Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1883)
licMT.JNVlLLE. 3BEQCN, UAÏ3,13S3. Quite a destructive Hie prevailed in East Portland on Monday morning, the 1st iiist. Several thousand dollar-' worth of priqierty was destroyed 1>< - sides, it is feared, the lives of several children. M c M innville , April 25, 1883. E d . K eporter Will you kintllt give hpuce for a little fault-finding ? ‘ would not ask it only that the matter to I m * ciitii ised is <d a public nature : While at Lafayette one day, I heard some complaint about the way (axes were kept mo high, ami as it was jun after the district court had adjourned, the cost of litigation was cited as a large ami never failing expense. Ot tin- many items spoken of one from t his town, State vs Ecdeston,” was dwelt upon as being something enor mous. Feeling eunoiK about the mat ter, 1 pros’ured the figures, as follows : Stute vs H. Eooleston.......................... $17 HI State vs J. C. Fatleniou........................ State vh 8. A. Young........................... State vs E. lSccleston............................. State vs J. Dorris.................................... 45 77 55 84 To the rimers of Polk and A <i in i n ¡«I ra I or’« V ol ice. Tut: 111: pii uni:. Notice is hereby given that th? uml?r«igned wus on the 25th <lay of April, 1S83, duly ap pealed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Yamhill <'ounty, Administrator •»' the ««»lute of Henry ('. Dak« r, late of -aid Couukv, dee?««e<l. All |n-r‘<tnrt having claims against the smd estate are hereby required to present them with proper vouchers to the un dersigned at his office in McMinnville» >n ^*‘1 county, within six months iron» the date ol this notice. And all perwuMiowing said estate are hereby notified to make immediate poy* ment to the undersigned. HENRY WARREN, McMinnville. Or., I Administrator. April 2?, 1888, j BUb y Our Deeds ? NEW PRICES ! Laud Office at Oregon .City, Or.. J April 24, 1883. | Notice in hereby given that the following named aeltlor ha» filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before L« e Laughlin. Notary Public, at North Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon, on Monday, June 4th, 188.1. viz : John T. Amlerson, Pre-emp tion I>. 8. No. 3.787 tor Lot ♦> of Sec. 22, 1. 2 S,R. 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his <5ontiiiu«»us residence upon an<l cultivation <»i said land, viz: Sampson Dukes,Thomas B. Robertson, Norris H. Perkins, and Geo. W. Perkins, all ol North Yamhill, Yamhill Coun ty, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, * «15. Register. un.o ¡ bttV.. *U,lf vou want the lai st nnd best improved Himow, one Yo shall Know us Spring and Summer T,Xnr\ou‘^^t n^Kt'a^."^ iXbto and late.t Improved Fancy Goods, We will keep on hand a Fu 1 Line offc ‘ EXTRAS” Laces, ami Binding Twine lor the Mci oiuiick, so that you will not have to send to pc , ........ .......... _...................... tor them. 'Ve will sell on tiinu or tor Cash. __ , _____ ...... It you want, the Improved HodgeaOregon Header, go to Luucci ■<*!<! <1 <'o«k»g ^. m Foi* the Latest improved Embroidery Buffalo Pitts “ Challenger,” Separators or Powen Gloves Ito to l.ntirelleld A < nok',1- ! For Straw Stackers, Grain Belts, CylinilerTeeth, all kinds ot Ileltliur. , t.8 I.IIIX < ilcl<| A ( o„|, , We have Hie Buffalo A Mansfield strain Engine-. Portable and siationarj »ample Wagons. Plow-, Drill-. Mowing Malblnr ». Huy Itake-, Met oriniek Binder.