A TRUE STORY. FACT8 OF INTERE8T. | claimed, “This is the place I dreamed THREE DOCTORS. A MISPLACEDtPLASTER. ARTEMUS WARD. of!” They assured her that Bachel The Governor of New Jersey has “ AVhat ’s the matter. Invalid?” in­ Blymire had not been upon that road the bill legalizing labor Hi« Interview With the Father of Kato quired Patience, alarmed, as she Strange Results of a Remarkable Dream. at all. “I know nothing about her,” The Condoned Mistake a Young Dcetor Made signed strikes. hurriedly awoke him. at the Outset of His Practice. Bateman, the Actress. said she, “but the girl I saw in my “A bull had me in the corner of the The French National Library, the A UREAMIK ON THE WITNESS dream came along here; there is the STAND. path through which the man came, ■* DISCOURTEOUS AND UNPROFES­ largest in the world, and twice as A HEARTY LAUGH AT BATEMAN’S fence,” groaned he. He was in great Buffering, and she large as that of the British Museum, SIONAL. and beyond that turning you will find EXPENSE. opened the medicine chest got out contains 2,078,000 volumes. Among the Scotch-Irish settlers in the log on which he killed her.” They materials for a mustard plaster, and find the log, and on the ground The other evening they were hav­ The 200 Irish girls who have left Washington county, in 1813, was a ilid In 1865, when Miss Kate Bateman a little spirit lamp to heat it with, the stains of blood. The woman, Ireland for New Hampshire probably amily named Blymire, who occupied walking swiftly, led them to the old ing a jolly time over in Schneider’s do not know how poor matrimonial was playing an engagement iu Phila­ and went to the end of the car to l comfortable farm and house. Ba- mill and to the board, under which back room, when Bill Matson came in chances are in that State. Go AVest delphia, there occurred a very amus­ prepare it it hot and strong,” muttered ihel, the daughter, was engaged to a laid the stained clothes and the and apologized for being late, saying young women, if you would fiud hus­ ing encounter between Charley he, “Make with great restraint preventing bands. hatchet. The girl ’ s body was found rouug farmer in the neighborhood. afterward, buried near a creek close that his grandmother had got the Brown (Artemus AA’ard) and “Pa” himself from crying out with the Tho State Homeopathic Medical Bateman, as he was familiarly known, pain. )n a Saturday evening in July, hav- by. Rachel’s lover had already been measles, and he had been after a doc­ Society of Massachusetts has pe His wife, with the plaster all ready, ng finished her week’s work, she arrested on suspicion. It was hinted tor for her, at the same time winking titi< ned the Legislature to authorize the father of Kate. came back softly, so as not to lressed herself tidily and started to that he had grown tired of the girl, slyly ut Schneider. Mr. Bateman was, as he certainly soon the erection of a new Insane Asylum, awaken anyone. The car was dark­ “Sho! You don’t say so!”ejacu at a cost not exceeding $200,000, to had good reason to be, excessively ened, and all the sections looked risit her married sister, who lived on and for many reasons had found her hard to shake oil'. The woman rec I farm about five miles distant, in­ ognized him in a crowd of other men, lated Blifkins, as he stirred up the be put under the care of homeopathic proud of the histrionic talent of his alike, and, for a moment she was ending to return on Monday morn- and startled her companions still more sugar from the bottom of the glass physicians. daughter, and it was upon the day confused, but a smothered Bnore, That Louisville is in earnest in ng. She tied up her Sunday gown by pointing out another young man, and crowded the lemon peel up undertaking the greatest exposition following one of her greatest tri­ which sounded like a groan, near at hand, assured her. She quickly drew ,n.l hat in a checkered handkerchief from the West, as his companion in against its side. “You will have to ever held in this country, except the umphs that he first met Artemus aside the curtain and clapped the her dream. The young man was tried be careful with tho old lady, Bill, national centennial exposition of AVard, that irrepressible jvag being md carried her shoes and stockings iu poultice “on the spot it would do the the town of Washington, formur n her other hand, intending to walk der. The woman dreamer was brought especially when she gets to teething. 