VOMI.TIL' Kill VO I 6 ff WE T? 'RT'PO'W rPTT.T? A?u where MoKt,rn has has returned home from Port X ’ iAJu m JU -st, j I, i — and - where he he has beijn been attendil attending aohool. school. Grandma Stewart, from Forest Grove, is Published Every Thursday, at vtaitiuR friends in town ; also Mrs. Eva Hays ji . minnville : : or ego N and Miss Emma Bowers, of the same place. Mr. F. Barnekoff is expecting his mother BT and niece here from Sweeden, before long. JL- V. TÒ- SNYDER. Mrs. Andrew Johnson, of Portland, is vis­ Editor and Proprietor. iting Mrs. Barnekoff. m ^ bmcriptiow rate »« One copy per year, in advance.................... Î2.5O “ six months ** ................ 1.50 Local Correspondence. SHERIDAN. June 25th, 1883. Still hot, dusty and dry. The frame for the flouring mill is up. lion. He.iry Lttmson says that his growing Orop looks first rate. > The two children of Pat Churchman, who lives on Mill creek, have about recovered of the dyptheria. H. Z. Foster is building a sidewalk on two sides of his block. The town wonld look much better and be more convenient if oth­ ers would improve their property in the same way. Marl Potter, 8. Hyde, Lee Bogue and oth­ ers have gone prospecting. fiHhing and hunt­ ing in the mountains on Salmon river. Several hands are at work on the building to be used for S. Potter's hardware store. We have had occasion several times, in these items, to mention the name of William C-h-a-p-m-a-n, but the types make us, every time, say somebody else. My growl. Hon. W. D. Fenton and his father-in-law, A. L. Lucas, of Monmouth,and their families passed through town a few days ago on their way to the coast. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Bradshaw, Esq., was in town last week on business. Hon. T. L. Butler who has the oontract for putting in the mill dam on Mill creek for the flouring mill at this place, is at work at it with several hands and will have it finished in about ten days. Wm. Rogar.s who was in the look tip when we wrote you last week, was held by his Hon­ or S. Potter to appear at the next tenn of the Circuit Court.. Bond $500. The R eporter has made improvement af­ ter improvement until it has outsriuped all competitors outside of Portland, ana is now one of the best newspapers in the Northwest. Your efforts are fully appreciated, and the circulation will be greatly increased. Ex­ celsior is the word. Mr. Judson has the oontract to build the warehouse at tho flouring mill, and it takes 80.000 feet of lumbar which has been pur­ chased at the saw mill of H. C. Rowell. Many farmers are of the opinion that the orops wil 1 be very light, and unless it rains soon, the shortest ever known in this section. Some two weeks ago a man by the name of Williamson who was thought not to be in his right mind,left Mr. J. Langley's for whom he had been at work, on the water ditch, and has not been heard of since. His bible hav­ ing his name written in it, together with part of a suspender and other parts of clothing with blood on them, were found a few days ago in Thomas Dickey’s pasture. Search has been made in Mill creek and in the brush on each side of the stream, but nothing as yet has been discovered. The whole thing is in­ volved in mystery. S. D an . LAFAYSTTB June 26th, 1883. Flat dull, dry, discouraging times are these \ V’th matters of interest as scarce as the mui h prayed for rain drops. Everybody that can Wt away, has gone to Tillamook, Trask Sil. 'tz' or Sl,,ne 'he springs, or some other place “"'I th® abscenoe of so many, not only froi ' town, but from the surround­ ing oonntry as '’ell, makes the place look as if deserted. The continued spell adds nothing to the happiness of i b® farmer. And indeed, when we add to the ' nimfortune of the gram freezing out last win further inlsfor- tane, or the chance o f it, of a blight from drouth, we can hardly yon“e* f°. 