Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, May 03, 1883, Image 5

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Newspaper Decisions.
Buy a Saliel brass-lHiund Rule at ISOIAN Mt’llPERERS.
Manning’s, for (¡5 cents.
’’,1. Any person who takes a paper regular­
Our jolly good freud, A. L. Alder­
ly* from a post-office, whether directed in
Mr. N. K. Sitton, of this county, re­
his name or another's, or whether he sub- ceived the sad intelligence one tiny last man, Sheriff of Tillumook county,
tuxril »•*» I or not, is responsible for payim nt.
week, of the death of his brother. D. passed through this place on Wednes­
Mai I. 1883.
2. If a person orders his paper disoontin- S. Sitton, of I’etis county, Missouri.
day's train, having in custody two of
B. H. Springer and C. E. Thurber,
ued he must pay arrears, or the publisher
inay continue to send it until payment is
Frank Williams has turned out to lie the three Indians who murdered "Till­ of Amity, were in town, yesterday.
made, and then collect the whole amount, an honest granger, and moved w ith his amook Geol ge," an Indian doctor. Our
J. L. Rollins, of the good and sub­
whether I he paper is taken from the office or family up near “ Four Mile” Nez Perce readers will perhaps recollect this stantial firm of Rollins A Hale, of Am­
county, Idaho, where he Ims a farm.
paid our tow n n visit in compauy
3. The courts have decided that refusing
U' I
reservation some two years ago, at with Dr. Sanders, of the same place,
to take newspapers or periodicals from the
I lit- first radish' « of the season come which
time a detachment of soldiers Saturday.
'• \ltfl
post office, or removing and leaving them in to our office from the garden of Mrs.
the office, is prima facie evidence of inten­ A. C. Wyndham, for which the lady from the garrison at Vancouver came
<T- -■
Couut.v Surveyor, Cal. Cooper, was
the murderers and killed
Ala I
tional fraud.
will please accept our acknowledge­ oik - of them while he was endeavoring down here last week, straightening our
4. The Postmaster-General has decided ments.
and squnriug out angles. I hear
to escape. Since theu the two remain­
that postmaster.-» who fail to notify publish­
h '! t fl
Uli| -> J
that he found some slight descrepen-
ers when subscribers remove, or fail to take
Now, young Indy ; you get up, or ing prisoners have been confined at cies
and put them to rights.
their pap rs from the postoffice, shall be re­ rattle your boots ;” cried an irate pa­ Vancouver, without trial or a hearing.
sponsible for their subscription.
rent from the bottom of the stairs, in Considerable “ red tapestry” has been
’There will la* n social hop at Little­
his third attempt to get his daughter up transacted back ai.d forth between the field’s Hall, on Friday, May 4th. This
If you want a reliable Piano or Organ, go
military department here and the au­ is to be the closing dance of tlie sea­
to L. Shobe and yon c m get it. He has just in the morning.
thorities at Washington, which finally
and a large turnout is expected.—
order d a lot of small instruments of the
Hold on ! keep quiet and you will see culminated in an order to turn the son,
Everybody, his wife, sister and neigh­
very 1>
«p: .lit v.
a fine display of nice goods again, be­ prisoners over to the State for prose­ bor
is invited.
Legal blanks of everv description, posters fore long. ('an you guess wheref You cution. Consequently, after so long a
The bland smile and joyful expres­
of anv size, circulars, letter and bill heads. will have no trouble to find H. Fisher’s time, the Iniliaus have landpd upon
Btalenients. calling cards, business cards, advertisement in our next issue.
their native soil, and in a few days sion exhibited by P. 1’. Gates, yester­
day, was not because of any new lot of
in fact anything that can be done in a print-
will have a “preliminary examination.” goods
received, nor because of any
ing establishment, SN YDEK, THE PRINT­
posters and through the R eporter *.« Whether they are doomed to languish very large sales, nor because of falling
ER can execute to perfection.
