* Í 1« better prepared than ever before to do FINE JOB PRINTING, Having recently added much New Material J Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. Σ l ÈV hone £1\ u Î u » m V’ um ‘.' JÄ: Consolidated Feh. 1,1889. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , F ebruary --------------- —---------- —-------------------------------- ----------- 1 XU'W KTIUITI AMT I ed with the aneieut mumiuies of i'eru. i» 1» L/ »> 01 11V1 V Luxlv 1 • i They are supposed to give comfort and j D. BAKER. SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. _______ Ido not Eat Pastry How often you hear this ¡x« expression, and the ex- ? planation tiiat usually ( follows: “I atn troubled J with dyspepsia.” The S explanation is not far to > seek. In the past Lard has been used as the prin- 1 cipal shortening in all the result—dys- M |i pastry, 1 pepsia. The dyspeptic ... < need no longer be ^Jjroubled, providing Gradual* ot one of the greatest dental achools in America, the deiital department of the University or Michigan, has opened anoflice in Kooiu fl of the Union block. All work in dentistry can be performed. Crown and bridge work' a specialty. (JALBREATH & GOUCHElt, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (Ofllce over Braly'a Bank.) M c .M ixxvii . lk , • - O beook . • truck and bray co ., COULTER & WRIGHT, Proprietors Goods of all description? moved and care ful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly Hauling of a l kinds done cheap. W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E C. EPPERSON Présidant. Vice President. Cashier McMinnville. Oregon, Paid up Capital, $50,000. Transacts a General Banking Business, Deposits Received Subject to Check Interest allowed on lime deposits Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ fer, on Sew York. San Franci« Electric Lights. reindeer, and the subMme magnificence Experts at the John Hopkill» univer­ of the aurora borealis. Dr. Wallis, the world has seen. He armed his ety people frequent respectable gymna­ its of their victims. He says two of sity will obtain from the specimens fur­ says the San Francisco Examiner, has troops with the short stabbing assegai, Electric bugs have made their ap­ siums. The gymnasium of today is a them will set their heads to catch a nished tlie active principle of the plant. been seven years in the wilds of the in place of the tbrowluh spears former­ pearance in Pittsburgh and have led very different place from that of fifty goose, and thia is the way they do it. WILSON & HENDERSON. Props. Thus it is expected that n new medi­ Porcupine river, and for the last ly in use, and woe to the man out of the Dispatch of that i y to make a years ago. Formerly tlie aim of the They will separate so as tocouae up on eighteen months his wife has been cine, valuable, perhaps, for many pur­ with him assisting in teaching the In­ tbe battle without his weapon, for that study of them. gymnast was to turn out men who both sides of a flock of geese. One of I man was Instantly put to death. In­ These bugs were iv America when could lift heavy weiglitsand court death poses, will be added to the pharmaco­ dians. them, the one on the side against the the country was first liscovered and deed, there was but one punishment poeia. on the flylug trapeze. Nowadays all wind from the goose or geese, for they It does not appear to be generally are very common in \ European coun ­ Dr. Carl Lumlioltz. lia« recently dis­ known that there are vast herds of for the Zulu warrior—death. If he tries. Before electric lights were this is changed: physical training is figure on scent as well, will approach EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. covered that four varieties of this cac­ reindeer in that part of the country married without the king's leave he known the bugs w.ere seldom seen and carried on in a scientific manner; men the flock very stealthily, getting as LATEST STYLE RIGGS tus are known to the aborigines ill Dr. Sheldon «Jackson, superintendent and ills bride were killed by the king's not often were specimens of them ob­ of ability have made physical culture a AND APPOINTMENTS. northern Mexico. One giant kind is of education for Alaska, and Capt. order; if he showed cowardice or even tained. As soon as electric lights ap­ profession, and their object is to make near as laswible without being seen. The other approaches from the wind­ Ilealy of the Bear have for a couple of regarded by them as their chief medi­ years been importing reindeer from hesitation in tight be was killed; If he peared in a city, so did the bugs. their pupils healthy, strong aud grace­ ward, and takes no pains to conceal Special Attention Given to The bugs resemble files in shape. Boarders. cine, lieing much more powerful than Siberia, and this is the reason for the offended against the iron laws of disci­ They have six legs or claws, glossy ful. Most modern gymnasiums have himself. Approaching to within alsmt than tlie plant employed by the Ki- supposed scarcity throughout that pline he was killed; If lie was badly wings, a body like a beetle and rather appliances for the cultivation of every fifty yards, lie will deliberately seat Third Street, Between E and F, McMinn­ owas. They can drink any amount of region; but the scarcity appears to be i | wounded or grew to be too old to be of large eyes. Directly between the eyes part of tlie body, »mi able instructors himself on Ms haunches and eye the ville, Oregon. corn beer and this remedy will take towards the southern, southwestern further service lie was killed to put they have what is called a spear. This, uml physicians in attendance. flock. The geest are amused at bln and northern coasts. In the far in­ him out the way; and if lie was sus­ their only weapon of defense, is about 1 advise all young and middle-aged hungry expression of countenance, l>ilt away all ill effects. terior there are myriads of them. pected of witchcraft be was killed, to ­ three-eighths of an inch long in a full The plant is pounded and thrown men and women to spend an hour a knowing their security is assured by “They are remarkably numerous grown bug. Their sting, is very pain­ into water to stupefy flsh. Tills meth­ everywhere about mjr mission near the gether with his wives and children. ful, but it is not poisonous. They day in earnest systematic physical ex­ their power of flight, pay no attention sower has no Eecoi.d chance. od of making flsh drunk, thus render­ mouth of the Porcupine river,” said Thus it will be seen that when tbe never fight unless interfered with. ercise. The best plan is to enter a gym­ to the quaed, only to return Ids you would attirst sue-, ing their capture easy, is much prac­ the reverend gentleman. “Back to­ risks of constant warfare were add.d ceed, be sure aud start with Electric bugs do more good than nasium where some system is em­ stare. In the meantime, coyote No. 2 ticed in some parts of the southern wards the mountains from my house I to those of tbe kings wrath, tlie chance harm. They eat up the smaller in­ ployed. There are several systems of is creeping up on them front the other Rocky mountains. Certain tribes in have seen great bands of them, and al­ was tiiat tbe Zulu of tlie day of Chaka sects, and it’s a novel way they have, physical training- the Swedish, the aide, and lie often gets within a very most everywhere I looked I could see and Dingsnn would not die a natural tod. of catching them. If they had to Arizona employ tlie common yucca for German, the English, and the so-called few feet before they bear the footfall of them. Thi» summer when the ice ttie purpose. But thé Zunis never do broke up on the river I remember see­ death. Nor, indeed did lie desire to do fly after insects to catch them they American. Tbe Swedish and tlie Ger­ his padded feet. Then they'rise. It is Ferry’« Beetl Annual ior 1894 would never capture any. They lie contains tlie sum and substance this, because they worship fishes. Ev­ ing six or seven of them on a cake of ice so. Cruel as it was, Chaka’s law at­ upon their backs with their six tiny man are considered by competent a hul.it of geese when rising to fly close of the latest farming knowl­ edge. Every planter should erything pertaining to water is sacred floating down, and I saw many others tained its end, for rarely, Indeed, did claws in the air. Then they move judges to be the best. The teachers of to the ground for quite a distance l>e- have ii. Sent free. any forces of ills turn tlieir backs upon to them, by reason of the value of the floating on the ice. them slowly to and fro. and thus at-! the German system claim that it is tlie fore mounting to a higher elevation,aud D.M. Ferry ACo.s Detroit, “For much of the time I have lived the enemy. Sometimes they were an­ tract the attention of their prey. As liest because it aims at general physical tlie fleet-fiaited coyote haB only to rub fluid in that arid region. They l<«k witli horror on a flsheater as a god­ at the mission. I have subsisted almost nihilated by su|terior numbers; l>ut soon as an insect alights upon one of culture, and tiiat it keeps the mind as under his goose, spring upward and exclusively on reindeer meat. It is they were not defeated, for they held the claws it is