YrKÀTt-JOKDANìM* CHAPTER. XV. Scarcely 10 minutee later Tout entered his sitting room. It was dark. He hated the darkness. He wanted light—light to keep the terrors from crowding upon him —an invisible, awful horde. He lit the lamp, staggered to the sinking fire and fell exhausted into a chair, where he sat with heavily hanging arms and head fallen forward. His breath came in spurts, his heart was in his throat, his wide, circled eyes were sightless, but his inward vision was the more hideously acute. Oh, God. the pathos of what he saw! One after another he reviewed the wfcketluesees, the degradations of his life. How closely they pressed together —a series of steps, each one lower, form­ ing a stairway and descending into a gulf! He stood faltering upon the edge of the last, the darkness hungry for his soul, the roar of an incoming torrent in his ears. Tonight he had stood face to face with Virginia, not with the white memory which had always followed him, but with the living woman whose warm, fragrant lips had surrendered to his kiss for one ecstatic moment, long, long ago. Oh, that fervent, rememliered kiss! Oh, her deep, mystical eyes! Those eyes! Ah, they had read him through and through, making his blood leap and shiver! Her power was still unshaken in his soul—nay, she was in­ deed his soul, for near her lie felt and un­ derstood more keenly, and life took on a deeper meaning. She was his light, his breath, his revelation, with power in the small compass of one glance to save him even from hftnself. But she was lost to him forever. With the sight of Dawson's face hail come the thought of what he was—not fit to stand before her, not fit to touch her hand. With a cry like au animal strangling he threw out his arms. Oh, if he could be better—or worse! But to have al­ ways seen the good and loved it, and yet with unstable feet to have drifted away to all that was vile, even while keeping hiB eyes fixed ujion the beacon that shed its light in vain for him—this was tor­ ture. Oh, if he could go back! If he onl^jconld like a child go back and be­ gin all over again! He got up slowly and fumbled among the glasses on the table until he found the bottle he wanted—a little wine to help quench this aching regret, this self reproach in every heart throb! He drained the glass thirstily, let his folded arms rest ujxin the table and laid his head upon them. The things of the actual world slipis’d away, and his sleep was troubled by a dream. He was alone. The night sighed around him, the moon swung in the high, misty spaces. He felt a sense of predestina­ tion as he moved along, as if each step had lieen ordered bv a will other than ms own, as u ne must want mat roan and eventually see what lay ahead in the mystery of the far, blue shadows. His vision became clearer, and he saw himself clad iu a long, white gown, made pilgrim fashion, a staff in his hand. The silver at his feet became the sand of a beach, anti the sweet, monotonous whis­ per stealing through the desolate white­ ness the incessant sobbing of the sea. Yes, he was walking on the very edge of the fretting waters. A warm hand slipped into his, and Virginia walked beside him. Her hair was unbound. It softly lashed her cheeks, and sometimes he felt its silken caress. He drew her to him, seeking her lips. "Stay with me, dear,” he whispered. "Stay with me now.” He felt the wanntli of her young, red mouth on his, but her eyes remained wide and beseeching. She murmured his name and led him on until they stood before a building of austere and awful structure. It seemed to have risen from the waters. The waves broke in greenish tongues upon its steps, and within he saw .1 fallen lamp sputtering before a ruined shrine. As they paused in the shadow of its door they heard the sound of bare feet whispering upon stone, and slowly up one staircase and down another a silent multitude poured, all garbed like Virginia and himself in the simple vestments of the antique world. Many of hie friends were in the throng, many of his old classmates; his enemies, too—Delatole and Dawson. It was a curious thing that those going up smiled at him. but those returning poured down and passed him with revil­ ing glances or cold faces turned away. In silence, with his love’s hand cling­ ing to his, they joined the ascending line. Up. np. until his body