1 BAD SHAME AND GOOD SHAME. A SAD MISTAKE. him ami each one told his friend« hecoiiMJ live. He finally got so low that dei 3 only considered a matter of a few day» At J critical time his elder brothers, around »kJ to the pitch of desperation by the three LJ that had so recently occurred, and the a I one staring them in the face, resolved utJ the case into their own hands. They ingly did so, and secured a remedy th?J then I-nu universally used, ;U1.| it to him. Its effect at first was any improvement was consideredi J symptom. By degrees his strength retu»3 he was able to eat with a relish, then hl about the house, and finally he regain J plete health anil strength. The L,v »?! rejoiced over his recovery that, aco.Ull J by the editor of this paper, he went 3 .lustice Charles K. Miller and made «3 the facts of his sickness as above relatai that he was restored to pecfect health use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver J Now, Edward Thomas’s parents, while JI lived, undoubtedly, provided faithfully J wants of all their children; and yet the j of disease had taken deep root. Their cm one direction had been counteracted bd known carelessness in another. Their U was sincere, but wholly misdirected, j should have known that children are J liable to kidney and liver diseases an J up people; and that the fatality of disease <>| the kidneys is just as great J little children as with adults. Thu ¡a »3 subject. Hereditary traits: the after 0^— (iiiences of measles and scarlet fever, jR- theria and the passing troubles easily become chronic, all demand the m H care and caution. No case of cholerainfe^R measles, scarletina, or diphtheria virulent while the child’s kidneys and®? were healthy. It would simply lie ani^R sibility. 'These important organs of tbfH are just forming within the child andm^l with its growth; and they can lie traini^R strength and health as readily the^R mind can be trained to truth and uprigft^R 'The importance of carefully watcfi^R: slightest troubles of the child, and those affecting the kidneysand liver, lie too strongly emphasized. Children so readily to the proper remedies and^® sensitive to disease, that it is a sin to dt^R them of one at the risk of incurring the^H By a judicious treatment these essential^® can be developed so that a strong consti^H al le to resist the inroads of disease coming years, shall be the result. - • He was sure his rival could not have uttered one pleasant word about him. Miss Mitford relates a curious in­ Judge Boggle Unfortunately takes Miss Sop- Never mind; he would bully the ras­ She was din pieton to Ride. How Mark Twain's Father Commanded Silenoe stance of false Bhame. ing at the house of Mr. John M alter, S sidbb 4 W aubun , - - P bopbietobs . cal. So he said in a tone that was in the Court room Forty years Ago. intended to wither both: the founder of the London 7 ones, “I suppose you found the subject - OREGON “A LICK AMISS,” BUT UNREGRET­ then an old man retired from active M c M innville . of conversation very interesting?” business. She describes him as the TED* The quizzical look the captain shvest of men," and one who had the gave the hostess, although expressed foible to be ashamed of his former oc­ THE OLD STORY. The man who roars a family of in the slyest way in the world, made In 1H43 at Hannibal, Mo., John cupation of printer and journalist. children, loses his wife, the compan the doctor almost crazy with rage, Marshall Clemens, the father of Sam­ This weakness was so well known W hen visions of her face come o’er me— ion of many years, and tries to ap­ Of her sweet fare so far away; especially as it seemed to annoy Mrs. to his friends that, although the Times I say what lovers said before me, Hillway. The lady’s cheeks flushed, uel L. Clemens (Mark Twain), filled was already the first journal in pear young in the eyes of a young VVhat lovers will fcrever say: the ancient and honorable office her eyes dropped; she could not help That flowers bloom sweeter for her being, Europe, they never mentioned its lady ySunger than his youngest biting her lips. Perhaps she had known as justice of the peace. He name in his hearing. That birds sing sweeter for her seeing; daughter, is, employing a term whose That grass is greener, skies more blue, said something cruel about him, but was a stern, unbending man of On the occasion just referred to, politeness may be doubted but That all things take a richer hue, no matter; he loved her so dearly splendid common sense, and was in­ one of the company was Thomas Lovers have said these things before; that she was welcome to cut him in Lovers will say them evermore. Moore, in the heyday of his celebrity-, whose truth is pre eminent, a pita- pieces if she cared to and no one deed the autocrat of the little dingy both as a poet and as a diner-out He ble fool. Judge Boggle, a gentle­ O sweet young love, that in all ages room on Bird street, where he held arrived with Mr. Barnes, the editor of should tease her about