■ on hand. Please cull uud examine botore purchasing elsewhere. I. AM I tll l.ll A tOOK. Aniilj , Lumber, many premiums and was the winner of the three-vear-old three-in-flve races at Vancouver and the State Fair, defeating in both races th? finest field of three-vear-olds that ever came together in the Northwest. I* E D I G R E E : —Hambletonian Mambrino Faint:, Oils, Vamiihcs, Flushes and Sash was sired by Menelaus, (the sire of Cleora, re cord 2.18$, and sold for $15,000), he by Ry»- Tools. dyk’s Hambletonian. The Purest Liquors for Medicinal 1st darn Olean, by Border Chief. 2nd dam Olinda, by Oliver. Purposes. 3rd dam bv Chorister, he by imp. Contract. The Best Brands of Cigars Con Menelaus’ first dam Jesse Bull by Long Inl stantly on Hand. and Black Hawk. 2nd dam by Young Duroc, he by Duroc, h-' The largest anti best stock of by Diomede. 3rd dam by Coffin’s Messenger, son of imp. Fishing TacKle Messenger. Ever brought to Yamhill County. Bonier Chief, sire of Olean, was by old Mam HI ST ATION I II Y brino Chief, 1st dam bv IIiehlauder, 2nd darn we shall carry a lull line, »insisting of Paper bv Glencoe, 3rd dam by Post Boy, son of Hen ry that ran with Eclipse. ot the best quality,, Envelopes ol the lale.-t Thus it. will Le seen that Hambletonian and Dealest sty les, etc Mambrino has eight Messenger eio-.-es and S|w‘cin| attention is called to our Cuttlery. unites the two greatest strains of American and Photograph and Autograph Albums. tn tn.I- bln»d th«* e ol Rvadyk’s 11 inibktm I’ll} «¡«-iteikI’rvKcription« itiid f ami ian and Mambrino Chief, being a lineal de -eemiant of imp. Messenger o > each side of the ly !<«•< ip< w Cnirliilly <'impounded house To this, th? very quintessence <»f Arner ut at 11 Lour«-day or uicht. ican trotting blond, he unites the rich racing ■»trains of <4len<*..e, Wagner, Chorister and I’o» We would most respect fully nsk a share o? Bov, famous in the annuils of the running till - publics patronage, hoping by fair denliny turf on sides ol the Atlantic, lie alx and slru k attention to business I.» merit the hak the Bashaw blood, through Long Islanc. Flack Hawk, the first hor*e that ever trottec. same. ROGERS & TODD. ----------------------------------------------------------- > %d<.w 2 ;40 to a road wagon. TERMS:—$35 to insure: $25 by the season Care will be taken to prevent accidents, bin no responsibility assumed. Address M v. GALLOWAY, Bellevue. Or L. B. LINDSAY, 50tf Reedvillo, Oregon. Farm Machinery! Millinery! Sappington & Laughlin Millinery. MILLINERY, NORTH YAMHILL, f Would call th? attention of the Farmers o Latest Styles. Yamhill and Washington Counties, to the that they have the agency It r some of the b. 3u.t revived a full .Mortment ot iin.k.*s of Farm Machinery, among wLi< h they may mention the I. ulic.’, and Children*, lint., itnbrieing all the Dosrirg Binder, Desrixxg Mower, U IKlilOil MOWEII. DODD'S >ewe»t .hade, and Shape,, tog.tb,-r with a full Meek of other Millinery Goeda, which I am ottering At Very Low Rates. HAY RAKES, VI ra. A llllll. ItAHRISOW. To the Trade at Amity. The Westinghouse Thresher, Cio»,. Harrow«, Nl^UAX. ies. Etc., the... FostoOice, »Vorth X'tuuht.'l. u stf. PlOWS, Fl O XV 3 I . TOR 1883. > FR ïr tr» all annlicantM ana <«„<_ 'na* P«»'«», «ccnra»« iwm rirÎL ”. * >d ’whle <hn<ti<Mia varkti« <yf vŸ VfwvtaNe ani for UanrTr Ä KU'JTV»'-- d'vÄF,.7S. XS: ,1-¿'»rtet uanh n, n*. 