1876, is evidenced by the fact that her introduced to him by Mr. Frank most good.” The invalid juBt then own people have freely supplied all Drew, the actor, as plain “Mr. poked his head out, a little further n her bare feet, and put them on into court, and an effort was actually AVhat doctor did you get?” the means required, and no outside down the aisle, and, in smothered “Jones.” Brown.” rhen she came in sight of her desti made to put her on the witness stand; assistance has been solicited. tones, called, “Quick. Patience, but the men could not be hung on the “ And you are the father of the “He’s a good one. I’ve known him ation, after the canny Scotch fash­ quick!” The Southern exposition will be evidence of a dream. Without it there actress the world has ever in. She left home about seven was not enough proof for conviction, ever since he commenced practicing. held at Louisville, Kentucky, begin greatest She gave only one leap, like a shot seen. ” fclock, in order to have the cool of and the jury, unwillingly, we may be He got into trouble the first thing by ning August 1, 1883, and continuing fuwn, into his section, drew the cur Mr. Batemau gave unmistakable tain, and be evening for her walk. The road sure, allowed the prisoners to escape. saving a man’s life, but he don’t do so one hundred days. At the time of evidence nearly swooned away. of hie entire belief in and any more. ” 5 the farm was lonely and unfre- It was held as positive proof of his this writing over $252,000 have been proud consciousness of the fact. “Great Scott! what’s the matter?” “ Tell us about it, Blif! ” uented. The girl did not return guilt that he immediately married the subscribed by the people of Louis­ “Pardon me, sir,” said AVard, in a whispered he. “You see, there was old Noxon, who ville, and is now being paid in, and ome on Monday, but no alarm was sister of the other accused man and She managed somehow to gasp out full of emotion, as he seized what used to have a row witji his wife about sit; as tile family thought her sister removed to Ohio, then the wilderness new subscriptions are being received voice she had done, and, presto, the Mr. Bateman's hand in a vigorous three times a week. He got cranky, tould probably wish to detain her of the West.—[Lippincott’s Maga daily. invalid was cured; for be shook up clasp, “ will you permit me, sir, to and made up his mind to shuffle ofl", >r a few days, and it was not until zine. his whole interior organization so The University of Michigan has shake hands with you again ?” se he filled up with laudanum and tie latter part of the W’eek that it was hard in the effort to restrain a big acquired by purchase the Shake ­ Mr. Bateman was much affected by went to bed. AVhen the old lady >und she had not been at her sister’s, guffaw, that he actually scared the A ROYAL SCHOOL-MASTER. found him he was colder’n a wedge. spearian library of Col. E. H. Thom­ this hearty endorsement. 'he country was scoured, but iu vain- son, of Flint, in that State. It con­ “And now,” continued AVard, “if I pain away. She went to screaming, and as fast as In a recent lecture, Mr. Joseph jie alarm spread and excited a de- “That man, whoever he is, will be tains every known edition of Shakes­ be so bold as to offer a sugges­ boiling, |ree of terror in the peaceable domes- Cook said that the Crown Prince of the neighbors came iu, sent them off peare’s works, besides histories, com­ might piping hot pretty soon,” was tion, permit me to say, that were I after a doctor. Some of them went Germany, though not a Rationalist, mentaries, biographies, and nearly the father of such a child, I—but that his sole comment 1 Ic community which would seem in; in one direction, and some in another, Aplicable to city people, to whom the is a man of most liberal views in In about fifteen minutes the still­ everything in the way of books and not be. Permit me, I beg,” ness lewspaper had brought a budget of theology. His wife, Queeu Victoria’s and it wasn’t long before the doctors pictures that has ever been published could of that car was broken by a volley impulsively, and clutching wildly at rime every morning rince their daughter, was a pupil of the cele­ began to congregate. of shrieks that raised the hair on the upon the subject. Col. Thomson had Mr. Bateman ’ s arm, “ permit me once “Smith got there first and looked of every one. bildhood. To children raised in those brated Rationalist, Strauss, and her refused $20,000 for the collection. more to shake hands with the father head bnely hamlets and hill farms, mur- opinions are hostile to the super­ the old man over. ‘Dead,’ says he, The whole atmosphere seemed to The annual rental of pews at the of Kate Bateman.” jer was a far off, unreal horror; usu- naturalism of Christianity. The fear and went away. grow a lurid blue color with exple­ Brooklyn Tabernacle took place the This ceremony performed, Ward “ Then Brown came in. "Dead, ’ says among German Christians is that, tives. lly all they knew of it was from the other evening. Only the pews on the resumed: loings of Cain and Abel, set off with when the present emperor dies, the he. ground-floor were offered for sale; “ I was about to say, Mr. Bateman, "Jones was the third one in, and he A WAGGISH JUDGE. ■deous wood-cuts in the family new court will not be to favorable to Christianity as the present one. But rammed a stomach-pump down the the gallery is reserved for strangers. that you are too modest in the intro­ A genial old gentleman relates the Bible The ground-floor pews number 