THE TKLEPH0NE-KE018TE1L a substantially built brick college, THE PENCIL PUSHERS! a land, library of 1800 volumes, eousisting of reterence, history, in wbieli it is partic­ MONTHLY MEETIN0 OF THE WEST ularly strong, aud literature and a 6- ineb telescope, the gift of the Kinney .SIDE PRESS CLUB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. family. This has Just lieen placed in One Copy, per year, inadvance................ |l Oft What Hwy Saw and What They Think ul the , au observatory, built specially for its One Cep y, six month* in advance.............. »6 City on the Raging Yamhill—The College and mounting. 'I’lie churches seem to be well attend­ Entered at the poatoffice at McMinnville the W ater Plant-Next Meeting in Hillsboro. 1 ed. One pleasant and noticeable thing Oregon, as second-cl asH matter. was the large numlier of young men KKHOLUTIOMN OF CONDOLENCE AND Al l. OhlT Friday anil Saturday of last week who were in attendance at the Baptist nary Poetry will l>e charged for at regular marks an era in the history of Mc­ Sunday school. At tlie Christian advertising rates. • Minnville. For tlie first time a num­ church a large society of Y. P. S. C. E. S ample C opieh O f T he T klephonk -R egi 8- ber of editors of newspapers assembled is maintained and they have the tek will be mailed to any person in the United States or Europe, who desires one, here fer the purpose of viewing the white riblion in tlieir possession for the free of charge. sights of tlie city and transacting a lit­ greatest per cent of gain for tlie past L. P. Fisher, Newspaper advertisiing tle business for tlieir own benefit. Mr. year. Tills honor is not claimed for agent, 21 Merchants’ Exchange, San <). (,'. Emery, of the Newberg Graphic, the local society but for the county, Francisco, is our authorized agent. This was the first one to arrive on the scene the rest of the state l«ing competitor. paper is kept on file in his office. ami then came Frank Conover, of the A series of gospel meetings has been All eubeeribert who do not receive their pii/xo* regularly will confer a favor by im­ Corvallis Grzette, E. C. Pentland,of the held at this church, commencing three mediately reporting the game to thin office Independence Il’orf Side, A.V. II. Sny­ weeks ago and reaching to tlie present. der, of the Dallas Tranucript, and 1). As a result there has been 17 accessions M. C. Gault, of tlie Hillslioro Indepen­ to the church. The minister is a young Thursday, November <30, 1893. dent. The meeting of the club was man aud quite eloquent, but like most held in this office on Friday evening men is human and liable to mistakes, WILL WIN HANDICAPPED. and many points of interest to the oue of which he made Munday night Next Monday congress will convene newspaper fraternity were discussed. when lie preached to a crowded audi­ in regular session. The tariff bill has Through these monthly meetings, con­ ence on tlie sinfulness of dancing. In been formulated and promulgated, and fined entirely to west side towns, the the sue hour during which he spoke now there is nothing for the republi­ editors of tlie several papers will be well be set more wicked thoughts chasing can press to howl about blit the general informed on all subjects pertaining te through the minds of old and young principals of democracy, and these the th« welfare of all and any item that than all the dances that are likely to people have determined will can b« given that will benefit some be patronized in the town in a year. rule the country for four weak point and better its condition will This Yamhill town is tlie home of years. After the trial these self-same be given. In other words, the club is Hen. Wm. Galloway, county judge principles will rule again, and when a combination to better the condition of and president of the state agricultural the present administration expires an­ the west side by placing before the society. It fell to the judge's lot to other democratic administration will world through the columns of its press make up one of the flour exhibits for lie placed in |>ower. The handicap the advantages it has over every other the World's fair that was awarded a placed ii|M>n the democratic adminis­ jKirtion of tlie state. Anything that medal. In the matter there is a dra­ tration by the retiring republican law benefits the newspaper benefits the matic element that lends interest to makers will net count in the race. 