íp TWÍ.' í ' ' » VOLUYIE Nili NO 1» TSE REFOB.TES.. Ptbl'shsi Svery Thursia7, at JI. MINNVII.I.E : : O II 1 G O N KT s JST YDSR & ‘WJ’LTaiiETSr. Editors and Proprietors. SVBSCHIPriOM RATKth Ono ropy per year, in advance.................. $2.50 six months “ ................ 1.50 Local Correspondence, BH2RIDAN. June 4,h, 1883. Business looking up a little. Health remarkably good. Light shower of rain Saturday night. The fruit crop in this section the lightest ever known. Mr. Judson and family have moved into the Gas Anderson dwelling house. Only one doctor in town and he has gone to farming. Charles B. Sutton has sold his farm north of the Hussey place to S. C. Foster, for a lit tle over $16 per acre. Dr. John Field has located at Grand Ronde Agency, where he can be found by his old patrons. Dr. J. W. Watts delivered one of his char acteristic and instructive lectures here last night. Very few went on the excursion train yes- terdny to Dundee. The Sheridanites have not forgotten the shabby treatment received some years ago. I am informed that 8. C. Foster has sold his farm one mile south of town, to George Bern of Dixie for the sum of $30 per acre. Mr. Berry sold his farm at Dixie for the sum of $60 per acre and in the opinion of some tho Foster farm is the best place. About two hundred persons attended the picnic at Willamina last Saturday, The Sheridan brass band furnished the music and Dr. J. W. Watts spoke in the fore and af ternoon on temperance. Good order pre vailed. everything passed off nicely and good wan accomplished. The bridges between here and Willamina are still unsurpassed and the mutterings (to draw it mild) against the supervisors are pretty loud. J. T. and W. I). Simpson and Jack Martin have commenced the butchering business.— TI d * meat market is ill Simpson’s variety storeanflthopric.es charged for beef are 8, 121-; and 15 cents per pound. It is reported on tho streets that Allen Southmnide, real estate agent, has sold the Hurlbert farm to a Californian for $33 per acre. Ed Tillotson lias about finished the lower R'.ory to tho grist mil! and the ditchers are at work on the mill race between Jones’and Chapman’s. Capt. Lnfollett is building a fruit house or cellar 22xil feet with two walls and tilled be tween with saw dust. S. D an . LATAYCTTE Juno 5th, 1833. And now comes friend Howey, who says that the happiest time in a man’s life is when, after twelve years lie succeeds. Suc cess in his case means a baby-boy, good looking, just like Howey, of course, and of tho conventional weight ten pounds. How ey made everybody ••smile” at his success. G. W. Hulery is down hero training liis brother John for the footrace to come off next Saturday. June 9th. in the Fletcher lane, about D j miles south of Lafayette. H. B. Tingle and wife, of Amity, were down on business last Thursday. And behold there o imu a day when “Lo. the poor Indian.” met the pale-face on the diamond field : and the struggle was tierce, and the pale-face got it whizod to him badly, and North Yamhill mourneth for departed glory, but Forest Grove rejoioeth exceeding ly beonune her “Injin” did it. XVni. Martin, oldest son of Mrs. Anna Mar tin of this place, has returned on a visit to the land of his birth, after an absence of fourteen years or more. He looks fat and hearty. Your Dayton correspondent thinks that ‘‘Nat” meant McMinnville for the sun and ..... .................. ___ ____ Dayton for the . ......... moon, | does he? Well, , not much ; but there is a place hot enough to b<- a blaziiu* sun whose name it is needless to mention ; and there is another place, said to lie nine nautical miles beyond tue hot place, where Bailors are wild to go when (hey depart from lienee, known ns Fiddlers’ green, both places outside of this world, l’luase con tract. 1 have seen big dogfl and little dogs, but the littlest little dog is owned by Win. Mar; (in. It weighs, with a collar orq just ’Jlbfl. 