advertising columns the sale of some
■> Pcrfl
heir to a big fortune, nor because his
of the finest real estate in Oregon, sit­ tile, until the July term of Court, re­ step-mother was dead ; no doubt any
• An.fl
uated in McMinnville. Read the ad­ mains to be seen.
of these would make him look happy ;
And sovereign law. that State's collected but not one of these entered into Pe­
will, o’er glolies and thrones elate
Have young ladies the right to cen­ Sits empress, crowning good repressing ill”— ter P.’s unalloyed enjoyment of yester­
“ Fin gcttin’ a big boy now.”
young men for standing on the Injun«—dead doctors—superstitions— day’ date. The whole cause of it
’* Av I
Read tlie new advertisements.
street corner making remarks on the shoulder-straps, sedate sap-heads and weighed ten pounds and a-quarter, and
will probably be called Peter, too.
Quite a tempest last Sunday evening. dress etc., of ladies, while they, the all.
*’ Vj>”
young ladies, ate guilty of the same of­
In talking with farmers about crop
Ser. iees at all our churches last Sun­ fense ?
prospects, I find much conflict of opin­
T he “C amp F ike .”
ion. All owners of uplands have been
Mr. .1. (’. Cooper has been quite ill
Custer Post’s “ Camp Fire” last Sat­ able to get seed in in good season, not­
Seeond hand furniture for sale al G. during the week from a bilious ataaek,
withstanding the late constant rains,
I.. Pa. l.ei '-a
while his son Lewis is prostrated, hav­
though the “tire” part of the pro­ but many of them say that the crop ot
Hoi -e show at this place next Satur­ ing suffered a relapse of the ailment
that came so near proving fatal to him gramme was somewhat transparent. a larger portion of it w ill lie ruined by
day, .'.lay 5th.
the wild oats ; and indeed there is no
a short time since.
During the afternoon the Post made a denying that the wild oats have got a
Business lively at North Yamhill,
An error occurred in our item last
start and look remarkable thrifty in
last Thursday.
week regarding the dedication of the streets in uniform, carrying liayoueted some localities. On the other hand
Mi. David Hurst came down from Sa­ new college building—the type mak­ guns, and as they marched up the fanners ou low lauds are mostly’ pre­
ing us say it would take place on the streets it reminded us of the days of vented from sowing because the ground
lem yesterday.
“15th”of .lune when it should have long ago. hi the evening at 7 o'clock is too wet, ami 1 hear of some that
Patent Medicines of all kinds at the been the 12th. Don’t forget this.
the boys formed line at tliei '¡all and have not “ turned a furrow” yet. Now
City 1 >rug Store.
A voting man just from Missouri headed by Custer Post Band marched as this is the first of May, with rain
Finest assortment of Razors in the bought one of those four-bladed to Mohawk Hall where a goodly num­ still falling, the chances for these last
city at Manning's.
Knives of Manning, that he sells at 50 ber of people from all parts of the are not very fluttering. But while
some look at the prospect with gloomy
Mr. Dawson, of Monmouth, has been cents, and sent it back to his father.— county were assembled, and in a few forebodings and not without some
TC1\\ in town for a day or so.
He said lie wanted to let the old man moments the exercises opened with cause, others take a more cheerful
know bow cheap things were sold in music ; anil for three hours the time view and declare that Oregon will
A complete line of Stationery can he <) re gon.
was occupied in relating incidents of
found at the City Drug Store.
the war; the reasons for maintain­ have the biggest crop she ever had.
N at .
City Council met Tuesday evening, ing the Grand Army; singing the old
Rev. Glenn O. Burnett, preached tit and in their routine of business passed patriotic
airs, etc. Among tlie speak­
the Christian Church, last Sunday.
an ordinance prohibiting the blockad­ ers were Capt. Lafollett, of Sheridan,
April 30th, 1883.
Hon. \V. M. Townsend, of the llct/in- ing of sidewalks; two remonstrances Gen. Caukms, of Vancouver; Mr.
against the proposed macadamizing of Gardner, of Dayton; Major Turner
ter, came in to see us Saturday hist.
