g t KLEPHONE-REGMTEB hibited in the state is the Ferris wheel window of A* J. Apperson. ft is the work of A. • Apperwon and b & h attracted the at- tracted the attention of every pastier by ‘ he power to move it is furnished by a small water motor. Gen. Wm. Kapus, of Portland, has been detailed by the Midwinter associa­ tion to address the citizens of this city and the West Side counties, on the benefit» to be derived frow a pro|>er reprewntation at the Midwinter fair Tlie meeting will be held tomorrow at 11 a. m., in the court house and ev­ eryone interested in the matter should lie then*. 7, 1893 exhibited in the show un ber POST»FFICK HOUKS. L„u 7 a 111. to 7 p. Ill i.>te.Xy From 7:30 p. Ito 8 ’30 >• 111 • lonev order hours from 7 a. in. to 6 p. in. Lndav from 12 m. to 1 p. ni r«il south closes at 9:60 a. m. Mail K closes at 2 30 p. m. and 0 p. la. Lil for 5:45 a. m train closes evening L« at 9 P feridan and southern Tillamook mail Lq at lla m. Y . - _ — ~ ---------- ------ ----- THE MAYOR SPEAKS, OPINIONS ON THE WATER PLANT AND SUNDAY CLOSING. The Report of the Superintendent of the Water and Electric Light Plant and the neaaagc ol the Mayor do not Agree In Substance. paying much more for ita light and «Nineas during the |>ast year of »2,010.08 water tnan they are worth, and that while the revenue« have decreased thia burden is too heavy to be borne I slightly. very long, and I recommend that the This, in the estimation ot the treasur- ceuneil use its best efforts to lighten er is a very creditable showing. The treasurer would res[sn'tfully recom­ this burden to the taxpayers. I will, also, call attention to the fact mend tliut Ordiuance No. 91, Art. 1, that every property owner in the city Sec. 19, as amended, be amended so as is heavily taxe«l to support this water to require the superintendent to report and light plant, while many of them to the council regarding the number of receive no more benefit from it than lights and hydrants used, the council persons residing outside thecity. Tho««e to audit the account and issue a war­ who bear the burden have a right to rant ou the general fund for the same. share in the benefit conferred by the In so doing the council will be fully ad­ expenditure of their money. Many vised cf this matter each month and persens w ho pay taxes to support this the treasurer will have a voucher for plant reside in unlighted streets and each transaction. Very Respectfully, remote from any hydrant or water J. W. C owls , main. I recommend that this injustice Treasurer city of McMinnville. be removed as soon as may be. By E. C, A pperson , ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Deputy. This city has laws en almost every subject within itsjurisdiction,but many To the Hon. Mayor and Council of the City of McMinnville, Oregon. of the ordinances are practically a dead OKNKRAL ri’SD letter. They are not enforced. on hand as per No official has a legal right to nullify Balance $ 85 68 last report Dec. 1, 1892 . or refuse to enforce any law. He has Receipts 1715.67 no right to say that he will enforce one Tax collected bv t reasurer 2200.00 Saloon License. law and permit the violation of an­ Other ¡96JO other. Every officer is a public ser­ Transferred from street 4 oo. 00 Fund ................................ vant and his rights, powers and duties $4442 17 are fixed by law. As an illustration, Of W T Vinton r’k & pl’k $139.5.5 •• ” Fines 120.00 I will call attention to one ordinance *• Dog lic’nse 2.50 that seems to be nullified by those who 2.15 •• •• ENForil. 214 20 are charged with its enforcement. I $ 57 00 OfC 11 Neal, License refer to the ordinance requiring that 30 00 Fines........... 28 00 “ “ «Sale horse dogs be taxed. The recorder’s report 5 7.5 ................... rax 1892 . shows that a license tax has been paid ............................ 1893 207 67 328 42 ou but one dog iu the past year. This iudicates that if official duty has been $5120 47 Total.................. .... faithfully performed, there^is but one Disbursements: $3101 00 Orders paid...................... dog in the town. 95 J nt paid on same THE OLD SOLDIERS. A Meeting oi the Indian War Veteran* and the G. A. R. Tlie old soldiers, Including Indian V.’ar Veterans of Yatuhill county, met at the G. A. R. hall in McMinnville,ou Dee. 2, 1893. J. B. Stilwell was ele«*ted chairman and B. F. Ciubine secretary. The following committees were ap­ pointed on resolutions: I W. V., G. L. Rowland, J. B. Gard­ ner, B. F. Ciubine; Hoidiers’ home, H. C. l’earson, G. W. Kuus, R. L. McMil­ len: Law for relief of indigent soldiers and sailors, C. R. Cook, W. W.Wright, G. L. Rowlaud. After dinner reports of committees were read aud approved as follows: On Indian War Veterans—Whereas, the valuable services of the IndianWar Veterans of the Pacific northwest enti­ tle them to the gratitude of the entire people of the United States; therefore, be it Resolved, that we favor a law granting them pensions on an equality with the Mexican War Veterans. On the law fqvoriug indigent soldier, etc.