^y^Y^KATC JORDAN >1P* XOPYKi?nT»*ß^Y^ D.UPfWŒT WMfiWï^ > PODLbhtP DY SPECIAL-MJmWKMT WTHI CHAPTER V. •eech of Lemaire's coming so closely upon Miri­ am’» denunciation take» the ginger out of Miss Stone’» lines. Tone that down, Murray, or hold it back a bit." The rehearsal of “The World’» Way” waa on. Raw gaslight flooded the stage and showed the auditorium beyond, a shadowy pit that echoed every word. Tom stood near the manager, the prompt­ book in hi» hand, interlining it with new suggestions for stage business and some­ times altering a line to I m * more effective. He was accustomed to the theatre by this time. For two week» he had been coming and going, spending much of his time among scene painter» and holding long interviews with the manager. He no longer felt resentful at hearing the text slurred at rehearsals and only the cues given with enetrating as a fall of Tom, “and I suppose I'm unsophisticated see? happy tears. This was Delatóle, the au­ and credulous. But somehow I under­ “Here we are.” And Delatóle stopped stand this game in which as yet I’ve at a house. thor, the poet realist of theater lobbies. scarcely taken a hand. Somehow I seem It was square, solid, chocolate colored, to know how I would suffer under the capped by the sky's frosty blue. Half a stress of th° temptation I described. dozen cabs stood at the door. A great Some of the words burned me as I wrote jutting window on the second story was them. I lived in the scene. Within my flooded with rose colored light. own consciousness I loved, struggled, fell Half way up the high flight of steps and repented with my hero.” Delatóle paused and abruptly laid his “Go on. I like to hear you. You sound­ hand on Tom’s shoulder: ed the depths of your emotional possi­ “Look here. Now yon mustn't think bilities before the water was troubled. I me officiov i, you know. You mustn’t, understand. The plummet went to a for you know 1 like you, Murray, and I dark depth to have given you even a always speak my mind. I'm frank some­ shadowy insight into such intensely hu­ times to rudeness. You won’t be angry?” man mistakes and pain. Think of it, by­ “I’m sure I won’t. But if I can’t ac­ Jove! Yon who’ve hardly known asor- cept your biting skepticism you mustn’t | row made the women weep! And that blame me. Are you going to tell me not small, pale ray of promise at the end was to fall in love?” And throwing away masterly.” his cigar Tom feigned a careless laugh Tom felt a nearness to this stranger, almost an affection, as he listened. By and met his companion’s alert, serious degrees his uneventful history- was won gaze. “You regard mo as a cynic who reviles from him. He felt a little abashed at its nothingness, the narrative of days flow­ romance because he has lost the power ing quietly in an unfashionable neigh­ of feeling it. but you’re wrong. I reason borhood and his almost friendless condi­ looking backward with a horribly clear vision, and I see how love becomes a The man nt first glance was disap­ tion. pointing. Tom had fancied him gray “Of course there are Mr. Kent ami weariness, a curse or a farce. You hope, and dignified, his eyes heavy with the Virginia,” lie said more brightly, “but I dream and revel in a glorified haze. Now disillusion of life, but instead he found know few ¡leople in New York. I didn't I have the most profound respect for him only a little older than himself, care for the fellows in college. My fa­ youthful enthusiasm. I hate to try small and pompons in bearing. His ther died four months ago. That was to brush it away: it is a beautiful spare face was sallow and ended in a my first grief, as 1 don’t remember my thing! But it has caused more irretriev­ pointed black Ward. His eyes were mother at all. I would often have felt able mistakes than any other species of hollow and of that dense blackness that desperately lonely if it had not l>een for delusion I know of. Be careful: oh, be careful. You have made a brilliant start. resists light. A sardonic flippancy had Virginia." curled his upper lip to one side. “The girl I met tonight? Ah, yes. If you don't wan’t to plunge like a me­ As he languidly drew one hand from Pretty eyes. Rather a dangerous sort of teor into darkness and be remembered the pocket of the great, shaggy coat en­ friend, I should think, for a fellow like only as one who perished gloriously, keep yourself unshackled. I’ve done now. veloping him like a blanket. Tom no­ you." ticed it was pale and forceless as the | “You don't know what »he’s been to Come.” TO BE CONTI NTEI». hand of a delicate woman, the tips of I me," said Tom. And then, morbidly the fingers senna brown from the use of fearful of apj>earing sentimental, he re- I It Should be in Every Houge. tobacco. lapsed into silence. ••I’ve lieen looking for you. I wanted j Delatóle asked no question. There was J. 1J. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Sharps­ a word with yon.” he said, tone and I no need of one. burg, Pa., says he will not be without glance connoisaeurlike. “Is it true‘The ' “Isn't it strange,” said Tom after a Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ World’s Way’ is your first play?" pause filled only with the crunch of their sumption, cough and colds, that it cur­ “The fir«t that has not died almost at. ■ footsteps on the frost hardened snow. “I ed his wife who was threatened with birth.” used to think myself awfully wretched Pneumonia after an attack of “La As Tom spoke he felt the sensitive and forsaken sometimes? I had an ar­ Grippe," when various other remedies pleasure all who first came in contact | rogant idea that I was the most abused and several physicians Inui done her no Botiert Darlsr, <’ksport, Pa., with Delatóle experience! in some de­ fellow in New fork. But after I had good. claims Dr. King's New Discovery has gree. The restful assurance of hi» man- J grouped my characters and grew to done him mom good than anything he ner. the flashes of his shrewd eyes, the I know their imagined faces, after I had ever used for lung trouble- Nothing musical, drawling voice, were all inainu- I knotted the tragic thread that held them. • like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at atingly attractive to Tom and filled him ! then I knew the difference. Poverty Hogers Bros, drug store. Large isittles 5 with admiration. By com¡»arison he felt and the small perplexities of my life lost 50c and fl. himself too brusque, too impetuous, al­ their sting when I faced the picture of a most an artless savage. stricken soul of my own creating. No. “You interest me," »aid Delatóle. “I I can never be bitter or discontented must have you tell memore of yourself. again. I liave learned a new and sweet Unless I’m greatly mistaken. New York philosophy—to accept the littlenesses of won’t l>e averse to hearing a little about life gladly, if only peace go with them." you tomorrow. After the play, if you’ve Delatóle » eyes were fixed Upon him nothing better on hand, suppose you now. The burning end of the cigar be- i come and sup with me.” tween Tom’» lips threw a red gleam upon The act had commenced, and he scarce­ his darkly handsome face at every respi­ ly paused to hear Tom’s murmured ac­ ration. The dreaminess softening it. the ceptance. It was a foregone conclusion lingering tenderness with which he spoke that a new author would not dream of ! the last alow words, told his companion i refusing Anthony Delátele. that what he had half divined before was When the curtain fell, the excited true—if Murray had not lived, at least atidience Tt*e and cheered. They want­ love had not passed him by. ed the leading actors. , he manager and ! A species of envy mixed with Delatóle’» lastly the author. Virginia gave a little I alert attention. He thought of his ex­ excited sob in her muff as she listened to ' hausted sensibilities and of the jaded the hoarse, irregular cry. They wanted commonplace which even the best and Tom. Oh. to think of it! They were brightest in life had become to him. HJLOH’STVCATARRH calling for him as for a victor. Her What would he not give to have back heart thro Blvd ewlt mtly under a pres­ the youth of heart he saw in Tom’s eye«? ^K m BFREMEDY. sure of happy ]>ain. ami when he came, Fresh for the feast with spurs val­ ire rou Catarrh? Th is renar,i, la ri i arht>- an expectant hush awaiting his words; iantly won io the fray and under the tocureytm. Pnoe.aOcia. Injectortraa. I for With the only complete bicycle plant in the world, where every part of the machine is made from A to Z, is it any wonder that Victor Bicycles are acknowledged leaders? There’s no bicycle like a Victor, and no plant so grandly complete as the one devoted exclusively to the manufacture of this king of wheels. Infant» and Children “Castorla la so well adapted to chddren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known tome.’’ H. A. A rcher , M. D., Ml So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CaAtorla cure« Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote« - The use ot' Cortoria ’ is so uni.ersal and Its merits so well known that it seenis » » “■* of supereroKallon to endorse it » ew are t lie intellKrent families who do not keep Castorla within «uy reach.” n C arlos Maarvi«, D.D. New York City, latte Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommenc your ‘ Castoria, ’ and shall always continue do so os it has invariably produced beuefle results. ” E dwin F. F ard ». M. D., “The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York C al , Without injurious medication. T h » C mntaur CoMPAMY, 77 M l »RAT STRxrr, N aw Y uba . OVERMAN WHEEL CO. DENVER, WASHINGTON, BOSTON, SAN FRANOtSOO. { this paper , one dollar per year © IFAat is the condition of yours? If your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? lias it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTES chew L SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER^! TRADE ______ MARK is what you need. Its production Is notan accident, but the result of sclentlflo re­ search. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery of bow to treat them. “Skookum ” contains neither minerals nor oils. It la not a Dye, bu| a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimulating the follicles, tt ah/pi falling hair, cures dandruff and grows hair on bald heads. tW" Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from irritating eruptions, by the use of Skookuiu Skin Soap. It destroys parasitic insects, vhichfeed on and destroy the hair. If your druggist cannot supply you, send direct to us, and we will forward S.repaid, on receipt ot price. Grower, fl.uo per buttle; ® for >5.00. 