I * Do You Ride a Victor? A Inique Palace. M. I . miiiu istiii. What brought, several chilled anti frosty room, There wtix SUPERSTITIOUS RAILROAD MEN. SOLVING A rtYSTERY. I1 as.**« rat id’s < days later, all anxious look to the lat- not the least smoke, Just outside St. Petersburg the ezar who Th« Effect Which Accident* Have Upon En< Science Endeavoring to Fathom a Japanese Su­ ter’a face was simply the fact that his genius shone out like the sun . lias a palace known as Taarkoe-Selo, gineer* and Firemen. perati tioa. 111 the highest part of a large and Imrlor chimney .looked - - . . . At_____ .... Of»** could not see it was blind. which‘ ’ was built by Catherine the Imposing building, situated on the In the ill hid le of the month of De- "It is too tielightful!” exclaimed M. It hiui long been regarded aa an inex-1 Great It is of vast extent and plate, I recently had occasion to interview I street Fhaussee-d’Antin, a young man cemlier, and just as he was preparing luimautiii radisiitly. “Valentine, this plicable mystery that a luminous ob- with gold. It la aald that nearly a prominent railroad official, 'and in by the name of Passeraud perched like to arrange a reception in honor of bis dear young man is a great engineer. 000 worth of bullion waa used in >k>inK a sparrow on the topmost branch of a daughter's nineteenth birthday, his He shall lie my son-in-law with your the course of the eon vernation that en­ ject, known as ‘Whirannhi”—literally sued that gentleman incidentally al­ meaning “unknowable fire”—is occas­ the work, anil when owing to the poplar tree. The manners of this young parlor chimney liegau to smoke. A consent.” luded to two collisions which had late­ ionally seen at night, especially iu dampness of the climate, the plating man were peaceful and orderly; his householder could scarcely have had a “Oh! yes, papa.” ly occurred iu the neighborhood, fol­ cloudy weather, oil the scnln Tsukushi began to peel ott, t atherme ordered It temper was gentle; liis liearing, nir insulting tier with the prop- cumbersome or noisy. He was enjoin­ “I think that w quite enough. It is thing to me; three mouths ago the rail­ Curiously enough, a touch of realism Kumanoto higher middle school, who oailion, and isivereil the palace with a ed to come in very early at night, it not amusing to own a chimney that road coin|Hinies adopted your auto­ was lent to the information just impart­ is now investigating the thing, is of the yellow paint. This palaee has rooms was a question in the neighborhood makes my wife and myself weep all matic brake; gold showers iqsm you how he managed to keel) his hands day long, like a family recently be­ from all sides; the right to use your ed by the explanation that the sec­ opinion that phosphorus may possibly walled with amla-r. It contains .’>00 ond of the collisions referred to was due i be the cause of this luminosity, which apartments, and the ballroom contains clean, for the janitor had forbidden reaved.” patent is purchased ill England, Amer­ to the driver of one of tiie engines, u may Is, emitted from animalcuhe in nearly half an acre. 11 floor is of wood­ him to take up any water, liecause the “Your chimiiey was built on my ica, Italy, Australia, the Indies and liquid, carried carelessly in jugs by his plans That means It does not smoke.” Spain. You are now rich, not from reliable servant, noted for his alertness the water. He bus secured some water en niosuiv, and there are other room» i and precision witli an honorable record from the place where the supposed fire in which the tlnisliing is in ivory, yodtbful bands, might damp the stairs. "But it does smoke.” your wife’s dowry, but of yourself. 