yeara left ill Its present ««mdition by a sb««l aside, amt lie dropped down ul*o. Then I dived into the run, bolding tlie receding tide But what if it was wet witli the light up to the top tlint lie might aee. rising tide? ‘Tliis question caused me Tbe ooze was, no higher and we get i to pause despite my impatieut desire to through Just us the candle gave out, I goon. If the tide rom« before 1 could but he liad to squeeze to get his broad i get Tunis out of the cellar ail e«ea|ie shoulders through the ends of the casks. would be impossible, and hemmed in, 1 sprung up the bole by tlie irons at | we should both be at tlie mercy of Dri­ the top and struck matches while he I go and l’utty. On tlie other hand, if I mounted. We were safe, lint to guard ugninst waited until the tide had risen and ful- !;-n again it might be too late to save pursuit 1 droppetl the I mix ifown anil Taras replms-d I In1 stone, moving it as Taras. 1 baiked out of the run, clambered . if it were no more than a piece of board* ____ <^PYPiGnT. I09ö-Br'CA^tLL d>'C2 into tlie cellar mid raising uiyself into I Then I led him by the arm to the the easemeut of tlie ventilator looked easement, und striking another match out. The water was certainly high,but showed him the hole by which we ( III. cite attention. It Mas just the -mue whether it was rising or falling I could were to get out, telling Idin he nitut with this sound, M'liieli I noticed after A STII AMIE Villi I- not tell. As I looked out n clock chim­ pull out the leiuuining Imr«. awliile occurred in this May, Mith reg ­ l iieie was no one in the Imr of the “Dear little friend,” said lie, passing ed the half-hour past ten. At eleven Joy, but I heard the low murmur of ular intervals between: the Joy would be closed. Then any­ his hand round tlie casement, with a “Tap, tap, tap—tap, tap—tap, tap­ voices in the HMini lieyend; so my cour­ thing might happen to Tarus. One litlgli. “I doubt If I could get my age holding out I went behind tlie bar tap, tap—tup, tap—tap," over and over tiling was tolerably evident—the two big bead through'there." again. counter, and looked in. The shutters This whs true, and the unforeseen men would go down into the cellar, if I looked around the Imr for all explu-| were st ill closed, hilt by the light that only to see If Taras was still alive. But difficulty dismayed me for a lime. All e.ine in tlirough the Imr windows I nation. I aaw no vibrating bottle on Witli these recollections crowding they might have, and probably had, tile doors o|>en!ng on to Sweet apple saw Drigo and Putty sitting face to face the shelves such a« the sound seemed to indicate. There was no wind to my mind and the means they suggest­ made arrangements with the other line were padlocked on the outside. at the dirty laid« with pipes ill their Suddenly the man to take him away from the Joy,in We wore prisoners. mouths and a can of drink la-tM-eeii shake the yellow curtain against tkic ed of rescult'g Taras tilling my heart which case if I waited till tbe tide had means of eseape camo into my mind, them, playing cards. 1’he air was front window. It seemed to come from witli a wild delight, I hurried down risen and fallen, I should And the cellar and again taking Ills arm I led him thick Mith smoke, but It mhs dear the old disiiseil lieer engine before me, I Feirylmut alley, and after looking tnrniigli the empty storerooms into the empty and I touched one of the handles to see about carefully to make sure thut no enough that no one, dead or alive, was This reflection and a belief that the one ut the very top, where I lodged if it mws loose. The rattle it made un­ one was observing me I wedged myself in the room but those two. tide was yet ijome distance lielow high The door there was only bolted on the Without looking at me, Putty, sort­ der my band was answered almost tin- I through the ventilating bole and drop- water mark decided me to make the at­ I inside. I o|wned it, still holding his ing hia cards, asked me what 1 wauled mediately by a similar rattle, and the i ped into tlie wharf cellar. ■ I kuew ex­ tempt at once and run the risk of lieing i arm, for if, in tlie dark, he liad taken | engine itself seemed to whispering with actly where the opeuingexistedjiaving emliellishlng his presence with a ’’«•w a step forw ard it w ould have I h - cii liis taken part myself in some of the old imprisoned by the tide. foul word«. Hi« calmness astonished a huiiiuu voice. “At auy rate,” J thought, “I shall be The glass nearly slipped from iny marauding expeditions, and dropping me. “What is in there?" lie a~ked, liwik- a prisoner with him.” “I Mailt to «er tlie fair mail,” said- 1 hand, but 1 recovered my presence of i down upon inv bauds and knees I Without another moment's