Still it tries to rain a little.
streets were presented and referred to and Mrs. Lougliafyof McMinnville and
North Yamhill patronizes SNYDER, committee.
The late frosts have damaged con­
Hon. W. M. Townsend, of Lafayette
THE PRIN1ER, liberally this week.
and all the speakers did well, making siderable fruit in some parts of this
Our genial friend. ('. L. Pierce of In­ the programme nearly complete. To community.
Misses Florence and Birdie Stroud, of
Portland, are visiting friends in the dependence, passed down on Wednes­ wind up the exercises the comrades
Rev. Mary Edwards is improving;
day’s train en route to San Francisco, passed out to the audience rations, so
w hither he goes as a delegate from Ori­ that all had an opportunity of trying she is ably to be up and around.
Th. whole neighborhood above Wil­ ent Council of the Chosen Friends of the soiuidhess of their teeth in their
Misses Ida Jessup and Lizzie Wood­
lamina wtis in town the fore part of the Independence, to the Grand Council attempts to masticate a portion of hard­ ward were up to Dayton the fore part
Bridge, week.
soon to convene at Frisco.
tack, and it is said that three men and of last week visiting friends.
Hon. II. Hurley, of Lafayette, was in
The worm we spoke of last week as fourteen women talk strongly of bring­
John Hadley has gone east of the
town ou Tuesday, looking tis hearty as infesting the ground in this locality' is ing action atrainst the Post to collect mountains to look at the country.
developing into a small bug, changing damages fur injuries sustained by dislo­
Daniel Mitchell, of California, who
cating jaws, breaking teetli, etc. The
Dr. Redmond has his office in Cninp- in color from a green to a light red. receipts
this entertainment has been stopping at this place for
rondi. bell
’n building over the Golden Rule
sometime has gone to Walla Walla.
soil I bat is infested w ith them and also amounted to about $28.
a portion of an oat grain that they had
Quite a number of our young folks
Miss Maria Kernay, of Willamina, been feeding upon, and from appear­ T he B oston C oncert C ompany .
expect to attend the May picnic at
has been in town several days visiting ances it would seem that the insect is
On Monday evening the Boston Par­
capable of doing some mischief. lor Concert Company gave an enter­
Moon and family are visit
Though looking small to the naked eye,
The place to buy Stoves, Tinware w hen a magnifying glass is brought to tainment at Mohawk’ hall to a highly ing at her parents, Abner George at this
and Hardware at bottom prices, is at bear upon one of them he is a liuge- appreciative audience. We have not place.
room for extended comments, but will
looking monster.
give a word of merited praise for the
Remember the Social Temperance
Mrs. E. A. Wilson is visiting her
Leland brothers, who are gifted with meeting next Sunday at 2 o’clock p. m.
; eiî >. daughter. Mrs. E. C. Borgy, at Van­ Our young friend, Billy Kirby, had remarkable
an accident one day last week, and
Thompkins Hutchins has sold his
Print couver. W. T.
how be came out alive is a mystery.— lyric tenor and the other a falsetto. place to Samuel Woodward and has
Mrs. ('. G. Rowell, of Dallas, visited
bought another place near Webfoot.
I. er daughter, Mrs. A. V. R. Snyder, west of town, ami while driving along and is comical enough to tickle a bronze
a steep hill-side the wagon and load statue. His “Big Bov” song was a great
Mr. Hawkins has sold his place to
during the week.
upset. Billy jumped off on the lower hit, and convulsed the audience with Mr. Record and expects to start down
M. C. Athey, Esq., a prominent law­ side of the wagon and, strange to sav uncontrollable laughter. In fact every on the Columbia river to-morrow.
yer of Oregon City, came in for a pleas­ horse«, wagon, load and all went over singer is an artist and every song a suc­
Janies Tooze has sold all his land
ant chat last Friday.
him without injuring him in the least. cess. The entire company will appear
again to-night in a new programme, south of the Portland ami Dayton road
Bovs, did you see those new nobby
and our readers should not miss the op­ to a gentleman just from Ohio.