—Whereas, there exists In the stat­ utes of Oregon laws for the relief of in­ digent soldiers, sailors, etc., aad where­ as, such laws require certain qualifica­ tions by the principal officers of the dlfierent veteran organizations of the county; therefore, we recommend that the next eoininamier of CusterPost No. 9 comply with all the conditions of said law te the end that all indigent seldiers and sailors and Indian War Veterans may receive the benefits of said law. Ou Soldiers Home—Whereas, there are needy veterans in this county and ether counties of the state who should be in the Oregon soldiers home, there­ fore be it resolved that we favor the early completion of said home and that we oppose any further legal proceed­ ing that may delay its speedy comple­ tion. They adjourned, to meet at tlie op­ era house Feb. 22, 1894. DRY LUMBER In the wet season is a neces- in house construction. The lately cleeteil city officers and the holdovers met according law on Monday night last aud orgaulzed. Ev­ ery member of the body was present, I CHURCH NOTICE». fill* reports of officers were read and L-tHQpiaT KrtworsL C iiviich .—Services referred to the committee on accounts Rsabbatliat It a. m. and 7:40 p in, and current expenses. The committees Ugy School al 9:30 a, iu Praver meet- Rhursday evenings at 7:30. ♦ were then appointed. The members I K lv . S. E M bmi . suik , Pastor Tha regular subscription price of the are as follows: lusr«L*i«i> Par-»»VTB»1*!< C' hihcb — Accounts and current expenses— ■ires every Sabbath at 11 a. ni. and 7 p T elephone -R ug ister is »1 a year and [ Sunday A’bool at 9:30 a. in. ■ Sun«iayR^ w H JoNK(( pasUjr the Weekly Oregonian Is $1.50. Any Campbell, Jones, Chrisman. Fire and water—Jones, Campbell, Lmar C' hvbch .—Services every Sabbath one subscribing for the T elephone - ■ a iu and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday School at R egister and paying one year in ad­ Ruia mol. Ways and means—Chrisman, Walk­ |a iu.' Kxv U. L. B onham , Pastor. L sistian C hvsch .—Services every Sab- vance can get both the T elephone - er, Wilson. R egister an«l the Weekly Oregonian K at 11 » “>• »”l17 30 P- nl Sunday Streets and public property—Wilson, Lol at 10 a. ni. Y. P. 8 C. E. meets for »2. All old subscribers paying their Campbell, Jones. tlav at6’30 p. ill. I'rayer meeting Wed- subscribtions one year in advance will El- at 7.301>. m. Everyone invited, Judiciary—Walker, Rummel, Camp­ f ■ H. A D kston , Pastor. be entitled to the same offer. bell, I J am »» C atholic C hvbch .—Services 1st Health and police—Rummel, Walk­ ■Sid Sundays of each month, Second • The other day W. F. Dellschneider, li’av St Mary's at Corvallis. Fourth jeweler, missed several small diamonds er, Wilson. Bs'v St Patrick’s Church on Muddy. wortli from »15 to »25 each. Diligent E. C. Apperson was elected treasur­ F ” Rgv. T hos . B biody , Pastor. search was made without avail. It er; P. D. Glenn, superintendent of the Minnville Grange. No. 31, P. of H., was finally concluded that the gems water plant; Chas. Palmer, street «ini- in their hall tlie first and third 8atnr- had been dropped on the floor and in missioner; L. Granstrom, cheif engin­ >f each month at 10 a. in. Visitors sweeping had been gathered up and eer. The l«ond of the treasurer was ally invited. J. T Jot.LV, a M. E. K uns , Master, thrown in the stove. An old miner fixed at »1500, recorder »500, su|>erin- Secretary, was hired and the winter’s ashes were tendent and engineer »1000 each. blinnville Camp No 128, Woodmen of carefully panned out anti all of the The message of the mayor was then World -Mael firat and Third Mondays gems were found, none the worse for read and the council adjourned, The tell month; visiting brothers cordially message is given in full. [ed to attend Lodge room Third St. their baptism of fire. >n block. J O. R ookm , C. C. Fiiday morning it was discovered Gentlemen of the Common Council: ECXINOMY IN EXPENDITURE’S. College Notes. Transf’rd to water f’nd . 