'Die community mid vice versa, and after the exhibit for Oregonians. Early last democrats will win out With a larger all tlie towns on tlie west side are in­ spring he went to John Kiernan’s surplus and a greater national prosper­ spected special industries will lie in­ steam mill and asked for a barrel of ity than they did four years ago. With spected and dilated upon. What the flour for tlie Chicago fair. The miller renewed prosperity and an increased members visiting this city think of said “yes, but let me select wheat and commerce witli the nations of the earth what they saw you will read under sep­ grind a barrel,” "No, replied the col­ tlie cause of the late financial panic arate headings following this article. lector, "there is not time.” “Well, will lie placed where it belongs—witli then, let me send to Portland for silk AS GAULT SEES US. tlie republican jiarty—anil the people sacks.” "No, there is not time for will forget that they were so mean and D. M. C. Gault, of the Hillsboro Independent, that.” Accordingly from a pile of a small as to say that it was tlie six Says a Word.! hundred barrels oue was taken at ran­ months’ old democratic admihistration dom and within forty minutes started that caused it. Our finances are solid Tlie Hillsboro Independent, I). M. 0. to the big show. When it was award­ and our manufacturers now have the Gault, editor, will say tomorrow, under ed tlie medal for richness in gluten, bene tit of the markets of the world in tlie caption “A Day in McMinnville,” tlie Minneapolis millers, who had spent which to purchase raw material. The as follows: money on tlieir exhibit, consoled them­ producer of raw material in this coun­ Conover, of the Corvallis Gazette, selves by boasting that for strength of try has always competed in the mar­ Pentland, of the JVetrf eginning the city of McMinn­ Well, McMinnville is a nice town by an oppressive tax, will accomplish ville was projected. This lieginning and hnving seen it, we no longer the results exjiected and desired. For­ was somewhere about 1853 or '54. wonder that people from Portland go eign traders will lie driven from a num­ Hon. W. T. Newby settled on tlie there by car load in summer to spend ber ef South American countries and banks of the Yamhill at wliat was Sunday, tlie Orient entirely. The civilizing in­ in those early times so dear to an im­ WHAT PENTLAND THINKS. fluence of the United States will bi' felt migrant from the Hat prairies of Illi­ in all climes. This country will pro»- nois and Iowa, a ‘‘mill seat.” There The Independence West Side Man Has His perand in due time will liolil the posi­ lie built his flouring mill and pulver­ Say About Us. tion now occupied by England. ized tlie white wheat into white flour. Tlie liVsl Side, of Independence, One day Sebastian Adams, father of L. THE LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. K. Adams went that way and to Miller will say tomorrow regarding tlie visit The reporter tlie superintendent of Newby said: ‘‘What a grand place for of its editor, E. C. Pentland,to this city the life saving service for the present a town.” From that moment the bee on Friday last: “Arriving at McMinnville, we were year shows nearly one thousand hu­ buzzed. Visions of a splendid monu­ man beings rescued from drowning ment rose up before the?proprietor of invited to the T elkphonk -II koister and an aggregate of $6,500,000 wortli of these magnificent acres. True to Ills office, lietli Fralik Harding of that pa­ American instinct u school and his per, and F. Barnhart, of the Yamhill projierty saved from destruction. A service so rich in results is surely church were the materials for. Iiis mem­ Reporter, being there to welcome us. worthy of every care that the country ory protector. To ids mentor, Adams, O. C. Emery, of tlie Newberg Graphic, can give it. Still more certainly it he said: “If you will build a house I was the ouly editor there outside of should lie extended in every way likely will give you a lot on which to set it.” McMinnville. It was a rainy day, but to add to the annual sum total of its Nothing loth tlie oiler was accepted, nothing prevents newspaper men from the house built and tilled with goods. seeing the sights. Some of us dropped beneficnt achievements. At present tlie appropriations are so Adams' was the first “store.” A col­ into A. .1. Apperson’s general mer­ meagre that tlie stations are closed nt lege next was projected, witli the chandise store aud found it crowded least a month too soon in the spring Christian