volli Hi: 111! 11 H’.HINNVILLE OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 11, 1883. 8*3 SO PER ANNUM. THE REPORTER mg it what it since become, a national assur­ this to look forward to ? Most of us can lay the number of sick men cared for, poor men IVotice □Chis J ance association, embracing in its mwulw- by but very little, and it would be soon helped, dying men comforted, and the num­ i. U. W. Ltxlge of this place United Workmen,” seeing that it is of com­ has anything near that amount, apart from The net increase for the year was 310 lodg­ ing companions cordially welcomed. H. P. recent origin ? I answer, that the came oft' on Friday last. The day was paratively The best brands of Liquors, Wines and Ci* all financial risks, he mr.y be said to possess es and 16,766 members. 50tf. term “Ancient” applies less to the Order it­ warm ami would have been very self gers kept for sale. When you go to Dayton On the 1st of April, 1882. the membership than the principles that underlie it. The a ready substitute for the money value of his call and see Frank. lfltf. pleasant had not a stilt'breeze from the Order teaches that it is the duty of every life. Lut liow few can say this 1 It is then was 107,177 ; at the present moment it is 120- SPE&RM A CO., north kept the air full of dust. At 10 nian to lead a life of activity and usefulness, the duty of the head of the family, from his 040. The total number of lodges is about 2.200, o’clock the procession formed in front and to earn his bread by th«? sweat of his little earnings, to provide against this con­ STIRLING F. HARDING. of the brick hall anti inarched to tin face. It tenches that labor is one of the tingency as best he can in some other way. and the. average membership of each lodge liow can this be done ? There is but one is 54 zy. grounds where there was music by the conditions of existence, and that he who way possible. The loss must ba taken from The average age of the membership is 38. A TTORN’EY AT LAW, CONVEYANCE)!. lUc.fl innrille, Oregon« Band, music by the Glee club ami an does not work ought not to eat, he who does his family and distributed over a community average age»of those admitted during Good Work Guaranteed. Orders from the ***• Real Estate and Collecting Agent, and No­ excellent oration was delivered by Dr. not produce ought not to consume. It organized for that purpose. This is the the The year ending June, 1882, was 36. moreover, that every man should do City and Country solicited. 13-ltf. tary Public All work pertaining to this line Brown, <>f Portland, after which came teaches, Of the various Grand Lodges. New York attended to promptly and reliably, Also, man­ his brother ns he would his brother do to whole philosophy of cooperative insurance, dinner. Following we give the oration to ufacturer and repairer of Boots aud Shoes. All him. These principles, old as the human and upon this plan any thrifty man can se­ lias the largest membership, the number be­ in full, as we believe it will be read family, and enjoined by the Creator himself, cure an ample provision for bis family.” work done wkh neatness and dispatch Head­ ing 17,577. Then follows California with I repeat that we—the Ancient order of 15.287; next, Pennsylvania with 13,700: next, with interest by all : quarters under Odd Fellows’ Hall, McMinnville, are the principles on which our Order is es­ United Workmen have no quarrel with the Oregon. 89t Illinois with 12,000. The Grand Lodge of Or­ Mu. PuZSlDENl', LlIHKS ANO G b NTLEMKN. tablished, and by which its members are Att ’ y at Law & Notary life insurance companies — none whatever: egon, Washington and British Columbia has —Tnure is implanted in the breast of every governed ; and for this reason our organiza­ man—inherent in his very nature, atfeeling tion is not inappropriately named the “An­ but wo are able to offer you a safer and a membership of 3,450. Office—one door East of Furniture Store, AVorkmen have reason to congratulate of kindness fo? hh fellow man ; and to this cient Order of United Workmen.” Nor is it cheaper insurance than they—nay, wo are feeling ho is rarely untrue. The instances strange that this organization of ours, found­ able to offer to the prudent and frugal mail themselves on the brilliant record their Or McMinnville, Oregon. in which mail voluntarily separates himself ed on such principles, has so commended it­ the cheapest and safest insurance that was der has made. Its growth has been rapid Dayton, Oregon 12-34tf. beyond all parallel. Not yet a decade and a from his fellows, and refuses like Manfred, self to the judgment of all, that thousands ever devised. The principle of insurance, though un­ half old, it numbers 120,(XX) members. It to associate with them, are not of frequent and tens of thousands of every rank and Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, made occurrence. Constituted without this feel­ condition have made haste to seek its bene­ questionably correct, has been so abused and seems but yesterday that the founders of the from the best material and best workmanship. perverted that only the few have been bene- Order met at Meadville and perfected an or­ ing—this grand principle of his being, man fits for themsches and families. Painting and trimming done to order. Ours is a fraternal society withan insur­ litted whilst the mhny are injured. -There is,” ganization. Little did those men dream would be less than hum in. It is this feeling General Blacksmith and Repairer. Judge Strahan,of Albany,a distinguished that on the foundation they there laid, would ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC that prompts liim to seek the companionship ance side to it, or, if you prefer the transpo­ says Horse-shoeing a specialty. 27tf of his brethren and to affiliate with them. It sition. an insurance society with a frater­ member of the order, “ There is a wide­ be reared a superstructure” of such colossal and well-founded conviction in the proportions as we behold to-day. Little did LAFAYETTE, .... OREGON. is this feeling that binds men together in nal side to it. It jKisesses the elements of spread public mind that the system of life-insur­ they think that the tiny, insignificant seed tribes and classes, and clubs and societies, fraternity in a very marked degree ; and it ance Special attention paid to Land Law and Ab­ offered to the people by most, if not all, they thus planted would in a few years be­ stracts of Title. MILK, 51 ILK! MILK!! and nations. Bora of this feeling is every has its grips and signs and passwords where­ of the companies doing business in this come a magnificent tree under whose wide- Money to Loan at. all times. by one brother may know another in the fraternal organization, and more especially country is neither cheap enough nor safe spreading branches 120,OCX) men with their Collections made at usual rates. 90yl. dark as well as in the light. But the grand The undersigned wishes to inform the peo­ this of oars. enough ; that the business is organized and wives and children could find shelter and re­ ple of McMinnville that he is running a Afilk A system of co-operative societies like the feature of the order is that it brings within the conducted mainly for the private emolument pose. That devoted, determined little band reach of every family moderate life insur ­ Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing A. O. U. W„ is nothing new; it is not, as and advantage of the officers and private that met at Meadville I Then a mere hand­ A. I), HOWARD, H. !>. the best of milk at the most reasonable rates.— many suppose, an experiment of modern ance—insurance to the extent of $2,000, and stockholders, and that the policy-holders ful, now grown to a host ! How the fires of times. Co-operative societies have existed this sum which is secured to the heirs of eve­ have no interest whatever except to pay Those wishing to be supplied with the article must kindle in their hearts as from a very remote antiquity. They are al­ ry brother by the payment on his part of heavy premiums. * * * The amount of enthusiasm once can do so by leaying orders at the Post­ watch this vast army of 120,000 good Physician and Surgeon, at luded to by Theophrastus, a Greek writer, an initiation fee and a small amount at stat­ the premium is or ought to be, regulated by they office. W. G. DAVIS. who lived three centuries before the Chris­ ed intervals, is always paid at his death, the expectation of life of the assured, at the men and true, wheeling into line under the 40lf. banner of Charity. Hope and Protection, and Office in Garrisou ’ s Building. — Particular cheerfully and ungrudgingly, without delay, tian era, as existing in liis day among the time the policy is written, and it ought to be keeping step to the sweet music of “ the : attention given to diseases of Women and Athenians and other Greeks. Wo are inform­ without deduction and without cost. And fixed at such a sum, as (when placed at com­ ones at home ! ” Well may they be i Children. All calls promptly attended to. ed that in those days they had a common now it may be asked : How is this $2.000 pound interest upon each payment of premi­ loved of the efforts they have made, and the Residence—at Mrs. Talmage’s. chest, into which every member of the soci­ t o be raised ? 