18»3 oo |J. BaiimxzoHD, Clerk. that burglars had entered tlie station­ The charter of this municipality $5103 95 I recommend strict economy in the Total disbursements .. Thanksgiving is passetl ami the stu­ iter Post No. 9 meets tlie second and ery store of Chas. Grissen and had tak­ makes it my duty to submit to you at transaction of the city business. Times Bal on hand Dec 1,1893 $ 16 52 th Saturday oi each month at G. A. R. en several dozen gold pens ami pen­ this time a statement of the "Condition dents havs resumed studies with re­ Warrants outstanding en- are hard and taxes are inevitably high in Union block at 7:30 ». ill. All dorsed.not paid for want newed energy. . Order.are „ >------ c cordially invited holders. D. A. Hmitb, the jeweler, and affairs” of this city, with such rec­ enough. It will be difficult ¡to obtain ibers o( . the of funds............................. $930 .35 who is located in the same room, lost ommendations as I shall deem proper money with which to pay state, school, Due tend our meetings. Miss Nellie Latourette is again able Water Fund for liglit L S. D owning , some 25 watches, 15 of them being in for its good government. . 529 00 and water .......... to attend school after an absence of a county and city taxes next spring. Post Commander. F. C1.VBIM1, It may not be improper to remind Every unnecessary expenditure should his hands for repair. The evening be­ week. Adjutant. $1459 35 Total .......... fore someone entered the residence of you that the power of legislation is be lopped off and the tax levy should Examinations will not be held at the WATKR FUND. Dr. G. 8. Wright, while the family was vested in the common council,and that be made as low as may L>e consistently Bal on hand as per last end of this term. It has been «leeided NOTICE. $ 25 86 to have them just before holidays. report, Dec I, 1892 away. Nothing lias been missed. The the mayor has no power to make or with the public needs. Receipts: In calling your ateution to our Lamps and I .amp [ereat'ter all notices anuoiinc- burglar cut his band severely, however, amend any law. The state legislature Miss Singne Swanson, a last yearn SUNDAY CLOSING. $2450 95 Tax col bv treasurer Goods we wish to remark that our store contains 1712 25 lentertaintnents for which an in breaking a window to gain an en­ imposed the duty ofenactingordinauce by F E Griffith, Supt graduate, attended chapel exercise During tlie last year there has l>een Col .3010 05 the most complete line of lamps ever offered in “ “ PD Glenn, Supt Monday. hlaaiou fee is charged, all trance, bloody marks being left on ev­ upon yourselves and it is your duty to much discussion of the subject of clos­ From 1843 00 Gen Fund............... Yamhill county. Another entertainment will be given 25 011 tuary matter after the notice erything touched anil a trail of blood perform this trust courageously and ing business houses on Sundays. In Citv order perG W Jones 5 7.5 C H Neal tax 1S92 Friday evening, perhaps the last before lentil has been given as a mat- led to the road, where it disappeared. wisely for the public good. all Christian countries there is some .................... 1893 296 73 The people have selected you from rule, sanctioned either by law or cus­ Total.................................... bf news, all resolutions of con- These burglaries were in all probability 9369 59 holidays. The Misses Berry, Porter, Williams, knee, wedding notices, cards perpetrated by some of the numerous among your fellow citizens, believing tom, requiring a general suspension of Disbursements: »7761 01 Lambright and Mr. Stowe, attended ¡thanks, etc,, furnished the hard looking tramps that have passed and trusting that you will give them a secular business on Sundays. It is Orders paid.................... 104 04 In lamp«, from the cheapest glass lamp to the chapel exercises Tuesday. bphone-Register for publica- through the city during the past week good government, and they have a deemed best for man that there be one Transfered to sinking fund 1200 00 $9065 68 more high art designs. A parliamentary society will be or­ [will be charged for at regu- going south. Independence and Cor­ right to expect you to discharge your day in seven during which he shall Total.................................... duties faithfully. You are servants of rest. In most, if not every, state of the Bal on hand Dec 1,1893 [advertislng rates, 5 and IO vallis should keep a lookout for them. ,303 91 ganized among the students in the Our Victor Central Draft Lamps outstanding, not near future. Shiloh’s Cure, tlie great cough aud the people, and not of any