hesitation Ing into the obscurity, as I pushed the mind in an Instant and went on polish ­ I brushed the dirt away from the stone suddenly. I dropped down into the run, put my door back. "Then you M ill have to wait till he ing the glasses till a new dispute arose that covered the hole. There was not “Nothing is out there 'eept the iqien ' M'ltbin over a false cut. Then I touch­ enough light to see it, but I could traee matches and candle end in a part of comes back.” my dress where they were least likely air and the river down lielow.” “He ain’t gone nut, and you klioM* it. ed the handle again, and again the rat- Itbe outline plainly enough-with my “1)0 you expect me to dive from to get wetted, and then eniM led along 1 ain’t took my eve« off the diair slni-e i tie was echoed by another, and us I lingers But how m a« I to raise tlie heavy tbe run through the slush, which, to here?” he asked in a tone of nniuse- he came in tliis morning at half-past «trained my ears I heard tlie whisper­ ing sound once mole. The engine was ting? There was no ring or anything mv satisfaction, I found came nowhere incut. two.” to “No. I>» you above my elbows. When I reached “Oil, very well, if he Isn't gone out articulating words, but so faintly that to catch hold of, and I knew that if I the further end, and finding the irons kill yourself? I ain’t a foul. Wail a I caught only the last three, and they worked away tbe rubbish sufficiently you'd lietter look alauit here and find to get iny hands under it I should »till in (tie wall, mounted up by them until bit," said 1 striking ray last match, I hini. Two for bis bloomin' nob," lie Mere: - ------- “for i*aku!” lie unable to lift it. I must have some­ my head struck the flagstone above, held it up when it flamed and showed added, addressing Drigo ns lie turned My hair to crisp up on mv thing to pry it up with. A liar of iron and here, knOM'ing tliat I should need him the crane lifted in die doorway, up a card. head as I listened. Tbe voice was aw ­ would do. It struck me that I might all my strength, 1 paused for a minute die windlass inside and ibe chain eakingtome. in Johnson’« yard. If I had thought I my shoulders against the ibig st mined below by Illis apparatus. rmmis s I hivo . My retreat Mould i-e cut Then on a sudden my reason suggested of that beforehand, 1 might have “If you can hold onto the chain. I’ll every muscle to straighten my Imdy off if 1 M eat upstairs, und I klietv the a natural explanation of the mystery— brought it in with me, but I was too lower you down,” said 1. “You can and push up tbe stone. If Tara« M as murdered and lying there ths voice came through tbe pipes from impatient of delay to waste time in re. For some time it resisted all my ef- put your feet on diem hook thing».” grots. I would never be allowed to tell the the cellar. ’ ( lamberiiig up to tlie ventilator I bl,t «» "But how will you get out?” lie asked. I had not thought of the cellar for tale. But I took Putty at Ills word “ll.v die liide in the cellar. It ain't looked out. Some boys were playing above giving wayjt yielded sloM-ly,und the simple reason that I had forgotten without hesitation, and prepared for’ too naiTer for me.” tlie Moist made tny way down the side its existence. Five years before it had I on tlie shore. J I dared not show myself 1 P««hed it up sufficiently fartoget my He agreed to this, saying be would it seemed to head mid shoulders through the open- passage to the stairs, and after assuring ; beeii dosed, for a motive which I shall while they were there, wait for me below, and then, as noise­ myself that the cupboaid under the presently explain, and since that time me that tliey would never weary o [(f ing. But lieing now stretched to my i I full height, and fiiiding no iron to set lessly as we could, we pushed out the stairs Mas empty, save for a little coal no one had opened it. The beer was no i throwing stones into the «-ater, but nt ! my foot on and get fresh purchase, I the crane, got tlie chain down and piled in one corner, anil that tlie pass­ longer drawn from tlie cellar, but from length they gave it up and went away., could go no further and stopped there, made arrangements for tlie descent, age itself contained nothing, I want up the casks set up behind tlie bar, and Then I slipped out, and pretending to Ills eyes liecoining used to tlie darkness to tlie story aliove with a faltering step, the trap 1 »etween the entrance and the lie looking for inlds and ends on tlie unable to get either up or down, the which was at first impenetrable to heavy flagstone pressing cruelly upon bar, through which tlie casks used to shore, made tny way tip to Johnson's quaking under tlie double terror of my shoulders, scarcely able to breathe them. I could still see more clearly, finding Taras dead and of bearing the be let down into the cellar, had been yard and got in through h gap in the It didn't take long to find and feeling as if my poor chest bones ; being used to the place and its dark­ s ails creak Imliind ine under Hie pur­ screwed down ami formed part of the paling. lie««, and hi« silhouette stood out dis­ m hat I M anted—a broken stoking iron would lie crushed in. suing steps of hi* murderers. I passed door over which we walked. 