his way to Porthind with the sheep. He was ¡nought back to town, plead guilty to the charge and was fined $25 and costs, amounting in all to about $.50; besides $40 that he paid Sparks for keeping the sheep—39 head. So Mr. Berry got oft' for about $90; and he can congratulate himself on having escaped so easily. Till KS|»AY .11 I.X I’f K AWIU IB*» Band music, bucking cay u ties i backed riding constit ale our amusements, while we are waiting for the harvest. Hambletonian ir i could reach that fellow Jupiter Pluvi >us, Ld shake him till he’d let his water fly you bet I would. N at . BHORXDAN. July 1, 1883. Who is the laziest man in town ? Spuds will be potatoes next fall from the looks of the vinos now. Too many boys idling away their time in town. The cases of diptkeria are improving and the attacks have been in the mildest form. Boys, to amount to anything, you must learn industry, economy and decency. Ira Stephens, of the Highlands, has sold ii’.-i land to Alf. Wilson and will move to town. It is a thousand times easier to be a good man than a bad one. if the boy starts right. We learn that they had a good time at the picnic at Baleton on Saturday. Dr. Watt made a spee<;h on temperance and they had singing, declamations, base ball and lots of small talk. The school at the academy closed on Fri­ day. Prof. Yau Scov. we are informed, will go to Salem soon and enter the Willamette University to complete his education. There is a great diversity of opinion as to the amount of injury the crops received from the east wind and drouth, but all agree that the yield will be light, and if rain don’t come soon, lighter or lightest. On last Thursday a number of persons went to Mill creek and made search for young Williamson but made no discovery. A let­ ter was received from his father who lives at Astoria that he would be here in a few days. •J. M. Townsen is hauling lumber to build The brick that is being turned out Mr. S. Shatter has gone over to the from the yard of Ashnr Saylor is very him a house on a lot purchased of .1. T. Sound to spend I iìh 4th. Simpson, immediately north of H. Z. Fos­ highly spoken of by a number of per­ ter's house. P. M. Seroggin, Esq., of Sheridan, sons who have used them, Mr. 8. is disposing of mmiv from the kiln re­ The hardest sea breeze of the season was was in town on Thursday. cently burned, mid is putting it|i mint Il­ last Friday, the air was thick with dust. The building mania is again seizing er kiln that will be ready to burn in a Prof. Engles' school at Harmony closed onr people. Let the good work go oil. short time. A n O ld P rinter . last Friday. We learn that C'apt. Apperson talks Cor. to Xeirs: “I saAv in your wei kly By reference to our advertising col­ At the last sohoolmeeting in Gopher, they of purchasing the Newby warehouse. umns it will la* seen that W. M. Ram­ that the prize for the oldest living prin­ levied a tax to build a school hoqse at a new sey, of Salem, mid Gen. G. Binglmm, ter in Oregon, had not yet been award ­ place and as usual, many of the citizens are It is estimated that 1,500 to 2,000 ed, and it is Avell that is so. for how dissatisfied and criminations and recrimma- id' this place, have associated them ­ people will spend their 4th at Nestucca. selves together for the practice of law . could the wise men of Portland decide rions, and perhaps a law suit, will be the re­ Mrs. M. Underwood and Mrs. Turner Mr. Rmnsev's record as an able attor-, in such a matter, when old Yamhill had sult. Let the majority rule, so say we all. iiiaiiiifactiiied a tine cheese last Satur­ ney needs no eulogies from ns; and as not yet been heard from, ami I lu re- Charles Sutton has moved into town and Mr. Binglmm is rapidly rising in the w ith aeiul in my returns, w ith the claim day. legal Held, they yvill make n strong that Yamhill county possesses the oldest will occupy T. Dickey's house. Mr. A. .1. Nelson, of McMinnville, team. See card. living printer. .James C. Wyndham, a If the fourth don’t bring rain campmeet- lias 12,000 or 13,000 pounds of wool resident of this county, ami the father Mr. W. .1. Sargent,of Bellevue, drop­ of A. C. Wyndham,of McM inn a ilh-, w a* ing certainly will. for sale. • ped in to sec us several days since to The hills which form the back ground to Miss Mary Hembree, of Lafayette, ascertaiii, if possible,the reason that he Imrii in London, England, in 1S07, Sheridan are clothed in brown. paid relatives near this piaci1 a visit was several days behind other people served his appretireship with John The road has been lined for a number of Chilcott, No. 3 High street, Bristol,w as last week. in getting the R eouter . We could foreman of Galiganis’ AliMcn^cr, in days with teams going to the coast. The It is estimated that the grain in Yam­ not explain the reason for its tardy ap­ Faris, from 1835 to 1840, when he greatest pleasure we have ever found in the hill will yield about a two-third's crop, pearance. The R eporter leaves