was weary and his veins throbbed with ¡win, and still lieyond were other shadowy stairs under appalling arches. Faint and bat­ tling for breath, they reached the top at last. A vast hall wrapjied in luminous gloom stretched away into immeasura­ ble space. From its strange circular windows they could see the green of the sea. far. far lielow, the waves rolling in with a languorous movement. He let hie folded arme reet upon the table read laid hie head upon them. Tom felt a numbness «eixe him. He sighed again and again, at length tear­ ing away the white folds of cloth from his breast in an effort to ease its burn­ ing. "What place is this?" faltered from his dry lipa. Virginia did not answer. She seemed stricken dumb with grief. Before a door lending to an inneT chamber an old man stood on guard. His shoulders were curved as if he had 1 toiled with the spade. His hairy, labor I twisted hands were crooned upon a staff. One sentence only left his Hpe in a ino notonons sing song: "The Hall of the Sinful Copy.” Tom hesitated before him. joy welling ! in hia heart. The simple, trusting, ador- , ing old man was his father. Oh. here he would And love nnspeakable. "Father!" he whispered, with vehe- I ment tenderness. BuTlieTiad not succeeilefl. No, for Tie was here in this last hour of the year, making his indeterminate way for a last | look at the peaceful old square he had 1 once thought so stupid, a last look at 1 the walls that had frowned on his fro- | ward hopes, perhaps a last word with Virginia. And then? The river—a sleep I in the snow—an end somehow. At the tree where the knowledge of his love and power first came to him lie paused. Hix arms were loosely folded on his breast. His eyes were shadowy and grieved as those of a beaten animal thoroughly cowed. Suddenly the sliade at Virginia's win­ dow was raised, and she stood with her body pressed against the glass, her hands arched over her eyes as she ¡leered into the night. O11, was she watching for him? Oh. hail she one thought for him? With a yearning sob Tom made a movement forward and then retreated. He could see the whole room. A man had entered. He remembered him as Virginia's companion at the theater. He carried a bunch of flowers as white as the snow clinging to his broad shoulders, and as Virginia went toward him he took her hand and gave them to her. What words was he speaking now? Tom could see his strong, quivering face, his moving lips, his submissive yet im­ passioned attitude. He loved Virginia. Yes, and the en­ chanted whisper of his love seemed to steal out to the watcher through the drifting snow. a moment tney stixxt closely together, then Virginia was in his arms, clinging to him. and he had kissed her. A sharp breath of longing broke from Tom. To shut out the picture he turned his face to the wet bark of the tree, shuddering and sobbing like a woman, Virginia another's. He not the slight­ est influence in her life ever again—fall­ en into darkness, utterly forgotten. Faintly the first chimes floated from the belfry, and he looked up. Virginia had left her lover, who stood just behind her. She was again at the window, still under curved hands look­ ing into the darkness, and now he could plainly see the pity, the tender, search­ ing look in the wide, clear eyes. how lie bad found the doors opeu and ‘•S?, the lights out, and that he had been Into that long back room faeiug the stairs, and had seen something-in ar ’ y even trying to hint at which lie turned sick and broke down and had to have brandy giveu him. » •« “But, my dear,’’ she said, “I dare say the house was dark, for wo wore al at the theater with my uncle, and no doubt tbe door was open, for the ser­ (■ vants will run out if they’re left. llut you could not have I hi ‘11 In that room, because I locked it when I cameawaj, i and the key was in m.v pocket. I .