Yamhill reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1883-1886, April 19, 1883, Image 7

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“Well, sir, if you will listen calmly
for one moment,” said I, “I will LEARNED WOMEN
Great Britian expen Is annuallv $4.
I was impelled to the consideration
prove to you that there is such a
466,910 on Queen Victoria and the Irrtmeoua Statement» Made ia Reference to of this subject, says a contributor to
The Story of the Priest Who Stood at the In­ Being, ami I will demonstrate from Extraordinary Prejudice which Formerly
rest of the royal family.
the Late Pretident'« Remains.
the New York J/iiTor, by several oc­
fidel’s Deathbed.
Prevailed against Them.
His very nature that He cannot be
The time set for Moody and Sankey
currences during the week, one of
an idle spectator of our conduct”
"Sir, I wish to hear nothing you have A TENDENCY TO MAKE WIVES ••l*KE- to return to this country is after two
E- them an immense fforal display at a
weeks of labor at Liverpool in April.
certain theatre. Now. howsoever an
ho Utej
to say. I see your object gentlemen,
actress may counterfeit the varied
The Emperor of Japan was born
is to trouble me. I wish you to leave
passions of her role, she fails signally
the room.” This he spoke in an ex­ Do these objectors remember that in 1852. He is unselfish and chival­
rous and constantly studies the cus­ “It has been stated by newspapers to express delighted astonishment be­
« Un J
A decent-looking elderly woman ceedingly angry tone, so much so every appeal for a better female ed toms
fore the curtain when the usher and
Il EK. 1
of other nations.
in Cincinnati and Chicago that the the leader hoist up fforal tributes.
(probably his housekeeper) came to ' Paine,” 1 continued, "I assure you ucation seemed in its day, equally
The Chicago correspondent of the
theidoor and asked whether we were our object in coming hither was preposterous? It is hardly three Louisville Courier-Journal says he casket is opened every day by the She may have depicted rage, jealousy,
i(/aro gjjfl the Boman Catholic priests, “For,” ' purely
during the
to do you good. We had no centuries since Mademoiselle Fran­ learns from an entirely trustworthy guard, who looks at the remains be­ love and consternation during
evening to the approbation
^probation ol
of the
’ JMeW said she, “Mr. Paine has been so other motive. We have been given
bouse; . but
she -- strikes
the sur
— when
2__ .„j
be Butt/ much bothered of late by the other to understand that you wished to see çoise de Saintonge was hooted thirty six.
prise party business before bl
an ad
us, and we are come accordingly, be­ through the streets of her native vil­ The gossips who were about to start porter.
i tlw-
deppmi nations calling upon him that cause it is a principle with us never lage for proposing so disreputable a
“Yes, I have also seen statements vancing column
in of flowere,
flowers, she goes
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes off' on a
“ *A ¡3
he i ’« left express orders with me to to refuse our services to a dying man plan as the establishment of schools trip to Europe have been called to a to that effect,” said the Lieutenant, all to pieces. / And yet 1 they will do
The devoted Ichabod (they all
.io one to-day but the clergy asking for them. But for this we for girls in France, and her anxious halt by the doctor himself. He says "but there is no truth whatever in it. it.
have a devoted Ichabod) tells her
meJ] of the Roman Catholic Church.” should not have come, for we never
Here is an order from the Secretary in the afternoon what he has ordered.
father called in four learned doctors it's no such thing.
obtrude upon any individual.”
Peter Cooper is ninety three years of War, which says: ’Until otherwise She kuows to a blighted rosebud just
Upon assuring her that wo were
Paine, on hearing this, seemed to to determine whether this mad idea
lere i- ' Roman Catholic clergymen she relax
a little. In a milder tone than was not duo to her possession by old. The event was quietly celebrated ordered by competent authority no what she’s going to get, and yet she
by a dinner at his residence on Lex
simulates a little start of surprise.
four bnM opened the door and showed us into he had hitherto used he replied:
devils. The doctors pronounced her ington avenue at which about thirty one save Mrs. Garfield will be per She makes round eyes of astonish
' the dsu the parlor. She left the room, and “You can do me no g<x>d now; it is
guests were present
ment at its approach. She makes her
got sql shortly after returned to inform us too l&te. I have tried different physi in her right mind, but her pious fel
Helper, who wrote the “Impending order is rigidly enforced, and no one mouth go, as if in doubt. "Forme?”