8en<lforit* D. M FSRRY&CO. D etroit M îch . l-'or >»nle ! I have the agency for the J. I. CASE A CO Plow —the beat that i, made. I can «>11 you a V P^rty in the town of Aherid.n Walking Plow, any tier, or a Sulkr Plow, or t .inh.l, (..untv. con»Mhtg of a bl.ek.miu> any other machinery yon want, ana sell it to Shop, wagon shop. g.M.l dwelling houw, twra you aa cheap aa you can get the «tn.- at Port lumber ami wood «bed. ‘•"d- w t Boom. Enquire of McMmn Ville, Oregon—31 m3. CHAS. T.AFOLLETT, 47tf. Sheridan. Oregvu. CEILING, FT NTS HING, FL’NCim I -AND- Building Lumber! is now being manufactured at the Yamhill Lumbering Co.’s Mill, Located on the Notth Yamhill River, at Western Oregon Railroad Brid-e, Two and one-half Milos East of McMinnville. We are prepared to ship Lumber To any l*oinl on the IP. O. miff »1*. O'. Rfiilroatli. A Cood Wagon Road to the Mill. 1 Address all Ordes to YAMHJLL LUMBERING COMPANY, , 13-Stf IHclIinnville, Oregon, HENRY WARREN, <1 .1. E. MAGER; L N otary P ublic . N otary P m ■ WARREN & MAGERS, OREGON, AMITY Are Selling 5 Heal Estate and. Insurance Agcnis, McMinnville, Oregon. ------- o--------- Fin e A in oskeag Ginghams 12 1-2 Farm Land» ol all cla«*.<■« for Sale on Aiwo, Town 1,01«. cents worth 18 cents ; F American Print« for 5 cents per yard ; Fine Washington Cashmere, 16 2-3 cento) worth 25 cents • Fine Plaid ¿Suiting, 20 cents, worth 30 cents ; etc. 52-Tnrh Cashmere—all wool, worth *1.25 ; M, Ladies' Fine Tielbrigan Hose, ot 25 cen ts, worth 50 cen ts. ladies’ Fancy Goods of all varieties, at Reduced Rates. Men’s and Eoys* CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HA TS & CA PS, and Furnisning Goods, at Produce exchange at High* Price. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fine Stallions BELMONT JAKE Br Oil The Fine Stallion. YOUNG MILTOR- Mill make .ho season commencing April fsfi 1883, at F. A. Fletcher’s farm, on FriJi.v?^- av |: urdavs aud Sundays; .Mondays and Tue*^ AV at McCoy. EILLV REED PEDIGREE : —Young Milton wa« sired I' w will make the ?ca«on of 1883 at the following Old Milton, a half brother to (’aledonia ' ; p,, times and places: l the fastest trotting -tallion in Canada. K is pronounced by competent jiidces cooi^ »!< Hinnville. Monday« A Tuesday«; with public opinion, to be lhe he t r. i an( «heridnn, Urdncada,« .t Thursday«; carnage stallion in Canada. He took prize at. the Provincial Exhibition held Amity, Friday« and Kaiurdays. Hamilton, in 1872: first at Mili. n Sr"; -3 Beginning April 1st ani Eniing July 1st. Show, in 1872-73-74; first nt Rrantonin i' Jiej second at Guelph Central Exhibition, in he took the first prizeat Hamilton CHitri.1 h * We invite the public tn examine our stock in Is,3. also the first prize and <]iplotiia horse of any age or class. He u sirf i before breeding elsewhere. How's Royal Goorge.dam bvold IIari.;i" ' imported Irish b|,M,d hmsc. G. 1». bv Eoxli 11V< J. R. SAWYER. ter; How’s Royal George bv Field.«'re1' 2tf. Proprietor. Georg?; dam nf How’s Royal was i- sin r- ’dby®^ U F . I' J ' celebruieit horse, Statesman ; George dam the celebrated Erin Erin, he by Sir Henry, 2,297 ; G. I), by Turk, brei l.v Geergk’Ïf.-Kinl. v, onk(i.» 4M W w . owned ......... hv W. A. Fiilds - A Co., * of Bate 'dot N. Y. Fields’ Royal George was sire*! by> j lep Royal George, lie by Black Warrior, he 1"'* | loci ported Tippo ; old Royal George's datn by Bk* i M wood, out of an English hunting mare, in’l* M by an officer <»f the tii»t Royal«. H* Por I Royal George trotteii his mile in 2:35, "*J wit in five weeks’ training. Fields’ Royal MASONIC TEMPLE, trotted his mile on the Buffalo course in I*! ■ and 2 :24. 