WO '.I K ate - jordan jrt ® «=» o «S» O0 • O« k I • O o PUDLUirtCD DY SfTCIAL>ACTÄNQCHCMT WITH TÌW I'HAPTEIl XIII. “Do you know, Tom,” and his black | eyes sparkle«! as he looked down at the , optalescent liquor swaying under the movement of his fingers, “the time has i come when you can do me a favor?” j “Can I indeed?" “You don't seem overjoyed,” he said in a purring tone. “Look here. I know we’ve had a few small differences, but can any two people of marked individu­ ality live together in a state of unruffled peace? Tom, give me your hand. “OA, yes, Pll hare, It back.” “Don’t be mawkish. Come to the point. You want something. What is ttP “Why. you're ¡»oritively brutal, you unconiprotniring young dog!" Mid Dela­ tole, with a laugh, ami then leaned con­ fidingly on his arm. something terrier like in the intensified «harpuess of his face, “but here goes! I know you’ll help me, now that you are a (’rcesas again. I’m tired working for The Challenge. The pay. large a« it Heems, is beastly small for all I do. Emerson is anxious to sell The Morning Cry. and I want to buy it. Whew! What a chance for me. I’d make it yell. Why. I’d l»e rich in a year. Now. if I can only pay him a third of the required amount down, it’s mine. I want you, Murray, to lend it to me.” It was triumph that flickered deeply in Tom’s level glance. How often in his luckless moments this voice had sharply prodded him that now, sunk to a caress­ ing tone, asked help of him! “Quite impossible, my dear Delatóle,” he Baid promptly, with a shrug. “I need every penny just now.” “You’re jesting." And Delatóle grew visibly paler. “What is your pressing need, pray?” “I must pay my debts. As you so of­ ten reminded me. they are legion. I owe you nothing more—thank God for that— but there are others.” “Murray, this iff bosh. Let them wait. I should certainly be first with you. This is a critical moment for me. Yon can’t refuse." “I do. I refuse.” There was a sullen, red point in Dela­ tor's purplish pupils. He felt very much as an elderly hen does who sees a half feathered chicken leave the shelter t»f her wing and with a defiant chirp make its hesitating way alone. It was a moment liefore lie could control him Relf and sjieak. “Surely Mrs. Baudoine's money”—lie commenced with a forced, insulting laugh. “You’ve talked a good deal abont that money. Delatole. I'm sorry it must I k * left out of your calculations. The en­ gagement’s off. Sink or swim, I go it alone. Mrs. Baudoine understands, and we remain good friends.” “So that's the way the lies? You must tie growing sentimental again. Well. then, your own money will an­ swer. You're drawing big royalties from vour play, and it’s one to last. I tell you, Murray, if you refuse to assist me yon are a contemptible ingrate.” He stood up, placed his palms upon the table, his voice coiling serpent wise around the words. “It was I who made you.. Don't forget that, my friend. You are an un­ formed stripling, a youngster groping in the dark, without polish, without suav­ ity. Why, without me”----- The blood rushed to Tom's face. “Don't remind me of what I was— without you. Don’t let me think of what I have become following you,’’ he interrupteil fiercely. ' You made me. yon say? I have ruined myself, rather, and yon have ably assisted at the wreck­ ing. Yon can no more remake n^ now than can I myself." He stood up. his eyes flashing with their old impulsive passion. The words came slowly, deliberately: “Perhaps it's just as well we speak plainly at last. Delatole, you've robbed me.” •What?" “Yes. you've lived upon me success­ fully for two years. I'm negligent about money, and I let you go on. but I'm not a fool. You have bled me in a most con­ sistent and masterly manner, doubled my etpenses with a lavish recklessness, and I knew it all the time. But I kept the peace, for I had made up my mind to end it at the first opportunity.'’ He leaned forward, his face close to Dela- tole’s, and his clinched hand rang on the table. “It's ended now.” During his adventurous life Anthonv Delatole had many limes been surprised, but never so thoroughly confounded l>e- fore. He stood, leaning upon the table and watched Tom out of the room. There was a craven malignity in every line of his sneering face. A longing al­ most irresistible gripped him to knock Tom down and kick him until the hot brutal desire for retaliation had been glutted. “Stumped, by God!" he mutter«!. The next fortnight saw an important I change in Tom's life. He left the Uni­ versity building and took a cheaper suite of moma on Irving place, one of the bivouacs of Bohemia. Delatóle and he had parte»! in a silence that was sul try. His plunges in