■r chilii| that Paine was asleep, and at the
failed. I have nothing now to ex immoral ideas by tbe conclusive ar­ Crisis" years ago, and at one time but Mrs. Garfield is permitted to go and then she wiggles a little to ex
■other, same time expressed a wish that we pect” (this he spoke with a sigh) “but gument of insults leveled at the had $60,000 in bank, is doing odd inside the vault. The officer in charge press “How good!” and smiles a lit­
remainim would not disturb him. “For,” said a speedy dissolution. My physicians teacher and stones addressed to the jobs around Washington to keep is required to make a report every tle timid “How kind!” and buries her
nose in the biggest rose, as who would
other M she,"“he is always in a bad humor have, indeed, told me as much.” pupils. The progress of the next body and soul together.
month of all property in his charge, say “You overpower me!”
ter, Eiv
Now, who is caught by that non
to waita little till he be awake.” I immediately to him. “We are not Dean Swift's observation that men Lincoln’s law partner, in a recent let­ that in mentioning the remains of the sense? Why, Adelaide Neilson used
on of j-: lietter
come to prescribe any remedies for constantly asked each other whether ter says: “I knew Mr. Lincoln well President in that report there is no
Emily j? solved to wait a more favorable mo your bodily complaints; wa only it was prudent to choose a wife who for twenty five years. He was the possibility whatever of there being a to order her own flowers by the $1IMI
lives ¿I ment. “Gentlemen,” said the lady, come to make you an offer of our had good natural parts, some sense most continuous and severest thinker mistake, and, feeling so. sometimes worth. She lias stopped at the
florist’s at seven o'clock, en route to
1 a (list, after having taken her seat also, "I ministry for the good of your im­ of wit and humor, a little knowledge in America.”
looks to satisfy himself, but aside from the theatre, bad two up and two down
on a It.; really wish you may succeed with mortal soul, which is in great danger of history, the capacity to relish
In a paper read recently before tlie that no one, as I have said, is per­ with the exhorbitant gardener about
lv fot ,urt Mr . P aine, for he is laboring under of being forever cast off'by the Al­ travels or moral and entertaining Nineteenth
Century Club, Airs. Julia mitted to enter the vault.”
an immense ship of flowers, made
'¡ Vi greet distress of mind ever since he mighty on account of your sins, and discourse, and to discern the more Ward Howe told of a learned Boston
“Has anything been said about dis him stick in a dozen more camellias
‘ ’ i i--M was informed by his physicians that especially for the crime of having vil obvious beauties of poetry. The gen lawyer who said. “I can neither read continuing the guard?" was asked.
and light tbe whole thing with his
■ Vi
’Y,””“,, uj he cannot possibly
live and must die ified and rejected His word and ut­ eral verdict, he says, was against such nor understand Emerson, but my
“No, I think not. The guard will best Cornelia cocks; and two hours
shortly Ho
H sent for you to day be- tered blasphemies against His Son.” attainments in women, because their daughters can.”
probably be kept on duty until the thereafter, she sank back against the
iin tiw
“ll t cause he w,,.,
was told if .. any one could Paine, on hearing this, was roused tendency was to make wives preten­
England has a matrimonial prize in monument is built. At least 1 sup proscenium, perfectly thunderstruck
hili i good you might. Possibly he into a fury; he gritted his teeth, tious and conceited, and not duly the beautiful form of Lady Brooke, pose that is the calculation. The of­ at its appearance as it sailed over the
‘, lr r& g. ’
do him
eompt. ma
y think you know of some remedy turned and twisted himself several subject to their husbands.
who has just attained her majority, ficers would be glad enough if it was
- “so unexpected,” you
Lady Mary Wortley Montague, entering into full possession of £80,- discontinued, for it is not the most footlights
ismesst whiim his physicians are ignorant of. j times in his bed,uttering all the while
Abbey is a stanch be­
translating Epictetus at nineteen, 000 a year and the immense estates of agreeable duty I have performed. liever in flowers.
