FARMEES, Stop. Read & Remember THAT The attention of the public is called to the .runietite torga ma qow »tiered al the R BAIRD, Peoples’ Store. of The Mock formerly nwned by George Ban- gatocr £ S<>n will be disposed ot N orth Y amhill , O regon , la dealing in all kind» of Farm Machinery, auch a* you want for putting in and remov­ ing your crops He has especially the follow­ ing Machinery worthy your conaideralion : Fur SeediMtf ; C. i N TO N CL IP PER PL 0 H > and CUL Tl VA TORS; BATCHELOR A WLLIE SPRING TOOTH HARROW.- and SEEDERS. For Harvesting : OSBORNE At Cost, Also Weyhricb. Header tad llttxxell A’ Cn.'x HAY RAKES, Horse Pouters, Portable Saw Mille. Farm and Sau> Mill Engines, Etc. Wagons, Hacks, W He names the following witnesses to prov. hia continuous residence upon and cultivate n ol amd land, via: Lentcr cottar. John Cron:i. Tnoma« Slioitrult-e and C. I'. Wiley, all ol 6heridan, Yamhill County, Oregon. • J'4 L. T. BAKIN. Register. FINAL I’HOIII I-uli'i Office at On-gon Citv. Oregon, April 3d 1383 Notion IS hereliv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention W make final proof in sup|«>rt ol bis clam, and that said proof will be made before R.. ter and Receiver, V. 8. Land office, at Oregon City, Oregon, sa Wedneedav Mav I«, l«3.t Amanda Kimball, Homestead Entry No. 4-o - for the W I 2 of S W 1 4 ol section 19, T 5S 1; 18 W and El 1 of B K I 4 of 8 24, TASK II W. He names the following witnesrea to prove his continuous residence upon end cullivaiio of said laud, viz: Davol I h I v ot Orel, wn Tillamook county, Heurv Myers, James H >■: ings and Amanda lluvug«' of Dalls«, Volk county, all of Oregon. «U la T. BARIN. Register. NOTICE. V. 8. I at nil Office», Oregon City, I Oregon, March 22, lW,i. i Nalice is hereby given that Henry Robert«, of Yamhill Countv, Oregon, has made applx-n lion to purchaae the N. W. 1 4 of N E. 1*4 and N. 12 «f N. W. 14 of See. 22. T 2 8. R e W Will. Mor., un.ler the provisions of the Act of Congreaa approval June 3rd. 187», entnleil " An Act for the Sala of Timber Landa in the Stataa of Califi mia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.” All adverse claims In said tract must be filed in the V.8. Land Office at Oregon City, Oro- —" before tbs expiration of sixty dsvs from ibis data Ulten under my band thia 22nd day of March INI. L. T. BARIN, Ml*. Regiater. oFiys sF/rriH.VEKV.* Vartle« StUlln« I afayeti«« w||| gg HnixlMoine Peretnlase by < School Supplie»» &c -— — - - «»•FERRY ¡STREET : DAYTON, • OR-ECON <*» GH( X’l 2121 ¡1 B. F. HARTMAN. D. P. HABVET. H. KEM8TOCK. McMinnville. C. W. FEANOIH. At Mill. Hemstock, Harvey & Francis, A fino lot of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Eagle AT COST. >ilioew And sec my New Stock of In happy Valley, ten miles west < of McMinn* ville. LADIES’FANCY GOODS, WILLIAM HOLL. DEALER IX ALL KIND» or —AND— Text Boots, Shots, Sandals, Ladies' Walking Boots, Slippers, and Everything Nan and ^V ovp I^ before purchasing your Goods EI r ' "du re. -------o------- Ten per cent. Discount given on all Goods, for Cash. I also have the Celebrated See Here: I wif pay the highest market price for Mer­ chantable wheat, clear of sack. Clean and store free of charge, in case I buy ; in case you sell to other parties, it will c.)8t you 3 cents for cleaning and storing, I am now manufacturing an 9 A. No. 1 Quality of Flour, to which I invite the closest ins|»ect;on. I guarantee it. Try a sack, and if it is not as I recommend, return it and your money will be refunded. All kinds of Mill Feed on hand or made to order on short notice. JOHN .J. KAX^ Proprietor. CLOCKS WATCHE and JEWELRY, PLAITED UMRE, Also, Gents'yurn.ish.ingGoods of allDescriptions Oregon. WATCH âb MAKER, —AND— and everything pertaining to Ladies’ardrobe. STAR MILLS. McMillin ill«*, Cloak«, Mantle», Sliawl». Triniinin?