Wall street kept him well snpplinl with money for the time being, and of the future he thought but ! little. The ««-ret had changed its aspect. Ho no longer cared to face it. It was now ! a monstrous fear maddening him with whispers of a hundred possibilities, prod­ ding him. sending out false alarms and slowly chilling his assurance into an • ever present premonition. Since the day Felix Dawson left him with th$ declarg- tion, “Oh. yea. I ll have it back." he luid ¡ not seen nor heard of him. This abso­ luta withdrawal was more significant than threats. Suppose he had incon­ testable proof, after all? What if he lied when he said be had no copy? What if he could produce witnesaes to prove , lie had written the play? Would this man some day apilar again, relent les« in hia quiet way, and hurl the shell that would bring his false life in ruins about his ears? His rupture with Delatole—that, too, made him uneasy. Oh. it was a load from bis heart to have told him the truth, to have seen the sullen «nr]»rise deepen into a stolid hat re 1 in hit horrid eves. It was a relief, a balm, but it brought a danger in its wake. Supjiose they mat, these two who for different reasons would rejoice in his overthrow. Then indeed might he shudder. J^elatole would follow the scent insatial / . He would come like a vulture to pick his bones. Even if proof were not jiossible he would so damn him with suspicion, so liesmear him with the trail of his innuendoes, so riddle him with the darts of his acrid humor, his prestige would lie lost for­ ever. Delatole had the ¡lower, the op­ portunity and the unswerving patience to write an enemy down and out of ex­ istence. These dangers lay in wait for him at some turning in the darkness beyond his vision. But there was something more terrible—a voic e that spoke to him as no living voice could. Mystic and person­ al, it came from his soul. Conscience, like the giant of fairy lore, sometimes awakens refreshed and hungry from a seven years' sleep. In this interval of inaction it was impossible for Tom to look back on the short life he had so quickly and completely degraded and feel no pang. The heartburning, the anxiety, left their haggard marks upon his face. He grew thin, he became morose and mel­ ancholy. His world lost sight of him, but hidden in some corner of the crowd­ ed theater, driven there by a restless fas­ cination, by the same resistless impulse which forces the murderer to feast his shrinking eyes upon his victim, he night­ ly watched the play that told him in every line he was a thief. His nights were sleepless and filled with fears—intolerable links 1 »etween morbid, feverish days. He drank heavi­ ly, trying to find in the flaming odors of brandy an assuagement for the ache in his heart. This was Tom’s life now. And across this waste, like a pale ray trembling from pure, open skies, came a longing, persistent as a thirst, to see Virginia. He could not account for it. It was not that he fancied their friendship might l»e in any degree renewed, indeed he never seemed farther from her than at this period, never more undeserving of a glance from her eyes. But the de­ sire was there, not forcible enough to wild him seeking her. yet with him al­ ways. While fearing, half expecting to come face to face with Dawson, he was unconsciously looking for her on the streets, in shops and at the theater. Two years had passed. ami he had nev­ er chanced upon her. Such a thing could only be possible in a city like New York, where interests lie so widely apart and life rushes in great circles, one within another, never meeting. Virginia was scarcely a mile from him, yet not seek­ ing each other they could not have been more separate had they lived in different towns. Bohemia and (’lielsea square are antithetic—the one all fever, struggle, laughter, frailty, the other somnolent in an odor of sanctity, ruffled only by trem­ ulous chimes as the days walk demurely on. Yet. so strange is the affinity between thought ami sequence, Tom felt scarcely any surprise when one night at the thea­ ter he lifted his languid eyes and saw Virginia in a lower box. There she was as he had so often pic­ tured her through these useless. feverish, fear haunted days. His sick soul raged with yearning, and in all the crowded, half lit house he only saw her face. He scarcely seemed to breathe. His eyes devoured her. The dear face! There was no other like it in the world. The light was in her eyes, the red in her arching li’is. the soft fire of expect­ ing, exulting youth not one whit dimmed. It is only in books women show upon their faces when they have passed the first milestone on the path of pain. Would