He is truly to be pitied. His cri^i
His stars can go
. w ' when lie is left alone are lieartrend believe such was the rage in which he and sending her work to her kind her deceased grandfather.
The men are on duty every second to the boxoffice and see ’em before he
increa jng ‘Oh, Lord, help me!’ he will ex was at the time that if he had had a friend, the Lord Bishop of Salisbury,
Susan B. Anthony is about to make ficers every other day, but the officer sends ’em in, and so regulate their
could- ciajm in bis paroxysms of distress; pistol he would have shot one of us, apologizes at length for attempting
of astonishment. It is best
detenu.: -(JoJ help me! Jesus Christ help me!’ for he conducted himself more like a a task universally pronounced unfit a prolonged tour in Europe. It is in charge must remain heie night and display
to bo acquainted with the resources
that she has recently been left a
repeating the same expression with- madman than a rational creature! for a woman, and certain to draw said
of tbe establishment, lest one shows
which will be welcome, as
Ii she. ont tbo least variation in a tone of “Begone!” said he, “and trouble me down censure upon her (excusing fortune,
This is my third month on duty here.
much delight over the horseshoe
no more. I was in peace,” he con herself, however, by citing the opin­ her own small means were long ago The men are not released at any too
i boyu voice that would alarm the house.”
when there’s an omnibus and a Cn
iaths "Sometimes he cries. ‘Oh. God!
stated time. Some of them have been nard steamer coming down the
r part what have I done to suffer so much?’ better than that,” replied F. Kohl­ Nearly fifty years afterward, in ad­ has devoted her life.
on duty for a year. I don’t think the aisle behind it.
jy her Then shortly after, ‘But there is no man; “we know that you cannot be vising her daughter concerning the
guard is necessary now, as two or
—-- -----------------
ofheriGodr And again, a little after, in peace—there can be no peace for education of a bright little namesake,
three policemen could do the duty by DISTINGUISHED VIEWS ON THE SUICIDE
her del *Yet jf there should be, what will be- the wicked; God hath said it.” she entreats that free scope may be
having two on nights and one on
slie san come of me hereafter?’ Thus he will “Away with you, and your God, too; accorded the child's capacity, for the tate willed to him by bis grandfather, days.
>rni am scream as if in terror and agony, and leave the room instantly,” he ex­ sake of the pure delight of learning John Mildenberger, with the condi­ "Do you have many visitors this
A plumber has recently committed
return call out for me by name. On one of claimed; "all that you have uttered and of her future happiness. But tion precedent that be abandon the winter?” inquired the reporter.
suicide in Chicago. Such an event
on’t I d these occasions, which are very fre
“Oh, yes; we have a good many, has never before happened in the his
George C. Miln, the Chicago notwithstanding the cold weather,” tory of the nation. Given below are
loved - quent, I went to him and inquired tle more time I would prove it, as I a satisfactory marriage, the young
girl's wit and acquirements must be preacher who left the pulpit for the replied the Lieutenant. “People from the views of a number of distin­
tried ii what lie wanted. ‘Stay with me,’ he
o save replied; ‘for God’s sake, for I cannot Christ.” “Monster!” exclaimed F. as carefully concealed as a deformity, stage, broke one of liis ribs while all parts of the country come here. guished individuals on the occur­
ashes bear to be left alone.’ I then ob- Kohlman, in a burst of zeal, “you from a world which suspected or de­ playing Hamlet in Richmond, Ind., Last week parties from New Hamp rence:
realin served that I could not always be will have no more time; your hour spised a learned woman. So strong, on Friday night. He was quitting shire and others from Nebraska came
"Suicide is rather a risky operation
lissipi with him, as I had much to attend to has arrived. Think rather of the aw­ almost to our own day, has been this the stage after bis colloquy with to look at the casket. Visitors now in ‘futures.’ I have never yet tried it
vrotel in the house. ‘Then,’ said he. ‘send ful account you have already to offer, half-conscious contempt of tbe femi­ Ophelia and fell through an open are mostly people from other places myself. Many wish I would.”—Jay
lit “Ed over a child to stav with me, for it is and implore pardon of God. Provoke nine mentality, that even Charles trap.