promptly seized and de­ eater—worse than a cannibal. , well-as tlie body in a wholesome activi­ catch him by tlie legs. When this Is very good, and 1 may say it is about The aborigines have long been famil­ the only kind of meat you don’t get it better to die with honor on tlie spears voured. ty. This system wa» founded by Jahn done bis pul in the sitting posture leis­ The bugs make their appearance as iar with an immense number of nar­ tired of. I think it is better, all things of tbe foe than with ignominy lieneatli soon as tlie warm weather sets in. They in 1810. Il embraces three departments, urely comes forward and together they cotics and stimulants. The Hoopahs considered, than beef, and you can eat the club of the executioner. .Once, in­ are rather small at first, but in less sclnsil gymnastics, popular gymnastics enjoy their meal, and no quarreling rnd other Indians in California smoke it longer without its palling on you. deed, a regiment of Cbakas retreated than a month they attain their full ami military gymnastics. The found­ either about the breast or drumstick. wild hemp. One or two full inhala­ The Indians eat it almost exclusively, in action after suffering terrible losses. growth. er's aim was to make the youth of Prus­ It will thus be seen that the coyote is a Some of them measure over three sia strong and courageous to defend good general. He plans a ruse, allows tions of it induces stupor, followed by and they are very big and strong. On Its return to the king’s kraal, Cha­ Some of them are six feet in height, ka mustered what was left of tffat regi­ inches in length and are nearly an inch ecstasy. The Mojaves, Yumas and ami the average is about five feet ten wide. They lay their eggs in the bot­ tlieir country when needed, and from for the wind giving him away, and other tribes of Colorado and Arizona inches. They are genuino North Amer­ ment, about 2,(100 men, and witli them tom of rivers. It is estimated that one his idea the present German system ot takes cognizance of the habit of tlie chew the dried leaves of a plant resem­ ican Indians, and not the Aleuts, Es­ tlieir wives and children. Then lie ad­ female bug will lay three thousand gymnastics has grown. The Swedish goose In flying low, which enables him, dressed them, bran.',ng them with the bling the Eastern jimson weed, which quimaux, or a mixture of the two. eggs in three months during her life­ system was devised by Ling at thecom- to jump and catch it. If this is not “I keep an Indian hunter, and he name of cowards, and at a signal other time. The eggs remain in the mud menement of tills century, and has reason, instinct is not very far remsved has ti flower like a huge, sweet-scented regiments who were In waiting rushed during the winter and are batched by been improved by his followers, who from it.— Halle* Chronicle. morning glory. The frenzy induced supplies me with all the reindeer meat I want. He also brings in grouse, in and slaughtered them every one. the first warm wave. An agreeable Laxative end NEltVB TONIC. by it is useful in religious dances. assert tiiat It aims at an harmonious re­ Bold hy Tlrinor'Mn or seat by mall. 26c., 60o., ducks, bear and other game as I need After this sanguinary object lesson it Toward the end of the summer when lation of body to mind, and that it is More than fifty species of plants pos­ it. I have learned to shoot pretty well and St.00 per package. Samples free. 3.TÁ The Favorite TOOTH T0WTX1 sessing narcotic properties of tobacco, myself, as all white men do in that re­ was natural that an impt wliicli lnul insects become scarce the bugs kill the best for the development of The small fishes and eat them. A swarm of fortboTceU.andBreaUi.25o. . A new imperial train for the czar of to which several of them are related, gion. The ducks and grouse, like the been so unfortunate as to meet w ith the bugs will go after a small fish and fundamental functions. It Is a system Itussia in at present I wing built at the. are used by the Indians of California reindeer, are remarkably good eating. disaster ti|H.n its mission of conquest stab it to death with their spears. of voluntary movements arranged and Alexandrowski wagon manufactory at Notice of Final Settlement. “It is fearfully cold there. Last win­ should- shun the presence of its king They then carry the carcass of the flsh executed with care. and the southwest, Tbe Zunis vary Tbe movements St. Petersburg. It oonsists of eleven and judge. Thus-it come about thut ter the thermometer was for a week at to the bottom of the river and it lasts Notice is hereby given tiiat ihetindersign- the effects of