»*150 PKR ANNUII Till RSDAY JIM! 41, ISS3. J IMMENSE BARGAINS church. Next it emigrated into my BUSINESS «t PROFESSIONAL Notice Thio kitchen, and has been in service by the .I o I iiihou tribe up to thia time, and now NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS bougl Publishoi Every Thursday, at DK. W, A. B MILLS, I present this relic to you, for the use I n Money to loan on good real esuU aeeui your college, in remembrance of the ot ty. Apply to G. G. BINGHAM, M c M innville : : ori go N ( ÌFFICE at F. A. Hili’» Drug Store, Dayton, defunct Oregon City College. Caiufbell’s Building, McMinnville. BT Oregon. bti. Mr. Johnson now produced two books The attention of the public is called to the V. K.- SlSTYIDiETÎ,. with the name of the great and good (Heretofore at the head of the immense bargains now offered at the K. S. St Cohn inscribed upon the title CHARLES LAFOLLET"! Editors and Proprietors. Reedville Stud) will make the patres, and presented them, also, to season of 1883 as follows : McMinnville College. The gentleman I DEPUTY 0UNTY SURVEYOR AND Counselor at Law. North Yamhill, A/ondays; La- Peoples’ Store. BirndCliirTION UAH'S next produced a hue specimen of an Notary Public. Fayette, Tuesdays; McMinnville, Wednes­ Of fee—Mieridan, Yamhill Co.,Orego Indian mortar, given him by his friend tilt Steeridnn, Oregou. 3ne copy per vear, in advance........... .. 12.50 .Vlc( own, an ardent student in geology, days and Thursday«; Bellevue, Fridays and The stock formerly owned by George Ban- six months “ ............ 1.50 also a present to the college. He next Saturdays. Particular attention given to Conveyancii Mambrino is a beautiful dark gasser Ar Son will be disposed of Collecting, Buying and Selling Real Estate. pres. uted various specimens of petri­ bay Hambletonian STKKUNU R. A.C., N». 16 or brown, 15 hands, 2A inches high and faction, a tooth of an extinct animal, weighs over 1,100 pounds. Hois unsurpassed Regular meetings, Thursday evening on or At Cost, DAYTON SALOON. DEDICATION O? MsllINNVILLE COLLEGE the bark of a tree, hard as flint, also fot style and beauty: long-bodied, with a pi< ces showing the formation of coal. rangy nock and blood-like head. He is hea­ before the full moon, in each month. Sojourn­ Propriot« Lastly, Mr. Johnson produces a poi­ vy muscled, and as for teet and legs no horse ing companions cordially welcomed. H. P. FRANK OILTNER, 50tf. Following is the programme of the soned arrow used by Captain Jack in can excel him. For Cash or Produce. The best brands of Liquor«, Wine« and C dedicatory ceremonies of the new col­ the Modocwar. This he also presented Of his prepotency as a sire there can be no gars kent for sale. When you go to Dayt< to the college. Mr. Johnson, who is doubt. All his colts have the impress of his SPE&RM & CO., call and see Frank. 19tf. lege building at McMinnville; Oregon, I rcasurer of the Board of Trustees, high form and superb courage, and when plac­ Great Reductions are made in on Tuesday, June 12th, as furnished then said: “ Let me for a moment refer ed on the market have, so far, commanded (at the New» bv “ Mercurius,” and as it is to the pride of Yamhill Couuty. It the same ages) as high a price as the get of STERLING F. HARD1NC will be the pride of hundreds ami any ho.se in tho North Pacific. Mc.Uiniivillc, Oregon« correct tn every particular, we take the thousands for years to come. The During the last year his get was awarded « 1 « OC> ERIEJS. Good Work Guaranteed. Orders from the ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONVEYANCE liberty of copying it: whole indebtedness on the college is many premiumsand was the winner of the Real Estate aud Collecting Agent, and N , City and Country solicited. 