it either. Rears ever one eternal form! He was wondering how, when and his court, meted out justice and gen the Times, who introduced him to Mr. man whose wisdom as a jurist has With lasting youth, your oldest pages received attention in the highest Glow ever, ever fresh and warm. where he could best avenge himself eral satisfaction to litigants, com Walter. . O dear old story, eve» young, on the insolent fellow who had been Finding himself thus in the society halls of legal learning, and who for Poets have painted, artists sung! manded peace, and preserved order, aiding the lady’s mischief, all for Bure naught in life is half so sweet; of two men, renowned for their cou- many years had been one of the himself, when suddenly the three very as best he could, in the village. This nection with journalism and totally leading lawvers in Arkansaw, be­ Death cannot make you incomplete. Lovers have said these things before; young men began to flutter around room fairly indicated the rustic ignorant of the foible of Mr. W alter, came devotedly attached to young Lovers will say them evermore. the hostess, as all other men had simplicity of the people, and the the poet launched at once into the Miss Soppleton. His wife had been - ------------ » ------------- done during the day. dead several years, and the once CHARMING MRS. HILLWAY. The captain gravely took his leave, frugal and cureful manner in which subject that seemed to him the most broad band of crape on his hat suitable to the company, namely, the Judge Clemens lived and transacted Mrs. Hillway had so many admirers but the doctor doggedly determined business. Its furniture consisted of great and famous Times newspaper. looked like a shoe string when he that young ladies who were of the to remain until he could speak to a dry goods box which served the The proprietor and the editor both took it off'. He spent so much time social circle which she adorned were Mrs. Hillway alone. He attempted i double purpose of desk for the judge sat “in agony” as the brilliant talker in the arrangement of his person, sometimes heard to say they might as to interest himself in a picture he and table for the lawyers, three or kept on during tne whole dinner, con­ that many of the lines drawn by well make upjtheir minds to live and had seen a score of times before, but years were covered up. Miss rude stools, and a puncheon versing of nothing but the great pa­ seventy die old maids. The reasons were few just then through a door opening four per, alluding freely to noted occur- Soppleton was a very intelligent bench for the jury. And here on court into the hall, he detected tiie captain and simple. Mrs. Hillway was a when the judge climbed upon his ences in its history, and baffling all young lady, and she listened with pretty widow who had not seen thirty in the act of smiling at him from day,s three stool, rapped on the box attempts of the journalists present to close attention to the judge's levity, winters, she owned two or three under his mustache. This was more with legged his knuckles and demanded “sink the shop.” The rest of the com­ a wit which often dies in middle life houses besides that in which she lived, than human nature like the doctor’s “ Silence in the court, ” it was fully ex­ pany were extremely diverted by the and returns with old age, seeming the and she had no children to demand could endure while in its present hu­ brighter for its long rest. He had mor, so the younger man strode pected that silence would reign comic situation. part of her time and income. Miss Mitford soon after took an op­ very nearly succeeded but for an un­ supreme. As a general thing, the through the hall, up to the captain, She would have been desirable had “rough and ready” characters who portunity to explain to the author of fortunate mistake made the other she been rich in personal charms, and whispered, almost hissed: had lounged in to see the “wheels of “Lalla Rookh” the mishap of which day during a buggy ride. “ I suppose you have greatly en ­ or poor only in appearance, but with “Judge, you are so full of life,” justice ” move, bowed submissively to he had been the innocent cause. joyed all you have said to Mrs. Hill ­ both beauty and money she seemed “I am very glad,” said Moore, “that said Miss Soppleton, as they drove the mandates of the judge, and ob ­ way about me? ” to two score of men the most inter­ “Greatly,” replied the captain, qui­ served the utmost respect for “His I made the mistake. They deserve it along. “You are much more enter­ 'The potatoes raised by a gentleman b^R esting woman that had ever lived. for being ashamed of what, rightly taining than the young men.” Honor.” cost as much as oranges, but they^M Mrs. Hillway enjoyed her popu­ etly. "I am something of a young man sweeter to him. Allen B. McDonald, an overbear­ considered, is an honor.” "And you consider it perfectly larity far less than young women who It seems an odd weakness in an old myself,” replied the judge as