* * dressed ill a hurry aud left all my odds and ends lying about.” With the only complete bicycle plant in the wotf “I know,” beeaid "I saw a greon scarf on a chair, and some long brown where every part of the machine is made from A to Z, is gloves, and a lot of hairpins and rib­ any wonder that Victor Bicycles are acknowledged lead« bons, and a prayer book, and a lace There’s no bicycle like a Victor, and no plant so grand] handkerchief on the dressing table. complete as the one devoted exclusively to the manuiactui Why, I even noticed the calendar on the luautelpiece—October 21st. At of this king of wheels. least it couldn’t be that, because this is May. And yet it was. Your calendar WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN IRAN0IM is at October 21st, isn’t It?” BOSTON. “No, of course it isu’t," she said smil­ ing rather anxiously; “but all the other things were just as you say. You must have liad a dream, or a vision, er something.” He was a very ordinary, common­ place young mini, but lie did not. believe in visions; but he never rested day or night till he got his sweet heart and her mother away from that commodi­ ous house and settled them in a dis­ tant, quiet suburb, In the course of tlie removal, he incidentally married her; and the mother went on living with them. His nerves must have lieen a good Castor la cures Colic, Constipation “Cantoria 13 so well adapted to children that bit shaken, because he was very queer Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, I recommend ita» superior to any prescription Kills Worms, gives sleep, and for a long lime, and was always inquir­ pestion, known to me.” H. A. A rcher , M. D., ing if anyone bad taken the desirable Without injurious medication. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. suburban house; and an old stock brok­ “ For several years I have er with a family took it, be went to the •• The use of ' Csstoria ’ is so uuireraal and your ‘ Castoria, ’ and shall always Its merits so well known that It seems aw“^ length of calling on the old gentleman do so as it has invariably produced nf Kimereroiration to endorse it. F ew are tne results.” h.tellKtent Emilies who do not keep Cartoria and imploring him, by all that he held E dwin F. P ardii , M. within e«r re«hj^ p dear, not to live in that fatal house. “The Winthrop,” 125th Street and 7th A New York ¿’Ity. “Why?” said the stock broker, not Nsw York Ijite Pastor Bloomingdale Reforuwd Church. unnaturally. And then he got so vague and con­ T hs C kwtauk C ompamy , 77 M urray S trut , N iw Y fused, between trying to tell why aud trying not-to’tell why, that the stock­ broker showed liim out, and thanked his God lie was not such a fool as to al­ low a lunatic to stand in tlie way of his taking that really remarkably cheap aid desirable suburban residence. Now, the curious and quite inexpli­ cable part of this story is that when she came down on tlie morn­ ing of the 22d of October, she found him looking like death, witli the morning paper iu his hand. He caught hers—be could not speak, and pointed to the paper. And there she read that A’.'y’s ('ream Halm ie not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into the nottnh on the night of the 21st, a young lady, quickly abevrbed. It cleansee the i^ul, allay inflammation, heah the stock broker’s daughter, had been a theeoree. Sold by druagut» or eent by mail on receipt of price. found with her throat cut from ear to ear, on the lied in the long back bed­ room facing the stairs of that desirable suburban house.— Arffonaut. 1 VICTOR i I | l^f, |y But the worn, gentle face took on a look of hatred it had never worn in life. The gnarled fingers flung his arms away. "I sacrificed myself for you. Hunger, des]>air were nky portion many a time that you might be happy, free and some day great. This I did for you, but you have poisoned eternity for me,” were the words that left hia lips with the fury of a malediction. Tom could not linger to question or appeal. The throng pressing behind him bore him on to the center of the inner hall, where a presence, awful in its aus­ terity and grandeur, hung like a shadow, with eyes of fire above a parchment out­ spread upon a marble ledge. Around this the crowd circled, looked and moved on one by one. He bent over it eagerly. Here lay the explanation,the quest of this vast throng. He looked, and his breath seemed to cease. Before Ilia eyes lay the stolen play. It pages were charred as if it had l>een passed tlirough flame. It was blotted with tears ami smeared with blixid. His Director of the lllnt, name was written there for all to see, and far off he still heard his father's Acting Director of the Mint Preston quavering, husky voice—the voice that in his annual report says the value of once sang lullabies to him—repeating to gold deposited during the year was the curious thousands; "The Hall of the Sinful Copy.” $50,000,000 and the silver deposits 73,- The dews of terror for some unknown 000,000 ounces. His report further bnt approaching disaster broke from shows: every pore, and he sank to his knees, Exports of gold......... drawing Virginia with him. Imports....................... "Oh, kiss me once, love,” she whisper­ Imports of silver......... ....