she see him? He hardly knew whether he most longed for or dreaded her glance. How would she look if she knew the truth about the play she watched so earnestly? What would her eyes say then? A coldness began to steal over him. a desire to shriek. His head was whirling. Was he going mad? This dull, inarticu­ late grief preying upon his heart—oh, if he could sigil it away! Saic Virginhi in a lower bo jt . And all the while in the rosy gloom thrown upward by the footlights Vir­ ginia's face shone like a star. And all the while the old jtassion grew with the seconds, no longer single and pure, the ideal love of a man's youth, but a reck­ less. dominant craving for her. the fruit of past experience ami present despair. He remembered nothing more until he stood liefore her. their hands locked. Oh, that moment! He was dimly consrinns of a strange man with Virginia and of an introduc­ tion to him, but he seemtwl an intermin­ able distance away through a madden­ ing red blur. The crowd, the music, too. had receded, and Virginia's upraised eyes, her warm, confiding palm, were the only realities. What he said to her he never knew— something mutter«!, incoherent—words seemeil of such little value then beside the longing to crush her to his sore heart Then for a moment he look«! away, his eyes drawn upward as by a spell. A cry wavered from his paling lips: he r?eh*d back want an«l flung her hand from him. Above, ain«mg the sea of faces, wa* F*dix Dawson's, the light from hi* eye* shooting through Tom’s guilty heart like a vein of electricity. To his blind«!, ma Ideiuxl senses the face i seemeil distort«! by u terrible menace. His doom was written Hiere. In a moment lv was fleeing from it. | pushing through the waiting crowds in | tbe aisles as a man bresMts »» •***. CH APTER XIV. Virginia. at lb «!»►< of ttie lux, stood fa«*ing the ciwwd wli^r»1 Tom had disap- **arrd. A shudder shook her from lmnd to foot. Slie »till «remed looking into a pair of tonuentnl bine eye« alight with a »hitting flume; the choked, broken ac­ cent« of a familiar voice were in her ear». And yet—oh, conld.it be?—wa» it real- : ly Tom who had stood there? That gaunt figure and sickly face, the dieao- lute eyes and coarsenetl month were like a travrety on the memory cherished j so tenderly. The pity of it! Her raised arm droojied against the enrtain in the shadow, and she laid her face ujain it. closing her eyes and letting ; the slow, heavy tears fall as they would. A love 1s»ru of loug association is not an eas tiling to kill. Virginia's died hunl i' • ,:it piteous uioiueut, but it died aureh. Site scarcely knew it herself, so keen, so ■h'i p was the rush of compas­ sion. almost maternal in its intensity, that took its place. But gradually as the tears fell and the throes of the awakening continued she saw the truth. The latssiou that hail held her to the ]>ast was like a woruont coil whose strands in the weak places »he had persistently kept inende«! until Tom s own hand hail cut it tonight, leav­ ing in her grasp only a handful of worn- out shreds. The old feeling was like something done with «ml put away for­ ever. Weak and morbid natures cling to a sentiment when the ideal that pro­ jected it is lost. A proud and virile heart leaps exultant, free. But there was none of the triumph of freedom tenqiering the first acuteness of Virginia's awakening. She was think­ ing of Tom as she had first seen him year» ago. He had stood on the stejis of the chapel that April morning when the square was a glory of white clouds and young, rustling leaves. The stiff student cap threw a pointed shadow across his glowing eyes. His gown was pushed roughly lack, one hand deep in his l>ocket as he laughed aloud and snapped liis fingers at a little terrier rolling on the grass, mad in the caress of the sun­ light. The then and now! Ages had rolled between that moment and this one. Was there nothing to be done—no price she could pay. no sacrifice she could make— to give him back that innocence and know him again as lie was »hat day? “Virginia!” One judged to be correct is the oblique central position anil the other the straight central preition, between which iu reference to final choice the contro- ver»y in Germany is »aid to be fierce. The advocates of reform observe that the child write» vertically when he first goes to school, anil that the teacher has to work for the slant. The vertical writ­ ing and the ceutral | km >* ii at the desk are alike naturally indicated. At this stage the controversy has led to tbe con- elusion that the height of the desk and that of the seat must be equally adapted to the growth of the pupil. In some of the progressive