he envied her supposed. The most honorable, no doubt, to criticise an­ ing, turbulent and quarrelsome man, man to be ashamed of the one thing cracked a hazelnut with his splendid­ POVERTY AND DISTRESS. ■ persistent adorers of rich and pretty other man to a lady, in whose regard was an exception, and many a time he that made him important and inter­ ly preserved false teeth; “and with had violated the rules and been re ­ That poverty which jiroduces the you know he is anxious to stand widows are somehow a class by them esting; but it is by no means an un­ your buoyant life, Nellie, interwoven distress is not of the purse, but <>ftthe^®^ buked by the court. selves, and not one that is particu­ well?” Deprived of its richness it becomes hcii ^R' 'with mine, ” he continued, “ and with Late in the fall of 1843 the case of common trait. The French are wise “Entirely so, if the lady does not larly interesting to ladies who have a condition termed aneinia in^H the promise of a long life, we may watery, in making a distinction between good Allen B. McDonald vs. Jacob Smith object, but on the contrary, enjoys writings. Given this condition, and^H had experience in masculine gender was on trial. Judge Clemens was shame and bad shame; good shame accomplish much.” lous swellings ami sores, general and can be disposed of by a lady when the story.” “Then you are not so old as they debility, loss of flesh ami appetite, weâ^R having a guilty cause, and bad shame presiding with his usual dignity and “ I suppose you also experienced they propose, but Mrs. Hillway found throat disease, spitting of blood andcoRR say you are?” innocent one. as many a lady in similar circum­ great pleasure on hearing what Mrs. th e court-room was filled with wit­ an Bad are among the common results. I “Old,” repeated the jurist, almost tion, shame is often far more in­ nesses and friends of the parties to are a sufferer from thin, poor blood ■ stances had learned before her, that Hillway said of me?” contemptuously, “ who says I ’ m old! tense than the virtuous shame which The captain caressed his mustache the suit. Hon. R. F. Laketian, still Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Ducal men who lay seige to a pretty widow I took a lot of children to which enriches the blood and curai with plenty of money are never a moment; the doctor could have living and in political life, repre we feel at bad actions. A noted au­ Because grave affections. Is more nutritive thl raise and because my legal opinions thor obseived, the other day, that he abashed by a single “no,” so before sworn the rascal did it only to hide a sented plaintiff, and old “Horse” liver oil, and is harmless in any con® have found such exalted lodgment in had never in his whole life experi ­ Allen, now dead, was counsel for de ­ laugh with his rather large hand. the system, yet powerful to cure. Byl she had been out of widow's weeds a fendant. George A. Hawes, whose enced such agonizing pangs of shame the libraries of great men----- ” gists. i year she was not at all satisfied with Finally the captain gravely said: “ Exalted, because your books have as when he was forced to wear at ------------- ► s--------- — I rotund form and genial face may be “ I was entirely satisfied with all the class of men who'haunted her Talk about your hop-producing !■ parlors. None of them were rude or she said; I was only sorry that she seen any day behind the counter at school an old-fashioned check-apron, been placed on the high shelves, eh, Your old-fashioned arm-chair with th] ■ the Commercial bank, and Judge R. when no other boy wore one. He de­ judge?” presuming; all of them dressed well did not say more.” pin attachment holds over everything ■ The judge laughed and replied: quality. The doctor had to turn and walk D. Bremington, a retired capitalist clared that, for years after, he could | and tried to talk of whatever inter­ ested their hostess; still they were away to keep from flying at his tor and well-preserved old gentleman, not even think of it without hot ears “Bright girl; bright girl. No, they .J and flaming cheeks. are not exalted because they are put *Among tin1, ladies who may read tli^R. —well, they were what Mrs Hillway mentor’s throat. But no was not and Col. Joel C. Richmond, the old Most persons have a mental reser­ upon—but don’t you know,” his fafte may be several sickly ones who haveI^Rg done; he had etdnred the fellow’s man reminiscence of Hannihal, were came to call “widow hunters.” their minds to act on the old Two pleasing exceptions to the rule condescending looks long enough: among the many who had stepped in voir of this bad shame. It is an ac­ illumined by the flash of a new idea, specifies that “What can’t be cured,^® cumulation of weakness that is not “ that our most choice books are again and again he had caught the to witness the trial. Frank Sydney, were Captain Baylord and Doctor endured/' W hile the truth of the old^R Whyde. The captain was old enough captain studying