this came to N< \v York ami obtained a po­ trip is in getting home out of the hot sun ottiee for all points in the county every' sition as deputy foreman outlie Nyw and dust. this season. Thursday, and if the J’. M.'s are care­ Geo. Stephens has the contract to haul Tota Scudder can saw more wood in ful in distribution there is no reason York th raid, under Joe. Elliott, w hich thousasd feet of lumber to build the a day with a buck saw than any other why all subseiibers should not get the he h< Id for tAvo years. Left New’ York eighty new warehouse. in is 12, Avas engaged with Houston on num in Yamhill. paper. the Baton Rouge h'tt.rrlh, tlivncv he Boys—Don't take for your model the most Marshal Shuck has a force of night went to New Grleaus, was foreman on vulgar and wicked man in town, but the watclnneii keeping vigil over our al­ T ies E asily B roken . the Jiidlctin for some time, w lien I k * vii - best. 'Tib1 boys <»f industrious and honest most deserted town. L. mid Win. Gibbons have been listed in tin* loth Louisana Infantv,en­ habits willl own and rule this county, the Surveyor Cooper established the partners in getting <»••! railroad ties in gaged in the Mexican war. Mi. W’ a nd next generation. Yamhill ernnity ami finished up their ham came to California in 1855, and to S. D an . grade for the proposed improvement of work List week. Skrcl cairn* into (own Oregon in 18(51, Avorkvd on tin* Oref/u 'I'liird St., last I’ riday.. yesterday and drew iln- money dm-.but iiian for some tiim*. 1 I k n< «• went to ZCORTH YA^IHIL,L. it limy Is1 truly said of some men, failed to’divide. He was sued by Gib­ Victoria, B. (’., working l.o Avithin tin- July 2, 188.». that “every lime tin y open their molli II lions Friday before Justice Green, bill last two years as “typo” in varioiu they put their foot in it." before flic eas<- was railed, compro­ plnc<‘s, but l)ak» now rvlireil. living M in« Nettie Froyer has been visiting mised b\ paving$2(H <» I and costs.— w ith tin* family of his son at t liis place, friend« near this place. • The city authorities assure ns that “Although laid upon tin* shelf,”!he old Th‘rd street will lie improved, and no Ac/r.. Blackwell, Bewbey and Kelso are man thinks he can “fling type as well in Messrs. town from Tillamook. mist 'ike, this time. (lood. as ever.” What coiinfA’ can boat Yam­ Simr tits F ingkiss < in-’. Mr. Hull Johnson ami wife •if Lafayette. Mr. IL Baird, Ninth Yamhill’s live Mr. < '. \Y. Jones, of Chtekainas coun­ hill ? were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. ’’ ’ F. ’ ■ 1 •d- farm iii'pleliient man, was in town and ty, while oik hunting with a party on well over Sunday. paid us a visit ou Monday, the lipper watersol' Gopher creek on Rev. G. II. Edmons has gone to Southern ('apt. Appct.«nt and wile, of Oregon Monday last, .ucideiitallv discharged Oregon to look for a place to live. If he City, visiti I relativesat this place dill liis gun while leaning withone hand on finds a place suitable he will remove his fam the muzzle of the piece, I Im contentsof ing the past week or ten days. ilv to that place. LAFAYDTTD which passed through and luully shat­ And don’t you forget that if you tered Ins left hand. Dr.Boyd was called Mrs. A. Higgins has returned from her July 2nd. Wl. want a good meal lor 25 cents that the and fintini it ueces .arv to amputate tin east of the mountains. She will leinaip Quite a number have returned from tin trip SI. Charles is the place to get it. third and little lingers. here a couple of weeks and then leave fur the coast and other places where tlivv went tc Sound, Two yem-ago yesterday the Nation recruit up. Those that have n-tuvmd all F. look better for having roughed it a little, os- was shocked by the intelligence that E lection of Ori'H Eiis—I. o. A couple of gentlemem from Forest Grove Follow ing is a list ol officers for Me {lecially the women, whose long confinement were in this place liclsclineid« i ; Guard. or less, the Wopfoot prospectors have Iteen ns We again. He Ims bought the house fornn r minds of some of the y oung ladies <>1 .1. Ihaper; Sentry. A. F. Washburn; banting that kit cabin and for .tn equal Iv occupied by John Dcmpsy, owned l\v Wib length of time, every party who sallied forth Sitton. this place. They look so eluirniiliy Medical Examiner, J. I . Augur. in quest of that lost, strayed or stolen edifice with them mt. have dreana-d day dreams and night dreams \ honso was blown down near Hntchcroft s That stilling gentlemnii tinnì Shel l \ h i W hi vr. of the vast pile accruing to the lucky dis Friday during the hunt wind, that belonged dan. Eli T. Branson, wits intown om Mr. K. S. Cook blings in a sp< ( iiiii ii coverer of that mysterious cabin. I suppose to Mr. Kam* who recently arrived herefrom day during the week, and paid us a of w livat \\ liirli is up to 1 liv standard of • everybody has heard the legend of that lost Indiana. Kane’s son had his nose broken. how several years ago