1 of some forty years' service, who being, . makes the appearance and exainiued it bamboo and bronze. However, by goodwill and gotsl humor “Because you burn Mons coal; don’t Does not that make you think serious­ A flat car costs about $38d, a flat bot­ l’asseraud had succeed«! in makiug burn Mons. Burn wooor devil, in a house inhabited by­ “Perhaps you are right.” tion and you de nothing with it.” |525, a double hopper bottom coke two other catastrophes, that he com-) amination liefore finally coming to a car bankers, favorite tenors, diplomats car $540, a l>ox car pion, a stock ear fo-xl, The change to wisxl in place of coal “To wliat invention do you allude, i milled tile sliglitest error of judgment determination on the subject, and with a fruit car (ventilated) $7IMI, and refrig­ and commissioners of accounts. dill not make the chimney's breathing .sir." whicli caused Ids locomotive to crash I this end in view he is stated to lie now erator ear »800. A four wheeled ca­ He had recently left the Ecole Cen­ easier. M. laimiintin, who was a reso­ "Why, what else could it be but your boose costs |5.5O and an eight-wheeled tral with an honorable standing, and lute man, sent for the best architect in secret for preventing chimueys from into another coming in an opposite di- pursuing his researches. one $700. The prices given on the tectlon. The statement is giving as to I It may be stated that Mr. Kiraotsuki almost immediately the Calcium Min­ Paris, and begged him to deign to come smoking. Ah! you are going to tell above curs include power brakes and conviction of one who had s.ietit up­ of the navy, who made an investigation vertical plane couplers. A 50 toot mail ing Company of the Upper Peloponne­ in person to study the question. me now that you are too |>oor to pay ward of a quarter of a century among of sea currents some time ago, re|H>rted and a baggage car costs $3,¿>00, a sec­ sus had offered him a position—one The artist, after having minutely ex­ the premium?” railroad men of all classes, and who that the Kurosbiwo or the black cur­ ond class coach $2,800, a first class hundred dollars a month to begin with amined the chimney, did not scruple “Pshaw! that would not bring lias known the driver alluded to fora rent whicli flows from the neighbor­ coach $3,500, while a first class I oil­ —which would have put him out of the to restrain this cruel reflection oil his much.” man ear costs $15,000. long period of years. So came about hood of the Philippine archi|>elago to reach of want; but as lie dreamed of brother in art: “What ass built this “It would be a spoke in the wheel; tiie second collision. Surely supersti­ the warmest ocean stream in the world inventing an automatic brake, which chimney?” why neglect a profit ready to your ■■ Hose good digestion mait on tion could go no hirther than tliis. and consequently it may contain min- would prevent locomotives from com­ “It was Lcdente, my architect.” hand?” appetite. But there is a tragic seqtiel — u sequel jute animal life giving otf phosphores ­ ing into collision on the railroad, or at “It was well said; an ass. Have tiie “Father, do not let us talk about it.” And health on both." which uufortuuately, will in all proba ­ cence.— Japan Mail. least would reduce the force of the flue made four inches higher in order “Yes, I wish to.” ( ottoletie iCottoiene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene bility do much to strengthen the repre­ CottokneJJottoiene^CottoleTwCottolene^Cottolen« shock, lie had refused the otters of the to increase the draught. It will be all Welsh Anthracite Coal. “Father, you will oblige me tell you Castorl» cures Colic, Constipation, hensible beliefs of these men. Two “Caetorlaisso well adapted to children that I To assure both the above ends, mining company, to give himself night right then." things I would rather keep to myself.” Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, I recommend it aa superior to any prescription «lays after tiie interview above men­ The priee of the screened Welsh an- Kills Worm., give, sleep, and prouiotM and day to the drawing of innumerable “What a simple matter it is, after good, wholesome, palatable food is rt, as named in a re­ topresent a sufficient variety of appe- therefore looked forward to glory and “It only needed a little thought.” cure your chimney of smoking, simply tizing bills of fare for our meals with- cene express mail failed “ For several years I have recommended . ---- to take ---- tiie > cently proposed contract, is 3s. (Id., or ‘■The use ot ' Cantoria * is so universal snd ortune, but while be waited lie was The o|M*ration completed, the chim­ stopped makiug it smoke. There is a an out a liberal allowance of pastry and Sene your ‘ Castoria, ’ and shall always continueid points, a ixirtion of the train, with the . say 85 cents per ton of 2240 pounds, Its inerita so well known that it sreins a work do so as it has invariably produced beneficial other food in which shortening is S«»« dying of hunger. This mattered not to ney smoked as oefore. Blit the great shade of difference between these two tender of the engine, was violently I of BUDererogation to endorse it b ew are the results.” 