«, Ruching«, Colonettet, Hosiery, Dress Good», Skirts, Sudings, Dolman«, Lumber of all kinds furnished on short no­ cice. Dressed Lumber a speciaity. DRY COODS Quality equal to the best; prices as low as the lowest. Cheaper than was ever offered in th is city. Give us a cal! and convince yourselves that I respectfully invite the public to call and we mean business. examine good» and price». Respectfully, W. F. BANGA88ER. IV jm /* A7/r* Purtha.e«, « IMMENSE STOCK Of the Latest Varieties of GENERAL MERCHANDISE nd are prepared to offer to those natron! advantage«* which they have not hitherto tDjujcd. 'THE lARICK" WTOIFE ìlill» Lower than Portland prices. 10-ltf. their Me. S2b When in McMinnville it wiU pay you to call st Prop’s of the Lumbering Make Keep e II -J -L Give us a call and be satisfied. BAXGAS3ER A PAULUS. 12-19tf. The Rent in FOR LADIES AND CENTS GLOVES We keep a full stock of 'fen’s, Boy«’ and Youths’ (lolhl Boots and hhoes, Hau and C aps, Groceries, Dn-ti T A I lai 1 TOBACCO & CIGAM Tl tin* < < >thl Stationery, Glass and Queeaiwire, pel-1 men Jewelry, 81 one ware. who grail neat tiny sli'gll NOTIONS. sllilll we a hill u fiery, Cardies, hill! Clocks and Watches, i Ing Olis and Shell Harflnl • No link, the I And also a large assortment ot pill 8 aboil wliei earn Dry Goods (PATENTED JUNE 13TH, Ü76. ) carry .A.'verill’H 3IixeUM <> B be «re be AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. venar Thanking the public for past favors and asking a continuancejof their liberal patronage, the O I am Yours Respectfully. ns: BIRD Ac GATES. >13 taendi a»ti IB. F. IIA KT M AV. eeedin Lafayette, Oregon, August 8,1881. iunior ooe the tJiut ai longer townrii The eiU v ul by Mr and ii lesean The Most Successful Remedy ever di seo ver­ AT that it eitfw)i ^iv.t> i ; F rom a P bomixent P hysician . DEALERS IN i'4 yeat years :i i Washington. Ohio, June I7th, 1880. the sin Dn. B. J. K kxdala , A- Co.,—Gents:-Read < heir k ■ ing your advertisement in Turf, Field and iiay. farm, of your Kendall’s Spavin Cure, and win, n having a valuable and speedy horse which bad virgin been lame from a spavin for‘eighteen months. same tl I rent to you for a bottle bv express, in by OX I six weeks removed all lameness aud enlarge­ pledge ments und a large splint from another horse, Olid 1 anti both horses are us sound to-dav as oolt».— iSwnisi The ouc boule was worth to me one hundred tory.n Rough Lumber, of all descriptions, at dollars. Respectfully Yours, iutrel f n* the 1ZI H. A. B ebtollt , JI. D. ^^“Prescriptions carefully compounded j and fi" allh ours, day or n ffht. into E nrinoii' Our goods haver 11 been marked down fola teNev owest livin« rate . Give us a call and ewil ON HUMAN FLESH. yourself. ot H‘»:. Patten’» Mill», N Y, Feb 21, 1878. Cotne and avail yourselves of these bar- McMinnville, 0?., June 21, ’81 -20tf. reign < B. J, Kendall & Co., Gents :—The particular baruama while the opportunity is before you. ordii:::' ease on which I u»e«l your Kendall’s Spavin and ot- Cure was a malignant anklespraiu of sixteen ir. powell Loda- months standing. I had tried many things, ita rn i Dayton, Oregon—7tf but in yain. Your spavin cure put the foot low«,’’ I on the ground again, and for the first time •Man. ■lime bort in a natural position. For a family fie-se < > liniment it excels anything we ever used. o, . Penmnn and «ed Odd WATCHES; much this c< CLOCKS, An in?