350, of your daughter to the pub­ I The girl had left home on Satur- the following anecdote shows that the old man’s throat and pumped up the and have a seating capacity of 1500. duction following reminiscences of his lic notice—too modest by far.” drug store. Then he reversed the ac­ Crown Prince is gifted wtih a kind By night at seven o’clock. That heart, and so values the Bible as to tion of the pump and flooded the old The fixed rentals amount to $14,000. A gesture of impatience from pere younger days, when residing at Fort ight, long before ten o’clock (farm- distribute copies of it among children. man with water, and after sloshing The premiums amounted to $3250, was apparently unnoticed by Arte­ Gibson on the Mississippi river: A great deal of litigation was going rs going to bed with the chickens), a A charming trait is related of the him around for awhile, same as if he making the total rentals $17,250. Mr. mus, who continued: loman living in Greene county, German “AVhile you probably have some on there about that time, and it was was rinsing out a cider barrel, he Talmage was very much pleased with Crown Prince. He and the pout forty miles from the Blymire Crown Princess often visit the village pumped out the water, and then the result. conception of the great gifts with not always an easy matter to obtain Irm. awoke her husband in great ter- schools of Bornstedt and Eiche, near flooded him again. Noxon wasn’t in Open-air restaurants make a fea which your daughter is happily pos­ a jury. Oue day I was summoned to br. declaring she had just seen a in that capacity, and repaired to the habit of taking so much water in ture of all Mexican towns. In the sessed, you doubtless fear that a act ^burder done, and went on to describe Potsdam. his’n, and pretty soon he began to larger cities they open at night un­ father’s pride may lead you to un­ court to get excused. On Wednesday last, he unexpect ­ • place she had never seen before— edly made his appearance at the gasp and kick. Before morning J ones der the great “portales.” or covered warranted lengths. But believe me, On my name being called, I in­ a hilly country with a wagon road Bornstedt school, and entered the had him all right, and went away streets, which almost invariably sur­ sir, believe me,” (this with a voice formed His Honor, the judge, that I r tunning through it, and a girl with a room occupied by the third class for feeling dead sure that there was but round the plazas; at any time from choked with emotion,) “there is no was not a freeholder, and therefore ■Bundle tied with a checkered hand- the purpose of seeing a ne w appointed one first-class doctor in the world. A sundown to the following sunrise step which you are not warranted in not qualified to serve. “AVhere do you live?” Hkerehief, her shoes and white stock­ master, of whose method of teaching few days afterward he presented his one may get thereat a very good taking to advertise the talent of so I am stopping for the time being ings in the other hand, and walking his Imperial Highness wished to bill. meal of fried chicken, tortillas and great an artist. I, sir, would have at “ this place.” ; " briskly down the grassy side of the judge in person. “ ‘What’s this for?’ says old Noxon. coffee for a sum varying from 12.1 advertised her appearance here in “ You board at the hotel, I pre­ *ad. She was met by a young man every paper published in this city. ” “ ‘ For saving your life the other cents to 15 cents; while a less ample He then proceeded into the next K^the woman judged from their inan- room “But my dear sir,” interrupted Mr. sume?” night,’ says Jones. meal can be had for sums ranging for the purpose of inspecting “1 take my meals there, but I have - ne r the meeting was by «appointment; | “Well, I didn’t ask you to. I never from 3 cents upward. Mexicans, Bateman, “she has been advertised first class, and hardly entered it at another part of the town, Ithey sat down on a log and talked for the employed you, and I’ll not pay it. who must, live at an astonishingly in all of the papers here, every day rooms when a messenger arrived with a where I lodge.” tome time. The man at last rose, telegram summoning the master (Mr. You’d no business coming in here and small cost. for six months.” TBepped behind her, and, drawing a Mathias) to come to his mother, ^then jambing your old pump down my “I would” continued AVard. en­ “So you keep bachelor's hall ?’’ France has already done much in “Yes, sir.” hatchet, struck her twice on the head. dying in a village near Spandau. neck. Brown is my family physician the application of electricity to ag­ tirely oblivious of any interruption, “How long have you lived in that She fell back on the wet, rotten leaves, “ have had the town billed from end and I ’ ll not pay anybody else, ’ says The Crown Prince insisted that riculture, and she is now being fol manner?” dead. Presently this young man was to end with great posters, with Kate Noxon. master should instantly depart lowed by Germany. The new mo­ “About six months.” mined by another, also young, who the “So away went Jones to Brown’s tive power promises to be very valu­ Bateman’s name iqxjn them in letters obedience to the last request of his “I think you are qualified,” gravely Mked. “Is it done?’’ He nodded, and in office and tried to get him to induce able to the farmer. At an agricul­ a foot long.” mother. "But how can I leave the Bgi-tlier they lifted the body and Car- children?” objected the master “But. good heavens! man,” inter­ remarked the judge, “for I have old Noxon to pay the bill. tural gathering recently held at Bed it away out of her sight After “ ‘Jones,’ says Brown, looking out Ladenburg, some interesting experi­ polated Mr. Bateman, “the whole nevor known a man to keep bach­ mind,” answered the Prince. awhile they came back, found the “1 “Never over the top of his spectacles, ‘I never ments were made in the use of elec­ country is billed in letters four feet elor’s hall the length of time you will take the class till eleven liamo who had not dirt enough |in bundle of Sunday finery and the shoes o’clock, when the vicar comes to pre­ thought you was a bad sort of fellow, long.” his room to make him a freeholder. and stockings, all of them stained pare candidates for confirmation. but you’ve done a very foolish thing, tricity, instead of steam, for the “ I should have had fine litho ­ with blood. There was a ruined old Run away, and may you find your and it serves you right to lose your threshing of wheat. Messrs. Fiette graphic portraits exhibited in each of The court does not excuse you ” and Krizik lit up electrically the mill near the road; they went into it, mother still alive!” bill. It’s a good lesson to you. and I space reserved for machines, and at the principal stores.” lifted a plank in the flooring, put the “I did, I did!” shrieked Mr. Bate­ “How do you like my new and Thus were the Bornstedt children hope you’ll profit by it. Didn't I say the same time utilized the current to cosy little dining-room?” asked the bundle, shoes, etc., with the hatchet, examined man. he was dead?’ for a whole hour in history drive an ordinary threshing machine. underneath, and replaced the plank. by the heir to the throne, who pos­ “I would have gathered the mem AVidow Flapjack of one of her favor­ “ ‘Yes,’ says Jones. The cylinder attained a speed of They then separated and went bers of the press together and ite boarders, a member of the legis­ “ ‘Didn’t Smith say he waB dead?’ 1400 revolutions per minute. an intimate knowledge of the through the woods in different direc sesses banqueted them,” a step which Mr. lature. “ ‘Yes,’ says Jones. great Reformation period, and gave far from Melbourne, Australia, Bateman had taken a few dayB before, “ It’s very small,” replied tho solon, ins. The farmer’s wife told her bis pupils the benefit of it. “‘AVell, that settled it! The man is Not a milk-condensing factory, capable and for which he had just paid out looking around, “ but I perceive that Beam to her husband that night; the was dead, and you had no right to say AV hen the clock struck eleven [lie of condensing 1000 quarts per hour, the pro rxirt ions are as well preserved text day (Sunday) going to a little drove up to the vicarage, intimated that he wasn’t AVhen two old, ex­ or about 8000 cans per day. The ma­ $500. “In short,” concluded AA’ard, as in a boarding house in Austin.” buntry church, she remained during the departure brooking no interrution and smiling perienced doctors, like Smith and I, of Mr. Mathias to the chinery was taken there from the “ 1 don’t quite understand you, sir,’’ be intermission between the morn- and announced his intention of say a man is dead, it’s unprofessional United States, as was the Superin­ placidly the while, “I would allow replied the widow with great dignity. bg and afternoon services. The Vicar, and discourteous for a young man, a tendent also. All the water is taken the world to think me vain if they being present during the religious " I mean the smallness of the din who had come from a cir- instruction. beginner in practice, to dispute their from the milk, and the finest Maur­ would, but I would never consent to ing-room X- ■ughbors, corresponds exactly to the bit of twenty miles to go to church, word. AVe’ll forgive you this time be­ itius sugar is then mixed with the hide such a light under a bushel. He st'ud until the end, listening lathered, according to their homely attentively and freely distributing cause of your youth and inexperience, Never! never!” and then he walked small amount of grub we boarders get for our money.” ■abit, in the churchyard to eat their praise where it was merited. Before and will hush the matter up for you, milk, at the rate of about one and a away. “ Time and again have I helped you ■neb and exchange the news. Our leaving he promised the school a new but be very careful in the future and half pounds to the gallon. Milk is “AVhat d’ye say that fool’s name is?” delivered at the factory by neighbor­ asked Bateman, turning upon Drew. to a second piece of pie; when the beamer told her story again and set of Bibles, instead of the super­ make no more such mistakes!’ ” ing farmers at fourpence—about tain, for she was impressed by it as annuated copies at present in its “That,” said Drew, “Oh, that’s other boarders only get one, and this eight cents—per gallon. From 1500 Charley Brown, Artemus AVard. you is the thanks I get for it,” said the ■it had been a reality. After the possession.—[ Youth’s Companion. The first sensation the diver experi­ to 1600 quarts per day are now re­ widow in an agonized voice, bursting fternoon services the congregation ences in descending is the sudden, ceived. The condensed milk can be know.” into several tears, and sobbing con­ iparated, going to their widely scat- “ Oh, hell I ” muttered the old man, bursting roar in the ears, caused by KIND AND COURTEOUS. sold for about $1.50 per dozen cans, but he couldn’t refrain from joining vulsively, as she buried her faee in red homes. There were thus many the air driven into the helmet from without loss. itnesses ready to certify to the fact in the laugh, though it waB at his her handkerchief.—[Texas Siftings. The Boston Journal reports the the air pump. The flexible air hose at the woman had told the dream following scene as having taken place has to be strong enough to bear a From a comparison of the latest expense. There comes a wail from sundry |e morning after the murder was at the corner of Winter and AV ash­ pressure of twenty five or fifty pounds English mail and cable advices it Americans in London, that if a man immitted, at a distance of forty ington streets. Boston, where men, to the square inch. The drum of the would seem that the prospect for THE CASHIER AHEAD. happens to lie hungry after midnight lies, when it was absolutely impos- women, horses, carriages and cars ear yields to the strong external pres­ wheat at present in England and A new bank which had been estab there is nothing in the world to be ble that the news should have jostle each other: sure, the mouth opens involuntarily, Scotland is the most unpromising lished in a town in Indiana had got except a roasted {xitato served ached her. There were no tele- Two pretty girls were walking the air rushes in the tube and strikes ever known at this time of the year. engaged the services of a watchman from the uninviting basket of an "aphs, we must remember, and no down Winter street; they were hand­ the drum, which snaps back to its Even with favorable weather hence­ always, in those days—not even somely dressed, and were chatting normal state with a sharp, pistol like forth the crop, it is stated on good who came well recommended, but itinerant vender. How much hap­ ail carriers in those secluded dis- and laughing with the delightful crack. Peering through the goggle authority, is certain to be disastrously who did not seem over experienced. pier we are here in this respect. president, therefore, sent for From ten at night to one in the icts. abandon peculiar to the roseate eyes of the glass in his helmet, the short, and another year of great ag­ The him to post him up a bit, and began: one can sup like Lucullus When the story of the girl’s disap- period of youth, and they seemed the diver sees the strange beauties around ricultural distress is belived to be in­ “James, this is your first job of this morning without the slightest difficulty. After very last persons who would lie inter ­ evitable. The gloomy outlook ren sarance was told over the country at him clearly, and in their own calm kind, ¡Bn ’ tit? ” that a “ bite ” such as a rabbit, a ested in suffering humanity. le end of the next week, the people splendor. Above him is a pure golden ders it likely that the Government “Yes, sir.” devilled crab, a chop or a steak—not whom the dream had been re­ A dirty and ragged beggar woman, canopy, while around and beside him will soon introduce into Parliament "Your first duty must be to exer to speak of oysters—is obtainable all sated recalled it. Now-a days, the evidently nearly blind, was crossing are tints and shimmering hues, in­ some measures for the relief of the cise vigilance.” over town. And then, shortly before atter would only serve as good ma AVashington from Summer street, cluding all colors, which are inde­ agricultural classes, and especially of “Yes, sir.” daybreak, should the belated traveler rial for reporters, but the men of and was in great danger of being run scribably elegant. The floor of the small farmers, by an adjustment of “Be careful how strangers approach again feel the spur of appetite, the lose days still believed that God over by an approaching team. sea rises like a golden carpet’ inclin­ the arrears of rent in Great Britain you.” lowly open-all night establishments One of these same pretty girls ing gently to the surface. The change of the same nature as that lately in ok an oversight even of