3rd * Aider M,.. Portland. Oreron. DESCRIPTIONi-Yoexo M iltom iM«4 Vil* ped The Largest Boot and shoe bay, seven years old. sixteen hands <in weighs 1,3ne |tf>unds, has excellent ^tyk H >s a fine driver and unusual good worker- I House in Oregon, te TERMS :—Insurance, $10 ; season.I~ Ort-tipylfig IWO Store Room«. gle service, $5. All care will b? taken to vent accidents, but no resjionsibility fbr will be assumed. " ---------- —%»»•« F. A. I'LI.T* !IKF. MM Fend for Catalogue and Price List. A. E. C alkins , !'■ !" A| 4m!. Keeper. I"1- . one BOOTS & SHOES, Piotzman & DeFrance. As the owner of the following property is at work in town and has no use for the same, he otter, it at a bargain : One span ot jood Work Horse.; also a good Milch Cow. and a Cook Stove, in fair condition. For particulars, eu- qmre of HENRY DUNZER. Neison's watmn shop, McM innville Or HENRY GEE. Bellevue. 4m3* WORK HORSES FOR SALE. Jmtty, Jan 2», 1882. Ol HI AND Ladies' Fancy Hose in Endless Va rieh/, at 16 2-3 cents a pair ; Country taken in for Goods, est Market a Legal Papers drawn with Neatness, Accuracy and Di n< 50tf patch. .b W-Inch Cashmere, 30 re/ito, worth 40 cents ; 48. I neh Cashmere—all wool, 5 worth 75 cents. i:a«y Term* COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTTED. Fine Australian Creps, 25 cents, worth 35 cents ; ALSO. Hardware. Crockeryware. Grocer Lumber FLOORING. PORTLAND PRICES u FERRY In fact 1.11 kimisof Farm Machinery. I I CITY DRUG STORE. Cloth lirnshes, Npongcs, ’■ russes, Shoulder Bruce« and all Druggists Nundrie«. A full line of ' Agents for Knapp. Burrell A Co . 52t f Hambletonian Mambrino, Tn»: lb on. cor tii k C ity or M. M ixnvii . i . i no O rhain as F ollows : S ection I. That the person? owning rtnl property adjoining the mo ?» ni the strews nnd ptiru oi alreeto hereinafter nam.d »hall make Mdrwalks Iherwii of the dnnerii-ions herein aitt r specified, also dig drains or put sower- under I ho M.ti sidewalks which shall be larg» and de. p enough tn tborvugbly drain th« piopeny through which it t>as*s. Raid si.h walk ami drain or sewer« to cevn^ianee at. the northeast corner of Block I«. on the west aide of V. street pi the old town plat of McMinnvtId , Oregon. north on E street on tie eaH Side ot block 33, 28, 23, and IS to the ?n<rh east corner ot block 13 across F irst sue, ?. P,n. street, and < edar atieet in Johns'Addition i. said town of McMinnville, «hegen Then.-, beginning al the south eact corner ol block 1. in said Johns* Addition on tha nortn Bute .• Cedar street and running thence west »1. m the aauih side of blocks 12 and 13 and aci.*- ! and D streets to the south west corner «I block 14. Thence from the ?outh cast corner of m J block 14, north along the east side ot block I I to and across Spruce Mieet to the son!h cast corner of block 7 in Johns' Addition toil, town of McMinnville, Oregon. n 3. Said s<de wslks to be six te >i wide, made out of good red or yellow’ fir In. . one and one-half inches thick anti not over ten inches wide. Underneath said plank sb..’, le three stringer« two by six inches placed tv. and cne-halt tevt apart; the plank to be w. I nailtsi with two twenty jxnnv nails at ca h bearing. All of raid w. rk to be d< n.* to tl . aatisia. i on and under the direction ol the alrw Com missinner. S ection 3. 