830 Frock ami Sack Suits of clothes how’it was done ; and we will never portunity to attend an entertainment
tell. The wagon and team rolled sev­
Mr. Kizer, from near Middleton, has
II. Fisher received .'
hundred yards, to the base of the the delights of w hich will not soon fade moved on the Lyman place near here.
» rm. Doyon want the choicest of Perfum- eral
hill, win rethi v brought up in a dilapi­ from their memory.
Edwards & Hobson have just pur­
eriesf If so, go to the City Drug Store dated condition.
.VI A It R I K I».
chased a large stock of goods, which
tm.1 you can get it.
A pilferer entered the barn of W. P.
At Lafayette, April 20th, by Rev. J. makes quite a show within their build­
Our town was infested one day last Gallentitie, last Friday night. To keep
week with a score or more of those ob- the door closed. Mr. G. puts a prop up Hoberg, Mr. John Bird and Mrs. Har­
Mrs. Dr. Jessup was taken quite ill
against it ou the outside. The fellow riet Aiderman, all of Lafayette.
' Ti- noxion.- pests—drummers.
lifted this prop sufficient to enable him
At the Central Hotel, McMinnville, Saturday night and sent for her hus­
If you are fond of fishing, you should to get inside, when the door closed and
yesterday nt Portland. Siu- was
go to the City Drugstore and get a the prop slipped hack to its place May 2 1883, by Rev. E. Russ. Mr. T. some better the last we heard from
B. Mitchell, of’ Lewis county, W. T.,
first-class out lit of tackle.
against the door—thus shutting him in. and Miss Sarah J. Gant, of Yamhill there.
Tom says “he isn’t going to batch any
The McMinnville R eporter is now Cndoiibtedly he was in a dilemma.— county.
one of the handsomest papeis ptinted But fortune smiled upon him—in the
Miss Gant is one of our most estima­ longer.” Well, I don’t blame him,
vay of a spade w hich Mr. G. kept tn ble ladies, a daughter of our patriarcli- when Newberg has so many’ pretty
in the Slate.— Hiintlau II rlromr.
the barn. NX itli this implement, the
friend, Reuben Gant, of Bellevue. girls and not only pretty hut good ones;
Miss Fannie Hunsaker, who lias stop­ pilferer dug a hole under otic of the ial
.Mr. Mitchell, though a stranger tons, be careful Tom, or those fellows from
ped here during the winter, has retain­ -ills of the building and through this we believe to be worthy, even of the other places will get ahead of you.
ed to lie. home in Marion county.
made his exit. Mr. Gallentine says if coveted jirize he has taken from our
Mr. Robison live* on th« Red Hill«
W.Bl. Turner, late of the City Di ng the fellow hail stayed all night, it midst to adorn his own tireside. He itl«tead of in East Chelialem as stated
have cost him a cent.
wears a badge of the nation’s “true in your last issue, ilis child died with
pril ¡< f-tore, left us Tuesday for Portland,
a y a à-- where he goes to accept a position with
From Monday's Oregonian we take and brave,” mid went with the old flag some sort of a cramping disease and
L'ue*b^ Woodard & Co., Druggists.
the following very sensible remarks from New York, in defense of his coun­ was drawn up in a knot and after it
try’s name mid integrity. May joy and died straightened out again.
Sub Beribe lor the best paper on tin which no doubt w ill l»e endorsed by prosperity go with the happy couple.
«¡red fc WesPSidc—Tor
Y amhii . l C ounty the traveling public generally on the
Straw hats were fashionable a few­
» (W R eporter ,—$2 50 per iinnnni.