their “I will, sir.” down town are always ready to darted to the crossing, took the beg troduced into Ireland. reams. Might this not be a hint in familiar objects is wonderful. The “No strangers must be permitted to furnish a cup of coffee or tea. cakes om Him ? The Bev. Charles Wheel- gar woman by the arm, and hurried wreck of a ship seems studded with A citizen of Paducah. Ky., recently enter the bank at night under any and a steak, well cooked and at a i, a Baptist clergyman of AVashing- her over to the sidewalk, where she emeralds, glittering in lines of gold; became possessed of a litter of pups pretext whatever.” moderate cost As long as one has la, well known in Western Fenn- left her in safety, and then walked piles of brick assume the appearance of an utterly worthless breed, but. “No, sir.” the wherewith he can always find the rlvania and Virginia a generation up AVashington street with her for of crystal; a ladder becomes silver; being a humane man, was averse to “And our cashier—he is a good desired article. jo. and Ephraim Blaine, Esq., a mer companion as if nothing had every shadow gives the impression of ! slaughtering them. So he proposed man. honest, reliable and thoroughly ■ - - ■ —--- » < ■— ■■ —■' agistrate, father of the present Señ­ happened. bottomless depth. to the Captain of a steamer that he trustworthy, but it will be your duty A tioint in etiquette recently de­ or from Maine, and as popular a should take them up the Tennessee to keep an eye on him.” cided a law suit in a queer way. A B eefsteak with T omato S auce .— an in his narrow circle, drove over "But it will be hard to watch two traveler on a German railway train It is said that the bats of Java sel­ and try to give them away to the see the woman who had told the Take a dozen ripe tomatoes, skm and dom fail to attack such persons as lie denizens of that region. The Cap men and the bank at the same time, attempted to eat a lunch while on ■earn. Without stating their pur- scald them (canned tomatoes may be i in the open air with their extremities tain assented and told the owner to air.” tlie journey. AVhile putting a piece >se they took her and her husband, used); put them in a saucepan with exposed; and they are so dextrous in put them in the basket, cover the “Two men—how?” of liologna sausage in bis montn the i pretense of business, to the Bly- half a pint of good beef gravy; sea­ this operation that they can insinuate same with mosquito-netting and in “AVhy, sir, it was only yesterday train stopped suddenly, causing his ire farm. It was the first time in son with salt and pepper, and put their aculeated tongue into a vein, voice them to some person in Flor that the cashier called me in for a cheek to lie badly cut on the e ige of >r life that she had left her own them to stew for an hour. AVhen the and continue to draw the blood with ence, Ala., at a value of $25 each. talk, and he said you were the squar- his knife, which he was using. The untry. and she was greatly amused steak is nicely broiled send it to the out being perceived: and that during This was done, and th > basket of pups est man in Indiana, but it would be man sued the company for damages, id interested. They drove over the table with the sauce in a tureen. all the time they are engaged, they placed at the foot of tLe cabin stair just as well to keep both eyes on you but Ma claim was not maintained on aole of the road down which Bachel) agitate the air with their wings in so way, where they were surrounded by and let the directors know if you the ground that it is a breach of lymire had gone. They are now telling a story about ! pleasing a manner as to throw the an admiring throng, the Captain oc hung around after hours.” etiquette to eat with a knife. “Have you ever seen this neighbor - a Chicago girl who insisted on throw­ sufferer into a sounder sleep than he casionallv speaking a good word for lod before F’ oue of them asked. The photographer who can make ing her shoe after a newly-married was before. them. Before the Ixiat reached Canst thou wait? Then thy suc­ ♦ “Never," she replied. couple. The carriage is a total Johnsonville every pup in the basket cess is secured; for patience is suc­ a flattering picture is more successful than he who makes a correct likeness. That ended the matter and they wreck, a doctor has the bride and j The mouth of a wise man is in his bad been stolen and spirited away by cess. ----------------------- a e>a a ■ .. ■ — rned back, taking a little cross-road horees under treatment, and large 1 heart. The heart of a fool is in his the admirers of choice dog flesh on Patience is the panacea, but where Kii.d words are like bald bead«: save time. Presently the woman numbers of men are searching the mouth, because what he knoweth or board. AVhy is it that horse jockeys thinketh he utter« b.—[Bible. and dog fanciers are so tricky ? does it grow, or who can iwallow it they can never dye. irted up in great agitation and ex-1 ruins for the groom. I