who stop over in this city for the pur Gould.
, had a hell to be alone.’ I never saw,” she no longer His just indignation upon Lamb, that gentle and charitable
John G. Whittier recently received pose of visiting the tomb. A good
“Me too.”—Cyrus W. Field.
soul, could speak of L. E. L., with an from a Chicago lady 200 engraved many from the city also drive out
came concluded, “a more unhuppy, a more
“It must have been due to overwork
unmanly sneer, and declare that a visiting cards with a request to write now while sleighing is good. I think
Soon forsaken man; it seems lie cannot
and overcharges.’’- Herbert Spen
of his voice, and seemed a very female poet, or female author of any his illustrious name on each of them, there was a great mistake made,” cer.
ir diet reconcile himself to die.”
invited disrespect.
as the writer was to give a reception continued the Lieutenant, “in not
"1 will put my namo down for $—
uid tv Such was tlie conversation of the maniac with rage and madness. “Let kind,
It is but ninety years since an to her friends and desired to present having a contribution box placed near to any subscription gotten up hereto
worst woman who had received us, and who us go,” said I to F. Kohlman; “we
tormiL-grcbably had been employed to nurse i have nothing more to be done here. English woman published the find them with some memento of tbe the vault for the purpose of receiving induce and encourage a score of New
demand for the higher edu­ event.
subscriptions to the monument fund. York plumbers to go and do likewise.”
i‘ to n afifltak,- care of him during his ill I He seems to be entirely abandoned serious
of English women. Her pub
Stephen B. French.
he Af ne88. she was a Protestant, yet by God. Further words are lost upon cation
The widow of General “Stonewall” Persons who cannot afford to give
“\\ hen rents are free, property in
In rat, geemed very desirous that we should
Jackson and her daughter, a young more than twenty five or fifty cents,
ous, anarchic.
»form afford him some relief in his state of
lady of nineteen, now reside at Cleve­ and would not put their names cn a land alKflished, landlords obsolete,
It was no scoffer but the sweet land. Ohio. Mrs. Jackson left the list for that amount, would gladly and every fimt of the earth’s surface
lint abandonment, bordering on complete the room and left the unfortunate man
spirited Fenelon who taught that South because she was there com place it in a box. There are very few is covered with a teeming population,
in me despair. Having remained thus some
------------------ »
contact with learning would be al­ pelled to mingle with society, and people who come out here who would we shall discern but how and where
ice tlfjme in the parlor, we at length
most as fatal to womanly delicacy as < could not find the retirement and rest not give something, and it would this Helf sacrificed man did his part
p aiiihijaard a noise in the adjoining pas
amount to a surprisingly large in ushering in my new order of
3ni 1 sage-wav, which induced us to he­ A very touching illustration of the contact with vice. To Voltaire's love that
her health demanded.
things I reserve until my next chap
li 1- tieve that Mr. Paine, who was sick in fidelity of the dog to his master was of epigram might be pardoned his
Jay Gould will start on his tour amount.”
ter.” Henry George.