West-Side: “Considerable dissatis­
days last week among the plow boys,
ids. 1”
A mity , April 30th, 1883.
faction is expressed bv persons travel­
but they didn't last long, cspei'ially
Is it better policy to bay a hat for $1 ing on the West-Side road at the ac­
M r . E ditor :—1 see by “A. S’s”
i»d «88 anil pay for it than to buy one for $3 tion of the company in locking the conimiinicalion from this place that when that big thunder shower canic
down at the rate of 2; Kt last Wednes­
the li*, and ha ve it charged to the old man
doors of t)ie cars at the summit ami there was some misunderstanding re­ day afternoon.
held « J
keeping them locked till the train garding the meeting of the Band of
The new band was over the river re- readies the depot at the foot of G Hope. The cause is easily explained :
We are glad to hear that Dr. Watts
!n irt ' lieiimjug Sunday. That's right boys, street.
It might be proper enough if There never was any arrangement is coming bai-k again to Yamhill, lie
n Id, give W io us at long range for awhile.
promised to come and give us a
the car« made no stop, as it would pre­ made for opening the church referred
nJ M
lecture on “Temperance.” lie will be
tor« We learn that the little invalid vent passengers from risking their to in the item of your con’espondent, gladly received any time at this place.
¡red i*l. daugbti i of Mr, and .Mrs. T. B. Hen­ lives by jumping off, blit when the cars except for the first meeting, for w hich
T eetotaler .
IV <••..• derson. of Amity, in got expected to «top at Yamhill street to deliver mails one dollar was promised the sexton,
it surely could not be much inconven­ but which was never paid; and they
x Hi*f> live.
ience to allow passengers who wish to appointed three meetings from time to
We understand the Ballston Milling
April 30tb, 1&88.
'by Company are ottering $1 25 and board do so to get off at the same time, in time ami the sexton and the man “A.
stead of carrying them a mile beyond S." speaks alsjut opened the house,
Deputy Sheriff Harris was in town to-day.
rvi F
Mrs. James Clark w«» able to HJe to town
pects the railroad company of “ stand­ the Baud of Hope should tqake it one
last week.
Tenime Rogers, the gentleman just ing in " with the hack company, but it of their teachings to nnv their wav as
Mr. George Long and Wm. burton ate
down from o Bengali ” is in town ami is thought singular that where there is they go; then there will be no trouble.
borne on a visit.
T. B. H enderson ,
reports lather poor iishing in that so much apparent effort to iiecoimno-
(Hie of the 'Trustees.
Mr. Mill« and son returned from Tilla­
direction, the contrary is the rule in
mook yesterday and are very well smu-d
.Miss Ella Woods, of st. Helen“ Hall, this case.
the country.
---------- —
Portland, spent Saturday ami Stindav
The sale of Syrup of Figsis simply
Mrs. P. Y. McCarty, of Amity, was in town
with h- r mother, relatives and friends
S hot in the A rm .
in McMinnville.
immense. Everyone >s taking it and ».•stinliiy. visiting RM lU'Ce—Mrs. Win.
Louis Shortridgf, living on the Nes-
The largest stock of Paints, I Ills, tll.-ea, has been tipiibb:i| with tiears all admit that it is tlie bent medicine
Wm. Renfro baa • new piston valve alto
Yantis n s, Brushes and everything <-arrv ingot! his sheep, and a day or two ever used. Children cry for it on ac­
pertaining to the Painter«' line at the ,igo lie discovered one among his tlock. count of it« pleasant taste, and grown trombone which proves to be a good inatrn
City Ding Store.
Culling some men to aid him. he start­ people who have used it once never
Mr. Gilford Stillwell of Salem, was down
L. T. Davis has movtd out on Lis ed in pursuit. By an accident a young take anything els»-, t’nlike other rem­ last week visiting friends and relatives.
farm ■aving sold hi“ property to Mr. man in the party discharged hi« weap­ edies for biliousness and constipation
Mr». Dr. Morris and daughter of McMinn
Turner, living near Webfoot, and Mr. on and sent a ball through Mr. Short­ it never loses its power to net, and it
Turner will move in to take posM'Ssion ridge's light arm, tearing the Hesli off always h aves the organs on which it ville were in town last week visiting rela­
from the shoulder to the elbow, and acts stronger than befor»-. Besides, one tives.