school», as Felix Adler'» and at South Orange, N. J., adjustable seats are being used. The point iu Dr. Shaw's recent experi­ ments, made with the aid of several as­ sistants on more than 1.309 pupils in the New York and suburban schools, has been to see whether, with the paper di. rectly in front of the pupil and with the eye» closed, there could las any tendency toward vertical writing. The pupils were first mpiested to take the custom­ ary preition in writing, aud to write in the ordinary manner the sentence, “John is flying his paper kite.” This form of exercise was selected on account of the number of long letters which it contains, and as being one also that is eaay for the child to rememlier. After having thus written the sentence, the pupil was di­ rected to take the straight central posi­ tion, dip hi» pen in the ink and with hi» eyes closed to write the same again. The closing of the eyes was to elimi­ nate from the child's mind the conscious­ ness of the slasit. The angle of slant in all the long letters in the test papers was carefully measured, the angle of slant in the usual writing in each case being also found with the same precision. The measurements and the calculations ran up to 8,600 items, and among other issues of the work was the invention by a lady of a machine for making the measure­ ments.—New York Press. Club Rule In New York. I was somewhat shocked last week while sitting in the Knickerbocker club, where I was busily engaged in alternate­ ly gazing on those tiresome wall paper bouquets and garlands and in keeping up a desultory conversation with the only two men of my acquaintance left in town, to see a man whom we all knew nod to us as he passed the club window, although accompanietl by his wife. This is certainly very bad form. A man should show more deference to his wife than to any other woman. Of course he knew better than to bow. One is supposed never to recognize a woman acquaintance from a clnb win­ dow. Otherwise we approved of him.— Vogue. New Office Requisite. Visitor—Why do you have that dog sitting on your writing desk? Clerk—I have mislaid my sponge, so I am getting him to lick niv postage stamps for me.—Sobremesa. Foretold His Own Death. Virginia!" There was a new significance in Rich­ aril Monklow’s touch upon her arm. light as it was. She felt it in her blood. There was a sudden shyness in her glance. She drew back, a new recognition startling her. and looked intently nt the bronzed face under the shorn white hair. How composed it was. how earnest and gentle! “You know who that was." she said; “you’ve heard father revile him often enough." She paused, and again a bit­ ing mist swam across her sight. “Poor Tom! His bitterest enemy might pity him now." • Perhaps yon would like to follow him. Would you? If he lives alone, has no one to help him"----- “What do you mean?" And her burn­ ing hand was on his arm. “He seemed to me on the verge of a collapse. I saw a sailor once whose face wore that look. He shot himself. If he hadn't, I think he would have gone mad.” She threw out her hands in a gesture of pain. “Yes—come. We can get his address at the I k » x office. If not. I know where the manager lives. Come. You will go with me. won't you?” He made no answer in words, but gaz­ ing down into her questioning eyes a flood of fealty poured from his, a long, yearning, inspiring glance of passion that thrilled her to the core of her trou­ bled soul. TO BE CONTI NEED. DANGER IN WRITING. Experts Say That Slanting Script Causes Dis­ ease. The method of writing taught in mod­ ern schools and practiced by 9» people out of every 1(H) has lieen declared dan­ gerous and unhenlthful by experts. By the time the next generation matures it will probably have lieen wiped out. The script then will be vertical instead of slanting, and writers will ait square and upright before their work instead of side­ ways and stooped, aa at present. The idea of this prospective reform or­ iginated in Germany and overspreads England while reaching this country. The following resolution was adopted not long ago by the international con­ gress of school hygiene in London by a vote of 229 against 1: James Beckworth, the famous scout, who tiecimie a war chief under the Hume of Medicine Calf among the Crows, bus related to a friend an extra­ ordinary feat of levitation, which a great war chief ot the Crow Indians performed in his presence on the eve of leading his warriors to battle. The chief was an aged man and professed to have a premonition of death. For many moons be had led the Crows suc­ cessfully against their hereditary foes, the Blackfeet, ft was not his heart that failed him now, but his