taction or el­ Union there is some law of the state Orders u per line. 2726 65 paid for want of funds ement. The Pbilergian society is flourishing. requiring the suspension of mest kinds Ain’t due from gen fund Need no recommendation. Our large sale of them lung cure, is for sale by us. Pocket 529 00 Not less than forty-five members were in the past season has fully demonstrated their ize contains 25 doses, only 25c. Chil­ financial condition of the city . of secular business on the first day of Local and General $2197 65 Total ................................... present last meeting. The address by The report of the city treasurer for the week. Apart from considerations popularity. There have been many improve­ dren love it. 8. Howorth & Co. SINKING FUND. Mr. Sanders was highly instructive the year ending Nov. 30, ) 893, shows of a religious character, these days of ments for this season which are bound to keep , B. F. Fuller, of Albany, is visit- Transfered from Water BUYERS* AND BUSINESS DIRECTOR. that the city owes a bended debt of »20- and thankfully received. Considera­ rest are deemeil beneficial to man, as the Victor to the frojit. For simplicity in wick- Fund ........................ $1200 00 a this city. ble disturbance is caused by some of 000 and a floating debt of »3,885.98, they set apart one seventh part of time Order Paid...................... 1200 00 Hay, baled or loose, timothy or cheat ing, neatness of design and durability there is B. W. E. Martin and daughter re- STREET FUND. the officers and also some members of making a total indebtedness of »23,- for rest and recuperation. Such laws for sale. En«|uire of H. Rummell. nothing we know of to compare with it. id Friday evening. committees, which seemes unneces­ 885.98. There is in the treasury only do not interfere with any man’s relig­ Bl on hand at per last re­ J. P. Irvine has just received 600 lbs » 142 35 port, Deo 1,1892 .......... tgon hams, shoulders, bacon and sary. It is hoped that each will per­ We Request a Critical Examination of the best roast cotfee in the world. He the sum of »379,99. The indebtedness ious freedom. They do not attempt to Receipts; kt Millsap & Cooks. Tax col by treas.......... 735 29 form the part assigned promptly, as .» on December 1, 1892, was »25,896.06, or compel auy one to attend, erect or sup ­ is selling it for 25 cents per package. 459 40 Ree’d from J E Brooks Of our goods and prices in all lines which we any delay is detrimental to the society. pre are several cases of la grip)« in »2,010.08 more than it is now. This is “ “ J W Smith 25 92 handle. Knowing our ability to serve the inter­ For sale—About 150 head of good not a bad showing, as the aggregate port any place of worship. They do Among the visitors were the Misses •• ‘ W TVinton 221 77 Icinity of Wheatland. not pretend to control or interfere with ests of our customers, we solicit your patronage, •• “ CH Neal Tax 89 05 stock sheep, price reasonable. En­ revenues have slightly decreased. Brown and Swanson and Mr. McPliil- eryone is pleased nt the comments the right of conscience, or establish any Total.................................... 1673 78 assuring you that trade will be highly apprecia­ quire of Henry Bros., Lafayette, Or. ips, all former students and active expenses of light and water . preference for any system or mode of Disbursements: i visiting newspaper men. ted. Very respectfully, 1214 22 J. P. Irvine is selling more crockery members of the society. The following The heaviest financial burden that worship. Such laws are made and sus­ Orders paid...................... L. J. T. Wood, of near Wheatland, •100 «») ’u to Gen fund and lamps than auybixly, for lie sells the city has to carry is the cost of run­ tained because (they are lieneficial to Transf 59 56 program will be given Saturday even­ Bal on hand Dec 1,189.3 WALLACE & WALKER. fy low with consumption. ing, Dec. 9: them at cost. ning and keeping up of the water and man. They can be justified and stis. Orders outstanding, en­ t. S. E. Meminger will preaeli on dorsed and not paid for Music, Society. When your »200 watch needs repair­ electric light plant. From the time tained without'any reference to relig­ $ 228 98 want of funds.................. ng next Sunday evening. Address, Mr. McPhilipps. ing take it to I). A. Smith. All kinds this plant was purchased to the present ion. The state lias the power to enact RECAPITULATION. Recitation, Mr. Blood. Bia Goola sent all the way to the of jewelry repaired. time it has cost the city, iu addition to such regulations'as are deemed promo* Amt Gen Fund on hand $ 10 52 Essay, Mr. Nelson. “ Wat -r “ “ .. 