ijei-t that room, had awoke. We accord furnished the other day in a village saying that, “Ideas are like beards: around the world the middle of the
"I hold it as a striking and profit
rom kingly proposed to proceed thither, upon the banks of the Seine, not far
able evidence of development of the
her. ’which was assented to by the woman, from Paris. Some laborers working But Lessing was serious when he de- ' away for two years. He will spend
A Bermuda letter in the New York improved and progressive condition
:e wvi'and she opened the door for us. On in a field saw a well dressed man dared that. "The woman who thinks the
winter in the Mediterranean,
mtering we found him just getting walking along tlie bank, followed by is like the man who puts on rouge, visiting Italy, Greece, Egypt and Tinies says: Now, then, ladies, I saw of morality and conscience in the
nn, mt of his slumber. A more wretched a black spaniel, which was evidently ridiculous.” And even Niebuhr, tbe India, as well as China and Japan, the Princess’ luggage and counted Wwt,” William Evarts.
the pieces. Mr. Hurd, the publisher,
"He must, have heard of my recent
itselfjeing in appearance I never liefore delighted to have such a run. Sud­ large-minded, believed that he should and possibly Australia.
and Mr. Key, of Scribner A Co., both nominations.”-Mayor Edson.
hat * jeheld He was lying in a bed sufti denly the man disappeared, and not have educated a girl well, for he '
Although nearly eight years have of whom are wintering here, and my
“It. heralds the opening of a new
opoiwjiently decent of itself, but at present when the laborers, thinking that he should have made her know too
slipped away since the summer morn­ self started up the main street to see political and social era in our civiliza­
Frai lesrnean d with dirt; his look was had fallen into the river, came up, much.—| March
------ » «te» ♦ ■ ------ ——
ing on which little Charlie Ross was the sights. We were immediately tion.” Benjamin F. Butler.
The:-,hat of a man greatly tortured in the dog, which had realized the sit­
abducted from bis (iermantown home, stopjied by a ferocious looking police
“So fall one by one the oppressors
>rt V uind; his eyes haggard, bis conn uation, was barking dolefully at the
his father, Christain K. Ross, still has man, but my reputation as a news of the people.” Herr Most
■ M rjeiiance forbidding, and his whole ap point where his master had disap­
Bank burglars’s tools are generally hopes that he will some day see his paper man carried the whole party
:o Mr-1 vearanee that of one whose better
“I wonder if he left a bill behind
■sided lays had been one continual scene of peared. The body did not rise to the of a very superior order, gathered long lost boy. In a recently written through.
We met a number of Ber him.” U. S. Attorney General Brew
surface, and was found two days with care and piecemeal until the kit letter to a friend Mr. Ross said: “I
mudians to whom we had previously ster.
lebanch. His only nourishment at later much lower down the stream,
hat is a plumber?” Mrs. Lang
mt I" hia time, we were informed, was the dog in the meanwhile having re­ is made up. A full kit of the best am still diligently making every been intrisluced, ami they took us
iy -isitothing more than milk punch, in fused to leave the spot where he had order is worth $2,000. This may all effort to unravel tlie mystery connect­ into the club house of the Royal Ber­ try.
ed with his continued absence. In muda Yacht Club, where half the
“I must have a dead plumber in
She ¿hich he indulged to the full extent last seen his master, and being event­
disturbance, and generally does go
family the subject is often tbe great moguls of the island were gath­ my next play.” John T. Raymond.
■r inf« his weak state,
ually taken away by one of the vil when a successful piece of work is our
"I am glad. I have long thought
ucatei! As Boon as we had seated ourselves, lagers, who had resolved to keep him. accomplished, as the laxity is heavy theme of conversation. Charlie is ered. At the pier directly across the
whildb. Kohlman, in a very mild tone of His master, it may be added, had enough to carry away in itself, so the often spoken of as living, and Bhall street two sailors were just beginning of killing one myself.” Gen. William
the work of unloading a steam launch. Tecumseh Sherman.
d. fi' roice, informed him that we were committed suicide, for a paper was tools are left behind. Mechanics of lx until we know the contrary.”