1 intellCent mmilie« who do uot keep Caatoria required. How to make crisp, him; his invention—he was absolutely nreiiitect tk care of Ills bill. tilings. My room was then tip under thrown across the rails und one poor while it is counted that the cost in E dwin F. P ardbb , M. D., within easy reach.” n healthful, digestible pastry has cene stoker killed. This is what the rail ­ New York harlsir will not exceed $2 sure of that—his invention was on the C arlo « M artym , D. D., “Hang it! what a bill!” Mr. Laman­ the roof. I had only to put out my i “Thft Winthrop,” 125th Street and 7th Ave., > puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in New York Ctty. men will term the ‘third mishap.’ per ton. There is no import duty on New York City J tin could not help sighing as he paid it. hand to cheek the draught, by plac­ “ way |s>int of succeeding. I^te Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. There’s the third,” they will say; anthracite. The contract calls for de­ / all good cooking in the past has been One day, on the first flight of tile Disgusted with architects, the house­ ing something, no matter what, over and perhaps they will breathe freely i' lard. Always nckle, never uniform, liveries of 500,000 tons a year and as most unwholesome—lard has always staircase, he encountered a young girl, hold turned to bricklayers. The first the Hue—a plate for example. It was now fora season.— I.inulon Tid-Ritn. T his C sntaur C ompany , 77 M urray S thxict , N xw Y ow , much more as is wanted to be supplied, 'i been the bane of the cook and the blonde, so exquisitely dressed and so one called in ordered the addition to your fault, too; even since the world ' obstacle to “ good digestion. ” How Circulation Wears Out Money. subject to the usual reservations in case graceful that a scholar would imme­ the flue of a pice of sheet-iron ill the was made, cruel fathers have forced of strikes, etc. The Welsh anthracite i JottoIene^iottoiene^'oUoiene^ottolene Cottolene diately have called her a goddess—as form of a serpent. lovers to carry off their daughters by Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene A number of patriotic sons of Erin shown by her bearing. She went for­ The chimney contined to send out its stratagem. I did as everyone does; I , were seated around a table one night has, when dry, an average composition of 87 to 02 per cent fixed carbón, about ward and disappeared, light and sup­ smoke into the parlor. 1 improvised a little comedy. My ex­ discussing a little of everything, when ple, leaving behind her a subtle odor of A second bricklayer arrived; with cuse is, that Valentine helped me; it one of them began a lamentation over 6 per cent of volatile matter and 3 to 0 percent ash. It is an excellent steam «lion verbena, and l’asseraud, aston­ disgust he had bis colleague's serpent was she who commissioned the con­ a light weight silver dollar lie had. the coal, and no doubt would, at the prices Cotiulene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene ished, remained motionless in the mid­ removed, and substituted for u sort of cierge to represent me as the greatest “Th' hid an’ th' tail s worn down Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene dle of the landing for five minutes with helmet of the same material. chimney builder of the vicinity. For­ ■ that foine ye wouldn’t know th’ hid mentioned, make serious inroads into Co| -------------- ---- -------------- his mouth open, as though heexpected The chimney did not pay any atten­ give us both and console yourself with i from th' tail if it watn't that th’ bid’s the market for anthracite and even bi­ gA conies now into popular tuminous coal used in steam making. co!? favor as the new shorten­ that the vision of his peerless neighbor tion to the helmet, but smoked worse the thought that it is fate which so .always on the other side.” It would not, however, become as pop­ ed? ing—lietter than even the | than ever. would present itself anew to him. rules, tor those who love each other “(lot worn by cirkylation." ular a domestic fuel as our sized and The next day, by a coincidence j But here the concierge interi>osed must succeed in their plans; that is a best of lard with none of "So they say; but ol lielave sonic clean anthracite, though u marked dif­ which we would like to believe quite , with these consoling words, “Sir, you law. When a prudent marriage is stnar-r-t divil’s tuk a jack plane an’ c°!