his face as one a peaceable citizen, had given his creditable either to one’s manhood or placed on the top shelves to keep in­ is self-evident it is just possible to his good sense. The best remedy truders from seeing and consequent ­ have erred in judgment as to the pos^H might scrutinize a rival; now he testimony in favor of Defendant ta be the doctor’s father, but he was the healing art outside of so robust, manly, handsome and cour­ would repay with interest, and take Smith, and resumed his seat, when is to open it. Let in the air and the ly. wanting to borrow them? Talk of profession, ami before giving up in^^H teous that many a lady much a malicious delight in doing it just McDonald, with an exaspera ing air, light. If the weakness assumes the about my being old, when my teeth they had better test the efficacy "f Mn®B younger than Mrs. Hillway would where his rival would not dare resent made a face at him. As quick as form of intense pride of position or are perfect and my eyesight unirn---- , E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('ompound, ^R thought Sydney whipped out an old of character, take opportunities of Hold on there, my friend!” he now attracting universal attention. I have favorably entertained a proposal anything. He said: ------------ ► 4------ — “I can talk to Mrs. Hillway about pepper-box revolver and emptied modestly mentioning that your great- shouted. They were passing an old from him. As for the doctor, he " NO YOU HAVEN’T.” I simply writhed with anguish when you, sir, I would have you under every barrel at McDonald, slightly uncle was a traveling tinker, or that orchard, and the “snaggle” remains A customer asked a druggist in he thought of the splendid fellow’s stand. If she is a lady she cannot grazing Mc’s head with one shot, your grandmother took in washing, or of an old tree, with a limb pointing San -Jose, (’a!., fora bottle of AinmeiH^H advantage over a modest, awkward hold any man in high regard after hurting no one else, but filling the that your father commenced life in out, was mistaken by the judge to be Syrup. The druggist examined his patched pantaloons. This course of found he was out of it. and said: knowing he is not a gentleman. ” a man in the act of tiring a gun. room with smoke and consternation. young man like himself. keep it. but ure out of it: but The captain frowned sternly. In the confusion that followed, Judge treatment is a specific. The acuteness “Hold on there, I say. Hold that ally He wished that the captain had preparations just as good or better." replied, “No, you haven’t: J J s lawn killed during the war; he wished Evidently that shot had told; the Clemens doubtless remembering Mc­ of the bad shame will be deadened, devilish gun up. Don’t shoot this torner Syrup saved my life—I not onljL the war had never existed, to teach doctor was delighted, and continued: Donald’s many mean tricks, instantly and you can expend your penitence way! Haven’t you got any sense! Cough know it—and there is no use to try to I “I will tell her—I will say----- ” concluded that he was the aggressor, upon more sensible [objects—the Whoa, back here. The biggest fool something else, for 1 won’t have any® the fellow to carry himself so splen­ that!’’ “Well,” said the captain, recover and gathering up a hammer that lay things of which you ought to be I ever saw.” didly and gain official title that set “It’s only an old apple tree, judge,” Tugboats are like human beings, i him far above civilians in the estima­ Ì ng his composure, “what will you near by, he dealt him a blow that ashamed.—| Youth’s Companion. said the young lady. as some of them tow out and some tion of ladies. And the fellow— say? As she saw me frequently sent him senseless and quivering to tow in. “Why, er—Miss—” confound him!—was a widower, so of when she was a little girl, and her the floor. Then “Silence like a poul­ PROVIDENCE AND THE WOOD-PILE. “Never mind, no harm done, only course he knew women’s ways; that husband knew me particularly well, tice came to heal the olows of sound,” As a tonic and nervine for debilitahj must be the reason that Mrs. Hillway I’m curious to know what new in­ and the irate court was complete One snowy Saturday night, years I wish you would take me home. I nothing surpasses Dr. Pierce’s "1 master of the situation. ago, when the wood pile of the Alcott fear you might drive the horse into Prescription/’ Ey druggists. always greeted him more cordially formation you possibly can give?” “ It was because of your long Judge Clemens was a kind-hearted household was very low. a neighbor’s the river.” than she did other middle-aged men; The judge is likely to remain a Senator Tabor of Colorado, rising j besides people said the two had acquaintance, I suppose, that you man and was mortified when he child came to beg a little wood, as his maiden speech the other day, aH learned that he had struck the wrong ‘■the baby was very sick and father off widower.