I shortly
liiidly shattering the bone.
The feels fre«li ami bright and realizes
Miss Nettie Yocum, of Dayton, made hi r
a ” yaller-jacket panic" nt wounded man is now at Sheridan, Yam­ that it is Nature’s own true laxative.—
sister—Mrs. Kate Detnpsy -a vuut last we< k.
one of rhe , hut'etii > last Sunday. 1 he hill County, for treatment, and if For sale at the City Drug Store.
lady is well ; but that " yaller-jacki t " things go right lie will not have to lose
Mrs. Arminta Higgins left to-day for the
couldn t stand 175 pounds avotrdu|M>is liis arm.— Staiutarrt.
upper country to visit her children, and will
“Y e O i . ii F olkes .”
and—ev ired.
be gone a year.
Mr. Joseph Watt is still assiduously
Don’t fail to read Rev. Wolfe’s ora­ H orsk S how
Dr. Littlefield was in town last Saturday.
picking away at the excffrsjop fcheme The Dr. has a team that can get over the
tion, in another column. Odd Fellows
Three wwks ago we mentioned the
i-p»-<-irfl! should preserve this, ns it
for the plonei is of the North West. He ground as fast as the best of them.
contain- many thing« of value regard­ fact that there would be a Horse Show, tells n« the Northern Pacitfc Railroad
All the readers of ths Rapoarra. of omrse
ing the history of tile < Irder.
or Exhibition at tlii« place on Saturday. managers have promised him to put the saw
what Mr. J. O. Ibiger» says about Ken­
Tlir Hillslw»r<i /mfspewdeaf, Washing­ May 5th—w hich, by the wav, is next rate« foi «uch a trip down as low as the dall’s Treatise en the Horse. The informa­
ton etni- tv’« excellent local journal, Saturday. The object of this exhibi­ Central Pacific did for the Californians tion gained from the book, aaved his horses,
by Luce anti .lone«, speak- tion is to bring together th'- ls-st lior«e- shortly after the completion of their they having the staggers very bad. When
thusly ot it« :
tjesh of this anil ailjacent counties— road, and if they do. it will lie “good you can get the Rsroam with the book for
$2 AO, can a farmer or stock msn do with­
The 1 AMHILL RkKHiStkR rom<‘* out I and thus encourage the promotion of enough.”
out it ? The book alone is worth the price
in » bland new dir», and enlar^<M|.— I blooded stock. The exhibition takes
the paper.
NuydlfJT A Warren, the proprietor*. ar» place at 2 o'clock.p. m.. and as all par­
It is estimated that the decrease of
g«MMi pajwr. ana *hoiihl I m ties aiv invited lo bring in their horws
Prof. York leetorsd In Laughlin's Hsll
lfbenul.A *iipjM>rted by the citizen* of w e expect to are :| tine disploy. Bring the public debt for the month of April Fndsy, Ketnrdsy. Sennday and Monday
amount« to about $3.5Ot»,(M»O,
I nights to a large audience on “ Liberalism.
McMinn ill«* and YanihiU county,
' in your horses..
01 "-S
oni r
Local Correspondence.
Some good friend in town circulated the
report last Thursday that admission to the
drama would be 25oeuta ; consequently quite
u number remained expeotiiig to attend, but
found out it was Ml cents w lien the most of
them went home. No blame cun be attached
to any of the band Isqs for circulating the
report as no member of the Ismd would be
guilty of such a thing. The programme was
not quite so long .-is it would have lieen on
account of tlie limo being so short in prepar­
ing. They hope to do lietter in the future.
Receipts amounted to about
50. Many
thanks to the people of North Yuuihill and
vicinity for their liberal patronage.
Is vvia.r.a.
Stop ! Stop ! Stop ! !
May 1.1883.
Rev. Hunsaker and his daughter, Mra.
Reugg, sf McMinnville, wore in town during
the week.