8aid side walks and drain« c sewers must be completed within two monil from and after the passage and approval of th;- ordinance vnd all w>>rk remaining unfinish d at the expiration of said time shall l-e finished by the street Ot^WnMiioner at the expense ot the properly owner« adjoining the part by him finished. StcwtoN 4 Thi« ordinance to be in force from and alter its paaaage and approval by the Mayor. Pawed the Council April 24th 1883. Approved by the Mayor April 25th, I'M. HENRY WARREN. Mayor. ■AlU.1 A. B Bin in. Recorder l.iiurefiehl A Cook^u of We will nut them np, give you tull instructions ami start them for v<m - H-ee of Wo will warm nt each machine to do No. 1 work and give Nilisfitction . ir. >*<* I 0 Binder, THE McCOimilCIi, Ac, GET In the City of McMinnvilleI Mav 1,4. 1383. Having this day sold to Messrs Rogers A Todd my stock of drugs. I wish to thunk tl.. people of McMinnville and vicinity for tin ii kind pnlronngc and to bespenk for my succen- wra a mt,tinuanee of the Mime; and in this connection I am coin|M'lkd to collect whntex»-’ inuv tie due me, either notes or book-accounts. Hud urge all knowing themselves indebted t< me io settle wiiii 1>. H Turner, who will ta!;- charge of my accounts for collection. W. B. T crnkr . Twine Harvester and DRESS GOODS, AUCTION SALE PAY I P. . „ you want a ttr^ia,- No 1 IMR or ; If you want the Best, Strongest and Lightest Draft 11" j MOrortOhebe.tH»yRake in the world go A l ook's. Audty,^ Total........................................................ 1 11» Ilot-iiei’v. Iüt< It niUMt be «aid, in explanation, tb;i at OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE the laot four canex all grew out of th tic tii-Hf one, and that all were only pt< - Men's Boys’, and Youths limiiiary cxaniinatiou» before a Jii.-tue of the I’eaee; that all were hound over and that the Gland Jury dismiss On account of my contemplated departure CJlotliiiiß’ ed all hut the iitst. To the expense la-fore the .1.1’., .>2<iH.7'>. add cost., for the Eastern States, and the settling up ol of witnes-es Indore the Grand .lint, my business, I will sell at Public Auction, $(¡4, and we have a total of $324.7.>, without reserve, iq>on the premisesat McMinn and apparently font-tilths for nothin:; ville, Yamhill County, Oregon, on at all, -o far as the public good is con I Immlay. Jlay 24tli. 1883, Ever thing sold at Reduc cerned. Myenriosity led me furthei at 11 o’clock a. m., some of the Choicest Busi to enquire how much ol this went to ness and Residence Property in McMinnville, ed Prices. the Justice, and found that $!•!•.30, oi comprising three delightfully situated lots with nearly one-third of the whole, went to residence and good well of water upon each lot, that otticer. Nou, I have heard man.i and some finely situated residence lots imme J. P.’s complain that lhe fees allowed diately ea»t of the the above-described prop Please call and examine Goods before pur by law did not justify any one in tak erty. A nice Business Lot at the Deuot. Also ing the (diice: blit surely the above some of the finest residence property in the chasing elsewhere. item looks us if the oflice paid pretty city, situated nirectly north of my present it Yours Respectfully, well. But I do not wish to c riticise residence, and also the fhiiowing described d the bill of fees, for it is presumable projierty, situated south of the Cozine Creek that the J. P. claimed no more than and lying east of and adjoining the rairoad F. Br.Btvo.VD. the law permitted, but probably went line, in lots of one acre each. The last named up to the last fraction. But what I property is admirably adapted for residence McMinnville, Oregon. wish to suggest is that perhaps there and gardening purposes, and is convenient to may he a little too much recklessness the new College. W. T. Newby