13-ltf. three-year-old three-in-flve races at Vancouver A fino lot of little over «G, 000. It needs $2,000 or Ury Public All work pertaining to this lii On the 26th day of May, 1882, the and the State Fair, defeating in both race« the $3,000 more to make necessary im ­ attended to promptly ana reliably, Also, ma corner stone of the McMinnville Col­ provements. In assets we have a sub­ finest field of three-year-olds that ever came and repairer of Boot« and Shoes. J " Geo. G. BINGHAM, ufacturer CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE lege was laid with great ceremony, scription list of between $6,000 ami together in the Northwest. work done with neatness and dispatch He« PEDIGREE : — Hambletonian Mambrino quarters under Odd Fellow«’ Hall, McMinnvill + prominent men from all over the State $7,000, including ground sold at the was sired by Menelaus, (the sire of Cleora, re­ AT COST. Att’y at Law & Notary Public. Oregon. being present, among them Hon. J. N. old college. In addition, we have an cord 2.18J, and sold for $15,000), he by Rys- endowment fund of $7,300, loaned on dyk’s Hambletonian. Office—one door East of Fusuiture Store, Dolph. Gradually the work giew into good security.” 1st dam Olean, by Border Chief. Boot« and Shoes a massive structure of four stories, its Hon. Heniy Warren, President of 2nd McMinnville, Oregon, dam Olinda, by Oliver. lofty dome rising proudly above the the Board of Trustees, in the name of 3rd darn by Chorister, he by imp. Contract. 12-34tf. the Board, expressed thanks to the »avion, Oregon. Lower than Portland prices. town and valley. Standing upon a speaker and his kind and generous Menelaus’ first dam Jesse Bull by Long Isl­ and Black Hawk. Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, ma beautiful elevation, surrounded by a friends in Oregon Citv. 2nd dam by Young Duroc, he by Duroc, he from the best material and best workmanshi shady oak grove, the college forms a All joined in singing “All Hail the by Diomede. DRY GOODS Painting and trimming done to order. 3rd dam by Coffin’s Messenger, son of imp. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC most picturesque and lovely aspect.— Power of Jesus’ Name.” General Blacksmith and Repairer. Rev. Henry then made a brief but el­ Messenger. Horse-shoeing a specialty. 271» Art and nature left nothing unfinished. oquent Cheaper than was ever offered in this city. LAFAYETTE, - - - - OREGON. address, heartily congratulat­ Border Chief, sire of Olean, was by old Mam- For months past the event of to-day ing this community upon this occasion, brinn Chief, 1st dam bv Highlander, 2nd dam Special attention paid to Land Law and Ab ­ I respectfully invite the public to call and stracts of Title. > was looked forward to with eagerness saying the Baptists ot Oregon ought to by Glencoe, 3rd dam by Post Boy, son of Hen­ examine goods and prices. Money to Loan at all times. MILK, MILK! MILK!! ? proud in possessing so grand an in­ ry that ran with Eclipse. Collections made at usual rate«. 29yL by the people of this valley and the be Respectfully, stitution, where their children can lie Thus it will be seen that Hambletonian The undersigned wishes to inform the pe Baptists of the whole const. All that educated up to true manhood and Mambrino has eight Messenger crosses and W. F. BANGASSER. pie of McMinnville that he is running a Mi ’ unites the two greatest strains of American could be done by the trustees, officers Christianhood. A. ». HOWARD, M. ». 10-ltf. Wagon from his farm to town and furnishii tn tting blood—those of Rvsdvk’s Hambleton- and teachers, and particularly by the Rev. Hunsaker then made the clos­ ian and Mambrino Chief, being a lineal de­ the best of milk at the most reasonable rate«. I ing remarks. This closed the after ­ Those wishing to be supplied with the artic v Physician and Surgeon, scendant of imp. Messenger o » each side of the ladies, was done in order to make it a noon exercises. at once can do so by leaying order« at the Poi f To this, the very quintessence of Amer­ NEW BILLIARD HALL success. At last the day came—clear, In the evening Professor G. J. Bur­ house office, W. G. DAVIS. ican trotting blood, he unites the rich