1 dared not cry for help lest my tinctly against tlie gray sky as I held Now I recollected that the car|»enter looked to me just the thing. Asking I'oni room to room, laying inv hand i voice should be heard by tlie men on tight to die winch. I could see against the wall for atip|Mirt, my heart i had been ill the Joy the day before and myself if there was anything else I I above, and I could only hang- there him quite plainly when he said, “Now e ■using to lieat whenever a rotten Itoartl l»a«cd the scent. Even now, as I glanced at the tlie Joy being even darker Ilian tlie lease. Indeed I think I must stain I was mole careful than if iny own have fainted under the dreadful pres flat Mi re absolutely empty; there Mas flened into Sweet Apple lane, and as these inexplicable sounds in the ground , 1 turned the handle steadily and yet as r nch this I had Io ascend a laddei and having been moved. The sand with tliey closed iin|ierfec’tly I was just aide in passive perplexity for some, hearing quickly as I dared. 1 felt at ease until which the floor was strewn had i»een to squeez«' through — thanks to lieing ii c.'eep through a trap-door. But I did the faint moan. Hint escaped me when Ills head and shoulders disap|ieareil, iq though I expected never to com« carefully rubbed into the cracks, so as kipper. but then a horrible feur that he might to completely conceal the opeuing. But When I liad bought a lialTpenny I felt that all that all wu- over with d iwn again. me, groped forward, and finding the ¡slip from the chan |Ks«es«etl me as I Tarns was down there, I felt sure of that candle and a liox of matches out of tlie Tlie loll Mas empty and thick Mitill opening set Ids foot under tlie stone thought of him swinging out of sight tlie unstirred dust of years. I descend- ami as if to confirm it the tapping re­ money given me by l’utty, tlie trem­ a hunilred feet and mole aliove the bling of my knees and ii feeling of faint­ and thru«t it right back with one strong *d the ladder and Ment down stairs, too commenced. ; stone quay lielow, and fervent grati­ “'lap, tap, tap—tap, tap—tap— tap— ness reminded me that I had eaten effort. bsM'lldered by this mystery to reason My sense of relief was indescribable. tude tilled my heart when there ceased upon tlienx The I mo men Mere still tip. lap.” nothing all day, so I iHiught a small In a moment I had scrambled onto the to lie any pressure on the handle and a But now tlie sounds seemed to my loaf and some cold lisli and treated my­ playing ill tbe den la'hind tlie I iht ; floor of theiellar. I .«truck a match, ton whistle from lielow readied my they had not troubled themselves to excited imagination terribly loud, eati«- self to a clip of eeffee witli iny last half­ j ears. i ng every muscle in my body to con­ penny. Tlie hot coflee set'me up won­ and raising it my eager eyes fell upon follow me. the great figure and noble face of Tar:'». I And now', not waiting to wind up tract with the dread of being heard by "Well, ba’ you found him'.” 'Putty derfully, and witli revived energy I I Putty or the quicker M illed Drigo. returned to tlie yard and hiding the He did not recognize me at first and I the chain or even to close tlie lofi door, cilled, hearing my step. I sped down to the cellar that I might “He ain't there,” I ansM-ered stupid­ What signal could I make to let Taras bar under my dress sneaked back to the the look of astonishment on his coun­ i know that I had heard him anil that stairs Then aftsr another cautious look tenance was curious to see. And no - «join him. ly. At tlie font of tlie cellar steps my foot It around, finding the coast dear, J slip- wonder. From head to foot I was “I’reaps lie's made ot glass, as you he M as to cease tapping the pipe? ' struck against something, which, by didn't see him along of hi« friend« and occurred to me that if I could hear liis ]«■ut lie made still more money by w is even more difficult. Ten o'clock | new life Into mo, and I went about my plundering Baxter’s wharf, For tilia «•nick Iwfore till« task was ««•complish- j work behind the bar Mith such alacrity purpose be ami his crew hail made a | e 1. that I think the men inside conceived I liiol been compelled to light the! |Mis«age under the fon-sliore, o|iening at I was