a lucky pros­ They were building the house which prom­ pleasaiit visit. I'ornivr \ vars. Il is of tliv White Win­ cabin; pector struck a rich deposit of goht some­ ised to be a fine one. T bwri . er . Mr. Main e's broken hand ha- caused ter varivty : is bvaiitifnll> headed out where in the Coast range, nnd nfier an : II tilled and lias just roinnieiteed soeuce of several month< returned with 1< is him lunch pain; but we lire pleased to and DAYTON. «tate that at last accounts it was get to put on the goldvii line, which r<- of the dust : how he fell in with*» friend mind« iis that tin* liarwst is rapidly who took him into his home : how he sick ting some lietler. July 2, 1883. ippro.o liiliu. Mr. t’. lb Vhoinilt'l mol Eitler 8. I.. Storr, eU. anti wishing to give Svrnp of F'-”» ¡'Inning mills, had his hand eaiurtif tu a of ------ Fast - I'ortlmid. orgmiized a Presby- And Hon. Fsl. Hsdawny was here In his |th., 1, 2 anil 3, in Block No. 19. Row1- 1' taint’s audition are offered lor sale at a bar ■tain. Fine location near the depot—just east ol the rc-'ir S400, if applied for soon. IMMENSE BARGAINS The attention of the public is called to the hmm use bargains now offered at the Peoples’ Store. The stock formerly owned by George Ban­ gasser A Son will be disposed of LzAtìtefe ^^t Cost, For Cash or Produce. Great Redui-'ioua are ruade iu < j iîoceriks A fine lot of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE AT COST. lSoots and iSlioes Lower than Portland prices. DRY COODS Cheaper than was ever offered in this city. 1 respectfully invite the public to call and examine goods and prices. Respectfully, V W. F. BANGASSER. 10-ltf. NEW BILLIARD HALL IN JOHNSON’S BRICK, Lafayette, Oregon. The Purest Wines and Liquors kept constant­ ly n hand. Cigars of the best brands and one of the best Billiard Tables in the State, found here. JOHN HULERY, 29tf Proprietor. N-?w Grocery and Provision Store Just opened on Third Street, two Doors East of Dielschneider’s, Oregon >1« Mann ville, it ii . i . is , McMinnville, May 24, ’83—lltf. J. E MAGERS, Everything in the line cheap for cash or in exchange lor country produce. Call and exiimiije goods and prices. L. ROOT. Feb. 21 . l882-2tf. A tt ’ v at L aw & N otary P vbu Business Promptly Attended to. d ÏFEH'E One Door East of Vest Office-, McMinnville, Oregon. 5(lvl. J. B. ROHR, louse, Carriage, Sigil and W. A. FENTON, ■tool nini Shoe Maker, Niar.KiDAN. nai i.ox. The finest stock of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers. Etc, in Yamhill County CHEAP FOR CASH. B«»ots ami Shoes manufactured to order and neatly repaired. Ail work and goods warranted. Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon. .31 m3. GAINES FISHER, Itorsi-s llonr'lisl Spccirtl Attention by the Dn>’, Piven to VA't-uk or Aloni h. ¿V JY’ Transient Stork. Lively, Feed and Sale Stable- Ornamental Painter, McMinnville, - Oregon. Painting done in the neatest style, on the s'ioiter-t in>tice and at the most reasonable i ices. Shop in the old Beary building ou Third between A and B Sts. 6tf. T. C. STEPHENS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER & ENGRAVER. DEALER IN WATCHES; CLOCKS,’. JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. Etc., n the Brick Store, corner 3d and Jefferson 8t> LAFAILITE, - • OREGM OREGON. IlVr/r/» Repairing and Job­ Corner Commercial ami Trade Sts., - SALEM, - - Miiiafaction Guaranteed bing a Specialty. BOSS SALOON, Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, j Oregon, May 10, 1883. J McMinnville, • Oregon, Notice is hereby given that A. S. Bible, of Yamhill County. Oregon, lias made ap- A. ENNIS. Proprietor. pl- cm tion to purchase the E. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 iit.l W 1-2 of N. E. 14 of Sec. 21.T4 S,R 7 W The Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept Will. Mer.. under the provisions of the Act of constantly on hand. l3-4in3. Congress, approved June 3, 1878. entitled " An Act lor the sale of Timher Lands in the States <4 California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash­ ington Territory.” All adverse claims to said tract of land or YIt Ylillu5 illc, Crcgon, any portion thereof, must be filed in the U. S. Land eflice at Oregon City, Oregon, before Is now pre|»ared to furnish music for Pic-Nic®, expiration of sixty days from this date. Celebrations, etc., on short notice and nt rea­ the Given under mv hand this 10th day of M»y, sonable ritoj. A ’liress 1««-. L.T. BARIN, ft. V. K. MIYI ZH. l ender. Stitt. RegiMer. 4tt. McMinnville, Oregon. I ia<)er <>«ld Fellows9 llall. Custer Pest Band, HENRY WARREN, N otary I’ i .1. E. MAGERS. ri . ic . N otary P ublic . WARREN & MAGERS, Beal Estate and Insurance Agents, McMinnvitlo, Oregon ------- <•-------- Farn« Lands oí all tla««et for Bale on Easy Term« I I'O. Tow n Lot*. COLLE'. "FIONS M ADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. Legal Pa per* drair n tritìi .\etUne**, .leva racy and Difi- stnf patch. «