1 answer, it is taken from um as it matures) would produce the amount proud work they have accomplished I What Order ety put a worthy contribution, and that the what is known as the “Beneficiary Fund.” of the policy together with such a sum as has ever grown like that which they estab money thus raised constituted a fund for the This beneficiary fund is made up by the pay­ each policy ought io contribute towards the lished ? From the Atlantic seaboard to the H. H. LITTI.BFiei.n rglief of any brother who might in any man­ ment. on the death of a brother, of one dol­ expenses <»f the business. But look at the Pacific shore, and from the hemlock forests ner experience a reverse infortune. The an­ lar by each member in the order. In the figures and make the calculation yourselves, of the north to the Orange of the cient guilds of the Anglo-Saxons were co­ beneficiary fund every brother of the Order and you will find that the policy-holder must sunny south, has the mighty groves system spread, operative societies, as appears from one of bears an equal part. This fund is held sa­ generally pay in premiums and interest and there is not a village or hamlet from the their constitutions at Exeter, which says that cred and inviolate. ; not one dime of it is about twice the amount, or even more, of mountains to the sea to which its golden the association was formed in mutual frater­ ever taken for any purpose, other than that ' the policy before it matures.” stream of relief has not found its way.— Physician* and Surgeons nity, and li is received the sanction and ap­ for which it was formed. Not even th? ex­ The extravagance in the management of AVhat order in existence to-dav can boast of proval of the bishops and canons of the city. pense of collecting and disbursing the fund the affairs of the old life companies is in more talent or moral worth ? The names of Lafayette, Oregon. is deducted from it. Every member, on join ­ Each family agreed to pay one penny on the striking contrast with the economy in our the greatest and best of every calling and Laiayrtte death of a member ; this was paid out to ing the Order, pays into tlie beneficiary fund 1 own. Every one of those companies has its profession Oregon. SCKhEKY A Nl'I.ClAL 1Y. are found on its rolls. What Or ­ the canons who in return performed the nec­ the sain of one dollar, or one asressment— ' President and Vice-president, and Actuary der to-day is animated by higher and nobler the amount being the same for all agesr-so essary rites for the deceased ; they likewise and Secretary, not to mention its legion of principles, or rests on a safer or surer foun- . ; paid a yearly subscription of one penny. that every Lodge always has in its treasury agents. These men all draw large salaries, elation ? True benevolence pervades and IV. II. BOYD, M. D., j These guilds met three times a year—in Sep­ an amount equal to one assessment from and are like vampires, sucking the very life­ governs it, and its object and aim is the each of its members. Now, when a death oc- * tember, in March, and during the Easter blood of the companies. In our order there spread of humane and kindly sentiments, ! SURGEON & PHYSICIAN, holidays. The first English writer who di­ curs, a notice ¡3 sent to every Lodge in the is ISIDORE ERTLE, P bo . 1 no Board of Director^, drawing the larg­ the inculcation of charity and brotherly love, rected attention to co-op »rative societies of jurisdiction, giving the name of the deceased est pay for the smallest service; no spacious and the protection and care of the fatherless brother, the Lodge he belongs to, the date of FFICE — up stairs over Manning’s Tin this character, was the celebrated Daniel de M’^linnvilie, - Oregon. offices sumptuously furnislyid ; no army of and widow. Store, McMinnville, Oregon- i'oe. He, in 1690. published a work in which iiis initiation into the Order, the date and high-salaried clerk.-; no salaried officer, in The stately edifice of the builders at Mead­ cause of his death, and the amount he had he advocated a plan for the promotion of so­ Manufacturer of Lager Beer and Porter. Particular attention paid to diseases of wo­ short, in the organization, except one. The ville is almost complete. A little smoothing cieties, formed by mutual assurance, for the paid into the beneficiary fund. Every Lodge work necessary to be done is largely a labor here, a little alteration there, “with some All orders promptly filled. ltf men and Children. relief of members in distress. The first leg­ thereupon forwards to the Grand Recorder [ of love on the part of the officers, and the frescoing and painting on the walls, so that If not in office, ?an be’ found by enquiring islation in reference to these societies ap­ an amount equal to one assessment for all , details of the system are carried forward by the very good shall be very beautiful.” Per­ ut either of the drug stores. pears to have been in 1793. In that year the members of the Lodge who were Master these brethren with the strictest economy.— fect in plan, beautiful in structure, it com­ P. 8.