866 “lm look and feel discourage But it is not too late yet for rain to do so. ™ «<*£» nnd u rnH-v oome in time; at least we san hope so. I suppose you heard of th® 1ij?rnin^ Nichols4 church and the row < little houses where the worshiper« used to camp. Inc fire occurred sometime on the light or the 2Hh inst. There is no clue as /*ho set the fire, but it was probably doi. c by some one whom Nichols had never in jnrea, and from pure mischief. Possibly by sonja one who thought the best way to get riu’ of nox­ ious animals was to destroy their deit« Last week the Sheriff took a man named Joe Bogers into custody, at Sheridan, for burglary and larceny in Gus Anderson h sa­ loon at that place. He is now a guest of ne county at Lafayette. G. M. Beeler, Esq., of Amity, was down on business during last week. W. H. Wood», of Wheatland, dropped in. one day last week, as smiling as a basket of chips, and said “ It’s a girl this time, and don't you forget it, and you hear me, she is a bouncer, and pretty as a pink.” Saturday was the day set for the meeting of the three link fellows, and many eame from Dayton, McMinnville and other places. I note L. H. Baker, of McMinnville, and B. F. Morse, of Dayton, among the visitors. On Sunday iae.t A- E* Steward, of Sheridan, "was brought down be examined for in­ sanity. The County Judge is off to Tilla­ mook, but the case was so plain that his ser­ vices could be dispensed with. His insanity is of a religious kind : he came into town Ringing hymns and was no sooner out of the hack than he began preaching on the street. One part of his ceremony was to baptise himself, which he did most thoroughly, first by throwing water in the air and letting it fall all over him, but that not being suffi­ cient, he next put his head under the pump and sent a Rtream down his back, then down his breast, then down one boot-leg and then down the other ; finally he began to strip himself (at Burbank's pump) but some men interfered ntent ; on Monday he was taken to the ««vlnm. Altogether his performances would have been laughable, if his case was not so pitiful. Thia is his fifth or sixth trip to th« asylum. N at . NORTH YAMHILL. June 25. 1888. Jeff McCoy is in town from Tillamook. »4.50 PER ANNFM. Till RSDAY JUNE «H, 1SS3. Emma Maddox has returned horn* from Portland, where she has been for the past few months. George Robinson is in town. J. E. Swanson is suffering from a badly swollen foot—something like Mr. Mesner had—and neither one knows what is the cause, as we can hear. Charley Royel is painting hacks in the paint shop. All who have hacks to paint should give him a call. M. Leathermail is giving the academy a new coat of paint. If some of the houses were served in the same way it would im­ prove the looks of the town very muoh. Miss Kate Johnson, a young lady who has been stopping at Phillip Mesner’s, left here for the toll-gate in the mountains to stay a while. H. F. had better keep a string tied to his watch when be gets one, and perhaps he won’t drop it in the well. Who knows what time it is, now ? Elder Hanna and several of the Presbyte­ rian minister* organized a Presbyterian church here last Sunday. A very able ser­ mon was preached from St. John, 10th chap­ ter and first clause of the 9th verse, after which they proceeded to organize. There were three baptisms, and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered. Many thanks to the band of North amhill for their serenade on Monday evening. They were in full dress with their new uniform of gold and blue, just received from the City of Philadelphia. They gave us some very fine tunes of which the town appreciates. Do so again, boys. Perhaps we were not surprised to see the R epobter come out in its new dress last Thursday. A very nice and convenient change. Bom—to the wife of Fred. Archabald, a fine girl, on the 25th inst. T baveleb . NEWBERG. June 25th, 1888. Plenty o dust and sunshine. Teetotaler is home again, better satisfied with old Yamhill than ever. Samuel Hobson has improved the looks of his place by giving his house a coat of paint. Evans. Gard and Austin are each putting up a new dwelling house. Edwards & Hobson are putting up an ad­ dition to