B E G o >1 *‘2 50 l’i li AVM M the hefohtjsk . ----- o------ Published Every Thursday, at MtMlXNVILLE <-jsr yder : : OUiGuf IT ¿ m ; wabren . E.lilors »ml Proprietor». MIBSCRIPTION RA’I ES .»lie copy per y<*ar, in advance....................I2.5( •• six months “ ................ 1.50 Local Correspondence. DAYTON, May 22d 1883. Nichol i n, on the 20th. Mi.w Dora Weston and Alvah Billings were married last Tuesday, returned home >n Wednesday looking happy. Several of our citizens met last evening for the purpose of making arrangements to have i grand celebration at this place on the Fourth of July, 1883. President of the day—Wm. Chrisman. Secretary—John Hale. Treasurer—Th* »mas Jelligon. Committee on finance—J. T. Rubles, R. S. James, J. 8. Allen. Committee of arrangements—J. A. Likens, F. A. Cook. II. C. Edwards, Mrs. Eliza Rol­ lins and Mrs. Hattie Allen. The programme will be sent out in due time. Died on May 12th, 1883 of Membrinous croup. Little Johnny, only child of E. and P. J. McCarter, aged 8 months. Died on May 25th. 1883, Retta Henderson, daughter of E. and T. B. Henderson aged 6 years. A. S. Under date of May 22nd, a correspondent furnishes us the following batch of items : Albert Billings, the hero of the recent elopement, has returned with his young bride and settled down to housekeeping.— They have the very best wishes of the entire community for their future happiness. Last NVednesday evening Prof. D. H. Hartson delivered a lecture here. Subject : “ Russia and its People. A very fair audi­ ence greeted the lecturer, but Lis collection amounted to but 70 cents. The contract for building the bridge over the ash swale, on the road leading from this place to McCoy, was let to Mr. Rudder, of Lafuyelta, for .^495. Amity livery stable out of luck last Sun­ day. Several young gents embraced the op­ portunity afforded bj a nice day to take their lady loves a buggy riding, two of which met with disaster, the young foreman em­ ployed by Joseph Watt being most unfortu­ nate, being compelled to return in a lumber , wagon. The other young man, a machinist employed upon the Reed farm was more for­ tunate, only losing the king bolt, but he Joes not consider the accident a misfortune is one of our dashing widows accompanied him, which made the affair appear romantic., A very bad runaway, yesterday. NVhile the team of Wm. Coulter was standing at Lancefield’s store, it became frightened and dashed down the main street at a mad gal­ lop, scattering everything before them.— While turning the oornvr at the plaza they ran against a tree, which brought one of the horses to a stand still. The other broke Loose from the harness and made his way homo. The hack to which they were attach­ ed was badly broken up. Mr. Buick, of Roseburg, is here buying horses for the O. & C. R. R. He has bought several fine span. Arrangements have tesen made to re-or­ ganize the Amity Band, and they will fur­ nish music for the Fourth. The services of Prof. Sibbetts have been secured as leader. S hamus . and if we were to attempt to advise the light lingered {¿entlernan, wu would say, to leave Yniuiliil quickly and quietly and say ■‘nothin” to nobody. Pollard. Sunderland and others are after the wild bee with considerable success. Yes. neighbors, we’ll come with our biggest tin bucket and help chop the trees down. Saui Newell has left the hills and gone to live with Stevenson. Sam proved up on his place this time before leaving it in the care of the numerous grasshoppers. Daddy and Ira needn’t bother Sam’s cabin this time with their blankets and frying pan. Old Mr. Hays, late of Kansas and Gopher Valley, but now belonging to your town came up here a week ago to recuperate in health and to sell old Nig. We do not know with what result either undertaking was re­ warded. Mrs. Pollard received a letter some time ago from her former neighbor, Mrs. Baker, dated at some