church for its spansor, At with customers. He is a liberal adver­ hud opened a month too late in the au­ that, day the Christian church was tiser. J. P. Irvine was in his grocery tumn. May and August are months quite active in school work. An acad­ store and informed us that |ie intend­ subject to fierce storms, and this year emy was started at Bethel, near by ed having a stock of groceries in Inde­ wo I lave had some tragic illustrations of and another at Monmeuth, but either pendence soon, under tlie charge of tlie need of opening the life saving for want of support or by reasan of tlie W. <'. Irvine. Our party then struck stations at least a month earlier than scattered efforts, that denomination out across the railroad bridge to in­ now lias lost control of all these em­ spect the electric light and waterworks. we do. The cost is a bagatelle. Tlie service bryo institutions. Tlie McMinnville Four years ago McMinnville put in is immeasurably beneficent. school becoming financially embar­ its own water works and electric lights. rassed, luid to be sold, and was pur­ The total cost was $22,800, but at least OUR KIND GOVERNOR. chased by tlie Baptist people. G. C. $80(Xl lias lieen spent since, an item be­ Since the first of January of tlie pres­ Chandler was soon in charge and tlie ing the fine 110 h. p. engine, which ent year sixty-four full pardons have locality had the requisite elements to cost at least $2,000, Mr. Granstrom, been granted by Governor l’ennoyer. attract population: a mill, a store and the engineer, was very willing to give These were as follows: Itape 3; larceny, a school. From that time to the pres­ all information possible. The dynamo 27; murder, second degree, 2; assault to ent the town has not ceased to grow— room contains a 500 incandescent light kill, 3; assault and robliery, 1; embez­ sometimes faster, sometimes slower. dynamo, and that and the steam zlement, 2; manslaughter, 7; adultery, Even Ben Holiday, in tlie days of the pumps use only 48 horse power. The 2; practicing medicine without a license St. Jo boom, could not stop its relent­ city has thirteen hydrants and 48 in­ I; forgery, 3; simple assault, 1; assault less march toward the dignity of a city. candescent 25 candle power street and battery, 1; burglary, I; passing Now it has a population of between lights which cost the general fund of ■■ounterfeit money, 1; assault with a two and three thousand souls, two the city $171 a month, running from dangerous weapon, 3; selling liquor Hour mills, one sash and door factory, dark to daylight. A superintendent at without a license, I; riot, 2; exhibiting large grain warehouses, six churches, $25 a month salary, and 40 cents an obscene pictures, 1; prize-lighting, 2. one college, two six-room public school hour for actual work, and two engi­ Seven commutations of sentence have buildings, tilled with eager lineal de­ neers at a total of $130 a month, is the also been issued, and tlie remissions of scendents of the noble sires, tine busi­ working force. In spite of a determin­ lines in ten cases—principally for prize ness blocks, comfortable offices and ed effort of parties désirions of purchas­ fighting. In nearly every case the very many well built and handsome ing the plant from the city, who tried governor acted upon the recommenda­ dwellings. It Is the caunty seat of one to prove it a poor investment, the in­ tion of the district attorneys of the courts in which the prisoners were con­ of the four old counties, Yamhill. come is greater than the outlay, and victed. __ Washington, Clackamas and Marion alT the improvements have been paid being tlie others. The court house for and also several hundred dollars The prizes won at the fair by our transferred to other funds aud it is not citizens make them desirous of win­ presents a tine appearance, and is well planned on tlie inside, though the fur­ necessary every month to draw from ning more wreaths of laurel at the Mid­ the general fund the $171. For domes­ winter, and so a meeting has been niture is not equal to our own. The tic use a 16 candle power light, all city ha- not yet hullt a city hall though called to discu-s tlie proper methods by night costs $1. Three lights cost 80 it is the owner of a light and water which results can Is» obtained. Tlie cents a month. The council is think­ meeting is to be held in plant which represents an expenditure ing seriously of displacing the street tlie court house on Friday, December of $20,000. Tlie