their store. Mrs Deskin is putting up a new wood-shed. Mrs. Charity Brown is getting weaker ev­ ery day. The band boys expect to go to Amity on the Fourth of July. Miss Susan Heater closed her school at the Chehalem mountain school house, last Fri­ day. Miss May Robertson closed her school, at the Brutscher school house, last Friday. Don’t forget the exhibition, next Friday evening, at this place. Come, everybody, for we expect to have a jolly, good, old time. Charles Foster, living between this place and Middleton, broke into Sidel e seen that Hambletonian Mambrino has eight Messenger crosses and unites the two greatest strains of American tre tting blood—those of Rvsdyk’s Hambleton­ ian and Mambrino Chief, being a lineal de­ scendant of imp. Messenger o i each side of the house To this, the very quintessence of Amer­ ican trotting blood, he unites the rich racing strains of Glencoe, Wagner, Chorister and Post Boy, famous in the annuals of the running turl on both sides of the Atlantic. He also has the Bashaw blood, through Long Island Black Hawk, the first horse that ever trotted below 2 :40 to a road wagon. TERMS :—$35 to insure ; $25 by the season. Care will be taken to preyent accidents, but no responsibility assumed. Address W k . GALLOWAY, Bellevue, L. B. LINDSAY, Or Reedville, Oregon. 50tf The attention of the public is called to the immense bargains now tillered at the Peoples' Store. The stock formerly owned by George Ban- gasser X- Son will be disposed of At Cost, For Cash or Produce. Great Reductions are made in GROCUKinS A fine lot of H. S. MALONEY, STFRLIXG R. AU No. 10 Slioes House, Sign 1 Carriage Painters, McMinnville« Oregon, Good Work Guaranteed. Orders from the City and Country solicited. 13-ltf. Dayton, Oregon, W. D. FENTON, Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, made from the best material and best workmanship. Painting and trimming done to order. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTABY PUBLIC General Blacksmith and Repairer. 27 tf LAFAYETTE, - - - - OREGON. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Special attention paid to Land Law and Ab­ I respectfully invite the public to call and stracts of Title. examine goods and prices. Money to Loan at all times. 911LK, 911LK! MILK!! Collections made at usual rates. 29yl. Respectfully, The undersigned wishes to inform the peo* * W. F. BANGASSER. pie of McMinnville that he is running a Milk A. D. HOWARD, 91 D 101 if. Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing the best of milk at the most reasonable rates.— Physician and Surgeon, Those wishing to be supplied with the article at once can do so by leaying orders at the Pesi- W. G. DAVIS. Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular office, IN 40tf. attention given to diseases of Women and All calls promptly attended to. JOHNSON S BRICK, Children. Pesidence—at Mrs. Talmage’s. 7m6. NEW BILLIARD HALL DR. E HOWELL. Lafayette, Oregon. The Purest Wines And Liquors kept constant­ ly on hand. Cigars of the best brands and one of the best Billiard Tables in the State, found JOHN HULERY, here. 29 tf Proprietor. J. F. CALBREATH U. R. LITTLEFIELD, M. D. Littlefield & Calbreath, Physician* and Surgeon* Lafayette, Oregon. New Grocery and Provision Store SI HGERY A SPECIALTY, Third Street, two Doors East of McMinnville Brewery Dielschneider’s, ISIDORE ERTLE, P ho . 9lc9Iinnville, Oregon M’Minnville, Everything in the line cheap for cash or in exchange for countrv produce. Call and examine goods and prices. L. ROOT. Feb. 21, 1882-2tf. and 9Iaker, Shor SHERIDAN, OREGON. The finest stock of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers, Etc, in Yamhill County CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes manufactured to order and neatly repaired. All work and goods warranted. Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon. SltnS. GAINES FISHER, Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. Special Attention given io Transient Stock. Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. Corner Commercial and Trade Sts., M’CAIN & HURLEY, J. B. ROHR, House, Carriage, Sign and Root Oregon. Manufacturer of Lager Beer and Porter. All orders promptly filled. ltf f TTOR.VF. PS J T A tt ’ y at L aw < fc N otary P ublí W. A. FENTON, • Ornamental Painter, If, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Lafayette. ... Office—Jail Building, up stairs. Oregon 33tf. , Dr. G. F. TK kI R, DEALER in WATCHES; CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, Etc., M c M innville O regon Office—One door east of Hartman’s brick. Laughing Gas administered for painless ex­ tracting. FRANK A. KILL, Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the public to his new and fine stock of I nder Odd Fellows’ Hall, NEW FIRM! New Goods ! New Prices! ROBISON & BAKER, [SUCCESSORS TO R. H. TODD.] DEALERS IN DBVGS' MEDIC1NBS» STATIONARY« PERFInF.RV TOBACCO AND CIGAR% PA INTN ANDOII.N PATENT Vf FDICINEA, TOILET GOGDN. NOTIONS ETfM ETC Prescriptinns rarefnlly compounded all hours, day or d ght. Our ^nods have - II been marked down to the owest liyinc rate Give us a cal! and see fo yourself. i McMinnville, Or., June 21, ’Sl-20tf. U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, 1 Oregon, May 10, 1883. J Notice is hereby given that A. S. Bible, of Yamhill County, Oregon, has made ap­ A. ENNIS, Proprietor. plication to purchase the E. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 and W 1 2 of N. E. 14 of Sec. 21, T 4 S, R 7 W The Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept Will, Mer., under the provisions of the Act of constantly on hand. 13 4m3. Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled “ An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash­ ington Territory.” All adverse claims to said tract of land or McMinnville« Oregon, any pert ion thereof, must be filed in the U. S. Office at Oregon City, Oregon, before Is now prepared to furnish music for Pic-Nics, Lana expiration of sixty days from this date. Celebrations, etc., on short notice and at rea­ the Given under my hand this 10th day of May, sonable rate«. Address 1883. L.T. BARIN, A. V. R. NNYRZR. l eader, 8tl0. Register. 4tf. McMinnville, Oregon. Custer R. SHANE, PUOTOG IldPHER, Has returned to his old stand—up stain in Si­ monds’ building—with a new equipment of utensils tor his work, and is now prepared to take nil Kind«. M'EIAÜdlE MLOUJV. Will find it to YOUR ADVANTAGE To call at the above Saloon. I keep constantly on hand the Finest Wine* DBUGS, STATIONEBY, PATENT MEDI­ and Liquors for Family and Medicinal um . JOHN ( ANW1LL, Proprioter« n tl>e Brick Store, corner 3d anil Jefferson Si', CINES, CUTLERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, 4ti. McMinnville LAFAYETTE, - - OREGON CIOAK* AND TOBACCO. BOSS SALOON, Oregon, - Tin Particular attention paid to diseases of wo­ men and Children. If not in office, san bej found by »nquiring »t either of the drug stores. P. 8—Patients have the right to have their Prescription» filled wbare they cbooM. Picture* of Is the best and most pleasant of all purgatives. It cleanses the system, SALEM, - - - OREGON. Watch Repairing and Job Prescriptions carefully compounded and purities the blood, cures biliousness and charges reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. bi ng a Specialty. constipation, dyspepsia, headaches, colds, levers, etc. Our enterprising druggists, Rogers &. Todd, are selling Notice of Application to Purchase it rapidly, and it gives satisfaction to everyone. Timber l^and. McMinnville, —up »taira over Manning*» O FFICE Store, McMinnville, Oregon' From a small size tin*type to a large Cabinet Please give me a call. 38m6. T. C. STEPHENS JEWELER & ENGRAVER W. II. BOYD, 91. D, SURGEON * PHYSICIAN, —»nel— Hctiiiin vil le, - • - Oregon. Painting done in the neatest style, on the shortest notice and at the most reasonable prices. Shop in the old Beary building on Third between A and B Sts. 6tf. WATCHMAKER, Oregon. Ï j < î ift vette Just opened on OFFICE—One Door East of Post Office McMinnville, Oregon. 