303 til H's fair for a bottle of Thos. Rog- what has been collected from individu ­ tive of health, under its general police Mixed Quartet. Why ask your wife to bake bread “ Street “ “ 59 56 |O. & 8. 8. Reading, Miss Abbie Bryant. |379 99 when you can get 7 loaves for 25 cents, als for lights and water, more than one- powers. To the Christian such days of Total of all Funds onh’nd Music, Society. INDEBTEDNBSS. half of the ten mills tax that has been rest have an additional signification. I Thos. Rogers Polson Oak and or 30 for »1 at J. P. Irvine’s. Debate, Question—Resolved that the .. $145035 annually levied. The five mills tax To him Sunday is a holy feast day, the General Fund.......... ¡Specific. Home testimonials by present strife existing in our country H. Rummel desires all those indebt­ . . 2197 65 Water Fund.................. levied the past year for its support has ftzen. It’s »¡fact. weekly Easter, kept in memory of the Street Fund.................... threatens war. Aff. Mr. Latourette . 228 9S ed to him to pay tlieir accounts before $3885 95 and Miss Smith; Neg. Mr. Aiderman been insufficient, in connection with Resurrection. But he does not seek to Total............................. Lse Hour chests made by S.E. Hoff December 15, 1893. and Miss Latourette. C om . what has been collected from individu­ compel any unbeliever so to consider le best yet and should be in every .3505 99 Less Casli on hand J. P. Irvine says that the sugar war als for water and light, to defray the DIED. »20,600 00 .......... ........................ Bonded Debt. .* .............. this day. The powers of municipal an. Call and see them. is over, but you can get your 18 pounds cost of the plant. The people paid the corporations are strictly construed, and Respectfully submitted, |b water in the Willamette has of granulated sugar for one big dollar J. W. C owls , E asterly —At the residence of her past year as taxes levied to defray the they are hel«l to possess only such pow­ E C. A itihsox , Treasurer, I it impossible for the Toledo to in hard cash. father, Wm. R. Neilson, in Weaver­ Deputy. expense of running and keeping it up, ers as are expressly conferred, or are (her regular.tri-weekly irips. ville, N. C.,on November 20. 1893, SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Orin C. Skinner has a little more 4ft »2,753.43, and there was transferred necessary to carry out such other ftn south where the oranges grow oak wood for sale at »3.00 per cord, also from the general fund to the water Mrs. G. C. Easterly, wife of Geo. C. In order that the people of this city |>owers as are expressly delegated Easterly, of this city. korned toads are thick, people old fir, 2ft, at »3 per cord. may have the figures of the operation fund »1843, and the sum of »25 was to the corporation. Mr. Easterly wishes to extend thanks ■Thos. Rogers Poison Oak and J. P. Irvine has sold about »4000 paid into this fund from other sources. Power to prevent tlie doing of secular of the water plant before them we pub­ Specific. Its a fact. worth of goods since he commenced his The people who take light and water business is not conferred upon tlie city, lish below the report of P. I). Glenn, to the kind friends of this city who at­ ■Rev. W. H. Stoy will officiate at hard times sale,and has plenty of goods paid into this fund the sum of »4722.30, excepting as to those kinds of business superintendent of the water and elec­ tended to the wants of his wife before her departure for the east, especially There was on hand at the beginning of that it is empowered to regulate, re­ tric light plant: Episcopal church next Sunday left yet at the hard times prices. to those kind neighlmrs of Martin's ad­ M c M innville , Or., Dec. 3, 1893. the year «he sum of »25.86, making the strain or prohibit. Tn my judgment ■ig and evening. Holy coraniun- For Sale—A first class grubbing ma­ dition. To the Mayor and Council of tlie City sum of »9,369.59 that was received by Itlie morning service. tlie city has no power to prevent the chine; cheap for casli. Inquire of Ira of McMinnville: W ood —At tlie residence of J. T. Wood, ■woods are beautiful in the sum- Earhart or Rosa I. Young, McMinn­ this fund during the year from all sour­ opening of general stores and shops. It I submit the following report from near Wheatland, on Monday night, ces as shown by the treasurer’s report is empowered to regulate, restrain or Le until you get poison oak, then ville, Or. ** Dec. 4, 1893, Henry Wood, aged 71 This has all been expended but »303.91, prohibit liar-keepers, saloon-keepers, March 7, to Deceinper 1, 1893: Ent to hike it and get a bottle of For sale—A house and two lota in and there are outstanding warrants 05 years. Death was caused’by typhus dealers in spirituous, vinous or malt Total collections on lights....... »1446 ntegers Polson Oak and Skin Hurley’s addition to Newberg, for sale *• “ water............... 