racing Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular calm and beautiful. Hundreds, thou­ chett, former President of the college, strains of Glencoe, Wagner, Chorister and Post nr attenti )n given to diseases of Women and sands of people, from near and from now of East Portland, delivered the Boy, famous in the annuils of the running Children. All calls promptly attended to. dedicatory sermon. on both sides of the Atlantic. He also JOHNSON’S BRICK, Residence—at Mrs. Talmage’s. far, came to town to witness the mem­ The singing by the choir was excel­ turf 7m6. has the Bashaw blood, through Long Island Lafayette, Oregon. orable day. lent and highly commented upou by Black Hawk, the first horse that ever trotted The rarest Wines and Liquors kept constant­ At 2 :30 o’clock Rev. A. J. Hunsak­ everbody—Rev. Crawford, director; below 2 :40 to a road wagon. J. F. CA.LBREATH, G. W. Snyder, organist. TERMS:—$35 to insu/e; $25 by the season. ly on hand. Cigars of the best brands and one H. R. LITTLEFIELD,M. ». er, President of the day, a prominent Mrs. of the best Billiard Tables in the Stafe, found Following is a report from the Treas­ Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but worker of the Baptist ministry, and urer of the pledges and collections of no responsibility assumed. here. JOHN IH'LKRY. 29 tf Proprietor. Add ress well known all over this coast, called the day: W m . GALLOWAY, Bellevue, $360 00 the vast audience to order. Great Pledges at noon............. Or L. B. LINDSAY. PhyMicinns and Surgeon« ..................... 11 75 throngs of people outside were unable Collections 50tf Reedville, Oregon. Pledges in the evening 33 00 Lafayette, Oregon. to gain admittance, as every inch of Collections...................... ^9 10 25 standing room was occupied. Mr. MncrRt' A SPEC1AI.TÏ Lafayette Orcgoi Total .................................. .$415 00 Just opened on LOTS FOIl SALE. Hunsaker said: “ More than twenty- five years ago a hnndful of us Baptists I OTS Nos. 1,2 and .3, in Block No. 19, Row- Third Street, two Doors East of Latest XewM Item*. McMinnville Brewery land’s addition are offered for sale at a bar­ met, but were unable to do much until, W. n BOYD, M. »., gain. Fine location near the depot—just east Dielschneider ’ s, in 1857, a few brethren in l’olk county ISIDORE ERTLE, P ro . of the residence of L. II. Cook, on the east side SURGEON ifa<’tured at that was saved from decay [producing to celebrate the eompletinr» of the Farm Landt of all ela««rw lor Male on Fa*y Term«- Having Fre»h Cow», I «m now prepared tr 11fa<*tured Northern route. The last spike will famish ibe Best Milk at the Lowest Living a dinner liell.J A l*o, Town Lot*. Rates,delivered either night or morning, oi This bell has a history attached to be driven in two or three mont. s twice a dsv, if desired. Milk separate fron Cheap as the <*hea|if*et and good aa th« b«t Probably about September it; it used to call the boys and girls to time. one cow, when requested. Look at them. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. Apply at my resident in McMinnville . m college twenty years ago. Next it was 1st, but some little time must elapse hnquireof F. W. RIDMOND, Amt. t before the buisneas can be throughly Legal Papers drawn with Neatness, .Accuracy and Thc- all orders left at the Poetoffice will be prompt­ McMinnville, or of used by Professor Post in his little ly attended to. R. J, SIMPSON. organized and railroad traffic become f,rnlor3 MILLER A BOWER«. Baptist Church, ringing to the neigh- , systematized. 50ml. 30tf • patch. borliood, the boys and girls, the call to Hambletonian Mambrino, H. S. MALONEY, House, Sign s Carriage Painters, A MUTCHLER, W. D, FENTON, .H Littlefield £ Calbreath, New Grocery and Provision Store J. E MAGERS, R. SHANE, T. C. STEPHENS JEWELER & ENGRAVER YOUR ADVANTAGE lively, Feed and Sale Stable. NO. 1 SALOON. BOSS SALOON, N h STAR MIXED PAINT I WARREN & MAGERS, Miller & Bowers' Shingle Mill.