CASTORIA Dr* felt JCT3A.S *- -Z^fce * • « » • _ SC mb — ' ✓ Aj r for Infant» and Children tf « a _w^»5 > ^'A-AnA^cr «--TSO OVERMAN WHEEL CO WAS m kC'OA Dtlitt, S SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER») Ta SPEAR HEAD TAGS < HAJTTft VIII L k ^ i -.-J* • »;«*nxrvt.i« were in tiw Um- verwty hciJditig. H» '»ov*d me wither ! flying vimte t- «tap £jawi>r*' •ix^e up« tie- wharve* m the ■>—;re to «x-G4* 1 an tag ».--*>■ late. Flea that | had the «alt -htur th* >«w k of a bar» turtle and «•».¡ended by te»<« fr«m the «etimg. Le-iav e bad tnaay >adee to h» • harac- t«T. He wa* a rake, a para«?te. but he wa* «.-■ a miiae am«t and loved h» w rk. He lured the eamber dreamr win* b M-de in npra iu* •,-htu-i*- in thia 'M bran. in tin» old «treet. Tiry ’:;*ed bi. jet» with eabuhatic power. When tie wind bowl**! and th* «now fell, the drafty ¡«-K-* «» m ed trodden by gwetly feet, and fancy often crowed t»M thmiwvd. garbed in w«ne flnttenng rag of the dead yearn. r»«»rtunr» be bad but to half «hut bn «yet and kedang acron« hi« untidy d"»k to the limit* of the «jm: -oa Wjiar* bey «4 «ee the ruof to{» etreteb away into a «is kiraed des­ ert and the i«ngmg wn k- become the white lei.t. d* as much on the race«: w> tEi'h in «jwr-alatioa. An-1 the reiralt' En-me n. tell, f wing in fr'tn every «juarter. chief am»r_g tb«m an aj«palluur array «< fijrnr«« f»r nere than a year'» r«nt. ••There « nut a bole « «.-Tmr where I nan lorrow a third of it." b« exclaimed i. hajiatwntly aid ttzhteamz the girdle c< tbeea«t«ra r ■>« iuf<4ghi» »oxht figure he etr>-«bl wax diraniwd a« imj«ra< te-alde outil hi* eye* fell npia Tom 1 'toi ax acr««*« the ¡«ark. the <«anre light attesming fr««• an»» mw-mtai<•*. the *mok* wr»-ath« ■ nried fnnonely ar»«ind hie bewl. ami he carevaed hi* hp with the ¡eant nt hi« tongue, a» if b* ba«l literally ta«t«-! a palataM« thought. “Yam f««d* Why in t you think of him haflhcaF b* ansi akrod and burst oat langhmg- When the «relate Engiiah valet, who had almost f rz< < fur Tout, hi« b«a4 strolled fr««m the window with hand* ontstr*t<-he«L • "Only half an bunr lat»*" he «aid air- Oym his drawlwg rw« “Jfo* had f«w laevgklv’T Ibd y«»n «»« The Cbal- leng* this a« rwnrr Gnad—wasn't it? Here. thi»." He pwk—1 n;« -«•> bawdy scattered pages i-overcd wit a hr« «1 iarato. cramped writing ami |«n«hrd them into Tom's • TMs will be in <<« Thursday asm n- t ing. Y«ra see. it « a minute review «if the play. Yon tvrtamly can't compiaia.* Tom < amed them to the window and turned «ne rustling page after antdber. bjrr H HAY-fever C old head V Ky# < TixLi* u E b B a t&<«Kr»L < a ¿¿pLMt «r p t-Afa BW the if a ^4HMMBNCw«r «K^^MMZmwvaflhC^Brwe. Efl^ DUG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren street NEW YORK. DUG Publie!«*! Exelu-ivelv in Gold ML5S A OJ. W toL ALYiT. Inr Y xk . CA aìmm xmrt!« f :e «trzr. '¡r f m A^r Fr err t*.ce3 mn i? th _• ic-ncti re ti* ti a ztguce f=Ttc ir« cC cùkiì » a Scientific American THE TELEPHONE­ REGISTER ADVERTISERS - t. CncsTT.. "»■# *'-’f tí ee Si« r LORD&TKOHAS. THS PAPER n. w. a vga a now NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE » U«< »ir. sen tfce liver. Hie DR. SANDEN’S ELECTRIC DELT