2096 15 pneumonia. The funersl was held drawn against this fund at the present liquours, or places where spirituous, vi­ 30 00 Lamps sold ................................... or trade, enquire of E. C'.Powell, North time amounting to »2,726.65. This fund from Hopswell church yesterday. nous or malt liquors are kept for sale,or 00 80 16 taps made ............................... irson is prematurely old when Yamhill, Or. tf Mr. Wood was a pioneer of 1864. 38 00 was in debt a year ago in the sum of in any manner disposed of, and various 38 lights installed........................ Ss occurs before the forty-fifth 20 00 »1,419.05. And taking into account the other kinds of business maj’ be regulat­ 4 pumps sold.. .......................... Seems now to be the prevailing and fore­ Our Public Schools. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. [I'se Hall’s Hair Renewer to amounts of money in this fund a year ed, but I find no general power to reg­ most idea of our people irrespective oi Total.......................................... I »3710 20 lie scalp healthy and prevent Thanksgiving was observed by the ago , and at the present time it appears ulate general business houses. Turned over to treasurer........... »2895 89 This List is Published Kxcluslvely* in this whether that change is to be a beneficial public schools of this city in appropri- that | there has been a net increase in Paper Every Two Weeks. “ “ u 114 2.5 The council have ample power to one or not. lobu Field, of Sheridan, one of ate manner. Appropriate exercises the , indebtedness of this fund to the prevent aad punish the keeping open City warrants held ... ............. , 544 10 96 95 lest practitioners of medicine in were hehl in the various grades. Ail amount Following are the letters remainingfor , of »1,029.55, during this year. of saloons, bar-rooms, etc., on Sundays, Accounted and not collected . . 59 10 two weeks in the postofflee at McMinn­ nnty, died Thursday morning. the grade rooms in the Columbus build­ It is claimed that a portion of the large or during auy hours of the night or ( ash on hand............................. I a member of the I. O. O. F. and ing combined anil belli exercises in the amount . of warrants drawn on this day. In fact, the power te prohibit ».3710 20 ville, Oregon, Dec. 0, 1893 : I. W. Hedgepetli Ella vice principal’s room. In the Cook fund . during the past year are not prop­ such business withiu the city limits is Collected by F. E. Griffith....... 1712 25 Arthur, W C 2 Harris, W G Arthur, Jas , chargable to this fund. This may­ expressly conferred upon the city. Jeffersonian club of Yamhill building the 5th and Oth grades com- erly Hanson, Anton Arthur, M E Total Dec. 1, ’92 to Dec. 1, ’93.»5422 45 will meet at the Grange hall to­ bined with tlie high school; the 3d and be true. But it is certainly true that Years ago the city undertook, to regu­ Amount to be transferred from Harris, Geo Ames, Ed ft night at 730. Important busi- 4th grades held exercises in their re- after , making all proper allowances for late the saloon business within the So We CHANGE our tariff sheet by the general fund to water fund .. 2372 00 Bartholemew, II D Jilson, O Jones, W E Box, Jim Itransact, so let every member be spective rooms. Rev. Denton address­ moneys that were drawn from this fund city. The ordinance passe«! is very pro­ addition of all broken lines of Scarlet and Kennedy, Mrs S E Borner. F W Total earnings of plant......... »7794 45 ed the pupils ot the Columbus build­ for expenses not properly chargable to lix,but it omitted the penal clause from ■xnnptly. McCuue, Thus Calkins, Thos White Merino Underwear and Woolen Total expense for wages, wood, McMicking F L E S Ispencer and W. L. Qualey got ing and Revs. Bonham and Meminger it, it costs the city about »3,600 annual­ some of the sections making certain repairs, etc.................................»4817 79 C'opelen, Overshirts. These go with goods hereto­ Patton, I F Copeland, Allen I ly over and above what is paid by con ­ those of the Cook building. acts illegal, but fixing no penalty far Ring over