medicine had lost its patency. In the dusk of the gray morning he led his braves out on an open prairie, and, setting his shield on edge some fifteen or twenty feet in front of them, pointed to it with his lance. As the eyes of the fighting men rested upon the embossed surface of the buckler it appeared to rise slowly from the ground until it reached a height corresponding to the head of the chief; it then, by the same invisible means, passed through the’air until it obscured his face and hid it from his warriors. A thrill of horror pervaded the assem­ blage, but no word was spoken, It was taken as an emblem of his no- proachliig eclipse, his banishmont from this world, his journey to the land of the Great Spirit, to which all Indians, good and bad, alike, went wlth£unhesitating faith. The great chief was killed that morning.— North .1 mrrirctn Revirw. Tobacco Knocks out Cholera. From investigations at (jreenwich it appears that the cholera bacillus does not like smoke. It shares the feelings of the tribe of cannibals who petitioned an evangelical society to send them missionaries who were members of the anti-tohaceo society. The authorities at the work-house where cholera re­ cently broke out, discovered that male inmates who had lieen great smokers, or who had been in the habit of chew­ ing tobacco, passed unscathed through the epidemic. Nearly every man was Whereas, The hygienic advantages of verti­ or had been a smoker, and the statis­ cal writing have been clearly shown and es­ tics show that only eighty-three males tablished both by medical investigation and were attacked as compared with IflO practical experience, and Whereas, Its Introdnctlon obviates those per­ females. It was found that when a nicious positions of the body which entail ra­ man was seized with the disease it took chitic diseases and myopia. Resolved, That we recommend the introduc­ a very mild form. Several old irish­ tion of vertical writing in the schools ot the women in the work-house who smok­ people. The effect of so serious an action in a ed before their admission and now, country esteeming proper physical con­ when they could manage it, had all es­ ditions as England esteems them is caped. Not one of them had been at­ readily to be imagined. tacked.— London Telegraph. The corresponding movement in the Horrible Persian Punishment. United States is led by Dr. Bumham of Clark university. His investigations The punishment of the bout was have brought the conviction that the or­ dinary position in writing is among the commo« in ancient Persia. The offend­ foremost conditions of school life and er was placed between two boats, his methods of training which must be head projecting from a hole cut in the changed in the interest of health. The end of one of the skiffs. The boat was vertical script, therefore, is strongly tied in such a position that the sun recommended. From 80 to 90 per cent of lateral curvature of the spine is found shone in bis face all day long. He was fed with honey and milk to be caused in school life, the curvature in a large per cent of these cases being poured into his i««uth and over his toward the right side, as a result of a fare, the mixture attracting myriads *f defective position in writing, and the ties. Mithridates was subjected to this eyes at the same time are seriously in­ awful torture and lived for eighteen jured by this slanted writing. days. The practical advance of the newly approved system in this country is illus­ trated in the Worcester normal school and the Workingmen's school at Fifty­ fourth street in this city, directed by Professor Adler, where the vertical writing is used in the lower grades and now carried on to the fourth and fifth grades. vv i i n TheolieervatioiMaf foreign physicians showing that the prevalence of myopia and spinal curvature is regularly in­ crease«! in the advance through the K-bovl grades are supidemented in thir i country by work on novel lines. An en­ ergetic course followed by Dr. Shaw of the University of the City of New York has given additional proof that the cause of the difficulty is to twat tri ba ted to the desks which are generally in use, and more especially to the bad position in writing, the opinion being held with ap­ LOH’S parent unanimity by investigators in TARRH this country as well as abroad that all REMEDY. but two poMtiona to be taken in the Tire Mwdy H ruaran* school practice of writing are improper SOctn Injector Iren S hi L ohs ▲ V ■ fr.. ì Micro k CASTOR 1/ Il w\\\W r. tor Infants and Children it ;v • •»* With the only complete bicycle plant in the world, where every part of the machine is made from A to Z, is it any wonder that Victor Bicycles are acknowledged leaders. There’s no bicycle like a Victor, and no plant so grandly complete as the one devoted exclusively to the manufacture of this king of wheels. “CMtoria is bo well adaj»Ud to child rea t hat I recommend H as superior to any prescription known tome." H. A. A rcher , M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Caatoria cures Colic, Conntlpctl Hour Stomach, Diarriicea, Eruct Kill« Worms, gives sh*ep, gestion, Without injurious medication. ;i;;;KriÄ“.