> lard's objectionable quail­ ference in price would open many doors fortuitous, l’asseraud was on the same are wrong to despair; I was just this happy it is the exception which proves shcraped a doime or two oft' her for ed? ties. And Cotf Cream Balm it not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into the nodrilt ill landing exactly at the same hour. The moment talking of this matter with the rule. So then, my son, born this luck. Cirkylation can’t wear a illiol- to it. quickly akwrbed. It cleaneee the dead, allay: inflammation, heal» _ _ The presence of this fuel in our mar­ Cot young girl passed, and, as it seemed, one of the tenants—oil! I must say It, morning, is rich; be sure he will fall I lar down lolke that.” Cot* ss the tore». Sold by druggMa or sent by mail on receipt of price, Cott ket will cause the managers of our coal blushed in passing. Fearing he had such a nice tenant. He told me that madly in love with an honorable but “It can, too, ail' oi'll prove it," said a roads to consider more favorably the Col\ conies attended by both wounded her, l’asseraud resolved never he would undertake to disenchant your isjorgirl. Only he will not have the third. “Have ye got a good dollar, - APPETITE AND HEALTH." demands of anthracite miners for low­ Cod to come down the staircase at that hour chimney in five minutes.” pleasure of playing a trick on me; I de­ Dinny?” id? Grocers sell it all about. er tolls to tidewater, and the low prices “ Let him come to me instantly, or I clare to you in advance that I will give again. Col? REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Dinny, curiously enough, had one, at which it can be sold will be ot inter­ CO t ( him this maiden without a cent, cer­ and produced it. The following day, however, he re­ give him notice to leave.” Cotolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene iCottoiene est to the many holders of coal road Cotclene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene membered that urgent business com­ As quick as lightning, l’asseraud tain as I am that, if I did not give her “Now pass it round th’ table.” stocks. < Made only hy Jelie pelled him to go out a moment exactly put himself nt the orders of M. Lam- to him—he would take her.” Around it went. “Twieet more.” It is rather curious that while we are > N. K. FAIRBANK A l CO., \ne identical with that when leaving the tinlin. He found his landlord tramp­ BiK-klen'M Arnica Salve. arranging for tile Importation of Welsh S ST. LOUIS «nd <•" Twice more it went. house was quite forbidden him by his ing lip and down Ids parlor, which was anthracite at such extremely low prices ? C hicago , new »one JOBrnrejed "Wance more, and let me bov it.” decision of the day before. He took tip as cold as ice. The West Salve in the world for Cute, as will make it u formidable rival to “Once again it circulated, and finally I his hat, annoyed at this business which "Ah, it is you, young man, who flat­ Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, rested in the palm of the instigator of our own coal, we could ship our Virgin­ Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ia, Maryland and Pennsylvania bitum­ exposed him to the danger of embar­ ter yourself you can cure in five min­ Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ the performance. He then leaned over inous coals to London at a great profit, I rassing with his presence a person utes chimney incurably ill. Trv; |I tions. and positively cures Piles or no owing to the high price ($11 to $12 a to the owner of tile dollar and handed THAT whom lie would not have troubled for am curious to see you do it.” gross toll) which coal now commands pay required. It is guaranteed to give him a silver quarter. thereon account of the coal miners’ the world. What he dreaded hap­ "Five minutes is rather too short a perfect satisfaction, or money refund “I’hat’s tills?” asked the latter. ed. Price 25 cents |>er box. For sale strike in the north of England.