the weight of a stone Of which ain't the wood cost... 1729 46 Copeland, W H Stevens, F fore advertised An inventory of the donations, made sumers. I do not pretend to state the doing the forbidden acta. T recommeml lurtlav and came to blows. No Improvements—water mains, hy­ Duetta, C L Spencer, Elex exact amount, as I could not do so the passage of a new ordinance on this drants, wire, etc., »1700 93. L hurt; the butchers sold some by the pupils, showed the following: Sanders, J M Demars, Theo In the Coak ward, 2 boxes apples, without a tedious examination of all subject or the amendment of the exist­ Seely, Fred ■owever. General fund notes paid from the wa­ Field, John Shelton, J W Garrett, N R, 2 boxes canned fruit, 2 boxes mixed the bills allowed against this fund. I ing ordinance by providing a penalty ter fund, »1500 00. KEpworth League will give an Welland, H L Holt, F C Other warrants drawn on the water Isnppcr in the Wright building goods. 1 barrel vegetables, 3 sacks veg­ estimate the net expense at »3,600 an­ for its violation. for the altove letters Parties calling nually, or »300 per month. The »20,- etables, J coop chickens. I have now called attention briefly to fund that do not belong to it, »82 00. stairs), Wednesday evening, will please say “Advertised.” If not In the Columbus school, 6 boxes fruit 000 of bended indebtedness was al) in- a few subjects of public interest, and it Respectfully, P. D. G lenn , 1893, to raise funds for l*neflt called for in two weeks they will lie and vegetables, 8 sacks vegetables, 1 curred iu purchasing this plant will be my privilege, from time to time, Supt. W. and E. L. ■League. Supper 25 cents. All sent to the «lead letter office as “un­ Now, what does the city receive for to draw your attention to others. bundle clothing, i coop chickens. REGULAR MEETING,TUESDAY EVENING And shall add other lines to this as fast as to attend. claimed.” J. C. C ooper , P. M. The contributions were forwarded to this large expenditure of money? In conclusion, I assure you that ev- Council met in regular session Tues ­ our stock becomes broken. John Rhodes left yesterday the Portland and Good Samaritan hos­ I learn from the proper afficial source ery effort that you may put forth for day evening, Mayor Ramsey in the ftg far hie old home Frederick- pitals. Tn answer to the query why that the city has 47 twenty-five candle good government, will receive my chair, and all the members present. Bust below St. Louis, Mo. He were the donations sent to Portland? power street lights, 19 hydrants and 4 assistance and approval. The regular routine business, includ­ When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoris. Knain there for the winter at we have to say no call was made for cisterns. This is a small town and it December 4, 1893. ing the monthly reports of the officers, When she was a Child, she cried tor Cartoria Kind probably longer. He has the needy in our city, and on inquiring seems to me that that the amount paid W illiam M. R amsey , was disposed of. When she became Mi«, she clung to CsMoria. there for twenty years. we failed to learn of any in need of as­ out for street lights and for water for on all Goods, not included in the Sixty Mayor. Petition of resideuta of College side hadchildren,»>egar.themCaMorle. Lands of lives are saved annual- sistance. If there are any in our city those hydrants and cisterns is exorbi­ Cent Tariff List, except Sugar, Flour, But- for a light on th» corner of Villard and ; use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, needing such substantial aid we are tant. Eugene City, with twice our! THE CITY FINANCES. Vine streets was read and on motion of terick Patterns, Spool Silk and Cottons. [treatment of croup and whoop- sure a liberal denation can be had «lur­ population and wealth, pays »1000 for Rummel, referred to the committe on ' Year Lgh, the Pectoral has a most ing the holidays, provided such cases water and »2760 for street lights, mak­ Report fire and water. Notice. Lus effect. It allays intlamma- are reported to the teachers. ing the sum of 13760 in all annually. Residents of Johns addition petition­ lees the obstructed air passages All persons indebted to McCullough L. H. B aker , Prin., . This Is about the amount we pay, but J. W. Cowls, treasurer of the city of ed for a light at the corner of C a««l 4 Malone must settle by the first of I And such Produce as we handle taken in Ltrols the desire to coogh. In behalf of the teachers of the pub- I : they have twice our ability and they McMinnville, furnished