$ ed, her white cheek hard upon his; "we Exports........................ must part so soon!” Silver offered for sale) ounces) 98,487,812 "Don’t leave me,” he pleaded. “I love you. To be near you is delight even in Amount purchased............. 54,000,000 this fearful place. I'll give back the Average price paid.............. $ 0.843 play. In the light of truth I will stand Total silver purchased un­ unmasked. I'll do it gladly, let them der Shermau act (ounces) 168,674,082 revile me as they will. Then I'll have Average price....................... $ 0.9224 peace—and your love, dearer than all Coinage value..................... $218,048,431 the world.” Silver bullion on hand No­ Oh, her lovely, melting eyes, her kiss heavy with farewell! vember 15 (ounces)........... 140,494,824 "It is too late,” she sighed, and he felt Total purchased since April her lips upon his throat. "All that is 1873 (ounces)...................... 496,984,431 past.” And for another moment she Cost......................................... $.508.933,975 clung to him. The stocks of gold and silver in the “No, no. We will lie happy yet,” he United States July 1, 1893, were: ' cried in anguish. Gold......................................... $597,000,000 Bnt the words were hushed upon his lips, tn some occult way u>e iruui was Silver...................................... 615,000,000 revealed to him. He knew that all the The gold coinage throughout the faces he had looked upon were those of country during 18!rj was: the dettd. He too was dead, and Vir­ ginia. Life and earth were gone forever. He turned hie face from where the river Gold.........................................$168,000,000 Silver...................................... 143,000,000 lay. Re]>entance was vain, redemption im­ possible, parting, shame anil despair He was not forgotten. No, no, not Oregon Apples. eternal. even in this first moment of her new In the sudden blackness tliat swept happiness. It was for him her gaze tried Ashland Ileeorel: G. W. Edwards, down like the shadow cast by a mon­ to pierce the deep glixnn. for him—poor strous wing Virginia's body slipped from wanderer—the light burned brightly in of the firm of Johnson & Ce.,San Fran­ his longing arms, and he was alone. her window, as if she knew, who knew cisco commission merchants, has pur­ The cry that broke from his humili­ him so well, he might stray back that chased most of the apple orchards up ated soul sent the vision whirling, and night. the valley this year, having bought he awoke, conscions of a bursting heart He stepped into the deeper shadow, Neill’s Kincaid’s, Ross’, Home’s, W. Ind a quivering body bathed in cold bnt his spent heart felt one quivering H. Shepherd’s, Dunn’s and Wagner’s. dews. He made an effort to rise, and as thrill of hope. A tumultuous, anguished Mr. Edwards was the first of the San he did so felt a hand upon his shoulder, craving to live again swept through him. heard a voice speaking his name. If he were worth her remembrance, if Francisco men who came into the “What else?” he cried, flinging back she wanted him back, might he not yet Rogue river valley and gave the advan­ his head, hiH eyes flashing a maddened make something of the ruins of his tage of outside money for their apples. defiance and clouded with blood. “What youth—not the marvelous structure he He has spent $.55,C X) for the fruit here­ else? Oh, God!” had once dreamed of with turrets in the about. All of bis apples shipped are to Mr. Pltinket's commonplace face was clouds—yet something—something----- be labeled Oregon apples. close to him. He covered his face with his crossed “Murray, you must be ill. You’ve been arms, and the bitterest moment of his Turpin, the famous French inventor, dreaming—crying out as if some one life was upon him. has devised a plan for the destruction were hurting you. Wake up. Don't A picture seemed to rise before him, of tornadoes. It