—Patients have the right to have their M ’ CAIN & HURLEY, one George Rosa with the concurrence of the Workmen at the date of the brother's death. j The working expenses thus reduced to a mands the admiration of the world, and is Prescriptions filled where they choose. younger Pitt, introduced into the British Then the members of the Lodge pay into its , minimum, are paid out of a general fund destined to last, as we fondly hope, until the .17'2’Ojra'L’lW ./'/ L.l ir, parliament a biil for the encouragement of treasury another dollar each, and the Lodge which is specially provided for that purpose • everlasting hills shall have crumbled and friendly,societies. In Great Britain these is prepared for the next call. —and— It is the duty of every man to make the , by light taxation in the shape of initiation gone down to the sea.” societies’a re very numerous, and productive fees and monthly dues. The Beneficiary And now. as the mouthpiece for the nonce of a vast amount of good. They enjoy the best provision he can for those dependent fund is not allowed to be touched under any of the AVorkmen here assembled, 1 beg in NOTARIES PUBLIC, fullest public confidence as to their stability; iip- hi him, so that when lie passes away, they , circumstances except to pay policies. No conclusion to thank the ladies for their at­ ¡•BIO T Oli It,1PHER, and their membership to-day is not less than may be as far removed as possible from the commission, no fees, no salaries are to be tendance to-day. Their presence is an evi­ ctte4 ... Oregon condition of want. The fact that every wise ■8,000,000. They are divided into different * paid out of that fund, but the entire amount dence that they are in sympathy with our Has returned to his old stand—up stairs in Si Classes: 1st. those paying benefits in case of ! mail who thinks of the uncertainties ®f life, paid in goes to the widow and orphans or Order—at all events we construe it in that —Jail Building, up stairs. 33tf. make provision for the future of his de­ nmnds* building—with a new equipment ot sickness ; 2nd. those paying a fixed sum in does ' other lieirs of deceased brethren. Me reover way. Woman ought to be in sympathy with pendents, is tiie very best.reason why every utensils tor his work, and is now prepared to case of death ; 3rd. those for the encourage- 1 the Beneficiary fund, and indeed the general the Order ; for Her it was organized : for Her take ment of emigration. Co-operative societies 1 man should make it. This duty is generally fund, are under proper guards and restric­ it is maintained. Workmen have a thorough recognized and needs no argument to make are confined almost exolusivèly to Great 1 tions, and a careful system of checks pre­ appreciation of Woman, and many—perhaps PiclurcH ol all kinds. Britain and the United States ; on the soil of it J clear. Now. I undertake to say in no way vents malfeasance and fraud. No money is most of them—concede that She occupies a these two countries—among Anglo-Saxon can such provision be made, to the extent of allowed to accumulate in the hands of any­ plane much higher than their own. Most of ( $2,000, at a cheaper rate and on a surer ba- From a small size tin-type to a large Cabinet people—they seem to flourish best. Efforts one, and every judicial officer from the high­ them know the priceless value of Woman’s made to introduce them into France were , sis, than by holding the Beneficiary Certifi­ est to the lowest is required to give adequate love, and there’s not a man of them who is Please givo me a call. 38m6. cate or Policy for that amount, issued by the and acceptable bonds. There is. therefore, not successful. not anxious to win it. They know that AVo- bss > n< But on this occasion I am to speak more , Ancient Order of United Workmen. Nay. I little or no opportunity for embezzlement, maa is 1 he centre from which radiates the particularly of the A ncient O bdeb of U ni ­ will j?o further and sav that in becoming a peculation or waste. The scrupulous care great charm of life, and that AVoman's smile I HcMINNVILEE. S^LOOJV. UHIGON ted W obkmen —its origin and growth, its member of the A. O. U. W.. a man secures with whichjhe business of the A. O. U. W. is the sunshine of home. Some poet has his family the sum of $2,000 at a cost of is managed’commends the order to the atten­ object and aims, what it is doing and what it much Office — One door east of Hartman ’ s brick. said that “ in prosperity, AVoman is a bud less than one-half the amount required has done. tion of thinking men. whilst the rigid econ­ full of odors, waiting but for the winds of Laughing Gas administered for painless ex­ The A. O. U. W. is a co-operative society, in the very best managed life insurance com­ omy practiced enables us to offer the safest adversity to scatter them abroad.” and some Will find it to tracting. pany. organized for the mutual benefit of its mem­ insurance at the cheapest rate. The man is one else has said that “ Woman is the angel The old life insurance companies are in ­ bers and their families. It is the pioneer so­ poor indeed who may not' through the in­ of earth that connects our coarser selves ciety—-th*» parent indeed—of all the socie­ clined to be unfriendly to the A. O. U. W., strumentality of our order, place his family with th? annuls of heaven.” In both these ties of tlie present day, that paya death and to say unpleasant tilings about it. They above want. But whilst I hold our method sentiments AVorkmen heartily concur. To call at the above Saloon. assert with great emphasis that we cannot of insurance to be the cheapest and best that benefit, being the first one to guarantee the do Oh Woman, dear Woman, whose form and Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the what we have undertaken to do, that we I keep constantly on hand the Finest Wines payment of a fixed sum at the death of a cannot can possibly be devised, I would not delude whose soul public to his new and fine stock of possibly assure to each member's and Liquors for Family and Medicinal use. member to the person or persons that mein- beneficiaries the sum of $2.000. But we beg myself nor you into the idea that there will ?«re the light and the life of each spell we pur ue: ber while living may have designated. All to fOIIH CASWBCLL, Proprietor, assure them that we are doing that very be” few or no assessments to pay. Assess­ Whether scorched tn the tropics, ot chilled DBU3S, STATIOHIBT, PATEKT MEDI­ the other societies’ paying a death benefit thing, 4tt. McMinnville ments must come. Statistics conclusively will continue to do it. We un­ show that the average «aitnual mortality in at the pole. CINES, CUTLERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, have taken example from our order, and dertake and If Woman be there, there is happiness too. to pay $2,000 to the heirs of every haVs gathered inspiration and impulse from brother, and we do pay it promptly the best selected risks is 8 per 1000, and that After dinner came the funny part of L'lOAIM AM» TOBACCO. it. It is now nearly fifteen years since th? deceased when it isdne. And our promises have been an average assessment of $16 must bp ex­ the programme, organization of the A. O. U. W.. and from its fulfilled for a $2000 insurance. $20 for $2500, so many hundreds of instances pected Prescriptions carefully compounded and George Gaunt, of this place, was win ­ infancy in 1868, to the present day,its growth that they in are so on, and to this must be added th“ not to* b? considered specious or and has been continuous and healthy ; one hun­ visionary. We monthly dues of the lodge. It is best that ner of the sack and wheelbarrow race charges reasonable. have no quarrel with the life dred and twenty thousand members, scatter­ insurance companies. The principle that un­ applicants seeking admission to our order and walked off with the $5—$2.50 for C. W. HULERY, Pro. ed throughout nearly every State of the ci understand this ; it is best that they each race. in raranct is oorreM, and we believe in should Union and the Canadas, attesting its it heartily, should look at these facts and statistics (Successor to M. Feker,) Dong Nelson, of Lafayette, captured enthusiastically on principle.and strength. in the face before they ask to be the $2.50 prize ottered tor the till» lace. — BY' USING THE — careful consideration and some exjien- squarely Third St., - - ¡YIcMinnville, Or. The object and aims of the order are at after «•> that when they become mem­ Dr. Lyman Abbott has this to eav on admitted, J. AA’iley, <»f Netvburg, after several cnee social, benevolent and protective : So­ ence. bers the»’ will pay their asi^ hsments prompt­ the subject of insurance, and we fully en ­ thorough ducking*, reached the cup at Th«* best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit­ cial, because the members meeting in th?ir dorse it: “Let the rich man who has not ly and cheerfully. Men ought not to enter ten, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the Lodges as equals, as companions, as broth­ known what it is to worry about the uncer­ the order with a view to gt-t something for the <*nd <>f the spring pole and went It will not crack, chalk or peel off, and I« M Ht ot cigars, and the justly celebrated San ers, strengthened by fraternal intercourse tain future of his wife and children, and toss nothing. Every man should expect to pay home with the $5 jingling in his purse. F *’ran cisco Lager Beer. This concluded the programme, anil the cords that unite man to man ; benevo­ on a sick l>cd with restless imaginings of into the treasury as much .as nis heirs or presents a I we c in say that, though the at tendance legatees will draw «»nt of it. lent, because the