lights are about equal to our in can descents, forty of which lamps with arc lights, adding to the sth, at 11 a. in. A representation from the four west side counties Is desired,as light the streets. They have no are lights. The water supply is the Yam- it is thought that by thb pooling of in­ terests more can lie accomplished. Geo. I hill river, and it is understood that Myers, whe made a success for Oregon some trouble is experienced in keeping at tlie Dig Show, and Dr. Guy Lewis tlie small liov out of it in the summer will be here if possible tn address the • time up alxnit Sheridan. Tlie lights are a trifle more expensive than here, I meeting and set forth the plans formu­ since one dollar per month is charged lated by tlio Midwinter fair asooeiation. Every farmer and business man in for a lo-candle power light up to three, itentoH, Polk. Yamhill and Wasliing- when there is a 20 ]>er cent rebate al­ toa einuitles should attend tills meet­ lowed. For water about the same tariff ing if possible. Its object is grand and is collected as here. Tlie town is on a level plateau, and | as good results were obtained from making an exhibit at < 'hicagn.tlie same is easy to sewer, but nothing of the will fellow from an exhibit at San kind lias l>een attempted,though drain­ Francisco. Tlie west side counties age is liadly needed. The soil is alsnit •bould not Iw behind in these matters, the same as ours anil makes the same as they will, because of tlieir isolation, kind of roads. The authorities have have to accomplish more to advertise ju«t commenced to rock tlie streets 8|>eaks through the Iloothhay (Me.) Krfittrr, their resources than will the east side with crushed stone. The street com­ ot the henefleial results lie has received trom a regular use of Ayer’s Fills, He says: '• I '■»unties. No overland railway helps missioner could improve the appear­ was feeling sick and tired and my stosnarh us out. We must depend upon our­ ance of the thoroughfares if lie would seemed all out e< order. 1 tried a number scrape off the mud from tlie top of the ot remedies. hut none seemed to give me selves. ________________ roadway. relict until I was Induced to try the old relia­ Obscene or smutty language, or lan­ ' The educational interests are in the I ble Ayer’s Pills. I have taken only one box. but I fret like a new man. I think they guage that suggests <>bMs*ne. immoral ¡landsof two well conducted weekly! er nasty sulijeeta should not he spoken papers, the Repe 'er. republican. Barn­ are the most pleasant and easy to take ot anything I ever used. being so finely sngar- in a pulpit. It is kietter to leave un­ hart editor and the T ki . ei ’H oxk -R ko - coated that even a child will take them. 1 said words that all people of mature 1 tsTKR, demiM-ratic, Heath editor, and I urge upon an who are In need ot a laaatlve to try Ayer’s Pills. They win do go,«! " age know the meaning of, tun say i the Baptist college. T. G. Brownson. For aH dleeaaes ot the Stouaack, Liver, them ia the preset»« of boys ami girls president. There are 75 students in at- j and Bowel». take • who do not. There is one consolation tendance this year. No primary work in listening to Rev. Denton's sermons: is done. The attendance this year is He Is a young man now and will have quite as good as It has been at any pre­ Prepared by Dr- AC. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Maas. better sense when he grows older; at vious time. The college has au endow-I least it Is hoped so. meat of $20,000, a tract of .Ml acres ofj Every Does Effective HARDING L HEATH, Publishers. gw——■!<..! !■■— .!■. ■! ■■■.■ UJ! 1 . .. AYER’S PILLS OUR ENTIRE STOCK CONSISTING OF Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Twenty Per Cent Discount, OR ONE-FIFTH off of EVERY THING FOR CASH. T Call and Get Bargains While our Stock is Full. THIRD AND D STS., McMINNVILLE, OR. $ KAY & TODI » 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- East and Sout Our Next Serial, Frank Barrett’s Latest: —VIA— “ OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH. y? THE SHASTA ROUTE - or THE— A Graphic Story of Life and Scenes in London. Southern Pacific Compan plaut a 22 arc liglit machine. We did not have time to visit the two tine public school building» nor the $65,000court house, but Saturday morn­ ing we visited McMinnville college, under tlie presidency of Professor Brownson. As it was Saturday no school was in session, but we were shown through the chapel, the class rooms and