is a well known fact stare so, man. Wake np.” thrown outward in bold lines upon a that a waterspout at sea is at once dis­ Staring, trembling, his tongue thick, misty whiteness. He saw a disheartened Tom sprang np. T^e sense of utter loss, miner laying down his spade before a sipated by the firing of a canon. Tur­ the tragedy of Virginia's last kiss, were worked out mine which had failed in its pin contends that a tornado on land is still with him. He looked around, star­ golden promise. Before him into the the same sort of a natural phenomenon tled, dumb. Yonder in the crimson circle west and the falling night stretched a as a waterspout at sAi, and may be de­ cast by the lamp stood Delatole smiling. new road, and toward this hiB face was stroyed in the same way. His plan is Just lieyond him were the gaunt form set. But he looked back once over the to build a series of towers, say 120 feet and lonely eyes of Felix Dawson. Both blue prairie, back to the east, a farewell high aud some 100 yards apart, along were waiting. in his eyes. It was a moment's halt—a the southwestern part of the town to lie “My dear Murray, 1 am here under little space for dreaming and regret. protest,” said Plnnket, wringing his fat Tom's nerveless bands fell down. He protected. Gn top of each tower is to hands in a loose, soft, helpless way as he gave a quivering sigh, like a man com­ be some 2C1 pounds of high explosive stood with his head on one side. "This ing up to breathe after the water had so arranged with a windmill device man's story is absurd—now be quiet, passed over him. that it would be automatically explod­ don't get angry, but—but—he says your His artistic life was complete in its ed by a wind approaching the inte nsi- last play was one he sent you and which terrible incompleteness. This was his ty of a tornado. This he claims will you — er — er — er — appropriated. He moment of transition. Was there a new hasn't a shadow of proof. How could road for him? Its beginning might lie destroy the tornado at once. He says he? Why, it’s preposterous! As if I in shadow, but did it lead anywhere? that the cost of this protection would wouldn't know your style anywhere! I Could he go on? Where? How? He did lie trifling in comparison to the lives and property annually destroyed by poobpoohed him, bnt Mr. Delatole j>er- not know. suailed me to let him face yon with his But Virginia in the window still tornadoes in the United States. story. That is all, my dear Murray; watched for him, and now the chimes In area Australia equals the United that is all.” were pealing like mad. Oh, their rise Tom regarded him vacantly while he and fall, their winged clamor, their ec­ States. According to the census of I8!»l spoke. He started blindly forward and static repetitions reasoning down his pit­ Australia contains 3,075,288 square paused midway in the room, leaning iful hesitation! miles and a population of 3,801,650. upon a chair. He turned his face from where the This population is strongly British. Es- He was not dreaming still? No; these river lay and walked eastward through were men. not shades. This was his fa­ the falling snow. His heart was bathed pecialy is this true of the religious pro­ miliar room—Virginia was not faraway. in a strange, warm peace. The chimes fession. The sects are all slips from the English planting, the Church of Eng­ All was not over. The living moment followed him—a silver, celestial voice. land, the Presbyterians,the Methodists, was still his. Considerations so im­ THE END. portant bnt a little while ago were lost the Baptists and the Congregational- Mlstakes of Oregonians, sight of; his tortured sensibilities over- istx. The Lutherans are an exception. leajied them all in a maddening thirst to The following is an extract from a Of the 2,608,629 Protestants more than redeem himself in his own eyes while he letter written by a plain old farmer of one-half lielong to the Church of Eng­ could, to purge the soilnre from his sonl. so that never—oh. never—might he south Douglas county for the Riddle land. really know that sense of awful, final Knterpriee: England's debt is about $1,550,000,000 There lx much being said in tho condemnation revealed to him in a dream. country about hard times and the and has a voting population of 6,000,000. "Speak up, Murray. Throw the lie scarcity