“I, too.” Ulysses S. Grant.
tomaii Catholic priests, and were found lijxm him stating that he had a superior class exist in larger cities
When Garfield was shot, an editor The launch's cargo was all trunks,
"I have views on this aubject, also,
him- teteKcm his invitation to see him. lost his wife three months before, who make a specialty of fashioning named Wheeler, at Quincy, Ill., re satchels and boxes, and we soon
Yaine made no reply. After a short and that being weary of life without burglar's tools. In the absence of joiced in the commission of the crime, learned that it was the luggage be­ as well as the sun, moon, stars and
retnrijause F. Kohlman proceeded
thus: her he had resolved to put himself out such a mechanic the tools are col­ mocked at the sufferings of the Presi longing to the Princess and her party. comet, but shall reserve them for tbe
So, being privileged persons, we Herulil a littl«* before my next lec­
have read your book
e e int-J
1 entitled ’The of the way.
lected in parts, but as this is a risky dent as he lay dying, and continued crossed the street and watched the ture."- Richar Proctor.
rJM of Reason,’ as well as your other
way of obtaining them, it ia avoided
“It is to me a new evidence of evo
some places the newspaper office unloading. The first thing brought
isbanvritings against the Christian re
It was noted in Australia, in her if possible.
ashore was a mocking bird in a cage. Jution and revolution."- Henry Ward
her igion, and am at a loss to imagine convict days, that the ticket of-leavers
Kits of the tobyraan's tools are
a man of your good sense * who went into trade were much more kept on hand for hire, and a good editor tarred and feathered, but the The next thing was a big bear skin Beecher. -| (Graphic.
ald xiuld have employed
hi 'i- talents i punctiliously honest than the average collection can be obtained in the people of Quincy took a more ration robe, which was spread over the bird’s
M .
To B keak off B ai > H aiiits .—Under
11 h«' n attem pting to undermine
_ ?__________
what, , to ■ tradesman. ' They felt that they were centers of the business for from $100 al and effectual way of punishing cage, though it was a hot day. Then
two or three shabby looking stand the reasons and all the reasons,
nd st-gy [othing of its divine establish
’’' ' the objects of jealous notice, and that to $200. These tool renters are gen Wheeler than any resort to violence followed
er nent, the wisdom of ages has deemed numliers were waiting to catch them erally tool makers also, but often the could have been. They merely let little trunks. Then the big trunks why the habit is injurious. Study
her (out Conducive to the happinss of tripping and exclaim, “Didn’t I tell fence has them on hand, and it is a him alone, and his paper has been came out. Most of them wore marked the subject until there is no linger
as <1 nan. ■ The Christian religion, sir
you so?” Looking at the heavy per­ part of the business of the old cracks­ slowly dying ever since, until it final in big white letters, “P. L.” One was ing doubt in your mind. Avoid the
w I That’s enough, sir. that's enough.” centage of these men who become ex­ men to keep them. Fifty per cent, ly turned up its toes the other day. marked “J. B.,” which led us to con places, the persona, and the thoughts
iss«dki<|Vaine. again interrupting him. emplary citizens and fathers of of the noted burglars are practical The unfeeling brute has probably had elude that the Princess had borrowed that lead to the temptation. Fre
itab.*I see what you would be about: I worthy families, it is a matter for nro smiths, and thoroughly understand ten times the occasion Io repent his one of Coachman Joan Brown’s (pient the placet«, associate with the
?nt vishto hear no more from you, sir. found regret that the system had to the temper and capacity of their own folly that he would have had if the trunks. There were fifteen of these tiersons, indulge in the thoughts that
itinishmsnt had been immediate. — big trunks, some of them as big, lead away from temptation. Keep
tad <y mind is made up on that subject, be abandoned. The convict in Eng tools. Sometimes a gang, each own punishmsnt
nearly, as a Bermuda cottage. On a busy. Idleness is the strength of
batt'ilook iit>on the whole of the Christian land to-day, as here, is continually ing implements of various kinds, pool [Alta.