A. IieFever is building an addition to his
L. Michaels will move his family this week
down the Columbia to his logging camp.
Messes. Harris. Smith and Peery, who an
stockholders in n quarts mine in folk coun­
ty. are attending the annual meeting. W<
bear some of the slum-holders sja-ak in fav­
or of a mill, immediately.
F. Hill, who lives near Dayton, had a val­
uable span of mules killed last week by a
burning tree fulling upon them.
S. D. Hansen lias sold out Ills barber shop
and moved to Silverton. May success attei d
O. Hatfield has been visiting his friends in
Dayton sent a delegation to the I. (). (>. F.
celebration at North Yamhill. All report
having had n good time. The Band did uot
accompany them because somebody got a
“ hum in their back.
• Hoss” Photographer & Biographist,
W©w and Elegant
Just Received.
Ca// and See Specimens.
Saloon & Billiard Hall
Real estate is taking a lioom along this
way. Mr. Hutchins lias sold his farm in
Cha’s Hirsch, Pro.
Chelialem for $‘J.5li0and bought Thus' Tur­
[ diei . sciineider ’ s old stand .]
ner's farm near Webfoot, for the same price.
Mr. Hayworth bought M. Swick’s property­
M c M innville ,
O regon
in town for $.51X1.
The Amateur Minstrels'entertainment was
a gratifying success. ‘The parts in “ Room
3t>,” “ Trip to Paris," “ Burglar Alarm" and
" Barnum’s Baby Elephant" were excellent.
The proceeds were for the band.
The I. O. G. T. elected the following offi­
cers fortlio next term : \. C. Howdy. W. C.
T. : Mrs. H. C. Powell. W. V. T.; J. F. Hill
W. S. , B. D. Sigler. W. F. S. : Etta Bernitig.
W. T.; E. G. Coffin. W. M.; It, v. Wolf«
Chap. ; Lizzie Barnliartzer. W. I. G.; M. C
Clnbine. W. O. G.: C. A. Powell. P. W. ('. T.
C om .
For Lame Back. Side or Chest use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Rogois
A' Todd.
11. LOO AX ,
McMinnville & Dayton
Sale Stables.
“HACKMETACK." a lasting uni fragran
p'rfume. Price 25 end 50 cents. Sold by Itog- ^Stables at McMinnville situated on Thirt St. j
< r A- Todd,
that in Dayton ou Ferry St)
WILL YOU SUFFER with liysjiepsia mid
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize!- is guaran-
eed to cure you. Sold by Rogers A- Todd.
Henderson & Logan Bros,, Prop’s.
We are prepared to furnish
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the rem­ Carriages.
edy for vou. Sold by Rogers T(xid.
. ..........
E.X. Harding.
T. B. Ladd.
Saddle flformeN,
and everything in the Livery hire in good
sha[>e on shortest notice.
Produce and Commission House,
Harding & Ladd, Pros.
rs kept by these Stables and Funeral Turnouts
furnished at any time.
We are prepared to offer special induce-*
Having formed a co-partnership in the Pro­ monte to
duce and Commission business, we are prepar­
ed to pay cash for all kinds of Produce. Par­ C O M M 1-1R C IA L M E N't
ties having
Transient stock left with us will receive the
flay. Oat«, Barley, < urctl
IHeatn, best of care and attention.
fjard, Apple«, Oninns, fC&ru’«,
< liickeiiN, Turkeys.
Ducks, Geese,
will be icquired by us.
Anv or all of these, are requested to give us ji
Also, parties wishing to buy Lime, Cement. To Whom it Vlay Concern.
Plaster, H«ir and Grass Seed of any Kind
Notice is hereby given that the City Council
come and see us.
>f McMinnville, Oregon, wdi in twenty-eight
Headquarters tor the present at S. !•’. Hard­ lays from this date, or as soon thereafter a»
ing’s Shoe Shop.