‘ !t;it: »n designed for tho practical bi Zpril IN JEWELRY, ness education of both sexes. JOHNSON'S BRICK, «it», i SPECTACLES, Etc., left th. Lafayetto. Oregon. this À n the Brick Store, corner 3d and Jefferson St’i « ere ti Pure* Wine« and Liquors kept eooidant- I.AIAVF.TTr, . . OREGON ly The mot tn rm hand, ^«nof the be,i brand, and on« W'alch RcpalriHgnnd Job nf tho heal Lilhenl falilea in the Stale, found J0«N HULERY, bing a Xpeeinttf/. Proprietor. Admitted on any week-day of th ■ They ! vacations at any time, and no exam­ f>nnc'! «flier ination on entering. PU *1* I 1 «cirnf.ARvitir : Horreto B..orded Special Attention Tor the Tull Business Course, - I not bv the tvty, given to Just opened on •rere ih- Week or Month. SI Jl' Transient Stock. whkt Third Street, two Doors East of bei« many \ Dielschneider's, dent.- Corner Commercial and Trade St*,, McVIinnvillc, . <>rrgo„ Of all kinds executed to order at res Produce of all kinds taken at the Highest Market Prie FINAL PROOF. Kind Office at Oregon City. Oregon, I Mured 21,1883. f Notice is hereby given that the following Hamed settler has filed notice of his intenlioi , to make final proof in support of his claim, ate that said proof will be made before the Count' Clerk of Yamhill County at Lafayette, Oregoi , on Monday, April 30, 1883, viz: Theodore I . Gilbert, Humrotead Entry No. 3333 for the V 1-2 of S W 14, 8EI-4.I 8W I44SW 1 of 8 E 1-4 of Sec. 34 T 4 8 R 7 W. He namee the following witnenree to pro, ■ bis continuous residence upon, and eultiyatioi of, raid land, viz : James Brown, David Jam, Andrew./ Switzer and Win. Gillespie, all „■ Willamina, all of Yamhi.l County, Oregon. ”5 L. T. EAKIN, Register. («L' ccubom to NKL8ON ¿ BlfcD.) more *------- v«^..- Beef. Pork. Matton, Sausage. Tripe, W. A U L OURLA V, T «O», N. ». FINAL PROOF. »f—, ----- ► and ev»-rvth!ng .n the line of meats, of the be»t quality the country affords. Also the Q. I have all the field note* of the Public Surveys ol Yamhill county, and an. jirepared to do First-Clabv work on'short notice and reasonable terms. Land Office, Orcyen City, Oregon, / March 17, 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the follow i nt named settler has filed notice of his intenlioi tn mako final proof in support of his claim,an< that said proof will be made before the Count} Clerk of Yamhill County at Luf&y.*tte, Oregon on Monday. April 30, 1883, viz: Samur I* Newell. Pre-emption D. 8. No. 4,214 for tbi N E 1-4 of 8 W 1 4 of K*c. 4.T5 8, R « W. lie names the following witnesses to provt bis continuous residence upon and eultivatio of said land, vis : AB Pollard, J A Newel. Joseph Stewart and T E Fristoe, all of Sheri dan, Yambill County, Oregon. 2d« L. T. BARIN, Register. DRUGGIST, -------- ----- I ❖BtìOKSELhKRc I Great Reductions are made iu ▼IcYIiiin v ¡lie, Or. J. €'. ( OOI’I U [Banexmer1« building on B atreet.] For Cash or Produce. NEW MASSILON THRESHER, DODCE R. L. SRYLOR. BANCASSER & PAULUS, Proprietors. Bird & Gales SCHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS Best of Bolognas. MO WING. REA PING Ulid Root« ;m for the b. E. 1-4 of Sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 7 March 14, 1883 \ A. Notice is hereby given that the following- He names the following witnesses to prove sis continuous re» idenee upon anregou City, Ore named eettler be, filed notice of hi, ¡mention [on, before the expiration ef sixty days from to in.ike final proof in support of his claim, and his date. that said proof will be made before the County Given uader my hand this 22d dav of Feb I l.