large brass plate on the top of one bad habits. Do not givo up the strng
■rselinhemi to be a tissue of absurdities driven back against his better self their possessions, and thus make up
Miss Rhody Garett, says the Lon­
nd lie-, and Jesus Christ to lie into crime and breeds a criminal fam a full “kit.” The tool-makers have don Timex, was the daughter of a was cut, “Princess Louise, Dress gle when you have broken your reso­
jothingmore than a cunning knave ily. Australia to-day has thousands their specialties. Some are famous country clergyman of small means, Trunk.” On another was “P. L. State lution once, twice, thrice a thousand
Dress.” There were besides six large times That only shows hew much
.nd A poster."
of citizens wealthy, honored and high for chisels, others for punches and and one of a large family. She broke packing
cases and a Imx containing need there is for you to strive. When
I fel': a degree of horror at think ly educated, who but for their fathers jimmies, and one maker made a na­ through the restrictions of home life, pictures. The baggage consisted of you
have broken your resolutions
ng,that sn a short time he would be having been sent to the antipodes tional reputation for a sledge of lead which are much stronger in England forty three pieces, including trunks, just, think
the matter over and en­
appear before th<‘ tribunal of would have been thieves and out- and copper that entirely superseded than here, and determined to «carve satchels and boxes, but not including deavor to understand
how it is you
nd. whom he so shockingly ! casts.
that formerly used of steel, because an honest independence for herself. nine cases of wine, which were failed, so that you may be on your
Jemed, with all Ins
his sins upon
of the dull, almost noiseless blow it She entered the office of an architect, handled very carefully. A Bermuda guard against a recurrence of the
(inx ■,Seeing that F. Kohlman had
J. P. Mell rath of Boston, for sev strikes.
and having learned the trade, so to cartman had the contract for carry­ same circumstances. Do not think it
omphtelv failed in making any im- eral years in the Government Secret
speak, set up for herself as an “honest ing the luggage t > the Princess' resi an easy thing that yon have under
irMMfo: upon him. and that Paine Service in that city, states that he is
If each of our universities and col decorator,” taking another lady into donee, and it was the proudest day of taken. It is a folly to expect to break
>*ould listen to nothing that came one of a dozen heirs who will shortly leges owned as attractive and con partnership. She soon rose to emin­ his life. He looked as if he had the off a bad habit in a day which has
rom hini. nor would even stiffer him come into the possession of a fortune venient a gymnasium as Harvard ence in spite of delicate health, and cares of half a dozen nations on his been gathering for long years.
Tp epee I finally concluded to try estimated at $160,000,000 in England. possesses, more college Presidents found time to lie the author of a little shoulders.
>hat eft'ect I might have. I accord-
could say, with President Eliot, that volume on “House Decoration,” which
Anthony Trollope, just before he
ngly commence! with oliserving:
M. Bonnat, the French painter, I the average physique of the mass of has passed through six editions. Her
laid down his pen never to take it up
Mr. fra ne, yon will certainly allow who went to Ville d’Avray to make a students has been sensibly improved social and professional life is astrong
A man took his seat in the barber’s again, wr >te these words, which will
ists a God, and
nun that
umi this
iuis God
.run sketch of the dead Gambetta. spoke by athletic sports, and that the argument in support of the l>elief chair. He asked the barber if he had appear in his last novel: “Amuse
an not be indifferent to the conduct afterward with much earnestness of "ideal student has been transformed that women —Indies may quietly the same razor he had used two days ment is good, truth is still better, and
Being answered in the af love best of all. Love gives itself
nd’ .nd notion of His creatures.” “I will the inartistic and disorderly manner from a stoopini ig, weak and sickly I succeed in "business," and attain not before.
tbe patient man said: “Then and ia not bought; but all true love
he now iothing, sir.” be hastily replied, in which the statesman had been youth into a wel ll-formed, robust and | only money for their own needs, but tirmative,
give me chloroform "
fam i of a high order
healthy man.’’
is founded on esteem.”
ns. I al til make no concessions.” I lodged.