town in Texas where she is waiting her husband’s diagnosis of the state. Mrs. Baker’s opinion seems to be that Ore­ gon, even the part of it that is in the High­ lands. is far ahead of anything she has yet seen in Texas, both in healthful climate and financial condition of the community. W. Sappingfield and family of Marion county, have been visiting lately with their relatives, Mr. Scott’s folks. Neighbor Charley has been dealing “Hig.” some left handers lately. Well, may be we have r.ot mentioned him as often as we .should, but he has been talking to the girls a gveat deal of late and we have been expect­ ing to have a first class item soon to make up for lost time ; beg pardon Charley. Hio. H. L andeb . NEWBEHO. May 21,1883. Nice growing weather. The blackberry crop about here will be very light this season. Everybody, except a few on very low land, have their seeding done. Unole Jimmy Hobson, of Salem, is down l'IÎVr töSWA AL visiting friends at this place. Our neighbor town. Middleton, has waked up from its winter’s nap, and is making DH. W, A IS. WILLS, quite a boom in the improvement line. Mrs. Nancy Wiley and her youngest son, ikFFICE at F. A. Hill’s Drug Store, Dayton Grant, were up at bellevue visiting relatives Oregon. 6tf. last week. Miss Emma Deskin, who has been away to work, has returned home. Mrs. Charity Brown, who has been quite ill for some time is some worse at present. Grandma Hall, of West Chehalem, died last Thursday, 17th inst., and was buried Saturday at the burying ground near Dun­ dee. Born—May 13th, to the wife of James Tooze, a fine son. James steps around like a young mun. Dr. Jessup had his house moved to a more desireable location, last week. One of Lafayette Hall’s children is down with scarlet fever. Our mail carrier, Wm. Day, is talking of running a stage from Portland to Lafayette. There was a large attendance at the Band of Hope meeting, yesterday. Several were initiated. Our Band has about 90 members. H. S. MALONEY, IMYTO.V SALOON Regular meetings, Thursday evening on or before the full moon, in each month. Sojourn- FRANK GILTNER, Proprietor ini’ companions cordially welcomed. H. P. The best brands of Liquors, Wines and Ci« Mtf. gars kent for sale. When .you go to Dayton call and see Frank. 19tf. 8PKA.KS A CO., House, Sign I Carriage Painters, A MUTCHLER W. D. FENTON, PiClliC, To-morrow To the Tamers of Polk and Yamhill COUNTIES! If you want the Rain Wagon, go to l anccf ieltl «V t ook’*, Amity. If you want the Oliver Chilled Plows, allsizes, or the Cassidy Sulky Plow, go to T. , ... I«anceffield & Cook’s, Amity. It you want the Moline Scotch Clipperplows, both wood and steel beams; if you want tlie old reliable Garden City Plows, ailsize-», go to I.nncefield A ( oak’s, Amity If you want the lat ;st and beat improved Harrow, one that will fold up and will cut any desired width, get the Rankoy Iron Harrow of I.:tn< efieln given to diseases of Women and Children« All calls promptly attended to. residence—at Mrs. Talmage’«. H.R. LlTTLEFlELD, M. D. Lafayette, Oregon. SVRGERV A SPECIALTY. McM innville Brewery .. hill , Beautify Your Home» fl. Railroadx A Cood Wagon Road to the Mill. Address all Ordes to YAMHJLL LUMBERING COMPANY, DR. E HOWELL Physician« and Nurgeon« Building Lumber! To any I*oin! on the li*. O. and .V. MILK!! The undersigned wishes to inform the pen­ ile of McMinnville that he is running a 3/llk Wagon from his farm to town and furnishing rhe best of milk at tho most reasonable rates.— Those wishing to be supplied with the article at once can do so by leaying orders at the Post­ office. W. G. DAVIS. 