order is fall of the gener­ them in a work-house I »ecause he is in his HARD AND GLOSSY FINISH ous throbbing» of fraternal affection, and is coffin ; let th? rich man. Isay, not smile su- The marl inery of the A. O. U. AV. is work­ at the picnic was small, everything keenly alive to every sigh of misfortune and n »rciliously at the p'tor man who. Iielieving ing smoothly and satisfactorily everywhere. I pasM*d oft’uii’cly, ami was pronounced or every cry of distress : protective, because it •a From every part of tli^ country come en- would thus provide for his wife »uraging reports of unusual life and setiv ■ by^ill a plea ant aitairaml oneof profit provides for rhe widow and orphan, and and insurance, 11<» the < hder. children. L*t th*» rich iu*»n who needs I o iiyin UNSURPASSED II E A I' TV the Order. Not only «re niemb; ; ? be­ shn'lds them from poverty when the hns- not hiHUr.mca put himHeif for five minutes in The ball in the evening was not large It, DURABILITY and CHEAl'NLSB >r (Situated al the Depot,) bana and father has gone. The order em- the place of those men who have wives and coming more interested in and devoted to I lv attended, but all who were ¡»resent freely admitted by all who have u-ed it. It is braees b thin its membership men of every little ones, or others dejwndpnt upon them, the Order, bat men who are not members enjoy« <1 th<*m*u lv<-4. prepared By tne union of Pure White Lead, McMinnville, - - Oregon« prof»*M<*>n find occupation, of every rank and ami who do not know what would become of are showing a greater disposition to take an Oxide of Zinc and Boiled Oil in such propor­ conditiou.ihe Laborer with his hue. the literary their dep mDnts. if th«*v themselves were ta­ interest in and unite with it. The amount 1.« If, LOOR, Prep. man with hi« pen. the husbandman clad in ken away. This is actually the condit’on of of good the Order has accomplished is suffi­ tions as to chemically and permanently unite CATARRH CVRED, health and Hwnet breath homespun, the judge arrayed in ermine and a vast majority of men. I believe in life in­ cient proof of its usefulness and succ ss. It «ecu re I by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy, Price them. It is offered to the public ns the the bishop in lawn. It has no connec­ surance. continues Dr. Abbott, for two r?a- is written. “ By their fruits ye ahull know 50 rpifm HOTEL IS FIRRT-CLAtR tn every nar- cents, Nasal injector free. Sold by Rogers tion with any political party, nor has for.nu- .< »ns: First, it compels men to be thrifty, them,” and tried by this test the A. O. U. AV. N Told. Best Paint Ever Produced ■ tifUiar, being furnished with all modern Hted for itself any p-.diiiual creed. Men of and compds them to save money. More is not found wanting. Its fruits are wen in aiipliaiK m . and netting before its guests only It in convenient, being mixed READY FOR tne best » the ------ ----------------- ■-■■■■■ ■ ■■!■■ ........................ ■■■■ every shade of political opinion are found men in America makes themselves r.nd oth­ market affords. THE BRUSH, of ANY SHADE OR COLOR. within its ranks, all treated »tike all meet­ ers miserable by spending money too freelv Sam pie-room for the especial accomtnodatioe J. E. MAGERS. ing on th»' same plane, all memlie»« of the th-ii ' “ ' ■’!• it IjL • great ANYONE CAN a ’PI’LY IT. of Com mereiai Man. N ota in" P cim . ic . same household, having on? aim and one in­ thing when a married man and his wife learn Remember the place- at the depot. terest. Nor does our order give preference tbs vain? of putting by every six months h) any particular form of religion. In thia from ten tn fiftv d«»llsrs.not for employment. direction it simply enjoins upon its meml^rs ?itli<-r present or future, but for safety. The honpMfv and indastv. »¡nbriety and frugality livings bank docs something To tench this À Largo Supply Always On Hani, at benevolence and charity, and requires that ; Wson. The life insurance companies teach they shall alwavs hold themselves ready to >3 it still l etter. Second, it provides at once IB. F. HARTMAN’S aid in providing employment for an nnfor-l ft»r a ronting'-nev which m»»st of ns are p H »m3 tnnate lirother. to relieve the to oar life working to provide for—th? >ww«ibil- help the destitute, to car? f»>r th? nUk. to itv of our own death. One could easily l»*ar McMinnville, Oregon. the viRErr Murn rhmglki comfort the dying, to bury the dead, and to ( b" poof: ’'»?* rty f<»r <»n<-> self is n«» great ever made in this section are now being man­ •oothe and protect the widow and the or­ ,1. ».4 wenltb for one’s s< If fal no Greater ufactured at phan. j blocsing—oft» ner a cni***. On? could even Having Freth Cows, I nni now prepared to Th? Ancient Order of United Workmen , bear to take his wife end children down w ith Farm Land* ol all