—J Ark. Traveler. known each other when Mrs. Hillway ventured to speak of me? President, I am paired with the ga “Exactly so.” ------- »<•»4---- fellow, but the oldest inhabitants on a spree with his wages.” was a girl. “Well, sir then listen to me. __ I sav never heard him admit that it was “a Do not lift or drag a child by its arm from Hampton, Mr. South Carolina."! And yet the doctor, when not There was a baby, too, in the Alcott wholly given over to jealousy, could a man who will take so mean an ad­ lick amiss.” He held his office for household; and the storm was wild, or arms. You strain ligaments which Everybody that has tried Ammai net deny that he himself was treated vantage of another man is no gentle­ years and years afterwards, and it is and the Sabbath'was coming between were not intended to bear the weight Byrup continues it use; besides, they® neighbors of it. We were in a drug« very graciously by the charming man: I say a man who will avail him­ not recorded where any other dis­ that night and the chance of more of i he body. A grown person swing other day when a customer asked foril widow. She never snubbed him as self of a lady’s confidence to sneak turbance ever occurred in his court­ wood. For once Mrs. Alcott hesitated; ing from a bar with his hands re­ Ammon's Cough Syrup, saygin, “ I anything about it myself, but my no® into a s{>ecial place in her regard by room. He died at a ripe old age, hon­ but the serene Sage of Concord looked lieves the ligaments by the use of vised me to ■he did many others, and he fancied buy it f r my cold, and t® ■he never was on guard against him abusing another man who had some ored and respected by all who knew out, undismayed, into the wild and muscles. use of throe bottles has entirely core® of two yeirs ’ standing; in fact, he ® as she seemed to lie when some other reason to believed himself not dis­ him, and now “sleeps the sleep that wintry storm. the best medicine for coughs, cold*® THE LOST CHILD. men were talking to her. He really liked—I say such a man is a coward!” knows no awakening” at a beautiful complaints,’ and that a one-dollar ,® “Give half our stock,” said he, res him more good than all the prescript® _ 2 spot in Mount Olivet cemetery near olutely, “and trust to Providence. thought himself worthy of her con­ The captain, whose face 1 bad from doctors. sideration. for. although almost as twitched a great deal while the Hannibal, a site selected and beauti­ Wood will come, or the weather will A FATE WORSE THAN ABDUCTION. bashful as a Ixiy, he was a year older doctor talked, merely sneered} fied by his son, “Mark Twain.” The moderate.” It is better to be good and# “You can’t dispose of me with a grave is marked by a pretty and than Mrs. Hillway; he had income His wife laughed, and answered, How Parents, by a Lack ot Precaution and than pretty and bad. --------- » «♦» <------ - '—’H enough to support two people, and sneer." said the doctor. “I am as tasteful monument, and many a trav­ cheerfully, “Well, at any rate, their Care, are Responsible for the Death of Their *» Middle measures are often ® fa his life was pure and his tastes re­ brave a man as you. and unless you eler goes out of his way to view the need is greater than ours, and if »nr Child. ing measures.” There are no “® fined. But how was ho to make Mrs. answer my demand at once I shall last resting place of Judge Clemens, half gives out, we can go to bed and about Kidney-Wort. It is the most® » Hill way know all this? How among follow you to the street and cane you. the father of the noted humorist. (Camden, Me., Herald.) tell stories.” ly refined “flower” of medicine. B J t so many men more brilliant and Now, sir, your answer? ’ -------a «»» <------------- So a good half of the wood went to The inoral anil legal responsibility of parents half-way measures, but radically <® of the kidneys, liver and b® « “Since you insist,” said thecaptain, prominent, could he ever summon Later on in the in the care of their children is, fortunately, diseases There is a professor in Cornell col the poor neighbor. overthrows piles, abolishes cmistip® seeming to want to look humble, “I lege, enough courage to propose? at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, that has evening the storm increased, and the attracting the serious attention of the better treats the system so gently and soo® u Ho trembled over the matter until must begin by confessing that I fear learned a lesson. It has been his family council decided to cover up the ¡ration of the entire country. The many to prove its true kinship to nature® « one New Year’sday; then, by making I made a mistake.’’ It is prepared in both liqtf™ n habit to go about at unreasonable tire, to keep it, and go to bed. Just instances of child beating, oppression, and praises. “Ah! very good! go on, sir.” anumlierof calls, and taking a few hours and listen at the rooms of stu­ then camo a knock on the door, and other forms of cruelty which have come to form. “ I took you for a somewhat differ ­ glass«« of wine from graceful fingers, dents, in order to catch them in some lo! it was the farmer who usually sup­ I light, demand that something be done; and The Rochester Democrat insiw he became so emboldened that he ent kind of a man.” plied Mr. Alcott with wood. it is gratifying to know that the people are the reason why Caesar rejected I “The story first, sil; the apology deviltry. One night last week ho resolved to priqxise that very even He had started to go into Boston ' becoming thoroughly aroused. Whether the three times was because he wanted] notified a lady that he was going to i cruelty lie in the i4rm of physical violence or ing. come ---------- v 1---- ” ” ing, what would. He' would can wait.” at her house later in the evening with his load, but the storm so drove | physical neglect matters not the principle eign. del a; his call upon Mr«. Hillway ■Confound your impudence!” ex call delav in his face, and the snow so drifted in in lx »th cases is the same. The man or woman to watch a couple of students that Dr. Pierce's “Pleasant Puffi^S ­ l>oarae7 1 ’ 7? ” * ^ ll ' ’ “ ‘ "'b' lol.l th« slu.lenS -n.l _ ____ _ i at t i.: .... ;«■ lie When you see a medicine i record out through the yard and dency t.> malaria are so great. There are neither know nor polite to them: but he was sui-e he than herself.” hear anyth*®» many families in this locality who hare leen to its reliability, it can ' over the fence. The college students A Worcester man sent to Florida is an easy “What did she say?" exclaimed the was not succeeding at all, for it j called npon to mourn untimely losses even yourself to a little trouble, to a-0 . were all told of it, and they are con for a stuffed young alligator to use doctor. seemed to him his spirits had de­ when the greatest care w*. exercised; but the utation and standing of the “Wait and find out," replied the stantly talking of the attempted bur as a property in a play, and by mis­ expenence of one only will 1». given. It that Find out who makes it. How c parted and forever. glary, and the professor turns pale at I of the late W . O. Thomas. The children were home? Are they tr thful? Arej' take they sent him a live one, and he Fer.unately a trio of very young captain; but 1 can't help congratu­ every recital —| Peck’s Sun. Do they pay their debts? Do the. m.«t [.ronnsing but for some unexplained thing didn’t discover the mistake till he all about medicine and its men dropped in, and the doctor, em­ lating you.” reaam their health and strength seemed to are wanting in ary of these, it — » * got on the stage and opened the box, graiiually lessen until their friends feared thev their (product alone; for in The doctor did not notice the hand boldened by wine. deliberately The Autopbone Company conduct more than any other business, t endeavored to distract Mrs. Hillway's extended toward him, but threw his ■ all of their correspondence by means and then things hummed like a ward »ere the victims of consumption. One bv tunity to cheapen and adulterate^ one. they sicken«! and died until three hail attention from the captain. arms around the captain's neck; the of a type writer. The company had caucus. we can have is the «/n'rd' , tTk ‘W H of "“■'’ring brothers guarantee manufacturer, and it does not to® “We were talking about you, older man hastily disengaged them, i invasion to send four or five letters to » taken ill. Their names were Her ­ that the proprietor of Amnicn’u There has recently l>een exhumed saying: doctor." «aid the captain, with % faint ne .11 ami hdwanl. Hermon, however seemed would be willing tc let a r msdj "Ion can find a better figure for an agent way ont in Wisconsin, and from the ruins of Pompeii the body of the rtrongerof the two; and. while his younger I I did he not know its worth. smile. ; they were amused a few days ago to a man with both hands clasped across *“ the h”«^ consUntlv Mrs. Hillway looked a bit confused, your embraces, doctor." receive one from him closing with his stomach. The inseription on his abi-iib.’ // "".lch'!f *»>e time. Hermon »-« High chairs at low prices at B and then gave the captain an appeal­ And the doctor found it ln W',k * «wl'tion 11th 8t.. Oakland. I these words: “You needn't print anv tinger-ring does not state whether he thuLlLlbOUtJ ing glance. She did it onickly. but he had no desire to plav J’ddip'a ... i more letters that yon send me, for I had been eating cucumbers or green that toms were terrible! He Lum! difficultr in re- the doctor noticed it anil raged in A DELICIOUS Brsakfsrt'J Warning is a powerful auxiliary to want yon to understand that I can apples at the time of the volcanic his «totnach. was restless and »»<»1 MKI» MPK'F.I» •••*•* wardly. What could they have said ? the fool bent on displaying his folly, i read writing.” irntaldeand out of his head frequently. At va- I lb. tin«. eruption Y amhill R eporter , nons times three different physicians vimted . For Sale at all Grocer» anj Red Crore Packing Co.. Ban F