-rk of Yamhill County, at Lafayette. Oregon, on Monday, April 30th 1883, viz: Aaron B. U T. BAR IN, Bollard, Homestead Entry No. 385« for the Register. 8 1-2 of N E 1 4 of Bee. 8 and W 12 of N W 1-4 ol See. llTJSRit W. He names the fol- fowing witneMe, to prove hi, continuous resi­ Drese-naalxinG. dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz ■ John Newell. Samuel Newell, T. E. Fristoe and TboM within, loreph Stewart, all Sheridan, Yamhill Countv Orsfn. Dreu-MUlag. C-uUnj ud Titüní *«• L. T. PARIN. Register Panther Creek Mills, Good, Fresh Milk I Done to Order, will pleaee call on MRS. H. A- ALLEN At her rreidentre, in Amity. Oregon. Nov. 1, ISSI u. Exctiilor*« Aiolice. Notice is berel.v given that the undesigned was by th« County Court tor Yamhill C«untv. Oregan. on the 6th day of March 1883 duiv iptwnted Executor ef the Will of Willamina Williams, late of said County, now deevared. All perooas having anv claims against the es­ tate of seid decedent ere required te present them tethe undereigned, with proper vouchers, RTNTED NEATLY, QUICKLY. at hie residence at Amity, Oregon, wituin six CHEAPLY, OH SHORT NOTICB, AT months frem this date. Marek IMh, 1883, , „ . E. C. WILLIAMS. J. E. Maatns. Executor. Ally tor Estate. 214. Sale Bills ! e Reporter Job Printing Office MaMurxvnxi. ORIWAX. NEW FIRM! New Goois I UewPricei LUMBER, By the Wholesale ROBISON & 8AKEI POWELL’S LUMBER YARD DAYTON. OGN. $10 per 1,000 feet. Kendall’s Spavin Cure . PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE T. C. STEPHENS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER & ENGRAVER NEW BILLIARD HALL GAINES FISHER, New Grocery and Provision Stoie Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. PEN WORK SALEM, ... OREGON. Sati'ffnrtion (»uarantred rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Everything in the line cheap for cash or in «chutga t„r B;untrT ofThî onrîîa ntaining . ------- vi* Î uni, c» ^ nwuuiug in intermti exanwne gooth and prithee. l ROOT «. w. THOMPSOV, ?iudy* when to enter. ti®e‘ Feb. 21,1882-2tf. re^*^>’ —*1 ’»fboanl, etc., and cilla cf «J Wagon Maker & Repairer mental pemnan«hin, from the pen of Weaco, rent free. Wesro, sent AddrrN| Having located on C. 8L, near the corner of A. P. ARMSTRONG. Third, Loek Box 104. LOST I BEWARE! Portland. Ct McWiaavilio, ... OreBoa In connection with W. T. Booth’, blacksmith «hop. IS prepared to do all kinds of repairing and manufacturing of Hannow,, Wntxtnoa- »«>. etc., on short notice and in a ,ut»tanual manner. Wagonafaad Backs on hand and made te order. ,8,f’ G. W. THOMPSON. Lost, on Thureday or Friday |„t. a rocket memorandum book containing «everal note. etc. One note was drfwn in fX "i FOR MALF. John Thurman. Thopublic » hereby cutmn- ed against buying mid note,. The finder of Farming outfit, includiB« gsed Fam the above named book will confer a favor and be SUisbctonly rewarded by leaving it at the Etc.,—CHEAP, bv R. BA I HP. Rxeonrin office er al the Star Saloon . North Yam** MeMiMvm.,F.b.8,liiC^IU^H’ A lso —Red Brazilian Artichoke,. Itt ■n,