8oup, Wu. per ar; « for fl.SU. AN °THE SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., SAVE 57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. IVTastes Good $173,250.00 I One reason why Scot! < Emulsion of Pure Nor­ wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is ‘‘Almost as palatable as milk:" but the best reason is that its curative properties ar< unequalled, It cures the cough, supplies the waste ot i tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Scotf8 Emulsion Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in children. Almost as palatable a» milk. Ciet only the genuine. Pre­ pared by Scott A Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. ■SPLO ìn HE*0 In valuable Presents to be Civen Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAG 1,1 55 STEM WINDING ELOIN GOLD WATCHES............................................... 154,030 IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA OI.AS'SES, MOROCCO BODY, 5,775 FINE BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEE!) ACHROMATIC... 28,875 GERMAN BUCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED 23,100 IMPORTED POCKET KNIVES..................................................................................................... «.«» GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH 115,500 ROLLED PICKS............................................................................................................................. 57'7d0 LARGE PICTURES (11x28 lncbe«) IN ELEVEN COLORS, tor framing, 11 5,500 no advertlaing on them ........................................................................................... 28.875 $173,260 0 261,030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO The above articles will be distributed, by eonntlee, among parties who cbew SPE. HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the TIN TAGS taken therefrom. We will distribute 826 of these prises In thia county as follows: To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAOS from title county we will give......................................................... 1 UULD WATl To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next Kreatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS. ...a OPERA GLASS. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number , of SPEAR HEAD TAOS, we will give to euch 1 POCKET o-«r>r KNIFE............................................................................................................. rUCKLT KNIV. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES «ending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 __ ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK.............................. 100 TOOTH PIC! To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES »ending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS...................................................... 100 PICTUK Total Number of Prizes for this County, L -8. HAY-FEVER HEAD ___ WC oli F^ Ely’» Cream Halm is not a liquid, snuff or pmoder. Applied into the nostrils it it F" quickly absorbed. It cleanses the »lead, allays inflammation, heals _ ii s h the sores. Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. C R /w JUL ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UC Wr Preueb—Yon Pract lee. In olher word«, we will teach you F«KK, and Mart you In buiine««, at which you can rnpidly putlierin the dollar«. We can And will, if you pleaae,teach you quickly how to enrn from «3 to WIO a day ct the atari, and more a a you go on Both aexei, all age«. In any part of A meric«, you can com­ mence nt home, giving nil your time, or «pare momenta only, to «he work. Whet w e offer it new and it hai been proved over and ovei ■ gain, that great pnv ia sure foi every worker. Eaay to learn. No apecial abili­ ty re.,., i red. Ileaaonable in- duatry onlynec- eeaery for «ure, large aucceaa. We Mart you, furnishing er erything Thia ii one of the great atiides forward •fill, inventive progress, that enriches all worker«. It probably the greatest opportunity laboring people have ever known. Now 1« the time, belay means loss. Full partlcula-i free. Better write at once. Addiess, Ol'.OKOK Co..Boz 4»». Portland. Maina. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, IESIGN PATENTS, CCPVRIOHTS, etoJ »"<11™ Handbook write to 4 cov 361 B hoadwît , New Y ork . Oldest bureau tor securing patent. In America. K.er, patent taken out by u. la brought before the public by a notice giveu free or charge in the Scientific American Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 & fear; »1.50six months. Address MUNN & CO uiujaujLits, 301 Broadway, New York City. 41 fl UERTICCDC MU I Uli 0 I WLll W or others,wno wisn toetan th.« paper, or obtain estimates on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 10 49 R.ndolph St.,. AtaH p TUftMte- lM,<<,..t..nlA<«ncraLUnU a InUMAa, ■JAPANESE; THIS J «fS“ J CAUTION.—No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1894, nor after February li 1894. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Tow County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must I prC,,aKEAD.-SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than any othe plug tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. SPEAR HEAD i absolutely, positively and (liNtinctively different in flavor from any other plug tobaccc A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It is the largest seller of any simila shape and style on earth, which proves that it has caught the popular taste and pleases th K«ople. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TAG is ou ever; cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send in the tags, no matter how small th quantity. Very sincerely, 4 7 THE P. J. BORG COMPANY, M iddle ! own , O hk »ape A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will bo published in Uli inmediately after February 1st, 1894. M DON’T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I, 1834. Kiss of A NEW SERIAL STORY Gold Published Exclusively in THE1'ELEPH0NE- REG1STER Subscribe now and get the whole story. This paper is only ONE DOLLAR a year paid in advance, and contains more read­ ing matter than any othei’ Yamhill coun­ ty paper. Try it three months and read the “Kiss of Gold." Stamps taken. tlshig Ageni-y of Messrs. H r W r AYER & SON. our authorized avent*. CURE HAVE YOU TRIED r Ki a TO FIND A CURE? Thousands ot Ciy< - X»y our »«ilu are yersops who have done so. NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE. DR. SANDEN’S ELECTRIC BELT Notice is hereby given, that the under­ signed a?, sheriff of Yamhill county. State of Oregon, will, by virtue of a writ of exe­ cution (Inly issued out of the Circuit court; ECT3XIO S-CTS^>ElTSOIt-5r. of said coiinty and state, bearing date of October 23, 1HD3, and to me directed, upon j The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Science I and to enforce that certain decree of fore I It cures all diseases curable by Electricity. closure and sale made on the 26th day of September, "'.ck by said court in thatcer* Ii is a complete battery, as used by the fore­ tain suit wherein Andrew Full and George ' most physicians, made into a Belt, so as to be Trunk were plaintifls and William Bond, Hannah Bond, W. T. Shurtleff. Alice O. ; easily worn during work, or at rest. It gives Hhurtlefl. Milton Hamilton, Mis, Milton soothing, prolonged currents, whicn can be Hampton, .1. 1». Nash, F. B. V. Nash, J. A. ■ carried to any part of the body where there is Arment. Mrs, J. A. Arment. Henry L. Clark, Geo. L. Simonds, Elmer P, Dixon, pain, and will give instant relief, as Electricity Wiley B. Hastings. J. C. Morris. F. R. Mc­ permeates the entire system with a natural, Donald and Yamhill county. Oregon, were defendants, whereby it was decreed by said ' glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak organ court that said plaintiffs recover from the or part of the body. defendants. William Bond and Hannah Bond, in United States gold coin, the sum of four thousand and forty-nine dollars and Suffcrtu 25 cents (049.25) with interest there­ Ireses, on from the date of said decree at the rate or nerve force. 1 health, reni'tln, from over-tax at Ion of brain of ten ¡»er cent per annum and at­ I -rata nen l co re lnU& mu exposure, will find a sjMHMly relief and torney’s foes and $97..’U» costs and disburse­ ■ ■ ■ tie requires but a trial to oon- ments, and that the real property herein-1 . U may -.tnJum drained vo„*"22!ne,JO,f cffet't<,'>r by rxcew, or oxpowny, after described, be «»old. according to law. i t. imdthnacHUKd you, , rii?. of nerve fore, and vitality-»»/«»* to obtain funds with which to satisfy said . efrupv” *1 ilu ' KMl, Which ore rerniiredVZi 1 O'0" rcP|"<*' Into your aywtenw dec rec. costs’an«! .>< -cruing costs, at the« More Belts Made heaRh.atixmgUiaii I vigor will fo^k>w utoure«ml'lnT^?tr''Il8tll• >,O4L.wl11 remove the cauaMlt. courthouse door in McMinnville, in said | and Sold and Dr. Sanden ’ , Electric county and state, on the 25th (lay of No-' robo-t liealth and viaor, after all oth!.r'.J!°.~IptnTent’ as we *lave restored thotMand, to More S u ffere rs vember, A. D. 1103, at the hour of eleven I «-■< thr.Hiirho.it thu stato, who’woulil'.lmiK'rÌlirlled' can l>e by hundred, of o’clock a, m. of said day. sell at public am -! Cured than by tion for cash in United state« gold coin. • the following described real promises, towit: * *11 other Electric yeune, of Men,** should be read by every The donation land claim of Edward R. i Geary and Nancy M. Geary his wife, ciaim | Belts combined. Nos. 62 and 65. notiticaticm No 1176 in 1 township«3and4 south of range.» W. of the I Willatm tie meridian, in Yamhill county, The OreaU.t Boon on Exrth i. He*lthZdVIKT*cSrLW.. W. Î.. WARREN, irriff of said County. Dr. Mile«' Nervine for Nervous Prostrarlo» I «nd wo warrant it to care any of the above weaknnwe. an.1 té* n IÌL. *" lb * ’ ,e ”**** 3l* °* win young, middle-ared par the wor!t?7TT _J, , and and will will or enre They are grade.! ia v ir book .t once, «.nt «ealed, free. Addrre« • Mfert or old . men m«. < re tne worat caeca in two or three monilu. Write to. SANDKN WLgCTWiC CO., IK Fl„, 8treet.