of money, and as everybody The United States debt is about $1,600,- in his teeth,” cried Plnnket. has a cause and knows a remedy, I 000; nearly $600,000,000 Is interest bear­ A pallor suddenly stmek Tom's face thought I would write and tell your ing, payable in 1907. The voting pop­ from brow to chin: a pale smile came ulation is 13,€30,000. and went upon his lipa. Wretched and readers what I think is the causo. The It is now pretty well understoixl that wild though his face was, there was trouble is, we buy more than we can something of inexplicable triumph in produce. There is too much flour and the contemplated race between the l«con shipped here every year. The I ' champion F.Bglish and American loco­ that smile—a light »heve a wreck. He looked straight at Plnnket: things we ought to make at home we motives, that were exhibited at Chica­ "The lie? No! The lie was mine. Do are buying. go, will not take place. Our British you hear? The horrid, damnable lie We let our timber rot and buy our was mine. The play was his. Istoleit. plow stocks, singletrees, ax handles, cousins decline to join in a contest in which they know, beforehand, they I called it ‘In the Name of the Czar,' would come out second best. No. 999, and when he came to me I wouldn't give hoe bandies and fencing. We throw away our ashes and buy of tlie N. Y. Central, is said to have it np. I wouldn't do it. But now—oh, take it—and with it remove the enrse soap and axle grease. made the rate of 112} miles per hour, We give away our lieef bides and and no locomotive as yet produced in that has followed me”' A groan of agony came with the words. buy bamestrings and shoestrings. i Eugland has come up to that scratch. His eyes looked |>ast the amazed and We buy garden seed in the spring; startled group to the open doorway. and cabbage in the winter. In a private letter to a populist friend Was Virginia's gray, drawn face as he I Wo let our land grow up in weeds in Umatilla county, Gov. Pennoyer had seen it in his dream still before his | says: Of course, I am a populist; and fancy? He looked again. Then he saw and buy our brooms. We let the wax of our pine and gum I a. nine tenths of the people of Oregon she was really upon the threshold, her eyes mirroring the pity and horror her trees go to waste and buy chewing favor the same doctrines, they are |x>p- trembling lips could not apeak. She had gum for our children. ulists, and it is therefere quite reasona- heard all. ________ We build school bouses and hire able to expect a sweeping populist vic­ teachers and send our children efl' to tory in Oregon, if we keep in the mid­ CHAPTER XVI. dle of the road." The snow was falling through the black I be educated. We land a 5-cent fish with a $4 fish- ; night. Chelsea sqnare was silent, and the wind among the line of trees stand- ing pole. ing sentinel wise came like a tremendous | We send a 15-eent boy out with a sigh ascending to a moan. The year $2u gun and a $4 dog to kill birds. would die and the new year be born in a We raise dogs and buy wool. whirling whiteness, winding sheet and And about the only thing in this baptismal rolx- in one. country that there is an over-produc­ The lights in the lamps flared lone- sogiely or Ixtit to the rush of the wind. tion of is polities and dogties. Their uncertain fliekir fell upon Tom CAVEATS, Texas raises 1,200,006 bales of cotton, --AM MARKB, and sent strange, leaping shadows across design MTIIITA which yield nearly $-50,060,060. The his face. He walked as one without pur- ! COPYRIGHTS, etoJ cotton seed product exceeds 600,000' pose and kept close to the {«lings. free Handbook "Tito to B boadwat , N bw Yonir. Following his confession bail come [ tons. The sugar plantations on the for •et-nrina pat rata In America, »kra out by us Is bmu*ht before Delatole's attacks in the press, each word I Brazos alone produces 12,000,000 pounds autiea fl ran free of charge U U.a an adder bite, lie had expected them, of sugar and 1.3)0.000 gallons of molas­ but they drove him mad. and for a week | ses. Texas has 5,000,000 sheep and | be bad been hidden in the nether circles of the city. Such a week!