will show the in entertaining complaints in Justices’ parties calling upon him in McMinnville, and court», and that a little more cate a plot of the projieity enn be seen nnd particu would not be amiss, l’erhaps it would lars had of the auctioneers, Gilman ± Co.. No. 1«. as well for the Justice to question 42 First street, Portland. This property being the would-be prosecuting witness vetj- some of the most desirable in McMinnville, closely and see there is good proliable the sale affords an excellent opportunity for cause for prosecution, and above all, part e< desiring a home or for a good and that it is in no way prompted by mal profitable investment in a city where the value ice, as is too often the case. \\’e see of ' real estate is rapidly improvingi T (Heretofore at the head of the Reedvilie Stud) will make the from the ease referred to, (I take that fierfeqk.' T»fiMS of S alk —Cash or bankable paper. season <>f 18,83 as foll.iws : because it is prominent) that ju.-t GUSMAN , A Co., W. T, NEWBY, North Yamhill, J/undava; La- four-fifths of the whole was accounted Portland. McMinnville. ns worthless by the Grand Jury, and . f _________ !_____________ __________x Fayette, Tuesdays ; McMinnville, Wednes- we must suppose that they knew wliap J. L. ROGRRS. P. W. TODD. Says and Thursdays ; Bellevue, Fridays and Saturdays. they were doing, and that the poo/ Hambletonian Mainbrino is a beautiful dark paying otlice of Justice of the PejlQ. bay or brown, 15 hands, 2A inches high and got ...... .. than one-third of all the costs weighs over 1,100 pounds. He is unsurpassed accruing ill his court, and at least twice Third Street, McMinnville. foi style and beauty: long-bodied, with a its much its any farm hand could get rangy neck and blood-iike head. He is hea for one whole month’s labor. vy muscled, and as for feet and legs no horse In the name of economy let us have • ROGERS & TODD, can excel him. mi more of this recklessness, under the ’ Of his prepotency as a sire there can be no cloak of justice. Every officer ought [SucccsBors to W. B. Turner,] doubt. All his colts have the impress of his to be as much a gitardiiin of the public high form and superb courage, ami when plac —Dealers In— purxe a« be ¡ h supposeil to be of the ed on the market have, so far, commanded (at public peace—as milch opposed to IH iiffN, Chemical«, I’atrnt ¡Medicines. the same ages) as high a price as the get of squandering money as in favor of sup any horse in the North Pacific. Perfumery, Fine Toilet Articles, pressing crime. tp Riosrn . During the last year his get was awarded Nou pu, Combs, Hair. Tooth und D ied . I ii Hnppy Valley, Saturday, April 28th, 1883, Mra. Belle, wife of Spen cer (Jarrison, aged about 21 years. De ceased died of quick consumption. She leaves a young child to yearn for a inolheFs care, besides a husband and ;i large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Her remains were buried in Masonic cemeferv, on Sun day. 1,1 loi-l up llt A ■■=- - - I have just received a fine lot of FIVkL I’KOOF. K. . , I.., Wcoii uo to I.UMreiiold A <'ook’«>, Amit\. 11 lady I oui and- W- A. FENTON, Hoot and whoe tlak* mtii.nv mhkridam , The finest stock of Boots. Shoes. R«^ Lie. in Yamhill County lt< timi, espe I ont jng1 TL ton CHEAP FOR CASH. Btxits and Shoes manufactured to ont'’« »P anel R-half iniles east of McMinnville, neatly repaired. two «pan of Work Hone«. Will sell tnr work and goods warranted. „ All worn _■ -.<■ liber T" on «uit purchaser Viml Mr». A. DFHR. MeM 31 m3. O