the following Cedar streets, ob motion of Wilson, re­ January, either by cash or note. Thia Ls of this section have concluded lie school« of McMinnville. exchange For All Goods. have 23 large arc lights and as many ferred to committee an fire and water. means business and must be attended hydrants and cisterns as they want* report to the city council at its first ■ere is more money In baling Street Commiseioner Palmer wa« In ­ A Poison OAk Tr«. Salem,a city of’magnificent distances” meeting on Monday night last. It is structed to look after the dilapidate«! ta atraw and shipping it to the pa­ Third Street, The following letter was received and not especially noted for economy complete and people who wish to know sidewalks and see that the property llia at Oregon City than there is the actual condition of things now owners make the neceemry repairs at McMinnville, Or. by Thos. Rogers showing liow his in public expenditures, having about (ring it, Some 'JOB tons of baled have the figures before them. The re­ -new He was also instructed to make Poison Oak and Skin Specific is adver ­ five times our population and wealth, are now waiting for the steamer, C«sable that portion of Third street ly- home: I pays »1,244.88 for water and »5,160 per port is as follows: j between tne railroad and I street. height to Oregon city Is »1.25 per tising itself abroad a* well as at O ffice of ths C ity T reasurer . L as C ruces , N. M , Nov. 20, annum for street lights. But the cap­ M c M innville , O r ., Dee. 1, 1893. ital city receives water for seven cis­ T hos . R o OKRS, Beautiful Presents for Old and I pity’s sake, don’t growl and (Jen tiemen:—I have the honor to sub- I rvine —To tbewilbof O. H. Irvine, McMinnville, Or. terns, fifty-three hydrants and four fau- Yonng. ¡ble because you are troubled with _ forty-three large _ , cets, and has arc | mit for your consideration the annual Dear Sir; of this city, on Friday, December 1, The largest ¡eetloo. No good was ever effected nght.«."An extra’ nFiaro* char^i ia ta marltt made I the're 1 ^1»« *f While a stranger to 5 , ll^hta An owfm 1893, a daughter weighing 9 pounds. VVATCHES and finest Barling and fretting. Be • man want te express my thanks for the fa- for lights Dec. * 1, 1893. In so "* doing I wish to „ „„ for the city offices. _ It ____ will Ing ' ** ”* stock this FlMMRl.1/— •To * the wife of A. L. Finnell, CLOCKS ns you happen to le » woman 1, vor you did me by recommending your | thM ^ |t|| flve tilu „ W]r call your attention to the following - be seen that Salem, with five times our side Port- of this city, on Monday, Dee. 4, 1893, take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which Poison Oak and Skin Specific, while I . IX>polatio„ and weal(h pay, le«, than comparisons with the preceding year: PLATED WARE, [and, a^dl a daughter, we ’ ght 9 pounds. relieve you, whether man or was in your city last summer. I pur- (w)ce 1NP2 1893 inc’se tikis city expends for water JEWELRY, ETC. at the low­ coDected . . M.N61.74 »5/05.86 » «45.12 in. Chased twe bottles an«l brought them Hillsboro peys ,2480 for Tax Shiloh’s Vitalixer is what yon need est prices. | LicensesAfine« 2.606.75 2..536.00 ’70.75 »me purpose, and this amount in- Water A light.. 5 458. A> 4.653 30 •»»> M for dyspepsia. Torpid liver, yellow Call and see these goods, you are plain Sweeney, U. S. A., San 1 home with me. The medicine has Indebtedness i.NK.«» 3.8R5.98 •9010.08 o, Cal., says: “Shiloh's Catarrh done all yon claimed for it. Now I interest. Hillsboro has arc Cash on hand 2.53.89 »79.90 126.10 skin or kidney trouble. It is guaran- under no obligations to buy. edy Is the flrst medicine I have ¡want yon to send me * dozen by ex- , teed to give you MUisfhrtion. Price 7Sr. •Pt crease. WM. F. IHELSCHNIEDER, i ! ulww* Truly A on re, I lights. Two doors Ee«l of Po«toftice. found that would de me any good e-—* Yau will note a reduction of iudeltt- I Sold by Howorth A Co R iley M artin , j 1 respectfully submit that this city i» > 50 eta Sold by Moworth *Co. | THE LARGEST LUMBER SHEDS In Yamhill County are on our yards and they are filled with choice lumber that has not seen one drop of rain. When You Want Finishing Lumber Or shop work (luring the wet season don’t fail to ex­ amine our lumber as well as the product of our Shops. Lia"T LIGHT. We Keep Everything “ CHANGE,” “ CHANGE,” 4ft CHANGE” It’s Change they Want and Demand And Change they Must have. I I AT 60 PER CENT OF FORMER PRICE, I L I I Ten Per Cent off for Cash Iu Le CITY AND COUNTY WARRANTS Holiday Ooods^ A. J. APPERSON