40tf. J. F. CALBREATH, Lumber Yamhill Lumbering Co.’s Mill, WILK, MILK! Littlefield & Calbreath. frank * STERLING F. HARDING. Geo. G. BINGHAM, NORTH YAMHILL. Harvester and Twine Binder, May 21st, 188.3. GET Mr. Hendrick, the County Assessor, made ISIDORE ERTLE, P ro . ‘ he town and surrounding country a visit of Lancefield A' Cook,Amity. last week. M’Minnville, - Oregon. Mr. Myron Perkins of Tillamook, was out We will put them up, give von full instructions and start them for vou—free of charge. We will warrant each machine to do No. 1 work and give satisfaction. Manufacturer of Lager Beer and Porter. last week. All orders promptly filled. ltf We will keep on hand a Full Line of “ EXTRAS” Mr. Glandon of Salem is down visiting friends and relatives. and Binding Twine for the McCormick, so that you will not have to send to Portland M’CAIN & HURLEY, Mrs. P. Y. McCarter and Mr. Alderman, for them. We will sell on time or for Cash. If you want the Improved Hodges Oregon Header, go to Lancefield A- Cook’« Amity- both or Amity were in town one day last For the Latest improved .f t /' ok . v /; ys^r f,.j w, week. —and— Quite a number of Odd Fellows from this Buffalo Pitts Challenger,” Separators or Powers place attended the laying of the corner stone KO to l.ancef icld A look’s Amity. at Portland. NOTARIES PUBLIC, For Straw Stackers, Grain Belts, CylinderTeeth, all kinds of Belting, etc., etc., go to (icefield A Cook’«, Amity. Tidies are all the rage now among the la­ We have the Buffalo & Mansfield Steam Engines, Portable La l.afnyettfl, ... Oregon and Stationary. dies since a man that passed through town Sample Wagons, Plows, Drills, Mowing Machines, Hay Rakes, Office—Jail Building, up «taira. 33tf. last week learned them the art of making on hand. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. McCormick Binders, Etc. them for $2. LAMCLFILLD A COOK, Amify,Oregon, Mtf Agents for Knapp, Burrell A Co., Portland. Mr. Houseworth is putting an alley through his orchard back of the houses winch will be very convenient to get to the wood sheds. A game of base ball was played last Satur­ day between a nine from this place and the Forest Grove club, at that place ; the latter ■ » nc jw club was too many by 7 must they expect to play the return game at this place next Saturday, May 2Gth. Mc.VlINN VILLE. OREOON A Miss Martin of Lafayette, teaching in Office—One door east of Hartman’s brick. t he Hutchcroft school house received a se­ Laughing Gas administered for painless ex­ vere cut on the forehead yesterday, by fall­ tracting. ing backwards out of a wagon while coining FL OU HI NG, CEILING, ip the Castile hill. From what we can learn the wound is not dangerous. a RUSTIC, FINISHING, At the last meeting of the IOGT Lodge, Takes pleasure in inviting the attention of the the following officers were installed : W. A. PICKETS, FENCING, public to his new and fine stock of Clark, W C T, Miss Iney Atkin. NV V T. C C Rrown, NV R S. II H Burton. NV F S. Mis*« DBV33- STATIONERY, PATENT MEDI­ \finni< Goodrich. NV T, Miss Mary Edwards. -AND- NV (’George I.aughlin, W M, John Haye, NV CINES, CVTLERT. SCHOOL BOOKS, I G. G C Smith, NV () G. Mamie McConnell. R H S. Cora Smith. L H 8, Lou Duncun. NV CIGARS AMD TOBACCO. \ 8. Alma Burton. NV D M. S L Smith. P NV C T. Nights of meeting. Saturday. Dele Pre.soriptions carefully compounded and st!y cablegrams that form a good part of the body of the ■ big" papers. Alxmt the date of onf last items neixh- bor Stevenson made public the fact that «nuMhidy had "hooked” about dollars worth o« b «eon from his smoke-house dnr- ng his absvuoe from home. Johnny Kept unm for awlnte hoping io secure some posi- tiv** evidence but wrh not RacccuRful. How- ever, straws show which way the wind blows Counscloi at Law. l)EPUTY OUNTY SURVEYOR AND Of fcp»«Sheri(lun, Vitniiilll Co.,Or freely admitted by all who have used it. It it prepared by tne union of Pure White Lead. Oxide of Zinc and Boiled Oil in such propor­ tions as to chemically and permanently unit* them. It nt offerc .-/office will lie prompt­ McMinn?ill«, or of ly attended U». R. J. 8IMP8ON. ftmlorS MILLER A BOWERS. Mm3. Miller & Bowers’ Shingle Mill.