50vl. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CONVEYANCER. Real Relate and Collecting Agent, and No­ tary Public All work pertaining to this line attended to promptly and reliably, Al»o, man­ ufacturer and repairer of Boot, and Sboee. All work done with neatneM and diepatch Head­ quarters under Odd Fellow»’ Hall, McMinnville, Oregon. 89t A MUTCHLER, VlcVIiiiiivlIle, Oregon. Lower than Portland prices. Cheaper than was ever offered in this city. STERLING F. HARDING. Office—one door East of Furniture Store, 12-34tf. DRY COODS Particular attention given to Conveyancing Collecting, Buying and Selling Real Estate. Regular meetings, Thursday evening on or DAYTON SALOON. before the full moon, in each month. Sojourn­ ing companions cordially welcomed. H. P. FRANK GILTNER, • Proprietor 50tf. The best brands of Liquors, Wiuea and Ci­ gars kept for sale. When you go to Dayton »PEARS A CO., call and see Frank. 19tf. Geo. G. BINGHAM, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE AT COST. Att’y at Law & Notary Public. Hoots and CHARLES LAFOLLETT, IkEPUTY OUNTY SURVEYOR AND Counselor at Law. Notary Public. lltf Sberidau, Oregon. Of fee—Sheridan, Yamhill Co., Oregon LOTS FOR SALE. Business Promptly Attended to. Tills J N I OTS Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in Block No. 19, Row- land’s addition are offered for sale at a bar­ gain. Fine location near the depot—just east of the residence of L. II. Cook, on the east side of railroad track, on Third Street. The three lots will be sold for $400, if applied for soon. GEORGE WIIXIS, Jr. McMinnville, May 24, ’83—lltl. J. E MAGERS, Notice egotiable instruments bought. Dii. W, A 15 MILLS, Money to loan on good real estate securi­ Apply to G. G. BINGHAM, ( Jl'FICE at F. A. HiU’l Drug Store, Daytou, ty. Campbell's Building, McMinnville. Oregon. ötf. Post Band, HENRY WARREN, N otary P ublic . STAR MIXED PAINT NO. 1 SALOON. C. W. HULERY, Pro. (Successor to M. Feker,) Third Nt., - - McMinnville,Or. The best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit­ ters, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the It will not crack, chalk or jwsel off, and beat ot cigars, and tho justly celebrated San Francisco Lager Beer. present* a HARD AM) GLOSSY FINISH or UNSURPASSED BEAUTY Its DURABILITY .nd CHEAPNESS i> (Situated at the Depot,) freely admitted by all who have used it. It is prepared by tne union of Pure White Lead, McMinnville* • - Oregon» Oxide of Zinc and Boiled Oil in such propor­ tions os to chemically and permanently unite L« II, COOK« Prep. them. It is offered to the public as the rpirm HOTEL J8 FIRST-CT.ASR in every par* Best Paint Ever Produced A- titular, twing furnished with all moder» It is convenient, being mixed READY FOR Appliance*, and netting before its guests only trie IxtMt the market affords, THE BRUSH, of ANY SHADE OR COLOR. J. E. MAGERS. Sam pie*room for the especial aecommodaUoa ANYONE CAN APPLY IT. N otary P ublic . of Commercial Men. Remember the place- at the depot. It is put up in 1-8, 1-4, 1-2, I and 5 gal. cans. WARREN & MAGERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, A targe Supply Always O b Hand, at II. F. HART9IAA’». McMinnville, Oregon. --------o ■— Farm Land« of all olawne* for Sale on Fa«y Trrin* A I mo , Town Lola. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. Legal Papers drawn with Neatness, Accuracy and. Div- svtf patch. Sh.in.gles, Shingles ! »m3 Good, Fresh Milk! THE. »INERT HAWED BHINGLES ever made in this section are now being man­ ufactured at Having Fresh Cows, I am now prepared to furnish the Beat Milk at the l/iwrat Living Ante»,delivered either night or morning,or twice a day, if desired. Milk separate from f'hran m the cbeapeat and good M U>. bwt. one cow, when rerpiested. Ix»k al them. Apply at my residence in McMinnville ; or Enquire of F. W. REDMOND, A goat, al all orders left at the Poetoffice will be prompt­ McMinnville, or of ly attenderl to. R. J. SIMPSON. «inlor 3 MILLER* BOWERM. 5»m>. Miller & Bowers' Shingle Mill.