—a conflagra­ clips 25,000,006 pounds of wool. The tion in which he hail tried to burn every pecan trees of Texas yield every year ( vestige of horn cable lnanbc.l left him. 9,000.000 pounds of nuts. RSI Jcientific J|mtrifan OVERMAN WHEEL CO. WAS IT A SPECTER? Marriage Saves a Young Oirl From Having Her Throat Cut. CASTORIA for Infante and Children. He wtis waiting for her; he had been waiting an hour and a half in a dusty suburban lane, with a row of big trees on one side and some eligible building sites on tlie other—and far away to the southwest the twinkling yellow lights of the city. It was not quite like a country lane, for it had a pavement and lamp posts, but was not a bad place fora meeting all the same; aud further up toward the cemetery, it was really quite rural, and almost pretty in twilight. He loved her and was en­ gaged to lie married to her, with the complete disapproval of every reasona­ ble person who had been consulted. And this half-clandestine meeting was to take the place of the grudgingly sanctioned weekly interview—because a certain rich uncle was visiting at her house, and her mother was not the woman to acknowledge to a moneyed uncle, who might “go off” any day, a match so deeply ineligible as hers with him. So he waited for her, aud the chill of an unusually severe evening entered into his bones. The policeman passed him with but a surly response to his “good night." The bicyclists went by him like gray ghosts witli foghorns; and it was near­ ly ten o'cloek and she had not come. He shrugged his shoulders and turn­ ed toward his lodgings. His road led him by her house—desirable, commo­ dious, suburban—and he walked slow­ ly as lie neared It. She might, even now, he thought, be coming out. But she was net. There was no sign UVW Complexion of movement about the house, no sign of life, no lights even in the windows. are all intimately connected And her people were not early people. ——practically inseparable. He paused by the gate, wondering. -177’7^ Though the fact is often Then he noticed that the front door ,^,...Z Z ignored, it is nevertheless was open—wide open—and the street —true that a good complex- That dreaded and dreadful diseasel ion is an impossibility with- lamp shone a little way into the dark — out good digestion, which » TE j z : What shall stay its ravages? Thousands hall. There was something about all ----- »CTO« jn turn ¿gpgjjjs on good L- ct .—r- this that did not please him—that scar­ — ".„IS foOd. say Scott’s Emulsion of pure Norwegian J ed him a little, indeed. The house had Tr-xrJg There is no more common cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime a gloomy and deserted air. It was ob- cause of Indigestion than L..LZ.ZT: and soda has cared us of consumption in its first *ariL Let the bright house- viously Impossible that it harbored a rich uncle. The old man must have stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading left early. In which case— to consumption ? Make no delay but take He walked up the path and listened. No sign of life. He passed into the Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, J J g hall. There was no light anywhere. Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, 0 Where was everybody aud why was The New Vegetable Shortening and all Anaemio and Wasting .Bill A Diseases. Prevents wasting In _____ ** the front door open? There was no and substitute for lard, and Children. Almost as palatable as _ one in tlie drawing room, tlie dining her cheeks, with those of milk. Set only the irenulne. Pre- M J H room and the study (nine feet by seven) her family, will be far pared by Scott A Iiowne, Choaiists, New 11 ■ ■ IW 111 II more likely to be “ Like a were equally blank. Every one was lork. Sold by all Druggists. 1111 Iffll 1HI rose in the snow.” out, evidently. But the unpleasant C ottolene is clean, deli sensethat be was, perhaps, not tlie first cate, healthful and popu- ; casual visitor to walk through that .......z; lar. Try it for yourself. open door compelled him to look Send three cents in stamps toN. : through the house liefore he went — K. Fairbank & Co.,Chicago, tor ; .. t .