their tobacco by adding comprise leg movements, which In­ carriage«, of which one la reserved for e• said hnnl necoiint and object­ were kept up well under the nose, now known as the Transvaal, to found the bugs to the river, where they re­ niutlc brake the train can be brought until it is soft, then chewing it and ex ­ ments, abmu» the large saloon car, degrees you didn't notice it any more gaan.and to him in the course of years, j ststcof (flegoo. and «aid court Im« There is considerable discussion just On the other liand, tbe making of than forty degrees. It might go to Tnesdav ilio'ltli 'lay of Marell. A 1> WM. at vated. The Swedish, German, English the carriages of the grand dukes, etc. succeeded his son Lobengula, who is now. says the Atlanta Journal, about the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said «»< Ki of an huh and the weight HO They cut out tlie hearts of the plants, their own language. I have translated of use, waste away. The technical tlwir own borne» The bu.lne« i» ple»«»t. exterminating the greater part of tlieir 844, and Virginia 83.180,010. These are pound*. In eon*i«lerati<»n of the fact .trletly honorable, and pay» better tli»n an) o Iwt resetnhflng little cabbages, and in the various religious and other books, the official figures, but the real value term for this wasting is at ropy, and to ofrrml .lent.- Ym. b..« « el«r «eM .ml '« cup-shaped receptacles left behind the which have l>een printed in England, aboriginal inhabitants. The retreat of of the gold product of these states has «void it every muscle in tile body (hat aluminum <*an alwajra lie kept compettlbm. Fn-rlene. and «P-eW abUit; «» sap accumulates. From this this they for their use. They have an entirely the Matabele from Zultiland was too undoubtedly been much greater. •liouid lie exercised regularly. Light, bright, and that it will neither break, neceMarr. No capital required, «oeqmpy«« different language from any other In­ hurried to allow of their lieing accom­ Stone, after a visit to Califor­ quick exerei«e is tile liest ™-rrtt.i.>« that yo. nee.1. Irra. ym> distill the famous ’’mescal,” which Heavy chip, crack, warp i»r corrode, it« uee In dians. There are five different lan­ panied by won hi i for tlieir want.«, nia in 1x7.1. said that he was satisfied «nd help ro< to earn ten time, ordinary wapw. drives those who drink i» to sheer diimielM-lls or pulley weights slaiuid the manner Mated given it a new com­ guages, for instance, from there down and tiie supply ha« lieen recruited by that the gold ores in the south are the Women .Io »» well »« men. .nd Imy. to the mouth of the Yukon, and no one captive« taken in war, with the result I richest and easiest tn work in this , not le used. One hour's vigorous ex- mercial value, uh in every added form make too.1 par. An. one. anywhere, ran do the madness. or nervb*? It han a new demand and a wort. ^LII mcceed «Im foU”’ ”«T’tai" Probably the most primitive method tribe can understand the other. The country. Recently there have been i en-ise daily i« all thst 1« needed, nnd pl« .urwtion. Ear»..! work win .«rely bring of distilling I» practiced by tlie Ind fans languages are allasdifferentas French that today only a small projiortion of m»?ny prospector* through the gold re­ I «lioul'• h*™ extra «train u|«in tiie heart, and aim nt in exjmrt« from Canada for the pant sig done if you enacted« not to 0,1 than two tin cans and a tube of the bread-stuffs and provisions from Chica­ to by them, however; thus “«melling Georgia and every other southern the correction of error« of »lutrifmii. months of nearlyGOO.ono.OtSi The im­ kind of seaweed known as“giant kelp.” go for the year 18B3 wete 2,152.236 tons, out” is largely practiced. This is the state where there are known to be All who can po«dbly enter a gynius- port« ft.r tlie pant six months increased course of a "«melling out;” Humeburfy heavy deposits of gold. eorce tinson AC o The tube is buried In «now to keep It against 1,735,082 tons in 1R92. . ahtni «liould d»* ao, for public gymna- half a million dollar«. die», or perha]» the king or one of hi« ctiol. Molese»-- furnishes the raw ma­ The amount of money received and wives Mitter« from mysterious pain«, or The “ Foreign trade |>f Uaaada »»• j «inmiie are now so conducted that by PORTLAND, MAINE. terial. expended for tbe relief of the miners 1245,AM,non in 1MM, »• compared, with j following the directionnof theinetruc- French import. decreased 16l,.‘tnO,OW Leaves of tlie count plant, which, as during tbe recent general strike in Eng­ a child is born deform«!, or a murrain ______ ’ in -j PW2. Tlie exports tov« it is alm