— Bouton pened; a new meeting took place, and time, sir. I want an hour.” by Rogers Bros. I Journal of Commerce. ‘‘Tliot’s yer dollar, Dinny.” l’asseraud was inconsolable, the fair “Very well—an hour. Here is a vv i ¡ n That dreaded and dreadful disease! maid having blushed more than liefore. chimney given up by all tiie doctors. He was accordingly enraged against If you make it agree to send its smoke What shall stay its ravages? himself; the unknown one, scandal­ up into the skies instead of down into Scott’s Emulsion of pure Norwegian ized at being thus followed, would very my apartments. I will give you what bouts., and ■ a —J >1.00 per jg| probably take steps to keep herself out you wish. I am quite out of patience. cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime One cent a dose. of his way. In order to convince him­ I wish to bargain. Nnnie your price.” T his G reat CouGnCuH^prompti^urS has us of consumption in its first and soda self of this misfortune, l’asseraud every where all others fail. Coughs, Croup. Sore “Sir,” answered l’rsseraud witli dig­ Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and Have you a cough or cold acute or leading stages, day sought the same place at the same nity, “you will give me—the hand of Asthma. For Consumption it nas no rival: has cured thousands, and will curb too if hour, and every day drew aside on the Mlle Valentine. That is my priee—to to consumption ? Make no delay but take taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar­ staircase to let his neighlior pass. la* paid only after I have succeeded.” antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use 8HILOH'S BELLADONNA PLA8TER.25c. 8cott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Brought up |>olitely by his mother, he "For a chimney! You wander in Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, liowed at each meeting. At the' end of your talk, my dearjsir.” gH_IL0H’S7VCATARRH and all Anaemic and Wasting some time, it seemed to him that the “This chimney, sir'.’ Send for M. Has Secured for publication one of the Diseases. Prevents wasting in O^EiasSFREMEDY. slight inclination of the head which he (iarnier, the architect of the ojiera; add Children. Almost as palatable as Host Thrilling Serial Stories Ever Written ¿Have you Catarrh t This remedy la guaran- milk. Get only the genuine. Pre­ received in turn took on an aspect al­ to him a picked jury of engineers, 'wd to cure you. Price.aOcta. Injectortree. pared by Seott & Bowne, Chemists, New most friendly. chemists, members of the institute, York. Sold by all Druggists. Scientific American Having noticed this, he went to look professors from tiie Eeole des Uautes Agency for at himself in the mirror of a shop—in Etudes, and if these gentlemen can do his room there was nothing of the sort­ in three mouths what I undertake to in order to know If his person was such do in an hour, that is to say, prevent that it might please so accomplished a it from smoking, as also to prevent young girl. Then he saw that even from smoking all chimneys with the u though the cut of his eoat was laid, same trouble, I agree tiiat you should ___CAVEATS, trade marks , there was nothing repulsive alsiut his treat mens though I were indeed rav­ design patents , looks. Next he inquired with caution, ing.” „ COPYRIGHTS, otoJ 5.?,a.!rw’ n«nea<-e and soothing, prolonged currents, which can bd “Yes sir.” tranquility." carried to any part of the body where there is the slums of London. Gratitude “Then what do you mean? My | “You will not look through tiie key­ pain, and will give instant relief, as Electricity! daughter has eight hundred thousand i hole?” leads him to attempt to raise her to permeates the entire system with a natural dollars. 