labora­ tory, and lastly through the observa­ tory. This latter is a gift of the Kin­ ney estate. The telescope cost $1500, and the building.containing it is just being completed. Professor Brownson is very proud of this acquisition to the school. From tlie cupola of the college a fine view of the country surrounding McMinnville is obtained. There are some very substantial brick business blocks, but the streets of the city need improving, as the mud was on them everywhere. Tlie business meeting with tlie news­ paper lioys was one of profit and pleas­ ure. The next meeting is at Hillsboro, on Dee. 22d and 23d. We were shown through the armory of B Co,, 1st Beg’t Iuf., <>. N. G., by Captain Heath, of tlie T kleph O ne - R egisteiu J. C. Cooper did all in his power to make tlie stay of the“news boys”pleas- pleasant.” w »wwi ii "I speak not out of weak surmises, but from proof." ¡> LARD MUST COe Since COTTOLENE has come to take its place. The satisfaction with which the people have hailed i the advent of tlie New Shortening Cottolene i evidenced by the rapidly Increas­ ing enormous sales is PROOF POSITIVE not onlv of its great > value as a tz«w article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of indl- gestible, unwholesome, unappe­ tizing lard, and of all the ills that ’ lard promotes. Try Cottolene at once and waste no time In discovering like thousands of others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD. Of Internat to Sportmnen. LL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANK 4. CO., ST. LOUIS and Have different meanings, You can set a hen, but you cannot sit on one comfortably. L and O ffice To sit on, and we have the largest, cheapest and mos artistic line ever brought to this city. Your Choice O regon C ity . O r ., October 28. 1893. Notice is hereby given that the following Darned settler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will he made be­ fore the County Clerk of Yamhill County at McMinnville, Oregon, on December 19. 1893, viz: Beverly N. Daniel, homestead application No. 10218, for the n of s e n e % s w \ i s w ’ ( n e % sec 30. t 2 s, r aw. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontinuout residence upon and cultivation of said land Viz^ under Sec 2301. R. 8. John Kelso, Joseph Petch, George Davis, Segle Fairchilds, all of Fairdale, Yamhill County, Oregon. R oberta M iller . Register. BURNS & DANIELS. Third Street, flcriinnville, Or. I j | Sales and Sails . Have engaged the attention of the people. The lover o sport has been enthusiastic over sails of .Vigilant and Val­ kyrie. while the hard run farmer of this locality is drawn to the Sales, especially when the prices are as low as those marked on all goods Notice for Publication. L and O ffice at O regon C ity , On., October 28, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be­ fore the County Clerk of Yamhill county, at McMinnville, Or , on Dec. 19, 1893, viz: Mary M. Livengood, widow of James M. Livengood, deceased, homestead applica­ tion No. 7413, for the s e ’4 sec. 18, t 2 s, r 5 w. He names the following witnesses-io prove bis continuons residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; William I Robertson, of Fairdale, Yam­ hill county; L. C. Smith. John A Livengood N. H. Olds, ol North Yamhill Yamhill Co. Oregon, R obert A. M illen . Register. BY O. O. HODSON The best price to the farmer who is selling 48 cent .wheat is the very lowest price, and By trading with Hodson. Try trading with him and see for yourself whether or not this is true. E. W. HADLEY, RECEIVER. Ocean Steamer «Sailings. WEST SIDE DIVISION Between Portland and Corvallis. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. leave ....... — arrive Portland ... 7:30 a m McMinn’,.. 10:15ai McMinn’.. .10:15 a m Corvallis. .12:15p: Corvallis... 1:00pm McMinn ______ ______ ’. . 3:01 p McMinn’... 3:01 p m Portland. 5:35pJ At Albany and Corvallis connect wil trains of Oregon Pacific. Express Train Daily, except Sunday. LEAVE. I ARRIVE Portland. . 4 :40 p m'McMnn .. 7.25 pi McMinn’... 5:50 a in | Portland... 8:25 at Through Tickets to all Points i The Eastern states, Canada or Euroj Can be obtained at lowest rates from GJ Wilcox, Agent, McMinnville. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGER«, Manager. Asst. G. F. & P At THROUGH SALT LAKE, DENNER OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 3 A Positive paetl HDÜHS UUhat? n 8. S. WILL AM ETTE VA LLEY Leaves San Francisco...............July 11. 