trying to make amend« for my one end into the cellar of the Joy, and 1 caudle to get the box out, and there >ui«liehavior. At any rate after a long at the other end into the cellar of tbe ' wa« not now more than an inch of it silence, III which they cast furtive wharf. This passage was called the j left. glance« at me every now and then, I blew out the light and put tbe end tub run because, to prevent the sides their suspicion relaxed, and they en­ falling in. was lined with casks with in my |Hx>ket. 1 could feel inv way ters«'. heartily Into a dlspnte over some i their heads removed and set end to 1 along the tub run and the light would trick which one had playetl w ith the fend. As soon as tli« house was closed lie needful when I got into the cellar of WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO. I i ar>'« while tbe other was not watch at night Fly Jigger and his men would .the Joy. There were iron sfaples in the Ing, and this led to their >levoting more set to work going through the tub run sides of the «haft placed at Intervals to' attention to their game. Into Baxter’s wharf and returning serve as steps. The descent was easy I bad a row of washed glasw« on til« with goods from the storerooms. I have emnigli, but at the liottom a fresh ob- ‘ bar and was «tandlng in front of tbe seen tliem bring out a«* nu*ny a« -St» •taele prv-ented itself. I was standing parlor floor wiping them when my hams iu a nlgni. in water. If the thle was up it would «ense of hearing xradually to»k reeog- The secret was never fnUIld .Hit, but he impossible to gi t through the nm, nitkni of a «mind w liich «lid not <«>me when the trade went from Baxter's that part of the shore lieing enmpletely from th» men at my back. The«ih-nee and the wharf was cleared .«it and under Water at the fiood. of my «weiipatum allowed me to listen closed, tlie run was no longer of anv Dropping on my knees I crawled i'er. and yet continue working. The sound service. Tlie wharf watchman who ward, entering the first cask. The not» wa« very faint. Its regularity attra<-t- bad been a party to these rnbls-rie-. was high over my wrists, but still if ed my attention. One iloes not notice | took care to i lose and eoMenl the o|ien- ‘ they were all fairly on the same level, A'y» Creom Halm S w* s A'yvM, «nojf «r pmrdrr. AppUrd inta tfir nnotriU il it the »ingle chirp of a sparrow, but if the i iug on Ills side with a flagstone ami a the paeMge ««• yet sufficiently o|ien. _ fl pab-klp nhvrM. Il rVraaara M« ¿oui allant Injlamaialion, hralt — _ A t*«a»r«. SoU bp dntopiaU «r oral bp mail on rrrript ofprvt. Ef|A chirping i« ■vntiiiueil persistently for . harrow-load of rnubtsli, which, tmddeu Tbe ooze might simply be the earth any length of time it never falls to ex- down, presented no difference from the that bad sifted through Iu tbe course of, I I rest of tlie iiii | mivc r. Previous Io that, to keep the brewers out of the cel­ lar, lie had removed tlie l*er Imrrel«, which thenceforth he kept set up t>e- liind the l>ar, saying that it was more, fair ami square-like for the customers ' to .«ee their beer drawn from the wood | than through tile enginefrom the deuce knows w here. The closing of Baxter's wliarf was a l blow to him, but a worse came •ssiii alter, for lieiug of a too active dis­ position he took to smuggling tobacco and rum from incoming ships, and be­ ing discovensl by the excise was sent to prison, and tlie Joy lost its license. The I nvweis obtained a I'resli license to sell beer and put Putty in to manage the house. When he came the spring tides had flooded the cellar unit seeing that it was of uo use lie had the trap screwed down to save tlie expense of putting new binges on it. Since then, as I have »aid, no one had gone down Into tlie cellar. Do You Ride a Victor ? If you ride why not ride the best? There is but one best and it’s a Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. U\\£s Ctra&'&tact_ _ ml 15&RRH THAT C rr ough W|TH S hi loi - «cU, K 11 SUC ELY BR0TBERS756 Wimti Stmt NEW YORK. SUC __ bocta.,and reJS »l.Sp»r BotthJ Uua can t» douo. __________ T his G xxat CocoiH’uinHI where alt other» liuL Cuu«hi"g Throat, Hoaraeneaa, Whoopitw r Aathma. lor Conaummoo itV! haa cured thousands, ami wil1 ¿7. taken in time. Sold by lima.iw. antae. For a Isonn Hack or SHILOH'S BELLADONNA aj j GUF •‘Castor! a U jo well adapted to children that I recommend Itagmipertortoany prescription known to me.” H« A. A wwm , I. D., Hl Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The uae of ’Caatoria’ is so it« merits so well known that it seenw a work »Uhlu wwr reach;' p „ L New York City, tzue Paator Illoomiu«-Ula Ben.rmed Cliureii. Caatorl. curre ColL- Hour blviiuu h. 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