Ä^TÄ “ For «evirai years I have i Sour ‘ Casto ri a, ‘ anti »hall alwaj o so as it baa invariably produi results.” E dwin F. P ardi «,! •‘The Winthrop, ' 120th Street wBbia D.D.. C New York City. Lata Pretor BloomlntfUle Reformed Chureh. M T h « C mxtaub C ompany , 77 M urray S trut , N OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON, WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN FRANOISOO. 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We equip you with everything that you need, treat you walk and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do aa well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim­ ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything la new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. C eorce S tinson & C o ., Box 488, ______ , I TRADE design i COP YR 101 For Information and free Handboq MUNN A CO.. 361 B ko ADWAT.1 Oldest bureau for securing patens Every patent taken out by us in bi the publie by a notice given free of Jritntiiic Jinn Largest circulation of any ecfentlfl world. Splendidly illustrated. « man should be without It. Wee] year; S1.60six months. Address J F ubushkks , 361 Broadway, Ne< ADVERTISERS X'X! on advertising space when in Chicago, will f|n>l 9 1 LU II I* I 45 to 49 Randolph St., ■ the Advertising Agency of PORTLAND, MAINE. Prevent r.ne«s. Lam« Buck. Kid The Color of Electricity. or nerve force general 111 health, resulting from over-taxa At a meeting of the British Meteoro­ rrmsnent coren/ti u.’ worrJr or exposure, will find a «pew logical society at London, Shelford Bid- ' Kiev tbe tu<«laka«IuiJ.inlame,ou* invention, which requires but al you may l>areun^ffi?il'~1I11o''r,gn'>rnnoeofeffects«.rbyexc«isK well made a remarkable experiment, £lKt-K.'tr—ina tiH.rcauaed »our of nerva force and vita] showing the effects of electricity upon «■leux i.uthuadnilnod, which arc r . kor force. If you replace Into yod More Belts Made health, st length and vigor will rolKZJ'i.y? i“r vigorous strength, you will remove tl steam. It is a well known fact that the 1 Dr. «__ .Un', atonoeantfln a natural way. TbMlsourplanJ and Sold and shadow’ of a jet of steam cast upon any , robust health ami vh£>r*S™^,rJ!!*.«P^hnent, as we have restored t white background under ordinary cir- More Sufferers case, thrcoghout this Btate who°ii!JL?r7t??e“u be shown hr cumstances is of feeble intensity an«l of ! Cured than by a neutral tint. But. however, if the jet Il X«-"«. ■ of Men," Should be reJ all other Electric be given a discharge of electricity just O- gives testimonials from people in all ,ree' ,e explains our plan oi at the moment when it comes in contact Belts combined. S; very many In New YnrkCirc »bom Si n "** from al1 part* of theiountd Ito ,w>t bmav writing for It. It »ai?1.vecured, thus showing our marvelous ml with the air. the density of the shadow lifeun.1 health. “ ’,U1 «»»you nothing, and may be tbe means of red is amazingly increased as a result of con­ densation. ami it assumes a peculiar Thu Greatest Boon on Earth ta orange brown hue with lines and waves ——It brings wealth, happiness and fruitful READ WHAT CENTLKMIN WRITE U merging into inky blackness. YOU MAY WRIT! TO THEM—SEE BELOW. CENERAL DEBILITY CURED. Mr. Bidwell, the only person to my n. U*MB A!w ’,,EU!*AT|’“ cu«°d knowledge who has ever made these ex­ periments scientifically, suggests that the electricity promotes a coalescence of the exceedingly minute particles of wa­ RHEUMATISM ANO LAMENESS CURED. ter contained in the jet of steam, thu* forming drops large enough to olmtruct the more refrangible rays of light, but BErtVOUBDEBH^Lii^gJ^n^ why the color of the shadow shonl«l r hange from neutral tosha«les of at least Dr. An T Dear fHry-T W pyw b«M <12 X MB. yiM« 1 my oi’-l *r»»r«» belt I h»» three well defined colors he does not at­ ■ermi tempt to explain. From «me of his late Dr. M.S.., Ele.trie B«H WK* Ins.raTM ».-.-5*-________ Torn. *"hi. . hi articles I gather ideas whk li point to the intense blackness of thunderclouds be­ cur £.k or oid mu., .nd »„, "«-¡g ing due to similar causes.—Ht. Louis Re public. . NDEN ELECTRIC CO., 17» Fl mt Street. PORTLAND, OftEC