21, 31 Leaves Yaquina...................... . July 5,16, 26 This company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. River Steamers. Attached to all Through Trains. Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Sash 1 Doors and Glass, Honey can be Saved BETWEEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO ------ J Second Class Sleeping Cars WHEN WE ADVERTISE THAT HODSON’S PRICE ON^— Is the best it means that it is the lowest, and that Direct Line, Quick Dispatch, Low Freight Rates. Dining Cars on Ogden Route, Pullman Buffet Slew AND Should not be made before looking over our stock. at Roaeburg Mail Dally. LEAVE. ] ARRIVE. Portland . . 8:30 a m Roseburg. Rosehuq .. Roseburg. . 7:00 a m.I Portland. _..1___ .. Chairs are the proper things Notice for Publication. Steamer “Hoag” leaves Portland. Wed­ nesday and Saturday at6 a. m. Genuine made only by Set and Sit Mr. W. H. Hurlburt, A. G.‘ 1>. A., Union Pacific system, Portland, Ore., lias just received a supply of books called “(fun Club Rules and Revised Game Laws.” This publication con­ tains a digest of the laws relating to game in tlie western states aud territo­ ries. Mr. Hurlburt will be glad to mail you one of the books upon receipt of two cents to cover postage. W. H. H vri . buht . Express Tyalns Leave Portland DailJ LEAVE. j ARRIVB. I Portland... 6.15 p m SanFranciscolO.15 San Fran. . 7:00 p m|Portland. 8.201 Above trains stop at all stations fn Portland to Albany inclusive also Tange Shdds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction Ci Irving, Eugene, and all stations from Ro burg to Ashland inclusive. Keep your expenses down! down to hard pan. Keep everything That’s Hat’d Times Doetffine.^-^v^^' I sell you Boots and Shoes at Hard-time prices. Just received a full and complete line of Boots and Shoes. H. C. D ay , Gen. Agt., Salmon Street Wharf, Portland. 1). R. V avghn , Gen. Ajjt., San Frnncisco. R. E. MULCAHY, Gen 1 Supt., Corvallis, Oregon. ____ f . dielschneider . Quickest to Chicago, and The East. Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tonrist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars. For rates or general information call on or address, W H. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pasx. Agt 254 Washington St., P ortland . O rigox * Or Wallace & Hartman, McMinnville, Oregon. from Terminal or Interior Point» Ik Northern Pacific Railroad Is the Line to Take To all Points East & Soutt) R. Jacobson’s i ) SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE It lathe DIN I NG CAR ROUTE. It n«» Through VESTIBULtD TRAINS Every Day in Hie Year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No Change of Cars) Composed of IH.VI.VC CARS (unsurpassed) niLLIAlDIAWMGROOMSLEEfW (Of Latest Equipment,) TOURIST SLEEI’IVG CARS Per Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are for hol­ der» of First or Second-qa»» Ticl- an(1 . „.nw ent. ELEGAH IHY CO.K MB- ■ CLOTHING and HATS, : BLANKETS, Per ent. • TRUNKS and VALISES, Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets, 1 E Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, * Millinery, Boots and Shoes, A Centlnuous Line connecting vW 1,1 lines, sfforillug direct sna sole- terrupted service. Pullman 81eeper reservations can be •d in advance through auv agent of tb«r®* 25 ' W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES. red school house shoes , Tkmri r> Her Cent. | A Tailor Shop In Connection. *----- McHINNVILLE, OREGON. A 1) CHARLTO». Aant Genaral Passenger Ar«J eoaorol oaw or tha Company, !••* ” QfMSt^ Cor. Woblagto«, Eerie»* w Wisconsin Central Lines. ‘Northern Pacific R. R C«. Her cent. I-A.TEST TI1TE C A3® And all other Goods Cut in Proportion. Parties knowing themselves indebted to us will please call and settle as we are obliged to raise money. Diea 1 TirM, ■nd Europe can he purchased at any tlcaa office of thia conmany. 1— Full information concerning rate«. of train«, route» and other details furnUB" on application to any agent, or R. JACOBSON Two Through Train1* 12 45p 1 2Sp 10 30a 1 45p 6 25p 7 láp 4 05p 7 06p 7 I '.« it, Iv Minneapolis I t ... St Paul . I t ... Duluth Iv Ashland ar Chicago s tn. .iff ar Moki ■> j ar ui«. <3 ar -06« IW ar ;,i»lpB*j !▼) Ticketfl »old and baggage' lie* k"l ♦oallnointx in tha Lnited .«late» and l da. Cloae connection made in Chiraga all train, going Ea.t and Sonth. For bill information apply to ''“'v,, eat ticket agent or to JAN. <'■ I'O'1’ .« Gen. Pa.i. and Tkt. Agt ( bW«T’ “