1'ouncil convenes, pasaan ordinance requiring
he property owners adjoining the streets
■ nd parts of sheets herein after named, and to
oe improved, to establish a grade and mucad-
miize. t he same ns follows : Beginning at the
o tili’oiui track on 2nd street thence west on 2nd
•ircet. to a point opposite the center of G street,
i hence south on G street, to the center of Third
-trect, thence west on Third street to the cross­
IIAHDWA 2i 1'2. walk leading from Henderson *k Logan Bre’a
' ¡very Stable to Jacoh Wiseearver’s; all of
aid macadamized road to be hi feet wide :—
rheiire beginning nt said cross-walk and run­
ning We.it on Thud street and macadamizing
In- same Hl feet wide tn the west side of B
■Ircet, thence the same width on B street to the
north line <>l lib street, thence south in center
• f B ire< i hi feet wide, macadam to a point
>ppo«iie the South end of tlie picket fence in
Iroiit of the present residence of (’apt. C. Hand-
tty, thence loginning at the cross-walk on B
K t leuding from llm R i i ’ oiitek office to C.
D. Johnson’s corner and running thence south
tlong the center of B street 16 feet wide rnacad-
im io the crows walk leading fr.»rn the Morris
Home tn the II. G Burns’ corner, all of the
»fore-aid “treetsand roads to he macadamized
♦o||nw in wit: The ground work or foun-
daitivii to be of rough stone 10 inches thick and
n.iced a ciiiriojy logether as possible, said 10
nchi sol rough stone or rock to be covered with
f inches of cru died Jone. Said ordinance will
Lafayette, Oregon. »1 o require drains or sewers to be made on
toih ides of all the aforesaid proposed inacad
nmz. >1 road or street and also on both sides <»f
hand E str<< ts beginning at First street and
mining south on -aid D and E streets suffi-
entlv far to carry tlie water into the natural
Irainage running through W T. Newby’s land
»11 of -aid drains or sewers to be or box lumber
*. inches in thickness and sufficiently large to
horoughlv drain said streets and parts thereof
tnd t<> I m * placed under ground and outside oi
he sidewalks on Mid streets where directed by
he street Commissioner or determined by said
•rdinatiei . All of said work to be 'lone under
' fie-li reel ion of the street (Jon • mission er ot
this City.
Said notice is given by order of the City
Council, made Apiil I7tli 1MK3, as witneM my
¡and In reu, net this Jhth day of April 18H.3.
A. B. B a k f . h ,
Recorder of the City of McMinnville*
Agricuit'ral Implem’ts,
McM’ville City Boot & Shue Store
Pure Elocded Jersey Bui1,
Latest M> Im, Heat Qtiallt}
est Prices.
nu fs will Jitttl it to thi -r inter
put to examine my Spbmlht Stock n,
fiootn anti Shoe* before bifyintj >
where—* it will be
(Jail and eee me :
you will !»
I alen keep a neat annortment o,
Gentn* Earni.*h iny (roodn^ for nah
Boots made fn order and nrally rr»
Men of the Bijf Hoof.
Will miik - the Mason of ISIS at the Springer
Farm I mile weat of Amity at
•S8 for the Season.
GEN. GRANT was imported in dam from
.’hiladelpbitt, Pa., by Maj. Jamea Bruce in
"(I’,. Wired by Duke ot Wellington, Imp. and
■wneil l,y Dr. Schneck of ¡’hiladclph*». Hia
. tin • lie fine butter e«>w September, owned by
•laj. Bf'ice, of Cornelius, Oregon—made a
.■nr«l <>| 24 pctinda in 10 »lays at 2 yeara old.
(»RANT his proven to be a sir«» of fine
ndkrrs ; hi-heifers sell for double tbe value
if native cowm .
Cows left in our charge will be cared for the
.‘,r»u»a- our own. with a reasonable charge far
>asturase, oulv. Any cow not getting with
alf may return, free, at any time as long aa
he bull » h in present ownera’ hand. Caro
viII b«* taken, but no responsibility for acri-
51 m I or 3.
A mity, < >mgon.