1 am willing to inform you of glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak organ “I give you mv most solemn prom­ his own level, and the story devel­ that fact. Do you lake it in? Eight ise,” or part of the body. hundred thousand. And what have “And—I have your word—if I suc­ ops into an account of her growth you?” ceed?” 8r!i2lln^-,rom Nervous Debility. Seminal Weakness, Impotg«fc into the highest type of woman­ The engineer answered frankly; then "We will see. I do not want to der ~rv,’",!"‘.'.!*' »Ireplcssnewi, Lame Buck. Kidney or BN* he added: e force »hiSa°!*5cnPra ' resulting from over-taxation of brain yield on compulsion, hut lama just hood. with many strong situations from the plots of the Russian police to aliduet the Prince, and her efforts pf-i-munent cu% in tiiia wrce’ Y0’’ replace into your ayAteaa More Belts Made health, strength and vigor will v*.,riOrf'u,Mr’ nBrth‘ Y011 w,n remove thecatiy,««» ments—” Dr Sanden' Yr^H r°Uowatonoe atitMn a natural way. Thia is our plan and treatiM* the gravity of the circumstances con­ •nd Sold and robust health ami vlgor^r*'11^1 J , "VXper’Tent‘ ’’e haTe restore<1 “Stop talking! your conversation is I sidered. An attentive spectator would More Sufterers «-« thromrhout this Kl«r .hA<>i™i,! !',?1,Pn,’Jilil*1. esn 1» shown by hundred « The Story is Copyrighted by Cassell & Co., and of no interest to me. Will you please ! have heard him hum the air: of wbo,n ” Cured than by to take your de|M>rture at once? It The Trouble to Secure it for our readers has been considerable "<"cst iei que Bose respire!" makes me die of laughing to have you [ The same surprised spectator would *11 other Electric ronn«, ot Men,” should be read by ever aives testimonials from people in .11 11 explains our plan of tn «‘"J'* i'ome and ask me for inv daughter. I I have seeR him go from one piece of fur­ Belts eombined. very many In New YorkCllv whom in ,f£ “i'* from *** partaof the country. IncImHM I Do not dehiv writln* for It. it th,M »howinir our marvel.>ua work at to®* have only to add, ‘good evening.’ ” niture to another with a delighted air, I life a oil lawith. “ c0*t yo<1 “"thing, and may lie the means of renewlnt f«* “Rat. sir, if I do not present my suit; walking as In a dream nmong tne lieaii- until after my automatic brake has I ■ Btreeyth. It brings wealth, happiness and fmitful marriafb tlful fuinitiire, extend himself at fnil made me a millionaire, I risk finding length upon the sofa-here Valentine YOM MAY WRITE TO THEM—SEE BELOW. Is ONE DOLLAR Per Year, if paid in advance, and outside the Serial Mlle Valentine married to another. must have sat! then install himself in Now, sir, I not wish to run any I a small chair- this low seat is withiHit LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM CURED. Feature is the Liveliest Newspaper published in the County. su -h risk.” ■ kaibt the one she prefers! then gaze froiTwhich"fanmMUtw, gOre m. n wraYkr-caMtof I»™*» “So much tlie worse. What do you fora longtime at a young girl's-|>or- Was all rfonh.twi n. - » n T rw* •©bad that TepuM not b«n- . a T «.A J■- * £ my daughter. Ah! really, It is quite j everyone. . A. T it I hnv« been graadyCT Sample Copies will be sent to everyone wishing to read the opening chapters. Send in your address. interesting;” “Have a fire made, air." Dr. a F.lw>trir Relt will* lMBp*Ted Towr* HESKY MH«!!» This visit, which had such an unfa­ Pasmraud was obeyed. The chim­ vorable result as regards our friend, iiey now had a clear strong draught. A "ow •n'1wA left very slight traces on the mind of gentle warmth breathed through the A STUDY IX SMOKE. If you ride why not ride the Kbest? There is but one best and it’s a Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. for Infants and Children jCOTTOLEHEj *6* HEAD COTTOLENE C t 11 JUG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UI THIS PAPER, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR pnsumption S hiloh ’ s secure The Telephone“ Register Thousands say cured Scott’8 Emulsion IT WILL APPEAR SHORTLY “OUT OF THE JAW5 OF DEATH,” The New Serial OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH. American Subscribe Now and Get it All. HAVE YWTRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIND A CURE 2 DR. SANDEN’S ELECTRIC DEL The Telephone-Register “ Out of the Jaws of Death SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., .72 pIrM 8treet, PORTLAND, OREGON. I