7 <>z. Mr. Martin has another dog that weighs 8 lbn. 9 oz. The Ii. A L. Co. met Friday and elected John Hultry Foreman : IL P. Ungermnn. 1st Assistant Foreman : John Haney. 2d Assis tant Foreman; A. IL Burbank. President: <rus Johnson, Secretary: It. R. Daniels, Treasurer. The N. G. excursion train to Dundee went through tins place last Sunday. There were three coaches and one cattle ear. all crowded till their feet stuck out of the windows. The Dalliifl brass band was along and played a piece of music while the train stopped. Quite a nnnib'*r went from this place and re port a good time. James Townsend, of Dallas. Charley Sul livan, of the same place, and George I own s nJ. of Perrydale, came down on tbeexcur- aion train and at opped over here until its re turn. Frank 1.. was the bows masher ; lie was <■» lieautiful boy. who jiartedhis hair so prettilv in the middle and wore such n delicate tache under—oh! snob a long nose. Well Frank is gone and some of the ladies are in- «oaolable. Oh. do come back. dear, end iiweb us some more. f>e showers < f Saturday and Snndnv ven not wn heavy: but they made the fields look much brighter and the farmers feei ronch Ixnter. N at . OREGON, VS’VaíVXVÍEI.E Samuel Hobson is making quite an improv- George Evans is expecting to put up a new' B. E Harris has sold his Wagon shop to nient on his house by the wav of putting on Mr. PleiJfer. 1 house as Boon us the lumber is sawed. new weather boarding. Win. Everst lies torn the roof off his barn Capt. Powell is on a trip up the Yarnhill to _ 1 expects ------- A.-— to *■ — — I..-.« it «4 with .win, a u new v»/.wr one. nno The Society of Friends decided at their hm logging camp. and replace last monthly meeting, last Saturday, that Rev. Jesse Edwards is putting a now paling they wanted a college at this place, and are Mr. Rudder has the contract for rebuilding the approaches to the bridge here. fence around his garden. taking steps towards getting one. Dr. Jes Abner George has put a coat of white wash sup, David Wood and Ezra Woodward were Mr. Ware brought in a 90-foot flag-staff appointed on a committee to see what sub last week. The Stars and Stripes will wave on his trees, which helps the looks of his or scriptions they can get.. This is something high over all, on the natal day of Iudepend- chard very much. that is very much needed as there isn't a enoe. Albert Heater had one of his hands badly Friends’ school house in the State, and we C. A. Powell and Mrs F. A. Hill were elect bruised the other day, while working in the must have one, even if it has to be in the ed representatives, and D. A. Snyder and S. steam saw mill. grub end of Yamhill, as it is sometimes call T eftotaleu . I (V g ^ a^eriltt^es’ to the Grand Lodge Win. Allison, who once lived near here, ed. • had his foot mashed pretty badly one (lay MIDOÏ.ETOW. From an “ad" in the “ Register’’ last week day last week, while working in a saw mill at we learn that S. V/. Sigler will “ read the de- Portland. May 28,1883. ol inuition of Ind.’’ (Indiana)July 4th. This Mr. Mayhan received a severe kick in the The lark aingeth. the grass groweth, and is something entirely new for such occasions. breast from a colt one day last week, but is the farmer rojuiceth, lliut spring has at last Gur usually quiet town was excited by an able to be out again, now. opened. alarm of fire at the Dayton Flouring Mills There has been a good deal of grumbling . A faw farmers are not quite done seeding last Saturday. The caulking in the now cis around with the tooth-ache and such like the I yet. tern caught lire from the engine and was soon quite a blaze. A few timely buckets of past week, and I suppose Teetotaler has done I There will be a large acreage planted to water extinguished tho lire. Why can’t we his share of it. potatoes, in this vicinity, this «eason. have a tiro company ? Mrs. Charity Brown is still lying very low. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Olds have returned A fatal accident occurred here last Wednes Mrs. George Miller, of West Chehalem, from a visit to old Yamhill, giving a flatter day morning. M. Langtree and G. W. Du- died last Friday of consumption and was bu ing account of the McMinnville picnic. Forde were working on the piling for tho ried in the Shuck burying ground. Superintendent L. H. Baker gave this new warehouse. Mr. b). had a bar through a Judge Strong, of Portland, passed through place a visit Saturday eve. chain and was (’pulling a piling to its place here to-day. when the chain broke and he fell to the Charles 'True left yesterday for the scene ground a distance of only 11 feet. He struck Teetotaler will be off on a splurge until of action. He will erect two barns in Yam on his neck and left shoulder and continued after the Grand Lodge I. O. G. T. hill. unconscious till the time of his death. An There will be a temperance picnic at Tual examination showed the breast bone broken Our burg is to have another store, con in two places and two ribs broken. Dis. atin, Washington county, on the 16th of ducted by Pole Brothers. Mills. Calbreath and Littlefield were called June. Dr. Jessup and Dr. Watts both expect We have th<* boss doctor. He is from Ne but all efforts were fruitless anil at 5 o'clock to be there and deliver a lecture. braska and makes chronic cases a specialty. Thursday morning his light of life went out. Anv one having a cancer will do well to give Let everyone remember and come to the George W. DeForde was born in Laurel, Franklin county, Indiana, and was aged 44 agricultural meeting next Saturday, at 2 p. him a call for he is dead shot on them hav ing removed over 150 of them ; has op years, 7 months and 14 days. In his lifetime m., at the Friends’ Church., to decide wheth all spoke him well and no words could make er or not we shall have another fair this Fall. erated on two since his arrival here and re moved them entirely. His principle, no his good name Rhine brighter or cherish his Thsre was a large crowd out last Sunday, cure no pay. memory more devotedly than it now is in the to the social temperance meeting, and had a hearts of t hose who sorrow at the parting.— Spring grain is looking fine and bids fair He was laid to rest at Hopewell, Rev. Hunsa good meeting. Quite a number were in at to be a bountiful harvest. ker conducting the services. The deceased tendance from Dayton, and also Rev. Rebec R ambler . leaves a wife and six children besides other ca Cloasin of Portland, was with us ; we de cided to give an exhibition on the evening of relatives to mourn his death. June 29, for the benefit of our library. C om . Subscribe for the R eporter . $2.50. NORTH rAICHlLL. June 4, 1883. A brother of Mr. James Green arrived here Saturday evening from the States. Frank Hoberg, the champion machine man was in town last week. A cougar was killed near the residence of Mr. Torrence, last week that measured 8 feet from nose to tip of tail. Raleigh Stott and his brother Fielding re turned from the mountains mi Friday, where they have been for the last fifteen days look ing for cedar timber. They saw lots of wild animals, but killed none, as we have heard. A parrty from Portland arrived here last week on their way to the mountains, where iliey will remain lor a short time for the pur pose of fishing. Louva, the Pauper, was not played as was expected on Saturday evening. 1'hey were disappointed in gutting the hall a fit r they had engaged it. on account of the Good Tem plars Lodge which wanted it on that occa sion. Hereafter cur band boys will play in some other part of the town. The Little Joker washing machine, sold by J. D. Edmunds, is very highly praised by some in our town. We hope it. will be in troduced into more families, as it saves much hard labor for the women. The vendue of the deceased Tommy Wri-’lit came off on Saturday. Everything sold, and very reasonable. Our band boys leave here Tuesday eve ning with th?ir amateur troupe for Forest Grove, where they will remain until Thurs day. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings they give a grand entertainment. Louva, the Pauper, will be played with the laugha ble farce entitled, “Wo're all Teetotalers," and a drama entitled, Dora, with a farce Hy- prouondriac. Success to you, bovfl. T raveler . T£ia HIGBLANDS. May 39th 1883. Good weather for shearing sheep. Plenty of work to do on the farms around hero anil the owners are at it with all their might. Supervisor Daniels lias about completed the road work for this season and has been quick about it. You see he has a new baby to take care of and can’t fool away time on trivial matters. Our Highland school picnic on Saturday last, was well attended by the people of the district : there were also a goodly number of visitors present. A beautiful feast and a day of jollity was enjoyed bv all. Mr. Wall of Marion county, is visiting in this neighborhood. Pollard and Berry each have a member of the “Lo" family at work on timber claims etc. Miss Scott, who made her home here last KUinme:* with her brother, H. W. of this place, is back again after a protracted so journ in Marion county. We notice noted real estate agents make frequent visits to our neighborhood lately.— We don't think this indicates much except that it is neoesRary for us to keep a close lookout for what little personal property we have that would admit of easy transporta tion. , G. B. Benton, who with his family, left our neighlM>rh(M»d last winter, Intely wrote to friends hero that he and bis boys have been at work cutting woixl since they moved from here. T'hev ere now living near Arthur. Mnhnomah county, but think something of looking soon for a homo in W. T. • Supt* L. If. Baker made our school a visit last week. Berry let a caviise horse kick him yestei- day and n«»w hohhl s around with a badly jYimmed left foot, but we think the soreness aris«»« m«»stlv from his having used the mem her in walking qnite’freely for several hours after tho blow was received thus aggravating the bruiaed tendons. Our crops now promise a fair yield but the unusual growth of the wild oiwnniber or “man in-the-ground" gives our fields at pres ent a woe-l^one appearance. Hui. H. T uivdzb . newssrg . Jnne 4th. 18*8. A nice little shower showered down npon ns 1 ist Siuur.tov evening, which makes the «artlens and field# shew a brighter nppear anno. DAYTON June 5th, 1883. Evervthinv seeura to be lively, lovely and R»v. Mr. Dnvi# >• in California. »itendinF joyful about town. th* EvangcHml Conference. Feokard end Sieg«! have moved into their Mra. Gwin i# on n r«‘ »« friemto ut Scio. new boos*'. James Hester has his new house up and Mra. Dr. Milter tonnw thi# w«*. f<* • will soon hsre it ready to move into. to Yreka. Philander Gsrd is laying ths fanndatiwn Mr. Will Cran», of Porttend. 1» riniting for hie new house. ins friend# in D r ,ton. SO .50 PER ANNUM. '8TÏURMDAY JUXE 7, 1SS3. To the Tamers of Polk and. Yamhill < c< junties : If 5’on want the Bain Wagon, go to Lattceffield A Cook’s. Amity. If you want the Oliver Chilled Plows, adsizes, or the Cassidy Sulky Plow, go to l.ancefiel<l A Cook’s, Amity. If yon want tho Moline Scotch ClippcrPlows. both wood and steel beams; ii you waul the old reliable Garden City Plows, allsizes, go to Laucefield A Cook’s, Amii y. If you want the latest and beat improved Harrow, one that will fold up and will cut I.nnceffield & Cook, Amity, an: ¡5’ desired width, get the Rankey Iron Harrow of If you want the LaDow Pulverizing Harrow, 12 to 18 Steel Discs, go to Lanieiieid A Cook. Ainitj’, If you want a first-class No. 1 Drill or Broad-Cast Seeder, get the “ Monitor” of '.tincefield A cook. Amity. If yon want the Best, Strongest and Lightest Draft Mower, then get the Champion Mower, of Uuiiccfield A Cook, Amity. For tlie best Hay Rake in the world g» toLanceffield A Cook’s, Amity, and get the Tiger, Self-Discharging Sulky Hay Rake. If you want tiie Best and most reliable and latest improved Harvester arid Twine Binder, ul 0i.