~.Z. handsomeCottoleneCook Book, i away and closed it after him. So he containing six hundred recipes, went upstairs, and at the door of the prepared by nine eminent autnor> ¡ties on cooking. first bedroom he came to he struck a wax match, as he bad done in the sit­ nade only by ting rooms. Even as he did so he felt N. K. Fairbank & Co., that he was not alone. And he was ST. LOUIS and prepared to see something, but for CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. what he saw lie was not {»repared. For what he saw lay on the bed in a white loose gown—and it was his sweetheart, and its throat was cut from ear to ear. He does not know what happened then, nor how he got down stairs and DRUSS AHO into the street; but he got out somehow Tboaaandsof Cure* fjy our Belts are persons who have done ao. and .the policeman found him in a fit under the lamp post at tlie corner of the street. He could not s(>eak when they picked him tip, and he passed the night in the police cell, because ths po­ 'Wi'X’H NEW EIsECTRIC S’CSE’ENSOIi.'Z’. liceman bad seen plenty of drunken --------- ’ svsranrso»?. men before, but never one in a fit The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical The next morning he was better, It cures all diseases curable by El though still very white and shaky. It is a complete battery, as used by the I But the tale be told tlie magistrate was most physicians, made into a Belt, so as M convincing, and they sent a couple of easily worn during work, or at rest. It constables with him to her bouse. soothing, prolonged currents, which cu carried to any part of the body where there There was no crowd’about it as he had fancied there would be, and the pain, and will give instant relief, as El blinds were not down. permeates the entire system with a glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak As he stood, dazed, in front of the or part of the body. door, it opened and she came out. He helil on the door ¡»st forsup|>ort. "She’s all right, you see, said the po­ Buffering from Nervous Debility. Seminal Weakntw lmpakjj liceman, who had found him under Aer'r^Ii?8e8’”crvou’“''s"' Sk-eplessnesH, Lame Back. KWaefo^B or norve or HI health, resulting rr..m over-tax»6OT™?5 the lamp. "I told you you was drunk, nermToent !^La.bu?S8 excesses, worry or exposure, wMI find a speedf "“"Z * i->c'tl>*nmkl'.rei!n mervelous inventioniwhich requires but atrialIW* but you would know best---- -” j iu mtbs ik*Lnt,lcai- ,In i-mr ignoranceof effects or by exce» orexP-J When be was alone with her, he told More Belts Made her—not all—for that would not bear telling—but how he had come into1 and Sold and robust lieahb and ’’ no experiment, as we have restored thou«“** the commodious suburban house, and More Sufferers THE HA1 v C old head Ell C DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 9 THIS PAPER, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR GOOD ^stion- pnsumptio COTTOLENE The New Serial OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH. Is the most exciting story ever published THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER The of action flits from London to the Snow plains of Siberia. Subscribe Now and Get it All. HAVE YOU TRIED BAILED TO FIND A GIIREI DR. SARDEN’S ELECTRIC BEL caws tiir.niahoot tliH°s't!teerwhnOih<’’i frentm'!nU fls c"n ,>e 8hoWI» •»r“U«letteAb<>li1, gte2taSnTKH^J,M “"•« from nuwJ' of rw. son teatlmony to tbeir recovery after using our Belt, Cured than by all other Electric Belts combined. The Grgate^"™ "" E*** Vi “«7^7^ act*,’*— ¡Octa^and _ Bottinai ■■ ■ ■ ~ J »i.m oct ' Bottle? to'lose. 11 ”1 One ueut a dose. Tint ------- great G reat lornn cltr » promptly i aU others others fad. fail! Ceuche, Couch., Croup, Croui Sore where all Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough Couch and Asthma. For Consumption it It bag baa ------- no rival; ba.« cured thousands, and Wilt CCH1 TOO 11 taken in time. Sold by Druggists "-------- — on a guar- ar.tee. I nr a Lame Hark ,, sir .-B^ore I nwl’ÌS,? fJi? T2Z?1' A”«”* 1 •'■nW .compl.7TlJ.ot 'S** srlilns, etc L s M cti TS!?'(277'1'* W «P ».th • «SCT. wrtw or efi ln,l, r^ri ^l.^BO rheumatism and lameness ci,“«! LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM CURIO. J™.’'1'? bCTrSir t-Tmtr. of «pirn ,ro.™ lh" «r of .n «ytieeTsar.- m. • • A'« >•«. tw7d.„ 1 on.or ,onr h-lu. It l-lp--1’•J’l w»i 1 >o »Mr It tor toar mouth., Iwins ' e?S»r« •* •n.whowutatolmi.lZata.iuu " ko BE&T b I i RIIEL.'gig/CTvr Hu«®* X3.-T Jm’zi LOST VITALITY ANO STWINCTH CURIO- NIRVOUS DEBILITY AND LOSS And our book at one«, ¿nt ¿¡Ed a a a. rm »n. Addrw.: iu1*«" Rirt —^I ct . weerfes OCT l> It I h ° d f«^t rrtoming: and aft rsniirth « 9**^$ •7 »hows for the better. I f el much