\ I.uncefield & Cook,Amity. We will put them up, give yon full instructions and start them for vou—free of charge. We will wurrant each machine to do No. 1 work and give saiiafaotion. We will keep on hand a Full Line of “ EXTRAS” and Binding Twine for the McCormick, so that you will not have to send to Portland tor them. We will sell on time or for Cash. If you want the Improved Ho Jges Oregon Hea ler, go to I.aucef iel<l A Cook’« Amity. For the Latest improved Buffalo Pitts NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS bought. to lo loan ou good real estate socuri- 1 ’ Money lo Apply to G.G. BINGHAM, ty. Campbell's Building, McMinnville. »12. IV, A. IB. MILLS, H. S. MALONEY,! CHARLES LAFDLLETT, Counselor at Law. I JEl'UTY 0ÜKTY SURVEYOR ANI-' Office—Mieritlun, Yamhill Co., Oregon N. tary Public. liti Siieriilau, Oregon, | Particular attention given to Conveyancing Collecting, Buying and Selling Real Estate. STERLING ÏJ. A. U.. No. Iti I ------------------------- — »AYTOX SALOON. Regular meetings, Thursday evening on or - Proprietor betöre the lull moon, in each month. Sojourn ' FKAWK GIL.TNEU. ing companions cordially welcomed. II. P. The best brands of Liquors, Wines and Ci 60tf. gars kent for sale. When you go to Dayton call and see Frank. 19tf, »PEARS «A CO., House, Sign I Carriage Painters, STERLING F. HARDING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CONVEYANCER» MciVflimiville, Oregon» |;eH| Estate and Collecting Agent, and No- Good Work Guaranteed. Orders from the ■ lary Public All work pertaining U) thia line City and Country solicited. z, 13-ltf. Rllended to promptly and reliably, Al»o, man ufacturer and repairer of Boots and Shoes. Al! work done with neatness mid disputed* Head quarters under Odd Fellows’ Hall, McMinnville, Oregon. 89t Geo. G. BINGHAM, Att’y at Law & Notary Public. Office—one door East of Fusniture Store, Me 111 inn vilie, Oregon. 12-34tf. A MUTCHLER, Dayton^ Brecon. Has on hand fine Hacks and Buggies, made from the best material and best workmanship. Painting and trimming done to order. General Blacksmith and Repairer. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Horse-shoeing a specialty. 27tf LAFAYETTE, - - - - OREGON. Special attention paid to Land Law and Ab YHEK, MILK! MILK !1 stracts of Title. Money to Loan at all times. Collections made at usual rates. 2tìyl. The undersigned wishes to inform the peo ple of McMinnville that he is running a Afilk Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing A. D. El Oll ’ARD, U ». the best of milk at the most reasonable rates.— These wishing to be supplied with the article at once can do so by leaying orders at the P ob £- Rhysiiian unii Surgeon, office. W. G. 1)AVI8. 40tf. Office in Garrison’s Building.—Particular attenti m given to diseases of Women and Children. All calls promptly attended to. Pesidence—at Mrs. Talmage’s. 7m6. W. D. FENTON, DR. E HOWELL U.K. LITTLEFIELD, M. D. J. F. CALBREATH, Littlefield & Calbreath, Physicians and Surgeon«, Lafayette, Oregon. SlHMJtlltY A SPIXIALTI’. McMinnville Brewery ISIDORE ERTLE, P ro . of M’Minnville, - Oregon. Manufacturer of Lager Beer and Porter. AU orders promptly filled. ltf M’CAiN & HURLEY, .■1TTOR,VEVÍ¡,1TIA W, —and— Challenger,” Separators o” Powers go to Ijnucef¡old & Cook’s Amity. NOTARIES PUBLIC, For Straw Stackers, Grain Belts, CylinderTeeth, all kinds of Belting, etc., etc., ge to t t-iniccffield X- Cook’s, Amity. I.afaycttc, - - - • Oregon We have the Buffalo Mansfield Steam Engines. Portable an I Stationary. Sample Wagons. Plows, Drills, Mowing Machines, llay Rakes, McCormick Binders, Etc. Office—Jail Building, up stairs. 33tf. on hand. Please call unil examine before purchasing elsewhere. L AM I HELL) & ( O(»K, Amity, Grcgoi). Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co., Portland. .vit f Dr. 4’ TUCKER, Laiavciie Oregon. W. II. BOYD, M. D , SURGEON & PHYSICIAN, —up stairs over Manning’s O FFICE Store, McMinnville, Oregon* Lumber. CEIL ING, FINISHING, FENCING, FLOORING, rfstic , PICKETS, -AND- Building Lumber! R. SHANE, i* !! or OU R JPHER, Has returned to his old stand-up stairs in Si monels’ building—with a new equipment of utensils tor his work, and is now prepared to take ’IcYl INN V II.LE OREGON Office—One door east of Hartman’s brick. Laughing Gas administered for painless ex tracting. F2.ANZ A. I-IILL, CIGARS AM> Prescriptions carefully charges reasonable. O OJV. Will find it to YOUR ADVANTAGE TOBACCO. compounded and Yamhill Lumbering Co.’s Mill, STAR MIXED PAINT Located on the North Yamhill River at Western Oregon Riilrqjul Bridge, Two ami one-halt Mile East of McMinnville. HARD AND GLOSSY FINISH NO. 1 SALOON. G. W. HULERY, Pro. (Successor to M. Feker,) Third St., • - NIetVIinnville, Or. The best Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Bit ters, Wines, etc., the markets afford. Also, the best ot cigars, and the justly celebrated San It will not crack, chalk or peel off, and Francisco Lager Beer. present, a We are prepared to ship Lumber, I’oint on the IC. O. and JI*. COME To call at the above Saloon. Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the I keep constantly on hand the Finest Wines public to his new and fine stock of and Liquors for Family and Medicinal use. fOH3 CASWELL, Proprietor. DRUGS, STATIONERY, PATENT MEDI 4tf. McMinnville CINES, CUTLERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, — BY USING THE — To any all Hindu. From a small size tin-type to a large Cabinet Please give me a call. 38m6. Beautify Your Homes ‘ Tin Particular attention paid to diseases of wo men and Children. If not in office, can be- found by enquiring at either of the drug stores. P. S.—Patients have the right to have their Prescriptions filled where they choose. Pictures of Lumber, This J TNotice 1'iiVl'höölUAALi ilFFICE at F. A. Hill’s Drug Store, Dayton, Oregon. (JU. 3’11 Id <■ 9T2' ui OF (I. Railroads A Cood Wagon Road to tho Mill- Address all Ordee to YAMHJLL LUMBERING COMPANY, Hclliniavillc, Oregou. UNSURPASSED B E A UT Y Its DURABILITY and CHEAPNESS is freely admitted by all who have used it. It is prepared by tne union of Pure White Lead. Oxide of Zinc and Boiled Oil iu such propor tions as to chernically and permanently unite them. It is offered to the public as the Best Paint Ever Produced (Situated at the Depot,) McMinnville, - - Oregon* ■„ II, COOK. Prop. ■1- rpiHS HOTEL IS FIRST-CLAS8 in «rery mr- * ticular, being furnished with all modern Appliances, and setting before its guests enly It is convenient, being mixed READY FOR tne best the market affords. THE BRUSH, of ANY SHADE OR COLOR. Sample-room for the especial aecommodatio* J. E. MAGERS. of Commercial Men. ANYONE CAN APPLY IT. N otary P ublic . Remetnlier the place- at the depot. 13-311 HENRY WARREN, N otary P ublic . WAHLEN & HAGELS, Hsal Estats and Xnsnxanco Agents, McMinnville, Orogon ---------- O----------- Fnriu Lands olaM «la*«'* lor Sale on Ea«f Trrn»*- Aiwo. Tow n Lot*. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. Le^al Papers drawn with .Neatness. Accuracy and Ids- sutf patch. A Largs Supply Always OnHati, at R. E HART 51A .VS Shingles, Shingl«« ! 9nr>3 Good, Fresh Milk ! THE FI3MT SAWBB «HINOLBS ever made in thia section are now being maa- □ factored at * Having Fresh Cows. I am now prepared to furnish the Best Miik at the Lowest Living tes,delivered either night or morning,oi Chean as the cheapest and good as the beet. twice a day, if desired. Milk ae pa rate fron Look at them. >n»* cow. when requested. Apply at my residence in McMirnvillr ; o- Enquire of F. W. REDMOND. Agent, at all orders left at the Postoffict will be prompt McMinnville, or of ly attended tn. R. J. 81MP8ON. Amlor3 MILLER A BOW I RM. 50m3. Miller & Bowers' Shingle Mill.